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Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang

Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang



(The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China; September 2015, Beijing) (中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 2015年9月)

Contents 目录
Foreword 前言
I. Implementing the System of Ethnic Regional Autonomy 一、实行民族区域自治制度
II. Upholding Ethnic Equality and Unity 二、坚持各民族平等团结
III. Constantly Strengthening the Foundations of Development 三、不断夯实发展基础
IV. Improving Standards of Living for All 四、改善民生造福各族人民
V. Promoting Cultural Prosperity 五、推进文化事业繁荣发展
VI. Maintaining Social Harmony and Stability in Accordance with the Law 六、依法维护社会和谐稳定
VII. Respecting and Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief 七、尊重和保护宗教信仰自由
VIII. Promoting the Unique Role of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps 八、发挥兵团特殊作用
IX. State Support and Assistance to Xinjiang 九、国家对新疆的支持与帮助
Conclusion 结束语
Foreword 前言
China is a unified and multiethnic country. Xinjiang has been home to several of China's ethnic peoples since ancient times. Over the long course of history the ethnic groups in Xinjiang have maintained close relations with each other, trusting and depending on each other and sharing weal and woe together. They have worked hard to build Xinjiang, to safeguard border stability, national unification and ethnic unity, and to promote the development and progress of China. 中国是统一的多民族国家。新疆自古以来就是中国多民族共同生活的家园。在漫长的历史长河中,生活在新疆的中华各族儿女密切交往、相互依存、休戚与共,共同开发建设新疆,共同维护边疆稳定、国家统一、民族团结,共同推动国家的发展进步。
Under the unified state leadership, implementing regional autonomy in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities is a basic political system of China. It is an important step on the correct path towards resolving ethnic problems in a Chinese manner and an institutional guarantee that the path will be followed. Implementing the system of ethnic regional autonomy in Xinjiang is a measure that accords with the prevailing situation in China and with the realities of life and the needs of Xinjiang. Doing so has acted as a bulwark to national unification and to the equality, unity and development of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. 在国家的统一领导下,在少数民族聚居地方实行区域自治,是中国的一项基本政治制度,是中国特色解决民族问题的正确道路的重要内容和制度保障。在新疆实行民族区域自治制度,符合中国国情和新疆实际,维护了国家统一和新疆各民族平等团结发展。
Since the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang in 1949, and the founding of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 1955 in particular, Xinjiang has seen continued improvement in its standard of living, comprehensive progress in various areas, stability in the overall situation of society, and positive momentum for development. All this has been made possible by strong support from the state and other parts of the country, as well as by the concerted efforts of all of Xinjiang's ethnic groups. In 2010 and 2014, the central government held two meetings to discuss work related to Xinjiang, resulting in a steady improvement of the guiding principles and strategies for governing Xinjiang, ushering in a new era in the economic and social development of the region. 自1949年新疆和平解放,特别是1955年新疆维吾尔自治区成立以来,在国家的大力支持和全国各地的有力帮助下,在全区各族人民的共同努力下,新疆民生不断改善,各项事业全面进步,社会大局稳定,发展势头良好。2010年和2014年,中央先后召开新疆工作座谈会,不断丰富完善治疆理念和治疆方略,新疆经济社会发展进入了新的历史时期。
The development and progress witnessed in Xinjiang has been achieved by all the peoples of China - including the various ethnic groups in Xinjiang - working together in pursuit of a common goal. It gives a vivid expression to the progress made by China's ethnic groups towards achieving common prosperity, and marks the successful implementation of China's system of ethnic regional autonomy in Xinjiang. 新疆的发展进步,是包括新疆各族人民在内的全中国人民团结拼搏的伟大成果,是中国各族人民共同繁荣发展的生动体现,是中国民族区域自治制度在新疆的成功实践。
I. Implementing the System of Ethnic Regional Autonomy   一、实行民族区域自治制度
Located in China's northwest, Xinjiang was documented as forming part of China's territories as early as 60 BC, and went on to become an integral part of the unified and multiethnic country. In light of the actual local conditions, the central governments in successive dynastic periods adopted various different forms of governance in this region. During the process of creating and developing a unified and multiethnic country, all the ethnic peoples of Xinjiang developed close ties and became integrated as one. 新疆地处中国西北边疆,早在公元前60年就纳入中国版图,成为中国统一多民族国家不可分割的组成部分。历代中央政府根据新疆的实际情况,采取多种形式治理新疆。新疆各族人民在共同创建和发展中国统一多民族国家的历史过程中,形成了你中有我、我中有你的血肉联系。
Known for their hard working, wisdom and bravery, the ethnic groups of Xinjiang created a distinctive multiethnic culture, which became an important part of overall Chinese culture. Xinjiang also became a key gateway connecting China with the rest of the world and disseminating diverse cultures.
After the First Opium War (1840-1842), China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the ethnic peoples of Xinjiang suffered oppression under the foreign aggressors, feudal forces and exploiting classes, falling to the bottom of society.
