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Provisions of the Shanghai Municipality on the Disclosure of Government Information (2020) [Effective]
上海市政府信息公开规定(2020) [现行有效]

Order of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government 


(No. 32) (第32号)

The Provisions of the Shanghai Municipality on the Disclosure of Government Information, as adopted at the 82th executive meeting of the municipal government on April 13, 2020, is hereby issued and shall come into force on June 1, 2020. 上海市政府信息公开规定》已经2020年4月13日市政府第82次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2020年6月1日起施行。
Gong Zheng, Acting Mayor 代理市长 龚正
April 26, 2020 2020年4月26日
Provisions of the Shanghai Municipality on the Disclosure of Government Information 上海市政府信息公开规定
(Issued by Order No. 32 of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, dated April 26, 2020) (2020年4月26日上海市人民政府令第32号公布)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 (Purpose and Basis)   第一条 (目的和依据)
These Provisions are developed in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) and other relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual conditions of this Municipality for the purposes of ensuring the accessibility of government information to citizens, legal persons and other organizations as legally required, improving the transparency of government work, promoting the law-based government administration, better serving the people's production, living and their economic and social activities, and building a law-based and service-oriented government. 为了保障公民、法人和其他组织依法获取政府信息,提高政府工作的透明度,促进政府依法行政,更好地服务人民群众生产、生活和经济社会活动,建设法治政府和服务政府,依据《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》(以下简称《条例》)和其他有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际,制定本规定。
Article 2 (Definition)   第二条 (定义)
For the purpose of these Provisions, “government information” means information made or obtained by an administrative agency in the course of performing its administrative functions and recorded and preserved in a certain form. 本规定所称的政府信息,是指行政机关在履行行政管理职能过程中制作或者获取的,以一定形式记录、保存的信息。
Article 3 (Principle)   第三条 (原则)
An administrative agency shall disclose government information to the public in adherence to routinizing public disclosure with exceptions for non-disclosure and under the principles of fairness, equity, lawfulness, and public facilitation, and timeliness. 行政机关公开政府信息,应当坚持以公开为常态、不公开为例外,遵循公正、公平、合法、便民、及时的原则。
Article 4 (Organizational Leadership)   第四条 (组织领导)
The people's governments at all levels of this Municipality shall strengthen organizational leadership over the disclosure of government information, establish and improve their coordination and promotion mechanisms for the disclosure of government information, gradually increase the content of disclosure of government information, and strengthen oversight over the disclosure work. 本市各级人民政府应当加强对政府信息公开工作的组织领导,建立健全政府信息公开工作协调推进机制,逐步增加政府信息公开的内容,加强对政府信息公开工作的监督。
Article 5 (Competent Department)   第五条 (主管部门)
As the department of this Municipality for the disclosure of government information, the General Office of the Municipal People's Government shall be responsible for advancing, guiding, coordinating and supervising such work and developing relevant job specifications. 市人民政府办公厅是本市政府信息公开工作的主管部门,负责推进、指导、协调、监督全市的政府信息公开工作,制定相关工作规范。
The general office of the people's government at the district level is the department for the disclosure of government information within its own administrative region, and shall be responsible for advancing, guiding, coordinating and supervising such work. 区人民政府办公室是本行政区域政府信息公开工作的主管部门,负责推进、指导、协调、监督本行政区域的政府信息公开工作。
Article 6 (Work Office)   第六条 (工作机构)
The municipal and district people's governments and their departments as well as the township (town) people's governments shall establish and improve their own system for the disclosure of government information and designate an office to be responsible for their respective routine work respecting government information disclosure (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "government information disclosure work office"). 市和区人民政府及其工作部门、镇(乡)人民政府应当建立健全本机关的政府信息公开工作制度,并指定机构(以下统称政府信息公开工作机构)负责本机关政府信息公开的日常工作。
A government information disclosure work office shall have specific functions including: 政府信息公开工作机构的具体职能是:
1. Handling the government information disclosure of the government agency at issue and maintaining and updating the government information that the government agency discloses to the public; (一)具体承办本机关主动公开政府信息事宜,维护和更新本机关主动公开的政府信息;
