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Notice of the All China Lawyers Association on Issuing the Code of Conduct for Practicing Lawyers (2011 Revision) [Revised]
全国律协关于印发《律师执业行为规范》的通知(2011修订) [已被修订]

Notice of the All China Lawyers Association on Issuing the Code of Conduct for Practicing Lawyers 


(No. 35 [2011] of the All China Lawyers Association)

Lawyers associations of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Lawyers Association of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; and the bureau of justice of the PLA General Political Department:

To implement the requirements of theLawyers Law regarding the practice of law by lawyers, the All China Lawyers Association has revised the Code of Conduct for Lawyers (for Trial Implementation), and the newly established Code of Conduct for Practicing Lawyers, as deliberated and adopted at the 2nd council of the 7th All China Lawyers Association, is hereby officially promulgated. The new Code of Conduct for Practicing Lawyers is hereby issued to you for compliance and implementation.

All China Lawyers Association

November 9, 2011

Code of Conduct for Practicing Lawyers

(Deliberated and adopted at the 9th Executive Council of the 5th All China Lawyers Association on March 20, 2004 for trial implementation, and revised at the 2nd Council of the 7th All China Lawyers Association on December 27, 2009)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Code is formulated in accordance with the Lawyers Lawof the People's Republic of China and the bylaws of the All China Lawyers Association for purposes of regulating the practice of law by lawyers and protecting rights and interests of lawyers in the practice of law .   第一条 为规范律师执业行为,保障律师执业权益,根据《中华人民共和国律师法》和《中华全国律师协会章程》制定本规范。

Article 2 This Code is a guideline for regulating the practice of law by lawyers, an industry standard for judging the practice of law by lawyers and a code of conduct for self-discipline of lawyers.   第二条 本规范是律师规范执业行为的指引,是评判律师执业行为的行业标准,是律师自我约束的行为准则。

Article 3 Where the practice of law by a lawyer violates any compulsory norm in this Code, the lawyer shall be subject to disciplinary sanction or punishment in accordance with the relevant regulatory document. Lawyers shall take the initiative to observe the discretionary norms in this Code.   第三条 律师执业行为违反本规范中强制性规范的,将依据相关规范性文件给予处分或惩戒。本规范中的任意性规范,律师应当自律遵守。

Article 4 This Code shall be applicable to all member lawyers and law firms of the All China Lawyers Association, and other employees of law firms shall be governed by reference to this Code.   第四条 本规范适用于作为中华全国律师协会会员的律师和律师事务所,律师事务所其他从业人员参照本规范执行。

Chapter II Basic Code of Conduct for Practicing Lawyers 

第二章 律师执业基本行为规范

Article 5 A lawyer shall be faithful to the Constitution and laws and scrupulously abide by the professional ethics and discipline for legal practitioners.   第五条 律师应当忠于宪法、法律,恪守律师职业道德和执业纪律。

Article 6 A lawyer shall be honest, faithful, diligent, devoted to his or her duties, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to the facts and laws, maintain the correct implementation of law and safeguard social fairness and justice.   第六条 律师应当诚实守信、勤勉尽责,依据事实和法律,维护当事人合法权益,维护法律正确实施,维护社会公平和正义。

Article 7 A lawyer shall pay attention to professional quality and conscientiously safeguard the professional reputation of lawyers.   第七条 律师应当注重职业修养,自觉维护律师行业声誉。

Article 8 A lawyer shall keep confidential the state secrets and trade secrets made known to him or her in the practice of law and may not divulge the private matters of any party.   第八条 律师应当保守在执业活动中知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密,不得泄露当事人的隐私。

A lawyer shall keep confidential any condition or information made known to him or her in the practice of law which the client or any other person is unwilling to disclose; except facts or information regarding a crime which the client or any other person is preparing to commit or is committing and which compromises national security or public safety or seriously endangers the personal safety or the safety of the property of others.

Article 9 A lawyer shall respect other lawyers, compete fairly and assist other lawyers.   第九条 律师应当尊重同行,公平竞争,同业互助。

Article 10 Lawyers associations advocate that lawyers be concerned about, support and actively participate in social welfare undertakings.   第十条 律师协会倡导律师关注、支持、积极参加社会公益事业。

Article 11 No lawyer may engage in legal services by using the status of a non-lawyer in the practice of law.   第十一条 律师在执业期间不得以非律师身份从事法律服务。

A lawyer may only practice law at one law firm.

No lawyer may continue to practice during the term of punishment of suspension of practice, or continue to practice in the name of a law firm during the period when the law firm is ordered to suspend business for rectification or after the law firm is cancelled .

