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Measures for Coordinating the Efforts in Handling Cases about Duty-related Crimes between the National Supervisory Commission and the Supreme People's Procuratorate [Effective]
国家监察委员会与最高人民检察院办理职务犯罪案件工作衔接办法 [现行有效]

Measures for Coordinating the Efforts in Handling Cases about Duty-related Crimes between the National Supervisory Commission and the Supreme People's Procuratorate 


(No. 1 [2018] of the General Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC, the General Office of the National Supervisory Commission and the General Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, issued on April 16, 2018) (中央纪委办公厅、国家监委办公厅、最高人民检察院办公厅 国监办发[2018]1号 2018年4月16日)

The Measures are developed in light of the actual working conditions in accordance with the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China for the purposes of strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in anti-corruption work, encouraging the National Supervisory Commission and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to collaborate and check each other in handling the cases about duty-related crimes, and building a work mechanism that is authoritative, efficient, and smooth. 加强党对反腐败工作的集中统一领导,促进国家监察委员会和最高人民检察院在办理职务犯罪案件过程中互相配合、互相制约,建立权威高效、衔接顺畅的工作机制,根据《中华人民共和国监察法》《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》,结合工作实际,制定本办法。
Chapter I Case Trial of the National Supervisory Commission 

第一章 国家监察委员会案件审理

Article 1 The case investigation department shall, when collecting, fixing, and examining the evidential materials such as confession and defense of the person under investigation suspected of committing a duty-related crime, witness statement, physical evidence, and documentary evidence, strictly follow the requirements and standards for evidences in criminal trials.   第一条 案件调查部门收集、固定、审查被调查人涉嫌职务犯罪的供述和辩解、证人证言、物证、书证等证据材料,应严格遵循刑事审判关于证据的要求和标准。
During the interrogation and questioning for the first time, the person under investigation and the witness shall be notified of their rights and obligations; the complete transcripts shall be made for the interrogation and questioning, indicating the starting and finishing time and the places, and affixed with the signatures of the investigator, the person under investigation, and the witness; and for key facts, multiple transcripts shall be made, and the self-written materials of the person under investigation shall be provided. The transcripts shall not duplicate each other; and suggestive or inductive questions shall be avoided. 首次讯问、询问时应当告知被调查人、证人有关权利义务等事项;讯问、询问应当制作完整的笔录,注明具体起止时间、地点,并由调查人员和被调查人、证人签名;对关键事实,一般应制作多份笔录,由被调查人书写自书材料。不得在多份笔录之间相互复制;避免提示性、诱导性提问。
The case investigation department shall make an audiovisual recording of the entire process of major evidence collection tasks, including interrogation, search, seizure and impoundment. 讯问以及搜查、查封、扣押等重要取证工作应全程同步录音录像。
Article 2 Where, through investigation, the facts are clear and the evidences are sufficient for the person under investigation suspected of committing a duty-related crime and subject to criminal liability, the case investigation department shall prepare an investigation report, the Proposal for Prosecution, and the request for transferring a case for trial; and, after reporting them for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures, hand over the aforesaid materials together with all case files and audiovisual recordings to the case trial office. If the person under investigation is detained, he or she shall be transferred for trial 30 days before the expiry of the detention.   第二条 经调查,被调查人涉嫌职务犯罪事实清楚、证据确实充分,需要追究刑事责任的,调查部门应形成调查报告、《起诉建议书》和移送审理的请示,按程序报批后,连同全部案卷、同步录音录像等材料一并移送案件审理室。对被调查人采取留置措施的,应在留置期限届满 30 日前移送审理。
The investigation report shall include such contents as basic information of the person under investigation, brief introduction to the investigation, facts of a duty-related crime, attitude and awareness of the person under investigation, case-related money and property, opinions of the investigation department, legal basis, and whether transferring a case to a procuratorial authority for prosecution according to law. The confession and self-reflection materials of the person under investigation, the report on case-related money and property, the Proposal for Prosecution, and other materials shall be taken as annexes. 调查报告应载明被调查人的基本情况、调查简况、涉嫌职务犯罪事实、被调查人的态度和认识、 涉案款物情况、调查部门意见、法律依据以及是否移送检察机关依法提起公诉等内容。将被调查人忏悔反思材料、涉案款物报告、《起诉建议书》等材料作为附件。
