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Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine [Effective]
中华人民共和国中医药法 [现行有效]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 59) (第五十九号)

The Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine, as adopted at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 25, 2016, is hereby issued and shall come into force on July 1, 2017. 《中华人民共和国中医药法》已由中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议于2016年12月25日通过,现予公布,自2017年7月1日起施行。
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
December 25, 2016 2016年12月25日
Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine 中华人民共和国中医药法
(Adopted at the 25th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 25, 2016) (2016年12月25日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议通过)
Table of Content 目 录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总 则
Chapter II Traditional Chinese Medicine Services 第二章 中医药服务
Chapter III Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection and Development 第三章 中药保护与发展
Chapter IV Cultivation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Talents 第四章 中医药人才培养
Chapter V Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific Research 第五章 中医药科学研究
Chapter VI Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Cultural Transmission 第六章 中医药传承与文化传播
Chapter VII Guarantee Measures 第七章 保障措施
Chapter VIII Legal Liability 第八章 法律责任
Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions 第九章 附 则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Law is developed for purposes of inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese medicine, guaranteeing and promoting the development of the traditional Chinese medicine undertaking, and protecting the health of the people.   第一条 为了继承和弘扬中医药,保障和促进中医药事业发展,保护人民健康,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, “traditional Chinese medicine” (TCM) is the general term of medicine of all Chinese ethnic groups including the Han ethnic group and minority ethnic groups, reflects the understanding of the Chinese nation on life, health and diseases, and is a medicine and pharmacology system with long historical traditions and unique theories and technical methods.   第二条 本法所称中医药,是包括汉族和少数民族医药在内的我国各民族医药的统称,是反映中华民族对生命、健康和疾病的认识,具有悠久历史传统和独特理论及技术方法的医药学体系。
Article 3 The TCM undertaking is an important part of the medicine and health undertaking of the state. The state shall vigorously develop the TCM undertaking, carry out the principle of giving equal emphasis to TCM and western medicine, establish the management rules in compliance with TCM features, and maximize the role of TCM in the medicine and health undertaking of the state.   第三条 中医药事业是我国医药卫生事业的重要组成部分。国家大力发展中医药事业,实行中西医并重的方针,建立符合中医药特点的管理制度,充分发挥中医药在我国医药卫生事业中的作用。
In the development of the TCM undertaking, the TCM development rule shall be observed, the integration of inheritance and innovation shall be adhered to, TCM features and advantages shall be maintained and maximized, and modern scientific technologies shall be utilized, so as to promote the development of TCM theories and practice. 发展中医药事业应当遵循中医药发展规律,坚持继承和创新相结合,保持和发挥中医药特色和优势,运用现代科学技术,促进中医药理论和实践的发展。
The state shall encourage the mutual learning from each other between, mutual supplementation, and coordinated development of TCM and western medicine, maximize their advantages, and promote the integration of TCM and western medicine. 国家鼓励中医西医相互学习,相互补充,协调发展,发挥各自优势,促进中西医结合。
Article 4 The people's government at or above the county level shall include TCM undertaking in the national economic and social development plan, establish and improve the TCM management system, and make overall planning on and promote the development of the TCM undertaking.   第四条 县级以上人民政府应当将中医药事业纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,建立健全中医药管理体系,统筹推进中医药事业发展。
Article 5 The competent TCM department of the State Council shall take charge of TCM administration nationwide. Other relevant departments of the State Council shall take charge of TCM administration within the scope of their respective functions.   第五条 国务院中医药主管部门负责全国的中医药管理工作。国务院其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责与中医药管理有关的工作。
The competent TCM department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall take charge of TCM administration within its administrative region. Other relevant departments of the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work relating to TCM administration within the scope of their respective functions. 县级以上地方人民政府中医药主管部门负责本行政区域的中医药管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责与中医药管理有关的工作。
