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Announcement No. 9 [2016] of the China Securities Regulatory Commission – Announcement on Issuing the Standards for the Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 39 - Contents and Formats of Semi-Annual Reports on Corporate Bonds and the Supplementary Provisions on the Disclosure of Semi-Annual Reports of Listed Companies Offering Corporate Bonds to the Public [Expired]
中国证券监督管理委员会公告(2016)9号――关于发布《公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第39号——公司债券半年度报告的内容与格式》、《关于公开发行公司债券的上市公司半年度报告披露的补充规定》的公告 [失效]

Announcement of the China Securities Regulatory Commission 


(No. 9 [2016]) (〔2016〕9号)

The Standards for the Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 39 - Contents and Formats of Semi-Annual Reports on Corporate Bonds and the Supplementary Provisions on the Disclosure of Semi-Annual Reports of Listed Companies Offering Corporate Bonds to the Public are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 现公布《公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第39号--公司债券半年度报告的内容与格式》、《关于公开发行公司债券的上市公司半年度报告披露的补充规定》,自公布之日起施行。
China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会
May 11, 2016 2016年5月11日
Annex 1: Standards for the Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 39 - Contents and Formats of Semi-Annual Reports on Corporate Bonds 附件1:《公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第39号--公司债券半年度报告的内容与格式》
Annex 2: Supplementary Provisions on the Disclosure of Semi-Annual Reports of Listed Companies Offering Corporate Bonds to the Public 附件2:《关于公开发行公司债券的上市公司半年度报告披露的补充规定》
Annex 1 附件1
Standards for the Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 39 - Contents and Formats of Semi-Annual Reports on Corporate Bonds 公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第39号--公司债券半年度报告的内容与格式
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to regulate the development of semi-annual reports on offering corporate bonds to the public and on information disclosure, and to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors, these Standards are developed in accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Measures for the Offering and Trading of Corporate Bonds and other laws and regulations, as well as relevant provisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”).   第一条 为规范公开发行公司债券的公司半年度报告的编制及信息披露行为,保护投资者合法权益,根据《公司法》、《证券法》、《公司债券发行与交易管理办法》等法律、法规及中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)有关规定,制定本准则。
Article 2 A company that issues corporate bonds to the public within the territory of the People's Republic of China, whose corporate bonds are listed or traded in the stock exchanges and the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (“NEEQ”), and whose corporate bonds have not yet expired on the date when a semi-annual report is approved or that is unable to make full payment upon expiration shall develop and disclose semi-annual reports as required by these Standards.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内公开发行公司债券并在证券交易所、全国中小企业股份转让系统上市或转让,且在半年度报告批准报出日公司债券未到期或到期未能全额兑付的公司,应当按照本准则的要求编制和披露半年度报告。
Listed companies and companies listed in the NEEQ that issue corporate bonds shall develop and disclose semi-annual reports according to the other provisions of the CSRC and the relevant stock exchanges, and shall concurrently publish their semi-annual reports disclosed at the websites of the places where their bonds are traded. 上市公司、全国中小企业股份转让系统挂牌公司公开发行公司债券的,应当按照中国证监会及相关证券交易场所的其他规定编制和披露半年度报告,但应当同时将披露的半年度报告刊登在其债券交易场所的互联网网站。
Article 3 The provisions of these Standards are the minimum requirements for the information disclosure of semi-annual reports on corporate bonds. The company shall disclose all the information that has a significant impact on investors' investment decisions.   第三条 本准则的规定是对公司债券半年度报告信息披露的最低要求;对投资者投资决策有重大影响的信息,公司均应当披露。
Where relevant requirements of these Standards are not applicable to the company, the company may make adjustments in light of the actual circumstances and explain the reasons for the adjustments in relevant chapters and sections. 本准则有关要求对公司确实不适用的,公司可以根据实际情况调整,并在相关章节说明调整原因。
In case some information prescribed in these Standards is not suitable for disclosure due to special reasons such as business secrets, the company is not required to disclose it. However, the company shall, in relevant chapters and sections, give an explanation about its failure to make disclosure according to these Standards. The company shall disclose the relevant information if the disclosure is deemed necessary by the CSRC. 由于商业秘密等特殊原因导致本准则规定的某些信息确实不便披露的,公司可以不予披露,但应当在相关章节详细说明未按本准则要求进行披露的原因。中国证监会认为需要披露的,公司应当披露。
