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Notice of the People's Bank of China on Issuing the Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions [Effective]
中国人民银行关于印发《义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the People's Bank of China on Issuing the Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions 


(No. 108 [2017] of the People's Bank of China) (银发[2017]108号)

The Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China ("PBC"); all branches and operations offices of the PBC; all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions) and sub-provincial cities; China Development Bank; all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, and joint-stock commercial banks; Postal Savings Bank of China; and China UnionPay, Rural Credit Banks Funds Clearing Center, and Clearing Center for City Commercial Banks: 中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,各副省级城市中心支行;国家开发银行,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,中国邮政储蓄银行;中国银联,农信银资金清算中心,城市商业银行资金清算中心:
For purposes of carrying out in depth the risk-based anti-money laundering principle, directing the obligated institutions to establish and improve the standards for transaction monitoring, and practically improving the effectiveness of the reporting of high-value and suspicious transactions, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, the Counterterrorism Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Administration of the Financial Institutions' Reporting of High-Value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions (issued by Order No. 3 [2016], PBC, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative Measures”) and other laws and rules, the PBC has developed the Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions, which are hereby issued to you, along with a notification of the relevant matters as follows, for your compliance and implementation. 为深入实践风险为本的反洗钱工作原则,指导义务机构建立健全交易监测标准,切实提高大额交易和可疑交易报告工作有效性,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》、《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》和《金融机构大额交易和可疑交易报告管理办法》(中国人民银行令[2016]第3号发布,以下简称《管理办法》)等法律规章,中国人民银行制定了《义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引》,现印发给你们,并就有关事项通知如下,请遵照执行。
I. The Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions systematically organize and refine the obligated institutions' development of the standards for the anti-money laundering monitoring of high-value transactions and suspicious transactions in terms of, among others, design, development, testing, assessment, and improvement, and are demonstrative and innovative to a certain extent. The obligated institutions shall, taking the opportunity brought about by the implementation of the Administrative Measures and based on the characteristics of their respective business, risk conditions, and management modes, adopt reasonable measures to effectively implement the relevant requirements of the Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions. If there are any questions in the implementation, please contact in a timely manner the PBC or the PBC branch office at the place where the headquarters (head office or parent company) of the obligated institution are located.   一、《义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引》从设计、开发、测试、评估和完善等方面较为系统性地对义务机构大额交易和可疑交易监测标准建设进行了梳理和提炼,具有一定的示范性和创新性。义务机构应当以落实《管理办法》为契机,结合自身业务特点、风险状况和管理模式,采取合理措施有效执行《义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引》的相关要求。执行中如遇到问题,请及时与中国人民银行或义务机构总部(总行、总公司)所在地中国人民银行分支机构联系。
II. The branch offices of the PBC shall, in a timely manner, track and gather information on the implementation of the requirements of the Administrative Measures, the independent establishment of transaction monitoring standards, and the development of relevant systems by the obligated institutions, strengthen the categorized guidance and supervision of the obligated institutions, and make arrangements for and promote the effective implementation of the Administrative Measures and the Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions.   二、中国人民银行分支机构应当及时跟踪了解辖区内法人义务机构落实《管理办法》要求、自主建立交易监测标准和相关系统建设情况,加强对义务机构的分类指导和监督,部署、推动《管理办法》和《义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引》有效施行。
The Shanghai Head Office of the PBC; all branches and operations offices of the PBC; and all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions) and sub-provincial cities shall forward this Notice to the relevant commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, rural credit cooperatives, village banks, securities companies, futures companies, fund management companies, insurance companies, insurance asset management companies, full-time corporate insurance agents, insurance brokerage companies, trust companies, financial asset management companies, finance companies of enterprise groups, financial leasing companies (as financial institutions), auto finance companies, consumer finance companies, currency brokerage companies, loan companies, and other financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions within their respective jurisdictions. 请中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,各副省级城市中心支行将本通知转发至辖区内有关商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用社、村镇银行、证券公司、期货公司、基金管理公司、保险公司、保险资产管理公司、保险专业代理公司、保险经纪公司、信托公司、金融资产管理公司、企业集团财务公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、消费金融公司、货币经纪公司、贷款公司等金融机构和非银行支付机构。
Annex: Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions 附件:义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引
Annex 附件
Guidelines for the Obligated Institutions to Develop the Standards for the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring of Transactions 义务机构反洗钱交易监测标准建设工作指引
For purposes of carrying out in depth the risk-based anti-money laundering principle, directing the obligated institutions to establish and improve the standards for monitoring high-value transactions and suspicious transactions (hereinafter referred to as the “monitoring standards”), and improving the effectiveness of the reporting of high-value transactions and suspicious transactions, these Guidelines are developed in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Counterterrorism Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Administration of the Financial Institutions' Reporting of High-Value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions (issued by Order No. 3 [2016], PBC, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative Measures”), and other laws and rules. 为深入实践风险为本的反洗钱工作原则,指导义务机构建立健全大额交易和可疑交易监测标准(以下简称监测标准),提升大额交易和可疑交易报告工作有效性,根据《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》、《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》和《金融机构大额交易和可疑交易报告管理办法》(中国人民银行令[2016]第3号发布,以下简称《管理办法》)等法律规章,制定本指引。
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

