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Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi Booking Business Operations and Services [Revised]
网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法 [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China 


(No. 60 [2016]) (2016年第60号)

The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi Booking Business Operations and Services, as adopted at the 15th executive meeting of the Ministry of Transport and approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on November 1, 2016. 《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》已于2016年7月14日经交通运输部第15次部务会议通过,并经工业和信息化部、公安部、商务部、工商总局、质检总局、国家网信办同意,现予公布,自2016年11月1日起施行。
Minister of Transport: Yang Chuantang 交 通 运 输 部 部 长 杨传堂
Minister of Industry and Information Technology: Miao Wei 工业和信息化部 部 长 苗 圩
Minister of Public Security: Guo Shengkun 公  安  部 部 长 郭声琨
Minister of Commerce: Gao Hucheng 商  务  部 部 长 高虎城
Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce: Zhang Mao 工 商 总 局 局 长 张 茅
Director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine: Zhi Shuping 质 检 总 局 局 长 支树平
Director of the Cyberspace Administration of China: Xu Lin 国 家 网 信 办 主 任 徐 麟
July 27, 2016 2016年7月27日
Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Taxi Booking Business Operations and Services 网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 In order to better satisfy the diversified travel demands of the public, promote the integrated development of the taxi industry and the Internet, regulate online taxi booking business operations and services, and safeguard the operation safety and the lawful rights and interests of passengers, these Measures are developed in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.   第一条 为更好地满足社会公众多样化出行需求,促进出租汽车行业和互联网融合发展,规范网络预约出租汽车经营服务行为,保障运营安全和乘客合法权益,根据国家有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 Any person engaging in online taxi booking business operations and services shall abide by these Measures.   第二条 从事网络预约出租汽车(以下简称网约车)经营服务,应当遵守本办法。
The term “online taxi booking business operations and services” as mentioned in these Measures refers to business operations in which a service platform is constructed by depending on the Internet technologies, information on supply and demand is integrated, qualified vehicles and drivers are used, and non-cruising online taxi booking services are provided. 本办法所称网约车经营服务,是指以互联网技术为依托构建服务平台,整合供需信息,使用符合条件的车辆和驾驶员,提供非巡游的预约出租汽车服务的经营活动。
The term “operators of online taxi booking” (hereinafter referred to as online taxi booking platform companies) as mentioned in these Measures refers to enterprise legal persons that construct network service platforms and engage in online taxi booking business operations and services. 本办法所称网络预约出租汽车经营者(以下称网约车平台公司),是指构建网络服务平台,从事网约车经营服务的企业法人。
Article 3 Priorities shall be given to the development of the urban public transport, taxis shall be moderately developed, and taxi booked online shall be developed in an orderly manner according to the principle of high-quality services and differentiated business operations.   第三条 坚持优先发展城市公共交通、适度发展出租汽车,按照高品质服务、差异化经营的原则,有序发展网约车。
The fares of the online-booking taxis shall be operated at the market-adjusted price, unless that the people's government of a city holds that it is necessary to implement the government-guided price. 网约车运价实行市场调节价,城市人民政府认为有必要实行政府指导价的除外。
Article 4 The competent transport department of the State Council shall be responsible for guiding the administration of online taxi booking across the country.   第四条 国务院交通运输主管部门负责指导全国网约车管理工作。
The competent transport department of the people's government of any province or autonomous region shall, under the guidance of the people's government at the same level, be responsible for guiding the administration of online taxi booking within its administrative region. 各省、自治区人民政府交通运输主管部门在本级人民政府领导下,负责指导本行政区域内网约车管理工作。
The competent transport department of any municipality directly under the Central Government, districted city, or county or other competent administrative department of taxis as designated by the people's government (hereinafter referred to as the “competent administrative department of taxis”) shall, under the guidance of the people's government at the same level, be responsible for implementing the administration of online taxi booking. 直辖市、设区的市级或者县级交通运输主管部门或人民政府指定的其他出租汽车行政主管部门(以下称出租汽车行政主管部门)在本级人民政府领导下,负责具体实施网约车管理。
Any other relevant department shall implement the relevant supervision and administration of online-booking taxis according to its statutory functions. 其他有关部门依据法定职责,对网约车实施相关监督管理。
Chapter II Online Taxi Booking Platform Companies 

