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Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Marine and Maritime Administrative Punishments (2015) [Expired]
中华人民共和国海上海事行政处罚规定(2015) [失效]

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 8 [2015]) (2015年第8号)

The Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Marine and Maritime Administrative Punishments, as adopted at the 13th executive meeting of the Ministry of Transport on November 20, 2014, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1, 2015. 中华人民共和国海上海事行政处罚规定》已于2014年11月20日经第13次部务会议通过,现予公布,自2015年7月1日起施行。
Minister: Yang Chuantang 

部长 杨传堂

May 29, 2015 2015年5月29日

Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Marine and Maritime Administrative Punishments 



Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 In order to regulate marine and maritime administrative punishments, protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties concerned, guarantee and oversee marine and maritime administration, maintain marine traffic order, and prevent vessels from polluting water areas, these Provisions are developed in accordance with theMarine Traffic Safety Law,the Marine Environmental Protection Law, theAdministrative Penalty Law, and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为规范海上海事行政处罚行为,保护当事人的合法权益,保障和监督海上海事行政管理,维护海上交通秩序,防止船舶污染水域,根据《海上交通安全法》、《海洋环境保护法》、《行政处罚法》及其他有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the imposition of maritime administrative punishments for actions in violation of the maritime administration order as committed in coastal waters and related land areas within the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “China”) or as committed outside the coastal waters and related land areas within the jurisdiction of China but by seagoing vessels of the Chinese nationality.   第二条 对在中华人民共和国(简称中国)管辖沿海水域及相关陆域发生的,或者在中国管辖沿海水域及相关陆域外但属于中国籍的海船发生的违反海事行政管理秩序的行为实施海事行政处罚,适用本规定。
These Provisions shall apply to the imposition of maritime administrative punishments against Chinese seamen for actions in violation of the maritime administration order as committed in coastal waters and related land areas within the jurisdiction of China, as legally required by the relevant laws and administrative regulations of China. 中国籍船员在中国管辖沿海水域及相关陆域外违反海事行政管理秩序,并且按照中国有关法律、行政法规应当处以行政处罚的行为实施海事行政处罚,适用本规定。
Article 3 The principles of legality, openness, fairness, and combination of punishment and education shall be followed in the imposition of maritime administrative punishments.   第三条 实施海事行政处罚,应当遵循合法、公开、公正,处罚与教育相结合的原则。
Article 4 Maritime administrative punishments shall be imposed by maritime safety administrations according to law.   第四条 海事行政处罚,由海事管理机构依法实施。
Chapter II Application of Maritime Administrative Punishments 

