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Notice by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Administration of Joint Credit Granting by Banking Financial Institutions (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
中国银行保险监督管理委员会关于印发银行业金融机构联合授信管理办法(试行)的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Administration of Joint Credit Granting by Banking Financial Institutions (for Trial Implementation) 


(No. 24 [2018] of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (银保监发〔2018〕24号)

All local offices of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”); all policy banks, large banks, joint-stock banks, postal saving banks, foreign-funded banks, financial asset management companies, other financial institutions administered by the CBRC, and banking associations: 各银监局,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行,邮储银行,外资银行,金融资产管理公司,其他会管金融机构,银行业协会:
For the purposes of restraining the acts of financing from multiple parties and excessive financing, and effectively preventing and controlling the credit risks caused by the rise of leverage ratio of enterprises, the Measures for the Administration of Joint Credit Granting by Banking Financial Institutions (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”) are hereby issued to you, and the following requirements are put forward for the pilot program of joint credit granting for your diligent implementation. 为抑制多头融资、过度融资行为,有效防控企业杠杆率上升引发的信用风险,现将《银行业金融机构联合授信管理办法(试行)》(以下简称《办法》)印发给你们,并就联合授信试点工作提出以下要求,请认真抓好落实。
I. Fully comprehending the great significance of joint credit granting   一、充分认识联合授信的重要意义
The joint credit granting by banking financial institutions is an important measure for implementing the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for reducing the leverage ratio of enterprises and preventing and resolving major financial risks. All local CBRC offices and all banking financial institutions shall fully comprehend the great significance of the joint credit granting mechanism for enhancing the overall capability of managing and controlling the credit risks of banking financial institutions, effectively curbing financing from multiple parties and excessive financing, optimizing the allocation of financial resources, enhancing the fund use efficiency, and supporting the supply-side structural reform, put the pilot program in an important position, organize diligent study and research, and deeply understand the connotation of policies and work requirements. 银行业金融机构开展联合授信是落实党中央、国务院关于降低企业杠杆率要求,防范化解重大金融风险的重要举措。各银监局、各银行业金融机构要充分认识联合授信机制对于提高银行业金融机构信用风险整体管控能力,有效遏制多头融资、过度融资,以及优化金融资源配置,提高资金使用效率,支持供给侧结构性改革的重大意义,把试点工作摆在重要位置,组织认真学习研究,深刻领会政策内涵和工作要求。
II. Effectively strengthening work organization and coordination   二、切实加强工作组织协调
Each local CBRC office shall form a leading group for the pilot program headed by the principal person in charge, establish and improve the work mechanism, specify tasks, reinforce responsibilities, and specify measures to ensure the orderly promotion of the pilot program. The pilot program plans of all local CBRC offices shall be reported to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission for recordation before June 30, 2018. All local CBRC offices shall direct banking associations within their respective jurisdictions to effectively conduct the coordination and organization of member entities, accelerate the completion of the construction of statistical information systems, improve all supporting work mechanisms, and strengthen communication and coordination with local governments at all levels and the relevant departments to seek their support and cooperation. Banking financial institutions shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Measures, formulate special credit granting policies, management rules and business flow for the pilot enterprises, urge and direct branches to actively participate in the pilot program according to the requirements of local CBRC offices. 各银监局要成立以主要负责人任组长的试点工作领导小组,建立完善工作机制,明确任务,强化责任,细化措施,确保试点工作有序推进。各银监局试点工作方案应于2018年6月30日前报中国银行保险监督管理委员会备案。各银监局要指导辖内银行业协会做好会员单位的协调组织工作,加快完成统计信息系统建设,完善各项配套工作机制;要加强与各级地方政府及有关部门的沟通协调,争取支持和配合。银行业金融机构要对照《办法》要求,针对试点企业制定专门的授信政策、管理制度、业务流程,督促指导分支机构按照属地银监局要求,积极参加试点工作。
III. Effectively choosing pilot enterprises   三、选好试点企业
All local CBRC offices shall select pilot enterprises in strict accordance with the standards specified in the Measures under the differentiation principle, and ensure that pilot enterprises are representative in terms of nature, industry and scale. The number of pilot enterprises within the jurisdiction of a local CBRC office shall generally be not less than 10, and the number of pilot enterprises may be appropriately reduced in a city under separate state planning or in a province with relatively small economic aggregates, but it shall not be less than five. All local CBRC offices shall, before June 30, 2018, submit the list of pilot enterprises to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission for recordation. 各银监局要严格按照《办法》明确的标准,遵循差异化原则选择试点企业,确保试点企业在性质、行业、规模上具有较强代表性。各银监局辖内试点企业数量原则上不得少于10家,计划单列市以及经济总量较小的省份可适当减少试点企业数量,但不得低于5家。各银监局应于2018年6月30日前将试点企业名单报中国银行保险监督管理委员会备案。
IV. Continuous monitoring and tracking   四、持续监测跟踪
All local CBRC offices shall continuously monitor the operation of the pilot program and the risk status. They shall report the new situations and new problems encountered in the pilot program in a timely manner, and actively request for instructions and make reports on the major policy matters involved. They shall summarize the experience of the pilot program in a timely manner, and report the information on the pilot program to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission at the end of each quarter from the third quarter in 2018. 各银监局要对试点运行情况和风险状况进行持续监测。对试点中遇到的新情况、新问题要及时报告;对涉及的重大政策事项,要主动请示报告。要及时总结试点工作经验,自2018年3季度起每季末向中国银行保险监督管理委员会报送试点工作情况。
The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission shall conduct assessment of the pilot program at appropriate time, revise and improve the Measures on the basis of the implementation of the pilot program, and promote the implementation of the joint credit granting mechanism in a steady and orderly manner. 中国银行保险监督管理委员会将适时开展试点工作评估,根据试点情况修订完善《办法》,稳妥有序推广实施联合授信机制。
May 22, 2018 