Article 6 The state shall strengthen the building of a TCM service system, make rational planning on and allocate TCM service resources, and provide guarantee for citizens' obtainment of TCM services.   第六条 国家加强中医药服务体系建设,合理规划和配置中医药服务资源,为公民获得中医药服务提供保障。
The state encourages social forces to invest in the TCM undertaking and gives supports to them, and encourages organizations and individuals to make donation for and support the TCM undertaking and gives supports to them. 国家支持社会力量投资中医药事业,支持组织和个人捐赠、资助中医药事业。
Article 7 The state shall develop TCM education, establish a TCM education system which satisfies the requirements for the development of the TCM undertaking and has a proper scale, rational structure, and diversified forms to cultivate TCM talents.   第七条 国家发展中医药教育,建立适应中医药事业发展需要、规模适宜、结构合理、形式多样的中医药教育体系,培养中医药人才。
Article 8 The state supports TCM scientific research and technical development, encourages innovation in TCM science and technologies, shall popularize and apply TCM scientific and technological achievements, protect TCM intellectual property rights, and enhance TCM scientific and technical level.   第八条 国家支持中医药科学研究和技术开发,鼓励中医药科学技术创新,推广应用中医药科学技术成果,保护中医药知识产权,提高中医药科学技术水平。
Article 9 The state shall support TCM foreign exchange and cooperation, and promote international transmission and application of TCM.   第九条 国家支持中医药对外交流与合作,促进中医药的国际传播和应用。
Article 10 The organizations and individuals that have made prominent contributions to the TCM undertaking shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.   第十条 对在中医药事业中做出突出贡献的组织和个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II TCM Services 

第二章 中医药服务

Article 11 The people's government at or above the county level shall include the construction of TCM medical institutions in the plan on the setup of medical institutions, launch TCM medical institutions with proper scale, and support the development of medical institutions with TCM features and advantages.   第十一条 县级以上人民政府应当将中医医疗机构建设纳入医疗机构设置规划,举办规模适宜的中医医疗机构,扶持有中医药特色和优势的医疗机构发展。
To merge or cancel a TCM medical institution launched by the government or change the nature as a TCM medical institution, the opinion of the competent TCM department of the people's government at the next higher level shall be solicited. 合并、撤销政府举办的中医医疗机构或者改变其中医医疗性质,应当征求上一级人民政府中医药主管部门的意见。
Article 12 Comprehensive hospitals and maternity and child care institutions launched by governments as well as qualified specialized hospitals, community health service centers and township health centers shall set TCM departments and clinics.   第十二条 政府举办的综合医院、妇幼保健机构和有条件的专科医院、社区卫生服务中心、乡镇卫生院,应当设置中医药科室。
Local people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to enhance the capability of community health service stations and village clinics in the provision of TCM services. 县级以上人民政府应当采取措施,增强社区卫生服务站和村卫生室提供中医药服务的能力。
Article 13 The state supports social forces in their launching TCM medical institutions.   第十三条 国家支持社会力量举办中医医疗机构。
TCM medical institutions launched by social forces shall enjoy equal rights in such aspects as access, practice, basic medical insurance, scientific research and teaching, and the assessment of title of medical personnel with TCM medical institutions launched by governments. 社会力量举办的中医医疗机构在准入、执业、基本医疗保险、科研教学、医务人员职称评定等方面享有与政府举办的中医医疗机构同等的权利。
Article 14 To launch a TCM medical institution, approval formalities shall be undergone according to the provisions of the state on the administration of medical institutions, and the provisions on the administration of medical institutions shall be observed.   第十四条 举办中医医疗机构应当按照国家有关医疗机构管理的规定办理审批手续,并遵守医疗机构管理的有关规定。
A TCM clinic launched may conduct practice activities after the name, address, treatment scope and staffing of the clinic, and other information are reported to the competent TCM department of the local county people's government for recordation. The TCM clinic shall publicize the clinic's treatment scope, the name and practice scope of the TCM physicians in a conspicuous position of the clinic, and shall not conduct medical activities beyond the scope granted recordation. The specific measures shall be drafted by the competent TCM department of the State Council, and be reported to the health administrative department of the State Council for examination and issuance. 举办中医诊所的,将诊所的名称、地址、诊疗范围、人员配备情况等报所在地县级人民政府中医药主管部门备案后即可开展执业活动。中医诊所应当将本诊所的诊疗范围、中医医师的姓名及其执业范围在诊所的明显位置公示,不得超出备案范围开展医疗活动。具体办法由国务院中医药主管部门拟订,报国务院卫生行政部门审核、发布。
