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Procuratorial Officers Disciplinary Regulation (2016 Revision) [Effective]
检察人员纪律处分条例(2016修订) [现行有效]

Procuratorial Officers Disciplinary Regulation 


(Considered and adopted at the 13th Session of the Tenth Chief Procurator's Executive Meeting of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on June 1, 2004, amended at the 38th Session of the Tenth Chief Procurator's Executive Meeting of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on March 6, 2007, and revised at the 56th Session of the Twelfth Chief Procurator's Executive Meeting of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on October 20, 2016. No. 20 [2016] of the Supreme People's Procuratorate December 9, 2016) (2004年6月1日最高人民检察院第十届第十三次检察长办公会讨论通过,2007年3月6日最高人民检察院第十届第三十八次检察长办公会修改,2016年10月20日最高人民检察院第十二届检察委员会第五十六次会议修订 高检发【2016】20号 2016年12月9日)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Section 1 Object, Principles and Scope of Application 

第一节 目的、原则和适用范围

Article 1 For the purposes of tightening procuratorial discipline, regulating the conduct of procuratorial officers, ensuring that procuratorial officers perform their duties according to law, and assuring fair and honest administration of justice, this Regulation has been formulated according to the Organic Law of the People's Procuratorates of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China, the Public Procurators Law of the People's Republic of China, and other laws and regulations, by reference to the Regulation of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Actions and other Party rules, and in light of the actual circumstances of the procuratorial authorities.   第一条 为了严肃检察纪律,规范检察人员行为,保证检察人员依法履行职责,确保公正廉洁司法,根据《中华人民共和国人民检察院组织法》《中华人民共和国公务员法》《中华人民共和国检察官法》等法律法规,参照《中国共产党纪律处分条例》等党内法规,结合检察机关的实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 The procuratorial authorities shall conduct the disciplinary work under the principle of comprehensive and strict procuratorial governance, seeking truth from facts, equality before discipline, disciplinary action correlating with the breach of discipline, and a combination of disciplining and education.   第二条 检察机关的纪律处分工作,应当坚持全面从严治检、实事求是、纪律面前一律平等、处分与违纪行为相适应、惩戒与教育相结合的原则。
Article 3 This Regulation applies to procuratorial officers who shall be disciplined for breach of a discipline or any law or regulation.   第三条 本条例适用于违反纪律或者法律、法规规定应当受到纪律追究的检察人员。
Article 4 Where the procuratorial authority or the agency, entity, or case handling organization affiliated thereto collectively makes a decision in breach of a discipline, or commits the violation of a discipline, any procuratorial officer charged with direct responsibility or leadership responsibility shall be disciplined according to this Regulation.   第四条 检察机关及其所属机构、单位、办案组织集体作出违纪决定或者实施违纪行为,对负有直接责任和领导责任的检察人员,依照本条例给予纪律处分。
Article 5 A procuratorial officer who fulfills his or her duties shall be protected by law, and so shall his or her other lawful rights and interests. A procuratorial officer shall be immune from disciplinary action except with a legal cause and by legal procedures.   第五条 检察人员依法履行职责和其他合法权益受法律保护,非因法定事由、非经法定程序,不受纪律处分。
Section 2 Kinds and Application of Disciplinary Action 

