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Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (2015Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国保险法(2015修正) [现行有效]

Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the 14th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on June 30, 1995; amended for the first time at the 30th session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on October 28, 2002, according to the Decision on Amending the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China; revised at the 7th session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on February 28, 2009; amended for the second time at the 10th session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on August 31, 2014, according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Five Laws Including the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China; and amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision on Amending Five Laws Including the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 14th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on April 24, 2015) (1995年6月30日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过 根据2002年10月28日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国保险法〉的决定》第一次修正 2009年2月28日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议修订 根据2014年8月31日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国保险法〉等五部法律的决定》第二次修正 根据2015年4月24日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国计量法〉等五部法律的决定》第三次修正)
Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II Insurance Contracts 第二章 保险合同
Section 1 General Rules 第一节 一般规定
Section 2 Personal Insurance Contracts 第二节 人身保险合同
Section 3 Property Insurance Contracts 第三节 财产保险合同
Chapter III Insurance Companies 第三章 保险公司
Chapter IV Rules of Insurance Operations 第四章 保险经营规则
Chapter V Insurance Agents and Insurance Brokers 第五章 保险代理人和保险经纪人
Chapter VI Supervision and Administration of the Insurance Sector 第六章 保险业监督管理
Chapter VII Legal Liability 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplemental Provisions 第八章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of regulating insurance activities, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to insurance activities, strengthening the supervision and administration of the insurance sector, maintaining the social and economic order and public interest, and promoting the sound development of the insurance sector.   第一条 为了规范保险活动,保护保险活动当事人的合法权益,加强对保险业的监督管理,维护社会经济秩序和社会公共利益,促进保险事业的健康发展,制定本法。
Article 2 In this Law, the term “insurance” means the commercial insurance activities where an insurance applicant pays an insurance premium to an insurer under an insurance contract and the insurer pays indemnity for the property loss caused by the occurrence of a potential incident specified in the insurance contract or pays insurance benefits when the insured dies, becomes disabled or sick or reaches a specified age, time limit or any other condition specified in the contract.   第二条 本法所称保险,是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限等条件时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。
Article 3 All insurance activities carried out within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be governed by this Law.   第三条 在中华人民共和国境内从事保险活动,适用本法。
Article 4 Whoever carries out insurance activities must abide by the laws and administrative regulations and defer to social ethics, and shall not damage the public interest.   第四条 从事保险活动必须遵守法律、行政法规,尊重社会公德,不得损害社会公共利益。
Article 5 The parties to insurance activities shall follow the principle of good faith in their exercise of rights and performance of obligations.   第五条 保险活动当事人行使权利、履行义务应当遵循诚实信用原则。
Article 6 Insurance business shall be carried out by insurance companies formed according to this Law or other insurance organizations as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. No other entity or individual shall carry out insurance business.   第六条 保险业务由依照本法设立的保险公司以及法律、行政法规规定的其他保险组织经营,其他单位和个人不得经营保险业务。
Article 7 Legal persons and other organizations within the territory of the People's Republic of China which need domestic insurance shall take out insurance from insurance companies within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第七条 在中华人民共和国境内的法人和其他组织需要办理境内保险的,应当向中华人民共和国境内的保险公司投保。
Article 8 The insurance, banking, securities and trust sectors shall be segregated in operations and administration, and insurance companies, securities institutions and trust institutions shall be formed separately, except as otherwise specified by the state.   第八条 保险业和银行业、证券业、信托业实行分业经营、分业管理,保险公司与银行、证券、信托业务机构分别设立。国家另有规定的除外。
Article 9 The insurance regulatory body under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the insurance sector according to the law.   第九条 国务院保险监督管理机构依法对保险业实施监督管理。
The insurance regulatory body under the State Council may set up local offices as needed for performing its duties. The local offices shall perform the duties of supervision and administration as authorized by the insurance regulatory body under the State Council. 国务院保险监督管理机构根据履行职责的需要设立派出机构。派出机构按照国务院保险监督管理机构的授权履行监督管理职责。
Chapter II Insurance Contracts 

第二章 保险合同

Section 1 General Rules 

第一节 一般规定

