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Guiding Case No. 80 of the Supreme People's Court: Hong Fuyuan and Deng Chunxiang v. Guizhou Wufufang Food Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Jincai Natural Culture Research & Development Co., Ltd. (Case about dispute over copyright)
  • Type of Dispute: IPR-->IPR Ownership & Infringement
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 09-18-2015
  • Procedural status: Trial at First Instance

Guiding Case No. 80 of the Supreme People's Court: Hong Fuyuan and Deng Chunxiang v. Guizhou Wufufang Food Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Jincai Natural Culture Research & Development Co., Ltd. 


(Issued on March 6, 2017 as deliberated and adopted by the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court) (最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 2017年3月6日发布)

Keywords 【关键词】
civil; infringement upon copyright; derivative work of traditional folk arts 民事/著作权侵权/民间文化艺术衍生作品
Key Points of Judgment 【裁判要点】
Where part of a derivative folk literary and artistic work with originality is independently expressed by its creator and it conforms to the characteristics of a work protected by the Copyright Law, it shall be determined that the creator enjoys copyright of such part with originality. 民间文学艺术衍生作品的表达系独立完成且有创作性的部分,符合著作权法保护的作品特征的,应当认定作者对其独创性部分享有著作权。
Legal Provisions 【相关法条】
Article 3 of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国著作权法》第3条
Article 2 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》第2条
Basic Facts 【基本案情】
Plaintiffs Hong Fuyuan and Deng Chunxiang alleged that: The work created by Hong Fuyuan, Harmonious CoexistenceXII, was published in the book, Fuyuan's Batik Arts published by Guizhou People's Publishing House in August 2009. Hong Fuyuan once transferred the right to use the work involved (excluding the right to use on batik) to Deng Chunxiang, who was responsible for maintaining the copyright-related property right. Without the permission of plaintiffs, for the purpose of sales promotion, defendant Guizhou Wufufang Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Wufufang Company”) used a selective part of the aforesaid painting of Hong Fuyuan on commodities it sold. Plaintiffs held that defendant infringed upon the right of signature of Hong Fuyuan and the copyright-related property right of Deng Chunxiang and requested the court to order that: defendant should pay Deng Chunxiang CNY200,000 as compensation for Deng Chunxiang's economic loss caused by its infringement upon her copyright-related property right; defendant should cease the use of the pattern involved and destroy packaging boxes and product brochures involved; and defendant should publish a formal apology for its infringement upon Hong Fuyuan's copyright-related personal right. 原告洪福远、邓春香诉称:原告洪福远创作完成的《和谐共生十二》作品,发表在2009年8月贵州人民出版社出版的《福远蜡染艺术》一书中。洪福远曾将该涉案作品的使用权(蜡染上使用除外)转让给原告邓春香,由邓春香维护著作财产权。被告贵州五福坊食品有限公司(以下简称五福坊公司)以促销为目的,擅自在其销售的商品上裁切性地使用了洪福远的上述画作。原告认为被告侵犯了洪福远的署名权和邓春香的著作财产权,请求法院判令:被告就侵犯著作财产权赔偿邓春香经济损失20万元;被告停止使用涉案图案,销毁涉案包装盒及产品册页;被告就侵犯洪福远著作人身权刊登声明赔礼道歉。
