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Notice of the State Council on Approving and Forwarding the Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Pivotal Work of Deepening the Reform of the Economic System in 2015 [Effective]
国务院批转发展改革委关于2015年深化经济体制改革重点工作意见的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the State Council on Approving and Forwarding the Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Pivotal Work of Deepening the Reform of the Economic System in 2015 


(No. 26 [2015] of the State Council) (国发〔2015〕26号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
The State Council ratifies the Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Pivotal Work of Deepening the Reform of the Economic System in 2015 which are hereby forwarded to you for your conscientious implementation. 国务院同意发展改革委《关于2015年深化经济体制改革重点工作的意见》,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。
State Council 国务院
May 8, 2015 2015年5月8日
Opinions on the Pivotal Work of Deepening the Reform of the Economic System in 2015 关于2015年深化经济体制改革重点工作的意见
National Development and Reform Commission (发展改革委)
The year 2015 is a pivotal year for comprehensively deepening the reform, the first year for fully advancing the rule of law, the last year for thoroughly completing the 12th Five-Year Plan, and a critical year for stabilizing growth and adjusting structure, in which the tasks for the reform of the economic system are more difficult. According to the arrangements in the Key Work of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform in 2015 and the arrangements in the Government Work Report, the following opinions on the pivotal work of deepening the reform of the economic system in 2015 are hereby offered. 2015年是全面深化改革的关键之年,是全面推进依法治国的开局之年,是全面完成“十二五”规划的收官之年,也是稳增长、调结构的紧要之年,经济体制改革任务更加艰巨。根据《中央全面深化改革领导小组2015年工作要点》和《政府工作报告》的部署,现就2015年深化经济体制改革重点工作提出以下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
The spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee shall be comprehensively implemented, according to the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the new normal of economic development shall be voluntarily adapted to and led, the mind shall be further freed, bold exploration shall be made, reform with annual characteristics and helpful for long-term institutional arrangements shall be launched at a faster pace, and social productivity shall be further liberated and developed. With effectively handling the relationship between the government and the market as the core, the reform in major fields shall be driven by the self-revolution of the government, the implementation of the reform plans already issued shall be ensured in priority, and a group of new measures for stimulating the market and releasing dynamism, helpful to stabilize growth, ensure employment and improve benefits shall be issued without delay, so as to convert new reform dividends into new development momentum. 全面贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届二中、三中、四中全会精神,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,进一步解放思想,大胆探索,加快推出既具有年度特点、又有利于长远制度安排的改革,进一步解放和发展社会生产力。以处理好政府和市场关系为核心,以政府自身革命带动重要领域改革,着力抓好已出台改革方案的落地实施,抓紧推出一批激活市场、释放活力、有利于稳增长保就业增效益的改革新举措,使改革新红利转化为发展新动力。
Problem-oriented approaches shall be firmly adhered to, and reform shall be made to better serve growth stabilization, structure adjustment, livelihood improvement, and risk prevention. The effective resolution of prominent problems challenging economic and social development shall be set as a major standard for the reform of the economic system. In view of the difficulties and problems such as more economic downturn pressure, prominent deep-level conflicts in development, overlapping old and new problems, and increase in hidden risks, the earliest issuance and faster implementation of reform measures helpful to stabilize growth, ensure employment and improve benefits shall be promoted, through the reform, market dynamism shall be triggered, development potentials shall be released, and potential risks shall be resolved, so as to promote growth in stability, improvement of quality and efficiency and upgrading of the economy. 牢牢把握问题导向,使改革更好服务于稳增长、调结构、惠民生、防风险。把有效解决经济社会发展面临的突出问题作为经济体制改革成效的重要标准。针对经济下行压力加大、发展中深层次矛盾凸显、新老问题叠加、风险隐患增多等困难和问题,推动有利于稳增长保就业增效益的改革措施及早出台、加快落地,通过改革激发市场活力、释放发展潜力、化解潜在风险,促进经济稳中有进和提质增效升级。