第二章 海事行政处罚的适用

Article 5 When imposing maritime administrative punishments, maritime safety administrations shall order the parties concerned to correct, or correct within a certain time limit, the illegal acts against maritime administration.   第五条 海事管理机构实施海事行政处罚时,应当责令当事人改正或者限期改正海事行政违法行为。
Article 6 For a same party with two or more illegal acts against maritime administration, maritime administrative punishments shall be imposed separately but executed together.   第六条 对有两个或者两个以上海事行政违法行为的同一当事人,应当分别处以海事行政处罚,合并执行。
For the parties with a joint illegal act against maritime administration, maritime administrative punishments shall be imposed on them, respectively. 对有共同海事行政违法行为的当事人,应当分别处以海事行政处罚。
Article 7 Maritime administrative punishments shall be commensurate with the facts, nature, circumstances, and social damage of the illegal acts against maritime administration.   第七条 实施海事行政处罚,应当与海事行政违法行为的事实、性质、情节以及社会危害程度相适应。
Article 8 Where the party committing an illegal act against maritime administration is under any of the following circumstances, a lighter or mitigated maritime administrative punishment shall be imposed under Article 27 of the Administrative Penalty Law:   第八条 海事行政违法行为的当事人有下列情形之一的,应当依照《行政处罚法》第二十七条的规定,从轻或者减轻给予海事行政处罚:
(1) Voluntarily eliminating or mitigating the harmful consequences caused by the illegal act against maritime administration. (一)主动消除或者减轻海事行政违法行为危害后果的;
(2) Committing the illegal act against maritime administration under duress. (二)受他人胁迫实施海事行政违法行为的;
(3) Performing meritorious services when assisting the maritime safety administration in investigating and punishing the illegal act against maritime administration. (三)配合海事管理机构查处海事行政违法行为有立功表现的;
(4) Any other circumstance under which a lighter or mitigated punishment shall be imposed under any law or administrative regulation. (四)法律、行政法规规定应当依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚的情形。
Where an illegal act against maritime administration is minor and has been corrected in good time, and no harmful consequence is caused, no maritime administrative punishment shall be imposed. 海事行政违法行为轻微并及时得到纠正,没有造成危害后果的,不予海事行政处罚。
The term “lighter maritime administrative punishment” as mentioned in paragraph 1 herein means a lighter maritime administrative punishment within the statutory categories and extent of maritime administrative punishments. 本条第一款所称依法从轻给予海事行政处罚,是指在法定的海事行政处罚种类、幅度范围内给予较轻的海事行政处罚。
The term “mitigated maritime administrative punishment” as mentioned in paragraph 1 herein means a mitigated maritime administrative punishment below the minimum requirement of the statutory categories and extent of maritime administrative punishments 本条第一款所称依法减轻给予海事行政处罚,是指在法定的海事行政处罚种类、幅度最低限以下给予海事行政处罚。
Where a Chinese vessel or seaman with an illegal act against maritime administration has already received maritime administrative punishment outside China, no maritime administrative punishment shall be given for a second time. 有海事行政违法行为的中国籍船舶和船员在境外已经受到处罚的,不得重复给予海事行政处罚。
Article 9 Where the party committing an illegal act against maritime administration is under any of the following circumstances, a heavier maritime administrative punishment shall be imposed:   第九条 海事行政违法行为的当事人有下列情形之一的,应当从重处以海事行政处罚:
(1) The illegal act has caused serious consequences or involves serious circumstances. (一)造成较为严重后果或者情节恶劣;
(2) The party has received a maritime administrative punishment for the same illegal act against maritime administration in a same year. (二)一年内因同一海事行政违法行为受过海事行政处罚;
(3) The party has coerced or induced others into committing the illegal act against maritime administration. (三)胁迫、诱骗他人实施海事行政违法行为;
(4) The party has forged, concealed or destroyed evidence on the illegal act against maritime administration. (四)伪造、隐匿、销毁海事行政违法行为证据;
(5) The party has refused or obstructed the supervision and administration of the maritime safety administration. (五)拒绝接受或者阻挠海事管理机构实施监督管理;
(6) Any other circumstance under which a heavier punishment is required by any law or administrative regulation. (六)法律、行政法规规定应当从重处以海事行政处罚的其他情形。
The term “a heavier maritime administrative punishment” as mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article means a heavier maritime administrative punishment within the statutory categories and extent of maritime administrative punishments. 本条第一款所称从重给予海事行政处罚,是指在法定的海事行政处罚种类、幅度范围内给予较重的海事行政处罚。
The term “a year” as mentioned in item (2), paragraph 1 of this Article means the 12 months as of the day when the illegal act occurs. 本条第一款第(二)项所称的一年内是指自该违法行为发生日之前12个月内。
Article 10 For the same illegal act against maritime administration as committed by a party, it is prohibited to impose two or more maritime administrative punishments.   第十条 对当事人的同一个海事行政违法行为,不得给予两次以上海事行政处罚。
A party's failure to correct its illegal act against maritime administration according to the time limit and requirements given by the maritime safety administration shall constitute a new illegal act against maritime administration. 当事人未按照海事管理机构规定的期限和要求改正海事行政违法行为的,属于新的海事行政违法行为。
Chapter III Illegal Acts against Maritime Administration and Administrative Punishments 

