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Interim Provisions on Administrative License Procedure with respect to Market Regulation [Revised]
市场监督管理行政许可程序暂行规定 [已被修订]

Order of the State Administration for Market Regulation 


(No. 16) (第16号)

The Interim Provisions on Administrative License Procedure with respect to Market Regulation, as deliberated and adopted at the 11th executive meeting in 2019 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on July 30, 2019, are hereby issued and shall come into force on October 1, 2019. 《市场监督管理行政许可程序暂行规定》已于2019年7月30日经国家市场监督管理总局2019年第11次局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2019年10月1日起施行。
Commissioner: Xiao Yaqing 局长:肖亚庆
August 21, 2019 2019年8月21日
Interim Provisions on Administrative License Procedure with respect to Market Regulation 市场监督管理行政许可程序暂行规定
(Issued by Order No. 16 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on August 21, 2019) (2019年8月21日国家市场监督管理总局令第16号公布)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the administrative license procedure with respect to market regulation, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了规范市场监督管理行政许可程序,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions apply to the implementation of administrative license by the market regulatory authorities.   第二条 市场监督管理部门实施行政许可,适用本规定。
Article 3 A market regulatory authority shall follow the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality, non-discrimination, and public facilitation, implement administrative license in accordance with the statutory authority, scope, conditions and procedures.   第三条 市场监督管理部门应当遵循公开、公平、公正、非歧视和便民原则,依照法定的权限、范围、条件和程序实施行政许可。
Article 4 A market regulatory authority shall, as required, publish administrative license matters, basis, conditions, quantity, implementation entities, procedure, time limits (for inspection, testing, quarantine, appraisal, and expert review), basis of charging (including chargeable items and fee rates), model written applications, application materials list, and other contents.   第四条 市场监督管理部门应当按照规定公示行政许可的事项、依据、条件、数量、实施主体、程序、期限(包括检验、检测、检疫、鉴定、专家评审期限)、收费依据(包括收费项目及标准)以及申请书示范文本、申请材料目录等内容。
Article 5 Electronic application materials, electronic permits and business licenses, electronic seals, electronic signatures, and electronic records which comply with statutory requirements shall have the same legal effect as paper application materials, paper permits and business licenses, physical seals, handwritten signatures or seals, and paper records.   第五条 符合法定要求的电子申请材料、电子证照、电子印章、电子签名、电子档案与纸质申请材料、纸质证照、实物印章、手写签名或者盖章、纸质档案具有同等法律效力。
Chapter II Implementation Authorities 