By the late 1940s, most of the arable land in the farming areas of southern Xinjiang, Ili and Urumqi had been seized by a handful of landlords, leaving very little to the majority of peasants. In the remote villages inhabited by Uygur peasants in southern Xinjiang, a small number of serf owners' estates existed in relatively complete form. The overlords of these estates owned their serfs from head to toe, and the serfs were forced to work their masters' lands without payment and to perform all kinds of domestic chores. In the pastoral areas of northern Xinjiang, remnants of the feudal clan system were evident in that the nobility and the clan chiefs not only held large herds of livestock, but also enjoyed all kinds of feudal privileges.
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xinjiang lagged far behind the rest of the country in economic and social development, and the ethnic peoples there lived in dire poverty and were deprived of basic human rights.
Founded in 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC) took as its mission the search for a right path to realize national independence and the liberation of the people, including the ethnic peoples of Xinjiang. In its early days, the CPC sent some of its members to Xinjiang to carry out revolutionary work. During the Chinese people's War of Resistance againstJapanese Aggression, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang lent their support to the cause of resistance through various means under the leadership of the CPC. A number of revolutionary youth, influenced by progressive ideas, actively mobilized the peoples of Xinjiang to fight against reactionary and backward forces. The common call of history convinced them that only the CPC could save China - a prerequisite for the consensus against which Xinjiang later greeted its peaceful liberation. 1921年中国共产党成立后,就在为包括新疆各族人民在内的全体中国人民寻找一条实现民族独立、人民解放的正确道路。中国共产党成立初期,就有一些中共党员进入新疆地区从事革命工作。抗日战争时期,在中国共产党的领导下,新疆各族人民通过多种形式支援内地的抗战事业。一批各族进步青年受到先进思想的熏陶影响,积极追求进步,发动各族群众同反动落后势力进行斗争。共同的历史命运使新疆各族人民深信,唯有中国共产党才能救中国,这样的共识为后来新疆和平解放奠定了基本前提条件。
In September 1949, Xinjiang was liberated peacefully, thanks to the efforts made by people of all ethnic groups there. On October 1, together with all their fellow countrymen, the ethnic peoples of Xinjiang witnessed the founding of the People's Republic of China. After liberation, Xinjiang kept its provincial system.
On December 17, 1949, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Xinjiang Bureau, the Xinjiang provincial people's government was established. Represented by deputies from all ethnic groups and social sectors in Xinjiang, and with Burhan al-Shahidi as chair, this opened a new leaf in the development of a new people's democratic government. Under the leadership of the CPC, and with the strong support of the ChinesePeople's Liberation Army, the provincial government of Xinjiang led the local ethnic peoples in successfully quelling revolts, suppressing bandits and putting down reactionary armed rebellions. The uprising troops of the former regime and ethnic armed forces were regrouped.
In line with the principles of equality, unity, and mutual assistance for ethnic groups, the peoples of Xinjiang became the masters of the region, and for the first time elected deputies to the people's congresses at all levels. The democratic reform that followed, with rural land reform at its core, abolished feudal land ownership and distributed land to the deprived local peasants, putting an end once and for all to centuries of oppression and exploitation for the working people of Xinjiang.
The People's Republic of China has upheld ethnic equality, unity, common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups as the basic principles in solving ethnic problems and handling ethnic relations. It made it a state policy to practice ethnic regional autonomy in areas where people of ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities. When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the ethnic peoples of Xinjiang mainly comprised the Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Kirgiz, Mongolian, Xibe, Tajik, Manchu, Uzbek,Russian, Daur and Tartar, with the Uygurs boasting the largest population. Each of these ethnic groups was characterized by living in homogenous communities of its own, or by living together with or mixing with other groups, and the various peoples maintained close and extensive relations - a continuation of the traditional lifestyle. The practice of ethnic regional autonomy in Xinjiang has ensured the democratic rights of all ethnic peoples in the region, making them the masters of Xinjiang. It is also of great significance in strengthening the harmonious relationship of equality, unity and mutual assistance of the various ethnic groups, safeguarding national unification, accelerating economic development, and promoting social progress in Xinjiang. 新中国把坚持各民族平等团结和各民族共同繁荣发展作为解决民族问题和处理民族关系的基本原则,并确定在少数民族聚居地方实行民族区域自治制度。新中国成立时,在新疆聚居生活的主要有维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、回、柯尔克孜、蒙古、锡伯、塔吉克、满、乌孜别克、俄罗斯、达斡尔和塔塔尔等民族,其中维吾尔族人口居多。以上各民族呈“大杂居、小聚居”的特点,各民族之间存在密切而广泛的联系,这是新疆多民族共同聚居历史的延续。新疆实行民族区域自治制度,有力保障了新疆各民族人民当家作主的民主权利,对于加强各民族平等、团结、互助、和谐的关系,维护国家统一,加快新疆经济发展,促进新疆社会进步,都有着十分重要的意义。
On August 22, 1952, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Program of the People's Republic of China for Implementing Ethnic Regional Autonomy, the second session of the first people's congress of all ethnic groups and walks of life was held in Xinjiang Province, passing the Resolution on Executing the Program of the People's Republic of China for Implementing Ethnic Regional Autonomy and forming a preparatory committee for exercising ethnic regional autonomy in Xinjiang Province on September 10.
