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Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations (2016 the Second Amendment) [Expired]
道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定(2016第二次修正) [失效]

Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations 


(Issued by the Ministry of Transport on July 12, 2005, amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations on July 23, 2008; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations on April 20, 2009; amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations on March 14, 2012; amended for the fourth time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations on December 11, 2012; amended for the fifth time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations by the Order No. 34 [2016] of the Ministry of Transport on April 11, 2016; and amended for the sixth time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of Road Passenger Transport and Passenger Stations by the Order No. 82 [2016] of the Ministry of Transport on December 6, 2016) (2005年7月12日交通部发布 根据2008年7月23日交通运输部《关于修改〈道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2009年4月20日交通运输部《关于修改〈道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2012年3月14日交通运输部《关于修改〈道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定〉的决定》第三次修正 根据2012年12月11日交通运输部《关于修改〈道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定〉的决定》第四次修正 根据2016年4月11日交通运输部《关于修改〈道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定〉的决定》第五次修正 根据2016年12月6日交通运输部令2016年第82号交通运输部《关于修改〈道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定〉的决定》第六次修正)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the business activities of road passenger transport and road passenger transport stations, maintaining the market order of road passenger transport, ensuring the road passenger transport safety and protecting the lawful rights and interests of passengers and operators, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Road Transport and other pertinent laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为规范道路旅客运输及道路旅客运输站经营活动,维护道路旅客运输市场秩序,保障道路旅客运输安全,保护旅客和经营者的合法权益,依据《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》及有关法律、行政法规的规定,制定本规定。
Article 2 All those engaging in the business operations of road passenger transport and those of road passenger transport stations (hereinafter referred to as passenger stations) shall abide by these Provisions.   第二条 从事道路旅客运输(以下简称道路客运)经营以及道路旅客运输站(以下简称客运站)经营的,应当遵守本规定。
Article 3 The “business operations of road passenger transport” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the commercial road passenger transport activities of transporting passengers by passenger vehicles and providing public services, which include the passenger transport by regular vehicles (extra vehicles), the passenger transport by chartered vehicles, and the tourist passenger transport.   第三条 本规定所称道路客运经营,是指用客车运送旅客、为社会公众提供服务、具有商业性质的道路客运活动,包括班车(加班车)客运、包车客运、旅游客运。
(1)The “passenger transport by regular vehicles” refers to such a means of passenger transport by which the operating passenger vehicles run on the urban and rural roads according to the fixed routes, time, stops and trip numbers, including the thorough passenger transport by regular vehicles and the general passenger transport by regular vehicles. The passenger transport by extra vehicles is a supplementary form to the passenger transport by regular vehicles, by which passenger vehicles are provisionally added or assigned to be operated according to the routes and stops of regular passenger transport vehicles when the regular passenger transport vehicles can not satisfy the demand or can not be operated on a regular basis. (一)班车客运是指营运客车在城乡道路上按照固定的线路、时间、站点、班次运行的一种客运方式,包括直达班车客运和普通班车客运。加班车客运是班车客运的一种补充形式,是在客运班车不能满足需要或者无法正常运营时,临时增加或者调配客车按客运班车的线路、站点运行的方式。
(2)The “passenger transport by chartered vehicles” refers to such a means of passenger transport by which the passenger vehicles are chartered to the consumer to use and the driving service is provided in order to transport the team passengers, the driving is operated according to the starting place, destination and route as agreed on, and the charges shall be calculated according to the driving distance or the time and shall be uniformly paid. (二)包车客运是指以运送团体旅客为目的,将客车包租给用户安排使用,提供驾驶劳务,按照约定的起始地、目的地和路线行驶,按行驶里程或者包用时间计费并统一支付费用的一种客运方式。