第二章 实施机关

Article 6 A market regulatory authority shall implement administrative license to the extent of the power specified by the laws, regulations, and rules.   第六条 市场监督管理部门应当在法律、法规、规章规定的职权范围内实施行政许可。
Article 7 A market regulatory authority may commission any lower market regulatory authority to implement administrative license, to the extent of its power, in accordance with the provisions of the laws, regulations, and rules.   第七条 上级市场监督管理部门可以将其法定职权范围内的行政许可,依照法律、法规、规章的规定,委托下级市场监督管理部门实施。
The commissioning authority shall be subject to the legal liability for the consequences of the implementation of administrative license by the commissioned authority. 委托机关对受委托机关实施行政许可的后果承担法律责任。
The commissioned authority shall, with authority of the commissioning authority, implement administrative license in the name of the commissioning authority, and may not further commission the implementation from any other organization or individual. 受委托机关应当在委托权限范围内以委托机关的名义实施行政许可,不得再委托其他组织或者个人实施。
Article 8 Where the implementation of administrative license is commissioned, the commissioning authority may grant the whole or part of its administrative license authority of acceptance, examination, decision, modification, extension, withdrawal, revocation, cancellation, and the like to the commissioned authority.   第八条 委托实施行政许可的,委托机关可以将行政许可的受理、审查、决定、变更、延续、撤回、撤销、注销等权限全部或者部分委托给受委托机关。
When the implementation of administrative license is commissioned, the commissioning authority and the commissioned authority shall sign a power of attorney. The power of attorney shall contain the following: 委托实施行政许可,委托机关和受委托机关应当签订委托书。委托书应当包含以下内容:
(1) The name of the commissioning authority. (一)委托机关名称;
(2) The name of the commissioned authority. (二)受委托机关名称;
(3) The matters with respect to which the implementation of administrative license is commissioned and the authority granted. (三)委托实施行政许可的事项以及委托权限;
(4) The rights and obligations of the commissioning authority and the commissioned authority. (四)委托机关与受委托机关的权利和义务;
(5) Period of commission. (五)委托期限。
If an extension of the period of commission is necessary, the commissioning authority shall enter into another power of attorney with the commissioned authority 15 days before the expiration of the period of commission. If the period of commission is no longer extended, administrative license, with respect to which acceptance has been granted, or the withdrawal or cancellation procedure has been instituted before the expiration of the period, shall be implemented in accordance with the authority originally granted. 需要延续委托期限的,委托机关应当在委托期限届满十五日前与受委托机关重新签订委托书。不再延续委托期限的,期限届满前已经受理或者启动撤回、撤销程序的行政许可,按照原委托权限实施。
Article 9 The commissioning authority shall announce the commissioned authority, the matters with respect to which the implementation of administrative license is implemented, basis for commission, authority granted, period for commission, and other contents to the public. The commissioned authority shall publish contents related to administrative license of which the implementation is commissioned in accordance with Article 4 of these Provisions.   第九条 委托机关应当向社会公告受委托机关和委托实施行政许可的事项、委托依据、委托权限、委托期限等内容。受委托机关应当按照本规定第四条规定公示委托实施的行政许可有关内容。
A commissioning authority seeking to modify, suspend or terminate administrative license commission shall make an announcement to the public ten days before such modification, suspension or termination. 委托机关变更、中止或者终止行政许可委托的,应当在变更、中止或者终止行政许可委托十日前向社会公告。
Article 10 The market regulatory authority that needs to conduct inspection, testing, quarantine, appraisal, or expert review on any equipment, facility, product, or article according to the law when implementing administrative license may commission a specialized technical organization to organize the implementation. A specialized technical organization commissioned shall meet statutory conditions, if any law, regulation or rule so requires.   第十条 市场监督管理部门实施行政许可,依法需要对设备、设施、产品、物品等进行检验、检测、检疫或者鉴定、专家评审的,可以委托专业技术组织实施。法律、法规、规章对专业技术组织的条件有要求的,应当委托符合法定条件的专业技术组织。
A specialized technical organization commissioned shall conduct inspection, testing, quarantine, appraisal, or expert review at the expense of the market regulatory authority, unless otherwise provided by any law or regulation. 专业技术组织接受委托实施检验、检测、检疫或者鉴定、专家评审的费用由市场监督管理部门承担。法律、法规另有规定的,依照其规定。
A specialized technical organization and its relevant personnel shall be subject to legal liability for its inspection, testing, or quarantine, or its appraisal or review conclusion. 专业技术组织及其有关人员对所实施的检验、检测、检疫或者鉴定、评审结论承担法律责任。
Chapter III Access Procedure 

