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Measures for the Administration of Mandatory National Standards [Effective]
强制性国家标准管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the State Administration for Market Regulation 


(No. 25) (第25号)

The Measures for the Administration of Mandatory National Standards, as deliberated and adopted at the 16th executive meeting in 2019 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on December 13, 2019, are hereby issued and shall come into force on June 1, 2020. 《强制性国家标准管理办法》已于2019年12月13日经国家市场监督管理总局2019年第16次局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2020年6月1日起施行。
Director: Xiao Yaqing 局长:肖亚庆
January 6, 2020 2020年1月6日
Measures for the Administration of Mandatory National Standards 强制性国家标准管理办法
(Issued by Order No. 25 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on January 6, 2020) (2020年1月6日国家市场监督管理总局令第25号公布)
Article 1 These Measures are developed in accordance with the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China for the purposes of strengthening the administration of mandatory national standards and regulating the development, implementation, and supervision of mandatory national standards.   第一条 为了加强强制性国家标准管理,规范强制性国家标准的制定、实施和监督,根据《中华人民共和国标准化法》,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the development (including project proposing, project initiation, drafting, request for comments, technical review, public notification, numbering, and issuance approval), organization and implementation, and supervision of mandatory national standards.   第二条 强制性国家标准的制定(包括项目提出、立项、组织起草、征求意见、技术审查、对外通报、编号、批准发布)、组织实施以及监督工作,适用本办法。
Article 3 Mandatory national standards shall be developed for technical requirements that protect human health and life and property safety, safeguard national security and environmental safety, and that meet the basic needs of economic and social administration.   第三条 对保障人身健康和生命财产安全、国家安全、生态环境安全以及满足经济社会管理基本需要的技术要求,应当制定强制性国家标准。
Article 4 In the development of mandatory national standards, the principle of universality shall be adhered to, with priority given to the development of standards applicable to the products, processes or services across different fields and disciplines.   第四条 制定强制性国家标准应当坚持通用性原则,优先制定适用于跨领域跨专业的产品、过程或者服务的标准。
Article 5 The development of mandatory national standards shall entail an in-depth investigation and demonstration on the basis of scientific and technological research achievements and experience from social practices to ensure that the standards are developed in a scientific, normative and timely manner.   第五条 制定强制性国家标准应当在科学技术研究成果和社会实践经验的基础上,深入调查论证,保证标准的科学性、规范性、时效性。
Article 6 In the development of mandatory national standards, international standards shall be adopted in light of national conditions.   第六条 制定强制性国家标准应当结合国情采用国际标准。
Article 7 The development of mandatory national standards shall be open and transparent, and various methods shall be adopted under the principle of convenience and effectiveness to ask all parties for their opinions.   第七条 制定强制性国家标准应当公开、透明,按照便捷有效的原则采取多种方式,广泛听取各方意见。
Article 8 There shall be a specific department responsible for supervising and administering the implementation of mandatory national standards, which may deal with any violation of mandatory national standards in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or departmental rules.   第八条 强制性国家标准应当有明确的标准实施监督管理部门,并能够依据法律、行政法规、部门规章的规定对违反强制性国家标准的行为予以处理。
Article 9 The administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall administer standardization across the country in a centralized way. It shall be responsible for the project initiation, numbering, and public notification of mandatory national standards. The relevant administrative departments under the State Council shall, according to their respective functions, be responsible for project proposing, project initiation, drafting, request for comments, and technical review. The issuance of mandatory national standards shall be approved by the State Council or the approval thereof shall be authorized by the State Council.   第九条 国务院标准化行政主管部门统一管理全国标准化工作,负责强制性国家标准的立项、编号和对外通报。国务院有关行政主管部门依据职责负责强制性国家标准的项目提出、组织起草、征求意见和技术审查。强制性国家标准由国务院批准发布或者授权批准发布。
The administrative departments for standardization and the relevant administrative departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to their statutory functions, supervise and inspect the implementation of mandatory national standards. 县级以上人民政府标准化行政主管部门和有关行政主管部门依据法定职责,对强制性国家标准的实施进行监督检查。
Article 10 The administrative department for standardization of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may propose the initiation of a mandatory national standard project to the administrative department for standardization under the State Council, which shall, along with the relevant administrative departments under the State Council, study and decide on such proposal. If the development of mandatory national standards is indeed required, the administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall give explicit instructions to the project proposing department; if no project initiation is required, reasons shall be explained.   第十条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府标准化行政主管部门可以向国务院标准化行政主管部门提出强制性国家标准的立项建议,由国务院标准化行政主管部门会同国务院有关行政主管部门研究决定。确有必要制定强制性国家标准的,国务院标准化行政主管部门应当明确项目提出部门,无需立项的应当说明理由。
A social group, enterprise, public institution, or citizen may propose the initiation of a mandatory national standard project to the administrative department for standardization under the State Council, which shall, along with the relevant administrative departments under the State Council, study and decide on such proposal if it deems that project initiation is needed. If the development of mandatory national standards is indeed required, the administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall give explicit instructions to the project proposing department; if no project initiation is required, reasons shall be explained. 社会团体、企业事业组织以及公民可以向国务院标准化行政主管部门提出强制性国家标准的立项建议,国务院标准化行政主管部门认为需要立项的,会同国务院有关行政主管部门研究决定。确有必要制定强制性国家标准的,国务院标准化行政主管部门应当明确项目提出部门,无需立项的应当说明理由。
