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Measures for the Administration of Local Offices of News Organizations (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
新闻单位驻地方机构管理办法(试行) [现行有效]

Order of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television 


(No. 11) (第11号)

The Measures for the Administration of Local Offices of News Organizations (for Trial Implementation), as adopted at the executive meeting of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television on November 12, 2016, are hereby issued and shall come into force on June 1, 2017. 《新闻单位驻地方机构管理办法(试行)》已经2016年11月12日国家新闻出版广电总局局务会议通过,现予公布,自2017年6月1日起施行。
Director of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television: Nie Chenxi 国家新闻出版广电总局局长:聂辰席
December 30, 2016 2016年12月30日
Measures for the Administration of Local Offices of News Organizations (for Trial Implementation) 新闻单位驻地方机构管理办法(试行)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the news gathering and editing activities of the local offices of news organizations (hereinafter referred to as “local offices”), strengthening the administration of the local offices, and promoting the sound and orderly development of the journalism, these Measures are developed under the relevant provisions of the state.   第一条 为规范新闻单位驻地方机构(以下称驻地方机构)的新闻采编活动,加强驻地方机构的管理,促进新闻事业健康有序发展,根据国家有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, “local offices” means dispatched offices that are formed for carrying out the news gathering and editing activities by news organizations approved according to the law.   第二条 本办法所称驻地方机构,是指依法批准的新闻单位设立的从事新闻采编活动的派出机构。
These Measures shall be applicable to the administration of the news gathering and editing activities carried out by the local offices dispatched by news organizations engaging: 本办法适用于下列新闻单位派出的驻地方机构从事新闻采编活动的管理:
(1) newspaper publishing entities and news periodical publishing entities; (一)报纸出版单位、新闻性期刊出版单位;
(2) news agencies; (二)通讯社;
(3) broadcasting stations, TV stations and radio and television stations; (三)广播电台、电视台、广播电视台;
(4) news websites and radio and television networks; and (四)新闻网站、网络广播电视台;
(5) other news organizations. (五)其他新闻单位。
Article 3 The competent departments of press, publication, radio, film and television under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the local offices nationwide, develop the plans for the formation of local offices nationwide, and determine the total number, layout, and structure.   第三条 国务院新闻出版广电主管部门负责全国驻地方机构的监督管理,制定全国驻地方机构的设立规划,确定总量、布局、结构。
The competent departments of press, publication, radio, film and television of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the local offices within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府新闻出版广电主管部门负责本行政区域内驻地方机构的监督管理。
News organizations shall be responsible for the routine administration of the news gathering and editing and other activities carried out by their local offices, to ensure the lawful operation of their local offices. 新闻单位负责其驻地方机构从事新闻采编等活动的日常管理,保障驻地方机构依法运行。
Article 4 In news gathering and editing activities, a local office and its staff members shall be people-oriented, adhere to serving the people and serving the socialism, adhere to the correct guidance of public opinions, carry forward the core socialist values, and carry forward the national outstanding culture.   第四条 驻地方机构及其人员从事新闻采编活动应当以人民为中心,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务,坚持正确舆论导向,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,弘扬民族优秀文化。
Article 5 In news gathering and editing activities, a local office and its staff members shall comply with the laws and regulations, respect the social morality, abide by professional ethics, visit the basic level communities and experience life there, and ensure that news reports are true, comprehensive, objective and fair.   第五条 驻地方机构及其人员从事新闻采编活动应当遵守法律法规,尊重社会公德,恪守职业道德,深入基层、深入群众、深入生活,确保新闻报道真实、全面、客观、公正。
Article 6 In news gathering and editing and other activities, a local office and its staff members shall be protected by law.   第六条 驻地方机构及其人员从事新闻采编等活动受法律保护。
No entity or individual may interfere with or obstruct the normal work of any local office and its staff members, or carry out activities in the name of any local office or unlawfully using any local office's name. 任何单位和人员不得干扰、阻挠驻地方机构及其人员的正常工作,不得假冒、盗用驻地方机构名义开展活动。
Chapter II Formation of Local Offices 