(3)The “tourist passenger transport” refers to such a means of passenger transport by which business operation is conducted within a scenic area or at least one end of a route is located within a scenic area (spot) for the purpose of carrying tourist passengers. (三)旅游客运是指以运送旅游观光的旅客为目的,在旅游景区内运营或者其线路至少有一端在旅游景区(点)的一种客运方式。
The “business operations of passenger stations” as mentioned in these Provision refers to the business activities of providing transportation services to road passenger transport business operators and passengers by stations and facilities. 本规定所称客运站经营,是指以站场设施为依托,为道路客运经营者和旅客提供有关运输服务的经营活动。
Article 4 For the management of road passenger transport and passenger stations, the guidelines of “people oriented and safety first” shall be adhered to, the principles of fairness, equity, openness and convenience shall be followed and regional blockage and monopoly shall be broken down so as to promote the unification, openness, competition and order of the road transport market and meet the traveling demand of the general public.   第四条 道路客运和客运站管理应当坚持以人为本、安全第一的宗旨,遵循公平、公正、公开、便民的原则,打破地区封锁和垄断,促进道路运输市场的统一、开放、竞争、有序,满足广大人民群众的出行需求。
The principles of lawful operation, honesty and good faith, fair competition and quality service shall be observed by all those engaging in business operations of road passenger transport and business operations of passenger stations. 道路客运及客运站经营者应当依法经营,诚实信用,公平竞争,优质服务。
Article 5 The State applies a rating system and a quality & credit assessment system to the road passenger transport enterprises, encourages road passenger transport business operators to conduct the large scale, intensive and corporate business operations, and prohibits business operations by affiliation.   第五条 国家实行道路客运企业等级评定制度和质量信誉考核制度,鼓励道路客运经营者实行规模化、集约化、公司化经营,禁止挂靠经营。
Article 6 The Ministry of Communications shall be responsible for the administration of road passenger transport and passenger stations throughout the country.   第六条 交通运输部主管全国道路客运及客运站管理工作。
The communications administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing and leading the administration of road passenger transport and passenger stations within their respective administrative areas. 县级以上地方人民政府交通运输主管部门负责组织领导本行政区域的道路客运及客运站管理工作。
The road transport administrative organs at or above the county levels shall execute the concrete administration of road passenger transport and passenger stations within their respective administrative areas. 县级以上道路运输管理机构负责具体实施道路客运及客运站管理工作。
Chapter II Business Operation Permit 

第二章 经营许可

Article 7 The routes for the passenger transport by regular vehicles shall be classified into the following four types according to the operating areas and the distance of operating lines:   第七条 班车客运的线路根据经营区域和营运线路长度分为以下四种类型:
Class A passenger transport liner: a passenger transport liner between two districts or the passenger transport liner with operating line of 800 kilometers or longer; 一类客运班线:地区所在地与地区所在地之间的客运班线或者营运线路长度在800公里以上的客运班线。
Class B passenger transport liner: a passenger transport liner between a district and a county; 二类客运班线:地区所在地与县之间的客运班线。
Class C passenger transport liner: a passenger transport liner between two non-adjacent counties; 三类客运班线:非毗邻县之间的客运班线。
Class D passenger transport liner: a passenger transport liner between two adjacent counties or a passenger transport liner within one county. 四类客运班线:毗邻县之间的客运班线或者县境内的客运班线。
The “district” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the urban area of a city where the people's government of a city, prefecture or league is located; and the “county” as mentioned in these Provisions includes a county, banner, county-level city or a borough subordinate to a districted city, prefecture or league. 本规定所称地区所在地,是指设区的市、州、盟人民政府所在城市市区;本规定所称县,包括县、旗、县级市和设区的市、州、盟下辖乡镇的区。
Where the urban area of a county is joined or overlapped with that of a district, the administrative area of the starting place or the destination of a route shall be determined respectively in light of the place where the starting passenger station or the destination passenger station is located. 县城城区与地区所在地城市市区相连或者重叠的,按起讫客运站所在地确定班线起讫点所属的行政区域。
Article 8 The passenger transport by chartered vehicles can be divided into the passenger transport between different provinces by chartered vehicles and the passenger transport within one province by chartered vehicles, and the latter can be divided into the passenger transport between different cities by chartered vehicles, the passenger transport between different counties by chartered vehicles, and the passenger transport within one county by chartered vehicles.   第八条 包车客运按照其经营区域分为省际包车客运和省内包车客运,省内包车客运分为市际包车客运、县际包车客运和县内包车客运。
