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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Trial of Criminal Cases on Endangering Work Safety [Effective]
最高人民法院印发《关于进一步加强危害生产安全刑事案件审判工作的意见》的通知 [现行有效]


Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Trial of Criminal Cases on Endangering Work Safety 


(No. 20 [2011] of the Supreme People's Court)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the People's Liberation Army; and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region:

The Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Further Strengthening the Trial of Criminal Cases on Endangering Work Safety are hereby issued for your diligent compliance and implementation. Please report implementation problems encountered to the Supreme People's Court in a timely manner.

December 30, 2011

Opinions on Further Strengthening the Trial of Criminal Cases on Endangering Work Safety

For the purposes of legally punishing crimes on endangering work safety, promoting the continuous stabilization and improvement of the work safety situations of the state as a whole, and protecting the safety of people's lives and property, we hereby formulate the following opinions to further strengthen the trial of criminal cases on endangering work safety.

I. Paying close attention to the trial of criminal cases on endangering work safety   一、高度重视危害生产安全刑事案件审判工作

1. We shall bring the role of criminal trials into full play. It is a necessary demand that the people's court serve the overall situation and implement the people's justice so as to legally punish the crimes on endangering work safety. Work safety concerns the lives and property of the people, and the centerpiece of reform, development, and stability of the society. At present, the national work safety situation, as a whole, exhibits a stable and continuously improving development trend. However, the situation is still severe and the foundation for work safety in enterprises is still weak; the phenomena of illegal production and neglect of work safety are still prominent; major and serious work safety accidents occur now and then, and such accidents are on the rise in some regions and industries. Some major and serious work safety accidents have attracted the concern of the whole country. If not handled properly, relevant cases will fail to play their due role to warn, will be unfavorable to the prevention of work safety accidents, will damage the image of the Party and the state, and affect social harmony and stability. The people's courts at all levels shall, from the elevated perspective of politics and the overall situation, fully comprehend the great significance of the trials of criminal cases on endangering work safety, effectively strengthen the sense of responsibility, actively and steadily hear relevant cases in strict accordance with the law, give further play to the active role of criminal trials in creating a sound work safety environment and promoting stable and rapid economic development. 1、充分发挥刑事审判职能作用,依法惩治危害生产安全犯罪,是人民法院为大局服务、为人民司法的必然要求。安全生产关系到人民群众生命财产安全,事关改革、发展和稳定的大局。当前,全国安全生产状况呈现总体稳定、持续好转的发展态势,但形势依然严峻,企业安全生产基础依然薄弱;非法、违法生产,忽视生产安全的现象仍然十分突出;重特大生产安全责任事故时有发生,个别地方和行业重特大责任事故上升。一些重特大生产安全责任事故举国关注,相关案件处理不好,不仅起不到应有的警示作用,不利于生产安全责任事故的防范,也损害党和国家形象,影响社会和谐稳定。各级人民法院要从政治和全局的高度,充分认识审理好危害生产安全刑事案件的重要意义,切实增强工作责任感,严格依法、积极稳妥地审理相关案件,进一步发挥刑事审判工作在创造良好安全生产环境、促进经济平稳较快发展方面的积极作用。

2. We shall take effective measures to solve existing problems and effectively strengthen the trial of criminal cases on endangering work safety. In recent years, the people's courts at all levels have been trying criminal cases on endangering work safety according to law, with criminals who seriously endangered work safety and those committing malfeasance sanctioned. This has played an active role in maintaining the work safety situation of the state. In 2010, the Ministry of Supervision and the State Administration of Work Safety, together with the Supreme People's Court, carried out a designated examination on the implementation of the accountability for major and serious work safety accidents in certain provinces and cities. On the basis of the examination results, the overall situation of the trials is sound. However, in terms of the application of law or the implementation of the principle of tempering strict justice with mercy, there are still problems in some cases, which requires effective and enhanced guidance. The people's courts at all levels shall attach great importance to the trials and ensure sound legal and social effects regarding relevant criminal trials. 2、采取有力措施解决存在的问题,切实加强危害生产安全刑事案件审判工作。近年来,各级人民法院依法审理危害生产安全刑事案件,一批严重危害生产安全的犯罪分子及相关职务犯罪分子受到法律制裁,对全国安全生产形势持续稳定好转发挥了积极促进作用。2010年,监察部、国家安全生产监督管理总局会同最高人民法院等部门对部分省市重特大生产安全事故责任追究落实情况开展了专项检查。从检查的情况来看,审判工作总体情况是好的,但仍有个别案件在法律适用或者宽严相济刑事政策具体把握上存在问题,需要切实加强指导。各级人民法院要高度重视,确保相关案件审判工作取得良好的法律效果和社会效果。

