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Notice of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Further Rectifying the Market Chaos in the Banking Industry [Effective]
中国银监会关于进一步深化整治银行业市场乱象的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Further Rectifying the Market Chaos in the Banking Industry 


(No. 4 [2018] of the China Banking Regulatory Commission) (银监发〔2018〕4号)

All local offices of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”); all departments of the CBRC; all policy banks, large-scale banks, and joint-stock banks; Postal Savings Bank of China; foreign-funded banks; and financial assets management companies: 各银监局,机关各部门,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行,邮储银行,外资银行,金融资产管理公司:
For the purposes of comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Financial Work Conference, and effectively preventing and resolving substantial risks, the CBRC has decided to further rectify the market chaos in the banking industry. You are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 为全面贯彻落实党的十九大、中央经济工作会议和全国金融工作会议精神,坚决打好防范化解重大风险攻坚战,银监会决定进一步深化整治银行业市场乱象。现将有关事项通知如下:
I. Comprehensively conducting evaluation   一、全面开展评估工作
All banking financial institutions and supervision institutions at all levels shall attach great importance, make elaborate arrangements, elaborately conduct organization, form leading groups, implement the “top leader” responsibility system level by level, and develop work implementation plans in light of the reality, so as to ensure effective organization, promotion and implementation. They shall comprehensively evaluate “three violations, three arbitrages, four inappropriatenesses and ten chaos,” “special credit risk inspection,” implementation of risk control responsibilities by the board of directors, board of supervisors and senior management, and other special rectification work that has been carried out in 2017, and review the prominent problems and potential risks existing in the institutions, departments and regions in comparison with the key points of the rectification of market chaos in the banking industry in 2018. All banking financial institutions shall mainly assess whether the self-examination is comprehensive and thorough, whether the problems are true and accurate, whether the rectification is conducted in a timely and thorough manner, whether accountability is strictly implemented, whether the risks found have been effectively eliminated, whether the system weakness has been made up, whether the enforcement of the system has been strengthened and what prominent problems exist, among others. The supervision institutions at all levels shall mainly assess whether inspection is not thorough or transparent, necessary investigation is not conducted, problems found are concealed, necessary penalties are not granted, penalties are lenient, and there are supervision focus for the next step, and form a work mechanism of “rectification-assessment-rectification.” 各银行业金融机构和各级监管机构要高度重视,周密安排,精心组织,成立领导小组,层层实行“一把手”负责制,并结合实际制定工作实施方案,确保组织到位、推进到位、落实到位。要全面评估2017年已开展的“三三四十”、信用风险专项排查、“两会一层”风控责任落实等专项治理工作,对照2018年整治银行业市场乱象工作要点,梳理本机构、本部门、本地区存在的突出问题和风险隐患。各银行业金融机构重点评估自查是否全面深入、问题是否真实准确、整改是否及时彻底、问责是否严格到位、发现的风险是否有效化解、制度短板是否得到弥补、制度执行力是否得到加强以及当前仍存在哪些突出问题等。各级监管机构重点评估是否存在检查不深不透、应查未查、发现问题隐瞒不报、应罚未罚及处罚偏松偏软等问题和下一步监管重点,形成“整改-评估-整改”的工作机制。
II. Comprehensively promoting various work   二、统筹推进各项工作
1. Insisting on immediate correction of problem after identification in inspection. All banking financial institutions shall regard the rectification of market chaos in the banking industry as a routine key work, combine it with the business operation management, reform of system and mechanism and compliance culture construction, among others, and conduct joint research, deployment and implementation. They shall effectively perform the primary responsibility, transform the rectification of chaos into the conscious acts of internal control management, conduct rectification while conducting investigation, offer education while conducting accountability, conduct enhancement while regulating, and genuinely respect rules and conduct operation in compliance with laws and regulations. (一)坚持即查即改。各银行业金融机构要把整治银行业市场乱象作为一项常态化的重点工作,与业务经营管理、体制机制改革、合规文化建设等相结合,同研究、同部署、同落实。要切实履行主体责任,将整治乱象转化为内控管理自觉行为,边排查边整改,边问责边教育,边规范边提升,真正敬畏规则、合规经营。
