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Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants [Effective]
关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约 [现行有效]

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants 


May 22, 2001 (本公约于2001年5月22日签订,2004年5月17日生效。中华人民共和国于2004年8月13日交存批准书,并声明如下:
The Parties to this Convention, 本公约缔约方,
Recognizing that persistent organic pollutants possess toxic properties, resist degradation, bioaccumulate and are transported, through air, water and migratory species, across international boundaries and deposited far from their place of release, where they accumulate in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, 认识到持久性有机污染物具有毒性、难以降解、可产生生物蓄积以及往往通过空气、水和迁徙物种作跨越国际边界的迁移并沉积在远离其排放地点的地区,随后在那里的陆地生态系统和水域生态系统中蓄积起来,
Aware of the health concerns, especially in developing countries, resulting from local exposure to persistent organic pollutants, in particular impacts upon women and, through them, upon future generations, 意识到特别是在发展中国家中,人们对因在当地接触持久性有机污染物而产生的健康问题感到关注,尤其是对因此而使妇女以及通过妇女使子孙后代受到的不利影响感到关注,
Acknowledging that the Arctic ecosystems and indigenous communities are particularly at risk because of the biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants and that contamination of their traditional foods is a public health issue, 确认持久性有机污染物的生物放大作用致使北极生态系统、特别是该地区的土著社区受到尤为严重的威胁,并确认土著人的传统食物受到污染是土著社区面对的一个公共卫生问题,
Conscious of the need for global action on persistent organic pollutants, 意识到必须在全球范围内对持久性有机污染物采取行动,
Mindful of decision 19/13 C of 7 February 1997 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme to initiate international action to protect human health and the environment through measures which will reduce and/or eliminate emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants, 铭记联合国环境规划署理事会1997年2月7日通过的第19/13C号决定,为保护人类健康和环境采取包括旨在减少和/或消除持久性有机污染物排放和释放的措施在内的国际行动,
Recalling the pertinent provisions of the relevant international environmental conventions, especially the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal including the regional agreements developed within the framework of its Article 11, 回顾有关的国际环境公约,特别是《关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》、《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》以及在该公约第11条框架内缔结的各项区域性协定的相关条款,
Recalling also the pertinent provisions of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and Agenda 21, 并回顾《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》和《21世纪议程》中的有关规定,
Acknowledging that precaution underlies the concerns of all the Parties and is embedded within this Convention, 确认预防原则受到所有缔约方的关注,并体现于本公约之中,
Recognizing that this Convention and other international agreements in the field of trade and the environment are mutually supportive, 认识到本公约与贸易和环境领域内的其他国际协定彼此相辅相成,
Reaffirming that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, 重申依照《联合国宪章》和国际法原则,各国拥有依照其本国环境与发展政策开发其自有资源的主权,并有责任确保其管辖范围内的或其控制下的活动不对其他国家的环境或其国家管辖范围以外地区的环境造成损害,
Taking into account the circumstances and particular requirements of developing countries, in particular the least developed among them, and countries with economies in transition, especially the need to strengthen their national capabilities for the management of chemicals, including through the transfer of technology, the provision of financial and technical assistance and the promotion of cooperation among the Parties, 考虑到发展中国家、特别是其中的最不发达国家以及经济转型国家的具体国情和特殊需要,特别是有必要通过转让技术、提供财政和技术援助以及推动缔约方之间的合作等手段,加强这些国家对化学品实行管理的国家能力,
Taking full account of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, adopted in Barbados on 6 May 1994, 充分考虑到于1994年5月6日在巴巴多斯通过的《关于小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》,
Noting the respective capabilities of developed and developing countries, as well as the common but differentiated responsibilities of States as set forth in Principle 7 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 注意到发达国家和发展中国家各自的能力以及《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》之原则7中确立的各国所负有的共同但有区别的责任,
Recognizing the important contribution that the private sector and non-governmental organizations can make to achieving the reduction and/or elimination of emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants, 认识到私营部门和非政府组织可在减少和/或消除持久性有机污染物的排放和释放方面做出重要贡献,
Underlining the importance of manufacturers of persistent organic pollutants taking responsibility for reducing adverse effects caused by their products and for providing information to users, Governments and the public on the hazardous properties of those chemicals, 强调持久性有机污染物的生产者在减少其产品所产生的有害影响并向用户、政府和公众提供这些化学品危险特性信息方面负有责任的重要性,
Conscious of the need to take measures to prevent adverse effects caused by persistent organic pollutants at all stages of their life cycle, 意识到需要采取措施,防止持久性有机污染物在其生命周期的所有阶段产生的不利影响,
