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Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services [Revised]
网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法 [已被修订]

Order of the China Food and Drug Administration 


(No. 36) (第36号)

The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting ofthe China Food and Drug Administration on September 5, 2017, are hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2018. 《网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法》已于2017年9月5日经国家食品药品监督管理总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年1月1日起施行。
Director: Bi Jingquan 局 长:毕井泉
November 6, 2017 2017年11月6日
Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services 网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法
Article 1 To strengthen the supervision and administration of food safety in online catering services, regulate the operations of online catering services, guarantee food safety in catering services, and protect public health, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为加强网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理,规范网络餐饮服务经营行为,保证餐饮食品安全,保障公众身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the provision of catering services through the Internet by providers of third-party online catering service platforms, and catering service providers providing catering services through third-party platforms and self-built websites (hereinafter referred to as “online catering service providers”) within the territory of China, and the supervision and administration thereof.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者、通过第三方平台和自建网站提供餐饮服务的餐饮服务提供者(以下简称入网餐饮服务提供者),利用互联网提供餐饮服务及其监督管理,适用本办法。
Article 3 The China Food and Drug Administration shall take charge of guiding the supervision and administration of food safety in online catering services nationwide, and organizing and conducting the monitoring of food safety in online catering services.   第三条 国家食品药品监督管理总局负责指导全国网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理工作,并组织开展网络餐饮服务食品安全监测。
The local food and drug supervision and administration departments at or above the country level shall take charge of the supervision and administration of food safety in online catering services within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方食品药品监督管理部门负责本行政区域内网络餐饮服务食品安全监督管理工作。
Article 4 Online catering service providers shall have physical retail stores and obtain food operation permits in accordance with the law, and engage in operations on the basis of the business forms and operation items specified on food operation permits, and shall not operate beyond the business scope.   第四条 入网餐饮服务提供者应当具有实体经营门店并依法取得食品经营许可证,并按照食品经营许可证载明的主体业态、经营项目从事经营活动,不得超范围经营。
Article 5 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall, within 30 working days upon approval by the competent communications department, undergo the recordation formalities with the provincial food and drug supervision and administration department at the place where it is located. A catering service provider with a self-built website shall, within 30 working days after undergoing the recordation formalities with the competent communications department, undergo the recordation formalities with the food and drug supervision and administration department at the county level at the place where it is located. The contents of recordation shall include domain name, IP address, telecommunications business permit or recordation number, enterprise name and address, and name of its legal representative or person in charge, among others.   第五条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当在通信主管部门批准后30个工作日内,向所在地省级食品药品监督管理部门备案。自建网站餐饮服务提供者应当在通信主管部门备案后30个工作日内,向所在地县级食品药品监督管理部门备案。备案内容包括域名、IP地址、电信业务经营许可证或者备案号、企业名称、地址、法定代表人或者负责人姓名等。
Where the provider of a third-party online catering service platform forms a branch engaging in online catering services, it shall, within 30 working days after the formation of the branch, undergo the recordation formalities with the food and drug supervision and administration department at the county level at the place where the branch is located. The contents of recordation shall include the name and address of the branch, and the name of its legal representative or person in charge, among others. 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者设立从事网络餐饮服务分支机构的,应当在设立后30个工作日内,向所在地县级食品药品监督管理部门备案。备案内容包括分支机构名称、地址、法定代表人或者负责人姓名等。
The food and drug supervision and administration department shall disclose to the public the relevant recordation information in a timely manner. 食品药品监督管理部门应当及时向社会公开相关备案信息。
Article 6 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall establish and implement the systems for the examination and registration of online catering service providers, stopping and reporting of violations of food safety laws, shutoff of platform services for serious violation of laws, and disposal of food safety accidents, among others, and publicly disclose the relevant systems on the Internet platform.   第六条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当建立并执行入网餐饮服务提供者审查登记、食品安全违法行为制止及报告、严重违法行为平台服务停止、食品安全事故处置等制度,并在网络平台上公开相关制度。
Article 7 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall establish a specialized food safety administration institution staffed with full-time food safety administration personnel who shall be trained and assessed annually. The training and assessment records shall be preserved for a period of not less than two years. Whoever is assessed as incompetent in food safety administration shall not hold the relevant position.   第七条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当设置专门的食品安全管理机构,配备专职食品安全管理人员,每年对食品安全管理人员进行培训和考核。培训和考核记录保存期限不得少于两年。经考核不具备食品安全管理能力的,不得上岗。
Article 8 Provider of third-party online catering service platforms shall examine the food operation permits of online catering service providers, register the information such as online catering service providers' names and addresses and legal representatives or persons in charge and their contact information, and ensure the operation places and other licensing information specified on the food operation permits of online catering service providers are true.   第八条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当对入网餐饮服务提供者的食品经营许可证进行审查,登记入网餐饮服务提供者的名称、地址、法定代表人或者负责人及联系方式等信息,保证入网餐饮服务提供者食品经营许可证载明的经营场所等许可信息真实。