2. Conducting on-site inspection. The supervision institutions at all levels shall regard the rectification of market chaos in the banking industry as the focus of on-site inspection, highlight problem orientation and risk orientation, find out the key institutions, major risks and major business in light of routine supervision, determine the object, scope and proportion of inspection in an overall manner, ensure targeted advancement and make efforts accurately. They shall pay attention to combination of special inspection with routine inspection, and adopt the “double random” approach to effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of inspection. (二)开展现场检查。各级监管机构要把整治银行业市场乱象作为现场检查的重点,突出问题导向和风险导向,结合日常监管情况,找准重点机构、重点风险和重点业务,统筹确定检查对象、范围和比例,有的放矢,精准发力。要注重专项检查与常规检查相结合,采取“双随机”方式,切实提升检查的针对性和有效性。
3. Strengthening supervision and guidance. All institutional supervision departments of the CBRC and all local CBRC offices shall, according to their work duties, strengthen the supervision and guidance of the key institutions and key business of the line and in this region, not less than twice in the whole year, in principle. Lack of attention, slow action, poor implementation, even formalism and other circumstances found in supervision shall be seriously notified and accountability shall be strictly enforced. In the second half of 2018, the CBRC will organize a special working group to supervise and direct the key areas, summarize and exchange experience, and rectify the problems such as careless solution, unclear circumstances, more chaos, frequent occurrence of cases and lenient punishment, among others, in a timely manner. (三)加强督促指导。银监会各机构监管部和各银监局要按照工作职责,加强对本条线、本地区重点机构和重点业务的督促指导,原则上全年不少于2次。对督导发现存在不重视、行动慢、落实差、甚至搞形式主义等情况,要严肃通报、追责问责。银监会将于2018年下半年组织专门工作小组对重点地区进行督导,总结交流经验,及时纠正解决方案不细、情况不清、乱象较多、案件多发频发、处罚偏松偏软等问题。
III. Effectively regulating various reports   三、切实规范各类报告
1. Assessment reports (一)评估报告
(1) Requirements for reporting path and time 1.报告路径和时间要求
All incorporated banking financial institutions shall, on the basis of summarizing the assessment of the branch offices, submit the assessment reports to the supervision department before March 10, 2018. National banking financial institutions under the direct supervision of the CBRC shall submit reports to the corresponding institutional supervision departments and concurrently submit copies thereof to the On-site Examination Bureau, the Prudential Regulation Bureau and the Legal Department; and all local incorporated institutions shall submit reports to the local CBRC offices. 各银行业金融机构法人应在汇总分支机构评估情况基础上,于2018年3月10日前将评估报告报送监管部门。其中,银监会直接监管的全国性银行业金融机构报送至对口的机构监管部门,同时抄送现场检查局、审慎局和法规部;各地方法人机构报送至属地银监局。
All local CBRC offices shall summarize the information on institutions and self-assessment within their respective jurisdictions, summarize the assessment reports within their jurisdictions and submit them to the On-site Examination Bureau before March 20, 2018, concurrently submit copies thereof to the Prudential Regulation Bureau and the Legal Department, and summarize the relevant reports according to the category of institutions and submit them to the corresponding institutional supervision departments. 各银监局要汇总辖内机构情况和自我评估情况,于2018年3月20日前将辖内汇总评估报告报送至现场检查局,同时抄送审慎局和法规部,并按机构类别汇总相关报告报送至对口的机构监管部门。
All institutional supervision departments shall, according to the category of institutions, summarize the assessment information of the line, submit the assessment reports to the divisional leader in charge before the end of March 2018, and concurrently submit a copy thereof to the On-site Examination Bureau, the Prudential Regulation Bureau and the Legal Department. 各机构监管部要按机构类别汇总本条线评估情况,于2018年3月底前将评估报告报送分管会领导,同时抄送现场检查局、审慎局和法规部。
(2) Reporting contents. A report shall be concise and highlight the key points, and the contents include but are not limited to: the evaluation of special control work that has been conducted in 2017, including the major problems found, the disposal of problems and the elimination of risks, rectification and accountability, and deficiencies in the governance work; current major problems and potential risks; and the work measures for the next step, among others. 2.报告内容。报告应简要概括,突出重点,内容包括但不限于:2017年已开展的专项治理工作评估情况,包括发现的主要问题、问题处置和风险化解情况、整改和问责情况、治理工作存在的不足等;当前存在的主要问题或风险隐患;下一步工作措施等。
2. Work reports (二)工作报告
(1) Requirements for reporting path and time 1.报告路径和时间要求
All banking financial institutions shall, respectively before June 10, 2018 and before December 10, 2018, submit the phased work reports, annual work reports and annexes, through the aforesaid reporting path. 各银行业金融机构应分别于2018年6月10日前和12月10日前报送阶段性工作报告和年度工作报告及附表,报告路径同上。