Article 11 The relevant administrative departments under the State Council shall, in accordance with their functions and duties, propose a mandatory national standard project to the administrative department for standardization under the State Council.   第十一条 国务院有关行政主管部门依据职责向国务院标准化行政主管部门提出强制性国家标准项目。
A mandatory national standard project involving two or more relevant administrative departments under the State Council may be jointly proposed by the lead department together with relevant departments. 涉及两个以上国务院有关行政主管部门的强制性国家标准项目,可以由牵头部门会同有关部门联合提出。
Article 12 Before proposing a mandatory national standard project, the relevant administrative departments under the State Council shall fully solicit comments from other relevant administrative departments under the State Council and investigate the actual needs of enterprises, institutions, social groups, consumers and educational and scientific research institutions in a bid to evaluate and demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the project.   第十二条 国务院有关行政主管部门提出强制性国家标准项目前,应当充分征求国务院其他有关行政主管部门的意见,调查企业事业组织、社会团体、消费者和教育、科研机构等方面的实际需求,对项目的必要性和可行性进行论证评估。
Article 13 When proposing a mandatory national standard project, the relevant administrative departments under the State Council shall submit a project application and a draft for standard initiation. The project application shall include the following:   第十三条 国务院有关行政主管部门提出强制性国家标准项目时,应当报送项目申报书和标准立项草案。项目申报书应当包括下列内容:
(1) The necessity and feasibility of developing mandatory national standards; (一)制定强制性国家标准的必要性、可行性;
(2) Main technical requirements; (二)主要技术要求;
(3) The development of relevant domestic mandatory standards and supporting recommended standards; (三)国内相关强制性标准和配套推荐性标准制定情况;
(4) The development of relevant laws, regulations and standards of the International Organization for Standardization and other countries or regions; (四)国际标准化组织、其他国家或者地区相关法律法规和标准制定情况;
(5) The implementation, supervision and administration departments of mandatory national standards and the basis of relevant laws, administrative regulations and departmental rules for dealing with violations of mandatory national standards; (五)强制性国家标准的实施监督管理部门以及对违反强制性国家标准行为进行处理的有关法律、行政法规、部门规章依据;
(6) The catalogue of products, processes or services involved in mandatory national standards; (六)强制性国家标准所涉及的产品、过程或者服务目录;
(7) Soliciting opinions from relevant departments under the State Council; (七)征求国务院有关部门意见的情况;
(8) The budget and schedule; and (八)经费预算以及进度安排;
(9) Other matters to be submitted. (九)需要申报的其他事项。
Article 14 The administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall examine mandatory national standard projects according to the following requirements:   第十四条 国务院标准化行政主管部门应当按照下列要求对强制性国家标准项目进行审查:
(1) Whether it complies with the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of these Measures; (一)是否符合本办法第三条和第四条规定的原则;
(2) Whether it complies with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations and whether it coordinates with the technical requirements for relevant mandatory standards; (二)是否符合有关法律、行政法规的规定,是否与有关强制性标准的技术要求协调衔接;
(3) Whether it complies with the requirements of Articles 12 and 13 of these Measures; and (三)是否符合本办法第十二条和第十三条的要求;
(4) Other contents to be examined. (四)需要审查的其他内容。
Article 15 The administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall solicit public comments on mandatory national standard projects that conform to the provisions of Article 14 of these Measures through the National Public Service Platform for Standards Information.   第十五条 国务院标准化行政主管部门应当将符合本办法第十四条规定的强制性国家标准项目在全国标准信息公共服务平台向社会公开征求意见。
The period for solicitation of public comments shall be no less than 30 days. In case of emergency, the period for solicitation of public comments may be shortened, but generally it shall be no less than seven days. 征求意见期限不得少于三十日。紧急情况下可以缩短征求意见期限,但一般不得少于七日。
Article 16 For the comments posted by the public, the administrative department for standardization under the State Council may, as required, employ experts to demonstrate and hold meetings for coordination or for providing feedback to the project proposing department, which shall study and deal with them.   第十六条 对于公众提出的意见,国务院标准化行政主管部门根据需要可以组织专家论证、召开会议进行协调或者反馈项目提出部门予以研究处理。
Article 17 The administrative department for standardization under the State Council may, according to examination comments and coordination, decide whether to conduct project initiation.   第十七条 国务院标准化行政主管部门应当根据审查意见以及协调情况,决定是否立项。
If a decision is made to initiate a project, the administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall assign a project plan and specify the organizing and drafting department and the time limit for submission, approval and issuance. If two or more relevant administrative departments under the State Council are involved, the lead organizing and drafting department shall be specified. 决定予以立项的,国务院标准化行政主管部门应当下达项目计划,明确组织起草部门和报送批准发布时限。涉及两个以上国务院有关行政主管部门的,还应当明确牵头组织起草部门。
If a decision is made not to initiate a project, the administrative department for standardization under the State Council shall, in written form, inform the project proposing department of the reasons for not initiating the project. 决定不予立项的,国务院标准化行政主管部门应当以书面形式告知项目提出部门不予立项的理由。
Article 18 The organizing and drafting department may entrust the relevant technical committee for standardization with the drafting work.
   第十八条 组织起草部门可以委托相关标准化技术委员会承担起草工作。

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