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Regulation on Travel Agencies [Revised]
旅行社条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 550)

The Regulation on Travel Agencies, which was adopted at the 47th executive meeting of the State Council on January 21, 2009, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force on May 1, 2009.

Premier Wen Jiabao
总 理  温家宝

February 20, 2009

Regulation on Travel Agencies
旅 行 社 条 例

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated for purposes of strengthening the administration of travel agencies, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of tourists and travel agencies, maintaining the order of the tourism market, and promoting the healthy development of the tourism industry.   第一条 为了加强对旅行社的管理,保障旅游者和旅行社的合法权益,维护旅游市场秩序,促进旅游业的健康发展,制定本条例。

Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the establishment and business activities of travel agencies within the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本条例适用于中华人民共和国境内旅行社的设立及经营活动。

The term “travel agencies” as mentioned in this Regulation shall refer to enterprise legal persons that engage in such activities as soliciting, organizing and receiving tourists, provide tourists with relevant tourism services, and conduct domestic tourism business, inbound tourism business, or outbound tourism business.

Article 3 The tourism administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and management of all travel agencies throughout the country.   第三条 国务院旅游行政主管部门负责全国旅行社的监督管理工作。

The tourism administrative departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and management of travel agencies in their administrative regions according to their functions.

The relevant departments of industry and commerce, price, commerce, and foreign exchange, etc. of the people's governments at and above the county level shall, according to the division of functions, supervise and manage travel agencies according to law.

Article 4 Travel agencies shall observe the principle of voluntariness, equality, fairness, and honesty, enhance the service quality and protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists.   第四条 旅行社在经营活动中应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚信的原则,提高服务质量,维护旅游者的合法权益。

Article 5 An industry organization of travel agencies shall provide services for travel agencies according to the articles of association, play the role of coordination and self-discipline, guide travel agencies to compete legitimately and fairly as well as operate honestly.   第五条 旅行社行业组织应当按照章程为旅行社提供服务,发挥协调和自律作用,引导旅行社合法、公平竞争和诚信经营。

Chapter II Establishment of Travel Agencies 

第二章 旅行社的设立

Article 6 To apply for establishing a travel agency and operating the domestic tourism business and inbound tourism business, an applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第六条 申请设立旅行社,经营国内旅游业务和入境旅游业务的,应当具备下列条件:

(1) It shall have a fixed business place; (一)有固定的经营场所;

(2) It shall have necessary business facilities; and (二)有必要的营业设施;

(3) It shall have a registered capital of not less than 300,000 yuan. (三)有不少于30万元的注册资本。

Article 7 To apply for establishing a travel agency and operating the domestic tourism business and inbound tourism business, an applicant shall file an application with the tourism administrative department of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government at the place where it is located, or with the commissioned tourism administrative department at the level of a districted city, and shall submit the relevant certification documents satisfying the requirements of Article 6 of this Regulation. The tourism administrative department accepting the application shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 20 workdays from the acceptance of the application. In the case of approval, it shall issue a business permit for travel agencies to the applicant, who shall handle the registration of establishment at the administrative department for industry and commerce upon the strength of the business permit for travel agencies; in the case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant in written form and give reasons.   第七条 申请设立旅行社,经营国内旅游业务和入境旅游业务的,应当向所在地省、自治区、直辖市旅游行政管理部门或者其委托的设区的市级旅游行政管理部门提出申请,并提交符合本条例第六条规定的相关证明文件。受理申请的旅游行政管理部门应当自受理申请之日起20个工作日内作出许可或者不予许可的决定。予以许可的,向申请人颁发旅行社业务经营许可证,申请人持旅行社业务经营许可证向工商行政管理部门办理设立登记;不予许可的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。

Article 8 A travel agency, which has obtained the business permit for two years or more, and is not subject to any punishment more serious than fine by the administrative body due to the infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, may apply for operating the outbound tourism business.   第八条 旅行社取得经营许可满两年,且未因侵害旅游者合法权益受到行政机关罚款以上处罚的,可以申请经营出境旅游业务。

Article 9 To apply for operating the outbound tourism business, an applicant shall file an application with the tourism administrative department of the State Council or with the commissioned tourism administrative department of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. The tourism administrative department accepting the application shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 20 workdays from the acceptance of the application. In the case of approval, it shall replace the business permit for travel agencies with a new one for the applicant, and the travel agency shall handle the registration of modification at the administrative department for industry and commerce upon the strength of the new business permit for travel agencies; in the case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant in written form and give reasons.   第九条 申请经营出境旅游业务的,应当向国务院旅游行政主管部门或者其委托的省、自治区、直辖市旅游行政管理部门提出申请,受理申请的旅游行政管理部门应当自受理申请之日起20个工作日内作出许可或者不予许可的决定。予以许可的,向申请人换发旅行社业务经营许可证,旅行社应当持换发的旅行社业务经营许可证到工商行政管理部门办理变更登记;不予许可的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。