In its official written reply on December 22, 1953, the Government Administrative Council of the Central People's Government approved the Measures for Exercising Ethnic Regional Autonomy in Xinjiang Province, initiating the preparatory work for establishing autonomous areas in Xinjiang in an orderly fashion. By 1954, with the approval of the central government, Xinjiang had completed the preparations for the establishment of autonomous areas at or below the prefecture level, establishing five autonomous prefectures, i.e., Bayingolin Mongolian, Bortala Mongolian, Kizilsu Kirgiz, Changji Hui and Ili Kazak, six autonomous counties, i.e., Yanqi Hui, Qapqal Xibe, Mori Kazak, Hoboksar Mongolian, Tashkurghan Tajik and Barkol Kazak.
The establishment of these autonomous prefectures and counties laid the foundation for the establishment of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In accordance with the Program of the People's Republic of China for Practicing Ethnic Regional Autonomy, the CPC Xinjiang Bureau made proactive and prudent preparations for establishing the autonomous region. The 21st meeting of the Standing Committee of the First National People's Congress passed on September 13, 1955 the resolution to establish the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to replace the former Xinjiang Province, with the former areas under the jurisdiction of the Xinjiang Province being put under the jurisdiction of the newly established autonomous region. 各自治地方的建立为新疆维吾尔自治区的成立奠定了基础。中共中央新疆分局依照《中华人民共和国民族区域自治实施纲要》,积极慎重地推进成立新疆维吾尔自治区的筹备工作。1955年9月13日,第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过了成立新疆维吾尔自治区、撤消新疆省建制的决议,并以原新疆省的行政区域为新疆维吾尔自治区的行政区域。
In September 20-30, 1955, the second session of the First People's Congress of Xinjiang Province was convened in Urumqi. The meeting approved the Report on Preparatory Work for the Establishment of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region along with some other instruments, and elected a 41-member People's Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with Seypidin Ezizi (Uygur) as chair, and Gao Jinchun (Han), Memetmin Iminof (Uygur) and Patihan Sugurbayev (Kazak) as vice chairs. On October 1, 1955, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was officially founded. 1955年9月20-30日,新疆省第一届人民代表大会第二次会议在乌鲁木齐召开。此次会议通过了《关于新疆维吾尔自治区筹备工作的报告》等文件,选举产生了以赛福鼎·艾则孜(维吾尔族)为主席,高锦纯(汉族)、买买提明·伊敏诺夫(维吾尔族)、帕提汗·苏古尔巴也夫(哈萨克族)为副主席的41人组成的新疆维吾尔自治区人民委员会。1955年10月1日,新疆维吾尔自治区宣告成立。
The establishment of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region marked the full implementation of the system of ethnic regional autonomy in Xinjiang. Under the leadership and care of the central government and with the strong support and help from other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the people of the various ethnic groups in Xinjiang plunged into the construction of Xinjiang in a massive scale.
In 1984, the state promulgated and put into effect the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ethnic Regional Autonomy, establishing ethnic regional autonomy as a basic political system of the state, thereby providing a powerful legal basis for all ethnic peoples in Xinjiang to fully exercise their right of autonomy based on the principle of safeguarding national unification.
In May 2010 and May 2014, the central government held two meetings to specially discuss work in relation to Xinjiang, emphasizing the importance of upholding and improving the system of ethnic regional autonomy, and calling for efforts to build a socialist Xinjiang featuring unity and harmony, prosperity and vigor, civility and progress, and peace and contentment for its people. The various undertakings of Xinjiang had entered a new stage of development. 2010年5月、2014年5月,中央先后召开第一、二次新疆工作座谈会,强调要坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,努力建设团结和谐、繁荣富强、文明进步、安居乐业的社会主义新疆,新疆各项事业发展进入了一个新阶段。
II. Upholding Ethnic Equality and Unity   二、坚持各民族平等团结
Since its establishment in 1955, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has remained committed to supporting and improving the system of ethnic regional autonomy. It has implemented China's ethnic policies, endeavored to promote the unity and common prosperity of various ethnic groups, and developed and consolidated the new type of socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony. 新疆维吾尔自治区成立以来,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,贯彻落实国家的民族政策,努力促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展,发展和巩固了平等、团结、互助、和谐的新型社会主义民族关系。
The principle of equality among all ethnic groups has been upheld. All ethnic groups in China, regardless of the sizes of their population and levels of development, are equal. They enjoy equal rights and are required to fulfill the same obligations in accordance with the law. The establishment of the system of ethnic regional autonomy served to protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities and safeguard the equal rights and interests of individual citizens. People of all ethnic origins in Xinjiang are ensured an equal legal status. They enjoy the rights to vote and stand for election as prescribed by the Constitution and the law, the right of equal participation in the administration of state affairs, the right of religious belief, the right to receive education, the right to use their own spoken and written languages, the right to inherit and carry on the traditional culture of their own ethnic groups, etc. 坚持各民族一律平等。在中国,各民族不论人口多少、发展程度高低,都具有同等地位,依法享有相同的权利,履行相同的义务。民族区域自治制度的建立,实现了保护少数民族合法权益和保障公民个人平等权利相统一。新疆各族人民享有平等的法律地位,享有宪法和法律赋予的选举与被选举的权利,同时还享有参与国家事务管理、宗教信仰自由、接受教育、使用本民族语言文字、继承本民族传统文化等各项权利。自治区着力消除历史遗留下来的民族隔阂,坚决反对任何形式的民族压迫和歧视,禁止破坏民族团结和制造民族分裂的行为。各级自治地方既尊重和保护本地区各民族的权利,同时还担负着维护国家统一、民族团结、社会稳定的责任。
The region has focused on eliminating ethnic misunderstandings carried over from the past; it has firmly opposed any form of ethnic oppression or discrimination, and outlawed any action that might sabotage ethnic unity or incite ethnic separatism. In addition to respecting and protecting the rights and interests of all ethnic peoples within their jurisdiction, governments of ethnic autonomous areas at various levels shoulder at the same time the responsibility of safeguarding national unification, ethnic unity and social stability.