2. Receiving and processing the requests for disclosing government information submitted to the government agency; (二)接收和处理向本机关提出的政府信息公开申请;
3. Examining and confirming the attribute of public disclosure of official documents made by the government agency; (三)对本机关制作的公文进行公开属性审查认定;
4. Organizing the relevant examination of the government information to be disclosed; (四)对拟公开的政府信息组织开展相关审查;
5. Conducting consultation and confirmation with other agencies if the government information of the agency involves such agencies; (五)本机关的政府信息涉及其他机关的,与有关机关进行协商、确认;
6. Organizing the preparation of the agency's guide for disclosing government information, catalog for disclosing government information and its annual report on the government information disclosure work; (六)组织编制本机关的政府信息公开指南、政府信息公开目录和政府信息公开工作年度报告;
7. Organizing the analysis of and research on the agency's disclosure of government information, and offering opinions and suggestions on how to improve information disclosure; and (七)组织开展本机关政府信息公开情况的分析、研究,并提出完善信息公开工作的意见和建议;
8. Performing other functions related to government information disclosure as prescribed by the agency. (八)履行本机关规定的与政府信息公开有关的其他职能。
The government information disclosure work office of a municipal administrative agency may develop specific specifications for government information disclosure of the dispatched offices and internal organs of the municipal administrative agency, and include them in the agency's government information disclosure guide before publishing it to the public. 市级行政机关的政府信息公开工作机构可以制定本系统行政机关派出机构、内设机构政府信息公开工作的具体规范,纳入本机关政府信息公开指南并向社会公布。
Article 7 (Expert Committee)   第七条 (专家委员会)
The General Office of the Municipal People's Government shall establish an expert committee for government information disclosure composed of experts from universities, scientific research institutions and relevant departments and entities. 市人民政府办公厅应当建立由高校、科研机构以及相关部门、单位的专家组成的政府信息公开专家委员会。
The expert committee for government information disclosure shall be responsible for the demonstration and analysis of major issues concerning government information disclosure , study the difficult issues in the process of disclosing information of the municipal government on request, and offer opinions and suggestions on government information disclosure. 政府信息公开专家委员会负责论证分析政府信息公开工作的重大问题,研究本市政府信息依申请公开办理过程中的疑难问题,对政府信息公开工作提出意见和建议。
Article 8 (Handling of Untrue and Incomplete Information)   第八条 (虚假和不完整信息的处理)
An administrative agency shall disclose government information to the public in a timely and accurate manner. 行政机关应当及时、准确地公开政府信息。
Where an administrative agency finds any information is untrue or incomplete, which has affected or may affect social stability or has disrupted or may disrupt social or economic management order, it shall report it to the people's government at the corresponding level or to the administrative agency at the next higher level, and release without delay the accurate and complete government information for clarification. 行政机关发现影响或者可能影响社会稳定、扰乱社会和经济管理秩序的虚假或者不完整信息的,应当报告本级人民政府或者上一级行政机关,并及时发布准确、完整的政府信息予以澄清。
Article 9 (Standardization of Government Information Disclosure)   第九条 (标准化、规范化建设)
An administrative agency shall strengthen the standardization of government information disclosure, review the matters disclosed, prepare disclosure standards, standardize disclosure procedures, and improve disclosure methods so as to continuously improve the level of government information disclosure. 行政机关应当加强政府信息公开的标准化、规范化建设,梳理公开事项,编制公开标准,规范公开流程,完善公开方式,不断提高政府信息公开工作水平。
Article 10 (IT-based Application)   第十条 (信息化建设)
The people's governments at all levels shall strengthen IT-based application of government information disclosure, promote the integration of government information disclosure with the “one-website processing” online government affairs service, constantly improve the channels for disclosing government information to ensure that citizens, legal persons and other organizations have timely and convenient access to government information. 各级人民政府应当加强政府信息公开的信息化建设,推进政府信息公开与“一网通办”在线政务服务融合,不断完善政府信息公开的渠道,保障公民、法人和其他组织及时、便捷获取政府信息。
Article 11 (Guarantee of Expenses)   第十一条 (经费保障)
An administrative agency shall include the funds for the government information disclosure work into its annual departmental budget to ensure the normal operation of the government information disclosure work. 行政机关应当将政府信息公开工作经费纳入本机关的年度部门预算,保障政府信息公开工作的正常进行。
Chapter II Entities and Scope of Public Disclosure 