第二节 纪律处分的种类和适用

Article 6 A procuratorial officer who breaches a disciplinary rule shall be disciplined according to this Regulation, taking into account the facts, nature and circumstances of his or her breach.   第六条 对违反纪律的检察人员,应当根据其违纪行为的事实、性质和情节,依照本条例的规定给予纪律处分。
If the circumstances are minor, and he or she understands his or her error through criticism and education, he or she may be exempted from disciplinary action. 情节轻微,经批评教育确已认识错误的,可以免予处分。
If the circumstances are manifestly minor, and discipline is deemed not to have been breached, no disciplinary action may be taken against him or her. 情节显著轻微,不认为构成违纪的,不予处分。
Article 7 The kinds of disciplinary action shall include:   第七条 纪律处分种类:
(1) warnings; (一)警告;
(2) demerits; (二)记过;
(3) serious demerits; (三)记大过;
(4) demotion; (四)降级;
(5) removal from office; and (五)撤职;
(6) expulsion. (六)开除。
Article 8 Disciplinary periods shall include:   第八条 纪律处分期间分别为:
(1) six months for a warning; (一)警告,六个月;
(2) twelve months for a demerit; (二)记过,十二个月;
(3) eighteen months for a serious demerit; and (三)记大过,十八个月;
(4) twenty-four months for demotion or removal from office. (四)降级、撤职,二十四个月。
Article 9 A procuratorial officer shall not be promoted to a higher position or rank during the disciplinary period. In particular, a procuratorial officer who receives a demerit, serious demerit, demotion or removal from office shall not be promoted to a higher pay scale during the disciplinary period.   第九条 检察人员在处分期间不得晋升职务、级别。其中,受记过、记大过、降级、撤职处分的,在处分期间不得晋升工资档次。
Article 10 A procuratorial officer who receives a demotion shall be demoted to a next lower rank as from the month after the disciplinary action. If the person subject to a disciplinary action holds the lowest rank, he or she shall be disciplined as though he or she were demoted to the next pay scale; and if the person subject to disciplinary action holds the lowest rank at the lowest pay scale, he or she shall be given a serious demerit.   第十条 受降级处分的,自处分的下个月起降低一个级别。如果受处分人为最低级别的,按降低一个工资档次处理;如果受处分人为最低级别最低档次的,给予记大过处分。
Article 11 Where a procuratorial officer faces removal from office, he or she shall be removed from all administrative offices he or she holds. He or she may not hold office as a leader during the disciplinary period, and a non-leadership office shall be separately determined and lowered by one office level or more as from the month after the disciplinary action. If an office clerk should have been removed from office, he or she shall be demoted to a lower rank.   第十一条 受撤职处分的,撤销其所有行政职务。在处分期间不得担任领导职务,自处分的下个月起按降低一个以上的职务层次另行确定非领导职务。办事员应当给予撤职处分的,给予降级处分。
Article 12 Where a procuratorial officer is expelled, his or her employment relationship shall be dissolved from the effective date of the disciplinary decision, as of which he or she shall be deprived of his or her office and rank naturally and shall not be appointed as a procuratorial officer.   第十二条 受开除处分的,自处分决定生效之日起解除其人事关系,其职务、级别自然撤销,不得再被录用为检察人员。
Article 13 Where a person subject to disciplinary action holds a legal office, a new legal office shall be determined according to the relevant rules, or he or she shall be dismissed or removed from the legal office as legally required.   第十三条 受处分人具有法律职务的,按照有关规定重新确定或者依法罢免、免除法律职务。
If a procuratorial officer is expelled, he or she shall be dismissed or removed from the legal office as legally required. 受开除处分的,依法罢免或者免除法律职务。
Article 14 Where a person commits two or more disciplinary breaches as set forth in this Regulation for which he or she shall be sanctioned, the kinds of disciplinary action against him or her shall be determined respectively. If disciplinary action is of different kinds, the one which is the toughest shall be taken; and if disciplinary action is of the same kind lighter than removal from office, the disciplinary action shall be taken for not more than the lengthiest disciplinary period nor less than the aggregate of the disciplinary periods.   第十四条 一人有本条例规定的两种以上应当受到处分的违纪行为,应当分别确定其处分种类。应当给予的处分种类不同的,执行其中最重的处分;应当给予撤职以下多个相同种类处分的,执行该处分,并在最高处分期间以上,多个处分期间之和以下,决定应当执行的处分期间。
The disciplinary period shall not exceed 48 months. 处分期间最长不超过48个月。
Article 15 Where a breach of discipline contravenes two or more articles of this Regulation, the breach shall be judged and punished in accordance with the article providing for heavier punishment.   第十五条 一个违纪行为同时触犯本条例两个以上条款的,依照处分较重的条款定性处理。
When the components of a breach of discipline provided in one article are all included in those of the disciplinary breach in another article, if the special rules are inconsistent with the general ones, the special rules shall apply. 一个条款规定的违纪构成要件全部包含在另一个条款规定的违纪构成要件中,特别规定与一般规定不一致的,适用特别规定。