The integration of top design with basic-level innovation shall be adhered to to fully trigger social dynamism and creativity. While great importance is attached to the top design of the reform, attention shall be paid to the basic level in order to fully respect and use the spirit of practice and creation of local governments, the basic level and the people, excel at seek the starting point of the reform in what draws the people's attention and the difficulties in people's life, make reform thinking, policies and measures better conform to the need of the people and the actualities of development, search for best solutions in practice, and promote the positive interaction between and organic integration of top design and basic-level exploration. 坚持顶层设计与基层创新相结合,充分激发社会活力和创造力。既高度重视改革的顶层设计,又坚持眼睛向下、脚步向下,充分尊重和发挥地方、基层、群众实践和首创精神,善于从群众关注的焦点、百姓生活的难点寻找改革的切入点,使改革的思路、决策、措施更加符合群众需要和发展实际,从实践中寻找最佳方案,推动顶层设计与基层探索良性互动、有机结合。
Legal thinking and means shall be voluntarily used to advance the reform and realize the organic unity of deepening the reform and legal guarantees. In the research of reform plans and measures, the legislation issues involved in the reform shall be taken into consideration to ensure that major reforms have a legal basis. Reform measures proved effective in practice shall be promoted in a timely manner in being upgrade to laws and regulations. If a reform needs to be piloted by breaking the law in force, the pilot program shall be conducted with authorization according to statutory procedures. Through the rule of law, reform consensus shall be built, risks shall be prevented and resolved, and reform achievements shall be solidified. 自觉运用法治思维和法治方式推进改革,实现深化改革与法治保障的有机统一。研究改革方案和改革措施要同步考虑改革涉及的立法问题,做到重大改革于法有据。将实践证明行之有效的改革举措及时推动上升为法律法规。需要突破现有法律规定先行先试的改革,要依照法定程序经授权后开展试点。通过法治凝聚改革共识、防范化解风险、巩固改革成果。
The relationship between overall advancement and key breakthroughs shall be effectively handled, and the earliest achievements in the reform shall be promoted. While reforms in all fields are systematically and comprehensively advanced, based on the priorities, difficulties and advancement conditions of reform measures, the steps and order to advance the reform shall be arranged in an overall manner, key points at stages of the work shall be highlighted, key parts of reforms shall be grasped, time windows shall be reasonably chosen, and a group of concrete and pragmatic measures justified and recognized by the people shall be taken, so as to allow the people to be more fulfilled. 处理好整体推进和重点突破的关系,推动改革尽早有收获、尽快见成效。既系统全面推进各领域改革,又根据改革举措的轻重缓急、难易程度、推进条件,统筹改革推进的步骤和次序,突出阶段性工作重点,把握改革关键环节,合理选择时间窗口,推出一批能叫得响、立得住、群众认可的硬招实招,让人民群众有更多获得感。
The quality of reform plans shall be constantly improved, and more attention shall be paid to the actual effect of the reform. Quality shall be put on top of the agenda, and the quality of overall reform plans and specific reform measures shall be improved. A pre-reform survey system shall be established, plans shall be effectively designed on the basis of pragmatic and detailed survey and research, the opinions of all parties shall be obtained by frequently visiting the basic level, and the procedures for making plans shall be strict so as to ensure that reform plans are proximate to the basic level, targeted and able to solve problems. 持续提高改革方案质量,更加注重改革实效。把质量放到重要位置,提高总体性改革方案和具体改革举措的质量。建立改革的前期调研制度,在做实做细调查研究的基础上搞好方案设计,多深入基层听取各方意见,严格方案制定程序,确保改革方案接地气、有针对性、能解决问题。
II. Continuing to simplify administrative procedures and delegate powers and accelerating the advancement of the reform of the government   二、持续简政放权,加快推进政府自身改革
With deepening the reform of the administrative approval system as a starting point, the reform of simplification of administrative procedures, delegation of powers and combination of decentralization and control shall be advanced in depth, a new mode featuring power list, responsibility list and negative list administration shall be gradually developed, it shall be realized that the government may not perform any act unless authorized by the law but must perform statutory duties, and that market participants may perform any act not forbidden by the law, so as to fundamentally transform government functions and make efforts to build a government by law and a service-oriented government. 以深化行政审批制度改革为突破口,把简政放权、放管结合改革向纵深推进,逐步形成权力清单、责任清单、负面清单管理新模式,实现政府法无授权不可为、法定职责必须为,市场主体法无禁止即可为,从根本上转变政府职能,努力建设法治政府和服务型政府。
(1) Continuing to advance in depth the reform of the administrative approval system, effectively implementing and connecting administrative approval items canceled or delegated to lower administrative levels, and strengthening interim and ex-post regulation. Another group of administrative approval matters shall be canceled or delegated to lower levels, all non-administrative licensing approval shall be canceled, the conduct of administrative approval shall be regulated, and new modes including combined online approval shall be promoted. The scope of investment items requiring government confirmation shall be greatly narrowed, ex-ante approval shall be simplified, intermediary services shall be regulated, the system of combined online approval of enterprise investment items shall be implemented, and a mechanism of vertical and horizontal coordinated and cooperative regulation of investment items shall be established and improved at a faster pace. The reform of the drug and medical instrument appraisal and approval system shall be advanced, and the mechanism of special approval of registration of new drugs shall be further improved. The administrative approval procedures of certification bodies shall be improved. (一)继续深入推进行政审批制度改革,做好已取消和下放管理层级行政审批项目的落实和衔接,加强事中事后监管。再取消和下放一批行政审批事项,全部取消非行政许可审批,规范行政审批行为,推广网上并联审批等新模式。大幅缩减政府核准投资项目范围,精简前置审批,规范中介服务,实施企业投资项目网上并联核准制度,加快建立健全投资项目纵横联动协同监管机制。推进药品医疗器械审评审批制度改革,进一步完善新药注册特殊审批机制。完善认证机构行政审批程序。
