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Measures for Statistics Law Enforcement Supervision and Inspection [Revised]
统计执法监督检查办法 [已被修订]

Order of the National Bureau of Statistics 


(No. 21) (第21号)

The Measures for Statistics Law Enforcement Supervision and Inspection, as deliberated and adopted at the first executive meeting of the National Bureau of Statistics on June 2, 2017, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 1, 2017. 《统计执法监督检查办法》已经2017年6月2日国家统计局第1次局务会议讨论通过,现予公布,自2017年9月1日起施行。
Director General: Ning Jizhe 局长 宁吉喆
July 5, 2017 2017年7月5日
Measures for Statistics Law Enforcement Supervision and Inspection 统计执法监督检查办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic Of China, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and administrative regulations for the purposes of regulating the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection, protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and guaranteeing and enhancing the quality of statistical data.   第一条 为了规范统计执法监督检查工作,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,保障和提高统计数据质量,根据《中华人民共和国统计法》《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》和《中华人民共和国统计法实施条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the supervision and inspection on the implementation of statistics laws, regulations and rules as well as the investigation and punishment of violations of statistics laws as conducted by the statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level.   第二条 本办法适用于县级以上人民政府统计机构对执行统计法律法规规章情况的监督检查和对统计违法行为的查处。
Article 3 The Statistics Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the National Bureau of Statistics shall, under the leadership of the National Bureau of Statistics, be specifically responsible for organizing and administering the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection nationwide, guiding and supervising the work of the local statistics institutions and the survey offices of the National Bureaus of Statistics in statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection, conducting inspection of the implementation of statistics laws by all local authorities and all departments, and investigating and punishing major violations of statistics laws.   第三条 国家统计局统计执法监督局在国家统计局领导下,具体负责对全国统计执法监督检查工作的组织管理,指导监督地方统计机构和国家调查队统计执法监督检查机构工作,检查各地方、各部门统计法执行情况,查处重大统计违法行为。
The statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection institutions at the provincial and city levels shall, under the leadership of the bureaus of statistics or the survey offices of the National Bureaus of Statistics to which they are subordinate, be specifically responsible for guiding and supervising the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection within their respective regions or systems, conducting inspection of the statistics law enforcement within their respective regions or systems, and investigating and punishing violations of statistics laws. The statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection institutions at the county level or the law enforcement inspectors shall, under the leadership of the bureaus of statistics or the survey offices of the National Bureaus of Statistics to which they are subordinate, take charge of the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection within their respective regions or systems according to the statutory division of work. 省级及市级统计执法监督检查机构在所属统计局或者国家调查队领导下,具体负责指导监督本地区、本系统统计执法监督检查工作,对本地区、本系统统计法执行情况的检查和查处统计违法行为。县级统计执法监督检查机构或者执法检查人员在所属统计局或者国家调查队领导下,依据法定分工负责本地区、本系统统计执法监督检查工作。
The local statistics institutions and the survey offices of the National Bureau of Statistics shall establish the communication and cooperation mechanism for the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection. 地方统计机构和国家调查队应当建立统计执法监督检查沟通协作机制。
Article 4 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, under the organization and guidance of the statistics institutions of the people's governments at the same level, be responsible for supervising the implementation of statistics laws in the statistical surveys of their own departments, and transfer the violations of statistics laws committed in the statistical surveys of their own departments to the statistics institutions of the people's governments at the same level for handling.   第四条 县级以上人民政府有关部门在同级人民政府统计机构的组织指导下,负责监督本部门统计调查中执行统计法情况,对本部门统计调查中发生的统计违法行为,移交同级人民政府统计机构予以处理。
Article 5 The statistics institutions of the people's governments at all levels shall establish a responsibility system and an accountability system for administrative law enforcement supervision and inspection, and effectively guarantee the personnel, funds, and other working conditions necessary for the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection.   第五条 各级人民政府统计机构应当建立行政执法监督检查责任制和问责制,切实保障统计执法监督检查所需的人员、经费和其他工作条件。
Article 6 In the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection, the guidelines of abiding by all laws, strictly enforcing laws and investigating violations of laws shall be implemented, and the principles of combining prevention, investigation, and rectification as well as education and penalty and the principles of seeking truth from facts, objectiveness and fairness, unity and standardization, civilized law enforcement, and high efficiency and integrity shall be observed.   第六条 统计执法监督检查应当贯彻有法必依、执法必严、违法必究的方针,坚持预防、查处和整改相结合,坚持教育与处罚相结合,坚持实事求是、客观公正、统一规范、文明执法、高效廉洁原则。
In the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection, an interested party to the party under the law enforcement supervision and inspection or any other person that may affect the impartiality shall be disqualified. 统计执法监督检查中,与执法监督检查对象有利害关系以及其他可能影响公正性的人员,应当回避。
Article 7 The statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level shall keep unimpeded channels for reporting of violations of statistics laws, disclose its reporting hotline, mailing address, online column, e-mail address, etc., and conscientiously accept, verify, and handle the reporting of violations of statistics laws.   第七条 县级以上人民政府统计机构应当畅通统计违法举报渠道,公布统计违法举报电话、通信地址、网络专栏、电子邮箱等,认真受理、核实、办理统计违法举报。
Article 8 The statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a reporting system for the investigation and punishment of violations of statistics laws, and report violations of statistics laws and the information on the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection and the investigation and punishment of violations of statistics laws to the statistics institutions at a higher level on a regular basis.   第八条 县级以上人民政府统计机构应当建立统计违法行为查处情况报告制度,定期向上一级统计机构报告统计违法举报、统计执法监督检查和统计违法行为查处情况。
Chapter II Statistics Law Enforcement Supervision and Inspection Institutions and Their Law Enforcement Inspectors 