Defendant Wufufang Company contended that: First, both the work whose copyright was owned by plaintiffs in the action they filed and some patterns on the exterior packages of products designed by Guizhou Jincai National Cultural Research & Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jincai Company”) for Wufufang Company used the traditional batik patterns of Gejia People in Huangping County, Guizhou Province and its use of product exterior packages designed by Jincai Company did not constitute an infringement. Second, the exterior packages of products produced and sold by Wufufang Company were designed by the third party Jincai Company upon authorization of Wufufang Company and Wufufang Company has performed the reasonable duty of care in the use of the exterior packages of such products. Third, the work involved was placed in the right lower corner of the product packages and the area of the work involved accounted for about 1/20 of the total area of the package, which had little effect of promoting the product sales, and the amount of compensation of CNY200,000 claimed by plaintiffs was excessively high. Therefore, the claims of plaintiffs lacked factual and legal basis and Wufufang Company requested the court to dismiss the claims of plaintiffs. 被告五福坊公司辩称:第一、原告起诉其拥有著作权的作品与贵州今彩民族文化研发有限公司(以下简称今彩公司)为五福坊公司设计的产品外包装上的部分图案,均借鉴了贵州黄平革家传统蜡染图案,被告使用今彩公司设计的产品外包装不构成侵权;第二、五福坊公司的产品外包装是委托本案第三人今彩公司设计的,五福坊公司在使用产品外包装时已尽到合理注意义务;第三、本案所涉作品在产品包装中位于右下角,整个作品面积只占产品外包装面积的二十分之一左右,对于产品销售的促进作用影响较小,原告起诉的赔偿数额20万元显然过高。原告的诉请没有事实和法律依据,故请求驳回原告的诉讼请求。
The third party Jincai Company stated that: It engaged in advertisement design and planning for Wufufang Company. In December 2006, it completed the sketching of “Best Wishes for Four Seasons” and in October 2011, a part of the pattern was intercepted to be used on gifts developed by Wufufang Company for the tourism market. The bird pattern, Ru-Yi pattern, and copper drum pattern in the design were all originated in the “primary form” of the batik of Gejia People in Huangping County, Guizhou Province, and the design of bird pattern in the work of Hong Fuyuan was also originated in the traditional batik of Guizhou Province. The work of Hong Fuyuan was not original and there was no factual basis for infringement in this case. Therefore, the claims of plaintiffs should not be upheld. 第三人今彩公司述称:其为五福坊公司进行广告设计、策划,2006年12月创作完成“四季如意”的手绘原稿,直到2011年10月五福坊公司开发针对旅游市场的礼品,才重新截取该图案的一部分使用,图中的鸟纹、如意纹、铜鼓纹均源于贵州黄平革家蜡染的“原形”,原告作品中的鸟纹图案也源于贵州传统蜡染,原告方主张的作品不具有独创性,本案不存在侵权的事实基础,故原告的诉请不应支持。
Upon trial, the court found that: Plaintiff Hong Fuyuan has been engaged in the artistic design and creation of batik for many years and was awarded such honorary titles as “China's Top Ten Folk Artists” and “Advanced Individual of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection” by the Ministry of Culture. The work, Harmonious Coexistence XII, he created in August 2009 was published in the book Hong Fuyuan's Batik Arts published by Guizhou People's Publishing House. This work used characteristics of natural patterns and geometrical patterns of the traditional batik arts as the reference and indigo as the main color, and described a harmonious picture where flowers and birds coexisted. However, the outlines of birds were supplemented in this work. The lines of the birds' eyes and mouths were enriched, which made the patterns of birds more vivid. The original creation of Hong Fuyuan was integrated into the necks and feathers of birds, which made the patterns of birds livelier. The conception of Hong Fuyuan was also integrated into the copper drum patterns in the middle, which were different from patterns in traditional batik arts. On August 1, 2010, Hong Fuyuan concluded a Contract on the Transfer of Right to Use the Work with plaintiff Deng Chunxiang. It was stipulated in the Contract that Hong Fuyuan transferred the right to use the work involved (excluding the use on batik) to Deng Chunxiang and Deng Chunxiang was responsible for maintaining the property right of the work involved within the scope of rights transferred. 法院经审理查明:原告洪福远从事蜡染艺术设计创作多年,先后被文化部授予“中国十大民间艺术家”“非物质文化遗产保护工作先进个人”等荣誉称号。2009年8月其创作完成的《和谐共生十二》作品发表在贵州人民出版社出版的《福远蜡染艺术》一书中,该作品借鉴了传统蜡染艺术的自然纹样和几何纹样的特征,色彩以靛蓝为主,描绘了一幅花、鸟共生的和谐图景。但该作品对鸟的外形进行了补充,对鸟的眼睛、嘴巴丰富了线条,使得鸟图形更加传神,对鸟的脖子、羽毛融入了作者个人的独创,使得鸟图形更为生动,对中间的铜鼓纹花也融合了作者自己的构思而有别于传统的蜡染艺术图案。2010年8月1日,原告洪福远与原告邓春香签订《作品使用权转让合同》,合同约定洪福远将涉案作品的使用权(蜡染上使用除外)转让给邓春香,由邓春香维护受让权利范围内的著作财产权。