第三章 准入程序

Section 1 Application and Acceptance 

第一节 申请与受理

Article 11 Where a natural person, legal person, or any other organization is required to apply for administrative license in a standard written form, the market regulatory authority shall provide the applicant with standard text. The standard form written application shall not contain anything that is not directly related to the subject matter of the application for administrative license.   第十一条 自然人、法人或者其他组织申请行政许可需要采用申请书格式文本的,市场监督管理部门应当向申请人提供格式文本。申请书格式文本不得包含与申请行政许可事项没有直接关系的内容。
Article 12 An applicant may authorize an agent to apply for administrative license, unless the law requires the applicant to apply for administrative license at the administrative license acceptance window of the market regulatory authority in person.   第十二条 申请人可以委托代理人提出行政许可申请。但是,依法应当由申请人本人到市场监督管理部门行政许可受理窗口提出行政许可申请的除外。
If an application for administrative license is filed by an authorized person, a power of attorney signed or sealed by the principal and the identification documents of the principal and the agent shall be submitted to the market regulatory authority. 委托他人代为提出行政许可申请的,应当向市场监督管理部门提交由委托人签字或者盖章的授权委托书以及委托人、委托代理人的身份证明文件。
Article 13 An applicant may apply at the administrative license acceptance window of a market regulatory authority, or by mail, fax, e-mail, or an e-government platform, and shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials submitted.   第十三条 申请人可以到市场监督管理部门行政许可受理窗口提出申请,也可以通过信函、传真、电子邮件或者电子政务平台提出申请,并对其提交的申请材料真实性负责。
Article 14 Where an applicant applies at the administrative license acceptance window of a market regulatory authority, the time of receiving the application materials shall be the time the applicant submits the application materials.   第十四条 申请人到市场监督管理部门行政许可受理窗口提出申请的,以申请人提交申请材料的时间为收到申请材料的时间。
If an applicant applies by mail, the time of receiving the application materials shall be the time the market regulatory authority receives the mail. 申请人通过信函提出申请的,以市场监督管理部门收讫信函的时间为收到申请材料的时间。
If an applicant applies by fax, e-mail, or an e-government platform, the time of receiving the application materials shall be the time the application materials arrive at the fax number, e-mail address or e-government platform designated by the market regulatory authority. 申请人通过传真、电子邮件或者电子政务平台提出申请的,以申请材料到达市场监督管理部门指定的传真号码、电子邮件地址或者电子政务平台的时间为收到申请材料的时间。
Article 15 A market regulatory authority shall process the application for administrative license from any applicant according to the following circumstances:   第十五条 市场监督管理部门对申请人提出的行政许可申请,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:
(1) If the subject matter of the application is not subject to administrative license in accordance with the law, immediately making a decision to reject the application and explaining the reasons. (一)申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可的,应当即时作出不予受理的决定,并说明理由。
(2) If the subject matter of the application is not under the authority of the administrative agency in accordance with the law, immediately making a decision to reject the application and so notifying as to enable the applicant to apply to the relevant administrative agency. (二)申请事项依法不属于本行政机关职权范围的,应当即时作出不予受理的决定,并告知申请人向有关行政机关申请。
(3) If the application materials contain an error that is capable of being corrected on the spot, allowing the applicant to do so and causing the applicant to sign or seal and date the correction. If the application materials as corrected are complete and in the statutory form, acceptance shall be granted. (三)申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许申请人当场更正,由申请人在更正处签字或者盖章,并注明更正日期。更正后申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,应当予以受理。
(4) If the application materials are incomplete or not in the statutory form, notifying the applicant of all the necessary supplements and corrections and a reasonable time limit for supplements and corrections at a time, immediately or within five days from the date of receipt of the application materials. The application materials shall be returned at the time of notification according to the provisions, if so required. The applicant's failure to make supplements and corrections within the time limit without justification shall be treated as discontinuation of the application for administrative license, and the market regulatory authority is not required to make a decision to reject the application. If the market regulatory authority fails to notify the applicant of supplements and corrections within the time limit, acceptance shall be granted on the date of receipt of the application materials. (四)申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当即时或者自收到申请材料之日起五日内一次告知申请人需要补正的全部内容和合理的补正期限。按照规定需要在告知时一并退回申请材料的,应当予以退回。申请人无正当理由逾期不予补正的,视为放弃行政许可申请,市场监督管理部门无需作出不予受理的决定。市场监督管理部门逾期未告知申请人补正的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理。
(5) If the subject matter of the application is under the authority of the administrative agency, and the application materials are complete and in the statutory form, or the applicant make supplements and corrections to the application materials as required by the administrative agency, accepting the application for administrative license. (五)申请事项属于本行政机关职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照本行政机关的要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。
Article 16 Where a market regulatory authority accepts or rejects an application for administrative license, or so notifies as to enable the applicant to make supplements and corrections to application materials, it shall issue a paper or electronic document bearing the exclusive administrative license seal of the administrative agency and dated.   第十六条 市场监督管理部门受理或者不予受理行政许可申请,或者告知申请人补正申请材料的,应当出具加盖本行政机关行政许可专用印章并注明日期的纸质或者电子凭证。
Article 17 Where an administrative license decision is capable of being made immediately, a document of acceptance is not required to be issued.   第十七条 能够即时作出行政许可决定的,可以不出具受理凭证。
Section 2 Examination and Decision 

