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Measures for the Administration of Concession for Infrastructure and Public Utilities [Effective]
基础设施和公用事业特许经营管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the People's Bank of China 


(No. 25) (第25号)

The Measures for the Administration of Concession for Infrastructure and Public Utilities, as approved by the State Council, are hereby issued and shall come into force on June 1, 2015. 《基础设施和公用事业特许经营管理办法》业经国务院同意,现予以发布,自2015年6月1日起施行。
Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Xu Shaoshi 国家发展改革委主任:徐绍史
Minister of Finance: Lou Jiwei 财政部部长:楼继伟
Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Chen Zhenggao 住房城乡建设部部长:陈政高
Minister of Transport: Yang Chuantang 交通运输部部长:杨传堂
Minister of Water Resources: Chen Lei 水利部部长:陈 雷
Governor of the People's Bank of China: Zhou Xiaochuan 人民银行行长:周小川
April 25, 2015 2015年4月25日
Measures for the Administration of Concession for Infrastructure and Public Utilities 基础设施和公用事业特许经营管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For purposes of encouraging and directing social investors' participation in the construction and operation of infrastructure and public utilities, improving the quality and efficiency of public services, protecting the lawful rights and interests of concessionaires, protecting public interest and public security, and promoting the sustainable and sound development of economy and society, these Measures are hereby developed.   第一条 为鼓励和引导社会资本参与基础设施和公用事业建设运营,提高公共服务质量和效率,保护特许经营者合法权益,保障社会公共利益和公共安全,促进经济社会持续健康发展,制定本办法。
Article 2 Concession activities in energy, transportation, water conservancy, environmental protection, municipal engineering, and other infrastructure and public utilities fields within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be governed by these Measures.   第二条 中华人民共和国境内的能源、交通运输、水利、环境保护、市政工程等基础设施和公用事业领域的特许经营活动,适用本办法。
Article 3 For the purpose of these Measures, concession for infrastructure and public utilities means that the government authorize a legal person or any other organization from inside and outside the territory of the People's Republic of China according to the law, by competitive mode, to engage in investment, construction, and operation of infrastructure and public utilities within a certain time limit and scope and earn profits as stipulated in an agreement that specifies the rights, obligations, and risk sharing, to provide public products or public services.   第三条 本办法所称基础设施和公用事业特许经营,是指政府采用竞争方式依法授权中华人民共和国境内外的法人或者其他组织,通过协议明确权利义务和风险分担,约定其在一定期限和范围内投资建设运营基础设施和公用事业并获得收益,提供公共产品或者公共服务。
Article 4 In carrying out concession for infrastructure and public utilities, openness, fairness, and justice shall be adhered to, the reliance interests of all parties shall be protected, and the following principles shall be followed:   第四条 基础设施和公用事业特许经营应当坚持公开、公平、公正,保护各方信赖利益,并遵循以下原则:
1. The advantages of social investors in financing, professionalness, technology, and management shall be maximized, and the quality and efficiency of public services shall be improved. (一)发挥社会资本融资、专业、技术和管理优势,提高公共服务质量效率;
2. Government functions shall be transformed and consultation and cooperation between the government and a social investor shall be strengthened. (二)转变政府职能,强化政府与社会资本协商合作;
3. The lawful rights and interests of social investors shall be protected, the continuity and stability of concession shall be ensured. (三)保护社会资本合法权益,保证特许经营持续性和稳定性;
4. Equal consideration shall be given to the balance between operation and public welfare, and public interests shall be safeguarded. (四)兼顾经营性和公益性平衡,维护公共利益。
Article 5 Concession for infrastructure and public utilities may be conducted by the following ways:   第五条 基础设施和公用事业特许经营可以采取以下方式:
1. Within a time limit, the government authorizes a concessionaire to invest in and construct, or renovate and expand, and operate infrastructure and public utilities, and the concessionaire transfers the project back to the government at the expiration of the time limit. (一)在一定期限内,政府授予特许经营者投资新建或改扩建、运营基础设施和公用事业,期限届满移交政府;
2. Within a time limit, the government authorizes a concessionaire to invest in and construct, or renovate and expand, as well as possess and operate infrastructure and public utilities, and the concessionaire transfers the project back to the government at the expiration of the time limit. (二)在一定期限内,政府授予特许经营者投资新建或改扩建、拥有并运营基础设施和公用事业,期限届满移交政府;
3. After a concessionaire invests in and constructs, renovates and expands infrastructure and public utilities, and transfers the project back to the government, the government authorizes the concessionaire to operate within a time limit. (三)特许经营者投资新建或改扩建基础设施和公用事业并移交政府后,由政府授予其在一定期限内运营;
(4) Other ways as prescribed by the state. (四)国家规定的其他方式。
Article 6 The term of concession for infrastructure and public utilities shall be determined in light of the industry characteristics, the public products provided or service needs, the project life cycle, the investment payback period, and other integrated factors and shall not exceed 30 years at a maximum.   第六条 基础设施和公用事业特许经营期限应当根据行业特点、所提供公共产品或服务需求、项目生命周期、投资回收期等综合因素确定,最长不超过30年。
For a concession project of infrastructure and public utilities (hereinafter referred to as “concession project”) with large investment scale and long payback period, the government or its authorized department may, in light of the reality of the project, agree on a term of concession exceeding the term as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, with the concessionaire. 对于投资规模大、回报周期长的基础设施和公用事业特许经营项目(以下简称特许经营项目)可以由政府或者其授权部门与特许经营者根据项目实际情况,约定超过前款规定的特许经营期限。
Article 7 The development and reform department, finance department, land and resources department, environmental protection department, housing and urban-rural development department, transport department, water resources department, energy department, finance department, work safety administration department, and other relevant departments of the State Council shall, on the basis of their respective duties, be responsible for the formulation of the regulations and policies on, and the supervision and administration of concession for infrastructure and public utilities in relevant fields.   第七条 国务院发展改革、财政、国土、环保、住房城乡建设、交通运输、水利、能源、金融、安全监管等有关部门按照各自职责,负责相关领域基础设施和公用事业特许经营规章、政策制定和监督管理工作。
The development and reform department, finance department, land and resources department, environmental protection department, housing and urban-rural development department, transport department, water resources department, price department, energy department, financial regulation department, and other relevant departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall, on the basis of their respective duties, be responsible for the implementation, supervision, and administration of relevant concession projects. 县级以上地方人民政府发展改革、财政、国土、环保、住房城乡建设、交通运输、水利、价格、能源、金融监管等有关部门根据职责分工,负责有关特许经营项目实施和监督管理工作。
Article 8 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a departmental coordination mechanism for concession for infrastructure and public utilities participated by all relevant departments, be responsible for making overall plans on relevant policies and measures, and organize and coordinate the implementation, as well as the supervision and management of concession projects.   第八条 县级以上地方人民政府应当建立各有关部门参加的基础设施和公用事业特许经营部门协调机制,负责统筹有关政策措施,并组织协调特许经营项目实施和监督管理工作。
Chapter II Conclusion of Concession Agreements 

