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Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Innovative Development of Processing Trade [Effective]
国务院关于促进加工贸易创新发展的若干意见 [现行有效]

Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Innovative Development of Processing Trade 


(No. 4 [2016] of the State Council) (国发〔2016〕4号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all instrumentalities of the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
Processing trade is an integral part of China's foreign trade and open economy and plays an important role in promoting industry upgrading and stabilizing employment. At present, the global industry competition pattern is undergoing in-depth changes, China's economic development is embracing a new normal, the reception of internationally relocated industries in processing trade are slowing down, the outbound movement of industries and orders is accelerating, enterprises' production costs are rising, and traditional competitive advantages is gradually diminishing. For the purposes of meeting the requirements of the new situation, accelerating the promotion of innovative development of processing trade, and improving the quality and efficiency of development, the following opinions are hereby offered: 加工贸易是我国对外贸易和开放型经济的重要组成部分,对于推动产业升级、稳定就业发挥了重要作用。当前,全球产业竞争格局深度调整,我国经济发展进入新常态,加工贸易承接国际产业转移放慢,产业和订单转出加快,企业生产成本上升,传统竞争优势逐渐削弱。为适应新形势的要求,加快推动加工贸易创新发展,提高发展质量和效益,现提出以下意见:
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. The spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee shall be comprehensively implemented. According to the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing shall be firmly established and put into practice, and the new normal of economic development shall be actively adapted to, so as to achieve innovative development of processing trade, with innovation and expansion of opening up as the driving force, with the profound adjustment of international division of labor and the implementation of the Made in China 2025 as an opportunity, and based on China's national conditions. Traditional advantages shall be consolidated, the cultivation of new competitive advantages shall be accelerated, and "massive imports and massive exports" shall be gradually changed to "quality imports and quality exports," so as to promote China's industries in leapfrogging into the high end of the global value chain, help the shift from a large trade country to a trade power, and make more contributions to building a new open economy system, while stabilizing economic growth and employment expectations. (一)指导思想。全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中全会精神,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,牢固树立和贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,主动适应经济发展新常态,以创新驱动和扩大开放为动力,以国际产业分工深度调整和实施“中国制造2025”为契机,立足我国国情,创新发展加工贸易。巩固传统优势,加快培育竞争新优势,逐步变“大进大出”为“优进优出”,在稳定经济增长和就业预期的同时,推动我国产业向全球价值链高端跃升,助力贸易大国向贸易强国转变,为构建开放型经济新体制作出更大贡献。
2. Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
Always adhering to seeking progress from stability: The continuity and stability of processing trade policies shall be maintained, the development expectations shall be specified, the environment shall be improved, and processing trade enterprises shall be encouraged to be rooted in China and develop in the long run. The level of opening up shall be raised, the investment environment shall be optimized, and the focus shall be put on attracting higher technology and greater value-added links of processing, manufacturing and production services to move to China. 始终坚持稳中求进。保持加工贸易政策连续性和稳定性,明确发展预期,改善环境,鼓励加工贸易企业根植中国、长期发展。提升开放水平,优化投资环境,着力吸引更高技术水平、更大增值含量的加工制造和生产服务环节转移到我国。
Focusing on promoting transformation and upgrading: By adopting a market-oriented approach, the primary role of enterprises shall be displayed, transformation and upgrading shall be accelerated, and profitability shall be improved. The guiding role of policies shall be displayed, green and intensive development shall be encouraged, processing trade enterprises shall be supported in concentrating in areas under special customs supervision, and sustainable development capabilities shall be enhanced so as to raise the level of national welfare. 着力推动转型升级。以市场为导向,发挥企业主体作用,加快转型升级,提高盈利水平。发挥政策引导作用,鼓励绿色集约发展,支持加工贸易企业向海关特殊监管区域集中,增强可持续发展能力,提升国民福利水平。
Vigorously implementing an innovation-driven approach: An environment for innovative development shall be created, the innovation capabilities of enterprises shall be enhanced, and international competitiveness shall be improved. Development modes shall be innovated, the integration of processing trade enterprises with new business models and trade types shall be promoted, the endogenous power for development shall be enhanced, and the development of new competitive advantages shall be accelerated. 大力实施创新驱动。营造创新发展环境,增强企业创新能力,提升国际竞争力。创新发展方式,促进加工贸易企业与新型商业模式和贸易业态相融合,增强发展内生动力,加快培育竞争新优势。
Reasonably coordinating internal and external layout: In accordance with the layout of priority national industries, the transformation and upgrading in coastal regions and the takeover in inland and border regions shall be supported so as to promote regional coordinated development. Enterprises shall be guided in carrying out international capacity cooperation in an orderly manner, and the positive interaction between international cooperation and the transformation and upgrading of domestic industries shall be promoted. 合理统筹内外布局。按照国家重点产业布局,支持沿海地区转型升级和内陆沿边地区承接转移,推动区域协调发展。引导企业有序开展国际产能合作,推动国际合作与国内产业转型升级良性互动。
Constantly optimizing the business environment: The reform of processing trade systems and mechanisms shall be deepened, the management system shall be improved, and a management system compatible with the open economy shall be established and improved. The building of a legalized, international, and facilitating business environment shall be strengthened, humanities exchanges shall be deepened, and service levels shall be raised so as to contribute to innovative development. 不断优化营商环境。深化加工贸易体制机制改革,完善管理制度,建立健全与开放型经济相适应的管理体系。加强法治化、国际化、便利化营商环境建设,深化人文交流,提升服务水平,助力创新发展。