第二节 审查与决定

Article 18 A market regulatory authority shall examine the application materials submitted by an applicant.   第十八条 市场监督管理部门应当对申请人提交的申请材料进行审查。
If the application materials submitted by an applicant are complete and in the statutory form, and an administrative license decision is capable of being made immediately, the market regulatory authority shall immediately make an administrative license decision. 申请人提交的申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,能够即时作出行政许可决定的,市场监督管理部门应当即时作出行政许可决定。
If any law, regulation, or rule so requires, the market regulatory authorities shall verify the original application materials and describe the verification. If the applicant is unable to provide the original application materials, or the verification discovers that the application materials are inconsistent with their originals, causing the application for administrative license to fail to meet the statutory conditions or standards, the market regulatory authority shall directly make a decision to deny administrative license. 按照法律、法规、规章规定,需要核对申请材料原件的,市场监督管理部门应当核对原件并注明核对情况。申请人不能提供申请材料原件或者核对发现申请材料与原件不符,属于行政许可申请不符合法定条件、标准的,市场监督管理部门应当直接作出不予行政许可的决定。
If the substance of the application materials are required to be verified according to the statutory conditions and procedures, the market regulatory authority shall appoint more than two employees to conduct verification. 根据法定条件和程序,需要对申请材料的实质内容进行核实的,市场监督管理部门应当指派两名以上工作人员进行核查。
If any law, regulation, or rule makes a separate provision on concentration of undertakings, drug distribution, or other administrative license-related examination procedures, the law, regulation, or rule shall prevail. 法律、法规、规章对经营者集中、药品经营等行政许可审查程序另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 19 Where a market regulatory authority discovers in the examination of an application for administrative license that the subject matter of administrative license directly relates to the material interests of another person, the market regulatory authority shall notify the interested person and notify the applicant and the interested person of their rights to statement, defense and request for a hearing.   第十九条 市场监督管理部门对行政许可申请进行审查时,发现行政许可事项直接关系他人重大利益的,应当告知该利害关系人,并告知申请人、利害关系人依法享有陈述、申辩和要求举行听证的权利。
The market regulatory authority shall record the statements or defenses of the applicant or interested person, if any. If the applicant or interested party requests a hearing, the market regulatory authority shall organize the hearing in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of these Provisions. 申请人、利害关系人陈述、申辩的,市场监督管理部门应当记录。申请人、利害关系人申请听证的,市场监督管理部门应当按照本规定第五章规定组织听证。
Article 20 An organization and its related personnel that conduct inspection, testing, quarantine, appraisal, or expert review shall carry out their work in accordance with the provisions of the laws, regulations, rules, and relevant technical requirements.   第二十条 实施检验、检测、检疫或者鉴定、专家评审的组织及其有关人员应当按照法律、法规、规章以及有关技术要求的规定开展工作。
The provisions on time limits for inspection, testing, quarantine, appraisal, or expert review in the laws, regulations, rules, or relevant technical requirements shall apply, if any; or absent such provisions, the market regulatory authority that implements administrative license shall determine a reasonable time limit. 法律、法规、规章以及有关技术要求对检验、检测、检疫或者鉴定、专家评审的时限有规定的,应当遵守其规定;没有规定的,实施行政许可的市场监督管理部门应当确定合理时限。
Article 21 Where corrective action is required upon examination, the applicant shall take corrective action in accordance with the prescribed time limit and requirements. If the corrective action fails to be taken within the time limit, or achieve conformity, the market regulatory authority shall determine the application for administrative license to lack conformity with the statutory conditions and standards, except as otherwise provided by any law, regulation, or rule.   第二十一条 经审查需要整改的,申请人应当按照规定的时限和要求予以整改。除法律、法规、规章另有规定外,逾期未予整改或者整改不合格的,市场监督管理部门应当认定行政许可申请不符合法定条件、标准。
Article 22 Where an application for administrative license meets the statutory conditions and standards, the market regulatory authority shall make a decision to grant administrative license.   第二十二条 行政许可申请符合法定条件、标准的,市场监督管理部门应当作出准予行政许可的决定。
If an application for administrative license fails to meet the statutory conditions and standards, the market regulatory authority shall make a decision to deny administrative license, state the reasons, and notify the applicant of its right to request administrative reconsideration or file an administrative litigation. 行政许可申请不符合法定条件、标准的,市场监督管理部门应当作出不予行政许可的决定,说明理由并告知申请人享有申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。
The market regulatory authority that makes a decision to grant or deny administrative license shall issue a paper or electronic document bearing the seal of the administrative agency and dated. 市场监督管理部门作出准予或者不予行政许可决定的,应当出具加盖本行政机关印章并注明日期的纸质或者电子凭证。
Article 23 Where any law, regulation, rule, or document of the State Council requires that the market regulatory authority's decision not to conduct further examination, or failure to make a decision to conduct further examination or deny administrative license within a specified time limit be treated as granting administrative license, the law, regulation, rule, or document of the State Council shall prevail.   第二十三条 法律、法规、规章和国务院文件规定市场监督管理部门作出不实施进一步审查决定,以及逾期未作出进一步审查决定或者不予行政许可决定,视为准予行政许可的,依照其规定。
Article 24 The implementation and results of administrative license shall be disclosed to the public, unless related to state secrets, trade secrets, or personal privacy.   第二十四条 行政许可的实施和结果,除涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私的外,应当公开。
Section 3 Modification and Extension 

