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Trademark Trial and Appeal Rules [Effective]
商标评审规则(2014修订) [现行有效]

Order of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce 


(No. 65) (第65号)

The Trademark Trial and Appeal Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, are hereby issued with effect from June 1, 2014. 《商标评审规则》已经国家工商行政管理总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2014年6月1日起施行。
Director: Zhang Mao 局长 张茅
May 28, 2014 2014年5月28日
Trademark Trial and Appeal Rules 商标评审规则
(Issued by Order No. 37 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on November 2, 1995, revised for the first time by Order No. 3 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on September 17, 2002, revised for the second time by Order No. 20 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on September 26, 2005, and revised for the third time by Order No. 65 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on May 28, 2014) (1995年11月2日国家工商行政管理局第37号令公布 根据2002年9月17日国家工商行政管理总局令第3号第一次修订


Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the trademark trial and appeal proceedings, these Rules are developed in accordance with the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademark Law”) and the Regulation for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Regulation”).   第一条 为规范商标评审程序,根据《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称商标法)和《中华人民共和国商标法实施条例》(以下简称实施条例),制定本规则。
Article 2 Under the Trademark Law and the Implementation Regulation, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) is charged with the handling of the following trademark trial and appeal cases:   第二条 根据商标法及实施条例的规定,国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会(以下简称商标评审委员会)负责处理下列商标评审案件:
(1) A case where a notice of appeal is filed under Article 34 of the Trademark Law from a decision of the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademark Office”) to dismiss a trademark registration application. (一)不服国家工商行政管理总局商标局(以下简称商标局)驳回商标注册申请决定,依照商标法三十四条规定申请复审的案件;
(2) A case where an appeal is filed under paragraph 3 of Article 35 of the Trademark Law from a decision of the Trademark Office to refuse registration. (二)不服商标局不予注册决定,依照商标法三十五条第三款规定申请复审的案件;
(3) A case where a petition is filed for declaration of invalidation of a registered trademark under paragraph 1 of Article 44 or paragraph 1 of Article 45 of the Trademark Law. (三)对已经注册的商标,依照商标法四十四条第一款、第四十五条第一款规定请求无效宣告的案件;
(4) A case where an appeal is filed under paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Trademark Law from a decision of the Trademark Office to declare invalidation of a registered trademark. (四)不服商标局宣告注册商标无效决定,依照商标法四十四条第二款规定申请复审的案件;
(5) A case where an appeal is filed under Article 54 of the Trademark Law from a decision of the Trademark Office to cancel or decline to cancel a registered trademark. (五)不服商标局撤销或者不予撤销注册商标决定,依照商标法五十四条规定申请复审的案件。
In the trademark trial and appeal proceedings, trademarks involved in the appeals under subparagraph (1) of the preceding paragraph are collectively referred to as “trademarks for registration,” trademarks involved in the appeals under subparagraph (2) thereof are collectively referred to as “opposed trademarks,” trademarks involved in the petitions for declaration of invalidation under subparagraph (3) thereof are collectively referred to as “disputed trademarks,” and trademarks involved in the appeals under subparagraphs (4) and (5) thereof are collectively referred to as “appealed trademarks.” In these Rules, the aforesaid trademarks are collectively referred to as “trademarks pending trial or appeal.” 在商标评审程序中,前款第(一)项所指请求复审的商标统称为申请商标,第(二)项所指请求复审的商标统称为被异议商标,第(三)项所指请求无效宣告的商标统称为争议商标,第(四)、(五)项所指请求复审的商标统称为复审商标。本规则中,前述商标统称为评审商标。
Article 3 The parties may participate in trademark trial and appeal activities in writing or in the form of data message.   第三条 当事人参加商标评审活动,可以以书面方式或者数据电文方式办理。