The Proposal for Prosecution shall include such contents as basic information of the person under investigation, brief introduction to the investigation, period of detention, facts and evidences of a duty-related crime, circumstances of a heavier, lighter or mitigated penalty, reasons and legal basis for prosecution against the person under investigation, suggestions on compulsory measures, the number of case files transferred, and case-related money and property. 《起诉建议书》应载明被调查人基本情况,调查简况,采取留置措施的时间,涉嫌职务犯罪事实以及证据,被调查人从重、从轻、减轻等情节,提出对被调查人起诉的理由和法律依据,采取强制措施的建议,并注明移送案卷数及涉案款物等内容。
Article 3 The case files of the person under investigation suspected of committing a duty-related crime shall be bound into volumes according to the requirements for criminal procedures, and the archives shall be set up separately based on the criminal facts. In general, the case files shall include all evidences, legal formalities and documents, and other materials:   第三条 被调查人涉嫌职务犯罪的案卷材料应参照刑事诉讼要求装订成卷,并按照犯罪事实分别组卷。一般应包括全部证据、法律手续和文书等材料:
1. Evidential materials: including personal information of the parties concerned, confession and defense of the person under investigation, witness statement, physical evidence, documentary evidence, audiovisual recordings, appraisal opinions, and transcripts of crime scene investigation, examination and search. (一)证据材料。包括主体身份材料,被调查人供述和辩解,证人证言,物证,书证,视听资料,电子数据,鉴定意见,勘验、检查、搜查笔录等。
2. Legal formalities and documents: including Written Decision on Case Filing, Written Decision on Detention, Written Notice of a Detention, and relevant documents relating to seizure, impoundment, and restricted outbound travel. (二)法律手续和文书。包括立案决定书、留置决定书、留置通知书、查封、扣押、限制出境等相关文书。
3. Materials regarding the process during which the person under investigation appears in court: including the explanation and evidential materials on how he or she appears in court, whether the case investigation department knows any clues of the crime before contacting him or her and what are the clues, whether he or she truthfully confesses to the criminal facts and what are the criminal facts, and whether he or she surrenders himself or herself, reports a crime, or exposes a criminal, or there are any other circumstances where a lenient punishment shall be imposed. (三 )被调查人到案经过等材料。包括被调查人如何到案,调查部门接触被调查人之前是否掌握其犯罪线索、掌握何种犯罪线索,被调查人是否如实供述犯罪事实、供述何种犯罪事实,被调查人是否有自动投案、检举揭发等从宽处罚情形的说明以及相关证据材料。
The internal documents reported for approval shall be separately included into the case files concerning the violations of laws and regulations. 报请领导审批的内部审批文件,另行归入违纪违法问题案卷。
Article 4 After receiving the report and all case files transferred by the case investigation department, the case trial office shall review and examine if the report and the case files satisfy the conditions for transfer, and, if so, accept the case after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures; and, if not, may suspend the acceptance or refuse to accept it after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures, and notify the case investigation department of providing more materials or making corrections in a timely manner.   第四条 案件审理室收到调查部门移送的报告及全部案卷材料后,经审核符合移送条件的,按程序报批后予以受理;经审核不符合要求的,按程序报批后,可暂缓受理或不予受理,并通知调查部门及时补充、更正。
Article 5 If the investigation and evidence collection are generally completed, the major facts of a duty-related crime are ascertained, tentative opinions are offered, but there still exist significant, difficult or complicated issues, the case trial office may intervene to hear the case in advance.   第五条 调查取证工作基本结束,已经查清涉嫌职务犯罪主要事实并提出倾向性意见,但存在重大、疑难、复杂问题等情形的,案件审理室可以提前介入审理。
If it is required for intervention in advance, the case investigation department shall request the intervention ten days before transferring the case for trial, communicate with the case trial office, and put it into practice after reporting it to the responsible persons of both sides for approval. The case investigation department shall notify the case supervision and administration office of the relevant conditions in a timely manner. 需提前介入审理的,调查部门应在正式移送审理10日前提出,与案件审理室沟通, 并报双方分管领导批准后实施。调查部门应将相关情况及时告知案件监督管理室。