Reaffirming Principle 16 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development which states that national authorities should endeavour to promote the internalization of environmental costs and the use of economic instruments, taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting international trade and investment, 重申《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》之原则16,各国主管当局应考虑到原则上应由污染者承担治理污染费用的方针,同时适当顾及公众利益和避免使国际贸易和投资发生扭曲,努力促进环境成本内部化,和各种经济手段的应用,
Encouraging Parties not having regulatory and assessment schemes for pesticides and industrial chemicals to develop such schemes, 鼓励那些尚未制订农药和工业化学品管制与评估方案的缔约方着手制订此种方案,
Recognizing the importance of developing and using environmentally sound alternative processes and chemicals, 认识到开发和利用环境无害化的替代工艺和化学品的重要性,
Determined to protect human health and the environment from the harmful impacts of persistent organic pollutants, 决心保护人类健康和环境免受持久性有机污染物的危害,
Have agreed as follows: 兹协议如下:
Article 1 Objective   第1条 目标
Mindful of the precautionary approach as set forth in Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the objective of this Convention is to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants. 本公约的目标是,铭记《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》之原则15确立的预防原则,保护人类健康和环境免受持久性有机污染物的危害。
Article 2 Definitions   第2条 定义
For the purposes of this Convention: 为本公约的目的:
(a) "Party" means a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Convention and for which the Convention is in force; (a)“缔约方”是指已同意受本公约约束、且本公约已对其生效的国家或区域经济一体化组织;
(b) "Regional economic integration organization" means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention; (b)“区域经济一体化组织”是指由一个特定区域的主权国家所组成的组织,它已由其成员国让渡处理本公约所规定事项的权限、且已按照其内部程序获得正式授权可以签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本公约;
(c) "Parties present and voting" means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote. (c)“出席并参加表决的缔约方”是指出席会议并投赞成票或反对票的缔约方。
Article 3 Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from intentional production and use   第3条 旨在减少或消除源自有意生产和使用的排放的措施
1. Each Party shall: 1、每一缔约方应:
(a) Prohibit and/or take the legal and administrative measures necessary to eliminate: (a)禁止和/或采取必要的法律和行政措施,以消除:
(i) Its production and use of the chemicals listed in Annex A subject to the provisions of that Annex; and (ⅰ)附件A所列化学品的生产和使用,但受限于该附件的规定;和
(ii) Its import and export of the chemicals listed in Annex A in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2; and (ⅱ)附件A所列化学品的进口和出口,但应与第2款的规定相一致;和
(b) Restrict its production and use of the chemicals listed in Annex B in accordance with the provisions of that Annex. (b)依照附件B的规定限制该附件所列化学品的生产和使用。
2. Each Party shall take measures to ensure: 2、每一缔约方应采取措施确保:
(a) That a chemical listed in Annex A or Annex B is imported only: (a)对于附件A或B所列化学品,只有在下列情况下才予进口:
(i) For the purpose of environmentally sound disposal as set forth in paragraph 1 (d) of Article 6; or (ⅰ)按第6条第1款(d)项规定为环境无害化处置进行的进口;或
(ii) For a use or purpose which is permitted for that Party under Annex A or Annex B; (ⅱ)附件A或B规定准许该缔约方为某一用途或目的而进口;
(b) That a chemical listed in Annex A for which any production or use specific exemption is in effect or a chemical listed in Annex B for which any production or use specific exemption or acceptable purpose is in effect, taking into account any relevant provisions in existing international prior informed consent instruments, is exported only: (b)对于目前在任何生产或使用方面享有特定豁免的附件A所列化学品,或目前在任何生产或使用方面享有特定豁免或符合可予接受用途的附件B所列化学品,在计及现行国际事先知情同意程序各条约所有相关规定的同时,只有在下列情况下才予出口:
(i) For the purpose of environmentally sound disposal as set forth in paragraph 1 (d) of Article 6; (ⅰ)按第6条第1款(d)项规定为环境无害化处置进行的出口;
(ii) To a Party which is permitted to use that chemical under Annex A or Annex B; or (ⅱ)出口到按附件A或B规定获准使用该化学品的某一缔约方;或
(iii) To a State not Party to this Convention which has provided an annual certification to the exporting Party. Such certification shall specify the intended use of the chemical and include a statement that, with respect to that chemical, the importing State is committed to: (ⅲ)向并非本公约缔约方、但已向出口缔约方提供了一份年度证书的国家出口。此种证书应具体列明所涉化学品的拟议用途,并表明该进口国家针对所进口的此种化学品承诺:
a. Protect human health and the environment by taking the necessary measures to minimize or prevent releases; a、采取必要措施减少或防止排放,从而保护人类健康和环境;
b. Comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 6; and b、遵守第6条第1款的规定;和
c. Comply, where appropriate, with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Part II of Annex B. c、酌情遵守附件B第二部分第2款的规定。
The certification shall also include any appropriate supporting documentation, such as legislation, regulatory instruments, or administrative or policy guidelines. The exporting Party shall transmit the certification to the Secretariat within sixty days of receipt. 此种证书中还应包括任何适当的辅助性文件,诸如立法、规章、行政或政策指南等。出口缔约方应自收到该证书之日起六十天内将之转交秘书处。
