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Detailed Rules for Implementation of Statistics Law of People's Republic of China (2000 Revision) [Expired]
中华人民共和国统计法实施细则(2000修订) [失效]

Decree of National Bureau of Statistics of China 


(No. 5)

The Detailed Rules for Implementation of Statistics Law of People's Republic of China, which is approved to revise by the State Council on June 2, 2000, is hereby promulgated.

Mayor: Liu Hong
局长 刘洪

June 15, 2000

Detailed Rules for Implementation of Statistics Law of People's Republic of China

This document was originally ratified by the State Council on January 19, 1987 and promulgated by the National Bureau of Statistics on February 15, 1987. Its revised text was ratified by the State Council on June 2, 2000 and promulgated by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 15, 2000.
(1987年1月19日国务院批准 1987年2月15日国家统计局发布2000年6月2日国务院批准修订 2000年6月15日国家统计局发布)

Chapter 1 General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These detailed rules are formulated in accordance with the stipulations of the Law of Statistics of the People's Republic of China (hereafter referred to as Statistics Law).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国统计法》(以下简称《统计法》)的规定,制定本细则。

Article 2 The term statistics as used in the Statistics Law refers to all activities of using various statistical methods for statistical investigations and statistical analyses on the development of national economy and social development and for providing statistical data and consultant views and carrying out statistical supervisions.The classification of all projects in statistics of national economy and social development shall be stipulated and adjusted by the National Bureau of Statistics.   第二条《统计法》所指的统计,是指运用各种统计方法对国民经济和社会发展情况进行统计调查、统计分析,提供统计资料和统计咨询意见,实行统计监督等活动的总称。国民经济和社会发展的统计项目分类,由国家统计局规定、调整。

Article 3 The state shall, in a planned way, equip the statistical agencies of the people's governments at all levels with modern information technology and set up and improve the automatic statistical information system of the state. The various departments under the State Council shall equip, in a planned way, the statistical agencies under the departments and their affiliated organizations with modern information technology according to the needs of their work.   第三条 国家有计划地用现代信息技术装备各级人民政府统计机构,建立健全国家统计信息自动化系统。国务院各部门根据工作需要,有计划地用现代信息技术装备本部门及其管辖系统的统计机构。

The people's governments at various levels at and above the county level shall list the construction of the state statistics information projects into their development plans. The construction of the state statistics information projects shall be under the unified leadership of the National Bureau of Statistics and the statistics agencies under the local people's governments at or above county level shall be responsible for the projects at their respective levels.

Article 4 The statistical agencies and the statistical personnel shall institute the responsibility system and the system of assessment and awards and penalties for their work to enhance constantly the quality of their work and working efficiency.   第四条 统计机构和统计人员实行工作责任制,实行考核和奖惩制度,不断提高工作质量和工作效率。

The statistical agencies and the statistical personnel shall exercise independently the following functions and power according to law:

(1) The power of statistical investigations -- investigating and collecting the related information, convening related investigation meetings, checking the original records and certificates related to the statistical data. The objects under statistical investigation must provide the true statistical data and information according to the stipulations of Statistical Law and must not make falsified, concealed reports, refuse or delay to report or forge or tamper with records. (一)统计调查权--调查、搜集有关资料,召开有关调查会议,检查与统计资料有关的原始记录和凭证。统计调查对象应当依照《统计法》和国家有关规定,如实提供统计资料和情况,不得虚报、瞒报、拒报、迟报,不得伪造、篡改。

(2) The power to make statistical reports -- sorting out and analyzing the information and data obtained from the statistical investigations and providing the statistical reports to the leading organs and related departments at higher levels. No units or individuals shall obstruct or withhold the statistical reports nor tamper with statistical data. (二)统计报告权--将统计调查取得的统计资料和情况加以整理、分析,向上级领导机关和有关部门提出统计报告。任何单位或者个人不得阻挠和扣压统计报告,不得篡改统计资料。

(3) The power of statistical supervision – in accordance with the statistical investigations and analyses, to make statistical supervision over the national economic conditions and social development, to examine the implementation of the state policies and plans, to assess economic results, social effect and achievements in the work, to check and expose the existing problems and examine the practices of making falsified, deceptive, concealed and tampered statistical reports and to make proposals for improving the work. The related departments and units must promptly deal with and reply to the problems reported or exposed by the statistical agencies and personnel. (三)统计监督权--根据统计调查和统计分析,对国民经济和社会发展情况进行统计监督,检查国家政策和计划的实施,考核经济效益、社会效益和工作成绩,检查和揭露存在的问题,检查虚报、瞒报、伪造、篡改统计资料的行为,提出改进工作的建议。有关部门和单位对统计机构、统计人员反映、揭露的问题和提出的建议,应当及时处理,作出答复。

Article 5 The local governments at and above county level, all departments, enterprises and institutions shall, according to the state statistical tasks and the needs of their respective localities, strengthen their leadership and supervision over the statistical work in the following spheres:   第五条 县级以上地方各级人民政府、各部门、各企业事业组织,应当根据国家统计任务和本地区、本部门、本单位的需要,在下列方面加强对统计工作的领导和监督:

