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United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (Singapore Mediation Convention)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2018 


[on the report of the Sixth Committee (A/73/496)] [根据第六委员会的报告(A/73/496)通过]

73/198. United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation 73/198.联合国关于调解所产生的国际和解协议公约
The General Assembly, 大会,
Recalling its resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966, by which it established the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law with a mandate to further the progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international trade and in that respect to bear in mind the interests of all peoples, in particular those of developing countries, in the extensive development of international trade, 回顾其1966年12月17日第2205(XXI)号决议设立联合国国际贸易法委员会,其任务是促进国际贸易法的逐渐协调和统一,并在这方面念及各国人民,尤其是发展中国家人民在国际贸易广泛发展中的利益,
Recalling also its resolution 57/18 of 19 November 2002, in which it noted the adoption by the Commission of the Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation1 and expressed the con- viction that the Model Law, together with the Conciliation Rules of the Commission2 recommended in its resolution 35/52 of 4 Decem- ber 1980, contributes significantly to the establishment of a harmo- nized legal framework for the fair and efficient settlement of disputes arising in international commercial relations, 又回顾其2002年11月19日第57/18号决议注意到,委员会通过了《国际商事调解示范法》,1并表示深信《示范法》以及大会1980年12月4日第35/52号决议所建议使用的委员会《调解规则》2大大有助于建立用于公平和高效解决国际商事关系中产生的争议的统一法律框架,
Recognizing the value of mediation as a method of amicably settling disputes arising in the context of international commercial relations, 认识到调解作为一种友好解决国际商业关系中产生的争议的方法所具有的价值,
Convinced that the adoption of a convention on international settlement agreements resulting from mediation that is acceptable to States with different legal, social and economic systems would complement the existing legal framework on international mediation and contribute to the development of harmonious international economic relations, 深信通过一部可为法律、社会和经济制度不同的国家接受的关于调解所产生的国际和解协议的公约将补充现行国际调解法律框架,并将有助于发展和谐 的国际经济关系,
Noting that the decision of the Commission to concurrently prepare a convention on international settlement agreements resulting from mediation and an amendment to the Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation was intended to accommodate the different levels of experience with mediation in different jurisdictions and to provide States with consistent standards on the cross-border enforcement of international settlement agreements resulting from mediation, without creating any expectation that interested States may adopt either instrument,3 注意到委员会决定并行拟订一部关于调解所产生的国际和解协议的公约和《国际商事调解示范法》修正本,其目的是顾及不同司法管辖区在调解方面的经验参差不齐并为各国提供关于跨境执行调解所产生的国际和解协议的一致标准,同时不对有关国家将通过其中一项文书确立任何预期,3
Noting with satisfaction that the preparation of the draft conven- tion was the subject of due deliberation and that the draft convention benefited from consultations with Governments as well as intergov- ernmental and non-governmental organizations, 满意地注意到委员会就拟订公约草案进行了适当审议,而且公约草案受益于与各国政府以及有关政府间组织和非政府组织的协商,
Taking note of the decision of the Commission at its fifty-first session to submit the draft convention to the General Assembly for its consideration,4 表示注意到委员会第五十一届会议决定将公约草案提交大会审议,4
Taking note with satisfaction of the draft convention approved by the Commission,5 表示满意地注意到委员会核准的公约草案,5
Expressing its appreciation to the Government of Singapore for its offer to host a signing ceremony for the Convention in Singapore, 表示赞赏新加坡政府主动提出在新加坡主办《公约》签署仪式,
1. Commends the United Nations Commission on Interna- tional Trade Law for preparing the draft convention on international settlement agreements resulting from mediation; 1.赞扬联合国国际贸易法委员会拟订关于调解所产生的国际和解协议公约草案;
2. Adopts the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation, contained in the annex to the present resolution; 2.通过本决议附件所载《联合国关于调解所产生的国际和解协议公约》;
3. Authorizes a ceremony for the opening for signature of the Convention to be held in Singapore on 7 August 2019, and recommends that the Convention be known as the “Singapore Convention on Mediation”; 3.授权于2019年8月7日在新加坡举行《公约》开放供签署仪式,并建议将《公约》称为《新加坡调解公约》;
4. Calls upon those Governments and regional economic integration organizations that wish to strengthen the legal framework on international dispute settlement to consider becoming a party to the Convention. 4.促请希望加强国际争议和解法律框架的各国政府和区域经济一体化组织考虑成为《公约》当事方。
62nd plenary meeting 20 December 2018 2018年12月20日
Annex: 附件
United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation 联合国关于调解所产生的国际和解协议公约
Preamble 序言
The Parties to this Convention, 本公约当事方,
Recognizing the value for international trade of mediation as a method for settling commercial disputes in which the parties in dispute request a third person or persons to assist them in their attempt to settle the dispute amicably, 认识到调解作为一种商事争议解决办法对于国际贸易的价值,争议当事人籍此办法请求第三人协助其设法友好解决争议,
Noting that mediation is increasingly used in international and domestic commercial practice as an alternative to litigation, 注意到国际和国内商业实务越来越多地使用调解替代诉讼,