Measures for the Administration of Joint Credit Granting by Banking Financial Institutions (for Trial Implementation) 



Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of further optimizing the relationship of cooperation between banks and enterprises, enhancing the efficiency of allocation of financial resources, and effectively preventing and controlling major credit risks, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为进一步优化银企合作关系,提高金融资源配置效率,有效防控重大信用风险,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the financial institutions formed with the approval of banking regulatory authorities.   第二条 本办法适用于经银行业监督管理机构批准设立的金融机构。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, “joint credit granting” means the operating mechanism under which multiple banking financial institutions that plan to provide or have provided debt financing to the same enterprise (including enterprise group, here and below) improve the quality and efficiency of banking financial services and the level of credit risk prevention and control through the establishment of an information sharing mechanism and the improvement of the mode of cooperation between banks and enterprises.   第三条 本办法所称联合授信是指拟对或已对同一企业(含企业集团,下同)提供债务融资的多家银行业金融机构,通过建立信息共享机制,改进银企合作模式,提升银行业金融服务质效和信用风险防控水平的运作机制。
For the purposes of these Measures, “financing” means debt financing. 本办法所称融资均指债务融资。
Article 4 The following basic principles shall be observed in the joint credit granting mechanism:   第四条 联合授信机制应坚持以下基本原则:
Compliance with laws and regulations. In the operation of the joint credit granting mechanism, the relevant laws and regulations of the state shall be observed and the credit policies of the state shall be complied with. 依法合规。联合授信机制运行中,应遵守国家有关法律法规,符合国家信贷政策。
Market orientation. The decisive role of the market mechanism shall be maximized in the operation of the joint credit granting mechanism, attention shall be paid to equal consultation, rights and obligations shall be specified, the spirit of contract shall be adhered to, and the lawful rights and interests of all parties shall be respected. 市场导向。联合授信机制运作应充分发挥市场机制的决定性作用,注重平等协商,明晰权利义务,坚守契约精神,尊重各方合法权益。
Openness and transparency. All participants in the joint credit granting mechanism shall disclose information in a timely and complete manner as agreed upon, strengthen information sharing, and enhance the transparency of information. 公开透明。联合授信机制各参与主体应按照约定及时完整真实地披露信息,加强信息共享,提高信息透明度。
Chapter II Management Structure of Joint Credit Granting 

