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Guiding Opinions of the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission and Other Departments on Further Strengthening the Financial Services for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises [Effective]
中国人民银行、银保监会、发展改革委等关于进一步强化中小微企业金融服务的指导意见 [现行有效]

Guiding Opinions of the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further Strengthening the Financial Services for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 


(No. 120 [2020] of the People's Bank of China) (银发〔2020〕120号)

The Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China ("PBC"), all branches and operations offices of the PBC, all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions), and all central sub-branches of the PBC in sub-provincial cities; all local offices of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”); the development and reform commissions, small and medium-sized enterprises departments, finance departments (bureaus) and market regulation bureaus (commissions and departments) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning; all local offices of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”); the branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; China Development Bank; all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks; Postal Savings Bank of China; all insurance group (holding) companies, insurance companies, and insurance assets management companies; and all securities, funds and futures business institutions: 中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部、各省会(首府)城市中心支行、各副省级城市中心支行;各银保监局;各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委、中小企业主管部门、财政厅(局)、市场监管局(委、厅);各证监局;国家外汇管理局各省、自治区、直辖市分局、外汇管理部,计划单列市分局;国家开发银行,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,中国邮政储蓄银行,各保险集团(控股)公司、保险公司、保险资产管理公司,各证券基金期货经营机构:
In response to the tremendous impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, financial and the related departments have firmly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Moving quickly and proactively, they introduced a series of measures to support the efforts to expand domestic demand, reopen to production and ensure employment, thus providing targeted financial services for pandemic prevention and control, reopening to work and production, and development of the real economy. For the purposes of making financial support policies better meet the needs of market entities, further unblocking internal and external transmission mechanisms, significantly increasing the financing size of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (including individual industrial and commercial households and micro and small business owners but excluding local government financing platforms, similarly hereinafter) and further improving their financing structure, achieving “growth rate increase, price reduction, quality improvement, and coverage expansion”, accelerating the reopening to normal production and living order and supporting high-quality development of the real economy, the following opinions are hereby offered: 面对新冠肺炎疫情对中小微企业造成的重大影响,金融及相关部门坚决贯彻党中央、国务院的决策部署,迅速行动,主动作为,出台了一系列措施,支持扩内需、助复产、保就业,为疫情防控、复工复产、实体经济发展提供了精准金融服务。为推动金融支持政策更好适应市场主体的需要,进一步疏通内外部传导机制,促进中小微企业(含个体工商户和小微企业主,不含地方政府融资平台,下同)融资规模明显增长、融资结构更加优化,实现“增量、降价、提质、扩面”,推动加快恢复正常生产生活秩序,支持实体经济高质量发展,提出以下意见。
I. Strictly implementing the policies on the credit support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises' efforts to reopen to work and production   一、不折不扣落实中小微企业复工复产信贷支持政策
1. Appropriate arrangements shall be made for deferred repayment of principal and interest on loans to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The policies on deferred repayment of principal and interest shall be improved, and greater support shall be provided to micro and small-sized enterprises that benefit from deferred repayment of principal and interest. Banking institutions shall step up their efforts to implement the policies and increase the proportion of beneficiary enterprises. As for enterprises that operated normally before the pandemic but have difficulties in operation due to the pandemic, the maturity date of the loans shall be extended to the maximum extent possible. Differentiated support shall be provided based on the reality of enterprises, such as repayments by installments and interest amortization over subsequent repayment dates. The response efficiency shall be improved, handling procedures shall be simplified, and online handling shall be encouraged. (一)安排好中小微企业贷款延期还本付息。完善延期还本付息政策,加大对普惠小微企业延期还本付息的支持力度。银行业金融机构要加大政策落实力度,提高受惠企业占比,对于疫情前经营正常、受疫情冲击经营困难的企业,贷款期限要能延尽延。要结合企业实际,提供分期还本、利息平摊至后续还款日等差异化支持。提高响应效率、简化办理手续,鼓励通过线上办理。
2. The leading role of national banks shall be maximized. National banks shall make good use of the polices on across-the-board RRR cuts and targeted RRR cuts to increase the volume and reduce the price of loans to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. They shall introduce detailed plans and follow up on their implementation on a monthly basis. The growth rate of inclusive loans from five major state-owned commercial banks to micro and small-sized enterprises shall be above 40%. National banks shall reasonably surrender their profits to ensure that the loan coverage for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are significantly expanded and that comprehensive financing costs are drastically reduced. (二)发挥好全国性银行带头作用。全国性银行要用好全面降准和定向降准政策,实现中小微企业贷款“量增价降”,出台细化方案,按月跟进落实。五家大型国有商业银行普惠型小微企业贷款增速高于40%。全国性银行要合理让利,确保中小微企业贷款覆盖面明显扩大,综合融资成本明显下降。
3. Re-lending and rediscount policies shall be made good use of. Branches of the People's Bank of China shall make good use of re-lending and rediscount policies to encourage financial institutions to give priority to supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as such industries or fields as poverty alleviation, spring plowing, livestock breeding, foreign trade, tourism and entertainment, accommodation and catering, and transportation. Supervision and administration shall be strengthened to ensure that funds are legally allocated and tax evasion and fraud are prevented. Small and medium-sized banks shall make good use of re-lending and rediscount funds. They shall be encouraged to increase their own funds to expand the supply of credit to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and reduce financing costs. (三)用好再贷款再贴现政策。人民银行分支机构要用好再贷款再贴现政策,引导金融机构重点支持中小微企业,以及支持脱贫攻坚、春耕备耕、禽畜养殖、外贸、旅游娱乐、住宿餐饮、交通运输等行业领域。加强监督管理,确保资金发放依法合规,防止“跑冒滴漏”。中小银行要运用好再贷款再贴现资金,鼓励中小银行加大自有资金支持力度,促进加大中小微企业信贷投放,降低融资成本。