(2) Reforming the investment and financing system by taking multiple measures and researching and making decisions to deepen the reform of the investment and financing system. The fiscal investment mode shall be adjusted, and, with respect to particular parts in competitive fields and industries in which the market fails, it shall be researched that direct support for projects is changed to support by more taking market-oriented means such as equity investment. The mode of public-private partnership shall be vigorously promoted, and measures for franchise infrastructures and public utilities shall be issued to fully trigger social investment dynamism. With effectively using the rail development fund as a foothold, the rail investment and financing reform shall be deepened. The reform of the highway investment and financing system shall be deepened, and the Regulation on the Administration of Toll Roads shall be revised. A regulation on government investment shall be issued, a regulation on the administration of government-confirmed or recorded investment projects shall be researched and developed, and investment administration shall be brought to the legal path. (二)多管齐下改革投融资体制,研究制定深化投融资体制改革的决定。调整财政性资金投资方式,对竞争性领域产业存在市场失灵的特定环节,研究由直接支持项目改为更多采取股权投资等市场化方式予以支持。积极推广政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式,出台基础设施和公用事业特许经营办法,充分激发社会投资活力。以用好铁路发展基金为抓手,深化铁路投融资改革。深化公路投融资体制改革,修订收费公路管理条例。出台政府投资条例,研究制定政府核准和备案投资项目管理条例,逐步将投资管理纳入法治化轨道。
(3) Accelerating the price reform without missing the opportunity and developing several opinions on accelerating the improvement of the market-fixed price mechanism. The Central Government and local government-fixed price catalogs shall be revised to significantly reduce the categories and items the prices of which are fixed by the government. The control over prices of competitive goods and services shall be steadily and gradually eased, the government-fixed prices of most drugs shall be canceled, the rules for regulation of market prices of drugs shall be established and improved, the control over prices of tobacco and freight rates of part railway shall be eased, and a group of the right to price basic public services shall be delegated. The prices of existing gas and increased gas shall be unified, the price of non-residential natural gas shall be straighten out, and the pilot program of easing the control over the price of gas directly supplied to big users shall be conducted. The pilot program of the power transmission and distribution tariff reform shall be expanded, and the coal power tariff interaction mechanism shall be improved. The experience in the pilot programs of the reform of target prices of cotton from Xinjiang and soybeans from northeast China and Inner Mongolia shall be summarized, the subsidy measures shall be improved, and the operating cost shall be reduced. The comprehensive reform of agricultural water price shall be advanced, agricultural water price shall be reasonably adjusted, and a precision subsidy mechanism shall be established. All regions shall be supervised to improve policies for charges for sewage treatment and pollution discharge and increase fee rates. A tiered residential water and gas price system ensuring the basic and promoting conservation shall be comprehensively implemented. (三)不失时机加快价格改革,制定加快完善市场决定价格机制的若干意见。修订中央和地方政府定价目录,大幅缩减政府定价种类和项目。稳步分批放开竞争性商品和服务价格,取消绝大部分药品政府定价,建立健全药品市场价格监管规则,放开烟叶收购价格和部分铁路运价,下放一批基本公共服务收费定价权。实现存量气与增量气价格并轨,理顺非居民用天然气价格,试点放开部分直供大用户供气价格。扩大输配电价改革试点,完善煤电价格联动机制。总结新疆棉花、东北和内蒙古大豆目标价格改革试点经验,改进补贴办法,降低操作成本。推进农业水价综合改革,合理调整农业水价,建立精准补贴机制。督促各地完善污水处理和排污收费政策并提高收费标准。全面实行保基本、促节约的居民用水、用气阶梯价格制度。