Article 15 A person who conducts TCM medical activities shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Practicing Physicians, obtain the qualification as a TCM physician through the TCM physician qualification test, and conduct practice registration. The content of the TCM physician qualification test shall reflect TCM features.   第十五条 从事中医医疗活动的人员应当依照《中华人民共和国执业医师法》的规定,通过中医医师资格考试取得中医医师资格,并进行执业注册。中医医师资格考试的内容应当体现中医药特点。
A person who learns TCM through a teacher or indeed has specialty in medical skills through many years of practice shall be recommended by at least two TCM physicians, and may be qualified as a TCM physician after passing the examination of practice skills and effects organized by the competent TCM department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and after he or she conducts practice registration according to the examination content, he or she may conduct TCM medical activities in the form of conducting individual business operation or working in medical institutions within the registered scope of practice. The competent TCM department of the State Council shall draft the measures for the categorized examination of personnel prescribed in this paragraph according to the safety risks of TCM technical methods, and report the measures to the health administrative department of the State Council for examination and issuance. 以师承方式学习中医或者经多年实践,医术确有专长的人员,由至少两名中医医师推荐,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府中医药主管部门组织实践技能和效果考核合格后,即可取得中医医师资格;按照考核内容进行执业注册后,即可在注册的执业范围内,以个人开业的方式或者在医疗机构内从事中医医疗活动。国务院中医药主管部门应当根据中医药技术方法的安全风险拟订本款规定人员的分类考核办法,报国务院卫生行政部门审核、发布。
Article 16 A TCM medical institution shall mainly assign professional TCM personnel as medical personnel to mainly provide TCM services. TCM physicians who have obtained the physician qualification upon examination may, according to the relevant provisions of the state, adopt modern scientific and technical methods relating to their specialties in practice activities after receiving training and passing the examination. The modern scientific and technical methods adopted in medical activities shall be conductive to maintaining and enhancing TCM features and advantages.   第十六条 中医医疗机构配备医务人员应当以中医药专业技术人员为主,主要提供中医药服务;经考试取得医师资格的中医医师按照国家有关规定,经培训、考核合格后,可以在执业活动中采用与其专业相关的现代科学技术方法。在医疗活动中采用现代科学技术方法的,应当有利于保持和发挥中医药特色和优势。
Community health service centers, township health centers, community health service stations and qualified village clinics shall rationally assign professional TCM technicians, and utilize and popularize appropriate TCM technical methods. 社区卫生服务中心、乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务站以及有条件的村卫生室应当合理配备中医药专业技术人员,并运用和推广适宜的中医药技术方法。
Article 17 TCM services shall be provided by taking TCM theories as the guidance, apply TCM technical methods, and comply with the basic requirements for TCM services determined by the competent TCM department of the State Council.   第十七条 开展中医药服务,应当以中医药理论为指导,运用中医药技术方法,并符合国务院中医药主管部门制定的中医药服务基本要求。
Article 18 The people's government at or above the county level shall develop TCM prevention and health care services, and include them in basic public health service items for overall planning and implementation according to the relevant provisions of the state.   第十八条 县级以上人民政府应当发展中医药预防、保健服务,并按照国家有关规定将其纳入基本公共卫生服务项目统筹实施。
The people's government at or above the county level shall bring into play the role of TCM in emergency response to public health incidents, and strengthen the reserves of TCM emergency response materials, equipment, facilities, technologies and talents. 县级以上人民政府应当发挥中医药在突发公共卫生事件应急工作中的作用,加强中医药应急物资、设备、设施、技术与人才资源储备。
Medical and health institutions shall actively utilize TCM theories and technical methods in disease prevention and control. 医疗卫生机构应当在疾病预防与控制中积极运用中医药理论和技术方法。
Article 19 A medical institution that plans to release a TCM medical advertisement shall be subject to the examination and approval of the competent TCM department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government; and shall not issue the advertisement without examination and approval. The content of the issued TCM medical advertisement shall be consistent with the content approved upon examination, and comply with the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China.
   第十九条 医疗机构发布中医医疗广告,应当经所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府中医药主管部门审查批准;未经审查批准,不得发布。发布的中医医疗广告内容应当与经审查批准的内容相符合,并符合《中华人民共和国广告法》的有关规定。

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