Article 16 Where two or more persons jointly and intentionally breach a disciplinary rule, the person playing a principal role therein shall be disciplined more heavily, unless it is otherwise provided in this Regulation; and the other persons shall, based on their roles in the joint breach of the disciplinary rule and the liability they shall assume, be respectively disciplined.   第十六条 二人以上共同故意违纪的,对起主要作用的,从重处分,本条例另有规定的除外;对其他成员,按照其在共同违纪中所起的作用和应负的责任,分别给予处分。
For a joint breach of a disciplinary rule in the economic aspect, a disciplinary action shall be taken against each of them, respectively, based on the amount of personal income and each person's role. For the person who plays a principal role, if the circumstances are serious, the disciplinary action shall be taken according to the aggregate amount of the joint breach of the disciplinary rule. 对于经济方面共同违纪的,按照个人所得数额及其所起的作用,分别给予处分。对起主要作用,情节严重的,按照共同违纪的总数额给予处分。
A person who instigates someone else to breach a disciplinary rule shall be held liable by discipline, taking into account the person's role in the joint breach of the disciplinary rule. 教唆他人违纪的,应当按照其在共同违纪中所起的作用追究纪律责任。
Article 17 Under any of the following circumstances, a lighter or mitigated disciplinary action may be taken:   第十七条 有下列情形之一的,可以从轻或者减轻处分:
(1) Voluntarily confessing to the breach for which a disciplinary action shall be taken. (一)主动交代本人应当受到纪律处分的问题的;
(2) Reporting a breach for which someone else shall be disciplined or held legally liable, which is substantiated. (二)检举他人应当受到纪律处分或者法律追究的问题,经查证属实的;
(3) Voluntarily recovering the loss, eliminating the adverse effects, or effectively preventing harm. (三)主动挽回损失、消除不良影响或者有效阻止危害结果发生的;
(4) Voluntarily submitting the income derived from the breach of a disciplinary rule. (四)主动上交违纪所得的;
(5) Other meritorious services. (五)其他立功表现的。
Article 18 Under any of the following circumstances, a tougher or aggravated disciplinary action shall be taken:   第十八条 有下列情形之一的,应当从重或者加重处分:
(1) In the process of centralized redressing, failing to refrain or desist. (一)在集中整治过程中,不收敛、不收手的;
(2) Forcing someone else to breach a disciplinary rule. (二)强迫他人违纪的;
(3) As otherwise provided in this Regulation. (三)本条例另有规定的。
Article 19 Where a procuratorial officer faces a disciplinary action for a deliberate breach of a disciplinary rule after he or she has been disciplined for another intentional breach, he or she shall be disciplined more toughly.   第十九条 故意违纪受处分后又因故意违纪应当受到纪律处分的,应当从重处分。
Article 20 A disciplinary decision shall be pronounced to the employer of the person subject to the disciplinary action and that person him- or herself within one month of its making, and the personnel management authority shall include the disciplinary decision materials in the file of the disciplined person according to the authority of personnel management; and if disciplinary action above demotion is received, office, pay and other corresponding modification formalities shall also be gone through within one month.   第二十条 纪律处分决定作出后,应当在一个月内向受处分人所在单位及其本人宣布,并由干部人事管理部门按照干部管理权限将处分决定材料归入受处分人档案;对于受到降级以上处分的,还应当在一个月内办理职务、工资等相应变更手续。
Article 21 The economic advantages derived from a breach of a disciplinary rule shall be confiscated or returned.   第二十一条 对于违纪行为所获得的经济利益,应当收缴或者责令退赔。
For any other advantage acquired by a breach of a disciplinary rule, such as office, title, academic qualification, academic degree, and reward, the relevant organization, entity and authority shall be recommended to take corrective actions according to the rules. 对于违纪行为所获得的职务、职称、学历、学位、奖励等其他利益,应当建议有关组织、单位、部门按规定予以纠正。
Article 22 "A lighter or tougher disciplinary action" means a lighter or tougher disciplinary action taken within the scope of disciplinary actions which shall be imposed for the breach of the disciplinary rule as set forth in this Regulation.   第二十二条 从轻、从重处分,是指在本条例规定的违纪行为应当受到的处分幅度以内,给予较轻或者较重的处分。
"A mitigated or aggravated disciplinary action" means a disciplinary action in the next lighter or tougher scale taken beyond the scope of disciplinary actions which should have been imposed for the breach of the disciplinary rule as set forth in this Regulation. 减轻、加重处分,是指在本条例规定的违纪行为应当受到的处分幅度以外,减轻或者加重一档给予处分。
For the purposes of this Regulation, the rules of a mitigated disciplinary action as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to one scale of disciplinary action only, to wit: expulsion. 本条例规定的只有开除处分一个档次的违纪行为,不适用前款减轻处分的规定。
A person who shall receive a warning or demerit under this Regulation but have mitigating circumstances may be exempted from disciplinary action. 依照本条例应当给予警告或者记过处分,又有减轻处分情形的,可以免予处分。
Section 3 Disciplinary Actions Against Procuratorial Officers Committing Illegal Conducts, Crimes or Party Disciplinary Rules 