(1) Leading and supporting statistical agencies and personnel and other related personnel in implementing statistical laws, regulations and systems, completing accurately and promptly the statistical tasks and in promoting the modernization of statistical work. (一)领导和支持统计机构、统计人员和其他有关人员执行统计法规和统计制度,准确、及时地完成统计工作任务,加强统计工作现代化建设;

(2) Drawing and organizing statistical personnel into meetings to discuss relevant policies and plans, study questions concerning economic and social development so as to bring statistics into playing the role of services and supervision. (二)吸收和组织统计人员参加讨论有关政策和计划、研究经济和社会发展问题的会议,发挥统计的服务和监督作用;

(3) Organizing the implementation of important general survey over national conditions and strength according to the state unified arrangement. (三)根据国家统一部署,组织实施重大的国情国力普查;

(4) Examining and approving plans of statistical investigations according to relevant stipulations and providing the necessary personnel and funds needed for the approved statistical investigations. (四)按照规定审批统计调查计划,切实解决经批准的统计调查需要的人员和经费。

Article 6 The National Bureau of Statistics and the statistical agencies under the local governments at and above county level are the state organization for implementing the statistical laws and regulations. They are responsible for supervising and checking the implementation of the statistical laws, regulations and systems, upholding the functions and power of statistical agencies and personnel and fighting against the violations of statistical laws, regulations and systems.   第六条 国家统计局和县级以上地方各级人民政府统计机构是国家执行统计法规和统计制度的机关,负责监督检查统计法规和统计制度的实施,维护统计机构和统计人员的职权,同违反统计法规和统计制度的行为作斗争。

Chapter 2 Statistical Investigation Plans and Statistical Systems 

第二章 统计调查计划和统计制度

Article 7 The statistical agencies under the people's governments at and above county level and related departments shall establish their respective statistical systems and draw up their respective plans for statistical investigations according to the following three different categories. Their plans shall be carried out upon the approval by competent examining authorities according to stipulations:   第七条 县级以上各级人民政府统计机构和有关部门按照下列三类情况,分别建立统计制度,编制统计调查计划,按照规定经审查机关批准后实施:

(1) National Statistical Investigations. They are the statistical investigations about the basic conditions in the whole country including the projects for statistical investigation solely worked out by the National Bureau of Statistics or jointly worked out by the National Bureau of Statistics and the relevant departments under the State Council. The new and important planned projects for national statistical investigations shall be reported by the National Bureau of Statistics to the State Council for its examination and approval. The regular and general projects for statistical investigation shall be examined and approved by the National Bureau of Statistics. All localities, departments and units must strictly carry out the programs of national statistical investigations according to the state plans. (一)国家统计调查,是指全国性基本情况的统计调查,包括国家统计局单独拟订的和国家统计局与国务院有关部门共同拟订的统计调查项目。国家统计调查计划中新的、重大的统计调查项目,由国家统计局报国务院审批;经常性的、一般性的统计调查项目,由国家统计局审批。各地方、各部门、各单位必须严格按照国家统计调查方案实施国家统计调查。

(2) Departmental Statistical Investigations. They are specialized statistical investigations conducted by various departments. The plans and programs of departmental statistical investigations shall be worked out by the statistical agencies under the departments and by organizing the relevant functional organs under the department. If the objects under investigation are within the jurisdiction of the department itself, the plans and programs of the statistical investigations shall be examined and approved by the leader of the department and reported to the National Bureau of Statistics or the statistical agencies under the local people's governments at the same level for record. If the objects under investigation are beyond the jurisdiction of the department, the plans and programs shall be reported to the National Bureau of Statistics or the statistical agencies of the local people's governments at the same level for examination and approval. The division of jurisdiction for statistical investigation among various departments shall be proposed jointly by the National Bureau of Statistics and relevant departments under the State Council and reported to the State Council for approval and implementation. (二)部门统计调查,是指各部门的专业性统计调查。部门统计调查计划和统计调查方案,由该部门的统计机构组织本部门各有关职能机构编制。其中,统计调查对象属于本部门管辖系统内的,由本部门领导人审批,报国家统计局或者本级地方人民政府统计机构备案;统计调查对象超出本部门管辖系统的,报国家统计局或者本级地方人民政府统计机构审批,其中重要的,报国务院或者本级地方人民政府审批。各部门统计调查管辖系统的划分办法,由国家统计局会同国务院有关部门提出,报国务院批准后实施。

(3) Local Statistical Investigations. They are local statistical investigations needed by local people's governments. The procedure for reporting and approval of local statistical investigation plans and programs shall be stipulated by the statistical agencies under the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and reported to the National Bureau of Statistics for record. (三)地方统计调查,是指地方人民政府需要的地方性的统计调查。地方统计调查计划和统计调查方案的报批办法,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府统计机构规定,报国家统计局备案。