All local CBRC offices shall diligently conduct on-site inspection, urge and direct institutions within their respective jurisdictions to conduct rectification, and submit the phased work reports, annual work reports, annexes and one to two typical cases through the aforesaid reporting path respectively before June 20, 2018 and December 20, 2018. 各银监局应认真开展现场检查,并督促指导辖内机构开展整治工作,分别于2018年6月20日前和12月20日前报送阶段性工作报告和年度工作报告、附表及1-2个典型案例,报告路径同上。
All institutional supervision departments shall conduct supervision and inspection in a solid manner, summarize the work of the institutions of the line, and submit the phased reports, annual reports and annexes respectively before the end of June 2018 and the end of December. 各机构监管部应扎实开展督导督查,并汇总本条线机构工作情况,分别于2018年6月底前和12月底前报送阶段性报告和年度报告及附表。
The On-site Examination Bureau shall, before July 10, 2018 and January 10, 2019, complete summarization and reporting respectively. 现场检查局应于2018年7月10日前和2019年1月10日前分别完成汇总并上报。
(2) Reporting contents. Including but not limited to: the organization and implementation situation; the main problems and potential risks found; work measures taken and results; plan for the next step and recommendations, among others. 2.报告内容。包括但不限于:组织实施情况;发现的主要问题和风险隐患;采取的工作措施及成效;下一步计划和意见建议等。
All banking financial institutions and supervision institutions at all levels shall report the major risks and major problems found in the rectification work in a timely manner. 整治工作期间发现的重大风险和重大问题,各银行业金融机构和各级监管机构要及时报告。
IV. Strictly imposing penalties and enforcing accountability according to the law   四、依法严肃处罚问责
All banking financial institutions shall establish ledgers with problems, implement rectification one by one, specify the time limit, assign responsibilities to specific people, and conduct accountability in strict accordance with the Party disciplines, the administrative disciplines and the internal rules and regulations. The supervision institutions at all levels shall take regulatory measures in a timely manner to make correction, and punish institutions and responsible persons with problems in accordance with the law, where serious violations of laws and regulations are committed, acts are repeatedly committed, major cases and risk events occur. The supervision institutions at all levels shall strictly observe all disciplines, consciously comply with all rules in strict accordance with the “Eight-Point Regulation” of the CPC Central Committee and the requirements for correcting “formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance,” carry out work honestly in accordance with the law, regulate the supervisory acts, and prevent moral risks. The discipline inspection and supervision departments at all levels shall resolutely correct the violations of disciplines, and seriously punish violators. 各银行业金融机构要建立问题台账,逐一落实整改,明确时限、责任到人,并严格按照党纪、政纪和内部规章进行问责。各级监管机构要及时采取监管措施予以纠正,对严重违法违规行为、屡查屡犯问题、重大案件和风险事件,要依法处罚问题机构和责任人。各级监管机构要严肃各项纪律,严格按照中央“八项规定”和纠正“四风”要求,自觉遵守各项制度规定,依法廉洁开展工作,规范监管行为,防范道德风险。对违反纪律的行为,各级纪检监察部门要坚决纠正,严肃查处。
Contact person and telephone: Chen Pan, 010-66278833 联系人及电话:陈 攀,010-66278833
Zhao Xiaodong, 010-66278873 赵晓东,010-66278873
Annexes: 附件:
1. Opinions on Further Rectifying the Market Chaos in the Banking Industry 1.进一步深化整治银行业市场乱象的意见
2. Major Points of Rectifying the Market Chaos in the Banking Industry in 2018 2.2018年整治银行业市场乱象工作要点
January 12, 2018 2018年1月12日
Annex 1 附件1
Opinions on Further Rectifying the Market Chaos in the Banking Industry 进一步深化整治银行业市场乱象的意见
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Financial Work Conference, putting initiative prevention and resolving of financial risks in a more important position, continuously promoting the in-depth rectification of market chaos in the banking industry, effectively regulating the banking business behaviors, and strictly guarding the bottom line of non-occurrence of systematic financial risks, the following work opinions are hereby offered. 为深入贯彻落实党的十九大、中央经济工作会议和全国金融工作会议精神,把主动防范化解金融风险放在更加重要的位置,持续推动整治银行业市场乱象向纵深发展,切实规范银行业经营行为,严守不发生系统性金融风险的底线,现提出以下工作意见。
I. Enhancing ideological understanding   一、提高思想认识
All banking financial institutions and supervision institutions at all levels shall accurately understand the theoretical essence of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully understand that financial security concerns national security and governance of country, fully understand that rectifying market chaos is an important content of preventing systematic financial risks, and fully understand the long term, complexity and difficulty of deepening the rectification of the market chaos in the banking industry. They shall closely follow the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of thinking, political orientation and actions, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on financial work, turn deepening the rectification of the market chaos in the banking industry into an important foothold, effectively return to the source of serving the real economy, and effectively prevent and resolve major risks. 各银行业金融机构和各级监管机构要准确把握习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的理论精髓,充分认识到金融安全事关国家安全、事关治国理政,充分认识到整治市场乱象是防范系统性金融风险的重要内容,充分认识到深化整治银行业市场乱象的长期性、复杂性和艰巨性。要在思想上政治上行动上与以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,不折不扣落实党中央、国务院关于金融工作的决策部署,以深化整治银行业市场乱象为重要抓手,切实回归服务实体经济本源,坚决打好防范化解重大风险攻坚战。
