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Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Implementing the System of Interpreting Laws with Cases by Public Prosecutors (for Trial Implementation) [Expired]
最高人民检察院关于印发《最高人民检察院关于实行检察官以案释法制度的规定(试行)》的通知 [失效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Implementing the System of Interpreting Laws with Cases by Public Prosecutors (for Trial Implementation) 


(Order No.4 [2015] of the Supreme People's Procuratorate) (高检发研字(2015)4号)

The people's procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army; and the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:
The Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Implementing the System of Interpreting Laws with Cases by Public Prosecutors (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the “Provisions”), as adopted at the 37th session of the Twelfth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on July 1, 2015, are hereby issued. Procuratorial organs at all levels shall, in view of actualities of their work, attach great importance to and conscientiously promote the implementation of the Provisions so as to promote the in-depth implementation of the interpretation of laws with cases by public prosecutors. 《最高人民检察院关于实行检察官以案释法制度的规定(试行)》(以下简称《规定》)已经2015年7月1日最高人民检察院第十二届检察委员会第三十七次会议通过,现予印发。各级检察机关要结合工作实际,高度重视并认真抓好《规定》贯彻落实,积极推动检察官以案释法工作全面深入开展。
First, comprehensively improving awareness. Establishing and implementing the system of public prosecutors interpreting laws with cases is an important move for carrying out the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and is of great significance to maximizing the functions and roles of procuratorial organs, heightening the public awareness of the rule of law, and enhancing the building of a society ruled by law. The procuratorial organs at all levels shall, based on the requirements for advancing all-round law-based governance of the state, constantly raise the sense of responsibility and the initiative to carry out the work of interpreting laws with cases, and make efforts to maximize their positive roles in enhancing the building of a society ruled by law. 一是要充分提高认识。建立并实行检察官以案释法制度,是贯彻落实党的十八届四中全会精神的重要举措,对于充分发挥检察机关职能作用、增强全民法治观念、促进法治社会建设具有重要意义。各级检察机关要从全面推进依法治国要求出发,不断提高开展以案释法工作的责任感和主动性,努力发挥好检察机关在推进法治社会建设中的积极作用。
Second, implementing in an effectivemanner. The procuratorial organs at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Provisions, actively deepen the work of public prosecutors interpreting laws with cases; take the work as an important component part of handling cases under the judicial procedures, and interpret laws and explain reasoning to litigation participants without delay under circumstances whereby they are required to do so in the course of handling cases; and, by conscientiously studying the typical cases handled by them, actively conduct the work of interpreting laws with cases to the public so as to make ongoing efforts to improve the rule of law of the society. 二是要扎实推进工作。各级检察机关要认真按照《规定》要求,积极深入推进检察官以案释法工作。要把检察官以案释法作为司法办案的重要内容,对办案过程中应当向当事人等诉讼参与人释法说理的情形,要按照规定及时进行释法说理。同时认真结合检察机关办理的典型案例,积极开展向社会公众以案释法工作,不断提高全社会法治建设水平。
Third, ensuring effects. The procuratorial organs at all levels shall accurately understand the goals, principles and specific requirements of the work of public prosecutors interpreting laws with cases, and conduct the work in compliance with laws and regulations. They shall focus on the primary tasks of the Party and the state, take into account the actualities in handling cases by the judicial procedures, effectively combine the work of public prosecutors interpreting laws with cases with the work of strengthening the reasoning of procuratorial legal documents and strengthening procuratorial publicity, and make efforts to integrate legal effects and social effects. 三是要确保工作实效。各级检察机关要准确把握检察官以案释法工作的目标、原则和具体要求,依法规范开展好检察官以案释法工作。要紧紧围绕党和国家工作大局,紧密结合司法办案实际,把检察官以案释法工作与加强检察法律文书说理和检察宣传工作有效结合起来,努力实现法律效果和社会效果的有机统一。
