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Provisions on the Investigation of Fire Accidents (2012 Revision) [Effective]
火灾事故调查规定(2012修订) [现行有效]

Provisions on the Investigation of Fire Accidents 


(Issued by Order No. 108 of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China on April 30, 2009, and amended according to the Decision of the Ministry of Public Security on Amending the Provisions on the Investigation of Fire Accidents (Order No. 121 of the Ministry of Public Security) on July 17, 2012)
(2009年4月30日中华人民共和国公安部令第108号发布,根据2012年7月17日《公安部关于修改<火灾事故调查规定>的决定》修订 公安部令第121号)

Table of Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions  第一章 总则

Chapter II Jurisdiction  第二章 管辖

Chapter III Summary Procedure 第三章 简易程序

Chapter IV General Procedure  第四章 一般程序

Section 1 General Provisions  第一节 一般规定

Section 2 On-site Investigation  第二节 现场调查

Section 3 Inspection and Identification 第三节 检验、鉴定

Section 4 Statistics of Fire Loss  第四节 火灾损失统计

Section 5 Determination of Fire Accidents 第五节 火灾事故认定

Section 6 Review  第六节 复核

Chapter V Handling of the Investigation of Fire Accidents 第五章 火灾事故调查的处理

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions  第六章 附则

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 In order to regulate the investigation of fire accidents, ensure that the fire departments of the public security organs can legally perform their duties, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties in fire accidents, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Fire Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为了规范火灾事故调查,保障公安机关消防机构依法履行职责,保护火灾当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消防法》,制定本规定。

Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the investigation of fire accidents conducted by the fire departments of public security organs.   第二条 公安机关消防机构调查火灾事故,适用本规定。

Article 3 The task of investigation of a fire accident is to investigate the cause of the fire, keep statistics on fire losses, handle the fire accident in accordance with the law, and summarize the lessons from the fire accident.   第三条 火灾事故调查的任务是调查火灾原因,统计火灾损失,依法对火灾事故作出处理,总结火灾教训。

Article 4 The investigation of fire accidents shall follow the principles of timeliness, objectiveness, fairness and impartiality.   第四条 火灾事故调查应当坚持及时、客观、公正、合法的原则。

No entity or individual may obstruct or illegally intervene in the investigation of fire accidents.

Chapter II Jurisdiction 

第二章 管 辖

Article 5 The investigation of a fire accident shall be in the charge of the public security organ of the people's government at or above the county level, and be implemented by the fire department of the public security organ at the same level; where the fire department of the public security organ has not been established, the investigation of a fire accident shall be implemented by the public security organ of the people's government at the county level.   第五条 火灾事故调查由县级以上人民政府公安机关主管,并由本级公安机关消防机构实施;尚未设立公安机关消防机构的,由县级人民政府公安机关实施。

The local police station shall assist the fire accident investigation department of the public security organ in maintaining the order on the scene of a fire accident, protecting the scene, control those suspected of causing the fire accident.

The fire departments of the public security organs of railways, port and shipping, civil aviation and state-owned forestry shall be responsible for investigating the fire accidents occurred within their respective scope of fire supervision.

Article 6 The investigation of a fire accident shall, according to the following division of work, be conducted by the fire department of the public security organ at the place where the fire occurs:   第六条 火灾事故调查由火灾发生地公安机关消防机构按照下列分工进行:

1. Where a fire has caused the deaths of more than ten persons, serious injuries to more than 20 persons or deaths and injuries together to more than 20 persons, or damage to more than 50 households, the fire department of the public security organ of the people's government in a province or autonomous region shall be responsible for organizing the investigation; (一)一次火灾死亡十人以上的,重伤二十人以上或者死亡、重伤二十人以上的,受灾五十户以上的,由省、自治区人民政府公安机关消防机构负责组织调查;