Article 8 Departmental and local statistical investigations must not overlap or contradict national statistical investigations.   第八条 部门统计调查和地方统计调查不得与国家统计调查重复、矛盾。

The division of work among the national, departmental and local statistical investigations shall be decided by the National Bureau of Statistics in consultation with the departments under the State Council and the statistical agencies under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

Article 9 The statistical data needed by the departments of the people's governments at and above county level for comprehensive coordination shall be collected from the statistical agencies and relevant departments of the people's governments at the same level. When it is necessary to conduct direct statistical investigations, the plans and programs for such statistical investigations shall be worked out and implemented after approval according to Statistics Law and the relevant stipulations in this document of detailed rules.   第九条 县级以上各级人民政府的综合协调部门需要的统计资料,应当从本级人民政府统计机构和有关部门搜集;确实需要直接进行统计调查的,应当编制统计调查计划和统计调查方案,依照《统计法》和本细则的有关规定,经批准后实施。

The basic statistical data or comprehensive data obtained by statistical investigations organized and carried out by the relevant departments of the people's governments at and above county level shall be promptly reported to the statistical agencies under the people's governments at the same level.

The National Bureau of Statistics and the statistical agencies under the local people's governments at and above county level shall provide the relevant comprehensive statistical data regularly and free of charge to the departments of the people's governments at the same level.

Article 10 Statistical investigations plan shall be worked out on the basis of projects of statistical investigations. A project of statistical investigation refers to a statistical investigation organized in a specified time period for a specified objective of statistical investigation. The plan for each statistical investigation project shall specify the following: name of the project, organs to conduct the investigation, objective, scope, objects, methods, duration and main content of the investigation.   第十条 统计调查计划按照统计调查项目编制。统计调查项目,是指一定时期内为实现特定统计调查目的而组织实施的统计调查。统计调查项目的计划应当列明:项目名称、调查机关、调查目的、调查范围、调查对象、调查方式、调查时间、调查的主要内容。

Programs of statistical investigation shall be worked out simultaneously with the statistical investigation plans. The program shall include the following content:

(1) Investigation forms to be filled out by the objects under investigation and written explanations. (一)供统计调查对象填报用的统计调查表和说明书;

(2) Comprehensive statistical forms to be filled out for reporting to the higher level and written explanations. (二)供整理上报用的统计综合表和说明书;

(3) The personnel and funds needed for the statistical investigation and sources thereof. (三)统计调查需要的人员和经费及其来源。

Article 11 The statistical agencies under the people's governments at and above county level shall strictly examine the statistical investigation plans and programs sent in for examination as to the necessity, feasibility and scientific reliability of the investigation. Those which are not in conformity with this document of detailed rules shall be returned for revision or rejected. In drafting and examining the investigation programs, the following principles should be adhered to:   第十一条 县级以上各级人民政府统计机构、各部门统计机构对送审的统计调查计划和统计调查方案的必要性、可行性、科学性应当进行严格审查;对不符合本细则规定的,应当退回修改或者不予批准。编制和审查统计调查方案,应当遵循下列原则:

(1) If the data can be obtained from the statistical investigations which have been approved or conducted, no repetition of such investigation shall be made. (一)在已经批准实施的各种统计调查中能够搜集到资料的,不得重复调查;

(2) Comprehensive statistical investigation forms shall not be printed and issued if the objectives of the investigation can be achieved through sample, key or typical case investigation or administrative records. Regular statistical investigation shall not be conducted if a one-time investigation can meet the needs. If yearly investigation statistics can meet the needs, no quarterly one shall be conducted. No quarterly investigation shall be conducted if monthly one can meet the needs. The statistical investigation to be done regularly in an interval less than one month shall be strictly limited. (二)抽样调查、重点调查或者行政记录可以满足需要的,不得制发全面统计调查表;一次性统计调查可以满足需要的,不得进行经常性统计调查;按年统计调查可以满足需要的,不得按季统计调查;按季统计调查可以满足需要的,不得按月统计调查;月以下的进度统计调查必须从严控制;

(3) Before a new statistical investigation program is worked out, experimental investigation in some places shall be conducted or the opinion of the local, departmental and grassroots units must be solicited to study its feasibility and to ensure the practicability and the reliability of the investigation. (三)编制新的统计调查方案,必须事先试点或者征求有关地方、部门和基层单位的意见,进行可行性论证,保证切实可行,注重调查效益;

(4) The personnel and funds needed for the investigation statistics must be ensured. (四)统计调查需要的人员和经费应当有保证。

Article 12 The state shall establish the system of periodic general survey. The periodic general survey shall be under the unified leadership of the State Council and the local people's governments at various level and carried out by organizing the joint efforts of statistical agencies and relevant departments. The funds needed shall be borne jointly by the central and local financial departments.
   第十二条 国家建立周期性的普查制度。周期性普查由国务院和地方各级人民政府统一领导,组织统计机构和有关部门共同实施,所需要的经费由中央和地方财政共同负担。

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