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Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation (2009 Amendment) [Revised]
上海市市容环境卫生管理条例(2009修正) [已被修订]

Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation 


(Adopted at the 33rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on November 14, 2001; amended for the first time in accordance with the “Decision on the Amendment of the ‘Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation'” adopted at the 3rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on April 24, 2003; amended for the second time in accordance with the “Decision on the Amendment of the ‘Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation'” adopted at the 9th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on February 24, 2009)
(2001年11月14日上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十三次会议通过 根据2003年4月24日上海市第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议《关于修改〈上海市市容环境卫生管理条例〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2009年2月24日以上海市人民代表大会常务委员会公告第10号发布的上海市第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议《关于修改〈上海市市容环境卫生管理条例〉的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 With a view to strengthening the administration of city appearance and environmental sanitation, keeping the city clean, tidy and fine, safeguarding the citizens' physical health, and promoting the socialist ethical and cultural progress, these Regulations are formulated according to relevant laws and administrative regulations and with full consideration to the actual circumstances of this Municipality.   第一条 为了加强市容和环境卫生管理,维护城市整洁、优美,保障市民身体健康,促进社会主义精神文明建设,根据有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

Article 2 These Regulations apply to urbanized areas of this Municipality, including the city proper, new cities, central towns and independent industrial areas, and economic development zones.   第二条 本条例适用于本市中心城、新城、中心镇以及独立工业区、经济开发区等城市化地区。

Article 3 The city appearance and environmental sanitation work of this Municipality follows the principles of combining centralized leadership, multilevel administration, public participation and social supervision.   第三条 本市市容环境卫生工作实行统一领导、分级管理、公众参与、社会监督相结合的原则。

Article 4 The municipal city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department is the competent authority of Shanghai's city appearance and environmental sanitation work, responsible for organizing the implementation of these Regulations.   第四条 市市容环境卫生管理部门主管本市市容环境卫生工作,负责本条例的组织实施。

The district/county administrative departments of city appearance and environmental sanitation are, under the leadership of corresponding people's government, responsible for the administration of the city appearance and environmental sanitation within their respective jurisdictions.

Sub-district offices and town people's governments are responsible for the administration of the city appearance and environmental sanitation within their respective jurisdictions,making coordination, supervision and examination on the work of city appearance and environmental sanitation in their respective areas, and urging units and individuals to perform their obligations to maintain city appearance and environmental sanitation.

The municipal and district/county city administrative enforcement department (hereinafter referred to as the CAED) shall, according to law, impose administrative punishment on violations of provisions on city appearance and environmental sanitation set out in these Regulations.

The other relevant administrative departments of this Municipality shall, according to their respective functions and duties, coordinate in implementing these Regulations.

This Municipality advocates and encourages the neighborhood committee to organize for residents to make a joint pledge of maintenance of city appearance and environmental sanitation, and mobilize residents to participate in activities of treating city appearance and environmental sanitation so as to create an orderly, beautiful and civilized ambience.

Article 5 The municipal, and district/county people's governments shall incorporate the city appearance and environmental sanitation undertakings in the national economy and social development plan, perfect the city appearance and environmental sanitation facilities, provide public services of city appearance and environmental sanitation, and provide the funds needed for construction of city appearance and environmental sanitation undertakings.   第五条 市和区(县)人民政府应当将市容环境卫生事业纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,完善市容环境卫生设施,提供市容环境卫生公共服务,保障市容环境卫生事业建设需要的经费。

Article 6 The municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation shall, according to the needs of Shanghai's city appearance and environmental sanitation undertakings development, organize the preparation of the specialized planning of the city appearance and environmental sanitation, which shall be brought to the city's overall planning after the municipal planning administration makes a comprehensive balance.   第六条 市市容环境卫生管理部门应当根据本市市容环境卫生事业发展需要,组织编制市容环境卫生专业规划,经市规划管理部门综合平衡后纳入城市总体规划。