(c) That a chemical listed in Annex A, for which production and use specific exemptions are no longer in effect for any Party, is not exported from it except for the purpose of environmentally sound disposal as set forth in paragraph 1 (d) of Article 6; (c)如附件A所列某一化学品生产和使用之特定豁免对于某一缔约方已不再有效,则不得从该缔约方出口此种化学品,除非其目的是按第6条第1款(d)项规定进行环境无害化处置;
(d) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "State not Party to this Convention" shall include, with respect to a particular chemical, a State or regional economic integration organization that has not agreed to be bound by the Convention with respect to that chemical. (d)为本款的目的,“非本公约缔约方国家”一语,就某一特定化学品而言,应包括那些尚未同意就该化学品受本公约约束的国家或区域经济一体化组织。
3. Each Party that has one or more regulatory and assessment schemes for new pesticides or new industrial chemicals shall take measures to regulate with the aim of preventing the production and use of new pesticides or new industrial chemicals which, taking into consideration the criteria in paragraph 1 of Annex D, exhibit the characteristics of persistent organic pollutants. 3、业已针对新型农药或新型工业化学品制订了一种或一种以上管制和评估方案的每一缔约方应采取措施,以预防为目的,对那些参照附件D第1款所列标准显示出持久性有机污染物特性的新型农药或新型工业化学品的生产和使用实行管制。
4. Each Party that has one or more regulatory and assessment schemes for pesticides or industrial chemicals shall, where appropriate, take into consideration within these schemes the criteria in paragraph 1 of Annex D when conducting assessments of pesticides or industrial chemicals currently in use. 4、业已制订了关于农药和工业化学品的一种或一种以上管制和评估方案的每一缔约方应在对目前正在使用之中的农药和工业化学品进行评估时,酌情在这些方案中考虑到附件D第1款中所列标准。
5. Except as otherwise provided in this Convention, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to quantities of a chemical to be used for laboratory-scale research or as a reference standard. 5、除非本公约另有规定,第1和第2款不应适用于拟用于实验室规模的研究或用作参照标准的化学品。
6. Any Party that has a specific exemption in accordance with Annex A or a specific exemption or an acceptable purpose in accordance with Annex B shall take appropriate measures to ensure that any production or use under such exemption or purpose is carried out in a manner that prevents or minimizes human exposure and release into the environment. For exempted uses or acceptable purposes that involve intentional release into the environment under conditions of normal use, such release shall be to the minimum extent necessary, taking into account any applicable standards and guidelines. 6、按照附件A享有某一特定豁免或按照附件B享有特定豁免或某一可接受用途的任何缔约方应采取适当措施,确保此种豁免或用途下的任何生产或使用都以防止或尽最大限度减少人类接触和向环境中排放的方式进行。对于涉及在正常使用条件下有意向环境中排放的任何豁免使用或可接受用途,应考虑到任何适用的标准和准则,把此种排放控制在最低程度。
Article 4 Register of specific exemptions   第4条 特定豁免登记
1. A Register is hereby established for the purpose of identifying the Parties that have specific exemptions listed in Annex A or Annex B. It shall not identify Parties that make use of the provisions in Annex A or Annex B that may be exercised by all Parties. The Register shall be maintained by the Secretariat and shall be available to the public. 1、兹建立一个登记簿,用以列明享有附件A或B所列特定豁免的缔约方。登记簿不应用于列明那些对所有缔约方都适用的附件A或B规定的缔约方。登记簿应由秘书处负责保存并向公众开放。
2. The Register shall include: 2、登记簿应包括:
(a) A list of the types of specific exemptions reproduced from Annex A and Annex B; (a)从附件A和B中复制的特定豁免类型的清单;
(b) A list of the Parties that have a specific exemption listed under Annex A or Annex B; and (b)享有附件A或B所列特定豁免的缔约方名单;和
(c) A list of the expiry dates for each registered specific exemption. (c)每一登记在册的特定豁免的终止日期清单。
3. Any State may, on becoming a Party, by means of a notification in writing to the Secretariat, register for one or more types of specific exemptions listed in Annex A or Annex B. 3、任何国家均可在成为缔约方时,以向秘书处发出书面通知的形式,登记附件A或B所列一种或多种的特定豁免。
4. Unless an earlier date is indicated in the Register by a Party, or an extension is granted pursuant to paragraph 7, all registrations of specific exemptions shall expire five years after the date of entry into force of this Convention with respect to a particular chemical. 4、除非一缔约方在登记簿中另立一更早终止日期,或依照下述第7款被准予续展,否则,就某一特定化学品而言,所有特定豁免登记的有效期均应自本公约生效之日起五年后终止。
5. At its first meeting, the Conference of the Parties shall decide upon its review process for the entries in the Register. 5、缔约方大会第一次会议应就登记簿中条目的审查程序作出决定。
6. Prior to a review of an entry in the Register, the Party concerned shall submit a report to the Secretariat justifying its continuing need for registration of that exemption. The report shall be circulated by the Secretariat to all Parties. The review of a registration shall be carried out on the basis of all available information. Thereupon, the Conference of the Parties may make such recommendations to the Party concerned as it deems appropriate. 6、在对登记簿中的条目进行审查之前,有关缔约方应向秘书处提交一份报告,说明其有必要继续得到该项豁免的理由。该报告应由秘书处分发给所有缔约方。应根据所得到的所有信息对所登记的各项豁免进行审查。缔约方大会可就此向所涉缔约方提出适当建议。