Article 10 Where a travel agency plans to establish a branch, it shall handle the registration of establishment at the administrative department for industry and commerce at the place where the branch is located upon the strength of the duplicate of the business permit for travel agencies, and shall file the registration for archival purpose with the tourism administrative department at the place where the branch is located within three workdays from the date of registration of establishment.   第十条 旅行社设立分社的,应当持旅行社业务经营许可证副本向分社所在地的工商行政管理部门办理设立登记,并自设立登记之日起3个工作日内向分社所在地的旅游行政管理部门备案。

The establishment of a branch of a travel agency shall not be subject to geographical restriction. The business scope of the branch shall not exceed that of the travel agency establishing it.

Article 11 To establish a service outlet for the purpose of soliciting tourists and providing tourism consultation (hereinafter referred to as the service outlet of a travel agency), the travel agency shall handle the formalities for registration of establishment at the administrative department for industry and commerce according to law, and file the registration for archival purpose with the tourism administrative department at the place where it is located.   第十一条 旅行社设立专门招徕旅游者、提供旅游咨询的服务网点(以下简称旅行社服务网点)应当依法向工商行政管理部门办理设立登记手续,并向所在地的旅游行政管理部门备案。

The service outlet of a travel agency shall be subject to the uniform management of the travel agency and shall not be engaged in the activities other than soliciting tourists and consultation.

Article 12 Where a travel agency alters its name, business place, legal representative or other registration matters or terminates its business operation, it shall handle the corresponding registration of modification or cancellation at the administrative department for industry and commerce, and file the registration for archival purpose with the original tourism administrative department that issued the permit within ten workdays from completing the handling of registration, and have its business permit for travel agencies replaced or returned.   第十二条 旅行社变更名称、经营场所、法定代表人等登记事项或者终止经营的,应当到工商行政管理部门办理相应的变更登记或者注销登记,并在登记办理完毕之日起10个工作日内,向原许可的旅游行政管理部门备案,换领或者交回旅行社业务经营许可证。

Article 13 A travel agency shall, within three workdays from the day when it obtains the business permit for travel agencies, open a special account for quality assurance fund in the bank designated by the tourism administrative department of the State Council, deposit quality assurance fund, or provide the tourism administrative department making the approval with bank guarantee which it obtains according to law and the secured amount of which is not less than the amount of the corresponding quality assurance fund.   第十三条 旅行社应当自取得旅行社业务经营许可证之日起3个工作日内,在国务院旅游行政主管部门指定的银行开设专门的质量保证金账户,存入质量保证金,或者向作出许可的旅游行政管理部门提交依法取得的担保额度不低于相应质量保证金数额的银行担保。

A travel agency operating the domestic tourism business and inbound tourism business shall deposit the quality assurance fund of 200,000 yuan; a travel agency operating the outbound tourism business shall increase the deposit of quality assurance fund by 1,200,000 yuan.

The interests of the quality assurance fund shall belong to the travel agency.

Article 14 A travel agency shall increase its amount of quality assurance fund by 50,000 yuan in its special account for each branch it establishes to operate the domestic tourism business and inbound tourism business; shall increase its amount of quality assurance fund by 300,000 yuan in its special account for each branch it establishes to operate the outbound tourism business.   第十四条 旅行社每设立一个经营国内旅游业务和入境旅游业务的分社,应当向其质量保证金账户增存5万元;每设立一个经营出境旅游业务的分社,应当向其质量保证金账户增存30万元。

Article 15 Where a travel agency falls under any of the following circumstances, the tourism administrative department may use the quality assurance fund of the travel agency:   第十五条 有下列情形之一的,旅游行政管理部门可以使用旅行社的质量保证金:

(1) The travel agency breaches the tourism contract and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, which is verified as true by the tourism administrative department; or (一)旅行社违反旅游合同约定,侵害旅游者合法权益,经旅游行政管理部门查证属实的;

(2) The travel agency causes the lost of tourism fees prepaid by tourists due to dissolution, bankruptcy or any other reason. (二)旅行社因解散、破产或者其他原因造成旅游者预交旅游费用损失的。

Article 16 Where it is determined by the judgment, ruling or any other effective legal document of the people's court that a travel agency damaged the legitimate rights and interests of tourists but the travel agency refuses to make or is incapable of making the compensation, the people's court may transfer the money for the compensation from the account of quality assurance fund of the travel agency.   第十六条 人民法院判决、裁定及其他生效法律文书认定旅行社损害旅游者合法权益,旅行社拒绝或者无力赔偿的,人民法院可以从旅行社的质量保证金账户上划拨赔偿款。