Article 7 The Municipality encourages and supports the scientific and technical research of city appearance and environmental sanitation and the popularization and application of advanced technologies to raise the level of city appearance and environmental sanitation.   第七条 本市鼓励、支持市容环境卫生的科学技术研究,推广、运用先进技术,提高市容环境卫生水平。

Article 8 All units and individual persons have the right to enjoy good city appearance and environmental sanitation and the duty to maintain the city appearance and environmental sanitation.   第八条 任何单位和个人都有享受良好市容和卫生环境的权利,同时负有维护市容和环境卫生的义务。

Article 9 The municipal, and district/county administrative departments of city appearance and environmental sanitation and administrative departments of culture, radio, television and film, press and publication, education and health, and operation and management units of public places such as airports, stations, wharves and tourist spots, shall strengthen the publicity education of city appearance and environmental sanitation to enhance the citizens' awareness of maintaining good city appearance and environmental sanitation.   第九条 市和区(县)市容环境卫生管理部门和文化广播影视、新闻出版、教育、卫生等行政管理部门,以及机场、车站、码头、旅游景点等公共场所的经营或者管理单位,应当加强市容环境卫生的宣传教育,增强市民维护市容环境卫生的意识。

The Municipality's radio, television, press and outdoor advertisements shall have public-interest publicity contents of city appearance and environmental sanitation.

Chapter II System of Responsibility Zones of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation 

第二章 市容环境卫生责任区制度

Article 10 This Municipality adopts the system of responsibility zones of city appearance and environmental sanitation. Units and individual persons concerned shall, according to the provisions of these Regulations, do a good job of maintaining city appearance and environmental sanitation within their respective responsibility zones.   第十条 本市实行市容环境卫生责任区制度。有关单位和个人应当按照本条例的规定,做好责任区内的市容环境卫生工作。

Article 11 The scope of a city appearance and environmental sanitation responsibility zone refers to buildings, structures or other facilities, places and the area within a certain range that are owned, used or managed by relevant units and individual persons.   第十一条 市容环境卫生责任区范围是指有关单位和个人所有、使用或者管理的建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施、场所及其一定范围内的区域。

The specific scope of city appearance and environmental sanitation shall be divided and determined by the municipal or district/county administrative departments of city appearance and environmental sanitation according to the standard published by the municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation.

Article 12 Persons-in-charge of the city appearance and environmental sanitation responsibility zones shall be determined according to the following provisions:   第十二条 市容环境卫生责任区的责任人按照下列规定确定:

(1) residential areas under property management shall be in the charge of the property management enterprise; the residential areas that are not under property management shall be in the charge of neighborhood committee; (一)实行物业管理的居住区,由物业管理企业负责,未实行物业管理的居住区,由居民委员会负责;

(2) waters and sluices along rivers shall be in the charge of the using or administering units of the bank lines and sluices; (二)河道的沿岸水域、水闸,由岸线、水闸的使用或者管理单位负责;

(3) subways, light railways, tunnels, elevated highways, highways and railways shall be in the charge of the operating and managing units; (三)地铁、轻轨、隧道、高架道路、公路、铁路,由经营、管理单位负责;

(4) public places such as cultural, sports, entertainment and sightseeing sites, parks, public greenery lands, airports, stations and wharves shall be in the charge of the operating and managing units; (四)文化、体育、娱乐、游览、公园、公共绿地、机场、车站、码头等公共场所,由经营、管理单位负责;

(5) fairs, trade markets, exhibition sales sites, bazaars, restaurants shall be in the charge of the operating and managing units; (五)集市贸易市场、展览展销场所、商场、饭店等场所,由经营、管理单位负责;

(6) peripheral areas of organs, mass organizations, schools, troops, enterprises, and institutions shall be in the charge of units concerned; (六)机关、团体、学校、部队、企事业等单位周边区域,由相关单位负责;

(7) construction sites shall be in the charge of the construction units, and land plots to be constructed in the charge of proprietors; and (七)施工工地由施工单位负责,待建地块由业主负责;

(8) the public sections in bonded zones, science areas, independent industrial zones and economic development zones shall be in the charge of the administering units. (八)保税区、科学园区、独立工业区和经济开发区内的公共区域,由管理单位负责。

The persons in charge of areas with unclear responsibility according to the preceding clause shall be determined by the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the local district /county.