Article 9 The tourist passenger transport can be divided into the tourist passenger transport with fixed routes and the tourist passenger transport with non-fixed routes based on the means of business operation.   第九条 旅游客运按照营运方式分为定线旅游客运和非定线旅游客运。
The tourist passenger transport with fixed routes shall be subject to the management of passenger transport by regular vehicles, while the tourist passenger transport with non-fixed routes shall be subject to the management of passenger transport by chartered vehicles. 定线旅游客运按照班车客运管理,非定线旅游客运按照包车客运管理。
Article 10 An applicant who applies for engaging in road passenger transport business operations shall meet the following conditions:   第十条 申请从事道路客运经营的,应当具备下列条件:
(1)having passenger vehicles that can meet the demand of business operations and that are found to be qualified upon test; (一)有与其经营业务相适应并经检测合格的客车:
(a)technical requirements for motor vehicles of passenger transport shall conform to the relevant provisions of the Provisions on the Technical Administration of Road Transport Vehicles; 1.客车技术要求应当符合《道路运输车辆技术管理规定》有关规定。
(b)rating requirements for different types of passenger vehicles: 2.客车类型等级要求:
The rating of different types of the passenger vehicles for highway passenger transport and tourist passenger transport and the passenger vehicles with an operating line of 800 kilometers or longer shall accord with the secondary or higher level of industrial standards as prescribed in the Classification and Grade Appraisal of the Types of Operating Passenger Vehicles (JT/T325). 从事高速公路客运、旅游客运和营运线路长度在800公里以上的客运车辆,其车辆类型等级应当达到行业标准《营运客车类型划分及等级评定》(JT/T325)规定的中级以上。
(c)quantitative requirements for passenger vehicles: 3.客车数量要求:
(i)Any business operator of passenger transport by regular vehicles that manages a Class A passenger transport liner shall have 100 or more self-owned operating passenger vehicles and 3000 or more passenger seats, of which, 30 vehicles or more or 900 passenger seats or more are of high grade; or it shall have 40 or more self-owned high-grade operating passenger vehicles or 1200 or more passenger seats; (1)经营一类客运班线的班车客运经营者应当自有营运客车100辆以上、客位3000个以上,其中高级客车在30辆以上、客位900个以上;或者自有高级营运客车40辆以上、客位1200个以上;
(ii)Any business operator of the passenger transport by regular vehicles that manages a Class B passenger transport liner shall have 50 or more self-owned operating passenger vehicles or 1500 or more passenger seats, of which, 15 or more or 450 or more passenger seats are of high grade; or it shall have 20 or more self-owned high-grade operating passenger vehicles or 600 or more passenger seats; (2)经营二类客运班线的班车客运经营者应当自有营运客车50辆以上、客位1500个以上,其中中高级客车在15辆以上、客位450个以上;或者自有高级营运客车20辆以上、客位600个以上;
(iii)Any business operator of the passenger transport by regular vehicles that manages a Class C passenger transport liner shall have 10 or more self-owned operating passenger vehicles or 200 or more passenger seats; (3)经营三类客运班线的班车客运经营者应当自有营运客车10辆以上、客位200个以上;
(iv)Any business operator of the passenger transport by regular vehicles that manages a Class D passenger transport liner shall have one self-owned operating passenger vehicle or more; (4)经营四类客运班线的班车客运经营者应当自有营运客车1辆以上;
(v)Any operator that manages inter-provincial passenger transport by chartered vehicles shall have 20 or more self-owned operating passenger vehicles or 600 or more passenger seats of the middle or high grade; and (5)经营省际包车客运的经营者,应当自有中高级营运客车20辆以上、客位600个以上;
(vi)Any operator that manages the passenger transport within one province by chartered vehicles shall have 5 or more self-owned operating passenger vehicles or 100 or more passenger seats. (6)经营省内包车客运的经营者,应当自有营运客车5辆以上、客位100个以上。
(2)Any driver engaging in passenger transport operation shall meet the relevant provisions of the Provisions on the Administration of Road Transport Practitioners. (二)从事客运经营的驾驶人员,应当符合《道路运输从业人员管理规定》有关规定。
(3)It shall have sound work safety management rules, including the work safety operational rules, the work safety responsibility system, and the rules for the work safety supervision and inspection as well as the work safety management of drivers and vehicles, etc. (三)有健全的安全生产管理制度,包括安全生产操作规程、安全生产责任制、安全生产监督检查、驾驶人员和车辆安全生产管理的制度。
(4)In the case of an application for engaging in the business operations of road passenger transport liners, the definite scheme on routes and stops shall be provided in addition. (四)申请从事道路客运班线经营,还应当有明确的线路和站点方案。