第二章 网约车平台公司

Article 5 Any operator applying for engaging in online taxi booking business operations shall be capable of providing online and offline services and meet the following conditions:   第五条 申请从事网约车经营的,应当具备线上线下服务能力,符合下列条件:
(1) The operator has the enterprise legal person status. (一)具有企业法人资格;
(2) The operator has the Internet platform for engaging in online taxi booking business operations and the capabilities of information data interaction and processing adapting to business to be launched, meets the conditions where the relevant regulatory departments of transport, communication, public security, taxation, and cyberspace administration can legally take and consult the relevant network data and information, has the network service platform database that is connected to the supervisory platform of the competent administrative department of taxis, with the server set in the Chinese mainland, and has the network security management system and technical measures for security protection complying with the prescribed provisions. (二)具备开展网约车经营的互联网平台和与拟开展业务相适应的信息数据交互及处理能力,具备供交通、通信、公安、税务、网信等相关监管部门依法调取查询相关网络数据信息的条件,网络服务平台数据库接入出租汽车行政主管部门监管平台,服务器设置在中国内地,有符合规定的网络安全管理制度和安全保护技术措施;
(3) Where the operator uses electronic payment, it shall conclude an agreement on providing payment and settlement services with a bank or a non-bank payment institution. (三)使用电子支付的,应当与银行、非银行支付机构签订提供支付结算服务的协议;
(4) The operator has sound business operation management system, work safety management system, and service quality guarantee system. (四)有健全的经营管理制度、安全生产管理制度和服务质量保障制度;
(5) The operator has corresponding service agencies and service capabilities at the place of services. (五)在服务所在地有相应服务机构及服务能力;
(6) The operator meets other conditions as prescribed in laws and regulations. (六)法律法规规定的其他条件。
Where a foreign merchant invests in online taxi booking business operations, besides meeting the aforesaid conditions, it shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations on foreign investment. 外商投资网约车经营的,除符合上述条件外,还应当符合外商投资相关法律法规的规定。
Article 6 Where any operator applies for engaging in online taxi booking business operations, it shall, according to the business area, file an application with the corresponding competent administrative department of taxis and submit the following materials:   第六条 申请从事网约车经营的,应当根据经营区域向相应的出租汽车行政主管部门提出申请,并提交以下材料:
(1) the application form for engaging in online taxi booking business operations (see the Annex); (一)网络预约出租汽车经营申请表(见附件);
(2) the identity cards and credit certificates of the investor and person-in-charge and the photocopies thereof, the identity card of the handling person and the photocopy thereof, and the letter of authorization; (二)投资人、负责人身份、资信证明及其复印件,经办人的身份证明及其复印件和委托书;
(3) the business license of the enterprise legal person. Where the operator is a branch, the business license shall also be provided; and if the operator is a foreign-funded enterprise, the certificate of approval of the foreign-funded enterprise shall also be provided; (三)企业法人营业执照,属于分支机构的还应当提交营业执照,外商投资企业还应当提供外商投资企业批准证书;
(4) information about the workplace at the place of services, the person-in-charge, and the management personnel; (四)服务所在地办公场所、负责人员和管理人员等信息;
(5) the supporting material that the operator has the Internet platform and the capability of information data interaction and processing, the supporting material that the operator meets the conditions where the relevant regulatory departments of transport, communication, public security, taxation, and cyberspace administration can legally take and consult the relevant network data information, the explanation on database access, the explanation on the setting of a server in the Chinese mainland, and the supporting material that the network security management system has been established and technical measures for security protection have been taken according to the law; (五)具备互联网平台和信息数据交互及处理能力的证明材料,具备供交通、通信、公安、税务、网信等相关监管部门依法调取查询相关网络数据信息条件的证明材料,数据库接入情况说明,服务器设置在中国内地的情况说明,依法建立并落实网络安全管理制度和安全保护技术措施的证明材料;
(6) the agreement on payment and settlement services concluded with a bank or an non-bank payment institution where the operator uses electronic payment; (六)使用电子支付的,应当提供与银行、非银行支付机构签订的支付结算服务协议;
(7) texts of the business operation management system, the work safety management system, and the service quality guarantee system; or (七)经营管理制度、安全生产管理制度和服务质量保障制度文本;
(8) other materials to be provided as required by the law and regulation. (八)法律法规要求提供的其他材料。