II Principles for the trial of criminal cases on endangering work safety   二、危害生产安全刑事案件审判工作的原则

3. We shall hear criminal cases on endangering work safety in strict accordance with law and severely punish criminals. We shall continue to hear criminal cases on seriously endangering work safety, especially those involving malfeasance, in strict accordance with the law, and severely punish criminals. We shall conclude the cases that attract extensive attention from the general public and that cause strong public complaints in a timely manner so as to respond to social concerns and maintain social harmony and stability. 3、严格依法,从严惩处。对严重危害生产安全犯罪,尤其是相关职务犯罪,必须始终坚持严格依法、从严惩处。对于人民群众广泛关注、社会反映强烈的案件要及时审结,回应人民群众关切,维护社会和谐稳定。

4. We shall differentiate responsibilities and realize balanced sentencing. The crimes of endangering work safety usually involve many people and have complicated criminal actors, including the personnel directly engaging in production and operations, the persons in charge, managers, actual controllers, and investors responsible for organizing, instructing, and managing production and operations, and the state officials who commit malfeasance crimes. As for the punishment of relevant persons in charge, we shall take all case circumstances into full consideration on the basis of the causes of the accidents, and the consequences, duties, and faults, correctly clarify respective functions, and ensure that the severity of the penalty is consistent with the crime committed and the criminal liability assumed. 4、区分责任,均衡量刑。危害生产安全犯罪,往往涉案人员较多,犯罪主体复杂,既包括直接从事生产、作业的人员,也包括对生产、作业负有组织、指挥或者管理职责的负责人、管理人员、实际控制人、投资人等,有的还涉及国家机关工作人员渎职犯罪。对相关责任人的处理,要根据事故原因、危害后果、主体职责、过错大小等因素,综合考虑全案,正确划分责任,做到罪责刑相适应。

5. We shall respect the will of all responsible parties and guarantee justice. When hearing a case on endangering work safety we shall strictly implement, for all liable parties, the criminal law principle of equality of all people before the law and ensure the fair application of punishments and sound adjudication. 5、主体平等,确保公正。审理危害生产安全刑事案件,对于所有责任主体,都必须严格落实法律面前人人平等的刑法原则,确保刑罚适用公正,确保裁判效果良好。

III. Properly determining liability   三、正确确定责任

6. In the trial of criminal cases on endangering work safety, the causes of accidents, amount of losses, and division of liability determined upon examination by the government or the relevant functional department according to law may, upon re-examination in court and based on other evidence, serve as the basis for determining liabilities. 6、审理危害生产安全刑事案件,政府或相关职能部门依法对事故原因、损失大小、责任划分作出的调查认定,经庭审质证后,结合其他证据,可作为责任认定的依据。

7. We shall determine whether relevant personnel have violated the relevant provisions on safety management according to relevant laws and administrative regulations and by referring to local regulations, rules, national standards, and industry rules, and, when necessary, the conventions accepted by the general public and the bylaws and operating procedures of work safety as formulated by entities engaging in production and operations. 7、认定相关人员是否违反有关安全管理规定,应当根据相关法律、行政法规,参照地方性法规、规章及国家标准、行业标准,必要时可参考公认的惯例和生产经营单位制定的安全生产规章制度、操作规程。

8. Where multiple acts result in a work safety accident, we shall, when differentiating direct causes from indirect ones, according to the role of such acts in causing the accident, clarify primary reasons and secondary ones, determine major liabilities and secondary ones, and properly make a conviction. 8、多个原因行为导致生产安全事故发生的,在区分直接原因与间接原因的同时,应当根据原因行为在引发事故中所具作用的大小,分清主要原因与次要原因,确认主要责任和次要责任,合理确定罪责。

Where a person in charge, manager, actual controller, and an investor responsible for organization, instruction or administration has violated the provisions on the administration of work safety, and played a decisive or key role in a serious work safety accident, he shall assume primary liability.

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