In the mix of urban and rural areas or on the border areas of administrative jurisdictions where the responsibility is unclear and where there are disputes about the determination of persons-in-charge, the municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation will make the determination.

Article 13 The responsibility requirements of city appearance and environmental sanitation responsibility zones are:   第十三条 市容环境卫生责任区的责任要求是:

(1) keep the city appearance clean and tidy, without any unauthorized stalls, additions, posters, graffiti or scribbles and hangings and heaps; (一)保持市容整洁,无乱设摊、乱搭建、乱张贴、乱涂写、乱刻画、乱吊挂、乱堆放等行为;

(2) keep environment sanitation clean and tidy, without exposed garbage, excrement and sewage, without smudge, dregs and breeding grounds of mosquitoes and flies; and (二)保持环境卫生整洁,无暴露垃圾、粪便、污水,无污迹,无渣土,无蚊蝇孳生地;

(3) set up environmental sanitation facilities as required and keep such facilities clean, tidy, complete and in good condition. (三)按照规定设置环境卫生设施,并保持其整洁、完好。

The persons-in-charge of city appearance and environmental sanitation have the right to stop any violation of the city appearance and environmental sanitation management rules in responsibility zones, and have the right to request the municipal or district/county administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation and the CAED to mete out treatment.

The persons with responsibility for city appearance and environmental sanitation failing to perform their duties will be ordered to correct by the CAED; those who refuse to correct will be given warnings and may be fined between not less than 50 yuan and not more than 500 yuan, or the chief persons directly responsible will be dealt with by their superior authorities at the request of the CAED.

Article 14 The municipal or district/county administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation will notify in writing the persons with responsibility for the specific scope and the duties arising under the city appearance and environmental sanitation responsibility zones.   第十四条 市容环境卫生责任区的具体范围和责任要求,由市或者区(县)市容环境卫生管理部门书面告知责任人。

Article 15 The city appearance and environmental sanitation in urban public areas such as urban roads, bridges, underground passages, public squares and public waters shall be in the charge of the municipal or district/county administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation; the city appearance and environmental sanitation in streets, lanes and neighborhoods shall be in the charge of sub-district offices or town people's governments; the city appearance and environmental sanitation of public toilets, garbage transfer stations and other environmental sanitation facilities shall be in the charge of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative departments or the units entrusted by such administrative departments.   第十五条 城市道路、桥梁、地下通道、公共广场、公共水域等城市公共区域的市容和环境卫生,由市或者区(县)市容环境卫生管理部门负责;街巷、里弄的市容和环境卫生,由街道办事处或者镇人民政府负责;公共厕所、垃圾转运站及其他环境卫生公共设施的市容和环境卫生,由市容环境卫生管理部门或者其委托的单位负责。

Article 16 The city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative departments shall strengthen the supervision of the city appearance and environmental sanitation in the responsibility zones and regularly organize the inspection.   第十六条 市容环境卫生管理部门应当加强对责任区市容环境卫生的监督,并定期组织检查。

Chapter III Administration of City Appearance 

第三章 市容管理

Article 17 The municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation shall, along with relevant departments, according to the State's urban appearance standards, and in line with the Municipality's actual circumstances, draw up the Municipality's urban appearance standard, submit it to the municipal people's government and, after approval, publish it for implementation.   第十七条 市市容环境卫生管理部门应当会同有关部门,根据国家的城市容貌标准,结合本市实际情况,制订本市的城市容貌标准,报市人民政府批准后公布实施。

The Municipality's urban appearance standard shall include requirements for building landscape, public facilities, environmental sanitation, public parks and greening, advertisements and signs, and public places.