I. Basic Principles   一、基本原则
1. Risk-based principle: The monitoring standards established by an obligated institution shall match the risks of money laundering and financing of terrorism (hereinafter collectively referred to as “money laundering”) facing it. (一)风险为本原则。义务机构建立的监测标准应当与其面临的洗钱和恐怖融资(以下统称洗钱)风险相匹配。
2. Principle of comprehensiveness: The transaction monitoring conducted by an obligated institution shall cover all clients and business fields as well as every stage of a business transaction. An obligated institution shall analyze transactions by comprehensively taking into account the characteristics of the identities, transactions, and conduct of clients. (二)全面性原则。义务机构开展交易监测应当覆盖全部客户和业务领域,贯穿业务办理的各个环节。义务机构开展交易分析应当全面结合客户的身份特征、交易特征或行为特征。
3. Principle of applicability: An obligated institution shall develop the monitoring standards based on the industry's and its anti-money laundering practices and authentic data and by referring in priority to the money laundering cases and risk information in its industry (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “cases”), and be responsible for the effectiveness of them. (三)适用性原则。义务机构建设监测标准应当立足于本行业、本机构反洗钱工作实践和真实数据,重点参考本行业发生的洗钱案件及风险信息(以下统称案例),并对其有效性负责。
4. Principle of dynamic management: An obligated institution shall assess the effectiveness of its established monitoring standards in a timely manner, and adjust the monitoring standards in a timely manner based on changes in its clients, products or business, or money laundering risks. (四)动态管理原则。义务机构应当对已建成的监测标准及时开展有效性评估,并根据本机构客户、产品或业务和洗钱风险变化情况及时调整监测标准。
5. Principle of confidentiality: An obligated institution shall strictly keep its monitoring standards and measures confidential, and establish corresponding rules or requirements to regulate the scopes of access and use of monitoring standards. (五)保密原则。义务机构应当对本机构的监测标准及监测措施严格保密,建立相应制度或要求规范监测标准的知悉和使用范围。
II. Functions   二、功能
The work processes determined in these Guidelines are a major reference for the obligated institutions to reasonably integrate internal and external information technology resources and develop the monitoring standards, and help guide the obligated institutions in scientifically and rigorously develop their monitoring standard systems in line with the characteristics of their industries and business. The PBC will, as it deems necessary, issue the key points which the obligated institutions need to pay attention to or refer to in designing their monitoring standards. 本指引所确定的工作流程是义务机构合理整合内外部信息技术资源,开展监测标准建设的主要参考,有助于指导义务机构科学、规范地建立符合所在行业和自身业务特点的监测标准体系。中国人民银行视情发布义务机构设计监测标准需要关注或参考的要点。
III. Scope of application   三、适用范围
These Guidelines are applicable to the independent design, development, testing, assessment, and improvement of the monitoring standards by the obligated institutions in accordance with the Administrative Measures and other laws and rules. 本指引适用于义务机构依据《管理办法》等法律规章,自主设计、开发、测试、评估和完善本机构的监测标准。
Non-bank payment institutions, institutions engaging in remittance business and fund distribution business, bank card clearing institutions, funds settlement centers, other particular non-financial institutions that should perform anti-money laundering obligations, and relevant self-regulatory industry organizations may conduct relevant work by referring to these Guidelines. 非银行支付机构、从事汇兑业务和基金销售业务的机构、银行卡清算机构、资金清算中心及其他应当履行反洗钱义务的特定非金融机构及有关行业自律组织,可参照本指引开展相关工作。
Chapter II Design of Standards 

