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Administrative Measures for the Capital of Commercial Banks (for Trial Implementation) [Expired]
商业银行资本管理办法(试行) [失效]

Order of the China Banking Regulatory Commission 


(No. 1 [2012])

The Administrative Measures for the Capital of Commercial Banks (for Trial Implementation), as adopted at the 115th chairman's meeting of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, are hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2013.

Chairman: Shang Fulin

June 7, 2012

Administrative Measures for the Capital of Commercial Banks (for Trial Implementation)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To strengthen the capital supervision and administration of commercial banks, maintain the stable operation of the banking system, and protect the interests of depositors, these Measures are made in accordance with the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks, and other relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为加强商业银行资本监管,维护银行体系稳健运行,保护存款人利益,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。

Article 2 These Measures shall apply to commercial banks established within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本办法适用于在中华人民共和国境内设立的商业银行。

Article 3 Commercial banks shall ensure that their capital is able to resist risks facing them, including individual risks and systemic risks.   第三条 商业银行资本应抵御其所面临的风险,包括个体风险和系统性风险。

Article 4 Commercial banks shall meet the capital adequacy ratio regulation requirements in these Measures.   第四条 商业银行应当符合本办法规定的资本充足率监管要求。

Article 5 For the purpose of these Measures, “capital adequacy ratio” means the ratio of a commercial bank's capital, held in compliance with these Measures, to its risk-weighted assets.   第五条 本办法所称资本充足率,是指商业银行持有的符合本办法规定的资本与风险加权资产之间的比率。

“Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio” means the ratio of a commercial bank's Tier 1 capital, held in compliance with these Measures, to its risk-weighted assets.

“Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio” means the ratio of a commercial bank's Core Tier 1 capital, held in compliance with these Measures, to its risk-weighted assets.

Article 6 Commercial banks shall calculate their consolidated and unconsolidated capital adequacy ratios according to the provisions of these Measures.   第六条 商业银行应当按照本办法的规定计算并表和未并表的资本充足率。

Article 7 Commercial banks shall calculate their capital adequacy ratios on the basis of fully setting aside loan loss reserves and other impairment reserves.   第七条 商业银行资本充足率计算应当建立在充分计提贷款损失准备等各项减值准备的基础之上。

Article 8 Commercial banks shall establish a comprehensive risk management framework and an internal capital adequacy assessment process according to these Measures.   第八条 商业银行应当按照本办法建立全面风险管理架构和内部资本充足评估程序。

Article 9 The China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”) shall oversee and inspect the capital adequacy ratios and capital management status of commercial banks and adopt corresponding regulatory measures according to these Measures.   第九条 中国银行业监督管理委员会(以下简称银监会)依照本办法对商业银行资本充足率、资本管理状况进行监督检查,并采取相应的监管措施。

Article 10 Commercial banks shall disclose information on their capital adequacy ratios according to these Measures.   第十条 商业银行应当按照本办法披露资本充足率信息。

Chapter II Capital Adequacy Ratio Calculation and Regulation Requirements 

第二章 资本充足率计算和监管要求

Section 1 Coverage of Calculation of Capital Adequacy Ratios 

第一节 资本充足率计算范围

Article 11 The calculation of the unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio of a commercial bank shall cover all domestic and overseas branch offices of the commercial bank. The calculation of the consolidated capital adequacy ratio of a commercial bank shall cover the commercial bank and the financial institutions in which the commercial bank directly or indirectly invests in compliance with these Measures (hereinafter referred to as the “investees”). A commercial bank and its investees together form a banking group.   第十一条 商业银行未并表资本充足率的计算范围应包括商业银行境内外所有分支机构。并表资本充足率的计算范围应包括商业银行以及符合本办法规定的其直接或间接投资的金融机构。商业银行及被投资金融机构共同构成银行集团。

Article 12 When calculating the consolidated capital adequacy ratio, a commercial bank shall consolidate the following domestic and overseas investees:   第十二条 商业银行计算并表资本充足率,应当将以下境内外被投资金融机构纳入并表范围:

(1) An investee in which the commercial bank directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of voting rights. (一)商业银行直接或间接拥有50%以上表决权的被投资金融机构。

(2) An investee in which the commercial bank holds 50% or less of voting rights but which falls under any of the following circumstances: (二)商业银行拥有50%以下(含)表决权的被投资金融机构,但与被投资金融机构之间有下列情况之一的,应将其纳入并表范围:

(a) The commercial bank holds more than 50% of voting rights in the investee by agreement with other investors; 1.通过与其它投资者之间的协议,拥有该金融机构50%以上的表决权。

(b) The commercial bank has the power, as vested by bylaws or agreement, to decide the financial and business policies of the investee; 2.根据章程或协议,有权决定该金融机构的财务和经营政策。

(c) The commercial bank has the power to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the board of directors or a similar power body of the investee; or 3.有权任免该金融机构董事会或类似权力机构的多数成员。

(d) The commercial bank holds majority voting rights within the board of directors or any other similar power body of the investee. 4.在被投资金融机构董事会或类似权力机构占多数表决权。

When a commercial bank's voting rights in an investee are determined, the commercial bank shall consider the convertible bonds for the current period and the call warrants exercisable for the current period directly and indirectly held in the investee and other potential voting right factors, and potential voting rights that may be realized in the current period shall be included in the commercial bank's voting rights in the investee.

(3) An investee which is actually controlled by the commercial bank as proved by other evidence. (三)其它证据表明商业银行实际控制被投资金融机构的情况。

“Control” means that a company is able to decide the financial and business policies of another company and gain profits from the business operations of the latter.

Article 13 Under any of the following circumstances, investees in which a commercial bank does not have majority voting rights or a control power shall be included in the calculation of the consolidated capital adequacy ratio:   第十三条 商业银行未拥有被投资金融机构多数表决权或控制权,具有下列情况之一的,应当纳入并表资本充足率计算范围:

(1) Several investees operate business of the same nature, and the overall risk associated with them is sufficient to have a significant impact on the financial condition and risk level of the banking group, although the asset size of each of them only accounts for a small proportion of the overall asset size of the banking group; or (一)具有业务同质性的多个金融机构,虽然单个金融机构资产规模占银行集团整体资产规模的比例较小,但该类金融机构总体风险足以对银行集团的财务状况及风险水平造成重大影响。

(2) The damage or loss caused by the compliance risk or reputational risk arising in the investees is sufficient to have a significant impact on the reputation of the banking group. (二)被投资金融机构所产生的合规风险、声誉风险造成的危害和损失足以对银行集团的声誉造成重大影响。

Article 14 Insurance companies which meet the provisions of Article 12 or 13 of these Measures shall not be consolidated.   第十四条 符合本办法第十二条、第十三条规定的保险公司不纳入并表范围。

Commercial banks shall deduct their capital investments in insurance companies at each capital tier, and if insurance companies have a capital deficit, such deficits shall also be deducted.

Article 15 An investee in which a commercial bank holds more than 50% of voting rights or holds a control power may be excluded from consolidation if it falls under any of the following circumstances:   第十五条 商业银行拥有被投资金融机构50%以上表决权或对被投资金融机构的控制权,但被投资金融机构处于以下状态之一的,可不列入并表范围:

(1) It has been closed down or declared bankrupt; (一)已关闭或已宣布破产。

(2) It has entered the liquidation process for its termination; or (二)因终止而进入清算程序。

(3) It is an overseas investee whose capital movement is restricted for the foreign exchange control in the host country or as a result of any unexpected event. (三)受所在国外汇管制及其它突发事件的影响,资金调度受到限制的境外被投资金融机构。

Commercial banks shall treat their capital investments in investees that fall under any of the circumstances in the preceding paragraph under paragraph 2, Article 14 of these Measures.

Article 16 When calculating the consolidated capital adequacy ratio, a commercial bank shall deduct all capital investments in financial institutions which meet the provisions of Articles 12 and 13 of these Measures at each capital tier. If such financial institutions have a capital deficit, such deficits shall also be deducted.   第十六条 商业银行计算未并表资本充足率,应当从各级资本中对应扣除其对符合本办法第十二条和第十三条规定的金融机构的所有资本投资。若这些金融机构存在资本缺口的,还应当扣除相应的资本缺口。

Article 17 Commercial banks shall establish internal rules for the calculation of consolidated and unconsolidated capital adequacy ratios according to these Measures. To adjust the coverage of consolidated or unconsolidated capital adequacy ratio, a commercial bank shall provide reasons and file a report on such adjustment with the CBRC in a timely manner.   第十七条 商业银行应当根据本办法制定并表和未并表资本充足率计算内部制度。商业银行调整并表和未并表资本充足率计算范围的,应说明理由,并及时报银监会备案。

Article 18 The CBRC shall have the power to determine and adjust the coverage of calculation of the consolidated capital adequacy ratio of a commercial bank on the basis of the equity structure changes, type of business and risk status of the bank and its subsidiary institutions.   第十八条 银监会有权根据商业银行及其附属机构股权结构变动、业务类别及风险状况确定和调整其并表资本充足率的计算范围。

Section 2 Formulas for Calculation of Capital Adequacy Ratios 

第二节 资本充足率计算公式

Article 19 Commercial banks shall calculate capital adequacy ratios according to the following formula:   第十九条 商业银行应当按照以下公式计算资本充足率:

Total capital – corresponding deductions

Capital adequacy ratio = ——————————————————— * 100%
资本充足率=————————————— *100%

Risk-weighted assets

Tier 1 capital – corresponding deductions

Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio = ——————————————————— * 100%
一级资本充足率=—————————————— *100%

Risk-weighted assets

Core Tier 1 capital – corresponding deductions

Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio = ——————————————————— * 100%
核心一级资本充足率= —————————————— *100%

Risk-weighted assets

Article 20 The total capital of a commercial bank includes Core Tier 1 capital, Additional Tier 1 capital, and Tier 2 capital. Commercial banks shall calculate capital and deductions at each tier according to the provisions of Chapter III of these Measures.   第二十条 商业银行总资本包括核心一级资本、其它一级资本和二级资本。商业银行应当按照本办法第三章的规定计算各级资本和扣除项。

Article 21 The risk-weighted assets of a commercial bank include credit risk-weighted assets, market risk-weighted assets and operational risk-weighted assets. Commercial banks shall measure their credit risk-weighted assets, market risk-weighted assets and operational risk-weighted assets according to the provisions of Chapters IV, V and VI of these Measures, respectively.   第二十一条 商业银行风险加权资产包括信用风险加权资产、市场风险加权资产和操作风险加权资产。商业银行应当按照本办法第四章、第五章和第六章的规定分别计量信用风险加权资产、市场风险加权资产和操作风险加权资产。

Section 3 Capital Adequacy Ratio Regulation Requirements 

第三节 资本充足率监管要求

Article 22 Capital adequacy ratio regulation requirements for commercial banks include minimum capital requirement, capital reservation buffer and countercyclical capital requirements, additional capital requirement for systematically important banks, and capital requirement under the Second Pillar.   第二十二条 商业银行资本充足率监管要求包括最低资本要求、储备资本和逆周期资本要求、系统重要性银行附加资本要求以及第二支柱资本要求。

Article 23 Commercial banks' capital adequacy ratio at each tier must meet the following minimum requirements:   第二十三条 商业银行各级资本充足率不得低于如下最低要求:

(1) Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is not lower than 5%; (一)核心一级资本充足率不得低于5%。

(2) Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is not lower than 6%; and (二)一级资本充足率不得低于6%。

(3) Capital adequacy ratio is not lower than 8%. (三)资本充足率不得低于8%。

Article 24 Commercial banks shall set aside a capital reservation buffer after meeting the minimum capital requirements. Capital reservation buffer shall be 2.5% of risk-weighted assets and be fulfilled by Core Tier 1 capital.   第二十四条 商业银行应当在最低资本要求的基础上计提储备资本。储备资本要求为风险加权资产的2.5%,由核心一级资本来满足。

Under specified circumstances, commercial banks shall set aside countercyclical capital after meeting the minimum capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement. Countercyclical capital shall be 0-2.5% of risk-weighted assets and be fulfilled by Core Tier 1 capital.

Rules for setting aside and applying countercyclical capital shall be formulated separately.

Article 25 In addition to the minimum capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer and countercyclical capital requirements as set forth in Articles 23 and 24 of these Measures, systematically important banks shall set aside additional capital.   第二十五条 除本办法第二十三条和第二十四条规定的最低资本要求、储备资本和逆周期资本要求外,系统重要性银行还应当计提附加资本。

The additional capital of domestic systematically important banks shall be 1% of risk-weighted assets and be fulfilled by Core Tier 1 capital. The standards for recognition of domestic systematically important banks shall be formulated separately.

For domestic banks which have been recognized as global systematically important banks, their additional capital shall not be lower than the uniform requirement of the Basel Committee.

Article 26 In addition to the capital requirements as set forth in Articles 23, 24 and 25 of these Measures, the CBRC shall have the power to impose more prudential capital requirements under the Second Pillar framework to ensure the full coverage of risks by capital. Such requirements include:   第二十六条 除本办法第二十三条、第二十四条和第二十五条规定的资本要求以外,银监会有权在第二支柱框架下提出更审慎的资本要求,确保资本充分覆盖风险,包括:

(1) Specific capital requirements raised for some asset portfolios on the basis of risk judgments; and (一)根据风险判断,针对部分资产组合提出的特定资本要求;

(2) Specific capital requirements raised for a single bank according to the results of supervisory inspections. (二)根据监督检查结果,针对单家银行提出的特定资本要求。

Article 27 In addition to the above-mentioned regulatory requirements for capital adequacy ratios, commercial banks shall also satisfy the regulatory requirements for leverage ratios.   第二十七条 除上述资本充足率监管要求外,商业银行还应当满足杠杆率监管要求。

The calculation rules and regulatory requirements for leverage ratios shall be formulated separately.