第三章 海事行政违法行为和行政处罚

Section 1 Violations of the Administration of Safe Operations 

第一节 违反安全营运管理秩序

Article 11 For any of the following conduct against the administration of safe operations, the vessel owner or vessel operator shall be fined 5,000 yuan up to 30,000 yuan:   第十一条 违反船舶安全营运管理秩序,有下列行为之一的,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以5000元以上3万元以下罚款:
(1) Engaging in navigation or other relevant activities without obtaining a certificate or temporary certificate of conformity with the safe operation and pollution prevention system as required. (一)未按规定取得安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明或者临时符合证明从事航行或者其他有关活动;
(2) Obtaining a certificate or temporary certificate of conformity with the safe operation and pollution prevention system by improper means such as hiding the truth or providing false materials. (二)隐瞒事实真相或者提供虚假材料或者以其他不正当手段骗取安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明或者临时符合证明;
(3) Forging or altering a certificate or temporary certificate of conformity with the safe operation and pollution prevention system. (三)伪造、变造安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明或者临时符合证明;
(4) Transferring, trading, leasing, or fraudulently using a certificate or temporary certificate of conformity with the safe operation and pollution prevention system. (四)转让、买卖、租借、冒用安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明或者临时符合证明。
Article 12 For any of the following conduct against the administration of the safe operations of vessels, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 5,000 yuan up to 30,000 yuan; and the captain shall be fined 2,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan and if the circumstances are serious, his or her certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 6 to 24 months or even revoked:   第十二条 违反船舶安全营运管理秩序,有下列行为之一的,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以5000元以上3万元以下罚款;对船长处以2000元以上2万元以下的罚款,情节严重的,并给予扣留船员适任证书6个月至24个月直至吊销船员适任证书的处罚:
(1) Engaging in navigation or other relevant activities without obtaining a vessel safety management certificate or a temporary vessel safety management certificate as required. (一)未按规定取得船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书从事航行或者其他有关活动;
(2) Obtaining a vessel safety management certificate or a temporary vessel safety management certificate by improper means such as hiding the truth or providing false materials. (二)隐瞒事实真相或者提供虚假材料或者以其他不正当手段骗取船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书;
(3) Forging or altering a vessel safety management certificate or a temporary vessel safety management certificate. (三)伪造、变造船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书;
(4) Transferring, trading, leasing, or fraudulently using a vessel safety management certificate or a temporary vessel safety management certificate. (四)转让、买卖、租借、冒用船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书。
Article 13 Where any conduct against the administration of safe operations is under any of the following circumstances and has caused any serious consequences, the (temporary) certificate of conformity with the safe operation and pollution prevention system obtained by the vessel owner or operator shall be revoked:   第十三条 违反安全营运管理秩序,有下列情形之一,造成严重后果的,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人吊销安全营运与防污染管理体系(临时)符合证明:
(1) Failing to acquire information about the safe manning of the vessel. (一)不掌控船舶安全配员;
(2) Failing to acquire information about vessel movement. (二)不掌握船舶动态;
(3) Failing to acquire information about vessel loads. (三)不掌握船舶装载情况;
(4) The vessel manager failing to actually perform the safety management obligations. (四)船舶管理人不实际履行安全管理义务;
(5) Any other serious problem in the operation of the safety management system. (五)安全管理体系运行存在重大问题。
Section 2 Violations of the Inspection and Registration Administration of Vessels and Offshore Installations 