3. Development goals. By 2020, positive progress will have been made in the innovative development of processing trade, and it will have further leapfrogged to the high end of the global value chain. First, the technological sophistication and added value of the products will have improved, and products will have developed from the low end to the high end. Second, the industry chain will have been extended, and the transformation to integrated development of production and manufacturing on the one hand and service trade on the other hand will have been made. Third, the strength of businesses will have been enhanced, and the transformation from processing and assembly enterprises to technology, brand and marketing-oriented enterprises will have been made. Fourth, the regional layout will have been optimized, and the coordinated development of eastern, central and western China and reasonable layout at home and abroad will have been gradually realized. Fifth, the driving power for growth will have shifted, and the shift from a primary factor-driven approach to a combination of the factor-driven approach and the innovation-driven approach shall be made. (三)发展目标。到2020年,加工贸易创新发展取得积极成果,进一步向全球价值链高端跃升。一是产品技术含量和附加值提升,由低端向高端发展。二是产业链延长,向生产制造与服务贸易融合发展转变。三是经营主体实力增强,由加工组装企业向技术、品牌、营销型企业转变。四是区域布局优化,逐步实现东中西部协调发展和境内外合理布局。五是增长动力转换,由要素驱动为主向要素驱动和创新驱动相结合转变。
II. Extending the industry chain and improving the status of processing trade in the global value chain   二、延长产业链,提升加工贸易在全球价值链中的地位
4. Strengthening the division of labor and cooperation in the industry chain. Enterprises shall be encouraged to integrate actively and in a more open manner into the global industrial division of labor and cooperation, make better use of the resources on international and domestic markets, and strive to improve the status of processing trade in the global value chain. (四)加强产业链分工合作。鼓励企业以更加开放的姿态,积极融入全球产业分工合作,更好地利用国际国内两个市场两种资源,努力提升加工贸易在全球价值链中的地位。
5. Promoting the integration and upgrading of industries. The expectations of foreign investment policies shall be stabilized, and foreign-funded enterprises shall be supported in taking root in China. The investment promotion efforts shall be intensified, the focus shall be put on attracting advanced manufacturing and emerging industries, the opening up of the service sector shall be further expanded, and foreign-funded enterprises shall be encouraged to set up procurement centers, distribution centers and settlement centers in China so as to develop the headquarters economy. Coastal regions shall be supported in continuing to develop advantageous industries, such as electronic information, and enterprises shall be encouraged to take root, transform themselves and upgrade. The gradient transfer of labor-intensive industries first to inland and border regions shall be promoted, and integrated and clustering development shall be achieved. Through foreign investment cooperation, the role of the platforms of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones shall be displayed, enterprises shall be encouraged to head overseas together, and the industry chain shall be extended overseas in an orderly manner. (五)促进产业融合升级。稳定外资政策预期,支持外资企业扎根中国。加大招商引资力度,着力吸引先进制造业和新兴产业,进一步扩大服务业开放,鼓励外资企业在华设立采购中心、分拨中心和结算中心,发展总部经济。支持沿海地区继续发展电子信息等优势产业,鼓励企业落地生根、转型升级。推动劳动密集型产业优先向内陆沿边地区梯度转移,实现一体化集群发展。通过开展对外投资合作,发挥境外经贸合作区平台作用,鼓励企业抱团出海,有序向境外延伸产业链。
6. Enhancing the innovation capabilities of enterprises. Processing trade enterprises shall be promoted in developing from pure original equipment manufacturers ("OEM") to original design manufacturers ("ODM") and original brand manufacturers ("OBM"). It shall be encouraged to intensify the efforts to make investment in research and development and improve technology, the innovation in cooperation with universities and research institutions shall be strengthened, and production automation and intelligence shall be improved. Enterprises shall be supported in creating and acquiring well-known brands, expanding marketing channels, and shifting from passive taking of orders to active marketing. The new opportunities brought about by the development of the Internet shall be seized, and the upward movement along the value chain shall be achieved. (六)增强企业创新能力。推动加工贸易企业由单纯的贴牌生产(OEM)向委托设计(ODM)、自有品牌(OBM)方式发展。鼓励加大研发投入和技术改造力度,加强与高等院校、科研机构协同创新,提高生产自动化、智能化水平。支持企业创建和收购品牌,拓展营销渠道,从被动接单转向主动营销。顺应互联网发展带来的新机遇,实现价值链攀升。
III. Using the demonstration and driving role of coastal regions and promoting transformation, upgrading, and improvement of quality and efficiency   三、发挥沿海地区示范带动作用,促进转型升级提质增效
7. Stabilizing traditional advantageous industries. Textiles and clothing, footwear, furniture, plastic products, toys, and other traditional labor-intensive processing trade industries shall continue to be developed so as to consolidate traditional advantages. Enterprises shall be supported in strengthening the research and development of technology and equipment improvement, improve products' technological sophistication and added value, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. (七)稳定传统优势产业。继续发展纺织服装、鞋类、家具、塑料制品、玩具等传统劳动密集型加工贸易产业,巩固传统优势。支持企业加强技术研发和设备改造,提升产品技术含量和附加值,增强企业核心竞争力。
8. Vigorously developing advanced manufacturing and emerging industries. It shall be encouraged to develop electronic information, mobile communications, automobiles and parts, integrated circuits, medical equipment, aerospace, and other advanced manufacturing processing trade with radiating and technology spillover capabilities. The clustering development of emerging industries such as biomedicine, new energy, new materials, and energy conservation and environmental protection shall be promoted. Processing trade enterprises shall be supported in entering the field of integrated manufacturing of critical parts and systems, mastering core technologies, and raising overall manufacturing level.

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