Article 11 An applicant who applies for engaging in business operations of a passenger station shall meet the following requirements:   第十一条 申请从事客运站经营的,应当具备下列条件:
(1)Having a passenger station that is found to be qualified upon the completion-based check and acceptance of the project as organized by the relevant department and upon the station-level check and acceptance by the road traffic administrative organ; (一)客运站经有关部门组织的工程竣工验收合格,并且经道路运输管理机构组织的站级验收合格;
(2)Having the professional personnel and managerial personnel that can meet the demand of its business operations; (二)有与业务量相适应的专业人员和管理人员;
(3)Having corresponding equipment and facilities, and the specific requirements shall be implemented according to the industrial standards as prescribed in the Classification of Grades and Building Requirements of Passenger Coach Stations (JT/T200); and (三)有相应的设备、设施,具体要求按照行业标准《汽车客运站级别划分及建设要求》(JT/T 200)的规定执行;
(4)Having sound business operational procedures, rules and bylaws regarding work safety, including the service rules, the work safety operational procedures and rules, the regular inspection system prior to the departure of vehicles, the work safety responsibility system and the rules for the check and interception of dangerous goods and the work safety supervision and inspection. (四)有健全的业务操作规程和安全管理制度,包括服务规范、安全生产操作规程、车辆发车前例检、安全生产责任制、危险品查堵、安全生产监督检查的制度。
Article 12 Those who apply for engaging in road passenger transport shall, after undergoing relevant registration formalities at the administrative departments for industry and commerce in accordance with the law, file applications pursuant to the following provisions:   第十二条 申请从事道路客运经营的,应当依法向工商行政管理机关办理有关登记手续后,按照下列规定提出申请:
(1)filing an application with the road transport administrative organ at the county level in the case of engaging in the passenger transport business operations within one administrative area at the county level; (一)从事县级行政区域内客运经营的,向县级道路运输管理机构提出申请;
(2)filing an application with the common road transport administrative organ at the next higher level in the case of engaging in the passenger transport business operations within any two administrative regions at or above the county level and within one province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government; and (二)从事省、自治区、直辖市行政区域内跨2个县级以上行政区域客运经营的,向其共同的上一级道路运输管理机构提出申请;
(3)filing an application with the local road transport administrative organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government in the case of engaging in the passenger transport business operations between different provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. (三)从事跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域客运经营的,向所在地的省、自治区、直辖市道路运输管理机构提出申请。
Article 13 Those who apply for engaging the business operation of passenger stations shall, after undergoing the relevant registration formalities at the administrative departments for industry and commerce in accordance with the law, file applications with the local road transport administrative organs at the county level.   第十三条 申请从事客运站经营的,应当依法向工商行政管理机关办理有关登记手续后,向所在地县级道路运输管理机构提出申请。
Article 14 An applicant who applies for engaging in the road passenger transport business operations shall submit the following materials:   第十四条 申请从事道路客运经营的,应当提供下列材料:
(1)the relevant materials for applying for starting business operations; (一)申请开业的相关材料:
(a)an Application Form for Road Passenger Transport Business Operations (See Annex I); 1.《道路旅客运输经营申请表》(见附件1);
(b)the full text of the articles of association; 2.企业章程文本;
(c)identification of the investors and principals and the photocopies thereof, the identification of the person who handles the specific matters and a photocopy thereof, as well as the power of attorney; 3.投资人、负责人身份证明及其复印件,经办人的身份证明及其复印件和委托书;
(d)the full text of the work safety management rules and bylaws; 4.安全生产管理制度文本;
(e)the letter of commitment on vehicles to be used, including the quantity, types, ratings, technical grades, number of seats, and the length, width and height of the external outlines of the passenger vehicles. If the passenger vehicles to be used have been purchased or are available, the driving permits, vehicle technical rating conclusions and certificates of type and class rating of motor vehicles of passenger transport, as well the photocopies thereof; and 5.拟投入车辆承诺书,包括客车数量、类型及等级、技术等级、座位数以及客车外廓长、宽、高等。如果拟投入客车属于已购置或者现有的,应当提供行驶证、车辆技术等级评定结论、客车类型等级评定证明及其复印件;
