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Regulations on the National Defense Mobilization of Civil Transport Resources (2011Revision) [Revised]
民用运力国防动员条例(2011修订) [已被修订]

Regulations on the National Defense Mobilization of Civil Transport Resources 


(Issued by the Order No.391 of the State Council and the Central Military Committee on September 11, 2003, and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administration Regulations by the Order No. 588 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on January 8, 2011) (2003年9月11日中华人民共和国国务院、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会令第391号公布 根据2011年1月8日国务院令第588号《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 The present regulations are formulated according to the National Defense Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws for the purpose of defending state sovereignty, upholding national unity and territorial integrity, maintaining national security, and guaranteeing effective organization and implementation of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources.   第一条 为了维护国家主权、统一、领土完整和安全,保证有效地组织和实施民用运力国防动员,根据《中华人民共和国国防法》和其他有关法律,制定本条例。
Article 2 The national defense mobilization of civil transport resources includes mobilization preparation and mobilization implementation.   第二条 民用运力国防动员,包括动员准备和动员实施。
In case of war or under special circumstances in peacetime, the State shall, according to the actual needs of national defense mobilization and according to law, be entitled to organize and expropriate in a unified form civil vehicles and other relevant equipment, facilities and manpower owned or managed by government agencies, social organizations, enterprises, government-sponsored institutions and individual citizens (hereinafter referred to as entities and individuals). 在战时及平时特殊情况下,根据国防动员需要,国家有权依法对机关、社会团体、企业、事业单位和公民个人(以下简称单位和个人)所拥有或者管理的民用运载工具及相关设备、设施、人员,进行统一组织和调用。
The State shall make preparation for the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources in peacetime to raise mobilization potential and to guarantee the national defense mobilization need for civil transport resources in case of war or under special circumstances in peacetime. 国家在和平时期进行民用运力国防动员准备,增强动员潜力,保障战时及平时特殊情况下实施民用运力国防动员的需要。
Article 3 Any entity or individual who owns or manages civil transport resources shall perform the obligation of national defense mobilization thereof.   第三条 一切拥有或者管理民用运力的单位和个人都应当依法履行民用运力国防动员义务。
Those who suffer from direct property losses or personnel casualties because of performing the obligation of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources shall have the right to receive compensations and pensions according to law. 因履行民用运力国防动员义务而遭受直接财产损失、人员伤亡的,依法享有获得补偿、抚恤的权利。
Article 4 The state national defense mobilization body led by the State Council and the Central Military Committee shall be responsible for organizing and leading the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources across the country.   第四条 国家国防动员机构在国务院和中央军事委员会领导下,负责组织领导全国的民用运力国防动员工作。
The national defense mobilization bodies in military areas shall be responsible for the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources within their own areas. 军区国防动员机构负责组织领导本区域的民用运力国防动员工作。
The local national defense mobilization bodies on the county level and above shall be responsible for the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources within their own administrative regions. 县级以上地方各级国防动员机构负责组织领导本行政区域的民用运力国防动员工作。
Article 5 The state national defense communications administration shall be responsible for the specific implementation of the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources across the country.   第五条 国家国防交通主管机构负责具体实施全国的民用运力国防动员工作。
The national defense communications administrations in military areas shall be responsible for the specific implementation of the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources within their respective areas. 军区国防交通主管机构负责具体实施本区域的有关民用运力国防动员工作。
The local national defense communications administrations on the county level and above shall be responsible for the specific implementation of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources within their own administrative regions. 县级以上地方各级人民政府国防交通主管机构负责具体实施本行政区域的民用运力国防动员工作。
Article 6 National economy mobilization bodies and civil armed forces mobilization bodies on various levels, communications and transportation administrations under the People's Government on the county level and above, and other relevant departments shall be responsible for the relevant national defense mobilization of civil transport resources according to their respective responsibilities.   第六条 各级国民经济动员机构、人民武装动员机构和县级以上人民政府交通运输管理部门以及其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的民用运力国防动员工作。
Article 7 The People's Government on the county level and above shall take effective measures to strengthen the preparation work for the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources, place the preparation work thereof into the national economic and social development plan, raise mobilization potential, support, supervise and urge relevant departments to perform their responsibilities according to law, and shall fulfill all the work related to the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources.   第七条 县级以上各级人民政府应当采取有效措施,加强民用运力国防动员准备工作,将民用运力国防动员准备工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,增强动员潜力,支持和督促其有关部门依法履行职责,落实民用运力国防动员的各项工作。
Article 8 The State encourages entities and individuals to build, purchase and operate civil vehicles and relevant equipment that can be used both in wartime and in peacetime, and shall give support to these entities and individuals according to relevant regulations.   第八条 国家支持、鼓励单位和个人建造、购买、经营平战结合的民用运载工具及相关设备,按照有关规定给予扶持。
Article 9 Entities and individuals that make outstanding contributions in the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources by any of the following ways shall be honored and rewarded according to the relevant regulations of the State or of local administrative regions:   第九条 单位和个人在民用运力国防动员工作中做出突出贡献,有下列情形之一的,依照国家和地方有关规定给予表彰、奖励:
(1) providing civil transport resources with great importance or in urgent need , which plays an outstanding role in supporting military activities; (一)提供重要或者急需的民用运力,在保障军事行动中作用明显的;
(2) making outstanding achievements in organizing and conducting the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources; (二)组织和开展民用运力国防动员活动,取得突出成绩的;
(3) carrying out firmly the orders of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources, solving problems and difficulties, and fulfilling tasks perfectly; (三)坚决执行民用运力国防动员命令,克服困难,出色完成任务的;
(4) fighting bravely against behaviors that disturb or destroy the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources, for which serious losses are avoided; (四)勇于同干扰和破坏民用运力国防动员的行为做斗争,避免重大损失的;
(5) having magnificent inventions in the implementation of national defense demand or in the reinforcement and innovation of civil vehicles and relevant equipment, which brings notable military or economic benefits. (五)在民用运载工具及相关设备贯彻国防要求或者加装改造方面,有重大发明创造,军事或者经济效益显著的。
Chapter II Preparation for the National Defense Mobilization of Civil Transport Resources 