(4) Accelerating the formation of new mechanisms in the business system, deepening the implementation of the reform plan for the registered capital registration system, advancing in depth reforms relating to changing ex-ante approval matters in industrial and commercial registration to ex-post approval, promoting whole-process electronic registration administration and electronic business licenses, accelerating the realization of "integrating three certificates into one, and one code for one business license," and reviewing and regulating intermediary services. The process of enterprise de-registration shall be simplified and improved, a summary de-registration procedure shall be implemented for individual industrial and commercial households, enterprises not conducting business yet and enterprises without claims and obligations on a trial basis, a unified national enterprise credit information publication system shall be established and improved, a serious illegal and dishonest enterprise list system shall be developed, and the systems of annual enterprise reports, instant message publication, random inspection of published information and lists of abnormal business operations shall be implemented. (四)加快形成商事制度新机制,深化落实注册资本登记制度改革方案,深入推进工商登记前置审批事项改为后置审批相关改革,推行全程电子化登记管理和电子营业执照,加快实现“三证合一、一照一码”,清理规范中介服务。简化和完善企业注销流程,对个体工商户、未开业企业以及无债权债务企业试行简易注销程序,构建和完善全国统一的企业信用信息公示系统,建立严重违法和失信企业名单制度,实施企业年度报告、即时信息公示、公示信息抽查和经营异常名录制度。
(5) Developing opinions on reviewing and repealing various regulations and practices hindering the unified national market and fair competition. Guiding opinions on implementing the market access negative list system and draft negative lists shall be developed, and measures for the pilot program of reforming the negative list system shall be issued to conduct the pilot program. The effective coordination between industry policies and competition policies shall be promoted, and an industry policy equity and competition examination mechanism shall be established and regulated. The Anti-unfair Competition Law shall be amended. The market regulation law enforcement system shall be reformed, and the comprehensive law enforcement in key fields shall be advanced. The outline of the plan for the building of a social credit system shall be implemented, an overall plan for building a legal person and other organization unified social credit code system based on organizational code shall be issued, and the joint development and sharing of credit records shall be promoted. A plan for deepening the standardization reform shall be made. The comprehensive pilot program of the reform and development of the domestic trade circulation administration system shall be organized and conducted. (五)制定清理、废除妨碍全国统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定、做法的意见。制定实行市场准入负面清单制度的指导意见和负面清单草案,出台负面清单制度改革试点办法并开展试点。促进产业政策和竞争政策有效协调,建立和规范产业政策的公平性、竞争性审查机制。修改反不正当竞争法。改革市场监管执法体制,推进重点领域综合执法。落实社会信用体系建设规划纲要,出台以组织机构代码为基础的法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码制度建设总体方案,推动信用记录共建共享。制定深化标准化工作改革方案。组织开展国内贸易流通管理体制改革发展综合试点。
(6) Comprehensively implementing the reform of the Central Government and state department vehicle system and effectively conducting the subsequent work such as disposition of vehicles and resettlement of drivers and supporting staff. According to the principle of being realistic and being helpful for the work, to reduce expenditures and to transform mechanisms, the reform of the vehicle system of local party and government departments and entities in regions directly administered by the Central Government shall be advanced according to the actual circumstances, and the reform of the vehicle systems in state-owned enterprises and public institutions shall be launched. Guiding opinions on deepening the reform in the taxi industry shall be issued. (六)全面实施中央和国家机关公务用车制度改革,做好车辆处置、司勤人员安置等后续工作。本着从实际出发、有利于工作、有利于节约开支、有利于机制转换的原则,因地制宜推进地方党政机关和驻地方中央垂直管理单位公务用车制度改革,启动国有企事业单位公务用车制度改革。出台深化出租汽车行业改革指导意见。
(7) Advancing the reform of unified accounting of regional gross production, and improving the development achievement appraisal and assessment system. A unified immovable registration system shall be established and implemented at a faster pace. A plan for the reform of disconnecting industrial associations and chambers of commerce from administrative departments shall be issued, and a pilot program shall be conducted. Opinions on reforming the social organization administration system and promoting the sound and orderly development of social organizations shall be issued. (七)推进地区生产总值统一核算改革,完善发展成果考核评价体系。加快建立和实施不动产统一登记制度。出台行业协会商会与行政机关脱钩改革方案并开展试点。出台改革社会组织管理制度促进社会组织健康有序发展的意见。
III. Deepening enterprise reforms and further enhance the dynamism of market participants   三、深化企业改革,进一步增强市场主体活力
With liberating and developing social productivity as standards, the public economy shall be unswervingly solidified and developed, and the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and the efficiency of state-owned capital shall be improved, so as to constantly improve the dynamism, control capability, influence, and capability to resist risks of the state-owned economy. The development of the non-public economy shall be unswervingly encouraged, supported and guided, and the dynamism and creativity of the non-public economy shall be triggered. 以解放和发展社会生产力为标准,毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,提高国有企业核心竞争力和国有资本效率,不断增强国有经济活力、控制力、影响力、抗风险能力。毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,激发非公有制经济活力和创造力。