4. The special credit lines of development and policy banks shall be effectively implemented. Development and policy banks shall provide a special credit line of 350 billion yuan by the end of June 2020 to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with preferential interest rates in resuming work and production. And they shall develop their own plans for implementing the credit line and submit the implementation thereof on a monthly basis. (四)落实好开发性、政策性银行专项信贷额度。开发性、政策性银行要在2020年6月底前将3500亿元专项信贷额度落实到位,以优惠利率支持中小微企业复工复产,制定本银行专项信贷额度实施方案,按月报送落实情况。
5. The support for insurance guarantee shall be increased. Insurance institutions shall be encouraged to provide loan guarantee insurance products specially designed for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises based on the extent to which they were affected by the pandemic. Insurance companies shall be encouraged to distinguish risk types by the country and further increase the coverage of export credit insurance, thereby increasing risk guarantee for small and medium-sized enterprises engaging in export business. Insurance companies shall be encouraged to explore innovative and effective claims settlement methods during the pandemic so as to ensure that customers suffering losses get timely and convenient claims settlement services. (五)加大保险保障支持力度。鼓励保险机构根据中小微企业受疫情影响程度的具体情况,提供针对性较强的相关贷款保证保险产品。鼓励保险公司区分国别风险类型,进一步提高出口信用保险覆盖面,加大出口中小微企业的风险保障。鼓励保险公司在疫情防控期间,探索创新有效的理赔方式,确保出险客户得到及时、便捷的理赔服务。
II. Launching a program designed to improve the capacity of commercial banks for serving micro, small and medium-sized enterprises   二、开展商业银行中小微企业金融服务能力提升工程
6. Political stance shall be enhanced and business philosophy shall be updated. Top priority shall be given to the financial support for the real economy, including micro, small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the pandemic, so as to enhance the assumption of social responsibility. According to the requirements of the supply-side structural reform in the financial sector, the focus of operations and credit resources shall be shifted from the preference for real estate and local government financing platforms to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and other areas of the real economy so as to optimize the increase of credit resources and restructure the stock of credit. (六)提高政治站位,转变经营理念。要高度重视对受疫情影响的中小微企业等实体经济的金融支持工作,强化社会责任担当。按照金融供给侧结构性改革要求,把经营重心和信贷资源从偏好房地产、地方政府融资平台,转移到中小微企业等实体经济领域,实现信贷资源增量优化、存量重组。
7. Internal resource allocation and policy arrangements shall be improved. Large and medium-sized commercial banks shall implement the "five-specialization" mechanisms (i.e., the specialized comprehensive service mechanism, specialized statistical accounting mechanism, specialized risk management mechanism, specialized resource allocation mechanism, and specialized evaluation and assessment mechanism) for their inclusive finance business divisions, develop special credit programs for micro and small enterprises, private enterprises, and manufacturing industries, and delegate the power of approval to lower levels as appropriate. The cost apportionment and revenue sharing mechanism for the credit lines of micro and small enterprises shall be reformed. National commercial banks shall offer a discount of no less than 50 prime points in terms of internal funds transfer pricing, and small and medium-sized banks may give discounts or economic profit subsidies for internal funds transfer pricing according to their actual conditions. (七)改进内部资源配置和政策安排。大中型商业银行要做实普惠金融事业部“五专”机制,单列小微企业、民营企业、制造业等专项信贷计划,适当下放审批权限。改革小微信贷业务条线的成本分摊和收益分享机制,全国性商业银行内部转移定价优惠力度要不低于50个基点,中小银行可结合自身实际,实施内部转移定价优惠或经济利润补贴。
8. The internal performance evaluation shall be improved. Commercial banks shall increase the weight of inclusive finance in the performance evaluation of branches and the leadership, and raise the weight of inclusive finance in the comprehensive performance evaluation of branches to more than 10%. The evaluation weight of financial profits from micro and small enterprises shall be reduced, while the evaluation weight of the customer services for micro and small enterprises shall be increased. The internal identification standard and process for due diligence and no liability for loans shall be improved. If there is no obvious evidence of negligence, it shall be deemed as due diligence. The proportion of practitioners of credit services for micro and small enterprises which are exempt from liability shall be gradually increased to stimulate their enthusiasm for conducting credit services for micro and small enterprises. (八)完善内部绩效考核评价。商业银行要提升普惠金融在分支行和领导班子绩效考核中的权重,将普惠金融在分支行综合绩效考核中的权重提升至10%以上。要降低小微金融利润考核权重,增加小微企业客户服务情况考核权重。改进贷款尽职免责内部认定标准和流程,如无明显证据表明失职的均认定为尽职,逐步提高小微信贷从业人员免责比例,激发其开展小微信贷业务的积极性。
9. Credit loans, first-time loans, and refinancing loans to micro and small-sized enterprises shall be significantly increased. Commercial banks shall optimize their risk assessment mechanisms, pay attention to reviewing the primary source of repayment, and reduce reliance on security guarantees. If risks are controllable, greater efforts shall be made to significantly increase the proportion of new credit loans. Commercial banks shall be supervised in increasing the number of households that apply for loans to the banking system for the first time. Eligible renewed loans to micro and small enterprises shall be allowed to be included in normal loans. Commercial banks shall be encouraged to increase the extension of medium and long-term loans so that the proportion of micro and small enterprises taking out renewed loans in 2020 may exceed that of the previous year.

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