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Measures for the Administration of Chinese Citizens Travelling to or from Taiwan Region (2015 Revision) [Effective]
中国公民往来台湾地区管理办法(2015修订) [现行有效]

Measures for the Administration of Chinese Citizens Travelling to or from Taiwan Region 


(Issued by Order No. 93 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on December 17, 1991 and amended according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Measures for the Administration of Chinese Citizens Travelling to or from Taiwan Region on June 14, 2015) (1991年12月17日中华人民共和国国务院令第93号发布 根据2015年6月14日《国务院关于修改〈中国公民往来台湾地区管理办法〉的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 These Measures are developed for purposes of safeguarding the contact of persons on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, facilitating exchanges among various parties, and maintaining public order.   第一条 为保障台湾海峡两岸人员往来,促进各方交流,维护社会秩序,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall be applicable to Chinese citizens residing in the Mainland (hereinafter referred to as Mainland residents) travelling to or from the Taiwan Region (hereinafter referred to as Taiwan) and Chinese citizens residing in Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as Taiwan residents) entering or leaving the Mainland.   第二条 居住在大陆的中国公民(以下简称大陆居民)往来台湾地区(以下简称台湾)以及居住在台湾地区的中国公民(以下简称台湾居民)来往大陆,适用本办法。
Issues not specified in these Measures, but stipulated in other laws or regulations, shall be subject to the laws or regulations. 本办法未规定的事项,其他有关法律、法规有规定的,适用其他法律、法规。
Article 3 For going to Taiwan, Mainland residents shall pass through open ports or other designated ports of exit and entry upon strength of their travel certificates issued by the exit-entry administrative departments of the public security organs.   第三条 大陆居民前往台湾,凭公安机关出入境管理部门签发的旅行证件,从开放的或者指定的出入境口岸通行。
Article 4 For entering the Mainland, Taiwan residents shall pass through open ports or other designated ports of entry and exit upon strength of their travel certificates issued by the competent organs of the state.   第四条 台湾居民来大陆,凭国家主管机关签发的旅行证件,从开放的或者指定的入出境口岸通行。
Article 5 Chinese citizens travelling between the Mainland and Taiwan may not commit any act harmful to the security, honor or interests of the state.   第五条 中国公民往来台湾与大陆之间,不得有危害国家安全、荣誉和利益的行为。
Chapter II Mainland Residents Traveling to Taiwan 