Article 18 Buildings, structures and other facilities shall be kept clean, tidy, complete, beautiful and in harmony with the surroundings.   第十八条 建筑物、构筑物和其他设施应当保持整洁、完好、美观,并与周围环境相协调。

The buildings, structures and other facilities along both sides of the Municipality's main roads and in landscaping areas shall have their fa?ades kept tidy and in good condition, and regularly cleaned or whitewashed according to the provisions of the Municipal People's Government; any fa?ade damaged shall be restored. Any violation of the provision shall be ordered to make corrections by the CAED. In case of refusal, the cleaning, whitewashing or restoration shall be done by others at the expenses of the owners or provided liable party of the buildings, structures and other facilities.

Article 19 The municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation shall, jointly with relevant departments, draw up this Municipality's landscape lighting plan, submit it to the Municipal People's Government, and have it implemented upon approval. The buildings, structures and other facilities in the landscape lighting planning area shall set up landscape lighting according to planning and relevant technical norms of landscape lighting. The landscape lighting planning and technical norms shall be published to the society.   第十九条 市市容环境卫生管理部门应当会同有关部门组织编制本市景观灯光设施规划,报市人民政府批准后实施。本市景观灯光设施规划区域内的建筑物、构筑物和其他设施,应当按照景观灯光设施规划和有关技术规范设置景观灯光设施。景观灯光设施规划和技术规范应当向社会公布。

Any installation of landscape lighting that does not conform with planning or relevant technical norms shall be ordered to make corrections within the prescribed time limit by the CAED; in case of refusal to make correction within the prescribed time limit, the lighting that does not conform with planning may be demolished by enforcement; the lighting that does not conform with relevant technical norms may have its use stopped by enforcement, and a fine of between not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan shall be cumulatively imposed.

The owners, users and managers of landscaping lights facilities shall keep such facilities in good condition and switch on the landscaping lights facilities according to the time provided by the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department. Any violator of the provision shall be ordered to correct by the CAED. Refusal to correct shall be subject to a fine of between not less than 300 yuan but not more than 3,000 yuan.

Article 20 Outdoor advertising facilities shall be set up according to outdoor advertising facilities installation planning and relevant technical norms. The municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation shall, jointly with relevant departments, draw up this Municipality's outdoor advertising facilities installation planning, submit it to the Municipal People's Government, and have it implemented upon approval. The outdoor advertising facilities installation planning and technical norms shall be published to the society.   第二十条 户外广告设施设置应当符合户外广告设施设置规划和有关技术规范。市市容环境卫生管理部门应当会同有关部门编制户外广告设施设置规划,经市人民政府批准后实施;户外广告设施设置规划和技术规范应当向社会公布。

Outdoor advertisements and non-advertising neons, slogans, signboards, placards, electronic displays, light-boxes, galleries, plastic objects, and other outdoor facilities (hereinafter jointly referred to as outdoor facilities) shall be set up according to the approved requirements. Any installation of outdoor facilities in violation of the provisions shall be ordered to be rebuilt or dismantled within the prescribed time limit by the CAED, or other relevant administrative departments. Such facilities, if not rebuilt or dismantled within the prescribed time limit, shall be dismantled by enforcement, and the person who set up the outdoor advertising facilities shall be imposed a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan, and the person who set up other outdoor facilities shall be imposed a fine of between not less than 500 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan.

Any one that sets up outdoor facilities shall conduct daily maintenance of such facilities and timely renovation of the incomplete, dirty, corroded or obsolete patterns, wording and light display, if any. Any violator of the provisions shall be ordered to make corrections within the prescribed time limit by the CAED. The violator that refuses to make corrections shall be imposed a fine of between not less than 50 yuan but not more than 500 yuan.