Article 10 An insurance contract means an agreement under which the insurance applicant and insurer agree upon the insurance rights and obligations.   第十条 保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议。
An insurance applicant means a person who enters into an insurance contract with an insurer and performs the obligation of paying an insurance premium under the insurance contract. 投保人是指与保险人订立保险合同,并按照合同约定负有支付保险费义务的人。
An insurer means an insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an insurance applicant and is liable for paying indemnity or insurance benefits under the insurance contract. 保险人是指与投保人订立保险合同,并按照合同约定承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的保险公司。
Article 11 An insurance contract shall be concluded upon agreement between both parties after consultation, and the rights and obligations of both parties shall be determined according to the principle of fairness.   第十一条 订立保险合同,应当协商一致,遵循公平原则确定各方的权利和义务。
An insurance contract shall be concluded voluntarily, unless the insurance is mandated by a law or administrative regulation. 除法律、行政法规规定必须保险的外,保险合同自愿订立。
Article 12 An applicant for personal insurance shall, when entering into an insurance contract, have an insurable interest in the insured.   第十二条 人身保险的投保人在保险合同订立时,对被保险人应当具有保险利益。
The insured in property insurance shall have an insurable interest in the subject matter insured when an insured incident occurs. 财产保险的被保险人在保险事故发生时,对保险标的应当具有保险利益。
Personal insurance shall be a type of insurance which takes the life and body of human beings as the subject matter insured. 人身保险是以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险。
Property insurance shall be a type of insurance which takes property and interests related thereto as the subject matter insured. 财产保险是以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。
An insured means a person whose property, life or body is covered by an insurance contract and who is entitled to claim the insurance money. An insurance applicant may be the insured. 被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人。投保人可以为被保险人。
An insurable interest means a legally recognized interest owned by an insurance applicant or insured in the subject matter insured. 保险利益是指投保人或者被保险人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。
Article 13 An insurance contract shall be formed after the insurance applicant applies for insurance and the insurer agrees to underwrite the insurance. The insurer shall issue an insurance policy or any other insurance certificate to the insurance applicant in a timely manner.   第十三条 投保人提出保险要求,经保险人同意承保,保险合同成立。保险人应当及时向投保人签发保险单或者其他保险凭证。
The insurance policy or any other insurance certificate shall expressly state the provisions of the contract reached by both parties. Both parties may agree to state the provisions of the contract between them in any other written form. 保险单或者其他保险凭证应当载明当事人双方约定的合同内容。当事人也可以约定采用其他书面形式载明合同内容。
A legally formed insurance contract shall become effective upon formation. The insurance applicant and insurer may attach a condition or time limit for the effectiveness of the contract. 依法成立的保险合同,自成立时生效。投保人和保险人可以对合同的效力约定附条件或者附期限。
Article 14 After an insurance contract is formed, the insurance applicant shall pay an insurance premium as agreed upon, and the insurer shall start to assume the insurance liability from the time as agreed upon.   第十四条 保险合同成立后,投保人按照约定交付保险费,保险人按照约定的时间开始承担保险责任。
Article 15 After an insurance contract is formed, the insurance applicant may, but the insurer may not, rescind the contract, except as otherwise provided for by this Law or as otherwise agreed upon in the insurance contract.   第十五条 除本法另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后,投保人可以解除合同,保险人不得解除合同。
Article 16 Where the insurer inquiries about the subject matter insured or about the insured when entering into an insurance contract, the insurance applicant shall tell the truth.   第十六条 订立保险合同,保险人就保险标的或者被保险人的有关情况提出询问的,投保人应当如实告知。
Where the insurance applicant fails to perform the obligation of telling the truth as prescribed in the preceding paragraph intentionally or for gross negligence, affecting the insurer's decision on whether to underwrite the insurance or raise the insurance premium, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the insurance contract. 投保人故意或者因重大过失未履行前款规定的如实告知义务,足以影响保险人决定是否同意承保或者提高保险费率的,保险人有权解除合同。
The right to rescind an insurance contract as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be annulled 30 days after the insurer knows the cause of rescission. Two years after an insurance contract is concluded, the insurer may not rescind the contract; and where an insured incident occurs, the insurer shall pay indemnity or insurance benefits. 前款规定的合同解除权,自保险人知道有解除事由之日起,超过三十日不行使而消灭。自合同成立之日起超过二年的,保险人不得解除合同;发生保险事故的,保险人应当承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任。
Where the insurance applicant intentionally fails to perform the obligation of telling the truth, the insurer shall not be liable for paying indemnity or insurance benefits for an insured incident which occurs before the contract is rescinded, and shall not refund the insurance premium. 投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的,保险人对于合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任,并不退还保险费。
