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Decision of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending Eight Sets of Administrative Rules Including the Measures for the Administration of the Formation of Overseas Insurance Institutions by Insurance Companies [Partially Invalid]
中国保险监督管理委员会关于修改《保险公司设立境外保险类机构管理办法》等八部规章的决定 [部分失效]

Order of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 


(No. 3 [2015]) (2015年第3号)

The Decision of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending Eight Sets of Administrative Rules Including the Measures for the Administration of the Formation of Overseas Insurance Institutions by Insurance Companies is hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 现公布《中国保险监督管理委员会关于修改〈保险公司设立境外保险类机构管理办法〉等八部规章的决定》,自公布之日起施行。
Chairman: Xiang Junbo 主 席 项俊波
October 19, 2015 2015年10月19日
Decision of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending Eight Sets of Administrative Rules Including the Measures for the Administration of the Formation of Overseas Insurance Institutions by Insurance Companies 中国保险监督管理委员会关于修改《保险公司设立境外保险类机构管理办法》等八部规章的决定
To carry out the requirements of the State Council for the reform of the administrative approval system and the registration system of registered capital, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission has decided to amend eight sets of administrative rules including the Measures for the Administration of the Formation of Overseas Insurance Institutions by Insurance Companies as follows: 为贯彻落实国务院行政审批制度改革和注册资本登记制度改革要求,中国保险监督管理委员会决定对《保险公司设立境外保险类机构管理办法》等八部规章作如下修改:
I. Amendment of the Measures for the Administration of the Formation of Overseas Insurance Institutions by Insurance Companies   一、对《保险公司设立境外保险类机构管理办法》作出修改
1. Article 12 is deleted. (一)删去第十二条。
2. Article 13 is deleted. (二)删去第十三条。
3. Article 14 is renumbered as Article 12, in which “or an overseas not-for-profit institution such as an overseas representative office, liaison office, or office” is deleted. (三)将第十四条改为第十二条,删去“或者境外代表机构、联络机构、办事处等非营业性机构”。
4. Article 31 is renumbered as Article 29, paragraph 2 of which is deleted. (四)将第三十一条改为第二十九条,删去第二款。
II. Amendment of the Provisions on the Administration of Insurance Companies   二、对《保险公司管理规定》作出修改
1. In Article 26, item (2) is deleted, and item (4) is renumbered as item (5) and amended to read: “(4) Change of business premises.” (一)删去第二十六条第二项;将第五项改为第四项,修改为:“(四)变更营业场所;”
2. Article 74 is amended to read: “The formation of an overseas subsidiary company or branch office by an insurance company shall be subject to the approval of the CIRC; and the provisions on the formation conditions and the administration thereof shall be additionally developed by the CIRC.” (二)将第七十四条修改为:“保险公司在境外设立子公司、分支机构,应当经中国保监会批准;其设立条件和管理,由中国保监会另行规定。”
III. Amendment of the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Full-Time Insurance Agencies   三、对《保险专业代理机构监管规定》作出修改
1. Paragraph 2 of Article 2 is amended to read: “A full-time corporate insurance agent to be formed within the People's Republic of China shall satisfy the qualification requirements prescribed by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CIRC”) and obtain an insurance agency business permit (hereinafter referred to as the “permit”).” (一)将第二条第二款修改为:“在中华人民共和国境内设立保险专业代理公司,应当符合中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)规定的资格条件,取得经营保险代理业务许可证(以下简称许可证)。”
2. Article 11 is amended to read: “The branch offices of a full-time corporate insurance agent shall include branches and business departments. To form a branch office, a full-time corporate insurance agent shall meet the following conditions: (二)将第十一条修改为:“保险专业代理公司分支机构包括分公司、营业部。保险专业代理公司设立分支机构应当具备下列条件:
“(1) Its internal control rules are adequate and effective. “(一)内控制度健全;
“(2) Its registered capital satisfies the requirements of these Provisions. “(二)注册资本达到本规定的要求;
“(3) Its existing organizational structure is in normal operation, and it has committed no major violation of laws in the last year. “(三)现有机构运转正常,且最近1年内无重大违法行为;
“(4) The proposed primary person in charge satisfies the office qualifications as set out in these Provisions. “(四)拟任主要负责人符合本规定的任职资格条件;
“(5) The branch office to be formed has business premises satisfying the prescribed requirements and other facilities related to its operations.” “(五)拟设分支机构具备符合要求的营业场所和与经营业务有关的其他设施。”