Article 4 To avoid unnecessary repetition and keep the reports concise, a company may adopt interdependent quotations so as to conduct reasonable technical treatment of the relevant parts of the semi-annual report, provided that the integrity of the information disclosed and readability of the report is not affected.   第四条 在不影响信息披露完整性和不妨碍阅读的前提下,公司可采取相互引证的方法,对半年度报告相关部分进行合理的技术处理,以避免不必要的重复和保持文字简洁。
Article 5 The full text of a semi-annual report shall be prepared and disclosed according to the requirements of Chapter II of these Standards.   第五条 半年度报告的全文应当遵循本准则第二章的要求进行编制和披露。
The summary of the semi-annual report shall be prepared and disclosed in the format as set forth in the Annex according to the requirements of Chapter III of these Standards. 半年度报告摘要应当遵循本准则第三章的要求,按照附件的格式进行编制和披露。
The reporting period of a semi-annual report lasts from the beginning of a year to the end of a half year. 半年度报告的报告期是指年初至半年度期末的期间。
Article 6 The financial report in a company's semi-annual report is not required to be audited, unless it is otherwise prescribed by the CSRC and the stock exchange.   第六条 半年度报告中的财务报告可以不经审计,但中国证监会和证券交易场所另有规定的除外。
Article 7 A company shall observe the following general requirements when preparing the semi-annual report:   第七条 公司在编制半年度报告时应当遵循以下一般要求:
(1) The numbers used in the semi-annual report shall be in Arabic numerals and the amounts are expressed in RMB with the monetary unit of yuan, 1,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan, one million yuan or 100 million yuan, unless it is otherwise specified. (一)半年度报告中引用的数字应当采用阿拉伯数字,货币金额除特别说明外,通常指人民币金额,并以元、千元、万元、百万元或亿元为单位;
(2) The company may prepare foreign language versions of the semi-annual report in accordance with the relevant provisions or other needs, and shall, at the same time, guarantee the consistency between the Chinese version and the foreign language versions, and indicate in the foreign language versions to the effect that: “This report is prepared in both Chinese and English (or Japanese, French, Russian, etc.). In the case of any inconsistent understanding between the Chinese version and the foreign language version, the Chinese version shall prevail.” (二)公司可根据有关规定或其他需求,编制半年度报告外文译本,同时应当保证中外文文本的一致性,并在外文文本上注明:“本报告分别以中、英(或日、法、俄等)文编制,在对中外文文本的理解上发生歧义时,以中文文本为准。”
(3) The cover of the semi-annual report shall indicate the company's Chinese name, words of “semi-annual report on corporate bonds,” the reporting period, and the catalogue of a semi-annual report shall be arranged at a conspicuous position. (三)半年度报告封面应当载明公司的中文名称、“公司债券半年度报告”字样、报告期间,半年度报告的目录应当编排在显著位置;
(4) A semi-annual report shall use straightaway factuality descriptive language, contain the source of the data used, and offer sufficient and objective factual basis; it shall not use congratulatory, complimentary, recommendatory, or derogatory language, or fraudulent or misleading words or phrases. (四)半年度报告应当使用通俗易懂的事实性描述语言,引用的数据应当提供资料来源,事实依据应当充分、客观;不得有祝贺性、恭维性、推荐性或诋毁性的措辞,不得含有欺诈、误导内容的词句;
(5) A semi-annual report on corporate bonds shall be developed with reference to the provisions of the CSRC on the industry classification of listed companies, and a company may disclose other additional data and materials on industry classification, where applicable, as reference. (五)公司债券半年度报告应当参照中国证监会上市公司行业分类的有关规定,公司可以增加披露所适用的其他行业分类数据、资料作为参考。
Article 8 A company shall, within 2 months of the end day of the first half of each accounting year, publish the full text and the summary of a semi-annual report at the website of the stock exchange where it is listed or its corporate bonds are traded.   第八条 公司应当在每个会计年度上半年结束之日起2个月内将半年度报告全文和摘要刊登在其公司债券上市或转让的证券交易场所网站上。
A company shall disclose semi-annual reports and semi-annual financial information to the public according to the requirements of other domestic and foreign regulatory institutions, exchanges, or other institutions, or disclose semi-annual reports on corporate bonds in other media at a time not earlier than the time for disclosure in the media as designated by the CSRC. 公司按照境内外其他监管机构、交易场所等的要求公开披露半年度报告、半年度财务信息,或者将公司债券半年度报告刊登在其他媒体上的时间不得早于在中国证监会指定媒体披露的时间。
Article 9 A company shall, after disclosing a semi-annual report, place the original of the semi-annual report at the domicile of the company and the stock exchange for the reference of investors and the public.   第九条 公司应当在半年度报告披露后,将半年度报告原件备置于公司住所、证券交易场所,供投资者及社会公众查阅。
Article 10 Where the information disclosure of a company in a special industry is otherwise prescribed by the CSRC and the relevant stock exchange, the company shall abide by such provisions.   第十条 中国证监会和相关证券交易场所对特殊行业公司信息披露另有规定的,公司应当遵循其规定。
Where the competent industry department has other rules on information disclosure of a company, the company shall comply with the rules in the development and disclosure of semi-annual reports. 行业主管部门对公司信息披露另有规定的,公司在编制和披露半年度报告时应当遵循其规定。
Chapter II Text of the Semi-annual Report 

