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Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Request for Instructions on the Case regarding Application of CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. for Recognition of the Order of Payment Made by a Court of Taiwan Region [Effective]
最高人民法院关于中国信托商业银行股份有限公司申请认可台湾地区法院支付令案的请示的复函 [现行有效]

Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Request for Instructions on the Case regarding Application of CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. for Recognition of the Order of Payment Made by a Court of Taiwan Region 


(No. 68 [2010], Civil DivisionIV, Supreme People's Court on December 15, 2010) (2010年12月15日 [2010]民四他字第68号)

The Higher People's Court of Shanghai Municipality: 上海市高级人民法院:
Your Request for Instructions on the Case regarding Application of CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. for Recognition of the Order of Payment Made by a Court of Taiwan Region (No. 1 [2010], HPC, Shanghai) has been received. Upon deliberation, the following reply is hereby made: 你院[2010]沪高民认(台)他字第1号《关于中国信托商业银行股份有限公司申请认可台湾地区法院支付令案的请示报告》收悉。经研究,答复如下:
The Taiwanese party to this case filed an application with a court of the Chinese mainland for recognizing the order of payment (No. 22580 [1986]) as issued by the Taoyuan District Court of Taiwan Region. According to the facts stated by the applicant in the Written Application for Recognition of the Order of Payment, the said order of payment as issued by the relevant court in Taiwan Region has had enforceability since November 11, 1997. In February 2010, the applicant filed an application with the court of the Chinese mainland for recognizing the effect of the relevant order of payment. Therefore, the Supplementary Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the People's Courts' Recognition of Civil Judgments of the Relevant Courts of the Taiwan Region shall be applied to the confirmation of the time limit for the applicant to file an application for recognition. 本案台湾当事人向大陆法院申请认可台湾地区桃园地方法院“(86)年促字第22580号”支付令,根据申请人在《支付命令申请认可书》中陈述的事实,台湾地区有关法院发出的上述支付令于1997年11月11日起具有强制执行的效力。申请人于2010年2月向大陆法院申请认可相关支付令的效力,因此,应适用《最高人民法院关于人民法院认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的补充规定》确认申请人申请认可的期限。
Article 9 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the People's Courts' Recognition of Civil Judgments of the Relevant Courts of the Taiwan Region provides that “an application for the recognition of a civil judgment of a relevant court of the Taiwan Region shall be filed within two years after the effectiveness of the judgment becomes definitive.” The order of payment (No. 22580 [1986]) of which the party to this case filed an application for recognition has had enforceability since November 11, 1997. Since the applicant failed to file an application for recognizing the effect of the order of payment with a court of the Chinese mainland within two years from the said date, it has exceeded the time limit for filing an application for recognition as determined in the aforesaid Supplementary Provisions and the party has lost the right to file an application for recognition of the order of payment involved in this case with a court of the Chinese mainland. 最高人民法院关于人民法院认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的补充规定》第九条规定:“申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的,应当在该判决效力确定后二年内提出”。本案当事人申请认可的“(86)年促字第22580号”支付令于1997年11月11日起具有强制执行的效力,在上述期日开始之日起二年内,申请人一直没有向大陆法院申请认可支付令的效力,已经超出了上述规定确定的申请认可的期限,申请人即丧失就本案所涉支付令向大陆法院申请认可的权利。
The causes as claimed by the applicant that its investment in the Chinese mainland before 2009 was restricted and it failed to discover the property status of the respondent in the Chinese mainland before then do not impair its investigation into the property status of the respondent in the Chinese mainland and its filing of an application with a people's court for recognizing the relevant order of payment, and such causes are neither force majeure nor other justifiable reasons. 至于申请人所称其在2009年之前赴大陆投资受到限制、此前未发现被申请人在大陆的财产情况等事由,并不妨碍其调查被申请人在大陆的财产情况并申请人民法院认可相关支付令,其所提出的理由既不属于不可抗拒事由,也不属于其他正当理由。
In conclusion, this court concurs with your handling opinions and a ruling shall be rendered to dismiss the application of the applicant. 综上,同意你院的处理意见,应当裁定驳回申请人的申请。
 (2010年10月18日 [2010]沪高民认(台)他字第1号)
 台湾地区桃园地方法院依据中国信托商业银行股份有限公司的申请,于 1997年10月21日作出(86)年促字第22580号支付令。该支付令内容为:要求债务人福禄贝尔广告传播股份有限公司、邱淑容、邱创群、刘京华在收到支付命令次日起二十日内向债权人中国信托商业银行股份有限公司连带清偿新台币6000000元、美元118442.47元及相应利息、违约金等。支付令生效后,中国信托商业银行股份有限公司向桃园地方法院申请强制执行,未获清偿,后取得桃院木执(96)年执黄字第23090号债权凭证(支付令同时被法院收回)。中国信托商业银行股份有限公司于2010年2月向上海市第二中级人民法院申请认可(86)年促字第22580号支付令。
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