The specific measures for participating in trademark trial and appeal activities in the form of data message shall be additionally developed by the Board. 数据电文方式办理的具体办法由商标评审委员会另行制定。
Article 4 The Board shall conduct trademark trial and appeal proceedings in writing, unless it has decided to hold an oral hearing under Article 60 of the Implementation Regulation.   第四条 商标评审委员会审理商标评审案件实行书面审理,但依照实施条例第六十条规定决定进行口头审理的除外。
The specific measures for oral hearings shall be additionally developed by the Board. 口头审理的具体办法由商标评审委员会另行制定。
Article 5 The decisions and rulings made by the Board in accordance with the Trademark Law, the Implementation Regulation, and these Rules shall be served upon the relevant parties in writing or in the form of data message, with the reasons explained.   第五条 商标评审委员会根据商标法、实施条例和本规则做出的决定和裁定,应当以书面方式或者数据电文方式送达有关当事人,并说明理由。
Article 6 Except as otherwise specified by these Rules, the Board shall apply a collegial system to trademark trial and appeal, that is, form a collegial panel composed of three or more of the Board judges in odd number to conduct a trial or appeal proceeding.   第六条 除本规则另有规定外,商标评审委员会审理商标评审案件实行合议制度,由三名以上的单数商标评审人员组成合议组进行审理。
Collegial panels shall adopt the simple majority principle in conducting trial and appeal proceedings. 合议组审理案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。
Article 7 To disqualify a Board judge under Article 7 of the Implementation Regulation, a party or an interested person shall file a request in writing with the reasons explained.   第七条 当事人或者利害关系人依照实施条例第七条的规定申请商标评审人员回避的,应当以书面方式办理,并说明理由。
Article 8 During the trademark trial or appeal period, a party shall be entitled to legally dispose of its trademark rights and rights related to the trademark trial or appeal. Without detriment to the public interests and the rights of a third party, the parties may reach a settlement in writing on their own initiative or through mediation.   第八条 在商标评审期间,当事人有权依法处分自己的商标权和与商标评审有关的权利。在不损害社会公共利益、第三方权利的前提下,当事人之间可以自行或者经调解以书面方式达成和解。
Where the parties have reached a settlement, the Board may close the case or make a decision or ruling. 对于当事人达成和解的案件,商标评审委员会可以结案,也可以做出决定或者裁定。
Article 9 The co-claimants or the parties to a co-owned trademark in a trademark trial or appeal case shall designate a representative under paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Implementation Regulation to handle trademark trial or appeal matters.   第九条 商标评审案件的共同申请人和共有商标的当事人办理商标评审事宜,应当依照实施条例第十六条第一款的规定确定一个代表人。
The representative's participation in trademark trial or appeal is binding upon the parties represented, but a written authorization from the parties represented is required where the representative modifies or waives any claims in trial or appeal or acknowledges any claims of the opposite party in trial or appeal. 代表人参与评审的行为对其所代表的当事人发生效力,但代表人变更、放弃评审请求或者承认对方当事人评审请求的,应当有被代表的当事人书面授权。
The documents of the Board shall be served upon the representative. 商标评审委员会的文件应当送达代表人。
Article 10 A foreign national or a foreign enterprise with a habitual residence or a place of business within China may authorize a legally formed trademark agency to handle trademark trial and appeal matters, or directly handle them itself. A foreign national or a foreign enterprise without a habitual residence or a place of business within China shall authorize a legally formed trademark agency to handle them.   第十条 外国人或者外国企业办理商标评审事宜,在中国有经常居所或者营业所的,可以委托依法设立的商标代理机构办理,也可以直接办理;在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的,应当委托依法设立的商标代理机构办理。
Article 11 A party shall, in a timely manner, notify the Board in writing of any change of the authority of its agent, the termination of the agency relationship, or modification of its agent.   第十一条 代理权限发生变更、代理关系解除或者变更代理人的,当事人应当及时书面告知商标评审委员会。
Article 12 A party and its agent may apply for consulting materials related to the case.   第十二条 当事人及其代理人可以申请查阅本案有关材料。
Chapter II Filing and Acceptance of Cases 