第三节 对违法犯罪、违犯党纪检察人员的处分

Article 23 Where a procuratorial officer commits embezzlement, bribe, negligence of duty, tort, or any other conduct as set forth in the Criminal Law and is suspected of a crime, he or she shall be removed from office or be expelled.   第二十三条 检察人员有贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等刑法规定的行为涉嫌犯罪的,应当给予撤职或者开除处分。
Article 24 When a procuratorial officer commits a conduct as set forth by the Criminal Law and is subject to a disciplinary action though the conduct does not amount to a crime or should not be treated as a crime, a disciplinary action ranging from a warning to expulsion shall be taken according to the specific circumstances.   第二十四条 检察人员有刑法规定的行为,虽不构成犯罪或者不以犯罪论处,但须追究纪律责任的,应当视具体情节给予警告直至开除处分。
Article 25 Where a procuratorial officer is subject to disciplinary liability for any other illegal conduct, a disciplinary action ranging from a warning to expulsion shall be taken according to the specific circumstances.   第二十五条 检察人员有其他违法行为,须追究纪律责任的,应当视具体情节给予警告直至开除处分。
Article 26 Where a procuratorial officer is held liable for discipline and is suspected of committing an illegal conduct or a crime, a referral shall be made to the relevant state agency for handling according to the law; and if a Party disciplinary action is required to be taken, recommendations shall be made to the relevant Party organization.   第二十六条 检察人员受到纪律追究,涉嫌违法犯罪的,应当及时移送有关国家机关依法处理;需要给予党纪处分的,应当向有关党组织提出建议。
Article 27 A procuratorial officer who is sentenced to criminal punishment on conviction shall be expelled.   第二十七条 因犯罪被判处刑罚的,应当给予开除处分。
If the people's procuratorate decides against prosecution according to the law, or the people's court grants exemption from criminal punishment, because the crime is minor in circumstances, demotion, removal from office or expulsion shall be imposed. 因犯罪情节轻微,被人民检察院依法作出不起诉决定的,或者被人民法院免予刑事处罚的,给予降级、撤职或者开除处分。
In a case as specified in the preceding paragraph, a disciplinary action shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, taking into account the effective adjudication or decision of the judicial authority and the merits, nature and circumstances found by the same. 属于前款规定情形的,应当根据司法机关的生效裁判、决定及其认定的事实、性质和情节,依照本条例规定给予纪律处分。
Article 28 Where a procuratorial officer who receives a Party disciplinary action or an administrative punishment is subject to a disciplinary liability, a disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, taking into account the merits, nature and circumstances found in the effective Party disciplinary decision and administrative punishment decision as established.   第二十八条 受到党纪处分或者行政处罚,应当追究纪律责任的,可以根据生效的党纪处分决定、行政处罚决定认定的事实、性质和情节,经核实后依照本条例规定给予纪律处分。
Article 29 Where, upon making a disciplinary decision, the Party organization, judicial authority, or administrative organ modifies the original effective decision or adjudication in such a manner as to affect the original disciplinary decision, a new decision shall be made according to the effective decision or adjudication so modified.   第二十九条 纪律处分决定作出后,党组织、司法机关、行政机关等改变原生效决定、裁判,对原处分决定产生影响的,应当根据改变后的生效决定、裁判重新作出相应处理。
Section 4 Modification and Termination of a Disciplinary Action 