Where the insurance applicant fails to perform the obligation of telling the truth for gross negligence, materially affecting the occurrence of an insured incident, the insurer shall not be liable for paying indemnity or insurance benefits for an insured incident which occurs before the contract is rescinded, but shall refund the insurance premium. 投保人因重大过失未履行加实告知义务,对保险事故的发生有严重影响的,保险人对于合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任,但应当退还保险费。
Where the insurer knows the truth which the insurance applicant fails to tell when they enter into an insurance contract, the insurer shall not rescind the contract; and if an insured incident occurs, the insurer shall pay indemnity or insurance benefits. 保险人在合同订立时已经知道投保人未如实告知的情况的,保险人不得解除合同;发生保险事故的,保险人应当承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任。
An insured incident means an incident within the insurance coverage as agreed upon in an insurance contract. 保险事故是指保险合同约定的保险责任范围内的事故。
Article 17 Where an insurance contract is concluded using the standard clauses of the insurer, the insurer shall provide an insurance policy with the standard clauses attached and explain the contents of the contract to the insurance applicant.   第十七条 订立保险合同,采用保险人提供的格式条款的,保险人向投保人提供的投保单应当附格式条款,保险人应当向投保人说明合同的内容。
For those clauses exempting the insurer from liability in the insurance contract, the insurer shall sufficiently warn the insurance applicant of those clauses in the insurance application form, the insurance policy or any other insurance certificate, and expressly explain those clauses to the insurance applicant in writing or verbally. If the insurer fails to make a warning or express explanation thereof, those clauses shall not be effective. 对保险合同中免除保险人责任的条款,保险人在订立合同时应当在投保单、保险单或者其他保险凭证上作出足以引起投保人注意的提示,并对该条款的内容以书面或者口头形式向投保人作出明确说明;未作提示或者明确说明的,该条款不产生效力。
Article 18 An insurance contract shall include the following:   第十八条 保险合同应当包括下列事项:
(1) The name and domicile of the insurer. (一)保险人的名称和住所;
(2) The names and domiciles of the insurance applicant and insured and the name and domicile of the beneficiary in the case of personal insurance. (二)投保人、被保险人的姓名或者名称、住所,以及人身保险的受益人的姓名或者名称、住所;
(3) The subject matter insured. (二)保险标的;
(4) The insurance liability and liability exemption. (四)保险责任和责任免除;
(5) The duration of insurance and the time of commencement of insurance liability. (五)保险期间和保险责任开始时间;
(6) The insured amount. (六)保险金额;
(7) The insurance premium and the payment method. (七)保险费以及支付办法;
(8) The method for paying indemnity or insurance benefits. (八)保险金赔偿或者给付办法;
(9) The liabilities for breach of contract and the resolution of disputes. (九)违约责任和争议处理;
(10) The year, month and date when the contract is concluded. (十)订立合同的年、月、日。
The insurance applicant and insurer may agree upon other insurance-related matters in the insurance contract. 投保人和保险人可以约定与保险有关的其他事项。
A beneficiary means a person designated by the insured or insurance applicant in a personal insurance contract to be entitled to claim the insurance money. An insurance applicant or insured may be a beneficiary. 受益人是指人身保险合同中由被保险人或者投保人指定的享有保险金请求权的人。投保人、被保险人可以为受益人。
An insured amount means the upper limit of the indemnity or insurance benefits which the insurer is liable to pay. 保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的最高限额。
Article 19 The following clauses in an insurance contract which is concluded using the standard clauses of the insurer shall be null and void:   第十九条 采用保险人提供的格式条款订立的保险合同中的下列条款无效:
(1) A clause exempting the insurer from any legal obligation or aggravating the liability of the insurance applicant or insured. (一)免除保险人依法应承担的义务或者加重投保人、被保险人责任的;
(2) A clause excluding any legal right of the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary. (二)排除投保人、被保险人或者受益人依法享有的权利的。
Article 20 The insurance applicant and insurer in an insurance contract may modify the contract upon consultation.   第二十条 投保人和保险人可以协商变更合同内容。
To modify an insurance contract, the insurer shall endorse the insurance policy or any other insurance certificate or attach an approval slip thereto, or the insurance applicant and insurer shall enter into a written agreement on the modification. 变更保险合同的,应当由保险人在保险单或者其他保险凭证上批注或者附贴批单,或者由投保人和保险人订立变更的书面协议。
Article 21 After knowing the occurrence of an insured incident, the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary shall notify the insurer in a timely manner. Where the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary fails to do so intentionally or for gross negligence, which makes it difficult to determine the nature, cause, degree of damage, etc. of the insured incident, the insurer need not pay indemnity or insurance benefits for the undeterminable part, unless the insurer has known or should have known the incident in a timely manner through any other channel.   第二十一条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人知道保险事故发生后,应当及时通知保险人。故意或者因重大过失未及时通知,致使保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等难以确定的,保险人对无法确定的部分,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任,但保险人通过其他途径已经及时知道或者应当及时知道保险事故发生的除外。
Article 22 After an insured incident occurs, the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary claiming indemnity or insurance benefits against the insurer under the insurance contract shall provide the insurer with all available certificates and materials related to the determination of the nature, cause, degree of damage, etc. of the incident.   第二十二条 保险事故发生后,按照保险合同请求保险人赔偿或者给付保险金时,投保人、被保险人或者受益人应当向保险人提供其所能提供的与确认保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等有关的证明和资料。