(8) Advancing the reform of state-owned enterprises and capital, issuing guiding opinions on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, and developing a series of supporting documents on reforming and improving the state-owned asset administration system and the development of mixed ownership economy by state-owned enterprises. A plan for structure adjustment and restructuring of central enterprises shall be made, the pilot program of state-owned capital operation companies and investment companies shall be advanced at a faster pace, and an effective platform for the flow, restructuring and distribution adjustment of state-owned capital shall be formed. (八)推进国企国资改革,出台深化国有企业改革指导意见,制定改革和完善国有资产管理体制、国有企业发展混合所有制经济等系列配套文件。制定中央企业结构调整与重组方案,加快推进国有资本运营公司和投资公司试点,形成国有资本流动重组、布局调整的有效平台。
(9) Making a plan for further improving the state-owned enterprise legal person governance structure, amending and improving the measures for the appraisal of directors of board of directors of central enterprises, and promoting state-owned enterprises in improving the modern enterprise system. The detailed rules for the implementation of the appraisal of central enterprises by category shall be improved, and an incentive and restraint mechanism effectively connecting business performance appraisal and remuneration distribution shall be improved. The separation of social functions from state-owned enterprises and the resolution of historical issues shall be advanced. (九)制定进一步完善国有企业法人治理结构方案,修改完善中央企业董事会董事评价办法,推动国有企业完善现代企业制度。完善中央企业分类考核实施细则,健全经营业绩考核与薪酬分配有效衔接的激励约束机制。推进剥离国有企业办社会职能和解决历史遗留问题。
(10) Issuing opinions on strengthening and improving the supervision of state-owned assets of enterprises to prevent the loss of state-owned assets. Opinions on further strengthening and improving the work of assigned boards of supervisors shall be issued. A state-owned enterprise and state-owned capital auditing supervision system shall be established and improved at a faster pace. The auditing supervision of overseas assets of state-owned enterprises shall be strengthened. The state-owned enterprise internal supervision mechanism shall be improved. The system of accountability for business operations of state-owned enterprises in violation of laws and regulations shall be improved, and guiding opinions on state-owned enterprise business operation and investment accountability system shall be developed. (十)出台加强和改进企业国有资产监督防范国有资产流失的意见。出台进一步加强和改进外派监事会工作的意见。加快建立健全国有企业国有资本审计监督体系和制度。加强对国有企业境外资产的审计监督。完善国有企业内部监督机制。健全国有企业违法违规经营责任追究体系,制定国有企业经营投资责任追究制度的指导意见。
(11) Implementing the several opinions on further deepening the reform of the power system, developing relevant supporting policies, and conducting pilot programs of the power-side reform, among others. The overall plan for the petroleum and natural gas system reform shall be researched, and the access in the whole chain and all parts shall be eased. The reform of the salt industry system shall be advanced. (十一)落实进一步深化电力体制改革的若干意见,制定相关配套政策,开展售电侧改革等试点。研究提出石油天然气体制改革总体方案,在全产业链各环节放宽准入。推进盐业体制改革。
(12) Supporting the sound development of the non-public economy and comprehensively implementing policies and measures for promoting the development of the private economy. Enterprises of the non-public ownership shall be encouraged to participate in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and the development of mixed-ownership enterprises in which non-public capital has a controlling stake shall be encouraged. Guiding opinions on encouraging and regulating the introduction of non-state-owned capital into investment projects of state-owned enterprises shall be issued and implemented. (十二)支持非公有制经济健康发展,全面落实促进民营经济发展的政策措施。鼓励非公有制企业参与国有企业改制,鼓励发展非公有资本控股的混合所有制企业。出台实施鼓励和规范国有企业投资项目引入非国有资本的指导意见。
(13) Improving the property right protection system, bettering the modern property right system featuring clear ownership, determinate rights and obligations, strict protection and smooth circulation, and having the property rights of various enterprise legal persons protected in accordance with the law. The measures and detailed rules for the implementation of the trading and circulation of state-owned property rights shall be amended, and the regulation and transparency of the trading and circulation of state-owned assets shall be improved. Typical cases of infringing upon the property rights of market participants shall be investigated and dealt with, and the public opinion environment and social atmosphere for protecting property rights shall be guided and improved.

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