Chapter III Definition of Capital 

第三章 资本定义

Section 1 Components of Capital 

第一节 资本组成

Article 28 Commercial banks shall ensure that the capital instruments issued by them meet the criteria for inclusion as set forth in Annex 1 to these Measures.   第二十八条 商业银行发行的资本工具应符合本办法附件1规定的合格标准。

Article 29 Core Tier 1 capital includes:   第二十九条 核心一级资本包括:

(1) Paid-in capital or common equity. (一) 实收资本或普通股。

(2) Capital reserves. (二) 资本公积。

(3) Surplus reserves. (三) 盈余公积。

(4) General risk provisions. (四) 一般风险准备。

(5) Undistributed profits. (五) 未分配利润。

(6) Qualifying capital from minority interests. (六)少数股东资本可计入部分。

Article 30 Additional Tier 1 capital includes:   第三十条 其它一级资本包括:

(1) Additional Tier 1 capital instruments and the premiums thereof. (一) 其它一级资本工具及其溢价。

(2) Qualifying capital from minority interests. (二) 少数股东资本可计入部分。

Article 31 Tier 2 capital includes:   第三十一条 二级资本包括:

(1) Tier 2 capital instruments and the premiums thereof. (一) 二级资本工具及其溢价。

(2) Excess loan loss reserves. (二) 超额贷款损失准备。

(a) For commercial banks using the weight approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets, their excess loan loss reserves may be included in Tier 2 capital, but may not exceed 1.25% of credit risk-weighted assets. 1.商业银行采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产的,超额贷款损失准备可计入二级资本,但不得超过信用风险加权资产的1.25%。

The term “excess loan loss reserves” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph means the access of the loan loss reserves actually set aside by commercial banks over the minimum requirement. The minimum requirement for loan loss reserves is the greater of the loan loss reserves corresponding to the 100% provision coverage and the special loan loss reserves that shall be made.

(b) For commercial banks using the internal rating-based (IRB) approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets, their excess loan loss reserves may be included in Tier 2 capital, but may not exceed 0.6% of credit risk-weighted assets. 2.商业银行采用内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产的,超额贷款损失准备可计入二级资本,但不得超过信用风险加权资产的0.6%。

The term “excess loan loss reserves” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph means the excess of the loan loss reserves actually set aside by commercial banks over the expected losses.

(3) Qualifying capital from minority interests. (三) 少数股东资本可计入部分。

Section 2 Capital Deductions 

第二节 资本扣除项

Article 32 When calculating capital adequacy ratios, a commercial bank shall deduct in full the following items from Core Tier 1 capital:   第三十二条 计算资本充足率时,商业银行应当从核心一级资本中全额扣除以下项目:

(1) Goodwill. (一) 商誉。

(2) Other intangible assets (excluding land use rights). (二) 其它无形资产(土地使用权除外)。

(3) Net deferred tax assets arising from operating losses. (三) 由经营亏损引起的净递延税资产。

(4) Shortfall of loan loss reserves. (四) 贷款损失准备缺口。

(a) For commercial banks using the weight approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets, the shortfall of loan loss reserves means the deficit of the loan loss reserves actually set aside by commercial banks and the minimum requirement for loan loss reserves. 1.商业银行采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产的,贷款损失准备缺口是指商业银行实际计提的贷款损失准备低于贷款损失准备最低要求的部分。

(b) For commercial banks using the IRB approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets, the shortfall of loan loss reserves means the deficit of the loan loss reserves actually set aside by commercial banks and the expected losses. 2.商业银行采用内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产的,贷款损失准备缺口是指商业银行实际计提的贷款损失准备低于预期损失的部分。

(5) Gain on sale related to securitization transactions. (五) 资产证券化销售利得。

(6) Defined benefit pension fund assets and liabilities. (六) 确定受益类的养老金资产净额。

(7) Own shares held directly or indirectly. (七) 直接或间接持有本银行的股票。

(8) Cash flow hedge reserves that relate to the hedging of items that are not fair valued on the balance sheet. Positive amounts shall be deducted and negative amounts shall be added back. (八) 对资产负债表中未按公允价值计量的项目进行套期形成的现金流储备,若为正值,应予以扣除;若为负值,应予以加回。

(9) Unrealized gains and losses resulting from changes in the fair value of liabilities due to changes in the bank's own credit risk. (九) 商业银行自身信用风险变化导致其负债公允价值变化带来的未实现损益。

Article 33 Capital instruments at any tier reciprocally held by commercial banks by agreement and capital investments at any tier which are determined by the CBRC as inflated capital shall be deducted from the regulatory capital at the corresponding tier.   第三十三条 商业银行之间通过协议相互持有的各级资本工具,或银监会认定为虚增资本的各级资本投资,应从相应监管资本中对应扣除。

Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital instruments issued by a commercial bank which are directly or indirectly held by the commercial bank shall be deducted from the regulatory capital at corresponding tiers.

The corresponding deduction means a deduction from a particular tier of capital of a commercial bank. If the net capital at a certain tier is less than the deductible amount, the shortfall shall be deducted from net capital at the next higher tier.

Article 34 If the insignificant minority investments of a commercial bank in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions in aggregate exceeds 10% of the net Core Tier 1 capital of the bank, the amount above 10% shall be deducted from the regulatory capital at the corresponding tiers.   第三十四条 商业银行对未并表金融机构的小额少数资本投资,合计超出本银行核心一级资本净额10%的部分,应从各级监管资本中对应扣除。

The term “Insignificant minority investments in capital” means that the investments (including direct and indirect investments) of a commercial bank in the capital at different tiers of a financial institution account for less than 10% of the paid-in capital (common equity plus the premium thereof) of the financial institution, not meeting the criteria as set forth in Article 12 or 13 of these Measures.

Article 35 If, among the significant minority investments of a commercial bank in the capital of unconsolidated financial institutions, investments in Core Tier 1 capital in aggregate exceed 10% of the net Core Tier 1 capital of the bank, the amount above 10% shall be deducted from the Core Tier 1 capital of the bank; investments in Additional Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 capital shall be deducted in full from the corresponding tiers.   第三十五条 商业银行对未并表金融机构的大额少数资本投资中,核心一级资本投资合计超出本行核心一级资本净额10%的部分应从本银行核心一级资本中扣除;其它一级资本投资和二级资本投资应从相应层级资本中全额扣除。

The term “significant minority investments in capital” means that the investments (including direct and indirect investments) of a commercial bank in the capital at different tiers of a financial institution account for 10% or more of the paid-in capital (common equity plus the premium thereof) of the financial institution, not meeting the criteria as set forth in Article 12 or 13 of these Measures.

Article 36 In addition to the deferred tax assets as mentioned in paragraph 3, Article 32 of these Measures, if other net deferred tax assets depending on the future profitability of a commercial bank exceed 10% of the net Core Tier 1 capital of the bank, the amount above 10% shall be deducted from Core Tier 1 capital.   第三十六条 除本办法第三十二条第三款规定的递延税资产外,其它依赖于本银行未来盈利的净递延税资产,超出本行核心一级资本净额10%的部分应从核心一级资本中扣除。

Article 37 According to Articles 35 and 36 of these Measures, the total amount of significant minority investments in the capital of financial institutions and corresponding deferred tax assets which have not been deducted from the Core Tier 1 capital of a commercial bank may not exceed 15% of the net Core Tier 1 capital of the bank.   第三十七条 根据本办法第三十五条、第三十六条的规定,未在商业银行核心一级资本中扣除的对金融机构的大额少数资本投资和相应的净递延税资产,合计金额不得超过本行核心一级资本净额的15%。

Section 3 Treatment of Minority Interests 

第三节 少数股东资本的处理

Article 38 Minority interests directly issued out of subsidiaries of a commercial bank and held by third parties may be partially included in regulatory capital if such subsidiaries are subject to capital adequacy ratio supervision.   第三十八条 商业银行附属公司适用于资本充足率监管的,附属公司直接发行且由第三方持有的少数股东资本可以部分计入监管资本。

Article 39 In the Core Tier 1 capital of a subsidiary, minority interests used to fulfill the minimum Core Tier 1 capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement may be included in consolidated Core Tier 1 capital.   第三十九条 附属公司核心一级资本中少数股东资本用于满足核心一级资本最低要求和储备资本要求的部分,可计入并表核心一级资本。

The minimum Core Tier 1 capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement are the lower of:

(1) The minimum core Tier 1 capital requirement of the subsidiary plus the capital reservation buffer requirement; and (一)附属公司核心一级资本最低要求加储备资本要求。

(2) The portion of the consolidated minimum Core Tier 1 capital requirement of the parent company plus the capital reservation buffer requirement that relates to the subsidiary. (二)母公司并表核心一级资本最低要求与储备资本要求归属于附属公司的部分。

Article 40 In the Tier 1 capital of a subsidiary, minority interests used to fulfill the minimum Tier 1 capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement, excluding the portion which has been included in consolidated Core Tier 1 capital, may be included in consolidated Additional Tier 1 capital.   第四十条 附属公司一级资本中少数股东资本用于满足一级资本最低要求和储备资本要求的部分,扣除已计入并表核心一级资本的部分后,剩余部分可以计入并表其它一级资本。

The minimum Tier 1 capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement are the lower of:

(1) The minimum Tier 1 capital requirement of the subsidiary plus the capital reservation buffer requirement; and (一)附属公司一级资本最低要求加储备资本要求。

(2) The portion of the consolidated minimum Tier 1 capital requirement of the parent company plus the capital reservation buffer requirement that relates to the subsidiary. (二)母公司并表一级资本最低要求与储备资本要求归属于附属公司的部分。

Article 41 In the total capital of a subsidiary, minority interests used to fulfill the minimum total capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement, excluding the portion which has been included in consolidated Tier 1 capital, may be included in consolidated Tier 2 capital.   第四十一条 附属公司总资本中少数股东资本用于满足总资本最低要求和储备资本要求的部分,扣除已计入并表一级资本的部分后,剩余部分可以计入并表二级资本。

The minimum total capital requirement and the capital reservation buffer requirement are the lower of:

(1) The minimum total capital requirement of the subsidiary plus the capital reservation buffer requirement; and (一)附属公司总资本最低要求加储备资本要求。

(2) The portion of the consolidated minimum total capital requirement of the parent company plus the capital reservation requirement that relates to the subsidiary. (二)母公司并表总资本最低要求与储备资本要求归属于附属公司的部分。

Section 4 Special Provisions 

第四节 特殊规定

Article 42 Tier 2 capital instruments issued by a commercial bank with a definite maturity date may, in the remaining five years before maturity, be included in Tier 2 capital at 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% respectively.   第四十二条 商业银行发行的二级资本工具有确定到期日的,该二级资本工具在距到期日前最后五年,可计入二级资本的金额,应当按100%、80%、60%、40%、20%的比例逐年减计。

Article 43 Unqualified Tier 2 capital instruments issued by a commercial bank before September 12, 2010 may be included in regulatory capital before January 1, 2013, but, from January 1, 2013, the included instruments shall decrease by 10% each year and, from January 1, 2022, such instruments may not be included in regulatory capital.   第四十三条 商业银行2010年9月12日前发行的不合格二级资本工具,2013年1月1日之前可计入监管资本,2013年1月1日起按年递减10%,2022年1月1日起不得计入监管资本。

The amount of annual decrease of unqualified Tier 2 capital instruments as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated based on the amount on January 1, 2013.

For a Tier 2 capital instrument that has a step-up or another incentive to be redeemed after January 1, 2013, if the instrument is not redeemed at the effective maturity date and meets all other criteria for inclusion as set forth in Annex 1 to these Measures, it may continue to be included in regulatory capital.

Article 44 For a Tier 2 capital instrument issued by a commercial bank between September 12, 2010 and January 1, 2013, if the instrument has no write-down or share conversion clause but meets the other criteria for inclusion as set forth in Annex 1 to these Measures, it may be included in regulatory capital before January 1, 2013, but, from January 1, 2013, the included instruments shall decrease by 10% each year and, from January 1, 2022, such instruments may not be included in regulatory capital.   第四十四条 商业银行2010年9月12日至2013年1月1日之间发行的二级资本工具,若不含有减记或转股条款,但满足本办法附件1规定的其它合格标准,2013年1月1日之前可计入监管资本,2013年1月1日起按年递减10%,2022年1月1日起不得计入监管资本。

The amount of annual decrease of unqualified Tier 2 capital instruments as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated based on the amount on January 1, 2013.

Article 45 Unqualified capital instruments issued after January 1, 2013 shall no longer be included in regulatory capital.   第四十五条 2013年1月1日之后发行的不合格资本工具不再计入监管资本。

Chapter IV Measurement of Credit Risk-weighted Assets 

第四章 信用风险加权资产计量

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 46 Commercial banks may adopt the weight approach or the IRB approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets. Commercial banks using the IRB approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets shall meet the provisions of these Measures and obtain an approval from the CBRC. For risk exposures not covered by the IRB approach, the weight approach shall be adopted to measure credit risk-weighted assets.   第四十六条 商业银行可以采用权重法或内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产。商业银行采用内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产的,应当符合本办法的规定,并经银监会核准。内部评级法未覆盖的风险暴露应采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产。

Without the CBRC's approval, no commercial bank may change its approach for measuring credit risk-weighted assets.

Article 47 For a commercial bank which applies for adopting the IRB approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets, its asset coverage of the IRB approach shall not be less than 50% at the time of submitting the application and will reach 80% in three years.   第四十七条 商业银行申请采用内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产的,提交申请时内部评级法资产覆盖率应不低于50%,并在三年内达到80%。

The term “asset coverage of the IRB approach” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined according to the following formula:

Asset coverage of the IRB approach = risk-weighted assets measured in the IRB approach / (risk-weighted assets measured in the IRB approach + risk-weighted assets measured in the weight approach for credit exposures not covered by the IRB approach) × 100%

Article 48 Commercial banks using the IRB approach shall measure credit risk-weighted assets according to the provisions of Annex 3 to these Measures, categorize banking-book credit exposures according to the provisions of Annex 4 to these Measures, and establish an internal rating system according to the provisions of Annex 5 to these Measures.   第四十八条 商业银行采用内部评级法,应当按照本办法附件3的规定计量信用风险加权资产,按照本办法附件4的规定对银行账户信用风险暴露进行分类,按照本办法附件5的规定建立内部评级体系。

Commercial banks using the IRB approach may prudentially consider the risk compensation effect of credit risk mitigation instruments according to the provisions of Annex 6 to these Measures.

