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Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Strengthening and Improving the Criminal Protest Work [Effective]
最高人民检察院关于加强和改进刑事抗诉工作的意见 [现行有效]

Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Strengthening and Improving the Criminal Protest Work 


(No. 29 [2014] of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on November 26, 2014) (2014年11月26日 高检发诉字[2014]29号)

To promote judicial justice, ensure uniform and proper law enforcement, strengthen legal supervision of procuratorial authorities, and improve the level of the criminal protest work, in accordance with legal provisions and in light of the actual circumstances of procuratorial work, the opinions on strengthening and improving the criminal protest work of people's procuratorates are hereby offered as follows: 为促进司法公正,保证法律统一正确实施,强化检察机关法律监督,提升刑事抗诉工作水平,根据法律规定,结合检察工作实际,现就加强和改进人民检察院刑事抗诉工作提出以下意见。
I. Basic Requirements for the Criminal Protest Work 一、刑事抗诉工作的基本要求
1. Criminal protest is an important authority endowed by law to procuratorial authorities. Correcting an erroneous judgment through criminal protest and effectively maintaining judicial justice are important embodiments for people's procuratorates' performance of their legal supervision functions. To comprehensively strengthen and improve the criminal protest work is of great significance in maintaining judicial justice, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of litigants, achieving social equality and justice, promoting social harmony and stability, and establishing and maintaining the legal authority. 1.刑事抗诉是法律赋予检察机关的重要职权。通过刑事抗诉纠正确有错误的裁判,切实维护司法公正,是人民检察院履行法律监督职能的重要体现。全面加强和改进刑事抗诉工作,对于维护司法公正,保护诉讼当事人合法权益,实现社会公平正义,促进社会和谐稳定,树立和维护法治权威具有重要意义。
2. Basic requirements for the criminal protest work are as follows: 2.对刑事抗诉工作的基本要求是:
-Being in conformity with the law. Procuratorial authorities shall, in strict accordance with legal provisions, carry out the criminal protest work in an independent and impartial manner, be free from any interference, and prevent any abuse of the authority to protest or delayed exercise of the authority to protest. --依法。严格依照法律规定独立公正开展刑事抗诉工作,不受任何干预,防止滥用抗诉权或者怠于行使抗诉权。
-Being accurate. The case-handling quality is the lifeline of the criminal protest work. Procuratorial authorities shall conduct a refined examination of case facts, evidence, and application of law, and comprehensively comprehend and accurately grasp the conditions and standards for criminal protest, so as to ensure the handling quality of criminal protest cases. --准确。案件质量是刑事抗诉工作的生命线。要精细化审 查案件事实、证据和法律适用,全面理解、准确把握刑事抗诉的条件和标准,确保刑事抗诉案件质量。
-Wasting no time. Procuratorial authorities shall enhance their time consciousness, strictly abide by the provisions on the time limit for handling criminal protest cases and for a case meeting the protest conditions and standards, lodge a protest in a timely manner, so as to improve the work efficiency. --及时。增强时限意识,严格遵守办理刑事抗诉案件期限的规定,对符合抗诉条件和标准的案件,及时提出抗诉,提高工作效率。
-Being effective. Procuratorial authorities shall, by centering on the overall objectives in economic and social development, pay attention to social hotspots, respond to public concerns, highlight supervision priorities, strengthen contradiction resolution, lay emphasis on the specific application of criminal policies in the protest work, and realize the unification of legal effects and social effects of the protest work. --有效。围绕经济社会发展大局,关注社会热点,回应公众关切,突出监督重点,加强矛盾化解,注重刑事政策在抗诉工作中的具体运用,实现抗诉工作法律效果和社会效果的统一。
II. Circumstances of Criminal Protest 二、刑事抗诉的情形
3. Where the criminal judgment or ruling rendered by the people's court is erroneous in fact-finding, causing obvious impropriety in conviction or sentencing, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest: 3.人民法院刑事判决、裁定在认定事实方面确有下列错误,导致定罪或者量刑明显不当的,人民检察院应当提出抗诉和支持抗诉:
(1) The facts found in the criminal judgment or ruling are inconsistent with the facts proved by evidence. (1)刑事判决、裁定认定的事实与证据证明的事实不一致的;
(2) The facts found are contradictory to the judgment conclusions. (2)认定的事实与裁判结论有矛盾的;
(3) There is new evidence proving that the facts found in the original judgment or ruling are erroneous. (3)有新的证据证明原判决、裁定认定的事实确有错误的。
4. Where there is any of the following errors in the criminal judgment or ruling rendered by the people's court in terms of evidence admission, causing any obvious impropriety in conviction or sentencing, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest: 4.人民法院刑事判决、裁定在采信证据方面确有下列错误,导致定罪或者量刑明显不当的,人民检察院应当提出抗诉和支持抗诉:
(1) The evidence based on which case facts are determined in the criminal judgment or ruling is untrue. (1)刑事判决、裁定据以认定案件事实的证据不确实的;
(2) The evidence based on which a verdict is made is insufficient to determine the case facts or there is lack of necessary connection between the case facts proved by the evidence and the judgment conclusions. (2)据以定案的证据不足以认定案件事实,或者所证明的案 件事实与裁判结论之间缺乏必然联系的;
(3) The evidence based on which a verdict is made fails to be precluded where such evidence should be precluded. (3)据以定案的证据依法应当予以排除而未被排除的;
(4) The evidence that should not be precluded is precluded or not admitted as illegal evidence. (4)不应当排除的证据作为非法证据被排除或者不予采信的;
(5) There is contradiction between primary evidence based on which a verdict is made and reasonable doubts fail to be excluded. (5 )据以定案的主要证据之间存在矛盾,无法排除合理怀疑的;