Article 12 No lawyer may represent parties on both sides of the same case, or represent a client in a legal matter containing a conflict of interest regarding the lawyer or the lawyer's close relatives.   第十二条 律师不得在同一案件中为双方当事人担任代理人,不得代理与本人或者其近亲属有利益冲突的法律事务。

Article 13 Where a lawyer is a member of the standing committee of a people's congress at any level, he or she may not engage in representation or defense in legal proceedings while holding office.   第十三条 律师担任各级人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员的,任职期间不得从事诉讼代理或者辩护业务。

Article 14 No lawyer may commit any of the following acts:   第十四条 律师不得为以下行为:

(1) acts which have a negative impact on society and damage the professional reputation of lawyers; (一)产生不良社会影响,有损律师行业声誉的行为;

(2) acts which obstruct the exercise of power, in accordance with law, by state judicial and administrative organs; (二)妨碍国家司法、行政机关依法行使职权的行为;

(3) participation in any institution, organization or social group that is prohibited by law; (三)参加法律所禁止的机构、组织或者社会团体;

(4) other acts in violation of laws, regulations, industry standards of lawyers associations, or professional ethics; or (四)其他违反法律、法规、律师协会行业规范及职业道德的行为。

(5) other acts which violate social morality and seriously damage the professional image of lawyers. (五)其他违反社会公德,严重损害律师职业形象的行为。

Chapter III Code of Conduct for Lawyers in Business Promotion 

第三章 律师业务推广行为规范

Section 1 Principles for Business Promotion 

第一节 业务推广原则

Article 15 When promoting legal business, lawyers and law firms shall follow the principle of equality and good faith, abide by the professional ethics and discipline for legal practitioners, observe the industry rules as generally accepted by the legal profession, and compete fairly.   第十五条 律师和律师事务所推广律师业务,应当遵守平等、诚信原则,遵守律师职业道德和执业纪律,遵守律师行业公认的行业准则,公平竞争。

Article 16 Lawyers and law firms shall carry out and promote legal business by such means as improving overall competence, enhancing the quality of legal services, and strengthening competitiveness.   第十六条 律师和律师事务所应当通过提高自身综合素质、提高法律服务质量、加强自身业务竞争能力的途径,开展、推广律师业务。

Article 17 Lawyers and law firms may, in accordance with law, use advertising methods to publicize their fields of practice and professional expertise.   第十七条 律师和律师事务所可以依法以广告方式宣传律师和律师事务所以及自己的业务领域和专业特长。

Article 18 Lawyers and law firms may publicize their professional fields through activities such as publishing academic papers, case analyses, commentaries on special topics, classroom teaching, and popularization of the law.   第十八条 律师和律师事务所可以通过发表学术论文、案例分析、专题解答、授课、普及法律等活动,宣传自己的专业领域。

Article 19 Lawyers and law firms may publicize their professional expertise through holding or participating in various types of seminars on special topics or specialties.   第十九条 律师和律师事务所可以通过举办或者参加各种形式的专题、专业研讨会,宣传自己的专业特长。

Article 20 A lawyer may participate in various social welfare activities in his or her own name or in the name of the law firm where he or she is employed.   第二十条 律师可以以自己或者其任职的律师事务所名义参加各种社会公益活动。

Article 21 No lawyer or law firm may commit any act of unfair competition during business promotion.   第二十一条 律师和律师事务所在业务推广中不得为不正当竞争行为。

Section 2 Promotional Advertising for Legal Business 

第二节 律师业务推广广告

Article 22 To promote business, lawyers and law firms may publish advertisements in order for the general public to be aware of information on the legal services of the lawyers and law firms.   第二十二条 律师和律师事务所为推广业务,可以发布使社会公众了解律师个人和律师事务所法律服务业务信息的广告。

Article 23 To publish advertisements, a lawyer shall comply with the laws, regulations and rules of the state and this Code.   第二十三条 律师发布广告应当遵守国家法律、法规、规章和本规范。

Article 24 The advertisements published by lawyers shall be identifiable and shall enable the general public to distinguish that they are lawyer's advertisements.   第二十四条 律师发布广告应当具有可识别性,应当能够使社会公众辨明是律师广告。

Article 25 A lawyer's advertisement may be published in the name of an individual lawyer or in the name of a law firm. Where a lawyer's advertisement is published in the name of an individual lawyer, the name of the practicing institution where the lawyer is employed and the number of the lawyer's practice certificate shall be indicated.   第二十五条 律师广告可以以律师个人名义发布,也可以以律师事务所名义发布。以律师个人名义发布的律师广告应当注明律师个人所任职的执业机构名称,应当载明律师执业证号。

Article 26 Under any of the following circumstances, no lawyer or law firm may publish lawyer's advertisements:   第二十六条 具有下列情况之一的,律师和律师事务所不得发布律师广告:

(1) fails to pass annual assessments; (一)没有通过年度考核的;

(2) is in the term of punishment of suspension of practice or suspension of business for rectification; or (二)处于停止执业或停业整顿处罚期间的;

(3) less than one year has passed from receiving a circulated notice of criticism or public reprimand. (三)受到通报批评、公开谴责未满一年的。