Commercial banks using the IRB approach may measure the credit risk-weighted assets of specialized lending in the regulatory projection approach according to the provisions of Annex 7 to these Measures.

Article 49 Commercial banks shall measure counterparties' credit risk-weighted assets in the banking book and the trading book according to the provisions of Annex 8 to these Measures.   第四十九条 商业银行应当按照本办法附件8的规定计量银行账户和交易账户的交易对手信用风险加权资产。

Article 50 Commercial banks shall measure the credit risk-weighted assets for securitization exposures according to the provisions of Annex 9 to these Measures.   第五十条 商业银行应当按照本办法附件9的规定计量资产证券化风险暴露的信用风险加权资产。

Section 2 Weight Approach 

第二节 权重法

Article 51 Under the weight approach, credit risk-weighted assets are the sum of the credit risk-weighted assets of on-balance sheet assets and the credit risk-weighted assets of off-balance sheet assets in the banking book.   第五十一条 权重法下信用风险加权资产为银行账户表内资产信用风险加权资产与表外项目信用风险加权资产之和。

Article 52 When measuring the risk-weighted assets of on-balance sheet assets, commercial banks shall deduct the corresponding impairment reserves from the book value of assets before multiplying it by the risk weight.   第五十二条 商业银行计量各类表内资产的风险加权资产,应首先从资产账面价值中扣除相应的减值准备,然后乘以风险权重。

Article 53 When measuring the risk-weighted assets of off-balance sheet assets, commercial banks shall multiply the nominal amounts of off-balance sheet items by a credit conversion factor to obtain equivalent on-balance sheet assets and then measure the risk-weighted assets in the approach used for on-balance sheet assets.   第五十三条 商业银行计量各类表外项目的风险加权资产,应将表外项目名义金额乘以信用转换系数得到等值的表内资产,再按表内资产的处理方式计量风险加权资产。

Article 54 The risk weight for cash and cash equivalents is 0%.   第五十四条 现金及现金等价物的风险权重为0%。

Article 55 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on overseas sovereigns and financial institutions shall be determined based on the external credit rating results of the countries or regions where such sovereigns or financial institutions are located.   第五十五条 商业银行对境外主权和金融机构债权的风险权重,以所在国家或地区的外部信用评级结果为基准。

(1) Claims against the governments and central banks of other countries or regions: if the rating of the country or region is AA- or above, the risk weight is 0%; if it is below AA- but is A- or above, the risk weight is 20%; if it is below A- but is BBB- or above, the risk weight is 50%; if it is below BBB- but is B- or above, the risk weight is 100%; if it is below B-, the risk weight is 150%; if it is not rated, the risk weight is 100%. (一)对其它国家或地区政府及其中央银行债权,该国家或地区的评级为AA-(含)以上的,风险权重为0%;AA-以下,A-(含)以上的,风险权重为20%;A-以下,BBB-(含)以上的,风险权重为50%;BBB-以下,B-(含)以上的,风险权重为100%;B-以下的,风险权重为150%;未评级的,风险权重为100%。

(2) The risk weight for claims on public sector entities is the same as that for claims against commercial banks registered in the country or region. (二)对公共部门实体债权的风险权重与对所在国家或地区注册的商业银行债权的风险权重相同。

(3) Claims against overseas commercial banks: if the rating of the country or region where the commercial bank is registered is AA- or above, the risk weight is 25%; if it is below AA- but is A- or above, the risk weight is 50%; if it is below A- but is B- or above, the risk weight is 100%; if it is below B-, the risk weight is 150%; if it is not rated, the risk weight is 100%. (三)对境外商业银行债权,注册地所在国家或地区的评级为AA-(含)以上的,风险权重为25%;AA-以下,A-(含)以上的,风险权重为50%;A-以下,B-(含)以上的,风险权重为100%;B-以下的,风险权重为150%;未评级的,风险权重为100%。

(4) The risk weight for claims against other overseas financial institutions is 100%. (四)对境外其它金融机构债权的风险权重为100%。

Article 56 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on multilateral development banks, the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund is 0%.   第五十六条 商业银行对多边开发银行、国际清算银行和国际货币基金组织债权的风险权重为0%。

Multilateral development banks include: World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank Group, European Investment Bank, European Investment Fund, Nordic Investment Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and Council of the European Development Bank.

Article 57 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on the Central Government of China and the People's Bank of China is 0%.   第五十七条 商业银行对我国中央政府和中国人民银行债权的风险权重为0%。

Article 58 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on public sector entities of China is 20%. The public sector entities of China include:   第五十八条 商业银行对我国公共部门实体债权的风险权重为20%。我国公共部门实体包括:

(1) Public sector entities with their main sources of revenue from the Central Finance, other than the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China; and (一)除财政部和中国人民银行以外,其它收入主要源于中央财政的公共部门。

(2) The people's governments at the provincial (municipality directly under the Central Government or autonomous region) level and the people's governments of cities under separate state planning. (二)省级(直辖区、自治区)以及计划单列市人民政府。

The 20% risk weight is not applicable to a commercial bank's claims on industrial and commercial enterprises in which the public sector entities as mentioned in the preceding paragraph invest.

Article 59 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on the policy banks of China is 0%.   第五十九条 商业银行对我国政策性银行债权的风险权重为0%。

The risk weight for a commercial bank's subordinated claims on the policy banks of China (those not deducted) is 100%.

Article 60 The risk weight for bonds held by a commercial bank which are privately placed by financial asset management companies funded by the Central Government of China for the purpose of acquiring the non-performing loans of state-owned banks is 0%.   第六十条 商业银行持有我国中央政府投资的金融资产管理公司为收购国有银行不良贷款而定向发行的债券的风险权重为0%。

The risk weight for a commercial bank's other claims on financial asset management companies funded by the Central Government of China is 100%.

Article 61 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on other commercial banks of China is 25%, and the risk weight for such claims with an original maturity of three months or less is 20%.   第六十一条 商业银行对我国其它商业银行债权的风险权重为25%,其中原始期限三个月以内(含)债权的风险权重为20%。

For claims secured by pledged financial assets with a risk weight of 0%, the risk weight for the portion covered by the collateral is 0%.

The risk weight for a commercial bank's subordinated claims on other commercial banks of China (those not deducted) is 100%.

Article 62 The risk weight for commercial banks' claims on other financial institutions of China is 100%.   第六十二条 商业银行对我国其它金融机构债权的风险权重为100%。

Article 63 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on ordinary enterprises is 100%.   第六十三条 商业银行对一般企业债权的风险权重为100%。

Article 64 The risk weight for a commercial bank's claims on micro and small enterprises which satisfy the following conditions is 75%:   第六十四条 商业银行对同时符合以下条件的微型和小型企业债权的风险权重为75%:

(1) The enterprises meet the standards prescribed by the relevant departments of the state for recognition of micro and small enterprises. (一)企业符合国家相关部门规定的微型和小型企业认定标准。

(2) The commercial bank's risk exposure to a single enterprise (or enterprise group) is not more than 5 million yuan. (二)商业银行对单家企业(或企业集团)的风险暴露不超过500万元。

(3) The commercial bank's risk exposure to a single enterprise (or enterprise group) does not exceed 0.5% of the total credit exposure of the bank. (三)商业银行对单家企业(或企业集团)的风险暴露占本行信用风险暴露总额的比例不高于0.5%。

Article 65 The risk weights for a commercial bank's claims on individuals are as follows:   第六十五条 商业银行对个人债权的风险权重。

(1) The risk weight for individual housing mortgage loans is 50%. (一)个人住房抵押贷款的风险权重为50%。

(2) For mortgaged housing property, if the commercial bank grants a complementary loan by mortgage based on the revaluated net value before the purchaser fully repays the original loan, the risk weight for the complementary loan is 150%. (二)对已抵押房产,在购房人没有全部归还贷款前,商业银行以再评估后的净值为抵押追加贷款的,追加部分的风险权重为150%。

(3) The risk weight for other claims on individuals is 75%. (三)对个人其它债权的风险权重为75%。

Article 66 The risk weight for the residue value of leased assets in the leasing business is 100%.   第六十六条 租赁业务的租赁资产余值的风险权重为100%。

Article 67 The risk weight for the following assets is 250%:   第六十七条 下列资产适用250%风险权重:

(1) Equity investments in financial institutions (those not deducted). (一)对金融机构的股权投资(未扣除部分)。

(2) Net deferred tax assets relying on the future profitability of a bank (those not deducted). (二)依赖于银行未来盈利的净递延税资产(未扣除部分)。

Article 68 The risk weights for a commercial bank's equity investments in industrial and commercial enterprises are as follows:   第六十八条 商业银行对工商企业股权投资的风险权重。

(1) The risk weight for equity investments passively held by the commercial bank in industrial and commercial enterprises is 400% within the disposition period prescribed by law. (一)商业银行被动持有的对工商企业股权投资在法律规定处分期限内的风险权重为400%。

(2) The risk weight for equity investments made by the commercial bank in industrial and commercial enterprises for policy-related reasons with the special approval of the State Council is 400%. (二)商业银行因政策性原因并经国务院特别批准的对工商企业股权投资的风险权重为400%。

(3) The risk weight for other equity investments of the commercial bank in industrial and commercial enterprises is 1250%. (三)商业银行对工商企业其它股权投资的风险权重为1250%。

Article 69 The risk weight for a commercial bank's non-self-use real estate is 1250%.   第六十九条 商业银行非自用不动产的风险权重为1250%。

The risk weight for non-self-use real estate held by a commercial bank for exercising its mortgage rights is 100% within the disposition period prescribed by law.

Article 70 The risk weight for other assets of a commercial bank is 100%.   第七十条 商业银行其它资产的风险权重为100%。

Article 71 The credit conversion factors for the off-balance sheet items of a commercial bank are as follows:   第七十一条 商业银行各类表外项目的信用转换系数。

(1) The credit conversion factor for credit business equivalent to lending business is 100%. (一)等同于贷款的授信业务的信用转换系数为100%。

(2) The credit conversion factors for commitments with an original maturity up to one year or over one year are 20% and 50% respectively; however, the credit conversion factor for commitments which are unconditionally cancellable at any time is 0%. (二)原始期限不超过1年和1年以上的贷款承诺的信用转换系数分别为20%和50%;可随时无条件撤销的贷款承诺的信用转换系数为0%。

(3) The credit conversion factor for the unused line of credit under credit cards is 50% or is 20% if the following conditions are satisfied: (三)未使用的信用卡授信额度的信用转换系数为50%,但同时符合以下条件的未使用的信用卡授信额度的信用转换系数为20%:

(a) The borrower is a natural person and the credit is unsecured and revolving. 1.授信对象为自然人,授信方式为无担保循环授信。

(b) The line of credit granted to the same cardholder is not more than 1 million yuan. 2.对同一持卡人的授信额度不超过100万人民币。

(c) The commercial bank shall evaluate cardholders' credit status once every year at a minimum and monitor the use of line of credit on a quarterly basis; for cardholders whose credit status deteriorates, the commercial bank shall have the right to decrease or even cancel their lines of credit. 3.商业银行应至少每年一次评估持卡人的信用程度,按季监控授信额度的使用情况;若持卡人信用状况恶化,商业银行有权降低甚至取消授信额度。

(4) The credit conversion factor for note issuance facilities (NIFs) and revolving underwriting facilities (RUFs) is 50%. (四)票据发行便利和循环认购便利的信用转换系数为50%。

(5) The credit conversion factor for the securities lent by banks or posted by banks as collateral, including securities lending and borrowing in repo-style transactions, is 100%. (五)银行借出的证券或用作抵押物的证券,包括回购交易中的证券借贷,信用转换系数为100%。

(6) The credit conversion factor for short-term contingencies directly related to trade is 20%. (六) 与贸易直接相关的短期或有项目,信用转换系数为20%。

(7) The credit conversion factor for contingencies directly related to transactions is 50%. (七)与交易直接相关的或有项目,信用转换系数为50%。

(8) The credit conversion factor for asset sales and purchase agreements for which the credit risk is still assumed by banks is 100%. (八)信用风险仍在银行的资产销售与购买协议,信用转换系数为100%。

(9) The credit conversion factor for forward asset purchases, forward fixed deposits, and partially paid stocks or securities is 100%. (九)远期资产购买、远期定期存款、部分交款的股票及证券,信用转换系数为100%。

(10) The credit conversion factor for other off-balance sheet items is 100%. (十)其它表外项目的信用转换系数均为100%。

Article 72 Commercial banks shall, according to Annex 2 to these Measures, measure the credit risk-weighted assets for exposures formed in the settlement of securities, commodity and foreign exchange.   第七十二条 商业银行应当按照本办法附件2的规定对因证券、商品、外汇清算形成的风险暴露计量信用风险加权资产。

Article 73 When adopting the weight approach to measure credit risk-weighted assets, commercial banks may consider the risk mitigation effect of an eligible pledge or an eligible guarantor according to Annex 2 to these Measures.   第七十三条 商业银行采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产时,可按照本办法附件2的规定考虑合格质物质押或合格保证主体提供保证的风险缓释作用。

Claims secured by eligible pledges (including claims formed in securities financing transactions) shall receive the same risk weight as the pledges, or receive the risk weight for claims directly on pledge issuers or accepters. For claims partially secured by pledge (including claims formed in securities financing transactions), the protected portion shall receive the corresponding lower risk weight.