第二章 半年度报告正文

Section 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions 

第一节 重要提示、目录和释义

Article 11 A company shall publish the following important information on the title page of the semi-annual report: directors, supervisors, and senior executives of the company shall undertake that the content of the semi-annual report is true, accurate and complete, and that the report contains no false record, misleading statement, or major omission, and that they shall assume corresponding legal liabilities.   第十一条 公司应当在半年度报告文本扉页刊登如下重要提示:公司董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担相应的法律责任。
Where any director, supervisor or senior executive has any objection to or is unable to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and integrity of the content of the semi-annual report, the company shall declare that ××× is unable to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and integrity of the content of the report, and shall explain the reasons to investors for special attention. 如有董事、监事、高级管理人员对半年度报告内容存在异议或无法保证其真实、准确、完整的,应当声明××无法保证本报告内容的真实、准确、完整,并说明理由,请投资者特别关注。
Where a semi-annual financial report has been audited and a non-standard audit report has been issued, the company shall declare in the important notice that ××, the accounting firm, has provided an audit report containing clean opinions, qualified opinions, adverse opinions or disclaimer of opinions attached by explanatory notes or other matters on the company. The company's board of directors (or other competent authority as prescribed by laws and regulations, and bylaws of the company) has provided a detailed description on the relevant matters, and investors shall pay attention in reading. 如半年度财务报告已经审计并被出具非标准审计报告,重要提示中应当声明××会计师事务所为本公司出具了带强调事项段或其他事项段的无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见或无法表示意见的审计报告,本公司董事会(或法律法规及公司章程规定的有权机构)对相关事项已有详细说明,请投资者注意阅读。
Article 12 A company shall publish its major risk alerts, and disclose the risks that may cause major adverse effects to the repayment of corporate bonds, judgment of bond value, and investors' rights and interests. The company shall describe risk factors under the principles of relevance and significance, and specify the differences with the risks alerted in the previous reporting period (or the prospectus).   第十二条 公司应当刊登重大风险提示,披露可能对公司债券的偿付以及债券价值判断和投资者权益产生重大不利影响的风险。公司对风险因素的描述应当遵循关联性和重要性原则,重点说明与上一报告期(或募集说明书)所提示风险的变化之处。
Article 13 A company shall provide simple definitions to the terms which may be difficult to be understood by investors and have specific meanings. The definitions of a semi-annual report shall be printed on the next page of the table of contents of the report.   第十三条 公司应当对可能造成投资者理解障碍以及特定含义的术语作出通俗易懂的解释,半年度报告的释义应当在目录次页排印。
The table of contents of the semi-annual report shall specify the title and corresponding page number of each chapter and section. 半年度报告目录应当标明各章、节的标题及其对应的页码。
Section 2 Brief Introduction to the Company and Relevant Intermediary Institutions 