第四节 纪律处分的变更和解除

Article 30 Where a person subject to a disciplinary action receives an award for meritorious conduct above Class III during the disciplinary period, the period may be shortened, but the remainder of the period shall not be less than one-half of the original period.   第三十条 受处分人在处分期间获得三等功以上奖励的,可以缩短处分期间,但缩短后的期间不得少于原处分期间的二分之一。
Article 31 Where, during the disciplinary period, the person subject to a disciplinary action commits another disciplinary breach for which he or she should have been disciplined is discovered, a new disciplinary decision shall be made based on the facts, nature and circumstances of the new disciplinary breach and the disciplinary action already taken. The new disciplinary period shall be calculated in accordance with Article 14 of this Regulation, and the disciplinary period that has elapsed shall be deducted from the new disciplinary period.   第三十一条 受处分人在处分期间,发现其另有应当受到纪律处分的违纪行为,应当根据新发现违纪行为的事实、性质、情节和已经作出的处分,重新作出处分决定,处分期间依照本条例第十四条的规定重新计算,已经执行的处分期间应当从重新确定的处分期间中扣除。
If a person subject to a disciplinary action commits another disciplinary breach during the disciplinary period, for which he or she is subject to a disciplinary action, a new disciplinary decision shall be made in accordance with the preceding paragraph. The disciplinary period shall be the remainder of the original disciplinary period plus the new disciplinary period. 受处分人在处分期间又犯应当受到纪律处分的违纪行为,应当依照前款规定重新作出处分决定,处分期间为原处分期间尚未执行的期间与新处分期间之和。
Article 32 Where a person subject to a disciplinary action shows signs of repentance during the disciplinary period, the disciplinary decision authority shall, at the expiration of the disciplinary period, upon submission of a motion by the entity or department where the person works, decide to terminate the disciplinary action.   第三十二条 受处分人在处分期间确有悔改表现,处分期满后,经所在单位或者部门提出意见,由处分决定机关作出解除处分的决定。
Article 33 A decision to terminate a disciplinary action shall be notified in writing to the person subject to the disciplinary action within one month and be announced within a certain scope.   第三十三条 解除处分决定应当在一个月内书面通知受处分人,并在一定范围内宣布。
Such a decision shall be included in the archives of the person subject to a disciplinary action by the personnel management authority within one month after the decision is made. 解除处分决定应当在作出后的一个月内,由干部人事管理部门归入受处分人档案。
Article 34 When demotion or removal from office is terminated, the former office, rank and pay scale shall not be restored, provided that the future promotion in office, rank and pay is immune from the impact by the said disciplinary action.   第三十四条 解除降级、撤职处分,不得恢复原职务、级别和工资档次,但以后晋升职务、级别和工资档次不受原处分的影响。
Section 5 Other Provisions 