Loans fully secured by eligible guarantors shall receive the risk weight for claims directly on guarantors. For partially guaranteed loans, the guaranteed portion shall receive the corresponding lower risk weight.

Article 74 For commercial banks using the weight approach, if the term of a pledge or guarantee is less than the term of the secured claim, there is no risk mitigation effect.   第七十四条 商业银行采用权重法的,质物或保证的担保期限短于被担保债权期限的,不具备风险缓释作用。

Section 3 Internal Rating-based Approach 

第三节 内部评级法

Article 75 Commercial banks shall categorize the banking-book credit risk exposures into, at a minimum, the following six classes:   第七十五条 商业银行应对银行账户信用风险暴露进行分类,并至少分为以下六类:

(1) Sovereign exposures. (一)主权风险暴露。

(2) Exposures to financial institutions, including exposures to banking financial institutions and exposures to non-banking financial institution. (二)金融机构风险暴露,包括银行类金融机构风险暴露和非银行类金融机构风险暴露。

(3) Corporate exposures, including exposures to small and medium enterprises, exposures to specialized loan companies, and exposures to ordinary companies. (三)公司风险暴露,包括中小企业风险暴露、专业贷款和一般公司风险暴露。

(4) Retail exposures, including exposures to individual residential mortgage exposures, qualifying revolving retail exposures, and other retail exposures. (四)零售风险暴露,包括个人住房抵押贷款、合格循环零售风险暴露和其它零售风险暴露。

(5) Equity exposures. (五)股权风险暴露。

(6) Other exposures, including purchased receivables and securitization exposures. (六)其它风险暴露,包括购入应收款及资产证券化风险暴露。

Sovereign exposures, exposures to financial institutions and corporate exposures are collectively referred to as non-retail exposures.

Article 76 Commercial banks shall separately measure the risk-weighted assets for exposures without default and exposures at default.   第七十六条 商业银行应分别计量未违约和已违约风险暴露的风险加权资产:

(1) The measurement of risk-weighted assets for non-retail exposures without default shall be based on the probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD), exposure at default (EAD), relevance, and effective maturity (M) of each credit exposure. (一)未违约非零售风险暴露的风险加权资产计量基于单笔信用风险暴露的违约概率、违约损失率、违约风险暴露、相关性和有效期限。

The measurement of risk-weighted assets for retail exposures without default shall be based on PD, LGD, EAD, and relevance of each asset pool exposure.

(2) The measurement of risk-weighted assets for exposures at default shall be based on LGD, expected loss (EL), and EAD. (二)已违约风险暴露的风险加权资产计量基于违约损失率、预期损失率和违约风险暴露。

Article 77 A commercial bank shall determine PD in the following methods:   第七十七条 商业银行应当按照以下方法确定违约概率:

(1) The PD for sovereign exposures is the commercial bank's internally estimated one-year PD. (一)主权风险暴露的违约概率为商业银行内部估计的1年期违约概率。

(2) The PD for corporate, financial institution and retail exposures is the greater of the commercial bank's internally estimated one-year PD and 0.03%. (二)公司、金融机构和零售风险暴露的违约概率为商业银行内部估计的1年期违约概率与0.03%中的较大值。

(3) For exposures with eligible guarantees or credit derivatives, the commercial bank may use the guarantor's PD to replace the debtor's PD. (三)对于提供合格保证或信用衍生工具的风险暴露,商业银行可以使用保证人的违约概率替代债务人的违约概率。

Article 78 A commercial bank shall determine LGD in the following methods:   第七十八条 商业银行应当按照以下方法确定违约损失率:

(1) For a commercial bank using the foundation IRB approach, the LGDs for senior claims not secured by eligible collateral and subordinated claims in non-retail exposures are 45% and 75% respectively. For senior claims secured by eligible collateral and repo-style transactions subordinate to master netting agreements, the commercial bank may adjust LGD in light of the risk mitigation effect. (一)商业银行采用初级内部评级法,非零售风险暴露中没有合格抵质押品的高级债权和次级债权的违约损失率分别为45%和75%。对于提供合格抵质押品的高级债权和从属于净额结算主协议的回购交易,商业银行可以根据风险缓释效应调整违约损失率。

(2) A commercial bank using the advanced IRB approach shall use its own internal estimate of LGD for each non-retail exposure. (二)商业银行采用高级内部评级法,应使用内部估计的单笔非零售风险暴露的违约损失率。

(3) A commercial bank shall use its internally estimated LGD for a retail asset pool. (三)商业银行应使用内部估计的零售资产池的违约损失率。

Article 79 A commercial bank shall determine EAD in the following methods:   第七十九条 商业银行应当按照以下方法确定违约风险暴露:

The EAD shall be measured gross of specific provisions and partial write-offs. The EAD for on-balance sheet assets shall not be less than the sum of: (1) the amount by which a bank's regulatory capital would be reduced if the exposure were completely written off; and (2) the amount of any specific provisions and partial write-offs. If the EAD estimated by the commercial bank exceeds the sum of the above-mentioned two items, the excess may be deemed a discount. The measurement of risk-weighted assets is independent of any discounts. However, discounts may be included in provisions for comparison of EL with eligible provisions.

(1) A commercial bank using the foundation IRB approach shall measure EAD of on-balance sheet assets according to the nominal amounts of exposures but may consider the risk mitigation effect of eligible netting. (一)商业银行采用初级内部评级法,应当按风险暴露名义金额计量表内资产的违约风险暴露,但可以考虑合格净额结算的风险缓释效应。

(2) For a commercial bank using the foundation IRB approach, the credit conversion factor for off-balance sheet items, such as commitments, note issuance facilities and revolving underwriting facilities, is 75%; the credit conversion factor for commitments which are unconditionally cancellable at any time is 0%; and the credit conversion factor for other off-balance sheet items is governed by Article 71 of these Measures. (二)商业银行采用初级内部评级法,贷款承诺、票据发行便利、循环认购便利等表外项目的信用转换系数为75%;可随时无条件撤销的贷款承诺信用转换系数为0%;其它各类表外项目的信用转换系数按照本办法第七十一条的规定。

(3) A commercial bank using the advanced IRB approach shall use its own internal estimates of non-retail EAD. For off-balance sheet items for which the credit conversion factor is 100% under Article 71 of these Measures, a commercial bank shall adopt a 100% credit conversion factor to estimate EAD. (三)商业银行采用高级内部评级法,应当使用内部估计的非零售违约风险暴露。对于按照本办法第七十一条规定信用转换系数为100%的表外项目,应使用100%的信用转换系数估计违约风险暴露。

(4) A commercial bank shall use its own internal estimates of retail EAD. For off-balance sheet retail exposures, a commercial bank shall measure EAD on the basis of the internally estimated credit conversion factor. (四)商业银行应当使用内部估计的零售违约风险暴露。对于表外零售风险暴露,商业银行应按照内部估计的信用转换系数计量违约风险暴露。

Article 80 A commercial bank shall determine M in the following methods:   第八十条 商业银行应当按照以下方法确定有效期限:

(1) For a commercial bank using the foundation IRB approach, the M of its non-retail exposures is 2.5 years, while the M of repo-style transactions is six months. (一)商业银行采用初级内部评级法,非零售风险暴露的有效期限为2.5年。回购类交易的有效期限为0.5年。

(2) For a commercial bank using the advanced IRB approach, the M is the greater of one year and the internally estimated M but may not exceed five years. The M of exposures to small and medium enterprises may be 2.5 years. (二)商业银行采用高级内部评级法,有效期限为1年和内部估计的有效期限两者之间的较大值,但最大不超过5年。中小企业风险暴露的有效期限可以采用2.5年。

(3) For the following short-term exposures, the M is the greater of the internally estimated M and one day: (三)对于下列短期风险暴露,有效期限为内部估计的有效期限与1天中的较大值:

(a) Fully secured OTC derivatives transactions, margin loans, repo-style transactions and securities lending transactions with an original maturity of less than one year. Transaction documentation must include clauses that margin is revaluated and adjusted on a daily basis and the position may be closed or the collateral may be disposed of in a timely manner when the counterparty defaults or fails to make up the margin. 1.原始期限1年以内全额抵押的场外衍生品交易、保证金贷款、回购交易和证券借贷交易。交易文件中必须包括按日重新估值并调整保证金,且在交易对手违约或未能补足保证金时可以及时平仓或处置抵押品的条款。

(b) Self-liquidating trade financing with an original maturity of less than one year, including issued and confirmed letters of credit. 2.原始期限1年以内自我清偿性的贸易融资,包括开立的和保兑的信用证。

(c) Other short-term exposures with an original maturity of less than three months, including exposures arising from: OTC derivatives transactions, margin loans, repo-style transactions, securities lending, short-term loans and deposits, securities and foreign exchange settlements, and cash settlements by wire transfer. 3.原始期限3个月以内的其它短期风险暴露,包括:场外衍生品交易、保证金贷款、回购交易、证券借贷,短期贷款和存款,证券和外汇清算而产生的风险暴露,以电汇方式进行现金清算产生的风险暴露等。

Chapter V Measurement of Market Risk-weighted Assets 

第五章 市场风险加权资产计量

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 81 For the purposes of these Measures, “market risk” means the risk of loss to the on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet businesses of commercial banks due to adverse changes in market prices (interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices and commodity prices).   第八十一条 本办法所称市场风险是指因市场价格(利率、汇率、股票价格和商品价格)的不利变动而使商业银行表内和表外业务发生损失的风险。

Article 82 The measurement of market risk capital shall cover the interest rate risk and equity risk in the trading book of commercial banks and all exchange rate risks and commodity risks.   第八十二条 市场风险资本计量应覆盖商业银行交易账户中的利率风险和股票风险,以及全部汇率风险和商品风险。

Commercial banks may set aside no market risk capital for structural foreign exchange risk exposures.

Article 83 For the purposes of these Measures, “trading book” consists of positions in financial instruments and commodities held either with trading intent or in order to hedge other elements of the trading book.   第八十三条 本办法所称交易账户包括为交易目的或对冲交易账户其它项目的风险而持有的金融工具和商品头寸。

Positions held with trading intent as mentioned in the preceding paragraph are those held intentionally for short-term resale, with the intent of benefiting from actual or expected short-term price movements or to lock in arbitrage profits, and include proprietary positions and positions arising from market making and client servicing to execute trading instructions from clients. Generally, positions in financial instruments and commodities in the trading book shall also satisfy the following conditions:

(1) They are free of any restrictive covenants on their tradability and may be closed at any time. (一)在交易方面不受任何限制,可以随时平盘。

(2) They are able to be hedged completely. (二)能够完全对冲以规避风险。

(3) They are able to be accurately valued. (三)能够准确估值。

(4) They are actively managed. (四)能够进行积极的管理。

Article 84 Commercial banks shall develop clear standards to distinguish between banking book and trading book, specify the positions in financial instruments and commodities to be included in the trading book and the conditions for transfer between banking book and trading book, and ensure consistency in the implementation process.   第八十四条 商业银行应当制定清晰的银行账户和交易账户划分标准,明确纳入交易账户的金融工具和商品头寸以及在银行账户和交易账户间划转的条件,确保执行的一致性。

Article 85 Commercial banks may adopt the standardized approach or the internal models approach to measure the market risk capital charges. Without the approval of the CBRC, commercial banks may not change their market risk capital measurement approaches.   第八十五条 商业银行可以采用标准法或内部模型法计量市场风险资本要求。未经银监会核准,商业银行不得变更市场风险资本计量方法。

Article 86 Where the internal models approach adopted by a commercial bank fails to cover all market risks, with the approval of the CBRC, the commercial bank may adopt a combination of the internal models approach and the standardized approach to measure the market risk capital charges, but the same institution inside a banking group may not adopt different approaches to measure the capital charges for the same type of market risk.   第八十六条 商业银行采用内部模型法,若未覆盖所有市场风险,经银监会核准,可组合采用内部模型法和标准法计量市场风险资本要求,但银行集团内部同一机构不得对同一种市场风险采用不同方法计量市场风险资本要求。

Article 87 For commercial banks using the internal models approach, the coverage ratio of the internal models approach shall not be less than 50%.   第八十七条 商业银行采用内部模型法,内部模型法覆盖率应不低于50%。

The coverage ratio of the internal models approach as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined according to the following formula:

coverage ratio of the internal models approach = capital charges measured in the internal models approach / (capital charges measured in the internal models approach + capital charges measured in the standardized approach) × 100%

Article 88 The market risk-weighted assets of commercial banks shall be 12.5 times the market risk capital charges: market risk-weighted assets = market risk capital charges × 12.5.   第八十八条 商业银行市场风险加权资产为市场风险资本要求的12.5倍,即:市场风险加权资产=市场风险资本要求×12.5。

Section 2 Standardized Approach 

第二节 标准法

Article 89 Commercial banks using the standardized approach shall, according to Annex 10 to these Measures, separately measure the capital charges for interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, commodity risk and equity risk and separately measure the option risk capital charges based on various risks.   第八十九条 商业银行采用标准法,应当按照本办法附件10的规定分别计量利率风险、汇率风险、商品风险和股票风险的资本要求,并单独计量以各类风险为基础的期权风险的资本要求。

Article 90 The market risk capital charges are the sum of the capital charges for interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, commodity risk, equity risk and option risk.   第九十条 市场风险资本要求为利率风险、汇率风险、商品风险、股票风险和期权风险的资本要求之和。

The interest rate risk capital charges and the equity risk capital charges are the sum of the capital charges for general market risk and specific risk.