第二章 大陆居民前往台湾

Article 6 A Mainland resident who intends to go to Taiwan for the purposes of settling down there, visiting relatives and friends, travelling, accepting and disposing of property, undertaking matrimonial or funeral matters or of participating in economic, scientific, technological, cultural, educational, sports and academic activities shall file an application with the public security bureau of the municipality or county where the applicant's registered residence is located.   第六条 大陆居民前往台湾定居、探亲、访友、旅游、接受和处理财产、处理婚丧事宜或者参加经济、科技、文化、教育、体育、学术等活动,须向户口所在地的市、县公安局提出申请。
Article 7 A Mainland resident who applies for permission to go to Taiwan shall go through the following formalities:   第七条 大陆居民申请前往台湾,须履行下列手续:
(1) An applicant shall submit for examination the certificates proving his/her identity and permanent residence. (一)交验身份、户口证明;
(2) An applicant shall fill in an application form for travelling to Taiwan. (二)填写前往台湾申请表;
(3) An applicant shall submit the written opinions of the applicant's entity or school concerning the travel to Taiwan, if the applicant is employed or is in school; or the written opinions of the police station where the applicant's registered residence is located if the applicant is not employed or in school. (三)在职、在学人员须提交所在单位对申请人前往台湾的意见;非在职、在学人员须提交户口所在地公安派出所对申请人前往台湾的意见;
(4) An applicant shall submit the certificate relevant to the reasons for filing the application. (四)提交与申请事由相应的证明。
Article 8 The certificates as mentioned in Item (4) of Article 7 of these Measures refer to:   第八条 本办法第七条第四项所称的证明是指:
(1) A person who wishes to settle down there shall submit the certificate proving that he is actually able to settle down in Taiwan. (一)前往定居,须提交确能在台湾定居的证明;
(2) A person who wishes to visit relatives and friends shall submit the certificate proving the kinship or relationship between the applicant and his relatives or friends in Taiwan. (二)探亲、访友,须提交台湾亲友关系的证明;
(3) A person who wishes to travel to Taiwan as a tourist shall submit the certificate proving that he has the necessary fund for covering travelling expenses. (三)旅游,须提交旅行所需费用的证明;
(4) A person who wishes to accept and dispose of property in Taiwan shall submit the notarized certificate relevant to the applicant's lawful right to the property. (四)接受、处理财产,须提交经过公证的对该项财产有合法权利的有关证明;
(5) A person who wishes to handle matrimonial matters shall submit the notarized certificate proving the applicant's matrimonial status. (五)处理婚姻事务,须提交经过公证的有关婚姻状况的证明;
(6) A person who wishes to handle funeral matters of his relatives or friends shall submit relevant letters and notices. (六)处理亲友丧事,须提交有关的函件或者通知;
(7) A person who wishes to participate in economic, scientific, technological, cultural, educational, sports and academic activities, and other activities shall submit the certificate relevant to the invitation or consent from the corresponding organs, organizations, or individuals in Taiwan. (七)参加经济、科技、文化、教育、体育、学术等活动,须提交台湾相应机构、团体、个人邀请或者同意参加该项活动的证明;
(8) Other certificates which the competent department deems necessary to be submitted. (八)主管机关认为需要提交的其他证明。
Article 9 The public security organ shall, after receiving a Mainland resident's application for going to Taiwan, decide within 30 days, or, 60 days for the applicant residing in a remote place with inconvenient communication, to approve or disapprove the application and notify the applicant of the decision. In the case of an urgent application, the public security organ shall make a decision as the occasion demands.   第九条 公安机关受理大陆居民前往台湾的申请,应当在30日内,地处偏僻、交通不便的应当在60日内,作出批准或者不予批准的决定,通知申请人。紧急的申请,应当随时办理。
Article 10 With respect to a Mainland resident whose application for going to Taiwan has been approved, the public security organ shall issue the applicant a travel certificate or visa on his travel certificate.   第十条 经批准前往台湾的大陆居民,由公安机关签发或者签注旅行证件。
Article 11 A Mainland resident whose application for going to Taiwan has been approved shall leave within the time limit specified in his travel certificate and return on schedule, unless he goes there for permanent residence.   第十一条 经批准前往台湾的大陆居民,应当在所持旅行证件签注的有效期内前往,除定居的以外,应当按期返回。
A Mainland resident who is unable to return on schedule due to disease or other special circumstances on the expiry of the travel certificate after arriving in Taiwan may file an application for the renewal of his travel certificate to the original-issuing public security organ or the competent organ appointed or authorized by the Bureau of Entry- Exit Administration of the Ministry of Public Security. With special reasons, he may file an application with the public security organ and handle the entry formalities at an entry port. 大陆居民前往台湾后,因病或者其他特殊情况,旅行证件到期不能按期返回的,可以向原发证的公安机关或者公安部出入境管理局派出的或者委托的有关机构申请办理延期手续;有特殊原因的也可以在入境口岸的公安机关申请办理入境手续。
Article 12 An application filed for permission to go to Taiwan by a Mainland resident who falls under any of the following circumstances shall not be approved:   第十二条 申请前往台湾的大陆居民有下列情形之一的,不予批准:
(1) He is a defendant in a criminal case or a criminal suspect. (一)刑事案件的被告人或者犯罪嫌疑人;
(2) He is notified by a people's court for inability to leave the Mainland due to involvement in an unresolved lawsuit. (二)人民法院通知有未了结诉讼事宜不能离境的;
(3) He is a convicted person still serving sentence. (三)被判处刑罚尚未执行完毕的;
(4) He is undergoing rehabilitation through labor. (四)正在被劳动教养的;
(5) He is a person whose exit will, in the opinion of the competent department of the State Council, be harmful to the state security or cause a great loss to the state interests. (五)国务院有关主管部门认为出境后将对国家安全造成危害或者对国家利益造成重大损失的;
(6) He has committed such fraudulent act as fabricating information or submitting forged certificates. (六)有编造情况、提供假证明等欺骗行为的。
Chapter III Taiwan Residents Entering the Mainland 

第三章 台湾居民来大陆

Article 13 Taiwan residents who wish to enter the Mainland shall apply to one of the following organs for travel certificates:   第十三条 台湾居民要求来大陆的,向下列有关机关申请办理旅行证件:
(1) Those who wish to enter the Mainland directly from Taiwan shall file applications with the competent organs appointed or authorized by the Bureau of Entry-Exit Administration of the Ministry of Public Security. With special reasons, they may apply to the public security organ at designated port. (一)从台湾地区要求直接来大陆的,向公安部出入境管理局派出的或者委托的有关机构申请;有特殊事由的,也可以向指定口岸的公安机关申请;
(2) Those who wish to enter the Mainland after their arrival in the Regions of Hong Kong or Macao shall file applications with the relevant organs in the Regions of Hong Kong or Macao appointed or authorized by the Bureau of Entry-Exit Administration of the Ministry of Public Security. (二)到香港、澳门地区后要求来大陆的,向公安部出入境管理局派出的机构或者委托的在香港、澳门地区的有关机构申请;
(3) Those who wish to enter the Mainland by way of foreign countries shall apply to the People's Republic of China's diplomatic missions or consular offices or any other resident agency stationed abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with the Passport Law of the People's Republic of China.

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