2. Where a fire has caused the deaths of more than one person, serious injuries to more than ten persons, or damage to more than 30 households, the fire department of the public security organ of the people's government in a districted city or a place at the level equivalent to districted city shall be responsible for organizing the investigation; and (二)一次火灾死亡一人以上的,重伤十人以上的,受灾三十户以上的,由设区的市或者相当于同级的人民政府公安机关消防机构负责组织调查;

3. Where a fire accident has caused serious injuries to less than ten persons, or damage to less than 30 households, the fire department of the public security organ of the people's government at the county level shall be responsible for the investigation. (三)一次火灾重伤十人以下或者受灾三十户以下的,由县级人民政府公安机关消防机构负责调查。

The fire department of the public security organ of the people's government in a municipality directly under the Central Government is responsible for organizing the investigation of a fire accident causing the deaths of more than three persons, serious injuries to more than 20 persons or deaths and injuries together to more than 20 persons, or damage to more than 50 households; while the fire department of the public security organ of the people's government in a district or county of the municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for investigating other fire accidents.

With regard to the investigation of a fire accident which has only caused the loss of property, the public security organ of the provincial people's government shall develop provisions on the jurisdiction in consideration of the local actual circumstances, and report them to the Ministry of Public Security for filing.

Article 7 With regard to a fire that occurs across the administrative regions, the fire department of the public security organ at the place where the fire started first shall be responsible for the investigation in accordance with the division of the work in Article 6 of these Provisions, and the fire department of the public security organ in the relevant administrative region shall provide assistance.   第七条 跨行政区域的火灾,由最先起火地的公安机关消防机构按照本规定第六条的分工负责调查,相关行政区域的公安机关消防机构予以协助。

Where there is any dispute over jurisdiction, the disputing fire departments shall request their common public security organ at a higher level to specify jurisdiction. Where there is any dispute over the jurisdiction of a fire accident investigation in the charge of the public security organs of the people's government at the county level, their common superior public security organ shall specify the jurisdiction of the investigation.

Article 8 The fire department of the public security organ at a higher level shall supervise and guide the investigation of fire accidents as conducted by the fire department of the public security organ at lower levels.   第八条 上级公安机关消防机构应当对下级公安机关消防机构火灾事故调查工作进行监督和指导。

The fire department of the public security organ at a higher level may, where it deems necessary, investigate a fire within the jurisdiction of the fire department of the public security organ at a lower level.

Article 9 The fire department of the public security organ shall, after receiving a fire alarm, send personnel to the scene in a timely manner, and assign fire accident investigators to carry out the investigation of the fire accident.   第九条 公安机关消防机构接到火灾报警,应当及时派员赶赴现场,并指派火灾事故调查人员开展火灾事故调查工作。

Article 10 Under any of the following circumstances, the fire department of the public security organ shall immediately report to the competent public security organ and ask the latter to inform the criminal investigation department of the public security organ which has jurisdiction over the fire accident, and the criminal investigation department of the public security organ shall immediately send personnel to the scene to participate in the investigation of the fire accident. In case of a suspected arson, the criminal investigation department of the public security organ shall file a case for criminal investigation, and the fire department of the public security organ shall provide assistance.   第十条 具有下列情形之一的,公安机关消防机构应当立即报告主管公安机关通知具有管辖权的公安机关刑侦部门,公安机关刑侦部门接到通知后应当立即派员赶赴现场参加调查;涉嫌放火罪的,公安机关刑侦部门应当依法立案侦查,公安机关消防机构予以协助:

1. A fire accident causing any casualties (一)有人员死亡的火灾;

2. A fire accident which occurs at a department or an entity such as state organ, radio station, television station, school, hospital, nursing home, nursery, kindergarten, cultural protection entity, or postal, telecommunication or transport hub and has a great impact on the society; or (二)国家机关、广播电台、电视台、学校、医院、养老院、托儿所、幼儿园、文物保护单位、邮政和通信、交通枢纽等部门和单位发生的社会影响大的火灾;