Section 3 Internal Model Approach 

第三节 内部模型法

Article 91 Commercial banks using the internal models approach shall meet the provisions of Annex 11 to these Measures and obtain an approval from the CBRC.   第九十一条 商业银行采用内部模型法的,应当符合本办法附件11的规定,并经银监会核准。

Article 92 For commercial banks using the internal models approach, the capital charges for general market risk is the sum of general value at risk and stressed value at risk:   第九十二条 商业银行采用内部模型法,其一般市场风险资本要求为一般风险价值与压力风险价值之和,即:

K = Max (VaRt-1, mc×VaRavg)+Max (sVaRt-1,mS×sVaRavg)
K = Max(VaRt-1 , mc×VaRavg)+Max(sVaRt-1,mS×sVaRavg)


(1). VaR is general value at risk and is the greater of: (一)VaR为一般风险价值,为以下两项中的较大值:

(a) value at risk on the previous trading day measured in the internal models approach (VaRt-1); and 1.根据内部模型计量的上一交易日的风险价值(VaRt-1)。

(b) average value at risk in the last 60 trading days (VaRavg) multiplied by mC. mC is minimally 3. Plus factors may be added based on the number of breakthroughs made in back testing. 2.最近60个交易日风险价值的均值(VaRavg)乘以mC。mC最小为3,根据返回检验的突破次数可以增加附加因子。

(2) sVaR is stressed value at risk and is the greater of: (二)sVaR为压力风险价值,为以下两项中的较大值:

(a) stressed value at risk on the previous trading day measured in the internal model approach (sVaRt-1); and 1.根据内部模型计量的上一交易日的压力风险价值(sVaRt-1)。

(b) average stressed value at risk in the last 60 trading days (sVaRavg) multiplied by ms. ms is minimally 3. 2.最近60个交易日压力风险价值的均值(sVaRavg)乘以ms。 ms最小为3。

Article 93 Commercial banks using the internal models approach to measure the capital charges for specific risk shall use internal models to measure the capital charges for incremental risk according to Annex 11 to these Measures.   第九十三条 商业银行采用内部模型法计量特定风险资本要求的,应当按照本办法附件11的规定使用内部模型计量新增风险资本要求。

Commercial banks whose internal models fail to meet the criteria for measuring specific market risk requirements or fail to cover incremental risk shall adopt the standardized approach to measure the capital charges for specific market risk.

Chapter VI Measurement of Operational Risk-weighted Assets 

第六章 操作风险加权资产计量

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 94 For the purposes of these Measures, “operational risk” means the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and information technology systems, or from external events, including legal risk but excluding strategic risk and reputational risk.   第九十四条 本办法所称的操作风险是指由不完善或有问题的内部程序、员工和信息科技系统,以及外部事件所造成损失的风险,包括法律风险,但不包括策略风险和声誉风险。

Article 95 Commercial banks may adopt the basic indicator approach, the standardized approach or the advanced measurement approaches (AMA) to measure the operational risk capital charges.   第九十五条 商业银行可采用基本指标法、标准法或高级计量法计量操作风险资本要求。

Commercial banks using the standardized approach or AMA to measure the operational risk capital charges shall meet the provisions of Annex 12 to these Measures and obtain an approval from the CBRC.

Without the CBRC's approval, commercial banks may not change their operational risk capital measurement approaches.

Article 96 The operational risk-weighted assets of commercial banks shall be 12.5 times the operational risk capital charges: operational risk-weighted assets = operational risk capital charges × 12.5.   第九十六条 商业银行操作风险加权资产为操作风险资本要求的12.5倍,即:操作风险加权资产=操作风险资本要求×12.5。

Section 2 Basic Indicator Approach 

第二节 基本指标法

Article 97 Commercial banks using the basic indicator approach shall measure the operational risk capital charges on the basis of gross income. Commercial banks shall determine the amount of gross income according to Annex 12 to these Measures.   第九十七条 商业银行采用基本指标法,应当以总收入为基础计量操作风险资本要求。商业银行应当按照本办法附件12的规定确认总收入。

Gross income is defined as net interest income plus net non-interest income.

Article 98 Commercial banks using the basic indicator approach shall measure the operational risk capital charges according to the following formula:   第九十八条 商业银行采用基本指标法,应当按照以下公式计量操作风险资本要求:
           n∑(GIi*α)i=1其中:KBIA =————————————n


KBIA = the operational risk capital charge measured in the basic indicator approach.

GI = annual gross income, where positive, over the previous three years.

n = number of the previous three years for which gross income is positive.

α = 15%.


第三节 标准法

Section 3 Standardized Approach 

   第九十九条 商业银行采用标准法,应当以各业务条线的总收入为基础计量操作风险资本要求。
Article 99 Commercial banks using the standardized approach shall measure the operational risk capital charges on the basis of the gross income of each business line. 

   第一百条 商业银行采用标准法,应当按照本办法附件12的规定将全部业务划分为公司金融、交易和销售、零售银行、商业银行、支付和清算、代理服务、资产管理、零售经纪和其它业务等9个业务条线。
Article 100 Commercial banks using the standardized approach shall divide all their activities into nine business lines: corporate finance, trading and sales, retail banking, commercial banking, payment and settlement, agency service, asset management, retail brokerage, and other businesses. 

   第一百零一条 商业银行采用标准法,应当按照以下公式计量操作风险资本要求:
     3   9KTSA ={∑max[∑( GIi * bi),0 ]}/3i=1 i=1
Article 101 Commercial banks using the standardized approach shall measure the operational risk capital charges according to the following formula: 

KTSA 为按标准法计量的操作风险资本要求。

KTSA = the operational risk capital charge measures in the standardized approach.

= the positive operational risk capital charges of all years.
max[∑( GIi * bi),0 ]是指各年为正的操作风险资本要求。

GIi = the gross income of each business line.

βi = the operational risk capital factor for each business line.

Article 102 The operational risk capital factors for business lines (β) are as follows: 

   第一百零二条 各业务条线的操作风险资本系数(β)如下:
(1) The operational risk capital factor for retail banking, asset management and retail brokerage is 12%. 

(2) The operational risk capital factor for commercial banking and agency services is 15%. 

(3) The operational risk capital factor for corporate finance, payment and settlement, trading and sales, and other business lines is 18%. 

Section 4 Advanced Measurement Approaches 


第四节 高级计量法

Article 103 Commercial banks using AMA may select operational risk measurement models according to the nature of business, scale of business, complexity of products and risk management level. 

   第一百零三条 商业银行采用高级计量法,可根据业务性质、规模和产品复杂程度以及风险管理水平选择操作风险计量模型。
Article 104 Commercial banks using AMA shall establish operational risk measurement models on the basis of internal loss data, external loss data, scenario analysis, business operation environment and internal control factors. Internal loss data used for establishing models shall sufficiently reflect the actual status of operational risk in banks. 

   第一百零四条 商业银行采用高级计量法,应当基于内部损失数据、外部损失数据、情景分析、业务经营环境和内部控制因素建立操作风险计量模型。建立模型使用的内部损失数据应充分反映本行操作风险的实际情况。
Chapter VII Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process of Commercial Banks 


第七章 商业银行内部资本充足评估程序

Section 1 General Provisions 


第一节 一般规定

Article 105 Commercial banks shall have a sound risk management framework and a robust internal capital adequacy assessment process, specify the risk governance structure, prudentially assess various risks, capital adequacy levels and capital quality, and develop capital plans and capital adequacy ratio management plans to ensure that their capital is sufficient to resist risks facing them and meet the needs for business development. 

   第一百零五条 商业银行应当建立完善的风险管理框架和稳健的内部资本充足评估程序,明确风险治理结构,审慎评估各类风险、资本充足水平和资本质量,制定资本规划和资本充足率管理计划,确保银行资本能够充分抵御其所面临的风险,满足业务发展的需要。
Article 106 Commercial banks shall ensure that their internal capital adequacy assessment processes are able to realize the following objectives: 

   第一百零六条 商业银行内部资本充足评估程序应实现以下目标:
(1) Ensuring the identification, measurement or assessment, monitoring, and reporting of material risks; 

(2) Ensuring that capital levels are suited to risk appetites and risk management levels; and 

(3) Ensuring that capital planning is suited to their business operation status, risk development trend, and long-term development strategy. 

Article 107 Commercial banks shall regard stress tests as an important part of their internal capital adequacy assessment processes and determine the internal capital adequacy ratio objectives in consideration of stress testing results. Stress tests shall cover the material risks associated with each business line and take into account the impact of economic cycles on capital adequacy ratios. 

   第一百零七条 商业银行应当将压力测试作为内部资本充足评估程序的重要组成部分,结合压力测试结果确定内部资本充足率目标。压力测试应覆盖各业务条线的主要风险,并充分考虑经济周期对资本充足率的影响。
Article 108 Commercial banks shall regard the internal capital adequacy assessment process as a component of internal management and decision-making, and apply internal capital adequacy assessment results to capital budgeting and distribution, credit decision-making, and strategic planning. 

   第一百零八条 商业银行应当将内部资本充足评估程序作为内部管理和决策的组成部分,并将内部资本充足评估结果运用于资本预算与分配、授信决策和战略规划。
Article 109 Commercial banks shall develop reasonable remuneration policies to ensure consistency between the level, structure and pay day of remuneration and the degree and duration of risks, reflect the long-term profit level after risk adjustment, prevent excessive risk burden, and maintain financial soundness. 

   第一百零九条 商业银行应当制定合理的薪酬政策,确保薪酬水平、结构和发放时间安排与风险大小和风险存续期限一致,反映风险调整后的长期收益水平,防止过度承担风险,维护财务稳健性。
Article 110 Commercial banks shall implement the internal capital adequacy assessment process once every year at a minimum and make timely adjustments and updates when significant changes occur in the operation condition, risk status or external environment of banks. 

   第一百一十条 商业银行应当至少每年一次实施内部资本充足评估程序,在银行经营情况、风险状况和外部环境发生重大变化时,应及时进行调整和更新。
Section 2 Governance Structure 


第二节 治理结构

Article 111 The board of directors of a commercial bank shall assume the primary responsibility for the capital management of the bank and perform the following duties: 

   第一百一十一条 商业银行董事会承担本行资本管理的首要责任,履行以下职责:
(1) Set risk appetites and capital adequacy objectives suited to the development strategy and external environment of the bank, examine the internal capital adequacy assessment process of the bank, and ensure that the bank's capital fully covers material risks; 

(2) Examine and approve capital management rules and ensure effective capital management policies and control measures; 

(3) Oversee the comprehensiveness, forward-lookingness and effectiveness of the internal capital adequacy assessment process; 

(4) Examine and approve capital plans and oversee the implementation thereof to satisfy the bank's needs for continuous operation and emergency capital supplement; 

(5) Examine and approve the capital adequacy ratio management plans once every year at a minimum, deliberate on capital adequacy ratio management reports and internal capital adequacy assessment reports, and hear audit reports on capital adequacy ratio the management and implementation of the internal capital adequacy assessment process; 

(6) Examine and approve capital adequacy ratio information disclosure policies, procedures and content and ensure the veracity, accuracy and integrity of disclosed information; and 

(7) Ensure that the commercial bank has sufficient resources and is able to independently and effectively carry out capital management. 

Article 112 For a commercial bank using advanced capital measurement approaches, its board of directors shall also be responsible for examining and approving the management system implementation plans and major management policies for advanced capital measurement approaches, overseeing the senior management's making and implementation of management policies and flows for advanced capital measurement approaches, and ensuring that the bank has sufficient resources to support the operation of the advanced capital measurement approach management system. 

   第一百一十二条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法的,董事会还应负责审批资本计量高级方法的管理体系实施规划和重大管理政策,监督高级管理层制定并实施资本计量高级方法的管理政策和流程,确保商业银行有足够资源支持资本计量高级方法管理体系的运行。
Article 113 The senior management of a commercial bank shall be responsible for organizing and implementing capital management in accordance with business strategies and risk appetites, ensuring that capital is suited to business development and risk levels, and implementing supervisory measures; and more specifically: 

   第一百一十三条 商业银行高级管理层负责根据业务战略和风险偏好组织实施资本管理工作,确保资本与业务发展、风险水平相适应,落实各项监控措施。具体履行以下职责:
(1) Making and organizing the implementation of capital management rules and regulations; 

(2) Making and organizing the implementation of internal capital adequacy assessment process, specifying the duties of relevant departments, establishing a sound assessment framework as well as flows and management rules, and ensuring that the process is consistent with the overall risk management, capital measurement and distribution of the bank; 

(3) Making and organizing the implementation of capital plans and capital adequacy ratio management plans; 

(4) Assessing capital adequacy ratios on a regular or irregular basis and reporting capital adequacy ratios, capital adequacy ratio management status and internal capital adequacy assessment results to the board of directors; 

(5) Organizing stress tests, participating in the determination of objectives, schemes and major assumptions of stress tests, promoting the application of stress testing results in risk assessment and capital planning, and ensuring the effectiveness of the emergency capital supplement mechanism; and 

(6) Organizing the development and maintenance of the internal capital adequacy assessment information management system, and ensuring that the information management system is able to timely and accurately provide information needed in assessment. 

Article 114 For a commercial bank using advanced capital measurement approaches, its senior management shall also assess the reasonableness and effectiveness of approaches and instruments on a regular basis, hear reports on validation of advanced capital measurement approaches on a regular basis, and perform other duties such as the construction, validation and constant optimization of the advanced capital measurement approach system. 

   第一百一十四条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法的,高级管理层还应定期评估方法和工具的合理性和有效性,定期听取资本计量高级方法验证工作的汇报,履行资本计量高级方法体系的建设、验证和持续优化等职责。
Article 115 The board of supervisors of a commercial bank shall oversee and evaluate the performance of duties by the board of directors and the senior management in their capital management and advanced capital measurement approach management, and report such performance of duties to the shareholders' meeting once every year at a minimum. 