7. The Conference of the Parties may, upon request from the Party concerned, decide to extend the expiry date of a specific exemption for a period of up to five years. In making its decision, the Conference of the Parties shall take due account of the special circumstances of the developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition. 7、缔约方大会可应所涉缔约方的请求,决定续展某一项特定豁免的终止日期,但最长不超过五年。缔约方大会在作出决定时,应适当地考虑到发展中国家缔约方和经济转型国家缔约方的特殊情况。
8. A Party may, at any time, withdraw an entry from the Register for a specific exemption upon written notification to the Secretariat. The withdrawal shall take effect on the date specified in the notification. 8、缔约方可随时向秘书处提交书面通知,从登记簿中撤销某一特定豁免条目。此种撤销应自该书面通知中所具体指定的日期开始生效。
9. When there are no longer any Parties registered for a particular type of specific exemption, no new registrations may be made with respect to it. 9、若某一特定类别的特定豁免已无任何登记在册的缔约方,则不得就该项豁免进行新的登记。
Article 5 Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from unintentional production   第5条 减少或消除源自无意生产的排放的措施
Each Party shall at a minimum take the following measures to reduce the total releases derived from anthropogenic sources of each of the chemicals listed in Annex C, with the goal of their continuing minimization and, where feasible, ultimate elimination: 每一缔约方应至少采取下列措施以减少附件C中所列的每一类化学物质的人为来源的排放总量,其目的是持续减少并在可行的情况下最终消除此类化学品:
(a) Develop an action plan or, where appropriate, a regional or subregional action plan within two years of the date of entry into force of this Convention for it, and subsequently implement it as part of its implementation plan specified in Article 7, designed to identify, characterize and address the release of the chemicals listed in Annex C and to facilitate implementation of subparagraphs (b) to (e). The action plan shall include the following elements: (a)自本公约对该缔约方生效之日起两年内,作为第7条中所列明的实施计划的一个组成部分,制订并实施一项旨在查明附件C中所列化学物质的排放并说明其特点和予以处理、以及便利实施以下第(b)至(e)项所规定的行动计划,或酌情制订和实施一项区域或分区域行动计划。此种行动计划应包括下列内容:
(i) An evaluation of current and projected releases, including the development and maintenance of source inventories and release estimates, taking into consideration the source categories identified in Annex C; (ⅰ)考虑到附件C所确定的来源类别,对目前和预计的排放进行的评估,包括编制和保持排放来源清册和对排放量进行估算;
(ii) An evaluation of the efficacy of the laws and policies of the Party relating to the management of such releases; (ⅱ)评估该缔约方对此种排放实行管理的有关法律和政策的成效;
(iii) Strategies to meet the obligations of this paragraph, taking into account the evaluations in (i) and (ii); (ⅲ)考虑到本项第(ⅰ)和(ⅱ)目所规定的评估,制定旨在履行本款所规定的义务的战略;
(iv) Steps to promote education and training with regard to, and awareness of, those strategies; (ⅳ)旨在促进这些战略的教育、培训和提高认识的措施;
(v) A review every five years of those strategies and of their success in meeting the obligations of this paragraph; such reviews shall be included in reports submitted pursuant to Article 15; (ⅴ)每五年对这些战略及其在履行本款所规定义务方面的成效进行审查,并将审查情况列入依照第15条提交的报告之中;
(vi) A schedule for implementation of the action plan, including for the strategies and measures identified therein; (ⅵ)实施这一行动计划,包括其中列明的各种战略和措施的时间表。
(b) Promote the application of available, feasible and practical measures that can expeditiously achieve a realistic and meaningful level of release reduction or source elimination; (b)促进实行可尽快实现切实有效的方式切实减少排放量或消除排放源的可行和切合实际的措施;
(c) Promote the development and, where it deems appropriate, require the use of substitute or modified materials, products and processes to prevent the formation and release of the chemicals listed in Annex C, taking into consideration the general guidance on prevention and release reduction measures in Annex C and guidelines to be adopted by decision of the Conference of the Parties; (c)考虑到附件C中关于防止和减少排放措施的一般性指南和拟由缔约方大会决定通过的准则,促进开发和酌情规定使用替代或改良的材料、产品和工艺,以防止附件C中所列化学品的生成和排放;
(d) Promote and, in accordance with the implementation schedule of its action plan, require the use of best available techniques for new sources within source categories which a Party has identified as warranting such action in its action plan, with a particular initial focus on source categories identified in Part II of Annex C. In any case, the requirement to use best available techniques for new sources in the categories listed in Part II of that Annex shall be phased in as soon as practicable but no later than four years after the entry into force of the Convention for that Party. For the identified categories, Parties shall promote the use of best environmental practices. When applying best available techniques and best environmental practices, Parties should take into consideration the general guidance on prevention and release reduction measures in that Annex and guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental practices to be adopted by decision of the Conference of the Parties; (d)按照行动计划的实施时间表,促进并要求针对来源类别中缔约方认定有必要在其行动计划内对之采取此种行动的新来源采用最佳可行技术,同时在初期尤应注重附件C第二部分所确定的来源类别。对于该附件第二部分所列类别中的新来源的最佳可行技术的使用,应尽快、并在不迟于本公约对该缔约方生效之日起四年内分阶段实施。就所确定的类别而言,各缔约方应促进采用最佳环境实践。在采用最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践时,各缔约方应考虑到附件C关于防止和减少排放措施的一般性指南和拟由缔约方大会决定予以通过的关于最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践的指南;