Article 27 The contents of an advertisement of an individual lawyer shall be limited to the name, image, age, gender, educational background, degree and specialty of the lawyer, the date of licensing for the practice of law, the name of the law firm where the lawyer is employed, the period of practice at the law firm, the standard fees, contact methods, the scope of legal services that the lawyer is able to lawfully provide to the general public, and practice performance.   第二十七条 律师个人广告的内容,应当限于律师的姓名、肖像、年龄、性别,学历、学位、专业、律师执业许可日期、所任职律师事务所名称、在所任职律师事务所的执业期限;收费标准、联系方法;依法能够向社会提供的法律服务业务范围;执业业绩。

Article 28 The contents of advertisements of a law firm shall be limited to the name, domicile, telephone number, fax number, postal code, email address and website of the law firm, the lawyers association of which it is a member, a brief introduction of the lawyers practicing at the firm and the scope of the legal services it can lawfully provide to the general public, and practice performance.   第二十八条 律师事务所广告的内容应当限于律师事务所名称、住所、电话号码、传真号码、邮政编码、电子信箱、网址;所属律师协会;所内执业律师及依法能够向社会提供的法律服务业务范围简介;执业业绩。

Article 29 No lawyer or law firm may make advertisements in a manner that is contrary to the mission of lawyers or is detrimental to the image of lawyers, or make advertisements by means of the artful exaggeration used in general commercial advertisements.   第二十九条 律师和律师事务所不得以有悖律师使命、有损律师形象的方式制作广告,不得采用一般商业广告的艺术夸张手段制作广告。

Article 30 No lawyer's advertisement may contain content in violation of the relevant provisions on the administration of lawyer's advertisements as prescribed by the lawyers association of which the lawyer is a member.   第三十条 律师广告中不得出现违反所属律师协会有关律师广告管理规定的内容。

Section 3 Lawyer Publicity 

第三节 律师宣传

Article 31 No lawyer or law firm may engage in publicity that distorts facts or law, or that may lead to the unreasonable expectations of the general public regarding lawyers.   第三十一条 律师和律师事务所不得进行歪曲事实和法律,或者可能使公众对律师产生不合理期望的宣传。

Article 32 Lawyers and law firms may publicize that they are engaged in certain fields of professional legal service, but may not personally state or imply that they are acknowledged or confirmed to be authorities or experts in such professional fields.   第三十二条 律师和律师事务所可以宣传所从事的某一专业法律服务领域,但不得自我声明或者暗示其被公认或者证明为某一专业领域的权威或专家。

Article 33 No lawyer or law firm may engage in publicity that compares lawyers or law firms.   第三十三条 律师和律师事务所不得进行律师之间或者律师事务所之间的比较宣传。

Chapter IV Norms for Relationships between Lawyers and Clients or Parties 

第四章 律师与委托人或当事人的关系规范

Section 1 Principal-Agent Relationships 

第一节 委托代理关系

Article 34 A lawyer shall negotiate with a client about the scope, content, power, cost and time limit for the entrusted matters, and after an agreement is reached through negotiation, the law firm shall conclude an agency agreement with the client.   第三十四条 律师应当与委托人就委托事项范围、内容、权限、费用、期限等进行协商,经协商达成一致后,由律师事务所与委托人签署委托协议。

Article 35 A lawyer shall make full use of his or her expertise to complete the entrusted matters in accordance with law and the agency agreement and protect the legitimate rights and interests of clients or parties.   第三十五条 律师应当充分运用专业知识,依照法律和委托协议完成委托事项,维护委托人或者当事人的合法权益。

Article 36 A lawyer and the law firm where he or she is employed shall have the right to choose a strategy for achieving the goals of the client or the party in accordance with the requirements of law, the principles of equality and justice, and moral standards for the practice of law.   第三十六条 律师与所任职律师事务所有权根据法律规定、公平正义及律师执业道德标准,选择实现委托人或者当事人目的的方案。

Article 37 A lawyer shall handle the entrusted matters in strict accordance with the term and time limitation prescribed by law and the time as agreed upon with the client, and shall provide responses to the client in a timely manner upon request for any information on the handling of the entrusted matters.   第三十七条 律师应当严格按照法律规定的期间、时效以及与委托人约定的时间办理委托事项。对委托人了解委托事项办理情况的要求,应当及时给予答复。

Article 38 A lawyer shall establish records regarding legal business and retain complete work records.   第三十八条 律师应当建立律师业务档案,保存完整的工作记录。

Article 39 A lawyer shall carefully retain the originals of evidentiary documentation, objects, photographic plates of audio-video materials and other materials provided by clients or parties.   第三十九条 律师应谨慎保管委托人或当事人提供的证据原件、原物、音像资料底版以及其他材料。

Article 40 After accepting entrustment, a lawyer shall carry out practice activities within the scope of entrustment by the client and may not go beyond the scope of entrustment.
   第四十条 律师接受委托后,应当在委托人委托的权限内开展执业活动,不得超越委托权限。

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