   第一百一十五条 商业银行监事会应当对董事会及高级管理层在资本管理和资本计量高级方法管理中的履职情况进行监督评价,并至少每年一次向股东大会报告董事会及高级管理层的履职情况。
Article 116 A commercial bank shall designate relevant departments to perform the following capital management duties: 

   第一百一十六条 商业银行应当指定相关部门履行以下资本管理职责:
(1) Make management plans for the total amount, structure and quality of capital, make and implement capital plans and capital adequacy ratio management plans, and report the implementation of such plans to the senior management; 

(2) Continuously monitor and periodically calculate capital adequacy ratios and conduct stress tests for capital adequacy ratios; 

(3) Organize the establishment of internal capital measurement, allocation and risk-adjusted capital income evaluation management systems; 

(4) Organize the implementation of the internal capital adequacy assessment process; 

(5) Establish an emergency capital supplement mechanism and participate in or organize capital raising; and 

(6) Make or participate in the making of capital adequacy ratio information disclosure documents. 

Article 117 For a commercial bank using advanced capital measurement approaches, the relevant departments shall also perform the following duties: 

   第一百一十七条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法的,相关部门还应履行以下职责:
(1) Design, execute, monitor and maintain advanced capital measurement approaches; 

(2) Improve the management mechanisms for advanced capital measurement approaches; 

(3) Report the measurement results under advanced capital measurement approaches to the senior management; and 

(4) Organize stress tests for various risks. 

Article 118 A commercial bank using advanced capital measurement approaches shall establish a validation department (team) to be responsible for the validation of advanced capital measurement approaches. The validation department (team) shall be independent from the departments (teams) for the development and operation of advanced capital measurement approaches. 

   第一百一十八条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法的,应当建立验证部门(团队),负责资本计量高级方法的验证工作。验证部门(团队)应独立于资本计量高级方法的开发和运行部门(团队)。
Article 119 A commercial bank shall specify the duties of its internal audit department in capital management. The internal audit department shall perform the following duties: 

   第一百一十九条 商业银行应当明确内部审计部门在资本管理中的职责。内部审计部门应当履行以下职责:
(1) Evaluate the governance structure for capital management, the performance of duties by relevant departments, the professional skills of relevant personnel, and the sufficiency of resources; 

(2) Inspect, once every year at a minimum, the relevant policies for the internal capital adequacy assessment process and the implementation thereof; 

(3) Evaluate, once every year at a minimum, the implementation of capital plans; 

(4) Evaluate, once every year at a minimum, the implementation of capital adequacy ratio management plans; 

(5) Check the compliance and effectiveness of capital management information systems and data management; and 

(6) Submit to the board of directors audit reports on capital adequacy ratio management, audit reports on implementation of the internal capital adequacy assessment process, and audit reports on management of advanced capital measurement approaches. 

Article 120 For a commercial bank using advanced capital measurement approaches, its internal audit department shall also assess the applicability and effectiveness of advanced capital measurement approaches, check the reliability and accuracy of measurement results, check the validation policies and processes of advanced capital measurement approaches, and assess the independence and effectiveness of validation. 

   第一百二十条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法的,内部审计部门还应评估资本计量高级方法的适用性和有效性,检查计量结果的可靠性和准确性,检查资本计量高级方法的验证政策和程序,评估验证工作的独立性和有效性。
Section 3 Risk Assessment 


第三节 风险评估

Article 121 Commercial banks shall, according to the relevant requirements of the CBRC and Annex 13 to these Measures, establish the criteria for the identification and assessment of material risks to ensure that material risks are timely identified, prudentially assessed and effectively monitored. 

Material risks include single risks that may cause heavy losses and risks that have a low degree of risk as single risks but may cause heavy losses if interacting with other risks. Risk assessment shall, at a minimum, cover the following types of risks:
   第一百二十一条 商业银行应当按照银监会相关要求和本办法附件13的规定,设立主要风险的识别和评估标准,确保主要风险得到及时识别、审慎评估和有效监控。

(1) Risks involved and covered in Chapters 4, 5 and 6 of these Measures, including credit risk, market risk and operational risk; 

(2) Risks involved but not fully covered in Chapters 4, 5 and 6 of these Measures, including concentration risk and residual operational risk; 

(3) Risks not involved in Chapters 4, 5 and 6 of these Measures, including interest rate risk in the banking book, liquidity risk, reputational risk, strategic risk, and other risks which have a substantive impact on commercial banks; and 

(4) Risks arising from changes in the external business environment. 

Article 122 Commercial banks shall effectively assess and manage various material risks. 

   第一百二十二条 商业银行应当有效评估和管理各类主要风险。
(1) For quantifiable risks, commercial banks shall develop and improve risk measurement technologies to ensure the consistency, objectivity and accuracy of risk measurement and, on this basis, strengthen the mitigation, control and management of relevant risks. 

(2) For risks which are hard to be quantized, commercial banks shall establish risk identification, assessment, control and reporting mechanisms to ensure effective management of relevant risks. 

Article 123 Commercial banks shall establish risk aggregation policies and processes to ensure that risks are timely identified at different levels. Commercial banks may adopt various risk aggregation approaches, but shall, at a minimum, use the simple aggregate approach and judge the reasonableness and prudence of risk aggregation results. 

   第一百二十三条 商业银行应当建立风险加总的政策和程序,确保在不同层次上及时识别风险。商业银行可以采用多种风险加总方法,但应至少采取简单加总法,并判断风险加总结果的合理性和审慎性。
Article 124 When conducting risk aggregation, commercial banks shall fully consider concentration risk and the cross-infection between risks. If taking the risk diversification effect into consideration, commercial banks shall base it on long-term positive data, and the data observation period shall cover, at a minimum, an entire economic cycle. Otherwise, commercial banks shall prudentially adjust their risk aggregation approaches and assumptions. 

   第一百二十四条 商业银行进行风险加总,应当充分考虑集中度风险及风险之间的相互传染。若考虑风险分散化效应,应基于长期实证数据,且数据观察期至少覆盖一个完整的经济周期。否则,商业银行应对风险加总方法和假设进行审慎调整。
Section 4 Capital Plans 


第四节 资本规划

Article 125 When making capital plans, commercial banks shall take into account the risk assessment results, future capital demand, regulatory capital requirements and capital availability, and ensure that their capital level continually satisfies the regulatory requirements. Capital plans shall, at a minimum, set three-year internal objectives on capital adequacy ratios. 

   第一百二十五条 商业银行制定资本规划,应当综合考虑风险评估结果、未来资本需求、资本监管要求和资本可获得性,确保资本水平持续满足监管要求。资本规划应至少设定内部资本充足率三年目标。
Article 126 When making capital plans, commercial banks shall ensure that their target capital levels are suited to their development strategies, risk appetites, risk management level and external management environment, pay attention to both short-term and long-term capital demands, and consider the long-term sustainability of various supplementary capital sources. 

   第一百二十六条 商业银行制定资本规划,应当确保目标资本水平与业务发展战略、风险偏好、风险管理水平和外部经营环境相适应,兼顾短期和长期资本需求,并考虑各种资本补充来源的长期可持续性。
Article 127 When making capital plans, commercial banks shall prudentially estimate asset quality, profit growth, and fluctuations on the capital market, and take into full account factors that may have a significant adverse impact on capital levels, including contingent exposures, serious and long-term market recession, and other incidents beyond risk tolerance. 

   第一百二十七条 商业银行制定资本规划,应当审慎估计资产质量、利润增长及资本市场的波动性,充分考虑对银行资本水平可能产生重大负面影响的因素,包括或有风险暴露,严重且长期的市场衰退,以及突破风险承受能力的其它事件。
Article 128 Commercial banks shall give priority to supplementing Core Tier 1 capital, enhance their internal capital accumulation abilities, optimize their capital structures, and improve capital quality. 

   第一百二十八条 商业银行应当优先考虑补充核心一级资本,增强内部资本积累能力,完善资本结构,提高资本质量。
Article 129 Commercial banks shall, through rigorous and forward-looking stress testing, calculate capital demand and capital availability under different stress conditions, and make capital emergency response plans to meet unplanned capital demand and ensure that they have sufficient capital to deal with unfavorable market changes. 

For severe stress testing results, commercial banks shall specify the corresponding capital supplement policies and measures in their emergency response plans, fully consider the liquidity changes in the financing market, and reasonably design capital supplement channels. Capital emergency response plans shall cover emergency funding cost analysis, feasibility analysis, limitations on the development of businesses occupying large amounts of capital, and adoption of risk mitigation measures.
   第一百二十九条 商业银行应当通过严格和前瞻性的压力测试,测算不同压力条件下的资本需求和资本可获得性,并制定资本应急预案以满足计划外的资本需求,确保银行具备充足资本应对不利的市场条件变化。

The senior management of commercial banks shall fully understand the risks facing commercial banks under stress conditions and the mutual effect between risks and the ability of capital instruments to absorb losses and support continuous business operations and judge the reasonableness of capital management objectives, capital supplement policies and countermeasures.

Section 5 Monitoring and Reporting 


第五节 监测和报告

Article 130 A commercial bank shall establish a reporting system for its internal capital adequacy assessment process to regularly monitor and report its capital levels and the development trend of major influencing factors. Such reporting shall, at a minimum, include: 

   第一百三十条 商业银行应当建立内部资本充足评估程序的报告体系,定期监测和报告银行资本水平和主要影响因素的变化趋势。报告应至少包括以下内容:
(1) Evaluating the impacts of the status and trend of material risks, strategic objectives, and external environment on capital levels; 

(2) Assessing whether the capital actually held is sufficient to resist material risks; and 

(3) Offering advice on how to ensure that capital is able to fully cover material risks. 

According to materiality and purposes of reports, a commercial bank shall specify the scope of recipients, contents and the detail level of different types of reports to ensure that the reported information and reporting frequency meet the commercial bank's capital management needs.

Article 131 A commercial bank shall establish an information management system for risk and capital measurement and management. Such a system shall have the following functions: 

   第一百三十一条 商业银行应当建立用于风险和资本的计量和管理的信息管理系统。商业银行的信息管理系统应具备以下功能:
(1) Clearly and timely provide overall risk information to the board of directors and the senior management; 

(2) Accurately and timely aggregate the risk exposures and risk measurement results in each business line; 

(3) Provide dynamic support for the identification of concentration risk and potential risk; 

(4) Identify, measure and manage various risk mitigation tools and risks resulting from risk mitigation; 

(5) Provide support for evaluating from multiple perspectives the uncertainties in risk measurement and analyze the impact of changes in the assumptions for potential risk; 

(6) Support forward-looking scenario analysis and assess the impact of market changes and stress scenarios on capital; and 

(7) Monitor and report the implementation of risk limits. 

Article 132 Commercial banks shall systematically collect, organize, track and analyze data on various risks, establish data warehouses, risk data marts and data management systems to acquire, clean, convert and store data, and establish data quality control policies and procedures to ensure the integrity, comprehensiveness, accuracy and consistency of data and meet the needs for capital measurement, internal capital adequacy assessment and other work. 

   第一百三十二条 商业银行应当系统性地收集、整理、跟踪和分析各类风险相关数据,建立数据仓库、风险数据集市和数据管理系统,以获取、清洗、转换和存储数据,并建立数据质量控制政策和程序,确保数据的完整性、全面性、准确性和一致性,满足资本计量和内部资本充足评估等工作的需要。
Article 133 Commercial banks shall ensure that their data management systems meet the relevant requirements for off-site regulatory statements and capital adequacy ratio information disclosure. 

   第一百三十三条 商业银行的数据管理系统应当达到资本充足率非现场监管报表和资本充足率信息披露的有关要求。
Article 134 Commercial banks shall establish a complete documentation management platform to provide support for capital management assessment by their internal audit departments and the CBRC. The documentation shall, at a minimum, cover: 

   第一百三十四条 商业银行应当建立完整的文档管理平台,为内部审计部门及银监会对资本管理的评估提供支持。文档应至少包括:
(1) Duties, independence, and performance of duties of the board of directors, senior management and relevant departments; 

(2) Documented policies, procedures and other rules for capital management and risk management; 

(3) Capital plans, capital adequacy ratio management plans, internal capital adequacy assessment reports, risk measurement model validation reports, stress testing reports, audit reports, and important documentation related to the above-mentioned reports; and 

(4) Minutes summaries and important decision-making opinions regarding capital management. 

Chapter VIII Supervisory Inspection 


第八章 监督检查

Section 1 Contents of Supervisory Inspection 


第一节 监督检查内容

Article 135 Supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios is an important part of the prudential risk supervision system of the CBRC. 

   第一百三十五条 资本充足率监督检查是银监会审慎风险监管体系的重要组成部分。
Article 136 The CBRC shall, in light of changes in macroeconomic operation, industry policies and credit risks, identify the major systemic risks facing the banking sector, and raise specific capital requirements for relevant portfolios. 

   第一百三十六条 银监会根据宏观经济运行、产业政策和信贷风险变化,识别银行业重大系统性风险,对相关资产组合提出特定资本要求。
Article 137 The CBRC shall implement supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios of commercial banks to ensure that their capital is able to sufficiently cover all risks facing them. Supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios includes but is not limited to: 

   第一百三十七条 银监会对商业银行实施资本充足率监督检查,确保资本能够充分覆盖所面临的各类风险。资本充足率监督检查包括但不限于以下内容:
(1) Evaluating the overall risk management framework of commercial banks; 

(2) Examining commercial banks' recognition of eligible capital instruments and their measurement methods and results regarding all risk-weighted assets and evaluating the reasonableness and accuracy of the measurement results of capital adequacy ratios; 

(3) Checking the internal capital adequacy assessment process of commercial banks and evaluating the corporate governance, capital plans, internal controls and audits of commercial banks; and 

(4) Assessing the credit risk, market risk, operational risk, interest rate risk in the banking book, liquidity risk, reputational risk and strategic risk of commercial banks and checking the stress testing work of commercial banks. 

Article 138 To adopt advanced capital measurement approaches, a commercial bank shall submit an application to the CBRC according to Annex 14 to these Measures. 

   第一百三十八条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法,应按本办法附件14的规定向银监会提出申请。
Article 139 The CBRC shall assess a commercial bank according to Annex 14 to these Measures, decide whether to approve the commercial bank to adopt advanced capital measurement approaches according to the assessment results, and conduct continuous supervisory inspection on the commercial bank's use and validation of advanced capital measurement approaches. 