第二节 违反船舶、海上设施检验和登记管理秩序

Article 14 Where, as in violation of Article 4 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, a vessel owner or operator fails to obtain a corresponding valid inspection certificate for the vessel or any navigation safety-related, pollution prevention or other major installation on the vessel, a fine of 2000 yuan up to 30,000 yuan shall be imposed on the vessel owner or operator under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第十四条 违反《海上交通安全法》第四条的规定,船舶和船舶上有关航行安全、防治污染等重要设备无相应的有效的检验证书的,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以2000元以上3万元以下罚款。
“Failing to obtain a corresponding valid inspection certificate for the vessel or any navigation safety-related, pollution prevention or other major installation on the vessel” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the following circumstances: 本条前款所称船舶和船舶上有关重要设备无相应的有效的检验证书,包括下列情形:
(1) The vessel owner or operator fails to obtain a corresponding inspection certificate. (一)没有取得相应的检验证书;
(2) The inspection certificate held by the vessel owner or operator is forged, altered, transferred, traded or leased. (二)持有的检验证书属于伪造、变造、转让、买卖或者租借的;
(3) The inspection certificate held by the vessel owner or operator is invalid. (三)持有的检验证书失效;
(4) After the inspection certificate is damaged or lost, the vessel owner or operator fails to apply for a new one. (四)检验证书损毁、遗失但不按照规定补办。
Article 15 Where, as in violation of Article 16 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, towing operations on the open sea involving large-sized installations and mobile platforms failed to receive a towing inspection by the vessel inspection agency and to report to the maritime safety administration for confirmation, the vessel or installation owner or operator shall be fined 2000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan, the captain shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and his or her certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 6 up to 12 months, and the chief person in charge of installations shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第十五条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十六条规定,大型设施和移动式平台的海上拖带,未经船舶检验机构进行拖航检验,并报海事管理机构核准,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶、设施所有人或者经营人处以2000元以上2万元以下罚款,对船长处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款,并扣留船员适任证书6个月至12个月,对设施主要负责人处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款。
Article 16 Where, in violation of Article 17 of the Martine Traffic Safety Law, the owner or operator of a vessel fails to apply for inspection anew or take effective safety measures when the actual condition of the vessel is not in conformity with the information indicated on the vessel inspection certificate, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 2000 yuan up to 30,000 yuan, and the captain shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and his or her certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 6 up to 12 months under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第十六条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十七条规定,船舶的实际状况同船舶检验证书所载不相符合,船舶未按照海事管理机构的要求申请重新检验或者采取有效的安全措施,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以2000元以上3万元以下罚款;对船长处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款,并扣留船员适任证书6个月至12个月。
Article 17 Where any inspector of a vessel inspection agency has any of the following conduct as in violation of the Regulation on the Inspection of Vessels and Offshore Installations, the inspector shall be given a warning or his registration certificate for vessel inspectors shall be revoked under Article 28 of the Regulation on the Inspection of Vessels and Offshore Installations, depending on the circumstances of the conduct:   第十七条 船舶检验机构的检验人员违反《船舶和海上设施检验条例》的规定,有下列行为之一的,依照《船舶和海上设施检验条例》第二十八条的规定,按其情节给予警告、吊销验船人员注册证书的处罚:
(1) Inspecting any vessel or installation by overstepping his or her authority. (一)超越职权范围进行船舶、设施检验;
(2) Failing to inspect any vessel or installation according to the prescribed inspection norms. (二)未按照规定的检验规范进行船舶、设施检验;
(3) Failing to inspect any vessel or installation according to the prescribed inspection items. (三)未按照规定的检验项目进行船舶、设施检验;
(4) Failing to inspect any vessel or installation by the prescribed inspection procedures. (四)未按照规定的检验程序进行船舶、设施检验;
(5) Issuing any vessel inspection certificate or inspection report in nonconformity with the actual condition of the vessel or installation. (五)所签发的船舶检验证书或者检验报告与船舶、设施的实际情况不符。
Article 18 Where, as in violation of Article 5 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, a vessel sails without a valid nationality certificate, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 3,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan; the captain shall be fined 2,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, his or her certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 6 to 24 months or even revoked under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第十八条 违反《海上交通安全法》第五条的规定,船舶未持有有效的船舶国籍证书航行的,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以3000元以上2万元以下罚款;对船长处以2000元以上2万元以下的罚款,情节严重的,并给予扣留船员适任证书6个月至24个月直至吊销船员适任证书的处罚。
Section 3 Violation of the Administration of Seafarers 

