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Regulation on Traffic for National Defense (2011Revision) [Effective]
国防交通条例(2011修订) [现行有效]

Regulation on Traffic for National Defense 


(Issued by the Order No. 173 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China on February 24, 1995, revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations by the Order No. 588 of the State Council on January 8, 2011) (1995年2月24日中华人民共和国国务院、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会令第173号发布 根据2011年1月8日国务院令第588号《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed for purposes of strengthening the construction of national defense transportation and ensuring the normal functioning of national defense transportation in wartime and under other special circumstances.   第一条 为了加强国防交通建设,保障战时和特殊情况下国防交通顺畅,制定本条例。
Article 2 All national defense transportation activities within the territory of People's Republic of China shall be governed by this Regulation.   第二条 在中华人民共和国领域内从事国防交通活动,必须遵守本条例。
For the purpose of this Regulation, “national defense transportation” means railways, roads, waterways, aviation, pipelines, posts and telecommunications and other transportation systems serving national defense purposes. 本条例所称国防交通,是指为国防建设服务的铁路、道路、水路、航空、管道、邮电通信等交通体系。
Article 3 National defense transportation shall be carried out under the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, comprehensive planning, and combination of wartime with peacetime.   第三条 国防交通工作实行统一领导、分级负责、全面规划、平战结合的原则。
Article 4 The people's governments at all levels and military authorities shall attach importance to the construction of national defense transportation, and provide necessary conditions for national defense transportation.   第四条 各级人民政府、军事机关应当重视国防交通建设,为国防交通工作提供必要条件。
The transport administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and relevant transportation enterprises and institutions shall effectively conduct the work on national defense transportation. 县级以上人民政府交通管理部门和有关交通企业事业单位,应当做好国防交通工作。
Article 5 The people's governments at all levels as well as the transport administrative departments thereof and military authorities shall reward the entities and individuals who make significant contributions to the construction of national defense transportation.   第五条 对在国防交通建设中做出重大贡献的单位和个人,各级人民政府、交通管理部门和军事机关应当给予奖励。
Chapter II Management Bodies and Their Functions 

第二章 管理机构及其职责

Article 6 The competent authority of national defense transportation of the state shall, under the guidance of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, be responsible for national defense transportation and perform the following duties:   第六条 国家国防交通主管机构在国务院、中央军事委员会领导下,负责全国国防交通工作,履行下列职责:
(1) Drafting the guidelines and policies for national defense transportation, and drafting relevant laws and administrative regulations. (一)拟订国防交通工作的方针、政策,草拟有关法律、行政法规;
(2) Making plans for the layout of the national defense transportation network, and offering suggestions relating to national defense requirements in respect of national transportation construction. (二)规划全国国防交通网络布局,对国家交通建设提出有关国防要求的建议;
(3) Drafting national support plans for national defense transportation, and providing transportation support for major military activities and other urgent tasks. (三)拟订全国国防交通保障计划,为重大军事行动和其他紧急任务组织交通保障;
(4) Organizing the science and technology research on national defense transportation. (四)组织全国国防交通科学技术研究;
(5) Guiding and inspecting the work on national defense transportation, and coordinating the relationship between the parties concerned. (五)指导检查国防交通工作,协调有关方面的关系;
(6) Other duties as vested in by the State Council and the Central Military Commission. (六)国务院、中央军事委员会赋予的其他职责。
Article 7 The competent authorities of national defense transportation of military area commands and the local competent authorities of national defense transportation at or above the county level shall be responsible for national defense transportation in their respective regions, and perform the following duties:   第七条 军区国防交通主管机构和县级以上地方国防交通主管机构负责本地区国防交通工作,履行下列职责:
(1) Effectively implementing the guidelines and policies for national defense transportation and relevant laws, regulations and rules, and drafting the provisions on national defense transportation in their respective regions. (一)贯彻执行国家国防交通工作的方针、政策和法律、法规、规章,拟订本地区有关国防交通工作的规定;
(2) Making plans for the layout of the national defense transportation network in their respective regions, offering suggestions relating to the national defense requirements in respect of their regional transportation construction, and participating in the survey and design appraisal (assessment) and acceptance check of relevant transportation facilities. (二)规划本地区国防交通网络布局,对本地区交通建设提出有关国防要求的建议,参加有关交通工程设施的勘察、设计鉴(审)定和竣工验收;
(3) Drafting the support plans for national defense transportation in their respective regions, organizing support teams for national defense transportation, and providing support to the transportation for military activities and other urgent tasks within their respective regions. (三)拟订本地区国防交通保障计划,组织国防交通保障队伍,为本地区内的军事行动和其他紧急任务组织交通保障;
(4) Being responsible for the mobilization and requisition of transportation resources for national defense. (四)负责本地区的国防运力动员和运力征用;
(5) Developing and implementing the material reserves plans for national defense transportation within their respective regions, and allocating materials reserved for national defense transportation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. (五)按照国家有关规定,制定和实施本地区的国防交通物资储备计划,调用国防交通物资;
(6) Organizing the science and technology research on national defense transportation in their respective regions as well as the popularization and application of research achievements. (六)组织本地区国防交通科学技术研究及其成果的推广、应用;
(7) Guiding, inspecting and supervising the work on national defense transportation in their respective regions, and coordinating and handling relevant problems. (七)指导、检查、监督本地区国防交通工作,协调处理有关问题;
(8) Other duties as vested in by the competent authorities of national defense transportation at a higher level and the people's governments at the same level. (八)上级国防交通主管机构和本级人民政府赋予的其他职责。
Article 8 The transport administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for national defense transportation within the transport industry and perform the following duties:   第八条 国务院交通管理部门分别负责本系统的国防交通工作,履行下列职责:
(1) Effectively implementing the guidelines and policies of the state for national defense transportation and the relevant laws, regulations and rules. (一)贯彻执行国家国防交通工作的方针、政策和法律、法规、规章;
(2) Developing the plans and technical standards for the construction of national defense transportation, and organizing the implementation thereof (二)制定并组织落实本系统的国防交通建设规划和技术规范;
(3) Developing support plans for national defense transportation of the transport industryand guiding the building of professional support teams for national defense transportation. (三)制定本系统的国防交通保障计划,指导国防交通专业保障队伍建设;
(4) Managing and allocating the assets of national defense transportation within the transport industry in accordance with the relevant provisions. (四)按照国家有关规定,管理和使用本系统的国防交通资产;
(5) Organizing the science and technology research on national defense transportation in the transport industry as well as the popularization and application of the research achievements. (五)组织本系统国防交通科学技术研究及其成果的推广、应用;
(6) Guiding, inspecting and supervising the work on national defense transportation within the transport industry and coordinating and handling relevant problems. (六)指导、检查、监督本系统的国防交通工作,协调处理有关问题。
Article 9 The transportation enterprises and institutions assuming the tasks of national defense transportation shall perform the following duties in the work on national defense transportation:   第九条 承担国防交通任务的交通企业事业单位,在国防交通工作中履行下列职责:
(1) Effectively implementing the guidelines and policies of the state for national defense transportation and the relevant laws, regulations and rules. (一)贯彻执行国家国防交通工作的方针、政策和法律、法规、规章;
(2) Participating in the appraisal (assessment) of survey and design and the acceptance check of relevant national defense transportation facilities. (二)参加有关国防交通工程设施的勘察、设计鉴(审)定和竣工验收;
(3) Drafting their support plans for national defense transportation and completing the tasks of national defense transportation. (三)制定本单位国防交通保障计划,完成国防交通保障任务;
(4) Managing and allocating their own assets of national defense transportation in accordance with the relevant provisions. (四)按照国家有关规定,管理和使用本单位的国防交通资产;
(5) Being responsible for organization, training and management of their own professional support teams for national defense transportation. (五)负责本单位的国防交通专业保障队伍的组织、训练和管理工作。
Article 10 Under other special circumstances, the competent authorities of national defense transportation at the provincial level may report to the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government for decision, the public security organs and harbor supervisory authorities institutions shall, within the scope of their duties, impose traffic control on roads and waterways in some regions.   第十条 在特殊情况下,省级国防交通主管机构可以提请有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府决定,由公安机关、港务监督机构分别在自己的职责范围内对局部地区的道路、水路实行交通管制。
Chapter III Support Plans 