Any one that sets up outdoor facilities shall strengthen daily management, timely repair or dismantle any facilities with hidden perils or without any value of use, and during the period of spring tide, typhoon or rainstorm, shall strengthen the safety check on outdoor facilities. The CAED shall order the installer to renovate or dismantle within the prescribed time limit the outdoor facilities with hidden perils or without any value of use. Such facilities not dismantled within the prescribed time limit shall be dismantled by enforcement by the CAED.

The relevant department that makes adjustment on the approved installation of outdoor advertisements due to public interests shall inform the installer of outdoor advertising facilities in advance, and shall compensate the installer for the loss resulted from the adjustment of outdoor advertisements facilities.

Article 21 Newly-completed buildings along both sides of the Municipality's roads shall have enclosures, railings, green fences, flower beds or lawns that offer whole or partial views as required by the planning on the street-side as the boundary. Violators of the provision will be ordered by the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department to reconstruct or remove within a time limit.   第二十一条 本市道路两侧新建的建筑物临街一侧,应当按照规划的要求选用透景、半透景的围墙、栅栏或者绿篱、花坛(池)、草坪等作为分界。违反规定的,由市容环境卫生管理部门责令限期改建或者拆除。

The existing street-side enclosures of buildings along both sides of the Municipality's roads that do not meet the requirements of the preceding clause shall be rebuilt according to the planning or relevant provisions.

The inside and outside environment of enclosures that offer a whole view shall be kept clean, tidy and beautiful.

Article 22 The buildings along both sides of the Municipality's main roads, if having their enclosing compound walls removed to make way for shops or having their storefronts decorated or renovated, shall conform to the urban appearance standard.   第二十二条 本市主要道路两侧和景观区域的建筑物破墙开店或者进行其他门面装修、改建的,应当符合城市容貌标准。

Article 23 No unit or individual person is allowed to put up temporary buildings, structures or other facilities that affect city appearance and environmental sanitation along both sides of roads or in other public places.   第二十三条 任何单位和个人不得在道路两侧和其他公共场所搭建影响市容环境卫生的临时建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施。

Those who put up temporary buildings, structures or other facilities due to special needs of construction and with approval shall keep the surrounding city appearance and environmental sanitation clean and tidy. Violators of the provision shall be ordered to correct within a time limit by the CAED and may be fined between not less than 50 yuan and not more than 500 yuan.

Article 24 No unit or individual person shall post or hang publicity materials or slogans on trees, buildings, structures or other facilities. Any one who needs to temporarily post or hang publicity materials or slogans on trees, buildings, structures or other facilities due to special cases shall obtain approval from the municipal administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation, and shall do such things within the prescribed time limit and the scope, and remove them at the expiration in a timely manner. Every sub-district office and town/township people's government shall choose appropriate places to set up public billboard, and take charge of the daily management. Sporadic posters shall be posted up in the fixed public billboard.   第二十四条 任何单位和个人不得擅自在树木和建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施上张贴、悬挂宣传品或者标语。因特殊情况需要在建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施上临时张贴、悬挂宣传品或者标语的,应当经市容环境卫生管理部门批准,在规定的时间和范围内张贴或者悬挂,并在期满后及时清除。街道办事处和镇人民政府应当选择适当地点设置公共招贴栏,并负责日常管理。零星招贴物应当张贴于公共招贴栏中。

No carving or scribbling shall be done on trees, buildings, structures or other facilities.

Any violator of the provisions shall remove such things within the prescribed time limit by order of the CAED. In case of refusal, such things shall be removed by others at the expenses of the violator, and a fine of between not less than 50 yuan but not more than 500 yuan shall be cumulatively imposed. Among others, any one who uses or organizes posting, carving, scribbling, hanging or other forms to release publicity materials or slogans may be imposed a fine of between not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan.

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