第二节 公司及相关中介机构简介

Article 14 A company shall disclose the following contents:   第十四条 公司应当披露以下内容:
(1) The company's Chinese name, its short form, and its foreign name and abbreviation (if any). (一)公司的中文名称及简称,外文名称及缩写(如有);
(2) The company's legal representative. (二)公司的法定代表人;
(3) The name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the person in charge of information disclosure. (三)信息披露事务负责人的姓名、联系地址、电话、传真、电子信箱;
(4) The company's registered address, business address, postal code, website and e-mail address. (四)公司注册地址,公司办公地址及其邮政编码,公司网址、电子信箱;
(5) The website of the exchange for publishing the semi-annual report of the company, and the place to obtain a semi-annual report. (五)公司登载半年度报告的交易场所网站的网址,半年度报告备置地;
(6) Changes in the company's controlling shareholders, actual controllers, directors, supervisors, and senior executives during the reporting period. (六)报告期内公司控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人员的变更情况。
Where the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company change during the reporting period, the company shall disclose the relevant information on the new controlling shareholders and actual controllers with reference to the provisions of Article 36 of the Standards for the Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 23 – Prospectus for Issuing Corporate Bonds to the Public; if there is no change, the company shall disclose the differences between the specific information on the controlling shareholders and actual controllers and the information on the disclosure of the report (or prospectus) of the previous year. 报告期内公司控股股东、实际控制人发生变更的,公司应当参照《公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第23号--公开发行公司债券募集说明书》第三十六条的规定披露新任控股股东、实际控制人的相关情况;未发生变更的,应当披露控股股东、实际控制人具体信息与上一年度报告(或募集说明书)披露情况的变化之处。
Article 15 A company shall disclose the information of relevant intermediary institutions: the name and office address of the accounting firm hired by the Company, and the names of the signatory accountants (if any); the name, office address, contact person, and contact number of the bond fiduciary; and the name and office address of the credit rating agency that conducts follow-up rating for corporate bonds during the reporting period.   第十五条 公司应当披露相关中介机构情况:公司聘请的会计师事务所名称、办公地址及签字会计师姓名(如有);债券受托管理人名称、办公地址、联系人及联系电话;报告期内对公司债券进行跟踪评级的资信评级机构名称、办公地址。
Where a company has multiple unexpired corporate bonds, fiduciaries, and credit rating agencies, their correlations shall be explained respectively. 公司存在多只未到期公司债券,有多个受托管理人和资信评级机构的,应当分别说明对应关系。
Where an accounting firm (if any), a bond fiduciary, or a credit rating agency hired by a company is changed during the reporting period, the reasons for the change, the procedures for change, and the impact on investors' rights and interests shall be disclosed. 报告期内公司聘请的会计师事务所(如有)、债券受托管理人、资信评级机构发生变更的,应当披露变更的原因、履行的程序、对投资者利益的影响等。
Section 3 Matters of Corporate Bonds 