Fourth, strengthening organization and leadership. The procuratorial organs at all levels shall put the work of public prosecutors interpreting laws with cases at the top of their agendas, effectively strengthen leadership, improve working mechanisms, and clarify relevant responsibilities. The procuratorates at the provincial level shall play their leading roles, strengthen supervision of and guidance to lower procuratorates in the work of interpreting laws with cases, and develop detailed implementation rules for the work in view of their local actualities when necessary, so as to promote the orderly proceeding of the work in local regions. 四是要加强组织领导。各级检察机关要把检察官以案释法工作摆上重要位置,切实加强领导,健全工作机制,落实相关责任。省级检察院要充分发挥领导作用,加强对下级院开展以案释法工作的监督指导,必要时应当结合本地区实际,制定检察官以案释法工作实施细则,促进本地区检察官以案释法工作规范有序开展。
Fifth, actively exploring and practicing. The procuratorial organs at all levels shall, in the course of carrying out the work of public prosecutors interpreting laws with cases, pay attention to discovering problems and summarizing experience, actively explore to find effective methods for implementing the system, and promote the sound development of the work. Upon encountering any problem in implementing the Provisions, the procuratorial organs at all levels shall report it to the Supreme People's Procuratorate level by level in a timely manner. 五是要积极探索实践。各级检察机关在开展检察官以案释法工作中,要注意发现问题、总结经验,同时积极探索适合开展以案释法工作的有效方式,推动检察官以案释法工作健康发展。各级检察机关在执行《规定》中遇到的问题,请及时层报最高人民检察院。
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
July 3, 2015 2015年7月3日
Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Implementing the System of Interpreting Laws with Cases by Public Prosecutors (for Trial Implementation) 最高人民检察院关于实行检察官以案释法制度的规定(试行)
Article 1 For purposes of maximizing the functions and roles of procuratorial organs, heightening the public awareness of the rule of law, and enhancing the building of a society ruled by law, under the law popularization responsibility system advocating “those who enforce laws shall popularize laws,” the system of interpreting laws with cases by public prosecutors is established and implemented.   第一条 为了充分发挥检察机关职能作用,增强全民法治观念,推进法治社会建设,按照“谁执法谁普法”的普法责任制,根据宪法和法律规定,建立并实行检察官以案释法制度。
Article 2 Interpreting laws with cases by public prosecutors refers to the activities whereby public prosecutors interpret laws, explain reasoning, and conduct the publicity and education of the rule of law on the basis of the facts, evidence, procedures, and application of law of cases handled by procuratorial organs.   第二条 检察官以案释法,是指检察官结合检察机关办理的案件,围绕案件事实、证据、程序和法律适用等问题进行释法说理、开展法治宣传教育等活动。
Interpreting laws with cases by public prosecutors includes interpreting laws with cases to parties to cases and other litigation participants and interpreting laws with cases to the public. 检察官以案释法包括向当事人等诉讼参与人以案释法和向社会公众以案释法。
Article 3 When interpreting laws with cases, public prosecutors shall stick to the following principles:   第三条 检察官以案释法应当遵循以下原则:
(1) The principle of necessity. Public prosecutors shall take into account the nature and characteristics of cases, the requests of litigation participants, the publicity effect of the rule of law, and other relevant factors in deciding whether and how to interpret laws with cases. (一)必要性原则。检察官应当综合考虑案件性质特点、诉讼参与人需求以及法治宣传效果等因素,决定是否进行以案释法以及如何释法。
(2) The principle of lawfulness. Public prosecutors shall interpret laws with cases in strict accordance with laws and judicial interpretations, and shall not include any content in violation of laws. (二)合法性原则。检察官应当严格依照法律和司法解释进行以案释法,不得出现违反法律规定的内容。
(3) The principle of standardization. Public prosecutors shall be accurate in stating facts, clear in reasoning, and be standardized in phrasing when interpreting laws with cases. (三)规范性原则。检察官以案释法应当做到事实准确,说理清晰,表述规范。
(4) The principle of timeliness. Public prosecutors shall, in view of the actual condition of case handling work and the needs for popularizing laws, interpret laws with cases to litigation participants or the public in a timely manner in the key link of the case handling process or after cases are concluded.

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