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Rules for the Implementation of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China (2017 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国计量法实施细则(2017修订) [已被修订]

DetailedImplementation Rules for the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Approved by the State Council on January 19, 1987 and promulgated by the StateMeasurement Bureau on February 1, 1987; revised for the first time in accordance with theDecision of the State Council on Amending Certain Administrative Regulations onFebruary 6, 2016; and revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations on March 1, 2017) (1987年1月19日国务院批准 1987年2月1日国家计量局发布 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订 根据2017年3月1日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订)


第一章 总  则

Article 1 These Detailed Rules are formulated according to the provisions of theMetrology Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国计量法》的规定,制定本细则。
Article 2 Legal units of measurement is implemented in the country. Theprocedures for designating the names and symbols of legal units of measurementand for abolishing the non-legal units of measurement shall be implementedaccording to the relevant stipulation of the State Council concerning uniformapplication of legal units of measurement in our country.   第二条 国家实行法定计量单位制度。国家法定计量单位的名称、符号和非国家法定计量单位的废除办法,按照国务院关于在我国统一实行法定计量单位的有关规定执行。
Article 3 The state develops measurement facilities in a planned way and fitsout metrological verification agencies at various levels with modern technologyand equipment so that they may serve to promote China's socialistmodernizations, provide measurement guarantee for our industrial andagricultural production, the building up of our national defence, scientificexperiments, domestic and foreign trade and the people's health and safety, andprotect the interests of the State and the people.   第三条 国家有计划地发展计量事业,用现代计量技术装备各级计量检定机构,为社会主义现代化建设服务,为工农业生产、国防建设、科学实验、国内外贸易以及人民的健康、安全提供计量保证,维护国家和人民的利益。

第二章 计量基准器具和计量标准器具

Article 4 The following requirements must be met in using datum instrumentsof measurement (hereinafter referred to as datum instruments):   第四条 计量基准器具(简称计量基准,下同)的使用必须具备下列条件:
(1) They must pass the appraisement of the State; (一)经国家鉴定合格;
(2) There must be such environmental conditions as required for their normaloperations; (二)具有正常工作所需要的环境条件;
(3) There must be competent personnel in charge of their safekeeping,maintenance and application; (三)具有称职的保存、维护、使用人员;
(4) There must be a perfect system of administration. (四)具有完善的管理制度。
Those units which meet the above-mentioned requirements can use datuminstruments only after they pass the examination and approval by theMeasurement Administration under the State Council and receive the relevantcertificate from it. 符合上述条件的,经国务院计量行政部门审批并颁发计量基准证书后,方可使用。
Article 5 No unit or individual shall dismantle or refit datum instruments orsuspend the work concerning metrological verification without the approval ofthe Measurement Administration under the State Council.   第五条 非经国务院计量行政部门批准,任何单位和个人不得拆卸、改装计量基准,或者自行中断其计量检定工作。
Article 6 The measurement values of the datum instruments should be the sameas international measurement values. The Measurement Administration under theState Council has the right to abolish those datum instruments which arebackward in technology or those instruments whose performance cannot meet thepresent requirements.   第六条 计量基准的量值应当与国际上的量值保持一致。国务院计量行政部门有权废除技术水平落后或者工作状况不适应需要的计量基准。
Article 7 The following requirements must be met in using standardinstruments of measurement (hereinafter referred to as standard instruments):   第七条 计量标准器具(简称计量标准,下同)的使用,必须具备下列条件:
(1) They must pass metrological verification; (一)经计量检定合格;
(2) There must be such environmental conditions as required for their normaloperations; (二)具有正常工作所需要的环境条件;
(3) There must be competent personnel in charge of their safekeeping,maintenance and application; (三)具有称职的保存、维护、使用人员;
(4) There must be a perfect system of administration. (四)具有完善的管理制度。
Article 8 Public standard instruments function as notaries in exercisingmeasurement supervision in the society. In designating the public standardinstruments of the highest class in the local areas, the administrativedepartments for measurement in the people's governments at or above the countylevel must apply to the measurement departments immediately above its own levelfor examination. The examination of public standard instruments of otherclasses may be conducted under the direction of the administrative departmentsfor measurement of the local people's governments.   第八条 社会公用计量标准对社会上实施计量监督具有公证作用。县级以上地方人民政府计量行政部门建立的本行政区域内最高等级的社会公用计量标准,须向上一级人民政府计量行政部门申请考核;其他等级的,由当地人民政府计量行政部门主持考核。
Those public standard instruments, which have proved up to the requirementslaid down in Article 7 of these Detailed Rules and obtained certificates ofexamination, shall be used only after the relevant certificates are issuedafter the examination and approval by the administrative departments formeasurement of the people's governments at or above the county level. 经考核符合本细则第七条规定条件并取得考核合格证的,由当地县级以上人民政府计量行政部门审批颁发社会公用计量标准证书后,方可使用。
Article 9 The standard instruments of the highest class in various fieldsshould be designated by the relevant competent departments under the StateCouncil and by those in the people's governments in the provinces, autonomousregions and the municipalities directly under the Central Government. Thesestandard instruments must pass the examination by the administrative departmentfor measurement in the people's governments at the same level and thoseinstruments which meet the requirements provided for in Article 7 of theseDetailed Rules and obtain certificates of examination may be used only afterthe approval by the relevant competent departments.   第九条 国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府有关主管部门建立的本部门各项最高计量标准,经同级人民政府计量行政部门考核,符合本细则第七条规定条件并取得考核合格证的,由有关主管部门批准使用。
Article 10 In designating various standard instruments of the highest classfor their own units, enterprises and institutions must apply for examination tothe administrative departments for measurement which are at the same levels astheir competent departments in the people's governments. Township enterprisesshould apply for examination to the administrative departments for measurementin the local people's governments at the county level. Those instruments whichmeet the requirements provided for in Article 7 of these Detailed Rules andobtain certificates of examination may be used by the relevant enterprises andinstitutions, which should report to their competent authorities for therecord.   第十条 企业、事业单位建立本单位各项最高计量标准,须向与其主管部门同级的人民政府计量行政部门申请考核。乡镇企业向当地县级人民政府计量行政部门申请考核。经考核符合本细则第七条规定条件并取得考核合格证的,企业、事业单位方可使用,并向其主管部门备案。