Internal affairs of the ethnic autonomous areas are administered independently. Home to more than a dozen major ethnic groups, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is the only autonomous region in China with three levels of autonomous administrative divisions (region, prefecture and county). It boasts five autonomous prefectures, six autonomous counties and 42 ethnic townships. The people of each ethnic autonomous area elect their own deputies to the people's congress and form the self-government organs of power to exercise the right to manage their own internal affairs. In the composition of deputies to the people's congresses and the appointment of officials, the region's self-government organs at each level have always adhered to the principles of equal participation and common management. In 2014, the 550 deputies to the 12th People's Congress of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region came from 14 ethnic groups, with 66 percent being ethnic minorities themselves, three percentage points higher than the proportion of the total population of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. Of nine chairperson and vice chairpersons of the Standing Committee of the current regional people's congress, six are citizens of ethnic minority origins. In Xinjiang now, the heads of the autonomous region, all the autonomous prefectures and all autonomous counties are citizens from the ethnic group(s) exercising regional autonomy in the areas concerned. Moreover, an overwhelming number of the heads of other prefectures, cities and counties are citizens of ethnic minority origins. Ethnic groups in Xinjiang also enjoy the right of equal participation in the administration of state affairs. Of 60 deputies from Xinjiang who attended the 12th National People's Congress in 2014, 38, or over 63 percent, were ethnic minorities. There are many people of ethnic minority origins from Xinjiang holding leading posts in central and state organs.
According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ethnic Regional Autonomy, ethnic autonomous areas have the right to enact autonomous and separate regulations to adapt the provisions of the state law, administrative regulations and local regulations in accordance with their local conditions. These stipulations have played an important role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the ethnic minorities and promoting economic and social development in ethnic autonomous areas. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》和《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》的规定,民族自治地方有权依照当地特点制定自治条例和单行条例,对法律、行政法规、地方性法规作出变通规定。这些规定对保障和维护各少数民族合法权益、促进自治地方经济社会发展发挥了重要作用。
All ethnic groups are guaranteed the right to use and develop their own spoken and written languages. Xinjiang is a region of multiple spoken and written languages, of which there are ten principal ones. The region has enacted the Regulations for Work Concerning Spoken and Written Languages in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which provides a legal basis for the extensive use of the spoken and written languages of ethnic minorities in such fields as justice, administration, education, news media, publishing, radio, movies, television programs, the Internet and daily life. Government organs in handling public affairs and various other organizations in recruitment and promotion tests all use the language(s) of the ethnic groups exercising autonomy in a given area. Seven languages are used as teaching languages in primary and secondary schools in the region, five languages are used in broadcasting and television programs, and six languages are used in publishing books, audio-visual products and electronic publications.
The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language rules that the standard spoken and written Chinese language is Putonghua (a common speech with pronunciation based on the Beijing dialect) and the standardized Chinese characters. The autonomous region encourages ethnic minorities to study the standard spoken and written Chinese and offers appropriate courses in primary and secondary schools, and it also encourages ethnic minority peoples to study one another's languages so as to enhance mutual understanding and communication. Since 2010, the autonomous region has required that newly recruited civil servants must acquire basic skills in both the standard and ethnic languages before they enter the service, and that they must be provided with opportunities of and conditions for bilingual training.