第二章 申请与受理

Article 13 For the filing of a trademark trial or appeal case, the following conditions shall be met:   第十三条 申请商标评审,应当符合下列条件:
(1) The claimant is legally eligible as a party to the case. (一)申请人须有合法的主体资格;
(2) The case is filed within the statutory time limit. (二)在法定期限内提出;
(3) The case falls within the scope of trial and appeal of the Board. (三)属于商标评审委员会的评审范围;
(4) A written petition or appeal and relevant materials in compliance with the applicable provisions are submitted. (四)依法提交符合规定的申请书及有关材料;
(5) There are specific claims, facts, grounds, and legal basis. (五)有明确的评审请求、事实、理由和法律依据;
(6) The trial or appeal fees are paid as legally required. (六)依法缴纳评审费用。
Article 14 Where a trademark trial or appeal case is filed, a written petition or appeal shall be submitted to the Board, along with as many copies thereof as the number of the respondents, if any. If the trademark pending trial or appeal is assigned, transferred, or modified, for which an application has been filed with the Trademark Office but has not been approved and published, the party shall provide corresponding evidentiary documents. For an appeal from a written decision of the Trademark Office, the written decision of the Trademark Office shall also be attached.   第十四条 申请商标评审,应当向商标评审委员会提交申请书;有被申请人的,应当按照被申请人的数量提交相应份数的副本;评审商标发生转让、移转、变更,已向商标局提出申请但是尚未核准公告的,当事人应当提供相应的证明文件;基于商标局的决定书申请复审的,还应当同时附送商标局的决定书。
Article 15 A written petition or appeal shall state:   第十五条 申请书应当载明下列事项:
(1) the name, correspondence address, and contact person and telephone number of the claimant; the name and address of the respondent, if any; and the name, address, and contact person and telephone number of the trademark agency, if a trademark agency is authorized to handle trademark trial or appeal matters; (一)申请人的名称、通信地址、联系人和联系电话。评审申请有被申请人的,应当载明被申请人的名称和地址。委托商标代理机构办理商标评审事宜的,还应当载明商标代理机构的名称、地址、联系人和联系电话;
(2) the trademark pending trial or appeal, the application or preliminary approval number of the trademark, the registration number of the trademark, and the issue number of the Trademark Gazette on which the trademark is published; and (二)评审商标及其申请号或者初步审定号、注册号和刊登该商标的《商标公告》的期号;
(3) specific claims, facts, grounds and legal basis. (三)明确的评审请求和所依据的事实、理由及法律依据。
Article 16 Where a petition or appeal fails to meet one of the conditions as set forth in subparagraphs (1), (2), (3) and (6) of Article 13 of these Rules, the Board shall not accept it, but shall notify the claimant in writing with the reasons explained.   第十六条 商标评审申请不符合本规则第十三条第(一)、(二)、(三)、(六)项规定条件之一的,商标评审委员会不予受理,书面通知申请人,并说明理由。
Article 17 Where a petition or appeal fails to meet either of the conditions as set forth in subparagraphs (4) and (5) of Article 13 of these Rules, the claimant fails to submit the relevant evidentiary documents as required by the Implementation Regulation and these Rules, or any supplements or corrections are otherwise needed, the Board shall send a notice of submission of supplements and corrections to the claimant, and the claimant shall submit supplements and corrections within 30 days after receiving the notice.   第十七条 商标评审申请不符合本规则第十三条第(四)、(五)项规定条件之一的,或者未按照实施条例和本规则规定提交有关证明文件的,或者有其他需要补正情形的,商标评审委员会应当向申请人发出补正通知,申请人应当自收到补正通知之日起三十日内补正。
If the applicable provisions are still not complied with after submission of supplements and corrections, the Board shall not accept the petition or appeal, but shall notify the claimant in writing with the reasons explained. If the claimant fails to submit supplements and corrections with the prescribed time limit, the claimant shall be deemed to have withdrawn its petition or appeal under Article 57 of the Implementation Regulation, but the Board shall notify the claimant in writing. 经补正仍不符合规定的,商标评审委员会不予受理,书面通知申请人,并说明理由。未在规定期限内补正的,依照实施条例第五十七条规定,视为申请人撤回评审申请,商标评审委员会应当书面通知申请人。
Article 18 Where it is determined upon examination that a petition or appeal meets the conditions for acceptance, the Board shall issue a Notice of Acceptance to the claimant within 30 days.   第十八条 商标评审申请经审查符合受理条件的,商标评审委员会应当在三十日内向申请人发出《受理通知书》。
Article 19 Under any of the following circumstances, a petition or appeal already accepted by the Board fails to meet the conditions for acceptance, and shall be dismissed under Article 57 of the Implementation Regulation:   第十九条 商标评审委员会已经受理的商标评审申请,有下列情形之一的,属于不符合受理条件,应当依照实施条例第五十七条规定予以驳回:
(1) In violation of Article 62 of the Implementation Regulation, after withdrawing its petition or appeal, the claimant files it again based on the same facts and grounds. (一)违反实施条例第六十二条规定,申请人撤回商标评审申请后,又以相同的事实和理由再次提出评审申请的;
(2) In violation of Article 62 of the Implementation Regulation, after the Board has made a ruling or decision on its petition or appeal, the claimant files it again based on the same facts and grounds. (二)违反实施条例第六十二条规定,对商标评审委员会已经做出的裁定或者决定,以相同的事实和理由再次提出评审申请的;
(3) The conditions for acceptance are otherwise not met. (三)其他不符合受理条件的情形。
A petition filed with the Board for declaration of invalidation of a trademark granted registration in an appellate proceeding against a refusal to registration shall not be subject to subparagraph (2) of the preceding paragraph. 对经不予注册复审程序予以核准注册的商标提起宣告注册商标无效的,不受前款第(二)项规定限制。
After dismissing a petition or appeal, the Board shall notify the claimant in writing with the reasons explained. 商标评审委员会驳回商标评审申请,应当书面通知申请人,并说明理由。
Article 20 A party to a trial or appeal proceeding of the Board shall submit as many copies of the written petition or appeal, answer, opinion, cross-examination opinion, and evidentiary materials as the number of the opposite parties, the contents of which shall be identical with those of the originals. If the aforesaid requirements are not satisfied and continue so after supplements and corrections are submitted, the petition or appeal shall not be accepted or the relevant materials shall be deemed never submitted, under paragraph 2 of Article 17 of these Rules.   第二十条 当事人参加评审活动,应当按照对方当事人的数量,提交相应份数的申请书、答辩书、意见书、质证意见及证据材料副本,副本内容应当与正本内容相同。不符合前述要求且经补正仍不符合要求的,依照本规则第十七条第二款的规定,不予受理评审申请,或者视为未提交相关材料。
Article 21 Where there is a respondent to a petition or appeal, after accepting the petition or appeal, the Board shall serve a copy of the written petition or appeal and the relevant evidentiary materials upon the respondent. The respondent shall submit an answer and a copy thereof to the Board within 30 days of receipt of the petition or appeal materials; and the respondent's failure to submit an answer within the prescribed time limit shall not affect the trial or appeal proceeding of the Board.
   第二十一条 评审申请有被申请人的,商标评审委员会受理后,应当及时将申请书副本及有关证据材料送达被申请人。被申请人应当自收到申请材料之日起三十日内向商标评审委员会提交答辩书及其副本;未在规定期限内答辩的,不影响商标评审委员会的评审。

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