第三节 违反船员管理秩序

Article 19 Where, as in violation of Article 7 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, anyone provides on-board services without obtaining a qualified job certificate of crew membership or without passing a seafarer training, he or she shall be ordered to immediately leave office and be fined 2000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan, and his or her employer shall be fined 30,000 yuan up to 150,000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law and Article 60 of the Seafarer Regulation.   第十九条 违反《海上交通安全法》第七条的规定,未取得合格的船员职务证书或者未通过船员培训,擅自上船服务的,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条和《船员条例》第六十条的规定,责令其立即离岗,处以2000元以上2万元以下罚款,并对聘用单位处以3万元以上15万元以下罚款。
“Failing to obtain a qualified job certificate of crew membership” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the following circumstances: 前款所称未取得合格的船员职务证书,包括下列情形:
(1) Failing to pass a marine traffic safety training and obtain a corresponding certificate of competence. (一)未经水上交通安全培训并取得相应合格证明;
(2) Failing to hold a certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency. (二)未持有船员适任证书或者其他适任证件;
(3) Holding a job certificate of crew membership obtained by fraudulent means. (三)持采取弄虚作假的方式取得的船员职务证书;
(4) Holding a forged or altered job certificate of crew membership. (四)持伪造、变造的船员职务证书;
(5) Holding a transferred, traded, leased or borrowed job certificate of crew membership. (五)持转让、买卖或者租借的船员职务证书;
(6) The navigation area, class or grade of the vessel served or the position held goes beyond the scope indicated on the job certificate of crew membership. (六)所服务的船舶的航区、种类和等级或者所任职务超越所持船员职务证书限定的范围;
(7) Holding an expired job certificate of crew membership. (七)持已经超过有效期限的船员职务证书;
(8) Failing to hold a seafarer's record book as required. (八)未按照规定持有船员服务簿。
For the illegal acts mentioned in items (3) and (5), paragraph 2 of this Article, the violator's job certificate of crew membership shall be revoked in addition to a fine. For the circumstance mentioned in item (5), paragraph 2 of this Article, a fine of 2000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan shall be imposed on the person lending his or her job certificate of crew membership. 对本条第二款第(三)项、第(五)项规定的违法行为,除处以罚款外,并处吊销船员职务证书。对本条第二款第(五)项规定的持租借船员职务证书的情形,还应对船员职务证书出借人处以2000元以上2万元以下罚款。
For the illegal act mentioned in item (4), paragraph 2 of this Article, in addition to a fine, the relevant certificates shall be taken back. 对本条第二款第(四)项规定的违法行为,除处以罚款外,并收缴相关证书。
For the illegal act mentioned in item (6), paragraph 2 of this Article, in addition to fining, the job certificate of crew membership shall be suspended for 3 to 12 months. 对本条第二款第(六)项规定的违法行为,除处以罚款外,并处扣留船员职务证书3个月至12个月。
Article 20 A seafarer employer or vessel owner that recruits a foreign seafarer to serve on the vessel of Chinese nationality without complying with the law shall be ordered to make corrections and be fined 30,000 yuan up to 150,000 yuan under Article 60 of the Seafarer Regulation:   第二十条 船员用人单位、船舶所有人有下列未按照规定招用外国籍船员在中国籍船舶上任职情形的,依照《船员条例》第六十条的规定,责令改正,并处以3万元以上15万元以下罚款:
(1) Failing to obtain employment permission in accordance with the laws, regulations and other relevant state provisions. (一)未依照法律、行政法规和国家其他有关规定取得就业许可;
(2) Failing to hold a qualified seafarer's certificate issued by a country which has entered into a seafarer's certificate recognition agreement with China. (二)未持有合格的且签发国与我国签订了船员证书认可协议的船员证书;
(3) The shipping company that hires the foreign seafarer fails to promise to undertake the responsibility for protecting the rights and interests of seafarers. (三)雇佣外国籍船员的航运公司未承诺承担船员权益维护的责任。
Article 21 Where a seafarer service provider or seafarer employer fails to report the seafarers it recruits or manages to the maritime safety administration for recordation on a regular basis, the liable entity shall be fined 5,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan under Article 64 of the Seafarer Regulation.   第二十一条 船员服务机构和船员用人单位未将其招用或者管理的船员的有关情况定期向海事管理机构备案的,按照《船员条例》第六十四条的规定,对责任单位处以5000元以上2万元以下罚款。
The term “seafarer service providers” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes institutions assigning seafarers abroad. 前款所称船员服务机构包括海员外派机构。
“Failing to report the seafarers it recruits or manages to the maritime safety administration for recordation on a regular basis” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the following circumstances: 本条第一款所称船员服务机构和船员用人单位未定期向海事管理机构备案,包括下列情形:
(1) Failing to undergo recordation as required, or the content granted recordation is incomplete or unauthentic. (一)未按规定进行备案,或者备案内容不全面、不真实;
(2) Failing to undergo recordation within the prescribed time. (二)未按照规定时间备案;
(3) Failing to undergo recordation in the prescribed form. (三)未按照规定的形式备案。
Article 22 For a failure to arrange persons with collision avoidance, signaling, communications, fire control, life-saving and other professional skills for an installation as required by the state, as in violation of Article 8 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, the installation owner or operator shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and the chief person in charge and directly liable persons of the installation shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 8000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第二十二条 违反《海上交通安全法》第八条的规定,设施未按照国家规定配备掌握避碰、信号、通信、消防、救生等专业技能的人员,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对设施所有人或者设施经营人处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款;对设施主要负责人和直接责任人员处以1000元以上8000元以下罚款。
Section 4 Violation of the Administration of Navigation, Berthing and Operation 