The customs of ethnic minorities are respected and the freedom of each ethnic group to maintain or reform its own customs is protected. In 2004, the region formulated the Halal Food Regulations of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to protect the halal dietary customs of the relevant ethnic groups, which stipulated that departments in charge of ethnic affairs of the people's governments at/above the county level are vested with the responsibility of supervising and exercising control over the production and supply of halal food within areas under their jurisdiction. The region also renders support to and guarantees the production and supply of special supplies to ethnic minorities. Ethnic minorities which have the tradition of inhumation (ground burial) are exempt from the government requirement for cremation, and are allotted special plots for cemeteries. Major festivals of the ethnic minorities are also made official public holidays in Xinjiang. The region encourages all ethnic groups to respect one another's customs while encourages following more scientific, civilized and healthy customs in relation to food, clothing, shelter, transportation, weddings, funerals and etiquettes. 尊重少数民族风俗习惯,保障各民族保持或者改革本民族风俗习惯的自由。2004年,自治区制定《新疆维吾尔自治区清真食品管理条例》,依法保障有清真饮食习惯民族的饮食习俗,规定县级以上人民政府民族事务主管部门负责本行政区域内清真食品的监督管理工作。扶持和保证少数民族特需用品的生产和供应。在有土葬习俗的少数民族中,不推行火葬,并采取划拨专用土地、建立公墓等措施予以保障。少数民族重大节日成为新疆法定公众假期。自治区提倡各民族相互尊重风俗习惯,倡导少数民族在衣食住行、婚丧嫁娶、礼仪风俗各方面奉行科学、文明、健康的新习俗。
Candidates of ethnic minority origins are selected and cultivated as officials and professionals. A large number of administrative officials and technical professionals from ethnic minority groups have been fostered through training courses and working at the grassroots level, or through work exchanges or job rotation. In 1955, the number of ethnic minority officials in Xinjiang was 46,000, which increased to 417,000 in 2014, accounting for 51.4 percent of the total officials in the region. When selecting leading officials and recruiting civil servants, the autonomous region implements more flexible policies such as setting a recruitment ratio and offering directional recruitment and bonus points in favor of ethnic minorities, so as to make sure that a certain number of ethnic minorities join the civil service. The proportion of ethnic minority civil servants in the total recruitment increased from 29.9 percent in 2009 to 48.3 percent in 2014. Special support has been given to professional personnel of ethnic minority origins. Since 1992, the state has put in place a special program to train professionals of ethnic minority origins in key areas of science and technology by way of holding training courses, advanced studies, exchanges and being placed on more challenging posts, etc. and by the end of 2014 the region had trained in total 3,917 middle- and high-caliber professionals of ethnic minority origins badly needed in Xinjiang. In key areas of science and technology, Xinjiang has established and implemented a fund for special training of science and technology talents of ethnic minority origins since 2000. The number of ethnic minority technical professionals in Xinjiang increased from 124,300 in 1985 to 294,400 in 2014, and the proportion rose from 34.43 percent to 58.37 percent of the total number of such people in the region. The number of ethnic minority professionals with academic titles equivalent to professor and associate professor reached 21,100 in 2014. 选拔、培养、使用少数民族干部和专业技术人才。自治区通过培训学习、基层锻炼、异地交流、岗位轮换等多种形式,培养了大批各领域少数民族行政和专业技术干部。1955年,新疆有少数民族干部4.6万人,2014年增至41.7万人,占自治区干部总数的51.4%。自治区在公开选拔领导干部、录用国家工作人员时,对少数民族适当放宽条件,通过划定比例、定向招考、适当加分等政策,确保一定数量的少数民族进入公务员队伍。2009-2014年,自治区招录少数民族公务员占招录总数的比例从29.9%提高到48.3%。少数民族专业技术人才培养得到特别支持。1992年开始,国家实施新疆少数民族科技骨干特殊培养工作,采取培训、研修、交流、锻炼等多种方式,至2014年共培养了3917名新疆急需的中高层次少数民族专业技术人才。自2000年起,自治区设立“少数民族科技人才特殊培养计划科研专项资金”,支持少数民族科技骨干实施科技项目。新疆少数民族专业技术人员由1985年的12.43万人增长到2014年的29.44万人,占全区专业技术人员总数的比例由34.43%增长到58.37%,仅高级职称少数民族专业技术人才就达2.11万人。
The ethnic regional autonomy provides an institutional guarantee to ethnic unity. The region's population totaled 5.1 million in 1955 while by 2014 it had increased to over 23.2 million, of which 14.6 million were ethnic minorities, making up 63 percent of the total. The region has carried out all kinds of educational programs advocating ethnic unity, paying particular attention to education of the youth, as evidenced by courses on ethnic unity and knowledge about the various ethnic groups offered in various institutions of learning - from primary schools to universities. In Xinjiang, unremitting efforts have also been made in holding activities promoting ethnic unity and progress. To advocate ethnic unity and counter acts undermining it, the autonomous region has since 1983 held seven meetings awarding those making outstanding contribution