If the insurer deems that the relevant certificates and materials are incomplete according to the contract, it shall notify, in a timely manner and at one time, the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary of all additional certificates and materials to be provided. 保险人按照合同的约定,认为有关的证明和资料不完整的,应当及时一次性通知投保人、被保险人或者受益人补充提供。
Article 23 After receiving an insured's or beneficiary's claim for paying indemnity or insurance benefits, the insurer shall adjust the claim in a timely manner. If the circumstances are complex, the insurer shall complete the adjustment within 30 days, unless it is otherwise agreed upon in the insurance contract. The insurer shall notify the insured or beneficiary of the adjustment result. For a claim which falls within the insurance coverage, the insurer shall perform the obligation of paying indemnity or insurance benefits within 10 days after reaching an agreement on payment of indemnity or insurance benefits with the insured or beneficiary. If the insurance contract provides for a time limit for payment of indemnity or insurance benefits, the insurer shall perform the obligation of paying indemnity or insurance benefits as agreed upon.   第二十三条 保险人收到被保险人或者受益人的赔偿或者给付保险金的请求后,应当及时作出核定;情形复杂的,应当在三十日内作出核定,但合同另有约定的除外。保险人应当将核定结果通知被保险人或者受益人;对属于保险责任的,在与被保险人或者受益人达成赔偿或者给付保险金的协议后十日内,履行赔偿或者给付保险金义务。保险合同对赔偿或者给付保险金的期限有约定的,保险人应当按照约定履行赔偿或者给付保险金义务。
Where the insurer fails to perform the obligation as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, it shall, in addition to paying the insurance money, compensate the insured or beneficiary for any loss suffered therefrom. 保险人未及时履行前款规定义务的,除支付保险金外,应当赔偿被保险人或者受益人因此受到的损失。
No entity or individual shall illegally intervene in an insurer's performance of the obligation of paying indemnity or insurance benefits or restrict an insured's or beneficiary's right to insurance money. 任何单位和个人不得非法干预保险人履行赔偿或者给付保险金的义务,也不得限制被保险人或者受益人取得保险金的权利。
Article 24 After completing the adjustment under Article 23 of this Law, for a claim which does not fall within the insurance coverage, the insurer shall, within three days after completing the adjustment, send a notice of its refusal to pay indemnity or insurance benefits to the insured or beneficiary, with reasons.   第二十四条 保险人依照本法第二十三条的规定作出核定后,对不属于保险责任的,应当自作出核定之日起三日内向被保险人或者受益人发出拒绝赔偿或者拒绝给付保险金通知书,并说明理由。
Article 25 Where an insurer cannot determine the amount of indemnity or insurance benefits to be paid within 60 days after receiving a claim for indemnity or insurance benefits and the relevant certificates and materials, it shall first pay the amount which may be determined according to the available certificates or materials, and after it finally determines the amount of indemnity or insurance benefits to be paid, pay the difference.   第二十五条 保险人自收到赔偿或者给付保险金的请求和有关证明、资料之日起六十日内,对其赔偿或者给付保险金的数额不能确定的,应当根据已有证明和资料可以确定的数额先予支付;保险人最终确定赔偿或者给付保险金的数额后,应当支付相应的差额。
Article 26 The time limitation for an insured or beneficiary in insurance other than life insurance to claim indemnity or insurance benefits against the insurer shall be two years, which shall be counted from the day when the insured or beneficiary knows or should have known the occurrence of the insured incident.   第二十六条 人寿保险以外的其他保险的被保险人或者受益人,向保险人请求赔偿或者给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为二年,自其知道或者应当知道保险事故发生之日起计算。
The time limitation for an insured or beneficiary in life insurance to claim indemnity or insurance benefits against the insurer shall be five years, which shall be counted from the day when the insured or beneficiary knows or should have known the occurrence of the insured incident. 人寿保险的被保险人或者受益人向保险人请求给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为五年,自其知道或者应当知道保险事故发生之日起计算。
Article 27 Where the insured or beneficiary lies about the occurrence of an insured incident which actually never occurs, and claims indemnity or insurance benefits against the insurer, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the insurance contract and not to return the insurance premium.   第二十七条 未发生保险事故,被保险人或者受益人谎称发生了保险事故,向保险人提出赔偿或者给付保险金请求的,保险人有权解除合同,并不退还保险费。
Where the insurance applicant or insured intentionally causes an insured incident, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the insurance contract, not to pay indemnity or insurance benefits, and subject to Article 43 of this Law, not to refund the insurance premium. 投保人、被保险人故意制造保险事故的,保险人有权解除合同,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任;除本法第四十三条规定外,不退还保险费。
Where, after the occurrence of an insured incident, the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary fabricates the cause of incident or exaggerates the degree of damage by forging or altering the relevant certificates or materials or any other evidence, the insurer shall not be liable to pay indemnity or insurance benefits for the false part. 保险事故发生后,投保人、被保险人或者受益人以伪造、变造的有关证明、资料或者其他证据,编造虚假的事故原因或者夸大损失程度的,保险人对其虚报的部分不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任。
