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Notice of China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines for the Implementation of Comprehensive Risk Management of Personal Insurance Companies [Expired]
中国保监会关于印发《人身保险公司全面风险管理实施指引》的通知 [失效]

Notice of China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines for the Implementation of Comprehensive Risk Management of Personal Insurance Companies 


(No. 89 [2010] of China Insurance Regulatory Commission)

All life insurance companies, health insurance companies and endowment insurance companies,

To strengthen the comprehensive risk management of personal insurance companies, further implement the Guidelines for the Risk Management of Insurance Companies (for Trial Implementation) (No.23 [2007] of China Insurance Regulatory Commission), and enhance the level of comprehensive risk management of all companies, this Commission has formulated the Guidelines for the Implementation of Comprehensive Risk Management of Personal Insurance Companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”), which are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. You are hereby notified of the relevant issues in the implementation of the Guidelines as follows:

I. Each company shall pay great attention to the comprehensive risk management, earnestly organize the implementation according to the requirements of the Guidelines, do a good job in the actual implementation, and prior to November 30, 2010, submit the name, position and contact method of the person in charge of the risk management department to this Commission. If a company has not set up a risk management department for the moment, it shall appoint a liaison for the comprehensive risk management, and submit the aforesaid information on the liaison to this Commission.   一、各保险公司应高度重视全面风险管理工作,按照《指引》要求,认真组织实施,做好落实工作,并于2010年11月30日前将风险管理部门负责人姓名、职务和联系方式报送我会。如暂未设立风险管理部门,应指定一名全面风险管理工作联系人,将上述信息报送我会。

II. Each company shall create conditions to implement all the requirements of the Guidelines as soon as possible. A company which has difficulties for the time being in setting up a risk management committee, establishing a risk management information system and using the economic capital approach shall set up a risk management committee and establish a risk management information system no later than October 1, 2013, and measure the risks in the company in the economic capital approach in its annual comprehensive risk management report from 2014. Before that, the audit committee may temporarily perform the functions of the risk management committee.   二、各公司应创造条件,尽快落实《指引》各项要求。对于近期设立风险管理委员会、建立风险管理信息系统和运用经济资本方法确有困难的公司,应最晚在2013年10月1日前设立风险管理委员会,建立风险管理信息系统,并从2014年开始在提交的年度全面风险管理报告中运用经济资本方法计量公司所承受的风险。在此之前,可由审计委员会暂行风险管理委员会的职责。

III. After these Guidelines come into force, each life insurance company, health insurance company or endowment insurance company shall submit an annual comprehensive risk management report in sextuplicate as required, and by doing so, shall be deemed to have performed the annual risk assessment report as required by Document No. 23 [2007] of China Insurance Regulatory Commission.   三、本《指引》生效后,各寿险公司、健康险公司、养老保险公司应按要求提交年度全面风险管理报告一式六份,并视为已履行了保监发〔2007〕23号文要求的年度风险评估报告。

China Insurance Regulatory Commission

October 24, 2010

Guidelines for the Implementation of Comprehensive Risk Management of Personal Insurance Companies

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Guidelines are formulated in accordance with the Insurance Law, the Provisions on the Administration of Insurance Companies and other relevant laws and administrative regulations and rules, for purposes of strengthening the comprehensive risk management of personal insurance companies, further implementing the Guidelines for the Risk Management of Insurance Companies (No. 23 [2007] of China Insurance Regulatory Commission), enhancing the level of comprehensive risk management of companies and ensuring the sound development of the personal insurance business and companies.   第一条 为加强人身保险公司全面风险管理,进一步落实《保险公司风险管理指引》(保监发〔2007〕23号),提升公司全面风险管理水平,保障人身保险行业和公司的健康发展,根据《保险法》、《保险公司管理规定》等相关法律法规和规章,制定本指引。

Article 2 The term “companies” as mentioned in these Guidelines refers to the life insurance companies and health insurance companies legally established within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本指引所称公司是指在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的人寿保险公司和健康保险公司。

Article 3 The term “risks” as mentioned in these Guidelines refers to the uncertain factors which may have adverse effects on the realization of the business objectives of companies.   第三条 本指引所指风险是指对公司实现经营目标可能产生不利影响的不确定因素。

Article 4 The term “comprehensive risk management” as mentioned in these Guidelines refers to a continuous process wherein the board of directors, the management and the staff of a company fully participate in identifying the potential risks and forecasting the effects of risks during the making of strategies and routine operation of the company and effectively manage the risks in all aspects of the company within the range of the company's risk appetite. While carrying out the comprehensive risk management, a company shall, in light of its business operations, focus on monitoring, preventing and resolving the risks which have significant effects on its business operations.   第四条 本指引所指全面风险管理是指从公司董事会、管理层到全体员工全员参与,在战略制定和日常运营中,识别潜在风险,预测风险的影响程度,并在公司风险偏好范围内有效管理公司各环节风险的持续过程。在进行全面风险管理的同时,公司应根据公司经营情况重点监测、防范和化解对公司经营有重要影响的风险。