第四节 违反航行、停泊和作业管理秩序

Article 23 Where, as in violation of Article 6 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, a vessel does not have competent seafarers adequate to ensure vessel safety according to the standard quota, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 3000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan; the captain shall be fined 2000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, the captain's certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 3 up to 12 months under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第二十三条 违反《海上交通安全法》第六条的规定,船舶未按照标准定额配备足以保证船舶安全的合格船员,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以3000元以上2万元以下罚款;对船长处以2000元以上2万元以下罚款;情节严重的,并给予扣留船员适任证书3个月至12个月的处罚。
“Not having competent seafarers adequate to ensure vessel safety” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the following circumstances: 本条第一款所称未按照标准定额配备足以保证船舶安全的合格船员,包括下列情形:
(1) The number of seafarers on the vessel is less than the quota required by the vessel's minimum safe manning certificate. (一)船舶所配船员的数量低于船舶最低安全配员证书规定的定额要求;
(2) The vessel does not have a valid minimum safe manning certificate. (二)船舶未持有有效的船舶最低安全配员证书。
Article 24 Where, as in violation of Article 9 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, anyone on a vessel or installation fails to comply with the rules or operating procedures for marine traffic safety, he or she shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law and Article 57 of the Seafarer Regulation; if the circumstances are serious, his or her certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 6 to 24 months or even be revoked; and if any accident occurs, his or her certificate of competency for seafarers shall be suspended or revoked under Article 25.   第二十四条 违反《海上交通安全法》第九条的规定,船舶、设施上的人员不遵守有关海上交通安全的规章制度和操作规程,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条和《船员条例》第五十七条的规定,处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,并给予扣留船员适任证书6个月至24个月直至吊销船员适任证书的处罚。发生事故的,按照第二十五条的规定给予扣留或者吊销船员适任证书的处罚。
“Failing to comply with the rules for marine traffic safety” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the following circumstances: 本条前款所称不遵守有关海上交通安全的规章制度,包括下列情形:
(1) Failing to keep watch according to the watch-keeping rules for seafarers when performing the seafarer's duties on the vessel. (一)在船上履行船员职务,未按照船员值班规则实施值班;
(2) Operating without the required rest. (二)未获得必要的休息上岗操作;
(3) When being on duty on the vessel, having in body an alcohol level exceeding the prescribed standard. (三)在船上值班期间,体内酒精含量超过规定标准;
(4) When performing the seafarer's duties on the vessel, taking any banned drugs that might affect safe watch keeping. (四)在船上履行船员职务,服食影响安全值班的违禁药物;
(5) Notsailingat a safe speed. (五)不采用安全速度航行;
(6) Notsailingon the prescribed sea route. (六)不按照规定的航路航行;
(7) Failing to maintain a proper look-out as required. (七)未按照要求保持正规了望;
(8) Not observing the rules regarding avoidance of collisions. (八)不遵守避碰规则;
(9) Not complying with relevant provisions in berthing, backing, making U-turns or overtaking. (九)不按照规定停泊、倒车、调头、追越;
(10) Not complying with relevant provisions on signaling. (十)不按照规定显示信号;
(11) Not listening to navigation communications as required. (十一)不按照规定守听航行通信;
(12) Failing to keep the vessel's automatic identification system in normal working conditions as required, failing to enter accurate information in the vessel's automatic identification system as required, or failing to report to the maritime safety administration in a timely manner when there is any fault in the automatic identification system. (十二)不按照规定保持船舶自动识别系统处于正常工作状态,或者不按照规定在船舶自动识别设备中输入准确信息,或者船舶自动识别系统发生故障未及时向海事管理机构报告;
(13) Failing to conduct a trial run, trial navigation, speed test or directionidentification and adjustment as required. (十三)不按照规定进行试车、试航、测速、辨校方向;
(14) Failing to test and repair vessel equipment as required. (十四)不按照规定测试、检修船舶设备;
(15) Failing to keep the cabin in good ventilation or clean as required. (十五)不按照规定保持船舱良好通风或者清洁;
(16) Failing to comply with relevant provisions when using open fire. (十六)不按照规定使用明火;
(17) Failing to fill in the logbook as required. (十七)不按照规定填写航海日志;
(18) Failing to take measures toguarantee the safety of persons boarding or disembarking the vessel or installation as required. (十八)不按照规定采取保障人员上、下船舶、设施安全的措施;
(19) Failing to transport any goods that may liquefy or report to the maritime safety administration for recordation as required. (十九)不按照规定载运易流态化货物,或者不按照规定向海事管理机构备案。
Article 25 Anyone on a vessel or installation who, as in violation ofArticle 9ofthe Marine Traffic Safety Law, fails to observe relevant rules or operating procedures concerning maritime traffic safety and causes a marine traffic accident shall be punished in accordance with the following provisions:   第二十五条 违反《海上交通安全法》第九条的规定,船舶、设施上的人员不遵守有关海上交通安全的规章制度和操作规程,造成海上交通事故的,还应当按照下列规定给予处罚:
(1) In the case of an extraordinarily serious accident, the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes full liability or the primary liability shall be revoked, and the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes secondary liability shall be suspended for 12 months or even revoked; and if their liabilities are equal, their certificates of competency for seafarers or other certificates of competency shall be suspended for 24 months or even revoked. (一)造成特别重大事故的,对负有全部责任、主要责任的船员吊销适任证书或者其他适任证件,对负有次要责任的船员扣留适任证书或者其他适任证件12个月直至吊销适任证书或者其他适任证件;责任相当的,对责任船员扣留适任证书或者其他适任证件24个月或者吊销适任证书或者其他适任证件。
(2) In the case of a serious accident, the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes full liability or the primary liability shall be revoked, and the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes secondary liability shall be suspended for 12 to 24 months; and if their liabilities are equal, their certificates of competency for seafarers or other certificates of competency shall be suspended for 18 months or even revoked. (二)造成重大事故的,对负有全部责任、主要责任的船员吊销适任证书或者其他适任证件;对负有次要责任的船员扣留适任证书或者其他适任证件12个月至24个月;责任相当的,对责任船员扣留适任证书或者其他适任证件18个月或者吊销适任证书或者其他适任证件。
(3) In the case of a major accident, the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes full liability or the primary liability shall be suspended for 12 to 24 months or even revoked, and the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes secondary liability shall be suspended for 6 months; and if their liabilities are equal, their certificates of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 12 months. (三)造成较大事故的,对负有全部责任、主要责任的船员扣留船员适任证书12个月至24个月或者吊销船员适任证书,对负有次要责任的船员扣留船员适任证书6个月;责任相当的,对责任船员扣留船员适任证书12个月。
(4) In the case of an ordinary accident, the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes full liability or the primary liability shall be suspended for 9 to 12 months, and the certificate of competency for seafarers or any other certificate of competency of the seafarer who assumes secondary liability shall be suspended for 6 to 9 months; and if their liabilities are equal, their certificates of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 9 months. (四)造成一般事故的,对负有全部责任、主要责任的船员扣留船员适任证书9个月至12个月,对负有次要责任的船员扣留船员适任证书6个月至9个月;责任相当的,对责任船员扣留船员适任证书9个月。
Article 26 Where, as in violation of Article 10ofthe Marine Traffic Safety Law, a vessel or an installation fails to comply with relevant laws, administrative regulations or rules, the vessel or installation owner or operator shall be fined 3000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan; the captain or the chief person in charge of the installation shall be fined 2000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and other directly liable persons shall be fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, their certificates of competency for seafarers shall be suspended for 6 up to 124 months or even revoked under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第二十六条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十条的规定,船舶、设施不遵守有关法律、行政法规和规章,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶、设施所有人或经营人处以3000元以上1万元以下罚款;对船长或设施主要负责人处以2000元以上1万元以下罚款并对其他直接责任人员处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款; 情节严重的,并给予扣留船员适任证书6个月至24个月直至吊销船员适任证书的处罚:
“A vessel or an installation failing to comply with relevant laws, administrative regulations or rules” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the following circumstances: 本条前款所称船舶、设施不遵守有关法律、行政法规和规章,包括下列情形:
(1) Failing to inspect and repair the equipment that may affect the navigability of the vessel as required. (一)不按照规定检修、检测影响船舶适航性能的设备;
(2) Failing to inspect and repair the communication and fire control equipment as required. (二)不按照规定检修、检测通信设备和消防设备;
(3) Failing to comply with relevant provisions in carrying passengers and vehicles. (三)不按照规定载运旅客、车辆;
(4) Carrying goods beyond the approved loading capacity. (四)超过核定载重线载运货物;
(5) Navigating without meeting the safe navigation conditions. (五)不符合安全航行条件而开航;
(6) Operating without meeting the safe operation conditions. (六)不符合安全作业条件而作业;
(7) Failing to comply with relevant provisions when navigating at night. (七)未按照规定进行夜航;
(8) Forcing seafarers to operate in violation of rules. (八)强令船员违规操作;
(9) Forcing seafarers to operate when they are tired. (九)强令船员疲劳上岗操作;
(10) Failing to arrange seafarers to keep watch in accordance with the watch-keeping rules for seafarers. (十)未按照船员值班规则安排船员值班;
(11) Navigating beyond the approved navigation area. (十一)超过核定航区航行;
(12) Navigating beyond the prescribed sea route. (十二)未按照规定的航路行驶;
(13) Failing to observe the rules for avoiding collisions. (十三)不遵守避碰规则;
(14) Failing to navigate at a safe speed. (十四)不采用安全速度航行;
(15) Failing to observe relevant provisions in berthing, backing, making U-turns or overtaking. (十五)不按照规定停泊、倒车、调头、追越;
(16) Failing to conduct a trial run, trial navigation, speed test or directionidentification and adjustment as required. (十六)不按照规定进行试车、试航、测速、辨校方向;
(17) Failing to observe the provisions on navigation, berthing, and operation signaling; (十七)不遵守航行、停泊和作业信号规定;
(18) Failing to observe compulsory pilotage provisions. (十八)不遵守强制引航规定;