第二章 联合授信管理架构

Article 5 When multiple banking financial institutions grant credit to the same enterprise, they may establish an information sharing mechanism to jointly collect and summarize and cross-verify the business operation and financial information of the enterprise.   第五条 多家银行业金融机构对同一企业进行授信时,可建立信息共享机制,共同收集汇总、交叉验证企业经营和财务信息。
Article 6 For an enterprise with a total financing balance of five billion yuan or more at three or more banking financial institutions, banking financial institutions shall establish a joint credit granting mechanism.   第六条 对在3家以上银行业金融机构有融资余额,且融资余额合计在50亿元以上的企业,银行业金融机构应建立联合授信机制。
For an enterprise with a total financing balance of two billion up to five billion yuan at three or more banking financial institutions, banking financial institutions may voluntarily establish a joint credit granting mechanism. 对在3家以上的银行业金融机构有融资余额,且融资余额合计在20~50亿元之间的企业,银行业金融机构可自愿建立联合授信机制。
Article 7 Where a banking financial institution finds that an enterprise meets the conditions specified in Article 6 for establishing a joint credit granting mechanism, it shall notify the banking association. The banking association shall coordinate banking financial institutions as the creditors of the enterprise to establish a joint credit granting mechanism within one month.   第七条 银行业金融机构发现企业符合第六条明确的建立联合授信机制条件时,应通知银行业协会。银行业协会协调企业的债权银行业金融机构在1个月内建立联合授信机制。
Article 8 Banking financial institutions as the creditors of an enterprise shall sign a member bank agreement for joint credit granting (hereinafter referred to as the “member bank agreement”), and form a joint credit granting committee. The content of the member bank agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the organizational structure, rules of procedures and mode of operation of the joint credit granting committee, the rights and obligations of member banks and the liability for the breach of contract, and the working rules for joint risk prevention and control, risk warning and risk disposal.   第八条 企业债权银行业金融机构应签署联合授信成员银行协议(以下简称“成员银行协议”),并组建联合授信委员会。成员银行协议内容包括但不限于:联合授信委员会的组织架构、议事规则、运作方式,成员银行的权利义务和违约责任,联合风险防控、风险预警、风险处置的工作规则等。
Article 9 The joint credit granting committee shall perform the following functions:   第九条 联合授信委员会应履行以下职能:
(1) It shall jointly collect, summarize and cross-verify the enterprise's business operation and financial information, prevent the enterprise from concealing its true information or providing false information so as to evade the requirements for the management of banks' credit granting. (一)共同收集汇总、交叉验证企业经营和财务信息,防止企业隐藏真实信息或提供虚假信息,规避银行授信管理要求。
(2) It shall jointly explore the enterprise's internal and external information sources, adopt necessary technical means to summarize and review the enterprise's affiliation, and identify implicit affiliated enterprises and actual controllers. (二)共同挖掘企业内外部信息源,运用必要技术手段,汇总梳理企业关联关系,识别隐性关联企业和实际控制人。
(3) It shall jointly assess the enterprise's overall liability status, actual financing demand and operating status, calculate the maximum debts that the enterprise is affordable, and set the financing risk warning line of the enterprise. (三)联合评估企业的整体负债状况、实际融资需求和经营状况,测算企业可承受的最高债务水平,设置企业融资风险预警线。
(4) It shall negotiate with the enterprise about the determination of the joint credit line and risk management requirements, among others, and sign the relevant agreements. In particular, the joint credit line shall include the debt financing of enterprises at banking financial institutions and non-banking financial institutions and from other channels, as well as the guarantee for enterprises outside the group.

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