Article 5 The comprehensive risk management of a company shall follow the following basic principles:   第五条 公司全面风险管理应遵循的基本原则:

(1) Principle of consistency. The company shall, when establishing a comprehensive risk management system, ensure the consistency between its risk management objectives and its strategic development objectives. (一)一致性原则。公司在建立全面风险管理体系时,应确保风险管理目标与战略发展目标的一致性。

(2) Principle of matching. The company shall, in the process of comprehensive risk management, ensure that its capital level matches the risks it bears and the risks it bears match the returns. (二)匹配性原则。公司在全面风险管理过程中,应确保公司资本水平与所承担的风险相匹配,所承担的风险与收益相匹配。

(3) Principle of comprehensiveness. The comprehensive risk management of the company shall permeate through all business links of the company, and the company shall comprehensively recognize, analyze and manage each type of risks. (三)全面性原则。公司全面风险管理应渗透至公司各项业务环节,对每一类风险都应全面认识、分析与管理。

(4) Principle of full participation. The company shall establish a risk management culture featuring participation by all employees and the corresponding mechanisms, and its employees at all levels shall participate in the company's risk management according to their respective work duties and assume the daily risk management responsibility. (四)全员参与原则。公司应建立全员参与的风险管理文化和相应机制,各级别员工都应按照其工作职责参与公司的风险管理工作,承担日常风险管理职责。

(5) Principle of combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The company shall, according to the nature, scale and complexity of its business, develop appropriate risk quantification techniques, promote the application of advanced and mature risk management experience, and achieve the organic combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. (五)定量与定性相结合原则。公司应根据自身业务性质、规模和复杂程度开发相适应的风险量化技术,推广应用先进成熟的风险管理经验,实现定量与定性方法的有机结合。

(6) Principle of continuous optimization. The company shall constantly inspect and evaluate the changes in the internal and external business management environments and pattern of competition as well as their material impacts on its comprehensive risk management, and adjust and optimize in a timely manner the risk management policies, rules and processes. (六)不断优化原则。公司应不断地检查和评估内外部经营管理环境和竞争格局的变化及其对公司全面风险管理所产生的实质影响,及时调整和优化风险管理政策、制度和流程。

Article 6 A company shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of these Guidelines, establish a comprehensive risk management system commensurate with the nature, scale and complexity of its business to effectively identify, assess, measure, deal with and monitor risks. All the requirements of its comprehensive risk management shall be closely integrated into the management and business process of the company.   第六条 公司应按本指引中的相关要求,建立与自身业务性质、规模和复杂程度相适应的全面风险管理体系,有效识别、评估、计量、应对和监控风险。全面风险管理的各项要求应与公司管理和业务流程紧密结合。

Article 7 The CBRC shall oversee and administer the comprehensive risk management of companies, and urge them to effectively identify, assess, measure, deal with and monitor various types of risks.   第七条 中国保监会对公司的全面风险管理进行监督管理,督促公司有效地识别、评估、计量、应对和监控各类风险。

Chapter II Risk Management Environment 

第二章 风险管理环境

Article 8 A company shall integrate a risk management culture into the whole process of development of its enterprise culture, and build a risk management culture atmosphere at each level within the company, constantly revise and improve the risk management systems and processes, continuously reinforce the development of risk management organizations, and establish upon research a risk management system, to ensure the realization of risk management objectives.   第八条 公司应将风险管理文化建设融入企业文化建设的全过程,并在企业内部各个层面营造风险管理文化氛围,不断修订和完善风险管理制度、流程,持续强化风险管理组织建设,研究建立风险管理系统,确保风险管理目标的实现。

Article 9 A company shall raise all employees' risk management awareness, and transform the risk management awareness into the common understanding and voluntary actions of employees, to promote the formation of systematic, standard and highly efficient risk management mechanisms.   第九条 公司应增强全体员工的风险管理意识,将风险管理意识转化为员工的共同认识和自觉行动,促进公司建立系统、规范、高效的风险管理机制。

Article 10 A company shall make great efforts to strengthen the publicity and guidance of risk management among all employees, and establish and improve the pre-job and on-the-job risk management training and education system of employees.   第十条 公司应大力加强对全体员工的风险管理宣导工作,建立完善员工岗前、岗中风险管理培训教育制度。

Article 11 A company shall establish a risk responsibility system in which the management of the company shall assume the leader responsibility, responsible persons shall be determined for major risks, and specific risk liabilities shall be assigned to various functional departments and business entities. Any organization or individual in violation of the related risk management policies shall be held liable and punished.   第十一条 公司应建立风险责任机制,由公司管理层负领导责任,对主要风险确定责任人,具体风险责任落实到各职能部门和业务单位。对任何违反风险管理相关政策的组织和个人,要给予追究和处罚。