Where the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary commits any of the conduct as prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs, causing the insurer's payment of insurance money or expenses, the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary shall refund the insurance money or compensate the insurer for expenses. 投保人、被保险人或者受益人有前三款规定行为之一,致使保险人支付保险金或者支出费用的,应当退回或者赔偿。
Article 28 Reinsurance means that an insurer transfers a portion of its underwritten insurance business to other insurers in the form of cede insurance.   第二十八条 保险人将其承担的保险业务,以分保形式部分转移给其他保险人的,为再保险。
At the request of the reinsurer, the cedant shall provide in writing the reinsurer with information on its own liabilities and the original insurance. 应再保险接受人的要求,再保险分出人应当将其自负责任及原保险的有关情况书面告知再保险接受人。
Article 29 No reinsurer shall require the original insurance applicant to pay an insurance premium.   第二十九条 再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。
Neither the insured nor the beneficiary in the original insurance may claim indemnity or insurance benefits against the reinsurer. 原保险的被保险人或者受益人不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。
No cedant shall refuse or delay the performance of its original insurance liability under the pretext that the reinsurer fails to perform the reinsurance liability. 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。
Article 30 Where there is any dispute between the insurer and the insurance applicant, insured or beneficiary over any clause of an insurance contract concluded using the standard clauses of the insurer, the clause shall be interpreted as commonly understood. If there are two or more different interpretations of the clause, the people's court or the arbitral institution shall interpret the clause in favor of the insured and beneficiary.   第三十条 采用保险人提供的格式条款订立的保险合同,保险人与投保人、被保险人或者受益人对合同条款有争议的,应当按照通常理解予以解释。对合同条款有两种以上解释的,人民法院或者仲裁机构应当作出有利于被保险人和受益人的解释。
Section 2 Personal Insurance Contracts 

第二节 人身保险合同

Article 31 A insurance applicant shall have an insurable interest in any of the following persons:   第三十一条 投保人对下列人员具有保险利益:
(1) Self. (一)本人;
(2) Spouse, children, and parents of the insurance applicant. (二)配偶、子女、父母;
(3) Family members or close relatives other than those specified in the preceding paragraph with whom the insurance applicant has a relationship of support. (三)前项以外与投保人有抚养、赡养或者扶养关系的家庭其他成员、近亲属;
(4) Workers who have labor relationships with the insurance applicant. (四)与投保人有劳动关系的劳动者。
In addition to the preceding paragraph, if the insured agrees that the insurance applicant enters into an insurance contract for the insured, the insured applicant shall be deemed to have an insurable interest in the insured. 除前款规定外,被保险人同意投保人为其订立合同的,视为投保人对被保险人具有保险利益。
Where the insurance applicant does not have an insurable interest in the insured when entering into an insurance contract, the contract shall be null and void. 订立合同时,投保人对被保险人不具有保险利益的,合同无效。
Article 32 Where the insurance applicant falsely declares the age of the insured and the real age of the insured fails to meet the age requirement in the insurance contract, the insurer may rescind the contract, and refund the cash value of the insurance policy as agreed upon in the contract. An insurer's exercise of the right to rescind an insurance contract shall be subject to paragraphs 3 and 6 of Article 16 of this Law.   第三十二条 投保人申报的被保险人年龄不真实,并且其真实年龄不符合合同约定的年龄限制的,保险人可以解除合同,并按照合同约定退还保险单的现金价值。保险人行使合同解除权,适用本法第十六条第三款、第六款的规定。
Where the insurance applicant falsely declares the age of the insured and thus pays an insurance premium less than the due insurance premium, the insurer shall have the right to correct and require the insurance applicant to make up the unpaid insurance premium or to pay insurance money according to the proportion between the actually paid insurance premium and the due insurance premium. 投保人申报的被保险人年龄不真实,致使投保人支付的保险费少于应付保险费的,保险人有权更正并要求投保人补交保险费,或者在给付保险金时按照实付保险费与应付保险费的比例支付。
Where the insurance applicant falsely declares the age of the insured and thus pays an insurance premium more than the due insurance premium, the insurer shall refund the overpaid insurance premium to the insurance applicant. 投保人申报的被保险人年龄不真实,致使投保人支付的保险费多于应付保险费的,保险人应当将多收的保险费退还投保人。
Article 33 No insurance applicant shall take out any personal insurance in which insurance money shall be paid conditioned upon the death of the insured for a person without the civil conduct capacity, and no insurer shall underwrite such insurance.   第三十三条 投保人不得为无民事行为能力人投保以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险,保险人也不得承保。
Parents who take out personal insurance for their underage children shall not be subject to the preceding paragraph. However, the total insurance money paid for the death of the insured shall not exceed the limit as prescribed by the insurance regulatory body under the State Council. 父母为其未成年子女投保的人身保险,不受前款规定限制。但是,因被保险人死亡给付的保险金总和不得超过国务院保险监督管理机构规定的限额。
Article 34 Where an insurance contract takes death as the condition for payment of insurance money, and the insured has not consented thereto and recognized the insured amount, the contract shall be null and void.   第三十四条 以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同,未经被保险人同意并认可保险金额的,合同无效。
An insurance policy issued under a contract which takes death as the condition for payment of insurance money shall not be transferred or pledged without the written consent of the insured. 按照以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同所签发的保险单,未经被保险人书面同意,不得转让或者质押。