II. Specifying the work objectives   二、明确工作目标
All banking financial institutions and all supervision institutions at all levels shall, by deepening the rectification of the market chaos in the banking industry, effectively curb the trend of prominent violations of laws and regulations and frequent occurrence of major and serious cases; effectively solidify the basis of promoting use of funds in real economy and returning to the source of serving the real economy; strengthen and extend the situation of making the banking industry focus on the main business and realize differentiated development; and cultivate and improve the culture of the development of business development in compliance with laws and regulations and stable business operation and development. 各银行业金融机构和各级监管机构要通过深化整治银行业市场乱象,使违法违规问题突出、大案要案高发频发的势头得到有效遏制;使促进资金脱虚向实、回归服务实体经济本源的基础得到切实巩固;使银行业专注主业、实现差异化发展的态势得到加强延续;使依法合规展业、稳健经营发展的文化得到培育深植。
III. Deepening problem orientation   三、深化问题导向
All banking financial institutions and supervision institutions at all levels shall regard finding and resolving problems as the starting point and foothold of deepening the rectification of the market chaos in the banking industry, and pay close attention to the institutions with multiple problems, areas with multiple chaos and business fields with concentrated risks. They shall insist on “targeted” treatment and key rectification, investigate problems that are not thoroughly investigated, rectify prominent chaos, rectify respects that are not effectively rectified, and conduct accountability where the responsibilities are not implemented, and spare no effort to eliminate “chronic diseases” of market chaos. 各银行业金融机构和各级监管机构要把发现问题和解决问题作为深化整治银行业市场乱象的出发点和落脚点,紧盯问题多的机构、乱象多的区域、风险集中的业务领域。要坚持“靶向”治疗和重点整治,什么问题查得不彻底就查什么、什么乱象最突出就整治什么、什么方面整改不到位就整改什么、什么责任没有落实就问责什么,着力祛除市场乱象“顽疾”。
IV. Highlighting priorities of rectification   四、突出整治重点
All banking financial institutions and supervision institutions at all levels shall seize the essence of serving the real economy, strictly investigate the acts of making investment in virtual economy and idling of funds in the financial system, strictly investigate the acts of “feigning compliance” or selective implementation of macro-control policies and regulatory requirements, actively implement the new development concept, and form a virtuous circle in finance and real economy, finance and real estate and financial system. They shall seize the basis of improving corporate governance, and give priority to the rectification of regulating the acts of shareholders, strengthening the management of stock rights, and promoting the lawful and compliant operation of “the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the management,” among others. They shall focus on risks of shadow banks and cross-financial products, and strictly investigate level-by-level overlapping of interbank business, financial management business, off-balance-sheet business and other business, mismatching between the business development speed and the internal control and risk management capacity, and acts such as adding leveraging, adding chain, and regulatory arbitrage in violation of regulations. They shall grasp the key point of business operation in compliance with laws and regulations, and resolutely eliminate the prevalent problems such as lack of compliance awareness, lack of rules and repeated violation. They shall focus on the key point of the rights and interests of financial consumers, strictly investigate and punish those who randomly set up institutions, randomly carry out business, conduct sale in violation of laws and regulations, conduct tunneling and commit other acts, strengthen information disclosure and suitability management of financial products, regulate the market competition order, effectively protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers, and maintain the public confidence.

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