(f)the driving permits and practitioner's certificates of drivers hired or to be hired and the photocopies thereof, as well as the certificate as issued by the public security organ on no record of major or more serious traffic liability accident within the latest three years. 6.已聘用或者拟聘用驾驶人员的驾驶证和从业资格证及其复印件,公安部门出具的3年内无重大以上交通责任事故的证明。
(2)The following materials shall additionally be provided if an applicant simultaneously applies for business operations of a road passenger transport liner: (二)同时申请道路客运班线经营的,还应当提供下列材料:
(a)an Application Form for Business Operations of Road Passenger Transport Liners (See Annex II); 1.《道路旅客运输班线经营申请表》(见附件2);
(b)a feasibility report, including the survey on the passenger flow of the passenger transport liner that is applied for, the operational scheme, the analysis of benefits and the effects to other relevant operators, etc.; 2.可行性报告,包括申请客运班线客流状况调查、运营方案、效益分析以及可能对其他相关经营者产生的影响等;
(c)the pull-in plans. The letter of intent on pulling in stations shall be provided if the applicant has signed any letter of intent on pulling in stations with any passenger station at the starting place or at destination or any parking stop; and 3.进站方案。已与起讫点客运站和停靠站签订进站意向书的,应当提供进站意向书;
(d)a letter of commitment on the quality of transportation services. 4.运输服务质量承诺书。
Article 15 An operator that has obtained a licensing for road passenger transport business operations by regular vehicles shall submit the following materials together with the materials as prescribed in Item (2) of Article 14 if it applies for adding a new passenger transport liner:   第十五条 已获得相应道路班车客运经营许可的经营者,申请新增客运班线时,除提供第十四条第(二)项规定的材料外,还应当提供下列材料:
(1)the photocopy of its Road Transport Business License; (一)《道路运输经营许可证》复印件;
(2)the driving certificates of self-owned operating passenger vehicles of the enterprise that are suitable for the passenger transport liner under application, and the photocopy of its Road Transport Certificate; (二)与所申请客运班线类型相适应的企业自有营运客车的行驶证、《道路运输证》复印件;
(3)a letter of commitment on the vehicles to be used, including the quantity, types and grades, technical ratings, and number of seats of passenger vehicles, and the length, width and height of external outlines of passenger vehicles. If the passenger vehicles to be used have been purchased or are available, the driving permits, vehicle technical rating conclusions and certificates of type and class rating of motor vehicles of passenger transport, as well as the photocopies thereof; (三)拟投入车辆承诺书,包括客车数量、类型及等级、技术等级、座位数以及客车外廓长、宽、高等。如果拟投入客车属于已购置或者现有的,应当提供行驶证、车辆技术等级评定结论、客车类型等级评定证明及其复印件;
(4)the driving permits and practitioner's certificates of drivers to be hired and the photocopies thereof, as well as the certificate as issued by the public security organ on no record of major or more serious traffic liability accident within the latest three years; and (四)拟聘用驾驶人员的驾驶证和从业资格证及其复印件,公安部门出具的3年内无重大以上交通责任事故的证明;
(5)the identification of the person who handles the specific matters and the photocopy thereof, and the certificate of employment issued by the entity for which the handling person works or the power of attorney. (五)经办人的身份证明及其复印件,所在单位的工作证明或者委托书。
Article 16 The following materials shall be submitted for an application for engaging in the business operations of a passenger station:   第十六条 申请从事客运站经营的,应当提供下列材料:
(1)an Application Form for Business Operations of Road Passenger Transport Stations (See Annex III); (一)《道路旅客运输站经营申请表》(见附件3);
(2)the certification of the completion-based check and acceptance of the passenger station and the station-level acceptance certification; (二)客运站竣工验收证明和站级验收证明;
(3)the identifications and professional certificates of the professional personnel and managerial personnel to be employed and the photocopies thereof; (三)拟招聘的专业人员、管理人员的身份证明和专业证书及其复印件;
(4)the identification of the person-in-charge and the photocopy thereof, the identification of the handling person and the photocopy thereof, and the power of attorney; (四)负责人身份证明及其复印件,经办人的身份证明及其复印件和委托书;
(5)the full text of business operational procedures and the work safety rules and bylaws. (五)业务操作规程和安全管理制度文本。
Article 17 A road transport administrative organ at or above the county level shall regularly publicize the input of the passenger transport capacity, the layout of passenger transport routes, main passenger flow directions as well as the passenger flow volume of its own administrative region.   第十七条 县级以上道路运输管理机构应当定期向社会公布本行政区域内的客运运力投放、客运线路布局、主要客流流向和流量等情况。
When examining an application for the passenger transport, a road transport administrative organ shall take into consideration the demand and supply of the passenger transport market, the universal services and the convenience to the general public, etc.. 道路运输管理机构在审查客运申请时,应当考虑客运市场的供求状况、普遍服务和方便群众等因素。