Parents who take out personal insurance for their underage children shall not be subject to paragraph 1 of this Article. 父母为其未成年子女投保的人身保险,不受本条第一款规定限制。
Article 35 An insurance applicant may pay an insurance premium to an insurer in a lump sum or in installments as agreed upon in the insurance contract.   第三十五条 投保人可以按照合同约定向保险人一次支付全部保险费或者分期支付保险费。
Article 36 Where an insurance contract provides that the insurance premium shall be paid in installments, and after paying the first installment of the insurance premium, the insurance applicant fails to pay the current installment of the insurance premium beyond 30 days after the day when the insurer sends a payment notice or beyond 60 days after the day as agreed upon, the validity of the contract shall be suspended, or the insurer may reduce the insured amount according to the contract, except as otherwise provided for by the contract.   第三十六条 合同约定分期支付保险费,投保人支付首期保险费后,除合同另有约定外,投保人自保险人催告之日起超过三十日未支付当期保险费,或者超过约定的期限六十日未支付当期保险费的,合同效力中止,或者由保险人按照合同约定的条件减少保险金额。
Where an insured incident occurs to the insured within the time limit mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the insurer shall pay insurance money according to the contract but may deduct the underpaid insurance premium from the insurance money. 被保险人在前款规定期限内发生保险事故的,保险人应当按照合同约定给付保险金,但可以扣减欠交的保险费。
Article 37 Where the validity of an insurance contract is suspended under Article 36 of this Law, the validity of the contract may resume after the insurer and insurance applicant reach an agreement upon consultation and the insurance applicant makes up the underpaid insurance premium. However, if both parties fail to reach an agreement two years after the validity of the contract is suspended, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the contract.   第三十七条 合同效力依照本法第三十六条规定中止的,经保险人与投保人协商并达成协议,在投保人补交保险费后,合同效力恢复。但是,自合同效力中止之日起满二年双方未达成协议的,保险人有权解除合同。
If the insurer rescinds the contract under the preceding paragraph, it shall refund the cash value of the insurance policy as agreed upon in the contract. 保险人依照前款规定解除合同的,应当按照合同约定退还保险单的现金价值。
Article 38 No insurer shall resort to litigation to require an insurance applicant to pay any premium for life insurance.   第三十八条 保险人对人寿保险的保险费,不得用诉讼方式要求投保人支付。
Article 39 The beneficiary in personal insurance shall be designated by the insured or insurance applicant.   第三十九条 人身保险的受益人由被保险人或者投保人指定。
The insurance applicant shall obtain the consent of the insured when designating the beneficiary. Where the insurance applicant takes out personal insurance for any worker who has a labor relationship with the insurance applicant, the insurance applicant shall not designate any person other than the insured or a close relative thereof as the beneficiary. 投保人指定受益人时须经被保险人同意。投保人为与其有劳动关系的劳动者投保人身保险,不得指定被保险人及其近亲属以外的人为受益人。
For an insured without the civil conduct capacity or with limited civil conduct capacity, his or her guardian may designate the beneficiary. 被保险人为无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人的,可以由其监护人指定受益人。
Article 40 The insured or insurance applicant may designate one or more beneficiaries.   第四十条 被保险人或者投保人可以指定一人或者数人为受益人。
If there are two or more beneficiaries, the insured or insurance applicant may determine the sequence and shares of the beneficiaries; if the shares of the beneficiaries are not determined, all beneficiaries shall equally enjoy the beneficiary right. 受益人为数人的,被保险人或者投保人可以确定受益顺序和受益份额;未确定受益份额的,受益人按照相等份额享有受益权。
Article 41 The insured or insurance applicant may change a beneficiary but shall notify the insurer in writing. The insurer shall endorse the insurance policy or any other insurance certificate or attach an approval slip thereto after receiving the written notice.   第四十一条 被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人。保险人收到变更受益人的书面通知后,应当在保险单或者其他保险凭证上批注或者附贴批单。
To change a beneficiary, the insurance applicant must obtain the consent of the insured. 投保人变更受益人时须经被保险人同意。
Article 42 After the death of the insured, under any of the following circumstances, the insurance money shall be deemed the legacy of the insured, and the insurer shall perform the obligation of paying insurance money according to the Succession Law of the People's Republic of China:   第四十二条 被保险人死亡后,有下列情形之一的,保险金作为被保险人的遗产,由保险人依照《中华人民共和国继承法》的规定履行给付保险金的义务:
(1) No beneficiary is designated or the beneficiary is not clearly designated and cannot be determined. (一)没有指定受益人,或者受益人指定不明无法确定的;
(2) The designated beneficiary is survived by the insured and there is no other beneficiary. (二)受益人先于被保险人死亡,没有其他受益人的;
(3) The designated beneficiary legally loses or waives the beneficiary right and there is no other beneficiary. (三)受益人依法丧失受益权或者放弃受益权,没有其他受益人的。
Where both the beneficiary and the insured die in the same incident, and it is impossible to determine their sequence of death, the beneficiary shall be presumed dead first. 受益人与被保险人在同一事件中死亡,且不能确定死亡先后顺序的,推定受益人死亡在先。