(e) Promote, in accordance with its action plan, the use of best available techniques and best environmental practices: (e)依据其行动计划,针对以下来源,促进采用最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践:
(i) For existing sources, within the source categories listed in Part II of Annex C and within source categories such as those in Part III of that Annex; and (ⅰ)附件C第二部分所列来源类别范围内以及诸如附件C第三部分所列来源类别范围内的各种现有来源;
(ii) For new sources, within source categories such as those listed in Part III of Annex C which a Party has not addressed under subparagraph (d). (ⅱ)诸如附件C第三部分中所列来源类别中任一缔约方尚未依据本款(d)项予以处理的各种新来源。
When applying best available techniques and best environmental practices, Parties should take into consideration the general guidance on prevention and release reduction measures in Annex C and guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental practices to be adopted by decision of the Conference of the Parties; 在采用最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践时,缔约方应考虑到附件C中所列关于防止和减少排放措施的一般性指南和拟由缔约方大会决定予以通过的关于最佳可行技术和最佳环境实践的指南。
(f) For the purposes of this paragraph and Annex C: (f)为了本款和附件C之目的:
(i) "Best available techniques" means the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation which indicate the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle the basis for release limitations designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce releases of chemicals listed in Part I of Annex C and their impact on the environment as a whole. In this regard: (ⅰ)“最佳可行技术”是指所开展的活动及其运作方式已达到最有效和最先进的阶段,从而表明该特定技术原则上具有切实适宜性,可为旨在防止和在难以切实可行地防止时,从总体上减少附件C第一部分中所列化学品的排放及其对整个环境的影响的限制排放奠定基础。在此方面:
(ii) "Techniques" includes both the technology used and the way in which the installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned; (ⅱ)“技术”包括所采用的技术以及所涉装置的设计、建造、维护、运行和淘汰的方式;
(iii) "Available" techniques means those techniques that are accessible to the operator and that are developed on a scale that allows implementation in the relevant industrial sector, under economically and technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the costs and advantages; and (ⅲ)“可行”技术是指应用者能够获得的、在一定规模上开发出来的、并基于其成本和效益的考虑、在可靠的经济和技术条件下可在相关工业部门中采用的技术;和
(iv) "Best" means most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of the environment as a whole; (ⅳ)“最佳”是指对整个环境实行高水平全面保护的最有效性。
(v) "Best environmental practices" means the application of the most appropriate combination of environmental control measures and strategies; (ⅴ)“最佳环境实践”是指环境控制措施和战略的最适当组合方式的应用。
(vi) "New source" means any source of which the construction or substantial modification is commenced at least one year after the date of: (ⅵ)“新的来源”是指至少自下列日期起一年之后建造或发生实质性改变的任何来源:
a. Entry into force of this Convention for the Party concerned; or a、本公约对所涉缔约方生效之日;或
b. Entry into force for the Party concerned of an amendment to Annex C where the source becomes subject to the provisions of this Convention only by virtue of that amendment. b、附件C的修正对所涉缔约方生效之日、且所涉来源仅因该项修正而受本公约规定的约束。
(g) Release limit values or performance standards may be used by a Party to fulfill its commitments for best available techniques under this paragraph. (g)缔约方可使用排放限值或运行标准来履行其依照本款在最佳可行技术方面所作出的承诺。
Article 6 Measures to reduce or eliminate releases from stockpiles and wastes   第6条 减少或消除源自库存和废物的排放的措施
1. In order to ensure that stockpiles consisting of or containing chemicals listed either in Annex A or Annex B and wastes, including products and articles upon becoming wastes, consisting of, containing or contaminated with a chemical listed in Annex A, B or C, are managed in a manner protective of human health and the environment, each Party shall: 1、为确保以保护人类健康和环境的方式对由附件A或B所列化学品构成或含有此类化学品的库存、和由附件A、B或C所列某化学品构成、含有此化学品或受其污染的废物,包括即将变成废物的产品和物品实施管理,每一缔约方应:
(a) Develop appropriate strategies for identifying: (a)制订适当战略以便查明:
(i) Stockpiles consisting of or containing chemicals listed either in Annex A or Annex B; and (ⅰ)由附件A或B所列化学品构成或含有此类化学品的库存;和
(ii) Products and articles in use and wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with a chemical listed in Annex A, B or C; (ⅱ)由附件A、B或C所列某化学品构成、含有此化学品或受其污染的正在使用中的产品和物品以及废物;
(b) Identify, to the extent practicable, stockpiles consisting of or containing chemicals listed either in Annex A or Annex B on the basis of the strategies referred to in subparagraph (a); (b)根据(a)项所提及的战略,尽可能切实可行地查明由附件A或B所列化学品构成或含有此类化学品的库存;