第五节 其他规定

Article 35 Where a procuratorial officer has already retired before a disciplinary decision is made, no disciplinary action shall be taken. Nevertheless, if he or she faces disciplinary action above demotion under this Regulation, his or her benefits shall be reduced or canceled accordingly.   第三十五条 检察人员在纪律处分决定作出前已经退休的,不再给予纪律处分,但是依照本条例应当给予降级以上处分的,按照应当给予的纪律处分相应降低或者取消其享受的待遇。
Article 36 For the purpose of this Regulation, "procuratorial officer" means a public procurator, procuratorial support employee, or judicial administrative employee who is employed in the civil service of the procuratorial authorities and managed by reference to the Civil Servant Law.   第三十六条 本条例所称检察人员,是指检察机关具有公务员身份和参照公务员法管理的检察官、检察辅助人员和司法行政人员。
The disciplinary action against the employees of the public institutions affiliated to the procuratorial authorities who are not governed by reference to the Civil Servant Law shall be governed by the Interim Provisions on Disciplinary Actions against Staff Members of Public Institutions. 对检察机关所属事业单位中不参照公务员法管理工作人员的纪律处分,适用《事业单位工作人员处分暂行规定》。
Article 37 For the purpose of this Regulation, "leader" means an official who holds a leadership office at any level in the people's procuratorate, or the public institution affiliated thereto whose employees are governed by reference to the Civil Servant Law, or who holds a non-leadership office above the county (division) level.   第三十七条 本条例所称领导干部,是指人民检察院及所属参公管理事业单位中担任各级领导职务,以及非领导职务的县(处)级以上干部。
Article 38 For the purpose of this Regulation, “person directly responsible" means a procuratorial officer who, within his or her duties, fails to perform or incorrectly performs his or her duties and plays a decisive role in the resulting losses or consequences.   第三十八条 本条例所称直接责任者,是指在其职责范围内,不履行或者不正确履行自己的职责,对造成的损失或者后果起决定性作用的检察人员。
For the purpose of this Regulation, a "person having principal leadership responsibility" means a leader who, within his or her duties, fails to perform or incorrectly performs his or her duties with respect to the work with which he or she is charged and has direct leadership responsibility for the losses or consequences caused. 本条例所称主要领导责任者,是指在其职责范围内,对直接主管的工作不履行或者不正确履行职责,对造成的损失或者后果负直接领导责任的领导干部。
For the purpose of this Regulation, a "person having significant leadership responsibility" means a leader who, within his or her duties, fails to perform or incorrectly performs his or her duties with respect to the work which he or she shall be charged with or participate in the decision on and has secondary leadership responsibility for the losses or consequences caused. 本条例所称重要领导责任者,是指在其职责范围内,对应管的工作或者参与决定的工作不履行或者不正确履行职责,对造成的损失或者后果负次要领导责任的领导干部。
For the purpose of this Regulation, a "person having leadership responsibility" means a person having either principal leadership responsibility or significant leadership responsibility. 本条例所称领导责任者,包括主要领导责任者和重要领导责任者。
Article 39 Where a procuratorial officer who is subject to a judicial liability for performing a conduct contrary to his or her procuratorial duties is required to be disciplined, this Regulation shall apply.   第三十九条 检察人员实施违反检察职责的行为应当承担司法责任,需要给予纪律处分的,适用本条例。
Article 40 Where a procuratorial officer is held liable for discipline for a case error and serious consequences caused by his or her intentional conduct or gross negligence, the principle that who deals with a case shall be held responsible and who makes a decision shall be held responsible shall apply.   第四十条 对检察人员因故意或者重大过失导致案件错误并造成严重后果而追究其纪律责任的,应当遵循谁办案谁负责、谁决定谁负责原则。
If a procuratorial officer is subject to a disciplinary action for the conduct as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the rules relating to the disciplinary system of public procurators shall apply. 检察官有前款行为,应当受到纪律追究的,适用检察官惩戒制度相关规定。
Article 41 For the purpose of this Regulation, "more" and "less" include the figure itself.   第四十一条 本条例所述“以上”、“以下”均含本数。
Article 42 The General Provisions of this Regulation shall apply to other regulatory documents containing disciplinary rules developed by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, unless there are special rules.   第四十二条 本条例总则适用于最高人民检察院制定的其他有纪律处分规定的规范性文件,另有特别规定的除外。
Chapter 2 Specific Provisions 

第二章 分 则

Section 1 Disciplinary Actions Against Procuratorial Officers Breaching Political Disciplines 