Article 43 Where the insurance applicant intentionally causes the death, injury, disability or illness to the insured, the insurer shall not be liable to pay insurance money. If the insurance applicant has paid insurance premium for two full years or more, the insurer shall return the cash value of the insurance policy to other right holders as agreed upon in the contract.   第四十三条 投保人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残或者疾病的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。投保人已交足二年以上保险费的,保险人应当按照合同约定向其他权利人退还保险单的现金价值。
Where the beneficiary intentionally causes the death, injury, disability or illness to the insured or attempts to murder the insured, the beneficiary shall lose the beneficiary right. 受益人故意造成被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病的,或者故意杀害被保险人未遂的,该受益人丧失受益权。
Article 44 Where the insured in a contract which takes death as the condition for paying insurance money commits suicide within two years after the contract is formed or the validity of the contract resumes, the insurer shall not be liable to pay insurance money, unless the insured is a person without the civil conduct capacity at the time of suicide.   第四十四条 以被保险人死亡为给付保险金条件的合同,自合同成立或者合同效力恢复之日起二年内,被保险人自杀的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任,但被保险人自杀时为无民事行为能力人的除外。
Where the insurer is not liable to pay insurance money under the preceding paragraph, it shall refund the cash value of the insurance policy as agreed upon in the contract. 保险人依照前款规定不承担给付保险金责任的,应当按照合同约定退还保险单的现金价值。
Article 45 Where the insured is injured, disabled or dead for his or her intentional commission of a crime or resistance to any legally taken criminal compulsory measure, the insurer shall not be liable to pay insurance money. If the insurer has paid the insurance premium for two full years or more, the insurer shall refund the cash value of the insurance policy as agreed upon in the contract.   第四十五条 因被保险人故意犯罪或者抗拒依法采取的刑事强制措施导致其伤残或者死亡的,保险人不承担给付保险金的责任。投保人已交足二年以上保险费的,保险人应当按照合同约定退还保险单的现金价值。
Article 46 For the occurrence of an insured incident such as death, injury, disability or illness caused to the insured by the conduct of a third party, after the insurer pays insurance money to the insured or beneficiary, the insurer shall have no right to recover the money from the third party, but the insured or beneficiary shall still have the right to claim compensation against the third party.   第四十六条 被保险人因第三者的行为而发生死亡、伤残或者疾病等保险事故的,保险人向被保险人或者受益人给付保险金后,不享有向第三者追偿的权利,但被保险人或者受益人仍有权向第三者请求赔偿。
Article 47 Where the insurance applicant rescinds the contract, the insurer shall refund the cash value of the insurance policy as agreed upon in the contract within 30 days from the day of receipt of the notice of contract rescission.   第四十七条 投保人解除合同的,保险人应当自收到解除合同通知之日起三十日内,按照合同约定退还保险单的现金价值。
Section 3 Property Insurance Contracts 

第三节 财产保险合同

Article 48 The insured which does not have an insurable interest in the subject matter insured when an insured incident occurs shall not claim indemnity against the insurer.   第四十八条 保险事故发生时,被保险人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,不得向保险人请求赔偿保险金。
Article 49 Where the subject matter insured is assigned, the assignee shall succeed to the rights and obligations of the insured.   第四十九条 保险标的转让的,保险标的的受让人承继被保险人的权利和义务。
Where the subject matter insured is assigned, the insured or the assignee shall notify the insurer in a timely manner, except for a cargo transportation insurance contract or any contract as otherwise agreed upon. 保险标的转让的,被保险人或者受让人应当及时通知保险人,但货物运输保险合同和另有约定的合同除外。
If the assignment of the subject matter insured greatly raises the degree of peril, the insurer may, within 30 days of receipt of the notice as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, increase the insurance premium or rescind the contract as agreed upon in the contract. If the insurer rescinds the contract, it shall refund the collected insurance premium to the insurance applicant after deducting the receivable part from the day of commencement of insurance liability to the day of contract rescission. 因保险标的转让导致危险程度显著增加的,保险人自收到前款规定的通知之日起三十日内,可以按照合同约定增加保险费或者解除合同。保险人解除合同的,应当将已收取的保险费,按照合同约定扣除自保险责任开始之日起至合同解除之日止应收的部分后,退还投保人。
Where the insured or assignee fails to perform the notification obligation prescribed in paragraph 2 of this Article and an insured incident occurs because the assignment greatly raises the degree of peril of the subject matter insured, the insurer shall not be liable to pay indemnity. 被保险人、受让人未履行本条第二款规定的通知义务的,因转让导致保险标的危险程度显著增加而发生的保险事故,保险人不承担赔偿保险金的责任。
Article 50 For a cargo transportation insurance contract or a voyage insurance contract for a means of transport, once the insurance liability commences, neither of the parties to the contract shall rescind the contract.   第五十条 货物运输保险合同和运输工具航程保险合同,保险责任开始后,合同当事人不得解除合同。
Article 51 The insured shall abide by the state provisions on fire protection, safety, productive operation, labor protection, etc. to maintain the safety of the subject matter insured.   第五十一条 被保险人应当遵守国家有关消防、安全、生产操作、劳动保护等方面的规定,维护保险标的的安全。
The insurer may check the safety status of the subject matter insured according to the contract, and offer written recommendations to the insurance applicant or insured on eliminating unsafe factors or hidden dangers in a timely manner. 保险人可以按照合同约定对保险标的的安全状况进行检查,及时向投保人、被保险人提出消除不安全因素和隐患的书面建议。
Where the insurance applicant or insured fails to perform the duty of maintaining the safety of the subject matter insured as agreed upon, the insurer shall have the right to increase the insurance premium or rescind the contract. 投保人、被保险人未按照约定履行其对保险标的的安全应尽责任的,保险人有权要求增加保险费或者解除合同。