The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall conclude a food safety agreement with an online catering service provider tospecify the responsibilities for food safety. 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当与入网餐饮服务提供者签订食品安全协议,明确食品安全责任。
Article 9 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform and an online catering service provider shall publish the food operation permit of the catering service provider on the homepage for the catering service operations. Where the food operation permit or any other information changes, the information published on the homepage shall be updated in a timely manner.   第九条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者和入网餐饮服务提供者应当在餐饮服务经营活动主页面公示餐饮服务提供者的食品经营许可证。食品经营许可等信息发生变更的,应当及时更新。
Article 10 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform and an online catering service provider shall publish online the name, address and quantitative classification information of the catering service provider, and the information published shall be true.   第十条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者和入网餐饮服务提供者应当在网上公示餐饮服务提供者的名称、地址、量化分级信息,公示的信息应当真实。
Article 11 An online catering service provider shall publish online the names of dishes and the names of main raw materials on the Internet, and the information published shall be true.   第十一条 入网餐饮服务提供者应当在网上公示菜品名称和主要原料名称,公示的信息应当真实。
Article 12 Where the provider of a third-party online catering service platform provides food containers, cutlery and packaging materials, such food containers, cutlery and packaging materials shall be non-toxic and clean.   第十二条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者提供食品容器、餐具和包装材料的,所提供的食品容器、餐具和包装材料应当无毒、清洁。
The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall be encouraged to provide biodegradable food containers, cutlery and packaging materials. 鼓励网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者提供可降解的食品容器、餐具和包装材料。
Article 13 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform and an online catering service provider shall strengthen the training and administration of food deliverymen on food safety. Where any food delivery entity is entrusted with food delivery, the food delivery entity shall strengthen the training and administration of food deliverymen on food safety. Training records shall be kept for a period of not less than two years.   第十三条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者和入网餐饮服务提供者应当加强对送餐人员的食品安全培训和管理。委托送餐单位送餐的,送餐单位应当加强对送餐人员的食品安全培训和管理。培训记录保存期限不得少于两年。
Article 14 Deliverymen shall maintain personal hygiene, use safe and non-hazardousdelivery containers, keep containers clean, and periodically clean and disinfect them. Deliverymen shall verify the delivered food, and ensure food is not contaminated during the delivery thereof.   第十四条 送餐人员应当保持个人卫生,使用安全、无害的配送容器,保持容器清洁,并定期进行清洗消毒。送餐人员应当核对配送食品,保证配送过程食品不受污染。
Article 15 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform and a catering service provider with a self-built website shall fulfill the obligation of recording, and faithfully record the order information in online meal ordering, including food name, deliveryman, the time when an order is placed, time of delivery and delivery address, and such information shall be preserved for a period of not less than six months.   第十五条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者和自建网站餐饮服务提供者应当履行记录义务,如实记录网络订餐的订单信息,包括食品的名称、下单时间、送餐人员、送达时间以及收货地址,信息保存时间不得少于6个月。
Article 16 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall conduct random inspections and monitoring of the operations of online catering service providers.   第十六条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当对入网餐饮服务提供者的经营行为进行抽查和监测。
Where the provider of a third-party online catering service platform discovers that any online catering service provider violates laws, it shall stop such violation in a timely manner, and report it to the food and drug supervision and administration department at the county level at the place where the online catering service provider is located; or where it discovers any serious violation of laws, it shall immediately stop the provision of online trading platform services. 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者发现入网餐饮服务提供者存在违法行为的,应当及时制止并立即报告入网餐饮服务提供者所在地县级食品药品监督管理部门;发现严重违法行为的,应当立即停止提供网络交易平台服务。
Article 17 The provider of a third-party online catering service platform shall establish the compliant and report handling system, publicly disclose the ways of filing complaints and reports, and handle the complaints and reports involving consumers' food safety in a timely manner.   第十七条 网络餐饮服务第三方平台提供者应当建立投诉举报处理制度,公开投诉举报方式,对涉及消费者食品安全的投诉举报及时进行处理。
Article 18 Online catering service providers shall meet the following requirements when processing and making catering food:   第十八条 入网餐饮服务提供者加工制作餐饮食品应当符合下列要求:
(1) They shall develop and implement the requirements for the control of raw materials, select the suppliers that have legal qualifications and can guarantee the quality safety of raw materials, or purchase raw materials from raw material production bases or supermarkets, and demand the certificates and invoices for raw materials of food, and make records of the checks and inspections on the purchased goods; and shall not purchase the food and raw materials that do not meet the food safety standards. (一)制定并实施原料控制要求,选择资质合法、保证原料质量安全的供货商,或者从原料生产基地、超市采购原料,做好食品原料索证索票和进货查验记录,不得采购不符合食品安全标准的食品及原料;
(2) They shall inspect the food and raw materials to be processed in the course of processing, and shall not process and use the food and materials that are foundputrid or deteriorated, spoiled by rancid oil or fat, moldy, infested with pest, contaminated and dirty, mixed with strange objects, adulterated and impure, or abnormal in sensory properties.

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