(19) Failing to observe provisions on navigation communications and wireless communications. (十九)不遵守航行通信和无线电通信管理规定;
(20) Failing to keep the cabin in good ventilation or clean as required. (二十)不按照规定保持船舱良好通风或者清洁;
(21) Failing totake measures to guarantee the safety of persons boarding or disembarking the vessel or installation as required. (二十一)不按照规定采取保障人员上、下船舶、设施安全的措施;
(22) Failing to observe relevant operating procedures for open fire operation safety. (二十二)不遵守有关明火作业安全操作规程;
(23) Failing to conduct towing operations as required or using non-towing vessels for towing operations. (二十三)未按照规定拖带或者非拖带船从事拖带作业;
(24) Violating relevant provisions on the coming together orbargingof vessels. (二十四)违反船舶并靠或者过驳有关规定;
(25) Failing to fill out the logbook as required. (二十五)不按照规定填写航海日志;
(26) Failing to report the location or status of the vessel as required. (二十六)未按照规定报告船位、船舶动态;
(27) Failing to mark the name and identification number of the vessel as required. (二十七)未按照规定标记船名、船舶识别号;
(28) Failing to prepare nautical publications as required. (二十八)未按照规定配备航海图书资料。
Article 27 Where a non-military vessel of foreign nationality, as in violation of Article 11 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, enters the inner waters or ports of China without the approval of the maritime safety administration of China or fails to undergo the entry and exit procedures as required, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 30,000 yuan and the captain shall be fined 10,000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第二十七条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十一条规定,外国籍非军用船舶未经中国海事管理机构批准进入中国的内水和港口或者未按规定办理进出口岸手续,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以3万元罚款,对船长处以1万元罚款。
Article 28 Where a non-military vessel of foreign nationality, as in violation of Article 11 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, fails to obey the commands of the maritime administrative agency after entering the inner waters or ports of China, the vessel owner or operator shall be warned or fined 2000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan and the captain shall be warned or fined 10,000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第二十八条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十一条规定,外国籍非军用船舶进入中国的内水和港口不听从海事管理机构指挥,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以警告或者2000元以上2万元以下罚款,对船长处以警告或者1000元以上1万元以下罚款。
Article 29 Where a non-military vessel of foreign nationality, as in violation of Article 13 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, fails to apply for designation of a pilot to guide navigation as required or fails to use the pilot designated pursuant to relevant provisions to guide navigation when entering or leaving a port of China, navigating or shifting berths in the port area, or approaching or leaving a mooring point or loading spot outside the port, the vessel owner or operator shall be warned or fined 2000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and the captain shall be warned or fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第二十九条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十三条规定,外国籍船舶进出中国港口或者在港内航行、移泊以及靠离港外系泊点、装卸站等,不按照规定申请指派引航员引航,或者不使用按照规定指派的引航员引航的,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以警告或者2000元以上1万元以下罚款,对船长处以警告或者1000元以上1万元以下罚款。
Article 30 Where a vessel, as in violation of Article 14 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, fails to observe the special provisions issued by the Chinese government or the maritime safety administration when entering or leaving a port or passing through a traffic control area, a crowded navigable area or an area with navigational restrictions, the vessel owner or operator shall be warned or fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan, and the captain shall be warned or fined 500 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and his or her certificate of competency for seafarers may be suspended for 3 to 12 months under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.   第三十条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十四条规定,船舶进出港口或者通过交通管制区、通航密集区和航行条件受到限制的区域时,不遵守中国政府或者海事管理机构公布的特别规定的,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以警告或者1000元以上1万元以下罚款,对船长处以警告或者500元以上1万元以下罚款,并可扣留船员适任证书3个月至12个月。
Article 31 Where a vessel, as in violation of Article 15 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law, enters or passes through a restricted sail area, the vessel owner or operator shall be warned or fined 2000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan, and the captain shall be warned or fined 1000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan and his or her certificate of competency for seafarers may be suspended for 3 to 12 months under Article 44 of the Marine Traffic Safety Law.
   第三十一条 违反《海上交通安全法》第十五条规定,船舶无正当理由进入或者穿越禁航区,依照《海上交通安全法》第四十四条的规定,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以警告或者2000元以上1万元以下罚款,对船长处以警告或者1000元以上1万元以下罚款,并扣留船员适任证书3个月至12个月。

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