3. Paragraph 1 of Article 12 is amended to read: “After receiving an application for forming a full-time corporate insurance agent, the CIRC may alert the applicant to risks and conduct interviews on issues related to the formation to learn the market development strategy, business development plan, development of internal control rules, personnel structure, and other relevant matters of the company to be formed.” (三)将第十二条第一款修改为:“中国保监会收到保险专业代理公司设立申请后,可以对申请人进行风险提示,就申请设立事宜进行谈话,询问、了解拟设公司的市场发展战略、业务发展计划、内控制度建设、人员结构等有关事项。”
4. Article 13 is amended to read: “After approving the formation of a full-time corporate insurance agent according to the law, the CIRC shall issue a permit to the applicant. (四)将第十三条修改为:“中国保监会依法批准设立保险专业代理公司的,应当向申请人颁发许可证。
“Only after receiving the permit may the applicant engage in the insurance agency business.” “申请人收到许可证后,方可开展保险代理业务。”
5. Article 14 is deleted. (五)删去第十四条。
6. Article 15 is deleted. (六)删去第十五条。
7. Article 16 is renumbered as Article 14 and amended to read: “Under any of the following circumstances, a full-time insurance agency shall report it to the CIRC in writing within five days of occurrence thereof: (七)将第十六条改为第十四条,修改为:“保险专业代理机构有下列情形之一的,应当自事项发生之日起5日内,书面报告中国保监会:
“(1) Modification of the name of the agency or any branch office thereof. “(一)变更名称或者分支机构名称;
“(2) Modification of the domicile of the agency or the business premises of any branch office thereof. “(二)变更住所或者分支机构营业场所;
“(3) Modification of the name of any promoter or principal shareholder of the agency. “(三)发起人、主要股东变更姓名或者名称;
“(4) Modification of any principal shareholder of the agency. “(四)变更主要股东;
“(5) Modification of the registered capital of the agency. “(五)变更注册资本;
“(6) Material modification of the equity structure of the agency. “(六)股权结构重大变更;
“(7) Modification of the form of organization of the agency. “(七)变更组织形式;
“(8) Division or combination of the agency. “(八)分立、合并;
“(9) Amendment of the company bylaws. “(九)修改公司章程;
“(10) Formation or abolition of any branch office of the agency.” “(十)设立、撤销分支机构。”
8. Article 17 is renumbered as Article 15 and amended to read: “Where any modification of a full-time corporate insurance agent involves any matter recorded in the permit, it shall surrender the original permit, obtain a new one, and issue an announcement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Insurance Permits.” (八)将第十七条改为第十五条,修改为:“保险专业代理公司变更事项涉及许可证记载内容的,应当交回原许可证,领取新许可证,并按照《保险许可证管理办法》有关规定进行公告。”
9. Article 20 is renumbered as Article 18 and amended to read: “The proposed chairman of the board of directors or executive director and senior executives of a full-time insurance agency shall meet the following conditions and be subject to the confirmation of the CIRC: (九)将第二十条改为第十八条,修改为:“保险专业代理机构拟任董事长、执行董事和高级管理人员应当具备下列条件,并报经中国保监会核准:
“(1) Having an educational background of junior college or above. “(一)大学专科以上学历;
“(2) Having two years or more of economic work experience. “(二)从事经济工作2年以上;
“(3) Having the management capability required for performing his or her duties and being familiar with insurance laws and administrative regulations and the relevant provisions of the CIRC. “(三)具有履行职责所需的经营管理能力,熟悉保险法律、行政法规及中国保监会的相关规定;
“(4) Being honest and trustworthy and having good conduct. “(四)诚实守信,品行良好;
“(5) Other conditions as set out by the CIRC. “(五)中国保监会规定的其他条件。
“One with ten years or more of financial work experience may be exempt from the condition in item (1) of the preceding paragraph.” “从事金融工作10年以上,可以不受前款第(一)项的限制。”
10. Article 21 is renumbered as Article 19, in which “any of the circumstances as set out in Article 147 of the Company Law” is replaced with “any of the circumstances as set out in Article 146 of the Company Law.” (十)将第二十一条改为第十九条,并将“有《公司法》第一百四十七条规定的情形”修改为“有《公司法》第一百四十六条规定的情形”。
11. Article 27 is renumbered as Article 25 and amended to read: “A full-time corporate insurance agent shall put its permit in a conspicuous position of its domicile or business premises. (十一)将第二十七条改为第二十五条,修改为:“保险专业代理公司应当将许可证置于住所或者营业场所显著位置。
“A branch office of a full-time corporate insurance agent shall put a photocopy (bearing the official seal of the corporate body owning the branch office) of the permit of the company and its business license in a conspicuous position of its business premises.” “保险专业代理公司分支机构应当将公司许可证复印件(加盖所属法人机构公章)及营业执照置于营业场所显著位置。”
