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No.2 of Ten Model Cases regarding Environmental Public Interest Litigations Published by the Supreme People's Court: China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation v. Ningxia Ruitai Science and Technology Co., Ltd., et al. (A series of public interest litigations regarding pollution of the Tengger Desert)

No.2 of Ten Model Cases regarding Environmental Public Interest Litigations Published by the Supreme People's Court: China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation v. Ningxia Ruitai Science and Technology Co., Ltd., et al. (A series of public interest litigations regarding pollution of the Tengger Desert)
(A series of public interest litigations regarding pollution of the Tengger Desert)
No.2 of Ten Model Cases regarding Environmental Public Interest Litigations Published by the Supreme People's Court: China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation v. Ningxia Ruitai Science and Technology Co., Ltd., et al. (A series of public interest litigations regarding pollution of the Tengger Desert) 最高人民法院发布十起环境公益诉讼典型案例之二:中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会诉宁夏瑞泰科技股份有限公司等腾格里沙漠污染系列民事公益诉讼案
[Basic Facts] In August 8, 2015, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “CBCGDF”) filed an action in the Intermediate People's Court of Zhongwei City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and alleged that: In the process of production, Ningxia Ruitai Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Ruitai Company”) and other seven enterprises directly discharged sewage exceeding the prescribed standards to the evaporation pond in violation of regulations, causing severe pollution of the Tengger Desert. Up to the time of action, the rectification has not been completed yet. The CBCGDF requested the Court to order that Ruitai Company should (1) stop the illegal environmental pollution activities; (2) eliminate hazards causing the environmental pollution; (3) restore the ecological environment or establish a special fund for the restoration of the desert environment and entrust a qualified third party to make the restoration; (4) with respect to claims in items (2) and (3), request the Court to organize plaintiff, technicians, legal experts, NPC members, and CPPCC members to conduct a joint acceptance; (5) compensate for ecological function loss before the environmental restoration; and (6) extend a formal apology on national media. The CBCGDF submitted to the Court its foundation legal person registration certificate, which showed that it was a foundation legal person registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China. The annual inspection evidentiary materials from 2010 to 2014 submitted by the CBCGDF showed that it passed the annual inspections in five consecutive years before filing this public interest litigation. The CBCGDF also submitted