Article 6 After accepting the case, the case trial office shall build a trial team of two persons to thoroughly study the case files, and offer trial opinions based on the requirements of clear facts, solid evidence, accurately determined nature, appropriate handling, complete formalities and legal procedures.   第六条 案件审理室受理案件后,应当成立由 2 人以上组成的审理组,全面审理案卷材料,按照事实清楚、证据确凿、定性准确、处理恰当、手续完备、程序合法的要求,提出审理意见。
The case trial office may, according to the case trial conditions, communicate with the person under investigation to check the facts concerning the violations of disciplines and laws, listen to the defending opinions, and gain more information about the relevant conditions. 案件审理室根据案件审理情况,可以与被调查人谈话,核对违纪和违法犯罪事实,听取辩解意见,了解有关情况。
Article 7 During the trial, a case with such issues as unclear facts or insufficient evidences shall be returned by the case trial office to the case investigation department for re-investigation after reporting them for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures.   第七条 审理中,对存在主要事实不清、证据不足等问题的,按程序报批后,由案件审理室退回调查部门重新调查。
For a case having basically clear facts but needing supplementary evidences, the case trial office shall return it to the case investigation department for further investigation after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures. 对基本事实清楚,但需要补充完善证据的,按程序报批后,由案件审理室退回调查部门补充调查。
After the completion of re-investigation or further investigation, the case investigation department shall hand over the report of providing supplementary evidences and the relevant materials to the case trial office in a timely manner. 重新调查或者补充调查结束后,调查部门应及时将补证情况报告及相关材料移送案件审理室。
Article 8 After forming trial opinions, the trial team shall request the case trial office to discuss the opinions through an executive meeting.   第八条 审理组形成审理意见后应当提请案件审理室室务会议讨论。
If the opinions of the case trial office and the case investigation department are inconsistent in major issues, the leader of the National Supervisory Commission responsible for the case trial office shall convene a trial coordination meeting to study the relevant issues. 案件审理室与调查部门就重大问题意见不一致的,由分管案件审理室的委领导主持召开审理协调会议,对有关问题进行研究。
Article 9 After the trial is completed, the case trial office shall produce a trial report, prepare the Written Prosecution Opinion based on the Proposal for Prosecution of the case investigation department as an annex to the trial report, and submit them for deliberation after reporting them for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures.   第九条 审理工作结束后,案件审理室应形成审理报告,并在审核调查部门《起诉建议书》的基础上形成《起诉意见书》,作为审理报告附件,按程序报批后,提请审议。
Article 10 The trial report shall include such contents as basic information of the person under investigation, brief introduction to the investigation, facts concerning the violations of disciplines and laws or facts of a duty-related crime, attitude and awareness of the person under investigation, case-related money and property, and opinions of the case investigation department, as well as the trial opinions on disciplinary action, disposition of case-related money and property, and whether to transfer the case to the procuratorial authority for prosecution.   第十条 审理报告应载明被调查人的基本情况、调查简况、违纪违法或者涉嫌职务犯罪的事实、被调查人的态度和认识、涉案款物情况、调查部门意见,并提出给予处分、涉案款物处置以及是否移送检察机关依法提起公诉等审理意见。
Article 11 The National Supervisory Commission shall, according to the needs of the work, set up a legal expert advisory board.   第十一条 国家监察委员会根据工作需要,设立法律专家咨询委员会。
If a case involves a professional technical issue or specific policies and regulations, one may consult the legal expert advisory board after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures. The consultation may be held through a meeting or in writing according to the needs of the work. 对案件涉及专业技术问题或者具体业务政策、规定的,按程序报批后,可以向法律专家咨询委员会咨询。根据工作需要,可以采取会议或书面等方式咨询。
If, during the trial, a significant, difficult or complicated issue occurs, the case trial office shall arrange for the legal expert advisory board to discuss it after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures. The participants in the discussion shall offer opinions in writing on the issue discussed, and the legal expert advisory board shall write up the minutes of the meeting. 在审理阶段,对存在重大、疑难、复杂问题等情形的,按程序报批后,由案件审理室组织法律专家咨询委员会论证。参加论证人员应当对论证问题提出书面意见,并由法律专家委员会形成会议纪要。
The consultation and discussion shall strictly follow the confidentiality provisions, and the relevant personnel shall rigorously perform the confidentiality obligations. 咨询、论证工作必须严格遵循保密规定,相关人员应严格履行保密义务。
Chapter II Intervention of the Supreme People's Procuratorate in advance 