Article 18 A road transport administrative organ shall, in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Road Transport, the Provisions on the Procedures for the Implementation of Communications Administrative Licensing and the procedures as specified in the present Provisions, implement the administrative licensing to business operations of road passenger transport, road passenger transport liners and passenger stations.   第十八条 道路运输管理机构应当按照《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》和《交通行政许可实施程序规定》以及本规定规范的程序实施道路客运经营、道路客运班线经营和客运站经营的行政许可。
Article 19 Where a road transport administrative organ accepts an application for business operations of road passenger transport or road passenger transport liners, it shall make a decision of approval or disapproval within 20 days as of the date of acceptance. Where a road transport administrative organ accepts an application for the business operation of a passenger station, it shall make a decision of approval or disapproval within 15 days as of the date of acceptance.   第十九条 道路运输管理机构对道路客运经营申请、道路客运班线经营申请予以受理的,应当自受理之日起20日内作出许可或者不予许可的决定;道路运输管理机构对客运站经营申请予以受理的,应当自受理之日起15日内作出许可或者不予许可的决定。
If the road transport administrative organ makes an administrative decision of approval of an application for road passenger transport business that meets the statutory requirements, it shall issue an Administrative Licensing Decision on the Road Passenger Transport Business (See Annex IV) to clarify the licensed matters, including the business scope, the quantity of vehicles and requirements, and the types of passenger transport liners, and shall, within 10 days, issue to the licensee a Road Transport Business License and inform the road transport administrative organ at the place of the licensee. 道路运输管理机构对符合法定条件的道路客运经营申请作出准予行政许可决定的,应当出具《道路客运经营行政许可决定书》(见附件4),明确许可事项,许可事项为经营范围、车辆数量及要求、客运班线类型;并在10日内向被许可人发放《道路运输经营许可证》,并告知被许可人所在地道路运输管理机构。
If the road transport administrative organ makes an administrative decision of approval of an application for business operations of road passenger transport liners, it shall issue an Administrative Licensing Decision on the Business Operation of Road Passenger Transport Liners (See Annex V) to clarify the licensed matters. Licensed matters include the operator, types of regular vehicles, starting place, destination, routes on the way, parking stops, number of trips per day, quantity of vehicles and requirements, and the operational term. Where the line company for a road passenger transport line is formed or regional operation is conducted, the operator thereof may decide on its own parking stops and number of trips per day, and inform the original licensing organ. The road transport administrative organshall, within 10 days, issue to the licensee a Business License for Business Operations of Road Passenger Transport Liners (see Annex VIII) and inform the road transport administrative organ at the place of the licensee. In the case of an inter-provincial road passenger transport liner, a copy of the Administrative Licensing Decision on Business Operations of Road Passenger Transport Liners shall be sent to the provincial road transport administrative organs where there are passengers who get on or get off the vehicles or where the terminal is located. 道路运输管理机构对符合法定条件的道路客运班线经营申请作出准予行政许可决定的,应当出具《道路客运班线经营行政许可决定书》(见附件5),明确许可事项,许可事项为经营主体、班车类别、起讫地、途经路线及停靠站点、日发班次、车辆数量及要求、经营期限,其中对成立线路公司的道路客运班线或者实行区域经营的,其停靠站点及日发班次可以由其经营者自行决定,并告知原许可机关;并在10日内向被许可人发放《道路客运班线经营许可证明》(见附件8),告知班线起讫地道路运输管理机构;属于跨省客运班线的,应当将《道路客运班线经营行政许可决定书》抄告途经上下旅客的和终到的省级道路运输管理机构。
If the road transport administrative organ makes an administrative decision of approval of an application for the business operation of a passenger station, it shall issue an Administrative Licensing Decision on Business Operations of Road Passenger Transport Stations (See Annex VI) to clarify the licensed matters, including the name of the operator, the address of the station, the rating of the station and the business scope, and shall, within 10 days, issue to the licensee a Road Transport Business License. 道路运输管理机构对符合法定条件的客运站经营申请作出准予行政许可决定的,应当出具《道路旅客运输站经营行政许可决定书》(见附件6),并明确许可事项,许可事项为经营者名称、站场地址、站场级别和经营范围;并在10日内向被许可人发放《道路运输经营许可证》。