a statement that it had no recorded administrative or criminal penalty due to its business activities in violation of the provisions of laws and regulations within five years. Besides, the articles of association of the CBCGDF provided that its tenets were to “widely mobilize the whole society to concern and support the cause of biodiversity protection and green development, protect the national strategic materials, promote the building of ecological civilization and harmony between man and nature, and build a better home for humanity.” The CBCGDF also submitted to the Court the relevant evidentiary materials that since its establishment, it has actually engaged in such activities as hosting environmental protection seminars, organizing ecological investigations, launching the environmental protection publicity and education, and filing environmental civil public interest litigations. 基本案情】2015年8月,中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会向中卫市中级人民法院提起诉讼称:瑞泰公司等八家企业在生产过程中违规将超标废水直接排入蒸发池,造成腾格里沙漠严重污染,截至起诉时仍然没有整改完毕。请求判令:1.停止非法污染环境行为;2.对造成环境污染的危险予以消除;3.恢复生态环境或者成立沙漠环境修复专项基金并委托具有资质的第三方进行修复;4.针对第二项和第三项诉讼请求,由法院组织原告、技术专家、法律专家、人大代表、政协委员共同验收;5.赔偿环境修复前生态功能损失;6.在全国性媒体上公开赔礼道歉等。绿发会向法院提交了基金会法人登记证书,显示绿发会是在国家民政部登记的基金会法人。绿发会提交的2010至2014年度检查证明材料,显示其在提起本案公益诉讼前五年年检合格。绿发会提交了五年内未因从事业务活动违反法律、法规的规定而受到行政、刑事处罚的无违法记录声明。此外,绿发会章程规定,其宗旨为“广泛动员全社会关心和支持生物多样性保护和绿色发展事业,保护国家战略资源,促进生态文明建设和人与自然和谐,构建人类美好家园”。绿发会还向法院提交了其自1985年成立至今,一直实际从事包括举办环境保护研讨会、组织生态考察、开展环境保护宣传教育、提起环境民事公益诉讼等活动的相关证据材料。
...... 裁判结果】中卫市中级人民法院一审认为,绿发会不能认定为《环境保护法》第五十八条规定的“专门从事环境保护公益活动”的社会组织,对绿发会的起诉裁定不予受理。绿发会不服,提起上诉。宁夏回族自治区高级人民法院审查后裁定驳回上诉,维持原裁定。绿发会不服二审裁定,向最高人民法院申请再审。最高人民法院依法提审并审理认为,因环境公共利益具有普惠性和共享性,没有特定的法律上直接利害关系人,有必要鼓励、引导和规范社会组织依法提起环境公益诉讼,以充分发挥环境公益诉讼功能。依据《环境保护法》第五十八条和《最高人民法院关于审理环境民事公益诉讼案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第四条的规定,对于本案绿发会是否可以作为“专门从事环境保护公益活动”的社会组织提起本案诉讼,应重点从其宗旨和业务范围是否包含维护环境公共利益,是否实际从事环境保护公益活动,以及所维护的环境公共利益是否与其宗旨和业务范围具有关联性等三个方面进行审查。对于社会组织宗旨和业务范围是否包含维护环境公共利益,应根据其内涵而非简单依据文字表述作出判断。社会组织章程即使未写明维护环境公共利益,但若其工作内容属于保护各种影响人类生存和发展的天然的和经过人工改造的自然因素的范畴,均应认定宗旨和业务范围包含维护环境公共利益。绿发会章程中规定的宗旨契合绿色发展理念,亦与环境保护密切相关,属于维护环境公共利益的范畴。环境保护公益活动,不仅包括植树造林、濒危物种保护、节能减排、环境修复等直接改善生态环境的行为,还包括与环境保护有关的宣传教育、研究培训、学术交流、法律援助、公益诉讼等有利于完善环境治理体系,提高环境治理能力,促进全社会形成环境保护广泛共识的活动。绿发会在本案一审、二审及再审期间提交的历史沿革、公益活动照片、环境公益诉讼立案受理通知书等相关证据材料,虽未经庭审质证,但在立案审查阶段,足以显示绿发会自1985年成立以来长期实际从事包括举办环境保护研讨会、组织生态考察、开展环境保护宣传教育、提起环境民事公益诉讼等环境保护活动,符合环境保护法和环境公益诉讼司法解释的规定。同时,上述证据亦证明绿发会从事环境保护公益活动的时间已满五年,符合《环境保护法》第五十八条关于社会组织从事环境保护公益活动应五年以上的规定。依据环境公益诉讼司法解释第四条的规定,社会组织提起的公益诉讼涉及的环境公共利益,应与社会组织的宗旨和业务范围具有一定关联。即使社会组织起诉事项与其宗旨和业务范围不具有对应关系,但若与其所保护的环境要素或者生态系统具有一定的联系,亦应基于关联性标准确认其主体资格。本案环境公益诉讼系针对腾格里沙漠污染提起。沙漠生物群落及其环境相互作用所形成的复杂而脆弱的沙漠生态系统,需要人类的珍惜利用和悉心呵护。绿发会起诉认为瑞泰公司将超标废水排入蒸发池,严重破坏了腾格里沙漠本已脆弱的生态系统,所涉及的环境公共利益维护属于绿发会宗旨和业务范围。此外,绿发会提交的基金会法人登记证书、年度检查证明材料、无违法记录声明等,证明其符合《环境保护法》第五十八条,环境公益诉讼司法解释第二条、第三条、第五条对提起环境公益诉讼社会组织的其他要求,具备提起环境民事公益诉讼的主体资格。最高人民法院再审裁定撤销一审、二审裁定,指令本案由中卫市中级人民法院立案受理。

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