第二章 最高人民检察院提前介入工作

Article 12 At the trial stage of a significant, difficult or complicated case, the National Supervisory Commission may request the Supreme People's Procuratorate in writing to send personnel to intervene.   第十二条 国家监察委员会办理的重大、疑难、复杂案件在进入案件审理阶段后,可以书面商请最高人民检察院派员介入。
Article 13 After receiving the written notice of intervention in advance, the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall promptly assign prosecutors to lead the intervention and build a work team.   第十三条 最高人民检察院在收到提前介入书面通知后,应当及时指派检察官带队介入并成立工作小组。
Article 14 The work team shall, within 15 days, examine the case files, offer written opinions on standards for evidence, determination of facts, nature of the case, and application of laws, and check if compulsory measures are required.   第十四条 工作小组应当在15日内审核案件材料,对证据标准、事实认定、案件定性及法律适用提出书面意见,对是否需要采取强制措施进行审查。
The written opinions shall include such contents as the basic situation of intervention in advance, facts determined in examination, opinions on determining the nature, opinions on providing supplementary evidences, and the issues that require analysis and explanation. 书面意见应当包括提前介入工作的基本情况、审查认定的事实、定性意见、补证意见及需要研究和说明的问题等内容。
Article 15 Where, after examining the written opinions of the work team of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the case trial office of the National Supervisory Commission needs supplementary evidences, it shall assign the case investigation department to provide more evidences after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures. After supplementary evidences are provided, the case investigation department shall create a report of providing supplementary evidences, bind into volumes the evidential materials obtained, and transfer them to the case trial office.   第十五条 国家监察委员会案件审理室对最高人民检察院工作小组书面意见审核后,需要补证的,按程序报批后,及时交由调查部门进行补证。补证工作结束后,调查部门应当形成补证情况报告,并将调取的证据材料装订成卷,一并移送案件审理室。
Chapter III Case Transfer from the National Supervisory Commission to the Supreme People's Procuratorate 

第三章 国家监察委员会向最高人民检察院移送案件

Article 16 If the National Supervisory Commission decides to transfer a case, the case trial office shall hand over the Written Prosecution Opinion to the case supervision and administration office in a timely manner, which shall then issue a letter of transfer and hand it over together with the Written Prosecution Opinion to the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The case investigation department shall be responsible for transferring the person under investigation, all case files, and case-related money and property. Before transferring the case, the case investigation department shall make the decision on Party disciplinary actions and administrative punishments after reporting it for approval in accordance with the relevant procedures; and, if it is required to disqualify a deputy to the People's Congress, request the relevant authorities to do so. After the case is transferred to the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the case investigation department of the National Supervisory Commission shall track the handling of the case, report any issue arising therefrom in a timely manner, and never interfere or intervene in the handling of the case in violation of the relevant regulations.
   第十六条 国家监察委员会决定移送的案件,案件审理室应当将《起诉意见书》及时移交案件监督管理室,由案件监督管理室出具移送函,连同《起诉意见书》一并移送最高人民检察院。由调查部门负责移送被调查人、全部案卷材料、涉案款物等。案件移送前,应当按程序报批后作出党纪处分、政务处分决定,需要终止人大代表资格的,应当提请有关机关终止人大代表资格。案件移送最高人民检察院后,国家监察委员会调查部门应当跟踪了解案件办理情况,发现问题及时报告,不得违规过问、干预案件办理工作。

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