Considering that the use of mediation results in significant ben- efits, such as reducing the instances where a dispute leads to the termination of a commercial relationship, facilitating the administration of international transactions by commercial parties and producing savings in the administration of justice by States, 考虑到使用调解办法产生显著益处,例如,减少因争议导致终止商业关系的情形,便利商业当事人管理国际交易,并节省国家司法行政费用,
Convinced that the establishment of a framework for international settlement agreements resulting from mediation that is acceptable to States with different legal, social and economic systems would contribute to the development of harmonious international economic relations, 深信就调解所产生的国际和解协议确立一种可为法律、社会和经济制度不同的国家接受的框架,将有助于发展和谐的国际经济关系,
Have agreed as follows: 兹商定如下:
Article 1.   第1条
Scope of application 适用范围
1. This Convention applies to an agreement resulting from mediation and concluded in writing by parties to resolve a commercial dispute (“settlement agreement”) which, at the time of its conclusion, is international in that: 1.本公约适用于调解所产生的、当事人为解决商事争议而以书面形式订立的协议(“和解协议”),该协议在订立时由于以下原因而具有国际性:
(a) At least two parties to the settlement agreement have their places of business in different States; or (a)和解协议至少有两方当事人在不同国家设有营业地;或者
(b) The State in which the parties to the settlement agreement have their places of business is different from either: (b)和解协议各方当事人设有营业地的国家不是:
(i) The State in which a substantial part of the obligations under the settlement agreement is performed; or (一)和解协议所规定的相当一部分义务履行地所在国;或者
(ii)( The State with which the subject matter of the settlement agreement is most closely connected. (二)与和解协议所涉事项关系最密切的国家。
2. This Convention does not apply to settlement agreements: 2.本公约不适用于以下和解协议:
(a) Concluded to resolve a dispute arising from transactions engaged in by one of the parties (a consumer) for personal, family or household purposes; (a)为解决其中一方当事人(消费者)为个人、家庭或者家居目的进行交易所产生的争议而订立的协议;
(b) Relating to family, inheritance or employment law. (b)与家庭法、继承法或者就业法有关的协议。
3. This Convention does not apply to: 3.本公约不适用于:
(a) Settlement agreements: (a)以下和解协议:
(i) That have been approved by a court or concluded in the course of proceedings before a court; and (一)经由法院批准或者系在法院相关程序过程中订立的协议;和
(ii)( That are enforceable as a judgment in the State of that court; (二)可在该法院所在国作为判决执行的协议;
(b) Settlement agreements that have been recorded and are enforceable as an arbitral award. (b)已记录在案并可作为仲裁裁决执行的协议。
Article 2.   第2条
Definitions 定义
1. For the purposes of article 1, paragraph 1: 1.在第1条第1款中:
(a) If a party has more than one place of business, the relevant place of business is that which has the closest relationship to the dispute resolved by the settlement agreement, having regard to the circumstances known to, or contemplated by, the parties at the time of the conclusion of the settlement agreement; (a)一方当事人有不止一个营业地的,相关营业地是与和解协议所解决的争议关系最密切的营业地,同时考虑到订立和解协议时已为各方当事人知道或者预期的情形;
(b) If a party does not have a place of business, reference is to be made to the party's habitual residence. (b)一方当事人无营业地的,以其惯常居住地为准。
2. A settlement agreement is “in writing” if its content is recorded in any form. The requirement that a settlement agreement be in writing is met by an electronic communication if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be useable for subsequent reference. 2.和解协议的内容以任何形式记录下来即为“书面形式”。电子通信所含信息可调取以备日后查用的,该电子通信即满足了和解协议的书面形式要求。
3. “Mediation” means a process, irrespective of the expression used or the basis upon which the process is carried out, whereby parties attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute with the assistance of a third person or persons (“the mediator”) lacking the authority to impose a solution upon the parties to the dispute. 3.“调解”不论使用何种称谓或者进行过程以何为依据,指由一名或者几名第三人(“调解员”)协助,在其无权对争议当事人强加解决办法的情况下,当事人设法友好解决其争议的过程。
Article 3.   第3条
General principles 一般原则
1. Each Party to the Convention shall enforce a settlement agreement in accordance with its rules of procedure and under the conditions laid down in this Convention. 1.本公约每一当事方应按照本国程序规则并根据本公约规定的条件执行和解协议。
2. If a dispute arises concerning a matter that a party claims was already resolved by a settlement agreement, a Party to the Convention shall allow the party to invoke the settlement agreement in accordance with its rules of procedure and under the conditions laid down in this Convention, in order to prove that the matter has already been resolved. 2.如果就一方当事人声称已由和解协议解决的事项发生争议,公约当事方应允许该当事人按照本国程序规则并根据本公约规定的条件援用和解协议,以证明该事项已得到解决。
Article 4.   第4条
Requirements for reliance on settlement agreements 对依赖于和解协议的要求
1. A party relying on a settlement agreement under this Convention shall supply to the competent authority of the Party to the Convention where relief is sought: 1.当事人根据本公约依赖于和解协议,应向寻求救济所在公约当事方主管机关出具:
(a) The settlement agreement signed by the parties; (a)由各方当事人签署的和解协议;
(b) Evidence that the settlement agreement resulted from mediation, such as: (b)显示和解协议产生于调解的证据,例如:
(i) The mediator's signature on the settlement agreement;

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