12. Article 30 is renumbered as Article 28, in paragraph 1 of which “and hold the qualification certificate required by the CIRC” is deleted. (十二)将第三十条改为第二十八条,删去第一款中的“持有中国保监会规定的资格证书”。
13. Article 38 is renumbered as Article 36, paragraph 1 of which is amended to read: “A full-time corporate insurance agent shall take out professional liability insurance or deposit a bond within 20 days of obtaining a permit.” (十三)将第三十八条改为第三十六条,第一款修改为:“保险专业代理公司应当自取得许可证之日起20日内投保职业责任保险或者缴存保证金。”
14. Article 40 is renumbered as Article 38, in paragraph 3 of which “The bond deposit agreement shall provide that: ‘Without the written approval of the CIRC, the full-time corporate insurance agent shall not use or dispose of the bond. If the bank fails its examination obligation, it shall assume joint and several liability for the debts of the full-time corporate insurance agent within the amount of the bond so used'” is deleted. (十四)将第四十条改为第三十八条,删去第三款中的“保证金存款协议中应当约定:‘未经中国保监会书面批准,保险专业代理公司不得擅自动用或者处置保证金。银行未尽审查义务的,应当在被动用保证金额度内对保险专业代理公司的债务承担连带责任。'”
15. Article 41 is renumbered as Article 39 and amended to read: “Under any of the following circumstances, a full-time corporate insurance agent may use the bond: (十五)将第四十一条改为第三十九条,修改为:“保险专业代理公司有下列情形之一的,可以动用保证金:
“(1) Its registered capital is reduced. “(一)注册资本减少;
“(2) Its permit is cancelled. “(二)许可证被注销;
“(3) It takes out professional liability insurance meeting the prescribed conditions. “(三)投保符合条件的职业责任保险;
“(4) Other circumstances as set out by the CIRC. “(四)中国保监会规定的其他情形。
“Within five days of using the bond, a full-time corporate insurance agent shall report it to the CIRC in writing.” “保险专业代理公司应当自动用保证金之日起5日内书面报告中国保监会。”
16. Article 42 is renumbered as Article 40 and amended to read: “No full-time corporate insurance agent may forge, alter, lease out, lend, or transfer its permit.” (十六)将第四十二条改为第四十条,修改为:“保险专业代理公司不得伪造、变造、出租、出借、转让许可证。”
17. Article 54 is deleted. (十七)删去第五十四条。
18. Article 55 is renumbered as Article 52, paragraph 1 of which is amended to read: “Where a full-time corporate insurance agent is dissolved, a liquidation group shall be formed according to the law to conduct liquidation, and within ten days of appearance of the cause of dissolution, a written report shall be submitted to the CIRC.” (十八)将第五十五条改为第五十二条,第一款修改为:“保险专业代理公司解散的,应当依法成立清算组进行清算,并自解散事由出现之日起10日内书面报告中国保监会。”
19. Article 59 is deleted. (十九)删去第五十九条。
20. Article 71 is renumbered as Article 67 and amended to read: “Any illegal operation of the insurance agency business without a permit shall be banned by the CIRC, and the CIRC shall confiscate any illegal income and impose a fine of not less than the amount nor more than five times the amount of the illegal income on the violator or if there is no illegal income or the amount of illegal income is less than 50,000 yuan, impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan nor more than 300,000 yuan on the violator.” (二十)将第七十一条改为第六十七条,修改为:“未取得许可证,非法从事保险代理业务的,由中国保监会予以取缔,没收违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚款,没有违法所得或者违法所得不足5万元的,处5万元以上30万元以下罚款。”
21. Article 72 is renumbered as Article 68 and amended to read: “Where an administrative licensing applicant conceals relevant information or provides false materials in the application for the formation of a full-time corporate insurance agent or for any other administrative licensing, the CIRC shall reject or disapprove its application and issue a warning to it, and the applicant may not apply for the administrative licensing again within one year.” (二十一)将第七十二条改为第六十八条,修改为:“行政许可申请人隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料申请设立保险专业代理公司或者申请其他行政许可的,中国保监会不予受理或者不予批准,并给予警告,申请人在1年内不得再次申请该行政许可。”
22. Article 73 is renumbered as Article 69 and amended to read: “Where a licensee forms a full-time corporate insurance agent or passes administrative licensing from the CIRC by fraud, bribery, or any other improper means, the CIRC shall revoke the administrative licensing according to the law, and issue a warning to and impose a fine of 10, 000 yuan on the licensee; and the applicant may not apply for the administrative licensing again within three years.” (二十二)将第七十三条改为第六十九条,修改为:“被许可人通过欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段设立保险专业代理公司或者取得中国保监会行政许可的,由中国保监会依法予以撤销,对被许可人给予警告,并处1万元罚款;申请人在3年内不得再次申请该行政许可。”