   第一百三十九条 银监会依照本办法附件14的规定对商业银行进行评估,根据评估结果决定是否核准商业银行采用资本计量高级方法;并对商业银行资本计量高级方法的使用情况和验证工作进行持续监督检查。
Article 140 Where a commercial bank is unable to continuously satisfy the requirements in these Measures for the application of advanced capital measurement approaches, the CBRC shall have the power to require the commercial bank to make rectification within a prescribed time limit. If the commercial bank fails to meet the requirements within the prescribed time limit, the CBRC shall have the power to cancel the commercial bank's qualification for using advanced capital measurement approaches. 

   第一百四十条 商业银行不能持续达到本办法规定的资本计量高级方法的运用要求,银监会有权要求其限期整改。商业银行在规定期限内未达标,银监会有权取消其采用资本计量高级方法的资格。
Section 2 Supervisory Inspection Procedures 


第二节 监督检查程序

Article 141 The CBRC shall establish a capital supervision mechanism to perform the following duties: 

   第一百四十一条 银监会建立资本监管工作机制,履行以下职责:
(1) Assess the major systemic risks facing the banking sector and offer advice on the Second Pillar capital requirements for certain portfolios; 

(2) Make overall plans on the supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios of commercial banks and coordinate and urge the implementation of supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios of commercial banks; 

(3) Deliberate and decide on the regulatory capital requirements for commercial banks; and 

(4) Accept arguments from commercial banks regarding the results of supervisory inspection on their capital adequacy ratios and ensure the fairness and accuracy of the supervisory inspection process and assessment results. 

Article 142 The CBRC shall implement supervisory inspection on the capital adequacy ratios of commercial banks in the form of off-site supervision and on-site inspection. 

In addition to the routine supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios, the CBRC may conduct ad hoc supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios in light of changes in commercial banks' internal condition or external market environment.
   第一百四十二条 银监会通过非现场监管和现场检查的方式对商业银行资本充足率进行监督检查。

Article 143 Commercial banks shall submit an internal capital adequacy assessment report to the CBRC within four months after the end of each year. 

   第一百四十三条 商业银行应当在年度结束后的四个月内向银监会提交内部资本充足评估报告。
Article 144 The CBRC shall implement supervisory inspection on capital adequacy ratios under the following procedures: 

   第一百四十四条 银监会实施资本充足率监督检查应遵循以下程序:
(1) Examine the internal capital adequacy assessment reports of commercial banks and make capital adequacy ratio inspection plans; 

(2) Conduct on-site inspection on capital adequacy ratios according to the risk assessment standards as set forth in Annex 13 to these Measures; 

(3) Preliminarily determine the regulatory capital requirements for commercial banks according to the inspection results; 

(4) Communicate with the senior management of commercial banks regarding capital adequacy ratio inspections and send written assessment results to the board of directors of commercial banks; and 

(5) Oversee commercial banks' continuous satisfaction of regulatory capital requirements. 

Article 145 A commercial bank may, within 60 days of receiving the assessment results of capital adequacy ratio inspection, submit a written argument to the CBRC. If a commercial bank fails to do so, the commercial bank shall be deemed to have accepted the assessment results. 

A commercial bank which has submitted a written argument shall provide a resolution of the board of directors regarding the written argument, provide a detailed explanation of the grounds for the argument, and submit materials able to prove the sufficiency of such grounds.
   第一百四十五条 商业银行可以在接到资本充足率监督检查评价结果后60日内,以书面形式向银监会提出申辩。在接到评价结果后60日内未进行书面申辩的,将被视为接受评价结果。

Article 146 The CBRC shall accept and examine a commercial bank's written argument and check major relevant issues according to the actual circumstances. 

The CBRC shall make a written reply within 60 days of receiving a commercial bank's written argument to approve or disapprove the argument, with an explanation of reasons for the reply.
   第一百四十六条 银监会受理并审查商业银行提交的书面申辩,视情况对有关问题进行重点核查。

Article 147 Pending the CBRC's examination of a commercial bank's written argument, the commercial bank shall comply with the regulatory capital requirements determined through the capital adequacy ratio supervisory inspection and implement the relevant regulatory measures taken by the CBRC. 

   第一百四十七条 银监会审查商业银行的书面申辩期间,商业银行应当执行资本充足率监督检查所确定的监管资本要求,并落实银监会采取的相关监管措施。
Article 148 Commercial banks shall report their unconsolidated and consolidated capital adequacy ratios to the CBRC. Consolidated capital adequacy ratios shall be reported on a semiannual basis, and unconsolidated capital adequacy ratios shall be reported on a quarterly basis. 

Any especially material matter which has an impact on capital adequacy ratios shall be reported by a commercial bank to the CBRC in a timely manner.
   第一百四十八条 商业银行应当向银监会报告未并表和并表后的资本充足率。并表后的资本充足率每半年报送一次,未并表的资本充足率每季报送一次。

Section 3 Capital Requirements under the Second Pillar 


第三节 第二支柱资本要求

Article 149 For commercial banks which have established an internal capital adequacy assessment process that meets the requirements in these Measures, the CBRC shall determine regulatory capital requirements based on their internal capital assessment results; for commercial banks which have not established an internal capital adequacy assessment process or whose internal capital adequacy assessment processes fail to meet the requirements in these Measures, the CBRC shall determine regulatory capital requirements based on the risk status assessment results of such banks. 

   第一百四十九条 商业银行已建立内部资本充足评估程序且评估程序达到本办法要求的,银监会根据其内部资本评估结果确定监管资本要求;商业银行未建立内部资本充足评估程序,或评估程序未达到本办法要求的,银监会根据对商业银行风险状况的评估结果,确定商业银行的监管资本要求。
Article 150 The CBRC shall have the power to, in light of the operational risk management level and the occurrence of operational risk events of a single commercial bank, raise the regulatory capital requirements for operational risk. 

   第一百五十条 银监会有权根据单家商业银行操作风险管理水平及操作风险事件发生情况,提高操作风险的监管资本要求。
Article 151 The CBRC shall have the power to raise the capital requirements for certain portfolios by adjusting the risk weight, correlation coefficient or effective maturity, including, but not limited to: 

   第一百五十一条 银监会有权通过调整风险权重、相关性系数、有效期限等方法,提高特定资产组合的资本要求,包括但不限于以下内容:
(1) Determining the capital requirements for concentration risk in loans granted through the financing platforms of local governments in light of the cash flow coverage ratio and regional risk difference; 

(2) Determining the capital requirements for mid- and long-term loans via a maturity adjustment factor; 

(3) Determining the capital requirements for loan concentration risk in certain sectors in light of the loan concentration risk status of industries; and 

(4) Raising the capital requirements for individual residential mortgage loans in light of the risk status of individual residential mortgage loans used for purchasing residences not for the purchaser's own use. 

Section 4 Regulatory Measures 


第四节 监管措施

Article 152 The CBRC shall have the power to take regulatory measures against commercial banks which do not meet the regulatory requirements on capital adequacy ratios to urge them to raise their capital adequacy levels. 

   第一百五十二条 银监会有权对资本充足率未达到监管要求的商业银行采取监管措施,督促其提高资本充足水平。
Article 153 Based on capital adequacy status, the CBRC shall divide commercial banks into four grades: 

   第一百五十三条 根据资本充足状况,银监会将商业银行分为四类:
(1) Grade I commercial banks: commercial banks which meet all the capital requirements for capital adequacy ratio, Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, and Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio in these Measures. 

(2) Grade II commercial banks: commercial banks which fail to meet the Second Pillar capital requirements but meet all other capital requirements for capital adequacy ratio, Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, and Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio. 

(3) Grade III commercial banks: commercial banks which meet all the minimum capital requirements but fail to meet other capital requirements for capital adequacy ratio, Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, and Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio. 

(4) Grade IV commercial banks: commercial banks which fail to meet the minimum capital requirement for any of capital adequacy ratio, Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, and Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio. 

Article 154 For a Grade I commercial bank, the CBRC shall support its robust development. To prevent any rapid decrease of the bank's capital adequacy ratios, the CBRC may take the following early warning regulatory measures: 

   第一百五十四条 对第一类商业银行,银监会支持其稳健发展业务。为防止其资本充足率水平快速下降,银监会可以采取下列预警监管措施:
1. Require the commercial bank to strengthen analysis and forecast on reasons for any decrease of capital adequacy ratios; 

2. Require the commercial bank to develop practicable capital adequacy ratio management plans; and 

3. Require the commercial bank to improve its risk control ability. 

Article 155 For a Grade II commercial bank, the CBRC may, in addition to those set forth in Article 154 of these Measures, take the following regulatory measures: 

   第一百五十五条 对第二类商业银行,除本办法第一百五十四条规定的监管措施外,银监会还可以采取下列监管措施:
(1) Hold prudential talks with the board of directors and senior management of the commercial bank; 

(2) Issue a written supervisory opinion, covering: problems existing in the capital management of the commercial bank, corrective measures to be adopted, standards to be met within a prescribed time limit, and other opinions; 

(3) Require the commercial bank to develop practicable capital supplement plans and plans for meeting standards within a prescribed time limit; 

(4) Increase the frequency of supervisory inspection on the capital adequacy of the commercial bank; and 

(5) Require the commercial bank to take risk mitigation measures in specific risk areas. 

Article 156 For a Grade III commercial bank, the CBRC may, in addition to those set forth in Articles 154 and 155 of these Measures, take the following regulatory measures: 

   第一百五十六条 对第三类商业银行,除本办法第一百五十四条、第一百五十五条规定的监管措施外,银监会还可以采取下列监管措施:
(1) Restrict the commercial bank from distributing dividends and other income; 

(2) Restrict the commercial bank from granting any form of incentives to directors and senior managers; 

(3) Restrict the commercial bank from making equity investment or repurchasing capital instruments; 

(4) Restrict the commercial bank's major capital expenditure; or 

(5) Require the commercial bank to control the growth of risk assets. 

Article 157 For a Grade IV commercial bank, the CBRC may, in addition to those set forth in Articles 154, 155 and 156 of these Measures, take the following regulatory measures: 

   第一百五十七条 对第四类商业银行,除本办法第一百五十四条、第一百五十五条和第一百五十六条规定的监管措施外,银监会还可以采取以下监管措施:
(1) Require the commercial bank to significantly downsize risky assets; 

(2) Order the commercial bank to suspend all high-risk asset businesses; 

(3) Restrict or prohibit the commercial bank from establishing new institutions or launching new businesses; 

(4) Mandatorily require the commercial bank to write down Tier 2 capital instruments or convert them into common shares; 

(5) Order the commercial bank to adjust its directors or senior managers or restrict the rights thereof; and 

(6) Legally take over the commercial bank or promote institutional reorganization or even dissolve the commercial bank. 

When handling commercial banks in this grade, the CBRC shall also comprehensively consider external factors and take other necessary measures.

Article 158 Where a commercial bank fails to provide capital adequacy ratio statements or reports according to the requirements of these Measures, fails to disclose information as required, or provides any statement or statistical report that is false or has concealed important facts, the CBRC shall impose an administrative punishment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China. 

   第一百五十八条 商业银行未按本办法规定提供资本充足率报表或报告、未按规定进行信息披露或提供虚假的或者隐瞒重要事实的报表和统计报告的,银监会依据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》的相关规定实施行政处罚。
Article 159 In addition to the above-mentioned regulatory measures, the CBRC may take other regulatory measures in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and departmental rules. 

   第一百五十九条 除上述监管措施外,银监会可依据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》以及相关法律、行政法规和部门规章的规定,采取其它监管措施。
Chapter IX Information Disclosure 


第九章 信息披露

Article 160 Commercial banks shall disclose relevant information to investors and the public through open channels and ensure that information is disclosed in a centralized, accessible and public manner. 

   第一百六十条 商业银行应当通过公开渠道,向投资者和社会公众披露相关信息,确保信息披露的集中性、可访问性和公开性。
Article 161 Capital adequacy ratio information disclosure shall, at a minimum, cover: 

   第一百六十一条 资本充足率的信息披露应至少包括以下内容:
(1) Risk management system: the management objectives, policies, flows and organizational structures for credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk and other material risks and the functions of the relevant departments; 

(2) Calculation coverage of capital adequacy ratios; 

(3) Quantity and composition of capital and the capital adequacy ratio at each tier; 

(4) Measurement approaches for credit risk, market risk and operational risk, material changes in the risk measurement system, and changes in the relevant capital requirements; 

(5) Qualitative and quantitative information on credit risk, market risk, operational risk and other material risk exposures and assessments; 

(6) Internal capital adequacy assessment approaches and other relevant factors affecting capital adequacy ratios; and 

(7) Qualitative information on remuneration and related quantitative information. 

Commercial banks shall fully disclose capital adequacy ratio information according to the requirements of Annex 15 to these Measures.

Article 162 Commercial banks shall ensure the veracity, accuracy and integrity of information disclosed. 

   第一百六十二条 商业银行应当保证披露信息的真实性、准确性和完整性。
Article 163 The information to be disclosed under these Measures shall be the minimum requirements on capital adequacy ratio information disclosure. Commercial banks shall adhere to the principle of full disclosure and adjust the content of disclosure in light of changes in regulatory policies. 

   第一百六十三条 本办法规定的披露内容是资本充足率信息披露的最低要求,商业银行应当遵循充分披露的原则,并根据监管政策变化及时调整披露事项。
Article 164 Commercial banks using advanced capital measurement approaches shall, at a minimum, disclose qualitative information as set forth in these Measures and quantitative information on capital floor, during the parallel run period. 

   第一百六十四条 商业银行采用资本计量高级方法的,并行期内应至少披露本办法规定的定性信息和资本底线的定量信息。
Article 165 Commercial banks are not required to disclose details of proprietary or confidential information but shall make a general disclosure with an explanation of reasons. 

