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Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Request for Instructions on the Case of Objection to Jurisdiction between Appellants Dorval Kaiun K.K. and Hachiman Shipping S.A. and Appellee Shanghai Senfu Industrial Co., Ltd. [Effective]
最高人民法院关于上诉人德宝海运株式会社、哈池曼海运公司与被上诉人上海森福实业公司管辖异议一案的请示的复函 [现行有效]

Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Request for Instructions on the Case of Objection to Jurisdiction between Appellants Dorval Kaiun K.K. and Hachiman Shipping S.A. and Appellee Shanghai Senfu Industrial Co., Ltd. 


(No. 52 [2010] of the Civil Division IV of the Supreme People's Court on September 7, 2010) ([2010]民四他字第52号 2010年9月7日)

Higher People's Court of Hubei Province: 湖北省高级人民法院:
Your Request for Instructions on the Case of Objection to Jurisdiction between Appellants Dorval Kaiun K.K. and Hachiman Shipping S.A. and Appellee Shanghai Senfu Industrial Co., Ltd. (No. 206 [2010], HPC, Hubei) has been received. Upon deliberation, the following reply is hereby made: 你院鄂高法〔2010〕206号《关于上诉人德宝海运株式会社、哈池曼海运公司与被上诉人上海森福实业有限公司管辖异议一案的请示报告》收悉。经研究,答复如下:
The front side of the bill of lading concerned provides that: “This shipment is carried under and pursuant to the terms of the Charter Contract dated 27th December, 2007 at Tokyo, Japan between Dorval Kaiun K.K. and Sumitrans Europe GmbH as charterer, and all terms whatsoever of the said Charter Contract except the rate and payment of freight specified therein apply to and govern the rights of the parties concerned in this shipment.” Upon review, this Court holds that Shanghai Senfu Industrial Co., Ltd. was not a party to the Charter Contract. While the bill of lading concerned incorporated the terms of the Charter Contract, it did not expressly indicate the incorporation of the arbitration clause of the Charter Contract. Therefore, the bill of lading concerned did not have the legal effect of incorporating the arbitration clause in the Charter Contract, and was not binding on Shanghai Senfu Industrial Co., Ltd. Dorval Kaiun K.K. provided a contract during the legal proceeding, which did not bear the signature or seal of Sumitrans Europe GmbH as the charterer concerned. It failed to show that the contract was the Charter Contract indicated in the incorporation clause of the bill of lading, or that the parties to the Charter Contract had reached an agreement with respect to the terms of arbitration. The claim of Dorval Kaiun K.K. and Hachiman Shipping S.A. that the bill of lading concerned incorporated the arbitration clause and was binding on the bearer of the bill of lading concerned, Shanghai Senfu Industrial Co., Ltd., lacked factual basis. Your handling opinion is approved. The shipping destination concerned was Jiangyin Port. In accordance with the relevant legal provisions, this case falls under the jurisdiction of Wuhan Maritime Court. 根据涉案提单正面记载:“本次运输在德宝海运株式会社和作为租船人的住友公司于2007年12月27日在日本东京签订的租约下进行,除运费费率和支付条款外,此租约中的无论何种性质的所有条款适用于并约束与本运输有关的当事方的权利。”本院经审查认为,上海森福实业有限公司不是租约当事人。涉案提单虽将租约条款并入提单,但没有关于租约中的仲裁条款并入提单的明示记载,因此,涉案提单不能产生租约仲裁条款并入提单的法律效果,对上海森福实业有限公司不具有约束力。德宝海运株式会社在诉讼中提供的合同文本没有涉案租船人住友公司的签字或盖章,无法证明该合同为提单并入条款记载中所称的租约,也无法证明租约双方当事人已就仲裁约定达成一致意见。德宝海运株式会社与哈池曼海运公司主张涉案提单并入仲裁条款,对持有涉案提单的上海森福实业有限公司具有约束力的主张没有事实依据。同意你院的处理意见。涉案运输目的地为江阴港,根据有关法律规定,武汉海事法院对本案具有诉讼管辖权。
 (2010年6月2日 鄂高法[2010]206号)
 我院受理的上诉人日本德宝海运株式会社、巴拿马共和国哈池曼海运公司与被上诉人上海森福实业公司海上货物运输合同纠纷管辖异议上诉一案,因涉及租约仲裁条款是否并入提单的问题,依照钧院[2006]民四他字第 26号复函和《关于人民法院处理与涉外仲裁及外国仲裁事项有关问题的通知》第一款规定,现报请如下:
 上诉人(原审被告):日本德宝海运株式会社(DORVAL KAIUN K.K.下简称德宝株式会社)。住所地:日本东京都港新川1-16-3号住友商社大楼7楼(7th FLOOR,SUMIT OMO FUDOSAN KAYABACHO BLDG.16-3.1-CHOME SHINKAWA,CHUO-KU TOKYO,JAPAN 104-0033)。
 法定代表人:道浦薰(KAORU MICHIURA),董事。
 上诉人(原审被告):哈池曼海运公司(HACHIMAN SHIPPING S.A.下简称哈池曼公司)。住所地:巴拿马共和国巴拿马城乌尔班尼扎西昂奥巴里奥53号大街瑞士大厦16层(53RD STREET,URBANIZACION OBARRIO, SWISS TOWER 16th FLOOR,PANAMA,REPUBLIC OF PANAMA)。
 法定代表人:道浦薰(KAORUM MICHIURA),董事。
 2007年12月27日,德宝株式会社与作为租船人的住友公司签订了一份租约,约定德宝株式会社在2008年1月1日至12月31日间,至少为住友公司提供9个航次的运输服务,装运散装苯酚从欧洲到亚洲。且在该合同第16条第10款中规定:“共同海损和仲裁:在伦敦进行,适用英国法(原文为G.A.AND ARBITRATION:IN LONDON IN ENGLISH LAW)。”德宝株式会社于2008年8月23日签发的编号为GIHJ-5701号的海运提单正面载明:起运港为西班牙维尔瓦(HUELVA,SPAIN),目的港为中国江阴港;并同时载有租约并入条款“本次运输在德宝株式会社和作为租船人的住友公司于2007年12月27日在日本东京签订的租约下进行,除运费费率和支付条款外,此租约中的无论何种性质的所有条款适用于并约束与本运输有关的当事方的权利(原文为THIS SHIPMENT IS CARRIED UNDER AND PUR-SUANT TO THE CHAPTER 27th DECEMBER,2007 AT TOKYO,JAPAN BE-TWEEN DORVAL KAIUN K.K.AND SUMITRANS EUROPE GMBH AS CHAP-TER,AND ALL TERMS WHATSOEVER OF THE SAID CHAPTER EXCEPT THE RATE AND PAYMENT OF FREIGHT SPECIFIED THEREIN APPLY TO AND GOVERN THE RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES CONCERNED IN THIS SHIP-MENT)”。
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