第二章 特许经营协议订立

Article 9 Relevant industry authorities of local people's governments at or above the county level or the departments authorized by the government (hereinafter referred to as the “project proposing department”) may, according to the development needs of the economy and society and the proposals put forward by relevant legal persons and other organizations on concession projects, put forward implementation plans on concession projects.   第九条 县级以上人民政府有关行业主管部门或政府授权部门(以下简称项目提出部门)可以根据经济社会发展需求,以及有关法人和其他组织提出的特许经营项目建议等,提出特许经营项目实施方案。
Concession projects shall comply with the overall national economic and social development plan, major function zoning plan, regional plan, environmental protection plan, production safety plan, and other special plans, land use plans, urban plans, and medium-term fiscal plans, among others, and shall have specific construction and operation standards as well as supervision requirements. 特许经营项目应当符合国民经济和社会发展总体规划、主体功能区规划、区域规划、环境保护规划和安全生产规划等专项规划、土地利用规划、城乡规划、中期财政规划等,并且建设运营标准和监管要求明确。
The project proposing department shall ensure the integrity and continuity of the concession projects. 项目提出部门应当保证特许经营项目的完整性和连续性。
Article 10 A concession project implementation plan shall include the following contents:   第十条 特许经营项目实施方案应当包括以下内容:
1. the name of project; (一)项目名称;
2. the implementation institution of the project; (二)项目实施机构;
3. the construction scale of the project, the total amount of investment, the progress of implementation, and the standards for the provision of public products or public services, and other basic economic and technical indicators; (三)项目建设规模、投资总额、实施进度,以及提供公共产品或公共服务的标准等基本经济技术指标;
4. return on investment, price and its estimate; (四)投资回报、价格及其测算;
5. feasibility analysis, namely, analysis, and estimate, among others, for reducing full life cycle costs and improving the quality and efficiency of public services; (五)可行性分析,即降低全生命周期成本和提高公共服务质量效率的分析估算等;
6. the draft of the concession agreement and the term of concession; (六)特许经营协议框架草案及特许经营期限;
7. the conditions to be satisfied by concessionaires and selection method; (七)特许经营者应当具备的条件及选择方式;
8. the government's commitment and guarantee; (八)政府承诺和保障;
9. assets disposal way after the expiration of the term of concession; and (九)特许经营期限届满后资产处置方式;
10. other matters that shall be specified. (十)应当明确的其他事项。
Article 11 A project proposing department may authorize third-party institutions with appropriate skills and experience to assess the feasibility of concession and improve the implementation plan of concession projects.   第十一条 项目提出部门可以委托具有相应能力和经验的第三方机构,开展特许经营可行性评估,完善特许经营项目实施方案。
Where the government is required to provide feasibility gap subsidies or conduct cost-effectiveness assessment, the public finance departments shall be responsible for carrying out relevant work. Specific measures shall be separately developed by the public finance department of the State Council. 需要政府提供可行性缺口补助或者开展物有所值评估的,由财政部门负责开展相关工作。具体办法由国务院财政部门另行制定。
Article 12 Feasibility assessment for concession shall include the following contents:   第十二条 特许经营可行性评估应当主要包括以下内容:
1. rationality of the full life cycle costs, technical routes, and engineering solutions of concession projects; possible financing way, financing scale, and cost of capital; the quality and efficiency of public services provided; and the construction and operation standards, and supervision requirements, among others; (一)特许经营项目全生命周期成本、技术路线和工程方案的合理性,可能的融资方式、融资规模、资金成本,所提供公共服务的质量效率,建设运营标准和监管要求等;
2. the degree of development of the markets in relevant fields, and market players' construction and operation capacity, and participation willingness; (二)相关领域市场发育程度,市场主体建设运营能力状况和参与意愿;
3. the public's willingness to pay and capability assessment for customer payment projects. (三)用户付费项目公众支付意愿和能力评估。
Article 13 The project proposing department shall, through the departmental coordination mechanism established in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of these Measures by the people's government at the same level, review the implementation plan of concession projects in conjunction with the development and reform department, finance department, urban and rural planning department, land and resources department, environmental protection department, water resources department, and other relevant departments. For implementation plans reviewed to be feasible, all departments shall, according to their duties, respectively issue written review opinions.   第十三条 项目提出部门依托本级人民政府根据本办法第八条规定建立的部门协调机制,会同发展改革、财政、城乡规划、国土、环保、水利等有关部门对特许经营项目实施方案进行审查。经审查认为实施方案可行的,各部门应当根据职责分别出具书面审查意见。
The project proposing department shall, in combination with the written review opinions of all departments, report to the people's government at the same level or the department authorized thereby for examination and approval of the implementation plans of concession projects. 项目提出部门综合各部门书面审查意见,报本级人民政府或其授权部门审定特许经营项目实施方案。
Article 14 The people's governments at or above the county level shall authorize relevant departments or entities as the implementing institutions to be responsible for relevant implementation work of concession projects and specify the specific scope of authorization.   第十四条 县级以上人民政府应当授权有关部门或单位作为实施机构负责特许经营项目有关实施工作,并明确具体授权范围。
Article 15 Implementing institutions shall, according to the approved implementation plans of concession projects, choose concessionaires through bidding, competitive negotiation, and other competitive modes.   第十五条 实施机构根据经审定的特许经营项目实施方案,应当通过招标、竞争性谈判等竞争方式选择特许经营者。
Where concession projects have specific construction and operation standards and supervision requirements, and competition in the market of relevant fields is adequate, concessionaires shall be chosen by bidding. 特许经营项目建设运营标准和监管要求明确、有关领域市场竞争比较充分的,应当通过招标方式选择特许经营者。
Article 16 An implementing institution shall specify in the bidding documents or negotiation documents whether concession project companies need to be established.   第十六条 实施机构应当在招标或谈判文件中载明是否要求成立特许经营项目公司。
Article 17 An implementing institution shall, under the principles of fairness and selecting the best, choose legal persons or other organizations with corresponding management experience, professional competence, financing capacity, and sound credit status as concessionaires. Financial institutions shall be encouraged to jointly formulate investment and financing plans with legal persons or other organizations participating in competition.   第十七条 实施机构应当公平择优选择具有相应管理经验、专业能力、融资实力以及信用状况良好的法人或者其他组织作为特许经营者。鼓励金融机构与参与竞争的法人或其他组织共同制定投融资方案。
Concessionaires shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations on admission of domestic and foreign funds. 特许经营者选择应当符合内外资准入等有关法律、行政法规规定。
Concessionaires selected according to the law shall be disclosed to the public. 依法选定的特许经营者,应当向社会公示。
Article 18 An implementing institution shall enter into concession agreements with concessionaires selected according to the law.
   第十八条 实施机构应当与依法选定的特许经营者签订特许经营协议。

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