(c) Manage stockpiles, as appropriate, in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner. Stockpiles of chemicals listed either in Annex A or Annex B, after they are no longer allowed to be used according to any specific exemption specified in Annex A or any specific exemption or acceptable purpose specified in Annex B, except stockpiles which are allowed to be exported according to paragraph 2 of Article 3, shall be deemed to be waste and shall be managed in accordance with subparagraph (d); (c)酌情以安全、有效和环境无害化的方式管理库存。除根据第3条第2款允许出口的库存之外,附件A或B所列化学品的库存,在按照附件A所列任何特定豁免或附件B所列特定豁免或可接受的用途已不再允许其使用之后,应被视为废物并应按照以下(d)项加以管理;
(d) Take appropriate measures so that such wastes, including products and articles upon becoming wastes, are: (d)采取适当措施,以确保此类废物、包括即将成为废物的产品和物品:
(i) Handled, collected, transported and stored in an environmentally sound manner; (ⅰ)以环境无害化的方式予以处置、收集、运输和储存;
(ii) Disposed of in such a way that the persistent organic pollutant content is destroyed or irreversibly transformed so that they do not exhibit the characteristics of persistent organic pollutants or otherwise disposed of in an environmentally sound manner when destruction or irreversible transformation does not represent the environmentally preferable option or the persistent organic pollutant content is low, taking into account international rules, standards, and guidelines, including those that may be developed pursuant to paragraph 2, and relevant global and regional regimes governing the management of hazardous wastes; (ⅱ)以销毁其持久性有机污染物成分或使之发生永久质变的方式予以处置,从而使之不再显示出持久性有机污染物的特性;或在永久质变并非可取的环境备选方法或在其持久性有机污染物含量低的情况下,考虑到国际规则、标准和指南、包括那些将依照第2款制订的标准和方法、以及涉及危险废物管理的有关全球和区域机制,以环境无害化的其他方式予以处置;
(iii) Not permitted to be subjected to disposal operations that may lead to recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct reuse or alternative uses of persistent organic pollutants; and (ⅲ)不得从事可能导致持久性有机污染物回收、再循环、再生、直接再利用或替代使用的处置行为;和
(iv) Not transported across international boundaries without taking into account relevant international rules, standards and guidelines; (ⅳ)不得违反相关国际规则、标准和指南进行跨越国界的运输。
(e) Endeavour to develop appropriate strategies for identifying sites contaminated by chemicals listed in Annex A, B or C; if remediation of those sites is undertaken it shall be performed in an environmentally sound manner. (e)努力制订用以查明受到附件A、B或C所列化学品污染的场址的适宜战略;如对这些场所进行补救,则应以环境无害化的方式进行。
2. The Conference of the Parties shall cooperate closely with the appropriate bodies of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal to, inter alia: 2、缔约方大会应与《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》的有关机构密切合作,尤其要:
(a) Establish levels of destruction and irreversible transformation necessary to ensure that the characteristics of persistent organic pollutants as specified in paragraph 1 of Annex D are not exhibited; (a)制定进行销毁和永久质变的必要标准,以确保附件D第1款中所确定的持久性有机污染物特性不被显示;
(b) Determine what they consider to be the methods that constitute environmentally sound disposal referred to above; and (b)确定它们认可的上述对环境无害化的处置方法;和
(c) Work to establish, as appropriate, the concentration levels of the chemicals listed in Annexes A, B and C in order to define the low persistent organic pollutant content referred to in paragraph 1 (d) (ii). (c)酌情制定附件A、B和C中所列化学物质的含量标准,以界定第1款(d)(ⅱ)项中所述及的持久性有机污染物的低含量。
Article 7 Implementation plans   第7条 实施计划
1. Each Party shall: 1、每一缔约方应:
(a) Develop and endeavour to implement a plan for the implementation of its obligations under this Convention; (a)制定并努力执行旨在履行本公约所规定的各项义务的计划;
(b) Transmit its implementation plan to the Conference of the Parties within two years of the date on which this Convention enters into force for it; and (b)自本公约对其生效之日起,两年内将其实施计划送交缔约方大会,和
(c) Review and update, as appropriate, its implementation plan on a periodic basis and in a manner to be specified by a decision of the Conference of the Parties. (c)酌情按照缔约方大会决定所具体规定的方式定期审查和更新其实施计划。
2. The Parties shall, where appropriate, cooperate directly or through global, regional and subregional organizations, and consult their national stakeholders, including women's groups and groups involved in the health of children, in order to facilitate the development, implementation and updating of their implementation plans. 2、为便于制定、执行和更新其实施计划,各缔约方应酌情直接或通过全球、区域和分区域组织开展合作,并征求其国内的利益相关者、包括妇女团体和儿童保健团体的意见。
3. The Parties shall endeavour to utilize and, where necessary, establish the means to integrate national implementation plans for persistent organic pollutants in their sustainable development strategies where appropriate. 3、各缔约方应尽力利用、并于必要时酌情将有关持久性有机污染物的国家实施计划纳入其可持续发展战略。
Article 8 Listing of chemicals in Annexes A, B and C   第8条 向附件A、B和C增列化学品
1. A Party may submit a proposal to the Secretariat for listing a chemical in Annexes A, B and/or C. The proposal shall contain the information specified in Annex D. In developing a proposal, a Party may be assisted by other Parties and/or by the Secretariat. 1、任一缔约方均可向秘书处提交旨在将某一化学品列入本公约附件A、B和/或C的提案。提案中应包括附件D所规定的资料。缔约方在编制提案时可得到其他缔约方和/或秘书处的协助。
