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Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Arbitration of Disputes Over Economic Contracts [Expired]
中华人民共和国经济合同仲裁条例 [失效]




(Promulgated by the State Council on August 22, 1983 No.119[1983] of the State Council)
(一九八三年八月二十二日国务院发布 国发[1983]119号)



第一章 总 则

Article 1. Pursuant to the "Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", the present regulations are hereby formulated to correctly handle disputes over economic contracts, protect the legitimate rights and interests of disputing parties and maintain social and economic order.  第一条 为了正确处理经济合同纠纷,保护当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》的规定,特制定本条例。

Article 2. The State General Administration for Industry and Commerce and the economic contract arbitration boards established by local administrations for industry and commerce are organs of arbitration for economic contracts.  第二条 经济合同仲裁机关是国家工商行政管理局和地方各级工商行政管理局设立的经济合同仲裁委员会。

Article 3. Arbitration organs shall handle cases of disputes over economic contracts within their terms of reference and practise the system of arbitration award being final and conclusive.  第三条 仲裁机关在其职权范围内处理经济合同纠纷案件,实行一次裁决制度。

Article 4. In handling cases of disputes over economic contracts, organs of arbitration uphold the principle of carrying out investigations to find out facts and abide by the laws, administrative regulations and policies of the state. Disputing parties are equals in the application of the law and they ensure of exercising equal rights.  第四条 仲裁机关对受理的经济合同纠纷案件,必须坚持调查研究,查清事实,根据国家的法律、行政法规和政策的规定进行处理。当事人双方在适用法律上一律平等,保障当事人平等地行使权利。

Article 5. In places where minority nationality people live in compact community, languages, oral or written, of local minority people shall be used in mediating, arbitrating and writing mediation documents and arbitration awards. Disputing parties who do not understand local languages commonly in use by local minority nationalities shall be provided with interpreters.  第五条 在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,应当用当地民族通用的语言、文字进行调解、仲裁和制作调解书、仲裁决定书;应当为不通晓当地民族通用语言、文字的当事人提供翻译。

Article 6. Disputing parties should apply for arbitration with the organs of arbitration within one year starting from the date when they get to know or ought to have known that their rights have been encroached upon. But no time limit is imposed on cases where the party which has encroached upon the rights of others is willing to assume liabilities.  第六条 当事人向仲裁机关申请仲裁应从其知道或者应当知道权利被侵害之日起一年内提出,但侵权人愿意承担债务的不受时效限制。

Article 7. Disputing parties or their legal representatives may entrust one or two persons to take action on their behalf.  第七条 当事人、法定代表人可以委托一至二人代为诉讼。委托他人代为诉讼,

In entrusting others to take action, they must present to the arbitration board a power of attorney which should specify matters to be entrusted and their terms of reference.

Article 8. The regulations apply to disputes over economic contracts between legal persons as well as to disputes over economic contracts signed by legal persons with self-employed or rural peasants.  第八条 本条例适用于法人之间的经济合同纠纷,也适用于个体经营户、农村社员同法人之间参照经济合同法签订的经济合同的纠纷。


第二章 管 辖

Article 9. Cases of disputes over economic contracts shall be handled by arbitration organizations in places where the contracts are implemented or signed. If there is difficulty in execution, it may be referred to arbitration organizations in places of the accused.  第九条 经济合同纠纷案件一般由合同履行地或者合同签订地的仲裁机关管辖,执行中有困难的也可以由被诉方所在地的仲裁机关管辖。

Disputes over construction engineering contracts shall be handled by arbitration organizations in places where the project is built.

Disputes over economic contracts arising from the course of transportation by rail, road, water or through transport, shall be handled by arbitration organizations in places where the transportation control organization responsible for handling the cases are located.

Disputes over economic contracts arising from air transport shall be handled by arbitration organizations in places where the contracts are signed, or where the goods are dispatched or the place of destination or where the accidents occur.

Article 10. Disputes over economic contracts shall be handled by arbitration organizations of counties (cities) and city districts, with the exception of the following cases:  第十条 经济合同纠纷案件由县(市)、市辖区仲裁机关管辖,本条下列各项规定的除外:

(1) Cases that have a big influence or involve a sum of over 500,000 to 5 million Yuan shall be handled by arbitration organizations of cities under the direct administration of provinces, or prefectures and autonomous prefectures; (一) 有较大影响或者争议金额五十万元以上至五百万元的经济合同纠纷案件,由省辖市、地区、自治州仲裁机关管辖;

(2) Major economic disputes of great impact or involving a sum of 5 million to 10 million yuan shall be handled by provincial, municipal or autonomous regional arbitration organizations; (二) 有重大影响或者争议金额在五百万元至一千万元的经济合同纠纷案件,由省、直辖市、自治区仲裁机关管辖;

(3) Disputes over economic contracts that will have great impact nationwide or disputes between provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions or between central departments on the one hand and provinces, municipalities or autonomous regions on the other or between central departments and involve a sum of above 10 million yuan shall be handled by the arbitration board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. (三) 在全国范围内有重大影响或者省、市、自治区之间、中央部门与省、市、自治区之间、中央各部门之间争议金额在一千万元以上的经济合同纠纷案件,由国家工商行政管理局的经济合同仲裁机关管辖。

Article 11. Arbitration organizations at a higher level have the right to handle cases within the jurisdiction of arbitration organizations at a lower level and they may also hand over cases within their own jurisdiction down to arbitration organizations at a lower level.  第十一条 上级仲裁机关有权办理下级仲裁机关管辖的案件,也可以把自已管辖的案件交下级仲裁机关办理。

Arbitration organizations at a lower level may submit cases within their jurisdiction to arbitration organizations at a higher level if they deem it necessary.

Article 12. Cases within the jurisdiction of two arbitration organizations may be accepted by the arbitration organization which first received the letter of appeal.  第十二条 两个以上仲裁机关都有管辖权的案件,由先收到申诉书的一方受理。

Arbitration organizations shall not accept cases where one of the disputing parties has applied for arbitration while the other has brought the cases before the law court.

Article 13. Disputes arising from jurisdiction shall be settled through Consultation between disputing parties. Should consultation fail, the cases should be submitted to arbitration organizations at a higher level to decide on jurisdiction.
  第十三条 管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决,协商不成时,报共同上级仲裁机关指定管辖。

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