第二章 民用运力国防动员的准备

Article 10 The state national defense communications administration shall, jointly with the state national economy mobilization body, the communications and transportation administration and other departments under the State Council, and with relevant departments of the army, work out a general plan for the implementation of the national defense demand on newly-built civil vehicles and other relevant equipment, according to the designing and building situation of civil vehicles and other relevant equipment and based on principles of focusing on the key point and paying more attention on the actual effect, and report the plan to the state national defense mobilization body for approval.   第十条 国家国防交通主管机构应当会同国家国民经济动员机构、国务院交通运输管理部门和其他有关部门、军队有关部门,根据民用运载工具及相关设备的设计、建造情况,按照突出重点、注重实效的原则,拟订新建民用运载工具及相关设备贯彻国防要求的总体规划,报国家国防动员机构批准。
The state national economy mobilization body shall, according to the approved general plan, work out specific plans for the implementation of the national defense mobilization demand on newly-built civil vehicles and other relevant equipment, and shall organize to carry out such plans. 国家国民经济动员机构应当根据批准的总体规划,拟订新建民用运载工具及相关设备贯彻国防要求的具体实施计划并组织实施。
Article 11 The communications and transportation administration and other relevant departments under the State Council, as well as the People's Government of all competent provinces, autonomic regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, shall, within their own sector or administrative region, strengthen management on and supervision over the implementation work of national defense demand on designing and building civil vehicles and other relevant equipment, shall give policy and technique support to entities and individuals that undertake the designing or building tasks, and shall guarantee the effective implementation of the relevant national defense demand.   第十一条 国务院交通运输管理部门和其他有关部门,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,应当加强对本行业、本行政区域内设计、建造民用运载工具及相关设备贯彻国防要求工作的管理和指导,为承担设计、建造任务的单位和个人提供政策和技术支持,保障有关国防要求的落实。
Article 12 The entities and individuals that design or build civil vehicles and other relevant equipment as listed in the specific plan for the implementation of national defense demand must strictly conform to designing standards and technical specifications of the implementation of national defense demand in their designing or building work.   第十二条 设计、建造列入贯彻国防要求具体实施计划的民用运载工具及相关设备的单位和个人,必须严格按照贯彻国防要求的设计标准和技术规范进行设计、建造。
The entities or individuals that invest to build civil vehicles and other relevant equipment may not baffle the designing or building activities of the designing or building entities or individuals for the implementation of national defense demands. 出资建造民用运载工具及相关设备的单位和个人,不得阻碍设计、建造单位和个人为贯彻国防要求所进行的设计、建造活动。
For the expenditure on the implementation of national defense demands while designing or building civil vehicles and other relevant equipment, the central financial department and local financial departments under the People's Government on the county level and above shall give appropriate subsidies. The specific measures shall be formulated by the state national defense communications administration together with the financial administration under the State Council. 设计、建造民用运载工具及相关设备,因贯彻国防要求所发生的费用,由中央财政和县级以上地方各级财政给予适当补助。具体办法由国家国防交通主管机构会同国务院财政部门制定。
Article 13 When the civil vehicles and other relevant equipment built for the implementation of national defense demands are completed and need to be checked for hand-over, the organization that set the task and other relevant national defense communications administration shall take part in the check and show their opinions. The civil vehicles and relevant equipment shall not be handed over for use until they are checked and proved to be acceptable, and are registered by the local national defense communications administration.   第十三条 贯彻国防要求的民用运载工具及相关设备竣工验收时,下达任务的机构和有关国防交通主管机构应当参加验收并签署意见,验收合格并经所在地国防交通主管机构登记后,方可交付使用。
Article 14 Communications and transportation administrations, public safety communications administrations and other relevant departments under the People's Government on the county level and above shall, based on the yearly vehicle statistic, registration and examination work of their own sector and according to registration requirements about the national defense mobilization preparation for civil transport resources, submit annually to the national defense communications administrations at the same level the relevant materials and condition descriptions about the civil transport resources registered last year before each Jan 31.   第十四条 县级以上人民政府交通运输管理部门、公安交通管理部门和其他有关部门,应当结合本部门年度的交通工具统计、登记和审验(核)工作,按照民用运力国防动员准备登记的要求,于每年1月31日前,向同级国防交通主管机构报送上一年度民用运力登记的有关资料和情况。