2. The Secretariat shall verify whether the proposal contains the information specified in Annex D. If the Secretariat is satisfied that the proposal contains the information so specified, it shall forward the proposal to the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee. 2、秘书处应核实提案中是否包括附件D所规定的资料。如果秘书处认定提案中包括所规定的资料,则应将之转交持久性有机污染物审查委员会。
3. The Committee shall examine the proposal and apply the screening criteria specified in Annex D in a flexible and transparent way, taking all information provided into account in an integrative and balanced manner. 3、审查委员会应以灵活而透明的方式审查提案和适用附件D所规定的筛选标准,同时综合兼顾和平衡地考虑到所提供的所有资料。
4. If the Committee decides that: 4、如果审查委员会决定:
(a) It is satisfied that the screening criteria have been fulfilled, it shall, through the Secretariat, make the proposal and the evaluation of the Committee available to all Parties and observers and invite them to submit the information specified in Annex E; or (a)它认定提案符合筛选标准,则应通过秘书处向所有缔约方和观察员通报该提案和委员会的评价,并请它们提供附件E所规定的资料;或
(b) It is not satisfied that the screening criteria have been fulfilled, it shall, through the Secretariat, inform all Parties and observers and make the proposal and the evaluation of the Committee available to all Parties and the proposal shall be set aside. (b)它认定提案不符合筛选标准,则应通过秘书处就此通知所有缔约方和观察员,并向所有缔约方通报该提案和委员会的评价,并将该提案搁置。
5. Any Party may resubmit a proposal to the Committee that has been set aside by the Committee pursuant to paragraph 4. The resubmission may include any concerns of the Party as well as a justification for additional consideration by the Committee. If, following this procedure, the Committee again sets the proposal aside, the Party may challenge the decision of the Committee and the Conference of the Parties shall consider the matter at its next session. The Conference of the Parties may decide, based on the screening criteria in Annex D and taking into account the evaluation of the Committee and any additional information provided by any Party or observer, that the proposal should proceed. 5、任一缔约方可再次向审查委员会提交曾被其根据上述第4款搁置的提案。再次提交的提案可包括该缔约方所关注的任何问题以及提请该委员会对之作进一步考虑的理由。如果经过这一程序后,审查委员会再次搁置该提案,该缔约方可对审查委员会的决定提出质疑,而缔约方大会应在下一届会议上考虑该事项。缔约方大会可根据附件D所列筛选标准并考虑到审查委员会的评价以及任一缔约方或观察员提交的补充资料,决定继续审议该提案。
6. Where the Committee has decided that the screening criteria have been fulfilled, or the Conference of the Parties has decided that the proposal should proceed, the Committee shall further review the proposal, taking into account any relevant additional information received, and shall prepare a draft risk profile in accordance with Annex E. It shall, through the Secretariat, make that draft available to all Parties and observers, collect technical comments from them and, taking those comments into account, complete the risk profile. 6、如果审查委员会认定提案符合筛选标准,或缔约方大会决定应继续审议该提案,则委员会应计及所收到的相关附加资料,对提案进行进一步的审查,并应根据附件E拟订风险简介草案。委员会应通过秘书处将风险简介草案提交所有缔约方和观察员,收集它们的技术性评议意见,并在计及这些意见后,完成风险简介的编写。
7. If, on the basis of the risk profile conducted in accordance with Annex E, the Committee decides: 7、如果审查委员会基于根据附件E所做的风险简介,决定:
(a) That the chemical is likely as a result of its long-range environmental transport to lead to significant adverse human health and/or environmental effects such that global action is warranted, the proposal shall proceed. Lack of full scientific certainty shall not prevent the proposal from proceeding. The Committee shall, through the Secretariat, invite information from all Parties and observers relating to the considerations specified in Annex F. It shall then prepare a risk management evaluation that includes an analysis of possible control measures for the chemical in accordance with that Annex; or (a)该化学品由于其远距离的环境迁移而可能导致对人类健康和/或环境的不利影响因而有理由对之采取全球行动,则应继续审议该提案。即使缺乏充分的科学确定性,亦不应妨碍继续对该提案进行审议。委员会应通过秘书处请所有缔约方和观察员提出与附件F所列各种考虑因素有关的资料。委员会继而应拟订一项风险管理评价报告,其中包括按照附件F对该化学品可能实行的管制措施进行的分析;或
(b) That the proposal should not proceed, it shall, through the Secretariat, make the risk profile available to all Parties and observers and set the proposal aside. (b)不应继续审议该项提案,则它应通过秘书处将风险简介提供给所有缔约方和观察员,并搁置该项提案。
8. For any proposal set aside pursuant to paragraph 7 (b), a Party may request the Conference of the Parties to consider instructing the Committee to invite additional information from the proposing Party and other Parties during a period not to exceed one year. After that period and on the basis of any information received, the Committee shall reconsider the proposal pursuant to paragraph 6 with a priority to be decided by the Conference of the Parties. If, following this procedure, the Committee again sets the proposal aside, the Party may challenge the decision of the Committee and the Conference of the Parties shall consider the matter at its next session. The Conference of the Parties may decide, based on the risk profile prepared in accordance with Annex E and taking into account the evaluation of the Committee and any additional information provided by any Party or observer, that the proposal should proceed. If the Conference of the Parties decides that the proposal shall proceed, the Committee shall then prepare the risk management evaluation. 8、对根据上述第7款(b)项搁置的任何提案,缔约方均可要求缔约方大会考虑审查委员会请提案缔约方和其他缔约方在不超过一年的期限内提供补充资料。在该期限之后,委员会应在所收到的任何资料的基础上,按缔约方大会决定的优先次序,根据上述第6款重新考虑该提案。如果经过这一程序之后,审查委员会再次搁置该提案,则所涉缔约方可对审查委员会的决定提出质疑,并应由缔约方大会在其下一届会议上考虑该事项。缔约方大会可根据按照附件E所编写的风险简介,并考虑到审查委员会的评价及任何缔约方和观察员提交的补充资料,决定继续审议该提案。如果缔约方大会决定应继续审议该提案,审查委员会则应编写风险管理评价报告。