to ethnic unity and progress, and commending units and individuals who have excelled in this regard. To date, the State Council, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have commended 1,304 model units and 2,272 exemplary individuals. Since 1983, the region has held an "educational month of ethnic unity" each May, carrying out intensive and extensive public publicity on ethnic unity. In 2009, the region promulgated the Regulations of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Ethnic Unity Education, further regulating ethnic unity education activities in order to call people of all ethnic groups to safeguard ethnic unity. By the end of 2010, the region had enacted the Measures for the Administration of Commendation of Role Models Contributing to Ethnic Unity Activities (Trial). The region encourages all members of ethnic groups to strengthen contact, exchange, integration and mutual support mechanisms, and advocates that primary or secondary school students of all ethnic groups study in the same classes and schools. It has become an important ideological guarantee for ethnic unity that "the Han Chinese cannot live without the ethnic minorities, the ethnic minorities cannot do without the Han Chinese, and no any one minority group can live without the other minority groups." 民族区域自治为民族团结提供制度保障。1955年,新疆总人口511.78万人,2014年增长至2322.54万人,其中少数民族1463.04万人,占总人口的63%。自治区坚持开展形式多样的民族团结宣传教育,特别重视对青少年的教育,在小学至大学的各类学校教育中均设置民族团结及民族知识教育课程。坚持不懈地开展民族团结进步创建活动。自1983年开始,自治区先后召开了7次民族团结进步表彰大会,大力表彰民族团结进步模范单位和个人,在全社会推动形成以维护民族团结为荣、以损害民族团结为耻的社会风尚。目前,受到国务院、国家民委、自治区三级表彰的民族团结进步模范单位1304个(次)、模范个人2272人(次)。1983年开始,每年5月开展“民族团结教育月”活动,集中进行民族团结的宣传教育。2009年,自治区颁布实施《新疆维吾尔自治区民族团结教育条例》,进一步规范了民族团结教育活动,推动各族民众共同维护民族团结。2010年底,又出台了《新疆维吾尔自治区民族团结进步模范单位和模范个人创建表彰管理办法(试行)》,积极引导各族民众加强交往交流交融,相互帮助;提倡各民族中小学生同校学习,同班上课。“汉族离不开少数民族,少数民族离不开汉族,各少数民族之间也相互离不开”成为加强民族团结的重要思想保证。
Along with the region's economic and social development in recent years, increasing mobility has been witnessed in the population of different ethnic groups in Xinjiang. There has been a rising trend in the urbanization and scattered living of ethnic minorities (who used to live in remote rural areas in concentrated communities - ed.), and as such the contact and exchange among them have grown ever closer. In work, study and entertainment as well as shared community life, people of different ethnic origins have enhanced their friendship and mutual understanding. 近年来,随着经济社会的发展,新疆各民族人口流动更加频繁,少数民族人口城市化、散居化趋势明显,民族间交往交流不断密切。在共同工作、学习、娱乐,以及共同的社区生活中,不同民族成员增进了彼此的了解和友谊。
III. Constantly Strengthening the Foundations of Development   三、不断夯实发展基础
Over the past six decades, Xinjiang's economy has achieved steady and rapid development, which has accelerated the region's modernization and laid a solid foundation for improved standards of living and progress in various social programs. 60年来,新疆经济发展水平不断提高。经济快速发展提升了新疆的现代化水平,为自治区各项事业发展以及各族人民生活水平提高奠定了坚实基础。
Marked improvement has been observed in Xinjiang's overall strength. Its gross regional product (GRP) was only RMB1.2 billion in 1955 and RMB3.9 billion in 1978. In 2014, it reached RMB927.3 billion, a 116-fold increase over that of 1955 in real terms, with an annual growth rate of 8.3 percent, or 0.2 percentage point higher than China's average during the same period. Over the years between 2010 and 2014, the average annual growth rate of Xinjiang's GRP was 11.1 percent, 2.5 percentage points higher than the national average. It ranked the fourth of all the country's province-level divisions - its highest ever placing as compared to the 30th in 2009. Xinjiang's per-capita GRP rose to RMB40,648 in 2014 from RMB241 in 1955, about a 24-fold increase in real terms, and a 5.6-percent annual growth. Xinjiang's fiscal revenues and expenditure, no more than RMB170 million and RMB180 million in 1955, grew to RMB128 billion and RMB332 billion in 2014. Over the period from 2010 to 2014, Xinjiang collected a total of RMB454 billion in fiscal revenues, and spent a total of RMB1,308.8 billion. 综合实力显著增强。1955年,新疆地区生产总值12亿元,1978年为39亿元,到2014年达到9273.46亿元,扣除价格因素,比1955年增长115.6倍,年均增长8.3%,比同期全国增速快0.2个百分点。2010-2014年,新疆地区生产总值年均增速11.1%,高于全国同期增速2.5个百分点,增速在全国的位次由2009年的第30位跃升至2014年的第4位,创历史最好水平。新疆人均生产总值由1955年的241元提高到2014年的40648元,扣除价格因素,比1955年增长23.8倍,年均增长5.6%。1955年新疆财政收入只有1.7亿元,2014年达到1282.6亿元。2010-2014年,新疆财政收入合计实现4540.8亿元。新疆财政支出1955年只有1.8亿元,2014年达到3317.8亿元。2010-2014年,财政支出合计实现13088.4亿元。