If the submitted materials and descriptions about civil transport resources do not conform to the specified requirements, the national defense communications administrations may ask the relevant departments mentioned in the proceeding paragraph to submit new ones according to specified requirements, which the relevant departments may not refuse. 报送的民用运力资料和情况不符合规定要求的,国防交通主管机构可以要求前款所列有关部门按照规定要求重新提供,有关部门不得拒绝。
Article 15 National defense communications administrations on various levels shall assort and coordinate the materials and condition descriptions about civil transport resources, keep them well in archival files, and update them in time. The national defense communications administrations on lower levels shall, according to the requirements about the national defense mobilization of civil transport resources, submit condition descriptions about civil transport resources of their own regions to the national defense communications administration at the next higher level; where applicable, they shall inform the relevant departments of the army of the civil transport resources condition of their own regions.   第十五条 各级国防交通主管机构应当对民用运力资料和情况分类整理,登记造册,妥善保管,及时更新。下级国防交通主管机构应当按照民用运力国防动员的要求将本级民用运力情况报送上一级国防交通主管机构;同时根据需要,及时向军队有关单位通报本地区的民用运力情况。
The national defense communications administrations as well as the relevant informed departments of the army have the obligation to keep confidential the materials and condition descriptions about civil transport resources. 国防交通主管机构以及获得情况通报的军队有关单位对民用运力资料和情况负有保密义务。
Article 16 Armies, People's armed police troops and the militia organizations shall, according to their respective tasks, estimate the need for national defense mobilization of civil transport resources, and submit details, such as type, quantity, technical requirements, etc., of the demanded civil vehicles and relevant equipment to the relevant national defense communications administrations according to the specified procedures.   第十六条 军队、人民武装警察部队、民兵组织,应当根据所担负的任务,评估和测算民用运力国防动员需求,并按照规定的程序将所需民用运载工具及相关设备的类型、数量及其技术要求等情况报送有关国防交通主管机构。
Article 17 National defense communications administrations shall work out the preparative plan of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources according to civil transport resources situation and the needs of the entities that use such resources.   第十七条 国防交通主管机构应当根据民用运力情况和使用单位提出的需求,组织拟订民用运力国防动员预案。
The preparative plan of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources of the whole country shall be worked out by the state national defense communications administration jointly with other relevant departments under the State Council and the relevant departments of the army, and be reported to the state national defense mobilization body for approval. 全国民用运力国防动员预案,由国家国防交通主管机构会同国务院有关部门和军队有关部门拟订,报国家国防动员机构批准。
The preparative plan of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources of the military areas shall be worked out by the national defense communications administrations of the military area, according to the preparative plan of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources of the whole country and jointly with the relevant departments of the military area and with other relevant governmental departments within the military area on the level of province, autonomic region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. This plan shall be reported to the national defense mobilization body of the military area for approval and to the state national defense communications administration for archival purposes. 军区民用运力国防动员预案,由军区国防交通主管机构根据全国民用运力国防动员预案,会同军区有关部门和区域内的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府有关部门拟订,报军区国防动员机构批准,并报国家国防交通主管机构备案。
The preparative plan of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources of all provinces, autonomic regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be worked out by the national defense communications administrations under the People's Government thereof, according to the preparative plan of national defense mobilization of civil transport resources of military areas and jointly with relevant departments under the People's Government on the same level and with military organizations on the same level. This plan shall be reported to the national defense mobilization body on the same level for approval and to the national defense communications administration of the military area for record.

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