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Notice by the Ministry of Justice of Issuing the Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications based on Physical Evidence and the Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications of Audiovisual Materials [Effective]
司法部关于印发《物证类司法鉴定执业分类规定》《声像资料司法鉴定执业分类规定》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Ministry of Justice of Issuing the Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications based on Physical Evidence and the Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications of Audiovisual Materials 


(No. 5 [2020] of the Ministry of Justice) (司规〔2020〕5号)

The departments (bureaus) of justice of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Justice Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团司法局:
The Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications based on Physical Evidence and the Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications of Audiovisual Materials, as deliberated and adopted at the23rd minister's executive meeting on June 19, 2020, are hereby issued for your conscientious implementation. 《物证类司法鉴定执业分类规定》、《声像资料司法鉴定执业分类规定》已经司法部2020年6月19日第23次部长办公会议审议通过,现予印发,请认真贯彻执行。
Ministry of Justice 司法部
June 23, 2020 2020年6月23日
Provisions on the Practicing Classification of Forensic Identifications based on Physical Evidence 物证类司法鉴定执业分类规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the practicing activities of physical evidence-based forensic identification institutions and identifiers, these Provisions are developed in light of the actual forensic identification work in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Forensic Identification Administration and other provisions.   第一条 为规范物证类司法鉴定机构和鉴定人的执业活动,根据《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》等规定,结合司法鉴定工作实际制定本规定。
Article 2 “Physical evidence-based forensic identification” means identifiers' identification and judgment of specialized issues related to documentary evidence, trace evidence, and micro material evidence, among others, and offering of identification opinions based on physics, chemistry, document inspection science, trace inspection science, physical and chemical inspection technologies and other principles, methods and expertise in legal proceedings.   第二条 物证类司法鉴定是在诉讼活动中鉴定人运用物理学、化学、文件检验学、痕迹检验学、理化检验技术等原理、方法和专门知识,对文书物证、痕迹物证、微量物证等涉及的专门性问题进行鉴别和判断并提供鉴定意见的活动。
Article 3 Specialized issues addressed by the physical evidence-based forensic identification include: identification of documentary evidence writers, production tools, production materials, and production methods as well as the content, nature, status, formation process, and production time thereof, among others; crime scene investigation and collection of trace evidence, and the identification of the nature and status of trace creators and trace carriers, and the identity of traces formed, the causes and process of formation, and correlation of traces, among others; and the identification of the physical properties, chemical properties, and composition of micro material evidence, among others.   第三条 物证类司法鉴定解决的专门性问题包括:文书物证的书写人、制作工具、制作材料、制作方法,及其内容、性质、状态、形成过程、制作时间等鉴定;痕迹物证的勘验提取,造痕体和承痕体的性质、状况及其形成痕迹的同一性、形成原因、形成过程、相互关系等鉴定;微量物证的物理性质、化学性质和成分组成等鉴定。
Chapter II Document Identification 