The gap between urban and rural areas has gradually been narrowed. When the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was founded, it had only few cities like Urumqi, Kashi (Kashgar), Yining (Ghulja) and Hami (Kumul). Its rural areas remained a closed natural economy. There was a yawning gap between urban and rural areas. After six decades of construction and development, enormous improvement has been observed in the production and living conditions of both urban and rural residents. The ratio of urban to rural population was 15.1:84.9 in 1955. By 2014, it had changed to 46.07:53.93. The ratio of urban residents' income to that of rural residents decreased from 3.2:1 in 2009 to 2.7:1 in 2014, narrower than that in the 11 other provinces and autonomous regions of western China. As Xinjiang's new model of urbanization develops fast, more and more rural residents are moving to the cities and enjoying a modern city life. 城乡差距逐步缩小。自治区成立之初,新疆只有乌鲁木齐、喀什、伊宁、哈密等少数城市,农村处于封闭的自然经济状态,城乡差别很大。经过60年的建设和发展,城乡居民的生产生活条件得到极大改善。城镇人口与乡村人口由1955年的15.1∶84.9演变为2014年的46.07∶53.93。城乡居民收入比由2009年的3.2∶1缩小至2014年的2.7∶1,在西部12省区中城乡居民收入差距相对较小。随着新疆新型城镇化的加快发展,有更多的农民转变成市民,过上了现代化的城市生活。
The economy of the various areas of Xinjiang is developing in a coordinated way. For historical reasons and due to different conditions, Xinjiang's northern and southern parts, which are divided by the Tianshan Mountains, varied sharply in development. Following the launch of reform and opening-up drive in 1978, Xinjiang decided to first develop the economic belt along the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains. Development then extended to other parts and propelled the economic growth of the whole region. In 2014, the gross product of the economic belt reached RMB638.7 billion, accounting for 68.9 percent of Xinjiang's total. The state and the autonomous region have also attached great importance to the development of southern Xinjiang, which is mainly populated by ethnic minorities. Since 2010 in particular, Xinjiang has actively encouraged the development of the southern Xinjiang petroleum, natural gas and chemical industry belt and made strenuous effort to support the development of poverty-stricken areas there by giving them a high priority in funding and projects. The average economic growth rate of the four southern Xinjiang prefectures (Hotan, Aksu and Kashi prefectures, and Kizilsu Kirgiz autonomous prefecture) increased from 10.5 percent in 2009 to 11.2 percent in 2014. A steady growth has been seen in the economic strength of southern Xinjiang, so has a constant improvement in the local people's standards of living. 区域经济协调发展。由于历史原因和现实条件不同,新疆南疆、北疆发展水平差异较大。改革开放以来,新疆率先发展天山北坡经济带,有力地带动和辐射了自治区经济的发展。2014年,天山北坡经济带创造生产总值6386.9亿元,占新疆GDP的68.9%。国家和自治区十分重视少数民族占多数的南疆地区发展,特别是2010年以来,新疆积极推动南疆石油天然气化工带建设和大力扶持贫困地区发展,在资金、项目方面予以倾斜,南疆四地州(和田、阿克苏、喀什、克州)经济平均增速由2009年的10.5%提高到2014年的11.2%,南疆地区的经济实力显著增强,人民生活水平不断提高。
The economic structure is being steadily optimized. Xinjiang's economy represented a typical pattern featuring traditional agriculture and husbandry as the main component. The ratio of added-value of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors was 54.4:26.1:19.5 in 1955, and the workforce distribution among the three sectors was 86.9:6.1:7.0. By 2014, the two ratios had improved to 16.6:42.6:40.8 and 45.4:16.0:38.6. A modern industrial structure, with the agricultural sector as the base, manufacturing sector as the spearhead, and service sector as an important component, had taken shape in Xinjiang. After 1978, Xinjiang has stepped up the adjustment of its pattern of ownership. It gave full play to the leading role of public ownership, forming a system of state-owned pillar industries such as petroleum, non-ferrous metals, chemical engineering, steel and coal, as the mainstays, thus having guaranteed the sustained, steady and coordinated growth of the national economy. Meanwhile, it has encouraged, supported and guided the development of the non-public sector. The number of individually owned businesses reached 720,000 in 2014, as compared to the mere 4,168 in 1978. In 2014, private investment in fixed assets was around RMB407 billion, contributing 48.2 percent of the total. Non-public industrial enterprises witnessed a growth rate 5.4 percentage points higher than the industrial sector as a whole, and contributed 33.8 percent to the increment of industrial enterprises with an annual sales revenue of RMB20 million or more. 经济结构不断优化。1955年新疆三次产业增加值占地区生产总值的比重为54.4∶26.1∶19.5,是典型的以传统农牧业为主体的产业格局,三次产业的就业结构为86.9∶6.1∶7.0。到2014年,三次产业结构调整为16.6∶42.6∶40.8,就业结构进一步优化为45.4∶16.0∶38.6。初步形成以农业为基础、工业为主导、服务业占重要地位的现代产业结构。1978年后,新疆加快所有制结构调整。发挥公有制主导作用,形成了石油、有色、化工、钢铁、煤炭等支柱产业体系,保证国民经济持续、稳定、协调发展。鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展。1978年,新疆个体工商户仅为4168户,2014年达到72万户。2014年,民间固定资产投资4066.93亿元,投资贡献率达48.2%。非公有制工业经济增速高于整个工业经济增速5.4个百分点,对规模以上工业增长的贡献率为33.8%。