9. The Committee shall, based on the risk profile referred to in paragraph 6 and the risk management evaluation referred to in paragraph 7 (a) or paragraph 8, recommend whether the chemical should be considered by the Conference of the Parties for listing in Annexes A, B and/or C. The Conference of the Parties, taking due account of the recommendations of the Committee, including any scientific uncertainty, shall decide, in a precautionary manner, whether to list the chemical, and specify its related control measures, in Annexes A, B and/or C. 9、审查委员会应根据上述第6款所述风险简介和上述第7款(a)项或第8款所述风险管理评价,提出建议是否应由缔约方大会审议该化学品以便将其列入附件A、B和/或C。缔约方大会在适当考虑到该委员会的建议、包括任何科学上的不确定性之后,根据预防原则,决定是否将该化学品列入附件A、B和/或C,并为此规定相应的管制措施。
Article 9 Information exchange   第9条 信息交流
1. Each Party shall facilitate or undertake the exchange of information relevant to: 1、每一缔约方应促进或进行关于下列事项的信息交流:
(a) The reduction or elimination of the production, use and release of persistent organic pollutants; and (a)减少或消除持久性有机污染物的生产、使用和排放;和
(b) Alternatives to persistent organic pollutants, including information relating to their risks as well as to their economic and social costs. (b)持久性有机污染物的替代品,包括有关其风险和经济与社会成本的信息。
2. The Parties shall exchange the information referred to in paragraph 1 directly or through the Secretariat. 2、各缔约方应直接地或通过秘书处相互交流上述第1款所述信息。
3. Each Party shall designate a national focal point for the exchange of such information. 3、每一缔约方应指定一个负责交流此类信息的国家联络点。
4. The Secretariat shall serve as a clearing-house mechanism for information on persistent organic pollutants, including information provided by Parties, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. 4、秘书处应成为一个有关持久性有机污染物的信息交换所,所交换的信息应包括由缔约方、政府间组织和非政府组织提供的信息。
5. For the purposes of this Convention, information on health and safety of humans and the environment shall not be regarded as confidential. Parties that exchange other information pursuant to this Convention shall protect any confidential information as mutually agreed. 5、为本公约的目的,有关人类健康与安全和环境的信息不得视为机密性信息。依照本公约进行其他信息交流的缔约方应按相互约定,对有关信息保密。
Article 10 Public information, awareness and education   第10条 公众宣传、认识和教育
1. Each Party shall, within its capabilities, promote and facilitate: 1、每一缔约方应根据其自身能力促进和协助;
(a) Awareness among its policy and decision makers with regard to persistent organic pollutants; (a)提高其政策制定者和决策者对持久性有机污染物问题的认识;
(b) Provision to the public of all available information on persistent organic pollutants, taking into account paragraph 5 of Article 9; (b)向公众提供有关持久性有机污染物的一切现有信息,为此应考虑到第9条第5款的规定;
(c) Development and implementation, especially for women, children and the least educated, of educational and public awareness programmes on persistent organic pollutants, as well as on their health and environmental effects and on their alternatives; (c)制定和实施特别是针对妇女、儿童和文化程度低的人的教育和公众宣传方案,宣传关于持久性有机污染物及其对健康和环境所产生的影响,和替代品方面的知识;
(d) Public participation in addressing persistent organic pollutants and their health and environmental effects and in developing adequate responses, including opportunities for providing input at the national level regarding implementation of this Convention; (d)公众参与处理持久性有机污染物及其对健康和环境所产生的影响、并参与制定妥善的应对措施,包括使之有机会在国家一级对本公约的实施提供投入;
(e) Training of workers, scientists, educators and technical and managerial personnel; (e)对工人、科学家、教育人员以及技术和管理人员进行培训;
(f) Development and exchange of educational and public awareness materials at the national and international levels; and (f)在国家和国际层面编制并交流教育材料和宣传材料,和
(g) Development and implementation of education and training programmes at the national and international levels. (g)在国家和国际层面制定并实施教育和培训方案;
2. Each Party shall, within its capabilities, ensure that the public has access to the public information referred to in paragraph 1 and that the information is kept up-to-date. 2、每一缔约方应根据其自身能力,确保公众有机会得到上述第1款所述的公共信息,并确保随时对此种信息进行更新。
3. Each Party shall, within its capabilities, encourage industry and professional users to promote and facilitate the provision of the information referred to in paragraph 1 at the national level and, as appropriate, subregional, regional and global levels.

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