第二章 文书鉴定

Article 4 “Document identification” means identifiers' inspection and testing, analysis, identification and judgment of the writers, production tools, production materials, production methods, content, nature, status, and formation process of suspicious documents (inspection materials) and other issues and offering of identification opinions based on theories, methods and expertise of document inspection science.   第四条 文书鉴定是指鉴定人运用文件检验学的理论、方法和专门知识,对可疑文件(检材)的书写人、制作工具、制作材料、制作方法、内容、性质、状态、形成过程、制作时间等问题进行检验检测、分析鉴别和判断并提供鉴定意见的活动。
Document identification includes handwriting identification, seal impression identification, printed document identification, identification of documents tampered (stained and damaged), identification of document formation modes, special document identification, identification of sequence of stamped seal impression and ink-printed text, document material identification, identification of document formation time based on trace characteristics, identification of document formation time based on material characteristics, and text content identification, among others. 文书鉴定包括笔迹鉴定、印章印文鉴定、印刷文件鉴定、篡改(污损)文件鉴定、文件形成方式鉴定、特种文件鉴定、朱墨时序鉴定、文件材料鉴定、基于痕迹特征的文件形成时间鉴定、基于材料特性的文件形成时间鉴定、文本内容鉴定等。
Article 5 Handwriting identification, including judging whether the handwriting on different inspection materials or the handwriting on inspection materials and samples is originated from the same writer or belongs to the same person based on the identification standards for handwriting identity and in combination with the results of inspection and identification of handwriting formation modes when necessary.   第五条 笔迹鉴定。包括依据笔迹同一性鉴定标准,必要时结合笔迹形成方式的检验鉴定结果,判断检材之间或检材与样本之间的笔迹是否同一人书写或者是否出自于同一人。
Article 6 Seal impression identification, including judging whether the seal impressions on different inspection materials or on the inspection materials and samples are stamped by or originated from the same seal based on identification standards for seal impression identity and in combination with the results of inspection and identification of seal impression formation modes when necessary.   第六条 印章印文鉴定。包括依据印章印文同一性鉴定标准,必要时结合印文形成方式的检验鉴定结果,判断检材之间或检材与样本之间的印文是否同一枚印章盖印或者是否出自于同一枚印章。
Article 7 Printed document identification, including judging the printing modes in which inspection materials are printed such as gravure printing, letterpress printing, planographic printing and porous printing, among others, in plate making and printing, and photocopying, printing, and faxing, among others, in printing through modern office equipment based on the identification standards for printing modes; judging the types of machines by which inspection materials are printed based on the identification standards for the types of printing machines; and judging whether different inspection materials or materials and samples are printed with the same machines or the same printing plates, among others, based on the identification standards for the identity of printing machines and printing plates.   第七条 印刷文件鉴定。包括依据印刷方式鉴定标准判断检材是何种印刷方式印制形成,如制版印刷中的凹、凸、平、孔版印刷等,现代办公机具印刷中的复印、打印、传真等;依据印刷机具种类鉴定标准判断检材是何种机具印制形成;依据印刷机具或印版同一性鉴定标准判断检材之间或检材与样本之间是否同一机具或同一印版印制形成等。
Article 8 Identification of documents tampered (stained and damaged), including judging whether inspection materials are supplemented or modified, scratched, pieced together or covered up, have any pages changed, are sealed, fade, are subject to pseudo aging, or are otherwise altered based on the identification standards for altered documents; cleaning and sorting out, restoring and fixing, and developing and identifying the original content, among others, of the inspection materials torn, burnt, damaged by soaking or otherwise stained or damaged based on the identification standards for documents stained and damaged; developing and identifying faded records, colorless records and other fuzzy records in inspection materials based on the identification standards for fuzzy records; and developing and identifying the content of indentations of inspection materials based on the indentation identification standards.   第八条 篡改(污损)文件鉴定。包括依据变造文件鉴定标准判断检材是否存在添改、刮擦、拼凑、掩盖、换页、密封、消退、伪老化等变造现象;依据污损文件鉴定标准对破损、烧毁、浸损等污损检材进行清洁整理、整复固定、显现和辨识原始内容等;依据模糊记载鉴定标准对检材褪色记载、无色记载等模糊记载内容进行显现和辨识;依据压痕鉴定标准对检材压痕内容进行显现和辨识等。
Article 9 Identification of document formation modes, including judging whether the handwriting on inspection materials is formed by writing or copying based on the identification standards for handwriting formation modes; judging whether the seal impressions on inspection materials are formed by stamping or copying based on the identification standards for seal impression formation modes; and judging whether the colored fingerprints on documents are formed by copying, among others, based on the identification standards for fingerprint formation modes.   第九条 文件形成方式鉴定。包括依据笔迹形成方式鉴定标准判断检材笔迹是书写形成还是复制形成;依据印章印文形成方式鉴定标准判断检材印文是盖印形成还是复制形成;依据指印形成方式鉴定标准判断文件上有色检材指印是否复制形成等。
Article 10 Identification of special documents, including judging the authenticity of currencies, licenses, negotiable instruments, trademarks, bank cards and other security marks on inspection materials, among others, based on identification standards for special documents.   第十条 特种文件鉴定。包括依据特种文件鉴定标准判断检材货币、证照、票据、商标、银行卡及其他安全标记等的真伪。
Article 11 Identification of the sequence of stamped seal impression and ink-printed text, including judging the sequence of formation of characters, seals, and fingerprints, among others, on inspection materials based on the identification standards for sequence of stamped seal impression and ink-printed text.   第十一条 朱墨时序鉴定。包括依据朱墨时序鉴定标准判断检材上文字、印文、指印等之间的形成先后顺序。
Article 12 Identification of document materials, including the inspection, testing and comparative inspection, among others, of the characteristics of document materials such as paper, ink marks, printing ink marks, powdered ink marks, and adhesives that need to be inspected based on the identification standards for document materials.   第十二条 文件材料鉴定。包括依据文件材料鉴定标准对需检纸张、墨水墨迹、油墨墨迹、墨粉墨迹、粘合剂等文件材料的特性进行检验检测及比较检验等。
Article 13 Identification of the time of document formation based on trace characteristics, including judging the time when inspection materials are stamped with seals based on the identification standards for the time of stamping with seals; judging the time when printed documents in inspection materials are printed based on the identification standards for time of printing of the printed documents; judging the time when xerographic documents in inspection materials are photocopied based on identification standards for time of printing of xerographic documents; and judging the time of formation of document elements based on the invention and production time of document elements or time mark information.   第十三条 基于痕迹特征的文件形成时间鉴定。包括依据印章印文盖印时间鉴定标准判断检材印文的盖印时间;依据打印文件印制时间鉴定标准判断检材打印文件的打印时间;依据静电复印文件印制时间鉴定标准判断检材静电复印文件的复印时间;依据检材某要素的发明、生产时间或时间标记信息判断其文件要素的形成时间等。
Article 14 Identification of the time of document formation based on material characteristics, including analyzing and judging the time of formation of inspection materials by the comprehensive use of spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry and other instrument detection and analysis technologies, according to the rules of changes of certain physical and chemical property (properties) of ink marks, printing ink marks, powdered ink marks, seal impression pigment, paper and other document materials, and based on corresponding judgment methods.   第十四条 基于材料特性的文件形成时间鉴定。包括综合运用光谱、色谱、质谱等仪器检测分析技术,根据墨水墨迹、油墨墨迹、墨粉墨迹、印文色料、纸张等文件材料的某种(些)理化特性随时间的变化规律,依据相应的判定方法,分析判断检材的形成时间。
Article 15 Text content identification, including judging the living regions, ages, educational backgrounds, occupations and other attributes of the authors of inspection material texts through written speech analysis; and analyzing and judging the interrelation of different inspection materials or of texts of inspection materials and samples, among others, through the comparative inspection of text formats, content, and written speech characteristics, among others.   第十五条 文本内容鉴定。包括通过书面言语分析,判断检材文本作者的地域、年龄、文化程度、职业等属性;通过文本格式、内容、书面言语特征等的比较检验,分析判断检材之间或检材与样本之间文本的相互关系等。
Chapter III Trace Identification 