   第一百六十五条 商业银行可以不披露专有信息或保密信息的具体内容,但应进行一般性披露,并解释原因。
Article 166 The information disclosure by commercial banks shall include interim, quarterly, semiannual and annual disclosures. Interim information disclosures shall be made in a timely manner, quarterly and semiannual information disclosures shall be made within 30 working days of the end of each period, and annual information disclosure shall be made within four months of the end of each accounting year. If a commercial bank is unable to disclose information on schedule for special reasons, the commercial bank shall apply to the CBRC for deferred disclosure 15 working days in advance at a minimum. 

   第一百六十六条 商业银行信息披露频率分为临时、季度、半年及年度披露,其中,临时信息应及时披露,季度、半年度信息披露时间为期末后30个工作日内,年度信息披露时间为会计年度终了后四个月内。因特殊原因不能按时披露的,应至少提前15个工作日向银监会申请延迟披露。
Article 167 Commercial banks shall disclose relevant information at the following frequencies: 

   第一百六十七条 商业银行应当分别按照以下频率披露相关信息:
(1) Changes in paid-in capital, common equity or other capital instruments shall be disclosed in a timely manner. 

(2) Net Core Tier 1 capital, net Tier 1 capital, net capital, minimum capital requirements, capital reservation and countercyclical capital requirements, additional capital requirements, Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, capital adequacy ratio, and other material information shall be disclosed on a quarterly basis. 

(3) Calculation coverage of capital adequacy ratios, total credit risk exposures, total amount of past-due and non-performing loans, loan loss reserves, exposure value after mitigation for credit risk portfolios, securitization exposure value, capital charges for market risk, end-of-period risk value and average risk value of market risk, operational risk status, equity investment and profit or loss thereof, interest rate risk in the banking book, and other related material information shall be disclosed on a semiannual basis. 

Article 168 With the approval of the CBRC, after meeting the overall requirements for information disclosure, commercial banks that meet all of the following conditions may appropriately simplify the content of information disclosure: 

   第一百六十八条 经银监会同意,在满足信息披露总体要求的基础上,同时符合以下条件的商业银行可以适当简化信息披露的内容:
(1) Scale of deposits is less than 200 billion yuan. 

(2) They have not been listed inside or outside of China. 

(3) They do not operate business across regions. 

Chapter X Supplementary Provisions 


第十章 附则

Article 169 These Measures shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to rural cooperative banks, village banks, rural credit cooperatives, rural mutual cooperatives, loan companies, enterprise group finance companies, consumer finance companies, financial lease companies, and auto finance companies. Foreign banks' branch offices in China shall measure their risk-weighted RMB assets by reference to the risk weights prescribed by these Measures. 

   第一百六十九条 农村合作银行、村镇银行、农村信用合作社、农村资金互助社、贷款公司、企业集团财务公司、消费金融公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司参照本办法执行。外国银行在华分行参照本办法规定的风险权重计量人民币风险加权资产。
Article 170 For the purposes of these Measures, “advanced capital measurement approaches” includes the IRB approach for credit risk, the internal models approach for market risk and the AMA for operational risk. Commercial banks using advanced capital measurement approaches shall establish a validation system for advanced capital measurement approaches according to Annex 16 to these Measures. 

   第一百七十条 本办法所称的资本计量高级方法包括信用风险内部评级法、市场风险内部模型法和操作风险高级计量法。商业银行采用资本计量高级方法,应当按照本办法附件16的规定建立资本计量高级方法验证体系。
Article 171 The CBRC shall set a parallel run period for commercial banks approved to adopt advanced capital measurement approaches, and the parallel run period shall, at a minimum, last for three years from the end of the year in which a commercial bank is approved to adopt an advanced capital measurement approach. During the parallel run period, a commercial bank shall calculate its capital adequacy ratios in a parallel manner under the advanced capital measurement approaches and other approaches as prescribed in these Measures and observe the capital floor requirements as prescribed in Annex 14 to these Measures. 

The adjustment factors for capital floor in the first, second and third years of the parallel run period are 95%, 90% and 80% respectively.
   第一百七十一条 银监会对获准采用资本计量高级方法的商业银行设立并行期,并行期自获准采用资本计量高级方法当年底开始,至少持续三年。并行期内,商业银行应按照本办法规定的资本计量高级方法和其它方法并行计量资本充足率,并遵守本办法附件14规定的资本底线要求。

During the parallel run period, if the loan loss reserves actually set aside by a commercial bank exceed expected losses, the amount of excess loan loss reserves with a provision coverage ratio lower than 150% that may be included in Tier 2 capital shall not exceed 0.6% of credit risk-weighted assets; the excess loan loss reserves with a provision coverage ratio higher than 150% may be fully included in Tier 2 capital.

Article 172 Commercial banks shall meet the regulatory requirements on capital adequacy ratios as set forth in these Measures before the end of 2018, and where conditions permit, commercial banks are encouraged to meet the requirements ahead of schedule. 

   第一百七十二条 商业银行应在2018年底前达到本办法规定的资本充足率监管要求,鼓励有条件的商业银行提前达标。
Article 173 During the transition period, commercial banks shall develop and implement practicable phase-in plans for meeting the regulatory requirements on capital adequacy ratios, and submit them to the CBRC for approval. The CBRC shall take corresponding regulatory measures according to commercial banks' implementation of their phase-in plans for meeting the regulatory requirements on capital adequacy ratios. 

   第一百七十三条 达标过渡期内,商业银行应当制定并实施切实可行的资本充足率分步达标规划,并报银监会批准。银监会根据商业银行资本充足率达标规划实施情况,采取相应的监管措施。
Article 174 During the transition period, commercial banks shall calculate and disclose consolidated and unconsolidated capital adequacy ratios in accordance with both the Administrative Measures for the Capital Adequacy Ratios of Commercial Banks and these Measures. 

   第一百七十四条 达标过渡期内,商业银行应当同时按照《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》和本办法计量并披露并表和非并表资本充足率。
Article 175 During the transition period, commercial banks may simplify the content of information disclosure but shall, at a minimum, disclose material information on the calculation coverage of capital adequacy ratios, capital and deductions at each tier, capital adequacy levels, credit risk-weighted assets, market risk-weighted assets, operational risk-weighted assets, and remuneration, as well as capital instruments and regulatory reconciliation items eligible for enjoying preferential policies during the transition period. 

   第一百七十五条 达标过渡期内,商业银行可以简化信息披露内容,但应当至少披露资本充足率计算范围、各级资本及扣减项、资本充足率水平、信用风险加权资产、市场风险加权资产、操作风险加权资产和薪酬的重要信息,以及享受过渡期优惠政策的资本工具和监管调整项目。
Article 176 When calculating consolidated capital adequacy ratios, if the amount of capital from minority interest that may be included decreases for differences between new and old measurement rules, the decrease shall be gradually implemented in five years from the day when these Measures come into force. Specifically, 80% shall be added back in the first year, 60% shall be added back in the second year, 40% shall be added back in the third year, 20% should be added back in the fourth year, and nothing shall be added back in the fifth year. 

   第一百七十六条 商业银行计算并表资本充足率,因新旧计量规则差异导致少数股东资本可计入资本的数量下降,减少部分从本办法施行之日起分五年逐步实施,即第一年加回80%,第二年加回60%,第三年加回40%,第四年加回20%,第五年不再加回。
Article 177 These Measures adopt the rating symbols of Standard & Poor's, but do not provide for the selection by commercial banks of external credit rating companies. To use the rating results of external rating companies, commercial banks shall comply with Annex 17 to these Measures and maintain the continuity thereof. 

   第一百七十七条 本办法中采用标准普尔的评级符号,但对商业银行选用外部信用评级公司不做规定;商业银行使用外部评级公司的评级结果应符合本办法附件17的规定,并保持连续性。
Article 178 Annexes 1 through 17 are parts of these Measures. 

   第一百七十八条 附件1、附件2、附件3、附件4、附件5、附件6、附件7、附件8、附件9、附件10、附件11、附件12、附件13、附件14、附件15、附件16、附件17是本办法的组成部分。
1. Annex 1: Criteria for Inclusion of Capital Instruments 

 (一) 附件1:资本工具合格标准。
2. Annex 2: Risk Weights for On-balance Sheet Assets, Credit Conversion Factors for Off-balance Sheet Items and Eligible Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques under the Credit Risk-weighted Approach 

 (二) 附件2:信用风险权重法表内资产风险权重、表外项目信用转换系数及合格信用风险缓释工具。
3. Annex 3: Rules for the Measurement of Risk-weighted Assets under the Internal Rating-based Approach for Credit Risk (Omitted) 

 (三) 附件3:信用风险内部评级法风险加权资产计量规则(略)
4. Annex 4: Standards for the Categorization of Exposures in the Internal Rating-based Approach for Credit Risk 

 (四) 附件4:信用风险内部评级法风险暴露分类标准。
5. Annex 5: Regulatory Requirements for the Internal Rating-based System for Credit Risk (Omitted) 

 (五) 附件5:信用风险内部评级体系监管要求(略)
6. Annex 6: Regulatory Requirements for Risk Mitigation in the Internal Rating-based Approach for Credit Risk (Omitted) 

 (六) 附件6:信用风险内部评级法风险缓释监管要求(略)
7. Annex 7: Rules for the Measurement of Risk-weighted Assets of Specialized Loans 

 (七) 附件7:专业贷款风险加权资产计量规则。
8. Annex 8: Rules for the Measurement of Credit Risk-weighted Assets of Counterparties (Omitted) 

 (八) 附件8:交易对手信用风险加权资产计量规则(略)
9. Annex 9: Rules for the Measurement of Risk-weighted Assets for Securitization (Omitted) 

 (九) 附件9:资产证券化风险加权资产计量规则(略)
10. Annex 10: Measurement Rules for the Standardized Approach for Market Risk 

 (十) 附件10:市场风险标准法计量规则。
11. Annex 11: Regulatory Requirements for the Internal Models Approach for Market Risk 

 (十一) 附件11:市场风险内部模型法监管要求。
12. Annex 12: Regulatory Requirements for the Capital Measurement for Operational Risk 

 (十二) 附件12:操作风险资本计量监管要求。
13. Annex 13: Risk Assessment Standards for Commercial Banks 

 (十三) 附件13:商业银行风险评估标准。
14. Annex 14: Supervisory Inspection on Advanced Capital Measurement Approaches 

 (十四) 附件14:资本计量高级方法监督检查。
15. Annex 15: Information Disclosure Requirements 

 (十五) 附件15:信息披露要求。
16. Annex 16: Requirements for the Validation of Advanced Capital Measurement Approaches 

 (十六) 附件16:资本计量高级方法验证要求。
17. Annex 17: Standards for the Use of External Ratings 

 (十七) 附件17:外部评级使用规范。
Article 179 These Measures shall be subject to interpretation by the CBRC. 

   第一百七十九条 本办法由银监会负责解释。
Article 180 These Measures come into force on January 1, 2013. The Administrative Measures for the Capital Adequacy Ratios of Commercial Banks (issued and implemented by Order No. 2 [2004] of the CBRC and amended according to the Decision on Amending the Administrative Measures for the Capital Adequacy Ratios of Commercial Banks adopted at the 55th chairman's meeting of the CBRC on December 28, 2006), the Guidelines for the Categorization of Banking-Book Credit Risk Exposures of Commercial Banks, the Guidelines for the Supervision of the Internal Rating-based System for Credit Risk of Commercial Banks, the Guidelines on the Measurement of Regulatory Capital for Specialized Loans of Commercial Banks, the Guidelines for the Measurement of Regulatory Capital for Credit Risk Mitigation in Commercial Banks, the Guidelines for the Measurement of Operational Risk Regulatory Capital of Commercial Banks (No. 69 [2008] of the CBRC), the Guidelines for the Capital Adequacy Ratio Information Disclosure by Commercial Banks (No. 97 [2009] of the CBRC), the Guidelines on the Validation of Advanced Capital Measurement Approaches of Commercial Banks (No. 104 [2009] of the CBRC), the Guidelines on the Supervisory Inspection on Capital Adequacy Ratios of Commercial Banks (No. 109 [2009] of the CBRC), the Guidelines for the Measurement of Regulatory Capital for Securitization Exposures of Commercial Banks (No. 116 [2009] of the CBRC), the Regulatory Guidelines on the Internal Models Approach for the Market Risk Capital Measurement of Commercial Banks (No. 13 [2010] of the CBRC) and the Guidelines for Applications for Implementation and Approval of Advanced Capital Measurement Approaches of Commercial Banks (No. 114 [2010] of the CBRC) shall be repealed simultaneously. For discrepancies between these Measures and the relevant administrative rules and regulatory documents issued before these Measures come into force, these Measures shall prevail. 
   第一百八十条 本办法自2013年1月1日起施行。《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》(中国银行业监督管理委员会2004年第2号令颁布实施,根据2006年12月28日中国银行业监督管理委员会第五十五次主席会议《关于修改<商业银行资本充足率管理办法>的决定》修正),《商业银行银行账户信用风险暴露分类指引》、《商业银行信用风险内部评级体系监管指引》、《商业银行专业贷款监管资本计量指引》、《商业银行信用风险缓释监管资本计量指引》、《商业银行操作风险监管资本计量指引》(银监发[2008]69号),《商业银行资本充足率信息披露指引》(银监发[2009]97号),《商业银行资本计量高级方法验证指引》(银监发[2009]104号),《商业银行资本充足率监督检查指引》(银监发[2009]109号),《商业银行资产证券化风险暴露监管资本计量指引》(银监发[2009]116号), 《商业银行市场风险资本计量内部模型法监管指引》(银监发[2010]13号),《商业银行资本计量高级方法实施申请和审批指引》(银监发[2010]114号)同时废止。本办法施行前出台的有关规章及规范性文件如与本办法不一致的,按照本办法执行。附件1:
   一、 核心一级资本工具的合格标准
 2. 银监会认定若不进行公共部门注资或提供同等效力的支持该银行将无法生存。
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