Article 12 A company shall combine the risk management effects with the performance assessment system, and reinforce the risk awareness and responsibility of the managers at all levels, especially the management of the company, to ensue that the company is able to make a better control and balance between returns and risks in the process of its business operations.   第十二条 公司应把风险管理效果和绩效考核制度相结合,增强各级管理人员特别是公司管理层的风险意识和责任,确保公司在经营过程中能够在收益和风险之间做出更好的把握和权衡。

Article 13 A company shall make comprehensive risk management policies to define its risk appetite, its risk management strategies and methods and the structure of risk management duties at different levels within the company.   第十三条 公司应建立全面风险管理政策,明确公司的风险偏好、风险管理策略、方法以及公司内部各个不同层级的风险管理职责和构架。

Article 14 A company shall, according to the different classes of risks, establish the corresponding risk management systems respectively. These systems shall cover the measures for identification, assessment and measurement of different risks, qualitative and quantitative criteria for risk indicators and corresponding responsible persons for the risks.   第十四条 公司应根据不同的风险分类,分别建立相应的风险管理制度。制度应涵盖针对不同风险的识别、评估、计量方法,风险指标的定性和定量标准,以及相应的风险责任人。

Article 15 A company shall apply information technologies to the risk management, including the collection, storage, processing, analysis, testing, transmit, reporting, disclosure, etc. of information, and establish a risk management information system covering the basic risk management processes and all phases of internal control.   第十五条 公司应将信息技术应用于风险管理的各项工作,包括信息的采集、存储、加工、分析、测试、传递、报告、披露等,建立涵盖风险管理基本流程和内部控制各环节的风险管理信息系统。

Article 16 The risk management information system shall be able to realize the integration and sharing of information among all functional departments and business entities and fully meet the various requirements for the risk analysis and assessment, measurement, reporting management, monitoring and warning, and information disclosure; and be able to meet not only the requirements for the risk management of an individual business but also the integrated requirements for the risk management at the company level or across functional departments and business entities.   第十六条 风险管理信息系统应能够实现信息在各职能部门和业务单位之间的集成与共享,充分满足对风险进行分析评估、计量、报告管理、监控预警和信息披露的各项要求;既能够符合单项业务风险管理的需要,也能够符合公司整体和跨职能部门、业务单位的风险管理综合需要。

Article 17 A company shall establish a risk information transmission and reporting mechanism to form a working process featuring vertical interactions and horizontal communication.   第十七条 公司应建立风险信息传递和报告机制,形成上下互动、横向沟通的工作流程。

Article 18 A company shall establish a contingency mechanism for major events, major risks and key business processes to ensure its normal business operation.   第十八条 公司应对重大事件、重大风险和重要业务流程建立应急机制,保证公司的正常运营。

Chapter III Risk Management Organization 

第三章 风险管理组织

Article 19 A company shall establish a comprehensive risk management organizational system covering all business entities, in which the board of directors shall assume the ultimately responsibility, the management directly lead, the risk management body serves as the base and the relevant functional departments cooperate closely.   第十九条 公司应建立由董事会负最终责任、管理层直接领导,以风险管理机构为依托,相关职能部门密切配合,覆盖所有业务单位的全面风险管理组织体系。

Article 20 The board of directors of a company shall be the highest decision making body for the comprehensive risk management of the company, and be responsible for the effectiveness of the comprehensive risk management. The main responsibilities of the board of directors shall include the examination and approval of the overall risk management objectives, risk appetite, risk management strategies, solutions to major risk, establishment of a risk management body and the functions thereof, etc. of the company. The board of directors may delegate some risk management responsibilities to the risk management committee.   第二十条 公司董事会是公司全面风险管理的最高决策机构,对全面风险管理工作的有效性负责。董事会主要职责包括审批公司风险管理总体目标、风险偏好、风险管理策略和重大风险解决方案,以及风险管理组织机构设置及其职责等。董事会可将部分风险管理职责授权给风险管理委员会。

Article 21 A company shall establish a risk management committee under the board of directors to oversee the effectiveness of the operation of the comprehensive risk management system and perform the following responsibilities as authorized by the board of directors:   第二十一条 公司应在董事会下设立风险管理委员会,监督全面风险管理体系运行的有效性,在董事会授权下履行如下职责:

(1) Deliberating the overall objectives, basic policies and working rules for the risk management of the company; (一)审议公司风险管理的总体目标、基本政策和工作制度;

(2) Deliberating the risk appetite and risk tolerance of the company; (二)审议公司风险偏好和风险容忍度;

(3) Deliberating the establishment and responsibilities of the risk management body of the company; (三)审议公司风险管理机构设置及其职责;

(4) Deliberating the risk assessment of major decisions and solutions to major risks of the company; (四)审议公司重大决策的风险评估和重大风险的解决方案;

(5) Deliberating the annual comprehensive risk management report of the company; and (五)审议公司年度全面风险管理报告;

(6) Other relevant responsibilities. (六)其他相关职责。

The risk management committee shall consist of members who have abundant experience in financial risk management, are familiar with the personal insurance business and possess the relevant professional capability.