第三章 痕迹鉴定

Article 16 “Trace identification” means that an identifier conducts crime scene investigation and collects physical trace evidence, conducts inspection, testing, analysis, identification and judgment of the nature and condition of such evidence and the identity of the traces it forms, the causes and process of formation and interrelation of such traces, and offers identification opinions based on the theories, methods, and expertise of trace inspection science.   第十六条 痕迹鉴定是指鉴定人运用痕迹检验学的理论、方法和专门知识,对痕迹物证进行勘验提取,并对其性质、状况及其形成痕迹的同一性、形成原因、形成过程、相互关系等进行检验检测、分析鉴别和判断并提供鉴定意见的活动。
Trace identification includes handprint identification, development of latent handprints, footprint identification, identification of tool traces, identification of traces of separation of a whole, ballistics identification , identification of explosive traces, identification of fire traces, identification of special traces of human bodies, identification of traces of damages to daily necessities, and identification of the physical evidence of traces in traffic accidents, among others. 痕迹鉴定包括手印鉴定、潜在手印显现、足迹鉴定、工具痕迹鉴定、整体分离痕迹鉴定、枪弹痕迹鉴定、爆炸痕迹鉴定、火灾痕迹鉴定、人体特殊痕迹鉴定、日用物品损坏痕迹鉴定、交通事故痕迹物证鉴定等。
Article 17 Handprint identification, including judging through comparative inspection whether the fingerprints on different inspection materials or on inspection materials and samples are identical; judging through comparative inspection whether the handprints on different inspection materials or on inspection materials and samples are identical; and judging through the inspection of fingerprints and handprints on inspection materials and the process of formation thereof.   第十七条 手印鉴定。包括通过比较检验判断检材之间或检材与样本之间的指印是否同一;通过比较检验判断检材之间或检材与样本之间的掌印是否同一;通过对检材指掌印的检验判断其形成过程。
Article 18 Latent handprint development, including the color development and enhancement of latent handprints through physical, chemical methods, or special equipment and other methods.   第十八条 潜在手印显现。包括使用物理学、化学或专用设备等方法显色增强潜在手印。
Article 19 Footprint identification, including judging through comparative inspection whether the barefoot prints on different inspection materials or on inspection materials and samples are identical; and judging through comparative inspection whether the shoe and sock prints on different inspection materials or on inspection materials and samples are identical.   第十九条 足迹鉴定。包括通过比较检验判断检材之间或检材与样本之间的赤足印是否同一;通过比较检验判断检材之间或检材与样本之间的鞋、袜印是否同一。
Article 20 Tool trace identification, including judging through crime scene investigation and inspection the causes of formation of linear traces, depression traces, and fracture and deformation traces, among others, in inspection materials; and judging through comparative inspection whether the linear traces, depression traces, and fracture and deformation traces, among others, in inspection materials are formed by a certain trace creator.   第二十条 工具痕迹鉴定。包括通过勘查和检验判断检材线形痕迹、凹陷痕迹、断裂变形痕迹等的形成原因;通过比较检验判断检材线形痕迹、凹陷痕迹、断裂变形痕迹等是否为某一造痕体形成。
Article 21 Identification of traces of separation of a whole, including judging through inspection whether separated parts are split off from a whole object.
   第二十一条 整体分离痕迹鉴定。包括通过检验判断分离物体之间是否存在整体分离关系。

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