第二章 驻地方机构设立

Article 7 The state shall implement the licensing system for the establishment of local offices, no local office shall be formed without approval, and no entity or individual shall carry out news gathering and editing activities in the name of any local office.   第七条 国家对设立驻地方机构实行许可制度,未经批准不得设立,任何单位和人员不得以驻地方机构名义从事新闻采编活动。
No news organization shall replace the formation of local offices for carrying out news gathering and editing activities with dispatching correspondents. 新闻单位不得以派驻地记者方式代替设立驻地方机构从事新闻采编活动。
Article 8 To form a local office, a news organization as prescribed in Article 2 of these Measures shall comply with the plan of the competent department of press, publication, radio, film and television under the State Council for the total number, layout, and structure of local offices and meet the following conditions:   第八条 本办法第二条规定的新闻单位设立驻地方机构应当符合国务院新闻出版广电主管部门对驻地方机构总量、布局、结构的规划,并具备下列条件:
(1) There is really need of news gathering and editing in the place where a local office is to be formed. (一)在派驻地确有新闻采编需要;
(2) The news entity has a sound management system for the personnel, finance, news gathering and editing activities, and other items of local offices. (二)有健全的驻地方机构人员、财务、新闻采编活动等管理制度;
(3) The news entity has the conditions and capacity for guiding and managing a local office. (三)有指导、管理驻地方机构的条件和能力;
(4) The responsible person of a local office has a medium or higher professional title of news, publication, broadcasting and hosting and other majors, or has more than 5 years of work experience in news gathering and editing and news management. (四)驻地方机构负责人具有新闻、出版、播音主持等专业的中级以上职称或者有5年以上新闻采编、新闻管理工作经历;
(5) A local office has news gathering and editing personnel with press cards meeting the business needs. (五)驻地方机构有符合业务需要的持有新闻记者证的新闻采编人员;
(6) A local office has fixed workplace and funds required for business. (六)驻地方机构有满足业务需要的固定工作场所和经费;
(7) Other conditions as prescribed by the state. (七)国家规定的其他条件。
Article 9 Newspaper publishing entities applying for the formation of local offices shall only be limited to newspaper publishing entities that publish more than 4 editions of newspapers every week and shall not include the publishers of teaching and counseling newspapers, abstract newspapers, campus newspapers of institutions of higher education or any other newspapers.   第九条 申请设立驻地方机构的报纸出版单位,仅限于每周出版四期以上的报纸出版单位,不包括教学辅导类报纸、文摘类报纸、高等学校校报等出版单位。
News websites applying for the formation of local offices shall only be limited to major news websites of the central government formed by the key news entities of the central government. 申请设立驻地方机构的新闻网站,仅限于中央主要新闻单位所办中央重点新闻网站。
News periodical publishing entities, broadcasting stations, TV stations, radio and television stations, and radio and television networks applying for the formation of local offices shall be identified by the competent departments of press, publication, radio, film and television under the State Council. 申请设立驻地方机构的新闻性期刊出版单位、广播电台、电视台、广播电视台、网络广播电视台,应当经国务院新闻出版广电主管部门认定。
Article 10 A news organization shall only form a local office in one city.   第十条 新闻单位在同一城市只能设立一个驻地方机构。
A newspaper group, periodical group, or news organization with several subordinate newspapers shall form local offices in the name of the group or the news entity. No subordinate news entity shall form any local office separately. 报业集团、期刊集团或者有多家子报子刊的新闻单位应当以集团或者新闻单位名义设立驻地方机构,其下属新闻单位不得再单独设立驻地方机构。
Article 11 To form a local office, a news organization shall, upon verification by and with consent of its competent entity, file an application with the competent department of press, publication, radio, film and television of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government where the local office is located. To form a local office, a major news entity of the central government shall be subject to the prior verification and consent of the competent department of press, publication, radio, film and television under the State Council.   第十一条 新闻单位设立驻地方机构,经其主管单位审核同意后,向驻地方机构所在地省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版广电主管部门提出申请。其中,中央主要新闻单位设立驻地方机构,须先经国务院新闻出版广电主管部门审核同意。
To form a local office, a key news website of the central government shall, upon verification by the competent cyberspace department of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government where the local office is located and upon verification by and with consent of the national cyberspace administration, file an application with the competent department of press, publication, radio, film and television of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly where it is located. 中央重点新闻网站设立驻地方机构,经驻地方机构所在地省、自治区、直辖市网信主管部门审核,并经国家网信主管部门审查同意后,向所在地省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版广电主管部门提出申请。
Article 12 To form a local office, a news organization shall submit a written application and the following materials:   第十二条 新闻单位设立驻地方机构,应提交申请书及下列材料:
(1) the basic information of the person in charge of the local office, news gathering and editing personnel, and other personnel and their practicing qualification certificate; (一)驻地方机构负责人、新闻采编人员等的基本情况及其从业资格证明;
(2) the certificate on the staffing, or labor contracts, employment contracts and other items of the local office in compliance with the provisions of these Measures; (二)符合本办法规定的驻地方机构人员编制或者劳动合同、聘用合同等证明;
(3) the certificate on the funding source for the local office; (三)驻地方机构经费来源的证明;
(4) the certificate on the workplace of the local office; (四)驻地方机构工作场所的证明;
(5) the certificate on the consent of the competent entity for the formation of a local office; (五)主管单位同意设立驻地方机构的证明;
(6) the certificate on the newspaper and periodical issued by a newspaper publishing entity; (六)报纸出版单位出具报纸刊期的证明;
(7) News periodical publishing entities, broadcasting stations, TV stations, radio and television stations, and radio and television networks applying for the formation of local offices shall be confirmed by the competent departments of press, publication, radio, film and television under the State Council; and (七)新闻性期刊出版单位、广播电台、电视台、广播电视台、网络广播电视台出具国务院新闻出版广电主管部门认定的证明;
(8) the certificate issued by a key news website of the central government on the examination and consent of the national cyberspace administration. (八)中央重点新闻网站出具国家网信主管部门审查同意的证明。
Article 13 A competent department of press, publication, radio, film and television of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 20 days of the acceptance of an application, make a decision of approval or disapproval. Where a decision of approval is made, a permit for a local office of a news organization shall be issued; and where a decision of disapproval is made, the reasons shall be explained.   第十三条 省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版广电主管部门自受理申请之日起20日内,作出批准或者不批准的决定。批准的,发放新闻单位驻地方机构许可证;不批准的,应当说明理由。
Article 14 A name of a local office shall consist of the name of a news organization and the names of the administrative region where the local office is located and the entity.   第十四条 驻地方机构名称由新闻单位名称和驻地方机构所在行政区域及单位名称组成。
Article 15 Where the registration address, contact information, person in charge, news gathering and editing personnel and other items of a local office change, the local office shall, within 90 days after the change, undergo the formalities of registration of change with the competent department of press, publication, radio, film and television of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government at the locality.
   第十五条 驻地方机构的登记地址、联系方式、负责人、新闻采编人员等发生变更,驻地方机构应当在变更后90日内到所在地省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版广电主管部门办理变更登记手续。

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