第三节 公司债券事项

Article 16 A company shall list and disclose the names, abbreviations, codes, issue dates, expiring dates, bond balance, interest rates, and the repayment of interests and principals of the corporate bonds that are issued to the public, listed or transferred in the stock exchanges and the NEEQ, and not yet expired on the date when its semi-annual report is approved or unable to be repaid in full amount upon expiration, the exchanges where corporate bonds are listed or transferred, suitability arrangements of investors, and the information on interest payment and principal redemption of corporate bonds during the reporting period.   第十六条 公司应当列表披露所有公开发行并在证券交易所、全国中小企业股份转让系统上市或转让,且在半年度报告批准报出日未到期或到期未能全额兑付的公司债券名称、简称、代码、发行日、到期日、债券余额、利率、还本付息方式,公司债券上市或转让的交易场所,投资者适当性安排,报告期内公司债券的付息兑付情况。
Where clauses on the options of an issuer or investors, clauses on exchangeable bonds, clauses on advanced repayment, and other special clauses are attached to corporate bonds, the information on the triggering and implementation of the relevant clauses during the reporting period shall be disclosed. 公司债券附发行人或投资者选择权条款、可交换条款、提前偿还条款等特殊条款的,应当披露报告期内相关条款的触发及执行情况。
Article 17 A company shall disclose the information on the use of the funds raised, the procedures for fulfillment, term-end balance, and the information on the operation of special accounts of the funds raised, and explain whether they are consistent with the purpose, the use plan, and other agreements as described in the prospectus.   第十七条 公司应当披露募集资金使用情况及履行的程序、期末余额、募集资金专项账户运作情况,并说明是否与募集说明书承诺的用途、使用计划及其他约定一致。
Article 18 Where a credit rating agency conducts follow-up rating of a company and its corporate bonds on a regular and irregular basis, the company shall disclose the information on regular and irregular follow-up rating, including but not limited to the rating agency, the time when a rating report is issued, the rating results, and the meaning of the logos, etc., and highlight the comparison with the results of the previous rating. In the event of any change in rating, the company shall disclose the impact of relevant changes on the investor suitability.   第十八条 报告期内资信评级机构对公司及公司债券进行定期和不定期跟踪评级的,公司应当披露定期和不定期跟踪评级情况,包括但不限于评级机构、评级报告出具的时间、评级结论及标识所代表的含义等,并重点说明与上一次评级结果的对比情况。如评级发生变化,公司还应当披露相关变化对投资者适当性的影响。
A credit rating agency that conducts corporate rating of a company that issues other bonds and debt financing instruments within the territory of China during the reporting period shall disclose whether there is difference in rating. 报告期内资信评级机构因公司在中国境内发行其他债券、债务融资工具对公司进行主体评级的,应当披露是否存在评级差异情况。
Article 19 In the event of any change in the credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan, or any other guarantee measures for repayment of debts for corporate bonds during the reporting period, the relevant information on the credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan, and other guarantee measures for repayment of debts shall be disclosed with reference to the provisions of section 5 of the Standards for the Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 23 – Prospectus for Issuing Corporate Bonds to the Public; and an explanation of the reasons of change, whether an approval of the competent authority has been obtained for the change, and the influence of relevant changes on the rights and interests of bond holders shall be given.   第十九条 报告期内公司债券增信机制、偿债计划及其他偿债保障措施发生变更的,应当参照《公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第23号--公开发行公司债券募集说明书》第五节的有关规定披露增信机制、偿债计划及其他偿债保障措施的相关情况,说明变更原因,变更是否已取得有权机构批准,以及相关变更对债券持有人利益的影响。
In the event of no change in the credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan, or any other guarantee measures for repayment of debts for corporate bonds, the company shall disclose the information on the implementation of and the changes in the credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan, and other guarantee measures for repayment of debts for corporate bonds during the reporting period, and explain the impact of the relevant changes on the rights and interests of bonds holders. 公司债券增信机制、偿债计划及其他偿债保障措施未发生变更的,公司应当披露增信机制、偿债计划及其他偿债保障措施在报告期内的执行情况、变化情况,并说明相关变化对债券持有人利益的影响:
(1) Where surety is provided by a guarantor that is a legal person or any other organization, the amount of net assets, asset-liability ratio, return on equity, liquidity ratio, quick ratio, and other main financial indicators (and indicate whether relevant financial reports have been audited) of the guarantor at the end of a reporting period, as well as the guarantor's credit status, balance of accumulated external guarantees, and proportion of the balance of accumulated external guarantees against its net assets; if a guarantor is a natural person, his or her credit status, solvency, assets limitation, external guarantee, and other information that may impact the realization of guarantee rights; and if a guarantor is a controlling shareholder or actual controller of the issuer, the main assets other than the equities of the issuer owned by the guarantor, the right restrictions over the portion of assets, and whether there are arrangements for follow-up restriction of rights shall be disclosed. The company shall, in particular, explain the changes in the information regarding the guarantor during the reporting period. (一)提供保证担保的,如保证人为法人或其他组织,应当披露保证人报告期末的净资产额、资产负债率、净资产收益率、流动比率、速动比率等主要财务指标(并注明相关财务报告是否经审计),保证人资信状况、累计对外担保余额以及累计对外担保余额占其净资产的比例;如保证人为自然人,应当披露保证人资信状况、代偿能力、资产受限情况、对外担保情况以及可能影响保证权利实现的其他信息;保证人为发行人控股股东或实际控制人的,还应当披露保证人所拥有的除发行人股权外的其他主要资产,以及该部分资产的权利限制及是否存在后续权利限制安排。公司应当着重说明保证人情况在本报告期的变化之处;
(2) Where mortgage or pledge is provided, the changes in the value of collaterals (the book value and the assessed value, with the assessment time indicated), the total balance of the debt secured and the order of mortgage / pledge, as well as the information on assessment, registration, and custody, etc., of the collaterals during the reporting period shall be disclosed.

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