(6) The people's court fails to admit other evidence that is legally collected and is legitimate and valid upon cross-examination in court due to the defendant's denial of confession or the witness's modification of statements, and pronounces the defendant not guilty or modifies the fact-finding. (6)因被告人翻供、证人改变证言而不釆纳依法收集并经庭 审质证为合法、有效的其他证据,判决无罪或者改变事实认定的;
(7) It is found upon examination that the criminal facts are clear and the evidence is true and sufficient; however, the people's court pronounces the defendant not guilty or modifies the fact-finding on the ground of evidence insufficiency. (7)经审查犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分,人民法院以证据不足为由判决无罪或者改变事实认定的。
5. Where there is any of the following errors in the criminal judgment or ruling rendered by the people's court in terms of application of law, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest: 5.人民法院刑事判决、裁定在适用法律方面确有下列错误的,人民检察院应当提出抗诉和支持抗诉:
(1) The conviction is erroneous, namely, there is an error in judging case facts, including the following circumstances: the people's court acquits a guilty person and convicts an innocent person; and confuses the boundary between this crime and that crime and between a single crime and plural crimes, causing the incompatibility between the crime and the punishment or giving rise to significant adverse impacts in the judicial practice. (1)定罪错误,即对案件事实进行评判时发生错误。主要包括:有罪判无罪,无罪判有罪;混淆此罪与彼罪、一罪与数罪的界限,造成罪刑不相适应,或者在司法实践中产生重大不良影响的;
(2) The sentencing is erroneous, namely, there is incompatibility between the applied punishment and the criminal facts, nature, circumstances, and extent of social harm. For example, a serious crime is degraded or a heavier punishment is given to a light crime, causing the obvious improper sentencing. It mainly includes the following circumstances: the people's court gives a punishment by exceeding the statutory sentencing range where there is no statutory sentencing circumstance; the determination or application of statutory sentencing circumstances is erroneous, causing the failure to give a punishment within the statutory sentencing range or causing obviously inappropriate sentencing; the sentencing of each defendant in the joint crime is obviously incompatible with or unbalanced with his or her position or role played in the joint crime; the type of primary punishment applied is erroneous; the type of accessory punishment applied is erroneous; the exemption from criminal punishment or probation applied is erroneous; and the criminal injunction or commutation restriction applied is erroneous. (2)量刑错误,即适用刑罚与犯罪的事实、性质、情节和社会危害程度不相适应,重罪轻判或者轻罪重判,导致量刑明显不当。主要包括:不具有法定量刑情节而超出法定刑幅度量刑;认定或者适用法定量刑情节错误,导致未在法定刑幅度内量刑或者量刑明显不当;共同犯罪案件中各被告人量刑与其在共同犯罪中的地位、作用明显不相适应或者不均衡;适用主刑刑种错误;适用附加刑错误;适用免予刑事处罚、缓刑错误;适用刑事禁止令、限制减刑错误的。
6. Where, in the process of trial, the people's court falls under any of the following circumstances that seriously violate the legal proceedings, which is likely to affect fair judgment, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest: 6.人民法院在审判过程中有下列严重违反法定诉讼程序情形之一,可能影响公正裁判的,人民检察院应当提出抗诉和支持抗诉;
(1) The people's court violates the relevant provisions on open trial. (1)违反有关公开审判规定的;
(2) The people's court violates the relevant provisions on disqualification. (2)违反有关回避规定的;
(3) The people's court deprives the party of his or its statutory procedural rights or restricts such rights of the party. (3)剥夺或者限制当事人法定诉讼权利的;
(4) The composition of the trial organization is illegal. (4)审判组织的组成不合法的;
(5) The people's court directly adopts the evidentiary materials without cross-examination in court as the basis for final decision or the people's court directly adopts the evidentiary materials that are collected and subpoenaed upon application and the evidentiary materials that are obtained by the collegial panel upon investigation after adjournment without cross-examination in court as the basis for final decision; unless it is otherwise provided. (5)除另有规定的以外,证据材料未经庭审质证直接釆纳作为定案根据,或者人民法院依申请收集、调取的证据材料和合议庭休庭后自行调查取得的证据材料没有经过庭审质证而直接釆纳作为定案根据的;
(6) For a case that is tried by the collegial panel, the people's court directly pronounces a judgment without deliberations of the collegial panel. (6)由合议庭进行审判的案件未经过合议庭评议直接宣判的;
(7) The people's court falls under any other circumstance of seriously violating the legal proceedings. (7)其他严重违反法定诉讼程序情形的。
7. Where the judgment or ruling of the incidental civil action as instituted by the people's procuratorate is obviously inappropriate, or the judgment or ruling of the incidental civil action as appealed by the party is obviously inappropriate, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest. 7.对人民检察院提出的刑事附带民事诉讼部分所作判决、裁定明显不当的,或者当事人提出申诉的已生效刑事附带民事诉讼 部分判决、裁定明显不当的,人民检察院应当提出抗诉和支持抗诉。
8. Where the ruling rendered by the people's court by applying the procedure for confiscation of illegal gains in cases where criminal suspects or defendants escape or die is erroneous, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest. 8.人民法院适用犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件违法所得的没收程序所作的裁定确有错误的,人民检察院应当提出抗诉和支持抗诉。
9. When trying a case, where the judges have such acts as committing corruption and taking bribes, practicing favoritism and making falsification, and rendering a judgment in violation of law, affecting the impartial trial, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or support the protest.

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