第三章 计量检定

Article 11 The units and individuals using standard instruments which havegone through compulsory metrological verification should apply for periodicmetrological verification to the relevant administrative department formeasurement of the people's government which has been responsible for examiningthe instruments.   第十一条 使用实行强制检定的计量标准的单位和个人,应当向主持考核该项计量标准的有关人民政府计量行政部门申请周期检定。
The units and individuals using the working measurement instruments which havegone through compulsory examination and determination should apply for periodicexamination and determination to the relevant measurement examination anddetermination agencies designated by the administrative departments formeasurement of the local people's governments at the county (municipality)level. If it cannot be done locally, it is necessary to apply for periodicexamination and determination to the measurement examination and determinationagencies designated by the next higher administrative departments. 使用实行强制检定的工作计量器具的单位和个人,应当向当地县(市)级人民政府计量行政部门指定的计量检定机构申请周期检定。当地不能检定的,向上一级人民政府计量行政部门指定的计量检定机构申请周期检定。
Article 12 Enterprises and institutions should equip themselves with thefacilities for checking and testing measurement instruments commensurate withtheir needs in production, scientific research and management and businessoperations, formulate specific procedures and regulations concerningexamination and determination, work out detailed catalogues of measurementinstruments of their units and fix the corresponding periods for examinationand determination, and ensure that their measurement instrument which are notsubject to compulsory examination and determination are regularly checked andtested.   第十二条 企业、事业单位应当配备与生产、科研、经营管理相适应的计量检测设施,制定具体的检定管理办法和规章制度,规定本单位管理的计量器具明细目录及相应的检定周期,保证使用的非强制检定的计量器具定期检定。
Article 13 The work of metrological verification shall be conducted on theprinciple of economy, rationality and geographical proximity, and it should notbe restricted by administrative divisions and departmental jurisdiction.   第十三条 计量检定工作应当符合经济合理、就地就近的原则,不受行政区划和部门管辖的限制。