If the road transport administrative organ makes an administrative decision of disapproval of an application which does not meet the statutory requirements, it shall issue to the applicant a Decision on Disapproval of the Communications Administrative Licensing. 道路运输管理机构对不符合法定条件的申请作出不予行政许可决定的,应当向申请人出具《不予交通行政许可决定书》。
Article 20 The provincial road transport administrative organ that accepts an application for business operations of an inter-provincial passenger transport liner shall, within seven days upon acceptance of the application, send a letter for soliciting opinions annexed with the Application Form for Business Operations of Road Passenger Transport Liners to each provincial road transport administrative organ where there are passengers who get on or get off the vehicle or where the terminal is located. The relevant provincial road transport administrative organs shall, within ten days, their respective opinions back to the provincial road transport administrative organ that accepts the application, and give an explanation in the case of disapproval. Failure to make a reply within the time limit shall be regarded as approval.   第二十条 受理跨省客运班线经营申请的省级道路运输管理机构,应当在受理申请后7日内发征求意见函并附《道路旅客运输班线经营申请表》给途经上下旅客的和目的地省级道路运输管理机构征求意见;相关省级道路运输管理机构应当在10日内将意见给受理申请的省级道路运输管理机构,不予同意的,应当依法注明理由,逾期不予答复的,视为同意。
The road transport administrative organs that accept the applications for operations of the road passenger transport lines between adjacent cities or adjacent counties shall in principle make a decision of approval or disapproval on the basis of the consensus reached between the road transport administrative organs of adjacent cities or adjacent counties. 受理毗邻市、毗邻县间道路客运班线经营申请的道路运输管理机构,原则上按照毗邻市、毗邻县道路运输管理机构协商一致的意见作出许可或者不予许可的决定。
Where there are different opinions concerning the application for business operations of an inter-provincial passenger transport liner among the relevant provincial road transport administrative organs and no consensus can be achieved through consultation, the provincial road transport administrative organ that accepts the application will, via the provincial communications administrative department which it is subordinated to, submit the written opinions of each party involved and the relevant materials to the Ministry of Communications for decision, and shall notify the applicant in written form. The Ministry of Communications shall, within 20 days as of the day of acceptance, make a decision and inform the relevant provincial communications administrative departments in written form, and the provincial road transport administrative organ that accepts the application shall handle the relevant formalities for the applicant in accordance with Articles 19 and 22. 相关省级道路运输管理机构对跨省客运班线经营申请持不同意见且协商不成的,由受理申请的省级道路运输管理机构通过其隶属的省级交通运输主管部门将各方书面意见和相关材料报交通运输部决定,并书面通知申请人。交通运输部应当自受理之日起20日内作出决定,并书面通知相关省级交通运输主管部门,由受理申请的省级道路运输管理机构按本规定第十九条、第二十二条的规定为申请人办理有关手续。
Where the operator of an inter-provincial passenger transport line applies for the continuation of its operation, the provincial road transport administrative organ that accepts the application is not required to solicit opinions from the along-the-line provincial road transport administrative organs where there are passengers getting on or getting off the vehicles or where the destination is located. 跨省客运班线经营者申请延续经营的,受理申请的省级道路运输管理机构不需向途经上下旅客和目的地省级道路运输管理机构再次征求意见。
Article 21 A licensee shall carry into effect the letter of commitment on the vehicles to be used within the determined time limit. A road transport administrative organ shall issue a Road Transport Certificate to the passenger vehicles used for the transportation after it is verified that the licensee has fulfilled the letter of commitment on the vehicles to be used and finds that the licensing requirements are met. It shall also issue passenger transport marks for regular vehicles (see Annex VII) to regular passenger transport vehicles. When the making of formal passenger transport marks for regular vehicles have not been completed, provisional passenger transport marks shall be issued first.   第二十一条 被许可人应当按确定的时间落实拟投入车辆承诺书。道路运输管理机构已核实被许可人落实了拟投入车辆承诺书且车辆符合许可要求后,应当为投入运输的客车配发《道路运输证》;属于客运班车的,应当同时配发班车客运标志牌(见附件7)。正式班车客运标志牌尚未制作完毕的,应当先配发临时客运标志牌。
Article 22 Where an operator that has obtained a corresponding license for business operations of the road passenger transport by regular vehicles needs to add a passenger transport liner, it shall file an application in accordance with Article 12 of the present Provisions.
   第二十二条 已取得相应道路班车客运经营许可的经营者需要增加客运班线的,应当按本规定第十二条的规定进行申请。

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