Article 17 Where a travel agency has not been subject to the punishment more serious than fine by the administrative body due to any infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of tourists within three years from the day when it pays or makes up the quality assurance fund, the tourism administrative department shall reduce the amount of quality assurance fund deposited by the travel agency by 50%, and make an announcement to the public. The travel agency may reduce its quality assurance fund upon the strength of the certificates issued by the tourism administrative department of the province, autonomous regions, or municipality directly under the Central Government.   第十七条 旅行社自交纳或者补足质量保证金之日起三年内未因侵害旅游者合法权益受到行政机关罚款以上处罚的,旅游行政管理部门应当将旅行社质量保证金的交存数额降低50%,并向社会公告。旅行社可凭省、自治区、直辖市旅游行政管理部门出具的凭证减少其质量保证金。

Article 18 Where a travel agency has been subject to punishment more serious than fine by the administrative body due to any infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of tourists after the tourism administrative department has used the quality assurance fund to compensate for the loss suffered by tourists or reduced the quality assurance fund according to law, it shall make up the quality assurance fund within five workdays from the day when it receives the notice on making up the quality assurance fund from the tourism administrative department.   第十八条 旅行社在旅游行政管理部门使用质量保证金赔偿旅游者的损失,或者依法减少质量保证金后,因侵害旅游者合法权益受到行政机关罚款以上处罚的,应当在收到旅游行政管理部门补交质量保证金的通知之日起5个工作日内补足质量保证金。

Article 19 Where a travel agency does not engage in tourism business any more, it shall take back the quality assurance fund from the bank upon the strength of the certificates issued by the tourism administrative department.   第十九条 旅行社不再从事旅游业务的,凭旅游行政管理部门出具的凭证,向银行取回质量保证金。

Article 20 The specific measures for the management of the deposit and use of the quality assurance fund shall be separately formulated by the tourism administrative department of the State Council and the public finance department of the State Council jointly with the relevant departments.   第二十条 质量保证金存缴、使用的具体管理办法由国务院旅游行政主管部门和国务院财政部门会同有关部门另行制定。

Chapter III Foreign-invested Travel Agencies 

第三章 外商投资旅行社

Article 21 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to foreign-invested travel agencies; if it is not provided for in this Chapter, other provisions of this Regulation shall apply.   第二十一条 外商投资旅行社适用本章规定;本章没有规定的,适用本条例其他有关规定。

The term “foreign-invested travel agencies” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall include Sino-foreign equity joint, Sino-foreign cooperative and solely foreign-funded travel agencies.

Article 22 To establish a foreign-invested travel agency, the investor shall file an application with the tourism administrative department of the State Council, and submit the relevant certification documents meeting the conditions as prescribed in Article 6 of this Regulation. The tourism administrative department of the State Council shall complete the examination within 30 workdays from the acceptance of the application. If the establishment is approved, it shall issue the examination opinion for business permit for foreign-invested travel agencies; if the establishment is disapproved, it shall notify the applicant in written form and give reasons.   第二十二条 设立外商投资旅行社,由投资者向国务院旅游行政主管部门提出申请,并提交符合本条例第六条规定条件的相关证明文件。国务院旅游行政主管部门应当自受理申请之日起30个工作日内审查完毕。同意设立的,出具外商投资旅行社业务许可审定意见书;不同意设立的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。

The applicant shall apply to the competent commerce department of the State Council for establishing a foreign-invested enterprise upon the strength of the examination opinion for business permit for foreign-invested travel agencies, the articles of association, and the contract concluded by both parties concerned. The competent commerce department of the State Council shall make a decision on approval or disapproval according to the relevant laws and regulations. In the case of approval, it shall issue the foreign-invested enterprise license, and notify the applicant to obtain the business permit for travel agencies at the tourism administrative department of the State Council. And the applicant shall handle the registration of establishment at the administrative department for industry and commerce upon the strength of the business permit for travel agencies and the foreign-invested enterprise license; in the case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant in written form and give reasons.

Article 23 No foreign-invested travel agency may operate the business in Chinese mainland residents' traveling to other countries and to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region, unless it is otherwise decided by the State Council, or provided for by the free trade agreements signed by China and by the arrangements on establishing closer economic partnership between Mainland and Hong Kong/Macao.   第二十三条 外商投资旅行社不得经营中国内地居民出国旅游业务以及赴香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区旅游的业务,但是国务院决定或者我国签署的自由贸易协定和内地与香港、澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排另有规定的除外。

Chapter IV Operation of Travel Agencies 

第四章 旅行社经营

Article 24 A travel agency shall provide tourists with true and reliable tourism service information and shall not carry out false publicity.
   第二十四条 旅行社向旅游者提供的旅游服务信息必须真实可靠,不得作虚假宣传。

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