第四章 计量器具的制造和修理

Article 14 Enterprises and institutions applying for Licences forManufacturing Measurement Instruments should pass the examination by theadministrative departments for measurement at the same levels with thecompetent authorities of the people's governments in their localities. Townshipenterprises should be examined by the administrative department for measurementof the local people's governments at the county level. Those enterprises andinstitutions which have obtained Licences for Manufacturing Measurement Instrumentsby passing the examination are allowed to use the uniform marks stipulated bythe State. Only then may the relevant competent authorities approve of theirproduction.   第十四条 企业、事业单位申请办理《制造计量器具许可证》,由与其主管部门同级的人民政府计量行政部门进行考核;乡镇企业由当地县级人民政府计量行政部门进行考核。经考核合格,取得《制造计量器具许可证》的,准予使用国家统一规定的标志,有关主管部门方可批准生产。
Article 15 Enterprises and institutions which do business in measurementinstruments repairs may apply for examination directly to the administrativedepartments for measurement of the local people's governments at the county(municipality) level in order to obtain the Licence for Repairing MeasurementInstruments. If it cannot be done locally, applications for examination may besubmitted to the administrative departments for measurement of the people'sgovernments at the next higher level. Only those enterprises and institutionswhich have obtained Licence for Repairing Measurement Instruments by passingthe examination may be allowed to use the uniform marks stipulated by the Stateand start bossiness operations.   第十五条 对社会开展经营性修理计量器具的企业、事业单位,办理《修理计量器具许可证》,可直接向当地县(市)级人民政府计量行政部门申请考核。当地不能考核的,可以向上一级地方人民政府计量行政部门申请考核。经考核合格取得《修理计量器具许可证》的,方可准予使用国家统一规定的标志和批准营业。
Article 16 The individual industrial and commercial businesses which areengaged in manufacturing or repairing measurement instruments must have regularbusiness premises. Those which want to apply for the Licence for ManufacturingMeasurement Instruments or the Licence for Repairing Measurement Instrumentsmay do so according to the procedures provided for in Article 15 of theseDetailed Rules. If they move to do business in other places, they must send theoriginal licence to the administrative department for measurement of the localpeople's government where they have moved for verification and approval.   第十六条 制造、修理计量器具的个体工商户,须在固定的场所从事经营。申请《制造计量器具许可证》或者《修理计量器具许可证》,按照本细则第十五条规定的程序办理。凡易地经营的,须经所到地方的人民政府计量行政部门验证核准。
Article 17 The examination for enterprises, institutions or individualindustrial and commercial businesses which apply for the Licence forManufacturing Measurement Instruments and the Licence for Repairing MeasurementInstruments consists of the following items:   第十七条 对申请《制造计量器具许可证》和《修理计量器具许可证》的企业、事业单位或个体工商户进行考核的内容为:
(1) Production facilities; (一)生产设施;
(2) Facilities for testing and determining products; (二)出厂检定条件;
(3) Technical levels of the workers and staff members; (三)人员的技术状况;
(4) Relevant technical documents and regulations and rules concerningmeasurement. (四)有关技术文件和计量规章制度。
Article 18 The product design of a new measurement instrument, which hasnever been produced in the country, must be appraised before it can bemanufactured. When the product design has been finalized, it is necessary to gothrough formalities of model approval and obtain the relevant certificate. Newproducts whose designs have been finalized in the country but have never beenproduced by the producer must be tested and their prototypes be made. Acertificate of quality shall be issued after the test of prototype is passed.Those measurement instruments which have not obtained model approval orcertificates of quality of their prototypes shall not be allowed to beproduced.   第十八条 凡制造在全国范围内从未生产过的计量器具新产品,必须经过定型鉴定。定型鉴定合格后,应当履行型式批准手续,颁发证书。在全国范围内已经定型,而本单位未生产过的计量器具新产品,应当进行样机试验。样机试验合格后,发给合格证书。凡未经型式批准或者未取得样机试验合格证书的计量器具,不准生产。
Article 19 The product design appraisement of new measurement instrumentsshall be conducted by the technical agency authorized by the measurementadministration under the State Council. Prototypes of the instrument shall betested by the technical agency authorized by the administrative department formeasurement of the local people's government at the provincial level.   第十九条 计量器具新产品定型鉴定,由国务院计量行政部门授权的技术机构进行;样机试验由所在地方的省级人民政府计量行政部门授权的技术机构进行。
The models of new measurement instruments shall be approved by theadministrative departments for measurement of the local people's governments atthe provincial level. The models approved by such departments can be used asnationally applicable models after they have been finalized by the competentdepartment measurement administration under the State Council. 计量器具新产品的型式,由当地省级人民政府计量行政部门批准。省级人民政府计量行政部门批准的型式,经国务院计量行政部门审核同意后,作为全国通用型式。
Article 20 The units applying for model design appraisement for a newmeasurement instrument and prototype testing should provide a prototype of thenew product, and the relevant technical documents and data.   第二十条 申请计量器具新产品定型鉴定和样机试验的单位,应当提供新产品样机及有关技术文件、资料。
The units responsible for the appraisement and testing must withhold secret ofthe prototype, the technical documents and data provided by the applicants. 负责计量器具新产品定型鉴定和样机试验的单位,对申请单位提供的样机和技术文件、资料必须保密。
Article 21 The various relevant competent authorities should strengthencontrol over the product compliance of the measurement instrument manufacturedand repaired by the enterprises and institutions. The administrativedepartments for measurement in the people's governments at or above the countylevel are empowered to carry out supervision and inspection, including samplingand supervised testing. The measurement instruments without stamps orcertificates of product compliance or those measurement instruments which havefailed to pass the examination and determination shall not be allowed to leavethe factories.
   第二十一条 对企业、事业单位制造、修理计量器具的质量,各有关主管部门应当加强管理,县级以上人民政府计量行政部门有权进行监督检查,包括抽检和监督试验。凡无产品合格印、证,或者经检定不合格的计量器具,不准出厂。

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