Defendant Wufufang Company authorized the third party Jincai Company to provide planning and design services for the brand market image of products, including the product packaging and packaged design, product brochures, and design of marketing materials. According to the design services provided by Jincai Company, Wufufang Company used the pattern of flowers and birds in batik and the frame of Ru-Yi pattern on the left upper corner and right lower corner of the exterior packages of Guizhou Peppery Chicken, Guizhou Milet Dreg, and Guizhou Dried Pork. Hong Fuyuan held that: The use of the work Harmonious Coexistence XII he created by Wufufang Company infringed upon his right of signature, which split the connection between the creator and the work, and infringed upon the property right of the work enjoyed by Deng Chunxiang. It was found upon comparison that the design of flowers and birds in batik used on the exterior packages and product brochures of the aforesaid three products sold by Wufufang Company were consistent with the work Harmonious Coexistence XII created by Hong Fuyuan in aspects of the pattern structure of birds and flowers as well as the choice and arrangement of lines, and they were different only in the bottom color of the pattern and the color of lines. 被告五福坊公司委托第三人今彩公司进行产品的品牌市场形象策划设计服务,包括进行产品包装及配套设计、产品手册以及促销宣传品的设计等。根据第三人今彩公司的设计服务,五福坊公司在其生产销售的产品贵州辣子鸡、贵州小米渣、贵州猪肉干的外包装礼盒的左上角、右下角使用了蜡染花鸟图案和如意图案边框。洪福远认为五福坊公司使用了其创作的《和谐共生十二》作品,一方面侵犯了洪福远的署名权,割裂了作者与作品的联系,另一方面侵犯了邓春香的著作财产权。经比对查明,五福坊公司生产销售的上述三种产品外包装礼盒和产品手册上使用的蜡染花鸟图案与洪福远创作的《和谐共生十二》作品,在鸟与花图形的结构造型、线条的取舍与排列上一致,只是图案的底色和线条的颜色存在差别。
Judgment 【裁判结果】
On September 18, 2015, the Intermediate People's Court of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province rendered a civil judgment (No. 17 [2015], First, Civil Division, IPC, Guiyang) that: (1) defendant Wufufang Company should, within ten days after the judgment came into force, pay plaintiff Deng Chunxiang CNY 100,000 as compensation for her economic loss; (2) after the judgment came into force, defendant Wufufang Company should immediately cease the use of the work Harmonious Coexistence XII involved; (3) defendant Wufufang Company should, within five days after the judgment came into force, destroy the packages and product brochures of the products involved, including Guizhou Peppery Chicken, Guizhou Milet Dreg, and Guizhou Dried Pork; and (4) other claims of plaintiffs Hong Fuyuan and Deng Chunxiang should be dismissed . After the judgment of first instance was pronounced, neither party appealed and the judgment has come into force. 贵州省贵阳市中级人民法院于2015年9月18日作出(2015)筑知民初字第17号民事判决:一、被告贵州五福坊食品有限公司于本判决生效之日起10日赔偿原告邓春香经济损失10万元;二、被告贵州五福坊食品有限公司在本判决生效后,立即停止使用涉案《和谐共生十二》作品;三、被告贵州五福坊食品有限公司于本判决生效之日起5日内销毁涉案产品贵州辣子鸡、贵州小米渣、贵州猪肉干的包装盒及产品宣传册页;四、驳回原告洪福远和邓春香的其余诉讼请求。一审宣判后,各方当事人均未上诉,判决已发生法律效力。
Judgment's Reasoning 【裁判理由】
In the effective judgment, the court held that: The issues of this case were (1) whether the work Harmonious Coexistence XII involved was protected by the Copyright Law; (2) whether the package patterns of the products involved infringed upon plaintiffs' copyright; (3) how to determine the responsible parties in this case; (4) how to determine the manners of infringement liability in this case; and (5) how to determine the amount of compensation in this case.

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