第三章 保 障 计 划

Article 11 For the purpose of this Regulation, “support plans for national defense transportation” (hereinafter referred to as the “support plans”) means the support plans for the proper functioning of national defense transportation in wartime and under other special circumstances, primarily including: guidelines and tasks for national defense transportation, and technical measures and organizational measures for various tasks in terms of national defense transportation.   第十一条 本条例所称国防交通保障计划(以下简称保障计划),是指保障战时和特殊情况下国防交通顺畅的预定方案,主要包括:国防交通保障的方针、任务,各项国防交通保障工作的技术措施和组织措施。
The support plans are categorized into: national support plans, military area commands' support plans, regional support plans and professional support plans. 保障计划分为:全国保障计划、军区保障计划、地区保障计划和专业保障计划。
Article 12 A national support plan shall, under the organization of the state's competent authority of national defense transportation, be drafted by the relevant departments and relevant military authorities, and then be submitted to the State Council and the Central Military Commission for approval.   第十二条 全国保障计划由国家国防交通主管机构组织国务院有关部门和有关军事机关拟订,报国务院、中央军事委员会批准。
Article 13 A military area command's support plan shall, under the organization of the competent authority of national defense transportation of the military area command, be drafted by the relevant department of the local people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government and relevant military authorities, and after the opinions of the state's competent authority of national defense transportation are solicited, then be submitted to the military area command for approval.   第十三条 军区保障计划由军区国防交通主管机构组织本地区省、自治区、直辖市人民政府有关部门和有关军事机关拟订,征求国家国防交通主管机构的意见后,报军区批准。
Article 14 A regional support plan shall, under the organization of the competent authority of national defense transportation at or above the county level, be drafted by the relevant department of the people's government at the same level and relevant military authorities, and after the opinions of the competent authority of national defense transportation at a higher level are solicited, then be submitted to the people's government at the same level for approval.   第十四条 地区保障计划由县级以上地方国防交通主管机构组织本级人民政府有关部门和有关军事机关拟订,征求上一级国防交通主管机构意见后,报本级人民政府批准。
Article 15 Professional support plans shall be respectively developed by the transport administrative departments of the State Council within the scope of their own duties, and after the opinions of the other relevant departments of the State Council are solicited, then be submitted to the state's competent authority of national defense transportation for approval.   第十五条 专业保障计划由国务院交通管理部门在各自的职责范围内分别制定,征求国务院其他有关部门意见后,报国家国防交通主管机构同意。
Chapter IV Facilities 

第四章 工 程 设 施

Article 16 For the purpose of this Regulation, “national defense transportation facilities” means the following buildings and equipment built for supporting the proper functioning of national defense transportation in wartime and under other special circumstances:
   第十六条 本条例所称国防交通工程设施,是指为保障战时和特殊情况下国防交通顺畅而建造的下列建筑和设备:

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