3. A fire accident due to suspected arson. (三)具有放火嫌疑的火灾。

Article 11 Where it is necessary for the fire department of the public security organ to assist in the investigation of a fire accident which occurs in military installations, the fire department of the public security organ of the provincial people's government or the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security shall assign fire investigation experts for assistance.   第十一条 军事设施发生火灾需要公安机关消防机构协助调查的,由省级人民政府公安机关消防机构或者公安部消防局调派火灾事故调查专家协助。

Chapter III Summary Procedure 

第三章 简易程序

Article 12 Where a fire accident concurrently has all of the following circumstances, it may be investigated under the summary procedure:   第十二条 同时具有下列情形的火灾,可以适用简易调查程序:

1. There are no casualties; (一)没有人员伤亡的;

2. The direct property loss is minor; (二)直接财产损失轻微的;

3. The parties raise no objection to the facts of the fire accident; (三)当事人对火灾事故事实没有异议的;

4. There is no suspected arson. (四)没有放火嫌疑的。

The specific criteria in Item (2) of the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the public security organ of the provincial people's government, and be submitted to the Ministry of Public Security for filing.

Applies 13 Where a fire accident is investigated under the summary procedure, it may be investigated by one fire accident investigator, and the investigator shall carry out the investigation in accordance with the following procedure:   第十三条 适用简易调查程序的,可以由一名火灾事故调查人员调查,并按照下列程序实施:

1. Showing his or her identity of law enforcement, and explaining the bases for the investigation; (一)表明执法身份,说明调查依据;

2. Investigating and interviewing the parties and witnesses, and understanding how the fire occurred, the main property burned and damaged by the fire, the damage to buildings and other information about the fire accident; (二)调查走访当事人、证人,了解火灾发生过程、火灾烧损的主要物品及建筑物受损等与火灾有关的情况;

3. Checking the scene of the fire accident, and taking photographs or recording a video; (三)查看火灾现场并进行照相或者录像;

4. Informing the parties of the facts found in the fire accident, listening to the opinions of the parties, and adopting the established facts, grounds or evidence offered by the parties; (四)告知当事人调查的火灾事故事实,听取当事人的意见,当事人提出的事实、理由或者证据成立的,应当采纳;

5. On the spot, formulating a letter of determination of simplified investigation on the fire accident, and delivering the letter to the parties after the fire accident investigator and the parties have affixed their signatures or fingerprints on the letter. (五)当场制作火灾事故简易调查认定书,由火灾事故调查人员、当事人签字或者捺指印后交付当事人。

The fire accident investigator shall, within two days, submit the letter of determination of simplified investigation on the fire accident to the fire department of the public security organ where he or she works for filing.

Chapter IV General Procedure 

第四章 一般程序

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 14 Except for those circumstances under which the summary procedure applies in accordance with the provisions, the fire department of the public security organ may not assign less than two fire accident investigators to investigate a fire accident, and when necessary, may hire experts or professionals to assist in the investigation.   第十四条 除依照本规定适用简易调查程序的外,公安机关消防机构对火灾进行调查时,火灾事故调查人员不得少于两人。必要时,可以聘请专家或者专业人员协助调查。

Article 15 The Ministry of Public Security and the public security organs of provincial people's governments shall establish an expert team of fire accident investigation to assist in the investigation of complex and difficult fire accidents The experts in the team who assist in the investigation of the fire accidents shall present expert opinions.   第十五条 公安部和省级人民政府公安机关应当成立火灾事故调查专家组,协助调查复杂、疑难的火灾。专家组的专家协助调查火灾的,应当出具专家意见。

Article 16 The fire department of the public security organ at the county level at the place where a fire accident occurs shall, according to what is happening at the scene of the fire, eliminate on-site danger so as to protect the safety of investigators on the scene, and make a preliminary delineation of the enclosed scope on the scene, set up warning signs, prohibit unrelated personnel from access to the scene, and control those suspected of causing the fire accident.
   第十六条 火灾发生地的县级公安机关消防机构应当根据火灾现场情况,排除现场险情,保障现场调查人员的安全,并初步划定现场封闭范围,设置警戒标志,禁止无关人员进入现场,控制火灾肇事嫌疑人。

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