第二章 标准设计

I. Introduction to the process of design   一、设计流程概述
The design of monitoring standards means the process of development in which an obligated institution characterizes the cases in its industry, develops indicators for the characteristics, and creates models for the indicators in accordance with laws, regulations, industry guidelines, and risk alerts, among others. An obligated institution may adopt a simpler process for the monitoring standards for high-value transactions and those that may be directly formulated according to laws, regulations, and industry practices. 监测标准设计,是指义务机构依据法律法规、行业指引和风险提示等,对本行业案例特征化、特征指标化和指标模型化的建设过程。对于大额交易及其他依据法律法规和行业惯例可直接制定的监测标准,义务机构可采取相对简化的流程。
II. Case characterization   二、案例特征化
Case characterization means the process in which an obligated institution analyzes cases, determines the types of money laundering, and summarizes the characteristics of money laundering by collecting cases that are common in its industry, with typical characteristics, and consistent with the individual characteristics of the institution. 案例特征化,是指义务机构通过收集存在行业普遍性、具有典型特征以及具有本机构个性化特点的案例,对案例进行分析、对洗钱类型进行归纳、对洗钱特征进行总结的过程。
1. Collection of cases (一)案例收集。
When an obligated institution collects cases, money laundering cases shall be those taking place or discovered in its industry or in the institution, and risk information shall match the current money laundering risks and the developments and changes thereof, and be forward-looking to a certain extent. A relevant case shall at least reflect the major characteristics of the type of money laundering, and is very representative and common and in a significant pattern. 义务机构收集的案例,其中案件应当来自本行业、本机构发生或发现的洗钱案例,风险信息应当与当前洗钱风险及其发展变化相吻合,并具有一定的前瞻性。相关案例应当至少体现该洗钱类型的主要特征,具有较强的代表性、规律性和普遍性。
Cases meeting the foregoing requirements shall come from but not be limited to the following: 满足以上要求的案例,来源于但不限于:
(1) Money laundering and its upstream criminal cases taking place in the industry, region, and institution. 1.本行业、本区域、本机构发生的洗钱及其上游犯罪案例。
(2) Conclusions of money laundering risk assessment of the industry, institution, and cross-market and overlapping products and business based on the asset size, regional distribution, business characteristics, client groups, and transaction characteristics, among others, of the institution. 2.结合本机构资产规模、地域分布、业务特点、客户群体、交易特征等,对本行业、本机构及跨市场、交叉性产品和业务开展洗钱风险评估的结论。
(3) Provisions and guidelines against money laundering and financing of terrorism, risk alerts, analysis reports on types of money laundering, and risk assessment reports issued by and cases to which attention is required by the PBC and its branch offices. 3.中国人民银行及其分支机构发布的反洗钱、反恐怖融资规定及指引、风险提示、洗钱类型分析报告和风险评估报告,要求关注的案例。
(4) Criminal situation analysis, risk alerts, reports on crime types, work reports, and money laundering cases issued by public security authorities and judicial authorities. 4.公安机关、司法机关发布的犯罪形势分析、风险提示、犯罪类型报告、工作报告以及洗钱案件。
(5) Proposals and guidelines from relevant international organizations and practices and experience of the same industry at home and abroad. 5.有关国际组织的建议或指引、境内外同业实践经验。
2. Analysis of characteristics (二)特征分析。
An obligated institution shall, with clients as subjects of monitoring, draw identifiable abnormal characteristics that are typical and representative, in a pattern, or universally applicable from the collected cases in terms of, among others, client identities and conduct and the fund sources, amount, frequency, flow, and nature of transactions, and the dimensions of analysis shall include but not be limited to the following: 义务机构对所收集的案例,应当以客户为监测单位,从客户的身份、行为、及其交易的资金来源、金额、频率、流向、性质等方面,抽象出案例中具有典型代表性、规律性或普遍适用性的可识别异常特征,分析维度包括但不限于:
(1) Identities of clients: Typical and identifiable characteristics include but are not limited to location, age, occupation, contact information, major source of income (wealth), monitoring list match, natural persons actually controlling clients, and actual beneficiaries of transactions. 1.客户身份。具有典型可识别的特征包括所处地域、年龄、职业、联系方式、收入(财富)主要来源、监控名单匹配、实际控制客户的自然人和交易的实际受益人等。
(2) Conduct of clients: Typical and identifiable characteristics include clients' preferences for certain business and products, certain transaction channels, and use of financial services, intentional disguise and concealment, and other behavioral characteristics. 2.客户行为。具有典型可识别的特征包括客户对某些业务和产品的偏好、对某些交易渠道的偏好、金融服务使用的偏好、故意掩饰和隐瞒等行为特征。
(3) Characteristics of transactions: Typical and identifiable characteristics include fund sources, time of transaction, traffic of transactions, frequency of transactions, directions of transactions, cross-market and cross-institution transactions, and other characteristics. 3.交易特征。具有典型可识别的特征包括资金来源、交易时间、交易流量、交易频率、交易流向,以及跨市场、跨机构的交叉性交易等特征。
III. Developing indicators for characteristics   三、特征指标化
Developing indicators for characteristics means the process in which an obligated institution draws and quantifies identifiable characteristics from the collected cases in order to design indicators which may identify, measure, or reflect the abnormal characteristics in cases, including but not limited to indicator codes, names, rules, and thresholds and other form requirements.

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