Where any operator engages in online taxi booking business operations for the first time, it shall file an application with the corresponding competent administrative department of taxis at its place of registry. The competent department of transport at the provincial level at the place of registry of the online taxi booking platform company shall, in consultation with the departments of communication, public security, taxation, and cyberspace administration at the same level and the people's bank, examine and identify the supporting materials of online service capabilities as prescribed in items (5) and (6) in the preceding paragraph and provide the corresponding identification results, and the identification results shall be effective across the country. Where an online taxi booking platform company applies for engaging in online taxi booking business operations at a place other than its place of registry, it shall submit the identification results of the relevant online service capabilities as prescribed in items (5) and (6) in the preceding paragraph. 首次从事网约车经营的,应当向企业注册地相应出租汽车行政主管部门提出申请,前款第(五)、第(六)项有关线上服务能力材料由网约车平台公司注册地省级交通运输主管部门商同级通信、公安、税务、网信、人民银行等部门审核认定,并提供相应认定结果,认定结果全国有效。网约车平台公司在注册地以外申请从事网约车经营的,应当提交前款第(五)、第(六)项有关线上服务能力认定结果。
Other supporting materials of offline service capabilities shall be examined by the competent administrative department of taxis accepting the application. 其他线下服务能力材料,由受理申请的出租汽车行政主管部门进行审核。
Article 7 The competent administrative department of taxis shall, within 20 days upon receipt of an application, make a decision on approving or not approving the application. Where a decision fails to be made within 20 days, with the approval of the person in charge of the implementation organ, the time limit may be extended for ten days and the applicant shall be notified of the reasons for such extension.   第七条 出租汽车行政主管部门应当自受理之日起20日内作出许可或者不予许可的决定。20日内不能作出决定的,经实施机关负责人批准,可以延长10日,并应当将延长期限的理由告知申请人。
Article 8 Where the competent administrative department of taxis makes a decision on granting administrative licensing for an application for engaging in online taxi booking business operations, it shall specify the business scope, business areas, and term of operation and issue the Online Taxi Booking Business Permit.   第八条 出租汽车行政主管部门对于网约车经营申请作出行政许可决定的,应当明确经营范围、经营区域、经营期限等,并发放《网络预约出租汽车经营许可证》。
Article 9 Where the competent administrative department of taxis makes a decision on not granting administrative licensing for an application that does not meet the prescribed conditions, it shall issue a written Decision on Not Granting Administrative Licensing to the applicant.   第九条 出租汽车行政主管部门对不符合规定条件的申请作出不予行政许可决定的,应当向申请人出具《不予行政许可决定书》。
Article 10 An online taxi booking platform company may not engage in the relevant business until it obtains the corresponding Online Taxi Booking Business Permit and applies for the Internet information service recordation to the competent department of communication at the provincial level at its place of registry. The content of recordation includes the actual identity information of the operator, the access information, and the Online Taxi- Booking Business Permit issued by the competent administrative department of taxis. Where the business operations of an online taxi booking platform company involve telecommunications services, it shall also comply with the relevant provisions on telecommunications administration.   第十条 网约车平台公司应当在取得相应《网络预约出租汽车经营许可证》并向企业注册地省级通信主管部门申请互联网信息服务备案后,方可开展相关业务。备案内容包括经营者真实身份信息、接入信息、出租汽车行政主管部门核发的《网络预约出租汽车经营许可证》等。涉及经营电信业务的,还应当符合电信管理的相关规定。
An online taxi booking platform company shall, within 30 days from the date when the network is formally connected, undergo the recordation formalities at the accepting organ as designated by the public security organ of the people's government at the provincial level at the place where the institution managing the operation of online taxi booking platform companies is located. 网约车平台公司应当自网络正式联通之日起30日内,到网约车平台公司管理运营机构所在地的省级人民政府公安机关指定的受理机关办理备案手续。
Article 11 Where an online taxi booking platform company is to suspend or terminate operation, it shall, 30 days in advance, submit a written report to the competent administrative department of taxis at the place of services, state the relevant situations, notify the owner and driver of the vehicle providing services, and make an announcement to the public. Where an online taxi booking platform company terminates business operations, it shall return the corresponding Online Taxi Booking Business Permit to the original approving organ.   第十一条 网约车平台公司暂停或者终止运营的,应当提前30日向服务所在地出租汽车行政主管部门书面报告,说明有关情况,通告提供服务的车辆所有人和驾驶员,并向社会公告。终止经营的,应当将相应《网络预约出租汽车经营许可证》交回原许可机关。
Chapter III Vehicles and Drivers of Online-Booking Taxis 

第三章 网约车车辆和驾驶员

Article 12 A vehicle that is to engage in online taxi booking business operations shall meet the following conditions:
   第十二条 拟从事网约车经营的车辆,应当符合以下条件:

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