第二章 统计执法监督检查机构和执法检查人员

Article 9 The statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level shall improve statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection teams, perfect the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection mechanism, establish a backbone talent pool for statistics law enforcement, and ensure that the persons included in the talent pool observe the assignment of the institutions establishing the talent pool.   第九条 县级以上人民政府统计机构健全统计执法监督检查队伍,完善统计执法监督检查机制,建立统计执法骨干人才库,确保在库人员服从设库机构的调用。
Article 10 Statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection institutions and their law enforcement inspectors shall be mainly responsible for:   第十条 统计执法监督检查机构和执法检查人员的主要职责是:
(1) drafting and developing the statistics laws, regulations, rules, and regulatory documents; (一)起草制定统计法律法规规章和规范性文件;
(2) publicizing and implementing the statistics laws, regulations, and rules; (二)宣传、贯彻统计法律法规规章;
(3) organizing, guiding, supervising, and administering the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection; (三)组织、指导、监督、管理统计执法监督检查工作;
(4) investigating and punishing violations of statistics laws according to the law, and preventing and punishing statistical fraud and falsification; (四)依法查处统计违法行为,防范和惩治统计造假、弄虚作假;
(5) organizing and conducting “dual random” inspections on statistics law enforcement, and accepting, handling, and supervising the handling of the reporting of violations of statistics laws; (五)组织实施统计执法“双随机”抽查,受理、办理、督办统计违法举报;
(6) establishing and improving the statistical credit system, and establishing and implementing a system for joint punishment of statistical fraud or falsification; (六)建立完善统计信用制度,建立实施对统计造假、弄虚作假的联合惩戒机制;
(7) supervising, investigating, and punishing violations of laws in foreign-related statistical surveys and private statistical surveys; and (七)监督查处涉外统计调查活动和民间统计调查活动中的违法行为;
(8) other duties as prescribed by laws, regulations, and rules. (八)法律、法规和规章规定的其他职责。
Article 11 Law enforcement inspectors shall attend training courses, pass examinations and obtain the statistics law enforcement certificates issued by the National Bureau of Statistics.   第十一条 执法检查人员应当参加培训,经考试合格,取得由国家统计局统一颁发的统计执法证。
With the approval of the statistics institutions of the people's government at or above the county level, professional technicians may be hired to participate in the statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection. 经县级以上人民政府统计机构批准,可以聘用专业技术人员参与统计执法监督检查。
Article 12 Statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection institutions shall strengthen the training on the laws and regulations, statistical business knowledge, professional ethics education and law enforcement supervision and inspection of their own law enforcement inspectors, and improve the management, assessment and reward and punishment systems.   第十二条 统计执法监督检查机构应当加强对所属执法检查人员的法律法规、统计业务知识、职业道德教育和执法监督检查技能培训,健全管理、考核和奖惩制度。
Chapter III Statistics Law Enforcement Supervision and Inspection 

第三章 统计执法监督检查

Article 13 The statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level and relevant departments shall establish the working mechanism for statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection and relevant rules, and organize and conduct statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection within their respective regions, departments, and entities by comprehensively adopting such means as “dual random” inspections, special inspection, key inspections, and field verification.   第十三条 县级以上人民政府统计机构和有关部门应当建立统计执法监督检查工作机制和相关制度,综合运用“双随机”抽查、专项检查、重点检查、实地核查等方式,组织开展本地区、本部门、本单位统计执法监督检查工作。
The system for keeping records of statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection shall be actively promoted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. 按照国家有关规定,积极推进统计执法监督检查记录制度。
Article 14 Statistics law enforcement supervision and inspection matters shall include:   第十四条 统计执法监督检查事项包括:
(1) whether local people's governments at all levels, government statistics institutions and relevant departments, as well as all entities and their persons in charge comply with and implement statistics laws, regulations and rules and national statistical rules and orders; (一)地方各级人民政府、政府统计机构和有关部门以及各单位及其负责人遵守、执行统计法律法规规章和国家统计规则、政令情况;
(2) whether local people's governments at all levels, government statistics institutions and relevant departments establish their responsibility systems and accountability systems for prevention and punishment of statistical fraud and falsification; (二)地方各级人民政府、政府统计机构和有关部门建立防范和惩治统计造假、弄虚作假责任制和问责制情况;
(3) whether statistics institutions and statisticians independently exercise their functions and powers regarding statistical surveys, statistical reports, and statistical supervision; (三)统计机构和统计人员依法独立行使统计调查、统计报告、统计监督职权情况;
(4) whether state organs, enterprises, public institutions and other organizations as well as individual industrial and commercial households, individuals, and other statistical survey respondents abide by the statistics laws, regulations, and rules and statistical survey rules; (四)国家机关、企业事业单位和其他组织以及个体工商户和个人等统计调查对象遵守统计法律法规规章、统计调查制度情况;
(5) whether a foreign-related statistical survey or private statistical survey is conducted according to the law; and (五)依法开展涉外统计调查和民间统计调查情况;
(6) other matters as prescribed by laws, regulations, and rules. (六)法律法规规章规定的其他事项。
Article 15 The statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level shall accept the reports received in strict accordance with the relevant provisions, and if there may be any violation of statistics laws upon examination, they shall docket a case for investigation and conduct law enforcement inspection. The statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the city level may also transfer the reports to the statistics institutions at lower levels for handling in accordance with the relevant provisions.   第十五条 县级以上人民政府统计机构对接到的举报应当严格按照规定予以受理,经审核可能存在统计违法行为的,应当采取立案查处、执法检查办理,市级以上人民政府统计机构也可以按照规定将举报转交下级统计机构办理。
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