第三节 变更与延续

Article 25 A licensee requesting modification of the subject matter of administrative license shall submit an application for modification to the market regulatory authority that makes the administrative license decision. If the application for modification meets the statutory conditions and standards, the market regulatory authority shall grant modification.   第二十五条 被许可人要求变更行政许可事项的,应当向作出行政许可决定的市场监督管理部门提出变更申请。变更申请符合法定条件、标准的,市场监督管理部门应当予以变更。
If any law, regulation, or rule makes separate provisions on the procedures for replacement of the market regulatory authority that makes cross-jurisdictional domicile registration, or modification or lifting of restrictive conditions for the concentration of undertakings, the law, regulation, or rule shall prevail. 法律、法规、规章对变更跨辖区住所登记的市场监督管理部门、变更或者解除经营者集中限制性条件的程序另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 26 Where the law, regulation, or rule on which administrative license is based is amended or repealed, or the objective circumstances on which administrative license is granted undergo any material change, a market regulatory authority may modify effective administrative license by law in the public interest. The market regulatory authority that makes a decision to modify administrative license shall make compensation for any damage caused thereby to the property of a natural person, legal person, or any other organization according to the law.   第二十六条 行政许可所依据的法律、法规、规章修改或者废止,或者准予行政许可所依据的客观情况发生重大变化的,为了公共利益的需要,市场监督管理部门可以依法变更已经生效的行政许可。由此给自然人、法人或者其他组织造成财产损失的,作出变更行政许可决定的市场监督管理部门应当依法给予补偿。
The procedures for withdrawal of administrative license shall apply mutatis mutandis to the modification of administrative license implemented in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 依据前款规定实施的行政许可变更,参照行政许可撤回程序执行。
Article 27 Where a licensee needs to extend the administrative license period, the licensee shall apply for extending the administrative license period to the market regulatory authority that makes the administrative license decision 30 days before the expiration of the administrative license period, subject to the provisions of any law, regulation, or rule with respect to the licensee's manner of extension, or the time limit for application for extension.
   第二十七条 被许可人需要延续行政许可有效期的,应当在行政许可有效期届满三十日前向作出行政许可决定的市场监督管理部门提出延续申请。法律、法规、规章对被许可人的延续方式或者提出延续申请的期限等另有规定的,依照其规定。

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