To maintain the safety of the subject matter insured, the insurer may take safety precautions upon consent of the insured. 保险人为维护保险标的的安全,经被保险人同意,可以采取安全预防措施。
Article 52 Where the degree of peril of the subject matter insured greatly increases during the term of validity of the contract, the insured shall notify the insurer in a timely manner as agreed upon in the contract, and the insurer may increase the insurance premium or rescind the contract as agreed upon in the contract. If the insurer rescinds the contract, it shall refund the insurance premium to the insurance applicant after deducting the receivable part from the day of commencement of insurance liability to the day of contract rescission as agreed upon in the contract.   第五十二条 在合同有效期内,保险标的的危险程度显著增加的,被保险人应当按照合同约定及时通知保险人,保险人可以按照合同约定增加保险费或者解除合同。保险人解除合同的,应当将已收取的保险费,按照合同约定扣除自保险责任开始之日起至合同解除之日止应收的部分后,退还投保人。
Where the insured fails to perform the notification obligation prescribed in the preceding paragraph and an insured incident occurs because the degree of peril of the subject matter insured greatly increases, the insurer shall not be liable to pay indemnity. 被保险人未履行前款规定的通知义务的,因保险标的的危险程度显著增加而发生的保险事故,保险人不承担赔偿保险金的责任。
Article 53 Under either of the following circumstances, except as otherwise provided for by the contract, the insurer shall reduce the insurance premium, and refund the corresponding amount of insurance premium calculate by day to the insurance applicant:   第五十三条 有下列情形之一的,除合同另有约定外,保险人应当降低保险费,并按日计算退还相应的保险费:
(1) The relevant condition based on which the insurance premium rate is determined changes, and thus the degree of peril of the subject matter insured evidently decreases. (一)据以确定保险费率的有关情况发生变化,保险标的的危险程度明显减少的;
(2) The insurable value of the subject matter insured evidently decreases. (二)保险标的的保险价值明显减少的。
Article 54 Where the insurance applicant requires rescission of the contract before the insurance liability commences, it shall pay a commission charge to the insurer as agreed upon in the contract, and the insurer shall refund the insurance premium. Where the insurance applicant requires rescission of the contract after the insurance liability commences, the insurer shall refund the insurance premium to the insurance applicant after deducting the receivable part from the day of commencement of insurance liability to the day of contract rescission as agreed upon in the contract.   第五十四条 保险责任开始前,投保人要求解除合同的,应当按照合同约定向保险人支付手续费,保险人应当退还保险费。保险责任开始后,投保人要求解除合同的,保险人应当将已收取的保险费,按照合同约定扣除自保险责任开始之日起至合同解除之日止应收的部分后,退还投保人。
Article 55 Where the insurance applicant and insurer agree upon the insurable value of the subject matter insured and include it in the contract, when the subject matter insured suffers any loss, the insurable value as agreed upon shall be the standard for calculation of indemnity.   第五十五条 投保人和保险人约定保险标的的保险价值并在合同中载明的,保险标的发生损失时,以约定的保险价值为赔偿计算标准。
Where the insurance applicant and insurer fail to agree upon the insurable value of the subject matter insured, when the subject matter insured suffers any loss, the actual value of the subject matter insured at the time of occurrence of the insured incident shall be the standard for calculation of indemnity. 投保人和保险人未约定保险标的的保险价值的,保险标的发生损失时,以保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值为赔偿计算标准。
The insured amount shall not exceed the insurable value. In the case of excess, the excess shall be invalid, and the insurer shall refund the corresponding amount of insurance premium to the insurance applicant. 保险金额不得超过保险价值。超过保险价值的,超过部分无效,保险人应当退还相应的保险费。
If the insured amount is less than the insurable value, except as otherwise provided for by the contract, the insurer shall be liable to pay indemnity according to the proportion between the insured amount and the insurable value. 保险金额低于保险价值的,除合同另有约定外,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例承担赔偿保险金的责任。
Article 56 The insurance applicant in overlapping insurance shall notify all insurers of the overlapping insurance.   第五十六条 重复保险的投保人应当将重复保险的有关情况通知各保险人。
The total indemnity paid by all insurers in overlapping insurance shall not exceed the insurable value. Each insurer shall be liable to pay indemnity according to the proportion between its insured amount and the total insured amount, except as otherwise provided for by the contract. 重复保险的各保险人赔偿保险金的总和不得超过保险价值。除合同另有约定外,各保险人按照其保险金额与保险金额总和的比例承担赔偿保险金的责任。
The insurance applicant in overlapping insurance may require the insurers to refund pro rata the insurance premium for the excess between the total insured amount and the insurable value. 重复保险的投保人可以就保险金额总和超过保险价值的部分,请求各保险人按比例返还保险费。
Overlapping insurance means that an insurance applicant enters into insurance contracts with two or more insurers respectively for the same subject matter insured, the same insurance interest or the same insured incident and the total insured amount exceeds the insurable value. 重复保险是指投保人对同一保险标的、同一保险利益、同一保险事故分别与两个以上保险人订立保险合同,且保险金额总和超过保险价值的保险。
Article 57 When an insured incident occurs, the insured shall endeavor to take necessary measures to prevent or reduce losses.
   第五十七条 保险事故发生时,被保险人应当尽力采取必要的措施,防止或者减少损失。

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