Article 22 The management of a company shall, as authorized by the board of directors, perform the specific responsibilities for comprehensive risk management, and its main responsibilities shall be as follows:   第二十二条 公司管理层应根据董事会的授权,履行全面风险管理的具体责任,其主要职责如下:

(1) Taking charge of the daily comprehensive risk management of the company to ensure that the risks facing the company stay within an acceptable range; (一)负责公司日常全面风险管理工作,确保公司风险在可接受范围之内;

(2) Implementing the risk management strategies approved by the board of directors; (二)执行经董事会审定的风险管理策略;

(3) Examining and approving the risk limits for the company; (三)审批公司风险限额;

(4) Establishing an internal risk responsibility mechanism of the company; (四)建立公司内部风险责任机制;

(5) Establishing an internal contingency mechanism for major risks of the company; and (五)建立公司内部重大风险应急机制;

(6) Promoting the development of the risk management culture of the company. (六)推动公司风险管理文化的建设。

Article 23 A company shall appoint a chief risk officer or designate a senior manager to be responsible for the comprehensive risk management, and the chief risk officer or the senior manager responsible for comprehensive risk management shall not take charge of the sales or investment management at the same time, and his responsibilities shall mainly include formulating the risk management policies and systems, coordinating the comprehensive risk management at the company level, etc. The chief risk officer shall have the right to know the major decisions, major risks, major events, important systems and key business processes of the company and participate in the assessment of the relevant decisions.   第二十三条 公司应任命首席风险官或指定一名高管负责全面风险管理工作,首席风险官或负责全面风险管理工作的高管不得同时负责销售与投资管理,其主要职责包括制定风险管理政策和制度,协调公司层面全面风险管理等。首席风险官有权了解公司重大决策、重大风险、重大事件、重要系统及重要业务流程,并参与相关决策的评估。

Article 24 A company shall establish a risk management department to conduct the daily risk management under the leadership of the chief risk officer. The department shall be independent of the sales, financial, investment, actuarial and other functional departments. The risk management department shall have the right to participate in the major decision making of the strategies, business, investment and other committees of the company. The main responsibilities of the risk management department shall be as follows:   第二十四条 公司应设立风险管理部门,在首席风险官的领导下开展风险管理的日常工作。该部门应独立于销售、财务、投资、精算等职能部门。风险管理部门有权参与公司战略、业务、投资等委员会的重大决策。其主要职责如下:

(1) Establishing and maintaining the comprehensive risk management system of the company, including the risk management rules, risk appetite system, etc.; (一)建立与维护公司全面风险管理体系,包括风险管理制度、风险偏好体系等;

(2) Assisting and directing all functional departments and business entities to make risk control measures and solutions; (二)协助与指导各职能部门和业务单位制定风险控制措施和解决方案;

(3) Regularly conducting risk identifications and qualitative and quantitative risk assessments, issuing risk assessment reports and offering suggestions on countermeasures; (三)定期进行风险识别、定性和定量风险评估,并出具风险评估报告,提出应对建议;

(4) Establishing and maintaining the risk management technologies and models, and constantly improving the risk management methods; (四)建立与维护风险管理技术和模型,不断改进风险管理方法;

(5) Coordinating and organizing the management of assets and liabilities and offering suggestions for dealing with the relevant risks, including making relevant rules, determining technical methods, and effectively balancing the risks and returns of the asset side and liability side; (五)协调组织资产负债管理工作并提出相应风险应对建议,包括制定相关制度,确定技术方法,有效平衡资产方与负债方的风险与收益;

(6) Promoting the establishment of a comprehensive risk management information system; and (六)推动全面风险管理信息系统的建立;

(7) Other relevant responsibilities. (七)其他相关职责。

The risk management personnel of the company shall possess necessary vocational and professional capabilities for the aforesaid work.

Article 25 All functional departments and business entities of a company shall accept the organization, coordination and supervision by the risk management department, establish and improve the relevant risk management processes, regularly assess their own risks, communicate the assessment results to the risk management department on a regular basis, and be responsible for the effectiveness of their risk management.
   第二十五条 公司各职能部门和业务单位应接受风险管理部门的组织、协调和监督,建立健全相关风险管理流程,定期对本职能部门或业务单位的风险进行评估,将评估结果定期与风险管理部门沟通,并对其风险管理的有效性负责。

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