The infrastructure has become more and more complete. In 2014, 175,500 km of highways were open to traffic, of which 4,316 km were expressways, five times more than in 2009, and Xinjiang had risen to the 12th place among all province-level administrative divisions in the country from the 27th in 2009. A total of 135,000 km of roads served the traffic in rural areas, linking 99.93 percent of towns and 98.71 percent of administrative villages. Some 98 percent of roads between towns and 85 percent of roads between administrative villages were concrete or asphalt ones that meet national standards and requirements. Rail transport in Xinjiang has developed from scratch. In 2014, the overall length of track reached 5,760 km. The region's first high-speed rail between Urumqi and Lanzhou has opened to traffic. A trunk rail network, stretching from east to west and from north to south, connects Xinjiang with other parts of China and with countries in Asia and Europe. In 1978, Xinjiang had only one civil airport and nine regional air routes. By 2014, it had in operation 16 civil airports, and 115 air routes totaling 160,000 km. Thus, Xinjiang now boasts the most airports and the longest air routes in operation of all China's province-level administrative divisions. 基础设施日趋完善。2014年,公路通车总里程达17.55万公里,其中高速公路通车里程达到4316公里,是2009年的5倍,排名从全国第27位跃居第12位;农村公路总里程13.5万公里,乡镇通达率为99.93%,乡镇通畅率为98.21%,建制村通达率为98.71%,建制村通畅率为84.88%。铁路运输从无到有,不断发展,2014年铁路总里程达到5760.2公里。开通乌鲁木齐-兰州高速铁路,跨入高铁运营新时代。建成了贯通东西、连接南北疆、衔接内地、沟通欧亚的铁路运输干线。1978年,新疆仅有1个民航机场、9条区内航线。2014年,已建成运营16个民航机场,开辟了155条航线,通航总里程16万多公里,成为中国拥有机场数量最多,开通航线最长的省区。
Water conservancy projects have led to a great improvement in working and living conditions. Xinjiang had 538 reservoirs with a total storage capacity of 16.908 billion cu m in 2014, as compared to three with a total storage capacity of 52.34 million cu m in 1949. Since 2010, key water conservancy projects bearing on daily life have taken priority in Xinjiang; they included high-efficiency water-saving projects in agriculture, "settlement of herdsmen" water projects, and safe drinking water projects in rural areas. By 2014, high-efficiency water-saving irrigation extended to 27.7 million (1.85 million ha) of farmlands, topping the whole country. Xinjiang had improved irrigation over 3,984,900 (265,660 ha), increased the area of forage land by 3,720,800 (248,053 ha), achieved a net increase of 3.03 million tons in fine forage and hay, and provided water sources for forage lands to safeguard the settlements of 106,000 herding families. Xinjiang's rural areas had a total of 1,315 water works of different sizes, which provided safe drinking water to 11.3 million people, or over 96 percent of the rural population. This has effectively held in check the spread of local infectious and frequently occurring diseases caused by water source pollution. 水利建设极大地改善了各族人民的生产生活条件。新疆水库数量由1949年的3座,总库容5234万立方米,发展到2014年的538座,总库容达到169.08亿立方米。2010年以来,新疆先后将农业高效节水工程、“定居兴牧”水利工程、农村饮水安全工程确定为重点民生水利工程加快建设。到2014年,示范带动全疆建成高效节水灌溉面积2770万亩,建设规模全国领先。改善灌溉面积398.49万亩,新增人工饲草料地372.08万亩,年净增精料和干草303万吨,为10.6万户牧民定居饲草料地建设提供了水源保障。农村建成大小水厂1315座,解决农村饮水不安全人口1125.63万人,占农村总人口的96%以上,有效遏制了水源污染导致的地方传染病、多发病的流行。
The power industry is developing rapidly. The South Hami-Zhengzhou +-800 kv UHVDC Transmission Project, Xinjiang's first UHVDC transmission channel sending electricity out of Xinjiang, was put into operation in 2010, and the building of the supporting power projects of the Zhundong-Huadong +-1100 kv UHVDC Transmission Project has started. Xinjiang's 110 kv and 220 kv grids were connected to the 750 kv higher-grade trunk grid. In 2014, Xinjiang had installed power-generating capacity of 55 million kw, and produced 209 billion kwh of electricity. It sent 17.5 billion kwh to other parts of China through transmission lines totaling 65,656 km. The installed capacity using new energy made up 20 percent of the total. A pattern of power generation with thermal power as the mainstay and other forms of power like hydro power, wind power, gas power, photovoltaic power and biomass power in support, has taken shape. 电力工业发展迅速。2010年以来,“疆电外送”哈密南-郑州±800千伏首条特高压直流外送通道投产运行,准东-华东±1100千伏线路配套电源项目全面开工建设。全区电网由110千伏到220千伏联网并到750千伏高等级电网主网架。2014年,电力装机容量已达到5464万千瓦,发电量2091亿千瓦时,“疆电外送”175亿千瓦时,输电线路总长65656公里。新能源装机容量已占全区电力总装机的20.1%,形成以火电为主,水电、风电、燃气电站、光伏电站、生物质能电站多种发电形式并存的发电格局。
Xinjiang has become an information society. Six decades ago telegrams and post were mainly carried by animals. Now, its communications industry has entered the modern information era. There is Internet coverage across most of the region. In 2014, broadband user numbers exceeded 3 million, and there were 91 mobile phones per 100 people. Around 98 percent of villages had phone line connections and 97 percent of administrative villages had broadband connections. Xinjiang has invested great efforts in raising the status of Urumqi as a regional inward and outward hub in international telecommunication services. Its voice and data services have cross-border connections with more than ten foreign countries, and are able to connect international call services to the whole of the country.

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