第一节 对检察人员违反政治纪律行为的处分

Article 43 Where an article, speech, manifesto, or declaration of adhering to the bourgeois liberalization stance, opposing the Four Cardinal Principles, and objecting to the Party's decision of reform and opening up is publicly issued by the information network, radio, television, newspapers, books, lectures, forums, reports, symposiums, or any other means, the disciplinary action of expulsion shall apply.   第四十三条 通过信息网络、广播、电视、报刊、书籍、讲座、论坛、报告会、座谈会等方式,公开发表坚持资产阶级自由化立场、反对四项基本原则,反对党的改革开放决策的文章、演说、宣言、声明等的,给予开除处分。
If an article, speech, manifesto, or declaration as mentioned in the preceding paragraph is promulgated, broadcast, or published, or the foregoing is facilitated, the person directly responsible and the person having leadership responsibility shall be given a serious demerit or demotion; and if the circumstances are serious, removal from office or expulsion shall be imposed. 发布、播出、刊登、出版前款所列文章、演说、宣言、声明等或者为上述行为提供方便条件的,对直接责任者和领导责任者,给予记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职或者开除处分。
Article 44 When any of the following conduct is committed by the information network, radio, television, newspapers, books, lectures, forums, reports, symposiums, or any other means, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit, or serious demerit shall be imposed; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed:   第四十四条 通过信息网络、广播、电视、报刊、书籍、讲座、论坛、报告会、座谈会等方式,有下列行为之一,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分:
(1) Publicly issuing an article, speech, manifesto, or declaration contrary to the Four Cardinal Principles, contravening and distorting the Party's decision of reform and opening up, or with other serious political problems. (一)公开发表违背四项基本原则,违背、歪曲党的改革开放决策,或者其他有严重政治问题的文章、演说、宣言、声明等的;
(2) Groundlessly criticizing the CPC Central Committee's decisions and policies, and undermining the Party's centralization and unity. (二)妄议中央大政方针,破坏党的集中统一的;
(3) Disfiguring the Party and the state, or defaming a Party or state leader, or misrepresenting the history of the Party or the military. (三)丑化党和国家形象,或者诋毁、诬蔑党和国家领导人,或者歪曲党史、军史的。
If a content as mentioned in the preceding paragraph is promulgated, broadcast, or published, or the foregoing is facilitated, the person directly responsible and the person having leadership responsibility shall be given a demerit, serious demerit or demotion; and if the circumstances are serious, removal from office or expulsion shall be imposed. 发布、播出、刊登、出版前款所列内容或者为上述行为提供方便条件的,对直接责任者和领导责任者,给予记过、记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职或者开除处分。
Article 45 When books, audiovisual recordings, electronic publications, or network audiovisual materials containing any of the contents as mentioned in Articles 43 and 44 of this Regulation are produced, traded, or disseminated, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be imposed; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed.   第四十五条 制作、贩卖、传播本条例第四十三条、第四十四条所列内容之一的书刊、音像制品、电子读物、网络音视频资料等,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
When books, audiovisual recordings, or electronic publications containing any of the contents as mentioned in Articles 43 and 44 of this Regulation are carried or delivered across border, if the circumstances are grave, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; and if the circumstances are serious, demotion, removal from office or expulsion shall be imposed. 私自携带、寄递本条例第四十三条、第四十四条所列内容之一的书刊、音像制品、电子读物等入出境,情节较重的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节严重的,给予降级、撤职或者开除处分。
Article 46 Where the organization of and participation in a rally, march, demonstration, or any other event against the Party's fundamental theories, line, program, experience, or requirements or major guidelines and policies, or opposition to the same by organizing a lecture, forum, report, or any other means, makes an adverse impact, the planner, organizer, and backbone member shall be expelled.   第四十六条 组织、参加反对党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验、基本要求或者重大方针政策的集会、游行、示威等活动的,或者以组织讲座、论坛、报告会、座谈会等方式,反对党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验、基本要求或者重大方针政策,造成严重不良影响的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予开除处分。
For any other participant, or a person who supports the foregoing by providing information, materials, property, venue, or any other means, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 对其他参加人员或者以提供信息、资料、财物、场地等方式支持上述活动者,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
If a person who does not know the truth and is coerced into participation shows signs of repentance through reprimand and education, he or she may be exempt from disciplinary action, or need not be disciplined. 对不明真相被裹挟参加,经批评教育后确有悔改表现的,可以免予处分或者不予处分。
For participation in any other event such as rally, march and demonstration without the approval of the organization, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 对未经组织批准参加其他集会、游行、示威等活动,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