23. Article 74 is deleted. (二十三)删去第七十四条。
24. Article 75 is renumbered as Article 70 and amended to read: “Where a full-time insurance agency fails to submit a report as required on the occurrence of any matter as set out in Articles 14, 39, and 52, the CIRC shall order it to take corrective action, issue a warning to it, and impose a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan on it if there is no illegal income or impose a fine of not more than three times the amount of illegal income but not exceeding 30,000 yuan on it if there is any illegal income; and for the directly liable supervising executive or any other liable person of the agency, issue a warning to and impose a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan on him or her.” (二十四)将第七十五条改为第七十条,修改为:“保险专业代理机构发生第十四条、第三十九条、第五十二条所列事项未按规定报告的,由中国保监会责令改正,给予警告,没有违法所得的,处1万元以下罚款,有违法所得的,处违法所得三倍以下的罚款,但最高不得超过3万元;对该机构直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员,给予警告,并处1万元以下罚款。”
25. Article 76 is renumbered as Article 71 and amended to read: “Where a full-time insurance agency appoints any person not satisfying the office qualifications, the CIRC shall order it to take corrective action and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan nor more than 100,000 yuan on it; and for the directly liable supervising executive or any other liable person of the agency, issue a warning to and impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan nor more than 50,000 yuan on him or her. (二十五)将第七十六条改为第七十一条,修改为:“保险专业代理机构聘任不具有任职资格的人员的,由中国保监会责令改正,处2万元以上10万元以下罚款;对该机构直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员,给予警告,并处1万元以上5万元以下罚款。
“Where a full-time insurance agency employs any person not meeting the prescribed conditions, the CIRC shall order it to take corrective action, and issue a warning to and impose a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan on it; and for the directly liable supervising executive or any other liable person of the agency, issue a warning to and impose a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan on him or her.” “保险专业代理机构任用不符合规定条件的人员的,由中国保监会责令改正,给予警告,处1万元以下罚款;对该机构直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员,给予警告,并处1万元以下罚款。”
26. Article 77 is renumbered as Article 72 and amended to read: “Where a full-time corporate insurance agent leases out, lends, or transfers its permit, the CIRC shall order it to take corrective action and impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan nor more than 100,000 yuan on it; if the circumstances are serious, order it to suspend business for an overhaul or revoke its permit; and for the directly liable supervising executive or any other liable person of the company, issue a warning to and impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan nor more than 50,000 yuan on him or her.” (二十六)将第七十七条改为第七十二条,修改为:“保险专业代理公司出租、出借或者转让许可证的,由中国保监会责令改正,处1万元以上10万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿或者吊销许可证;对该公司直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员,给予警告,并处1万元以上5万元以下罚款。”
27. Article 79 is renumbered as Article 74, item (1) of which is amended to read: “(1) Failing to deposit a bond as required or using the bond in violation of the relevant provisions.” (二十七)将第七十九条改为第七十四条,第一项修改为:“(一)未按规定缴存保证金或者违反规定动用保证金;”
28. Article 87 is renumbered as Article 82, item (2) of which is amended to read: “(2) Failing to put its permit or a photocopy thereof (bearing the official seal of the corporate body forming it) and its business license at its domicile or business premises as required.” (二十八)将第八十七条改为第八十二条,第二项修改为:“(二)未按规定在住所或者营业场所放置许可证或者许可证复印件(加盖所属法人机构公章)、营业执照;”
29. Article 88 is renumbered as Article 83 and amended to read: “Where any provision of Articles 165 to 170 of the Insurance Law is violated, if the circumstances of the violation are serious, the CIRC may disqualify the directly liable supervising executive and other directly liable persons of the violator from holding the corresponding offices.” (二十九)将第八十八条改为第八十三条,修改为:“违反《保险法》第一百六十五条一百七十条规定,情节严重的,中国保监会可以对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员撤销任职资格。”
IV. Amendment of the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Brokerage Institutions

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