Article 47 Where an organization intended to oppose Party leadership, oppose the socialist system or be hostile to the government is organized or joined, the planner, organizer, and backbone member shall be expelled.   第四十七条 组织、参加旨在反对党的领导、反对社会主义制度或者敌视政府等组织的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予开除处分。
For any other participant, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 对其他参加人员,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
Article 48 Where anyone organizes or joins a superstitious sect, secret society or cult organization, the planner, organizer, and backbone member shall be expelled.   第四十八条 组织、参加会道门或者邪教组织的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予开除处分。
For any other participant, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 对其他参加人员,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
If a participant who does not know the truth shows signs of repentance through reprimand and education, he or she may be exempt from disciplinary action, or need not be disciplined. 对不明真相的参加人员,经批评教育后确有悔改表现的,可以免予处分或者不予处分。
Article 49 Where a procuratorial officer organizes a faction, forms a clique for personal gains, establishes a group, or builds up personal influence, or scores political points through such activities as exchanging interests and boosting support for himself or herself, a demerit, serious demerit or demotion shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, removal from office or expulsion shall be imposed.   第四十九条 搞团团伙伙、结党营私、拉帮结派、培植私人势力或者通过搞利益交换、为自己营造声势等活动捞取政治资本的,给予记过、记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职或者开除处分。
Article 50 Where any of the following conducts is committed, the person directly responsible and the person having leadership responsibilities shall be given a demerit, serious demerit or demotion; and if the circumstances are serious, removal from office or expulsion shall be imposed:   第五十条 有下列行为之一的,对直接责任者和领导责任者,给予记过、记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职或者开除处分:
(1) Refusing to implement any guideline, policy, decision or arrangement of the Party or the state. (一)拒不执行党和国家的方针政策以及决策部署的;
(2) Intentionally making a decision contrary to any guideline, policy, decision or arrangement of the Party or the state. (二)故意作出与党和国家的方针政策以及决策部署相违背的决定的;
(3) Deciding or making external comments on a major policy issue that shall be decided by the CPC Central Committee, without authority. (三)擅自对应当由中央决定的重大政策问题作出决定和对外发表主张的。
Article 51 Where an incident is provoked by inciting ethnic hatred, or ethnic secession is participated, the planner, organizer, and backbone member shall be expelled.   第五十一条 挑拨民族关系制造事端或者参加民族分裂活动的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予开除处分。
For any other participant, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 对其他参加人员,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
If a person who does not know the truth and is coerced into participation shows signs of repentance through reprimand and education, he or she may be exempt from disciplinary action, or need not be disciplined. 对不明真相被裹挟参加,经批评教育后确有悔改表现的,可以免予处分或者不予处分。
When any conduct in violation of any ethnic policy of the Party or the state is committed, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 有其他违反党和国家民族政策的行为,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
Article 52 Where religious activities are organized or used to oppose any line, guidelines, policy or resolution of the Party, or undermine ethnic solidarity, the planner, organizer, and backbone member shall be removed from office or expelled.   第五十二条 组织、利用宗教活动反对党的路线、方针、政策和决议,破坏民族团结的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予撤职或者开除处分。
For any other participant, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 对其他参加人员,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
If a person who does not know the truth and is coerced into participation shows signs of repentance through reprimand and education, he or she may be exempt from disciplinary action, or need not be disciplined. 对不明真相被裹挟参加,经批评教育后确有悔改表现的,可以免予处分或者不予处分。
When any conduct in violation of any religious policy of the state is committed, if the circumstances are minor, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are grave, demotion or removal from office shall be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, expulsion shall be imposed. 有其他违反国家宗教政策的行为,情节较轻的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
Article 53 Where a clan is organized or used to confront the Party or the government, obstruct the implementation of any guideline, policy, decision or arrangement of the Party or the state, or undermine the grassroots organizational construction of the Party, the planner, organizer, and backbone member shall be removed from office or expelled.
   第五十三条 组织、利用宗族势力对抗党和政府,妨碍党和国家的方针政策以及决策部署的实施,或者破坏党的基层组织建设的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予撤职或者开除处分。

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