第二章 公开的主体和范围

Article 12 (Entities in charge of Government Information Disclosure)   第十二条 (公开主体)
For government information compiled by an administrative agency, the said administrative agency shall be responsible for its disclosure to the general public. For government information obtained by an administrative agency from citizens, legal persons or other organizations, the administrative agency that retains the government information shall be responsible for its disclosure to the general public. For government information obtained by the administrative agency from another administrative agency, the administrative agency that compiles or first obtains such government information shall be responsible for its disclosure. If any law or regulation provides differently for the authority to disclose to the public the government information, the said law or regulation shall prevail. 行政机关制作的政府信息,由制作该政府信息的行政机关负责公开。行政机关从公民、法人和其他组织获取的政府信息,由保存该政府信息的行政机关负责公开;行政机关获取的其他行政机关的政府信息,由制作或者最初获取该政府信息的行政机关负责公开。法律、法规对政府信息公开的权限另有规定的,从其规定。
If a dispatched office or internal organ established by an administrative agency performs its government administration functions in its own name in accordance with laws, regulations and rules, the dispatched office or internal organ may be responsible for the government information disclosure related to the government administration functions it performs. 行政机关设立的派出机构、内设机构依照法律、法规、规章对外以自己名义履行行政管理职能的,可以由该派出机构、内设机构负责与所履行行政管理职能有关的政府信息公开工作。
Where an administrative agency is canceled or its administrative functions have been modified, another administrative agency taking over its administrative functions shall be responsible for the public disclosure of government information involving the former administrative agency or its administrative functions. If there is no successor, the administrative agency that has made the decision on such cancellation or modification shall be responsible for the public disclosure of government information related to the former administrative agency or administrative functions. 行政机关被撤销或者行政管理职能发生变更的,由承继其行政管理职能的行政机关负责原行政机关或者行政管理职能所涉及政府信息的公开;没有承继机关的,由作出撤销或者变更决定的行政机关负责原行政机关或者行政管理职能所涉及政府信息的公开。
Article 13 (Government Information Disclosure Guide and Government Information Disclosure Catalog)   第十三条 (信息公开指南和目录)
An administrative agency shall, in accordance with Article 12 of the Regulation, prepare a guide and a catalog for its public disclosure of government information, and publish them to the public on the government websites and provide timely updates. 行政机关应当依照《条例》十二条规定编制本机关的政府信息公开指南和政府信息公开目录,通过政府门户网站等渠道向社会公布并及时更新。
The guide shall be standardized, clear and understandable while the catalog shall be scientific in classification and complete in content for the convenience of public retrieval and inquiry. 政府信息公开指南应当标准规范、清晰易懂,政府信息公开目录应当分类科学、内容完整,便于公众检索、查询。
Article 14 (Government Information Disclosure Coordination Mechanism)   第十四条 (信息公开协调机制)
An administrative agency shall establish and improve its government information disclosure coordination mechanisms. 行政机关应当建立健全政府信息公开协调机制。
Under any of the following circumstances, the administrative agency shall communicate and confirm with the relevant agencies to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the government information disclosed by the administrative agency: 有下列情形之一的,行政机关应当与有关机关进行沟通、确认,保证行政机关公开的政府信息准确一致:
1. The administrative agency knows that the government information to be disclosed involves other administrative agencies; or (一)行政机关公开政府信息前,知道该政府信息涉及其他机关的;
2. The government information to be disclosed, which involves more than two agencies, is inconsistent with the content of government information already disclosed by the relevant agencies. (二)政府信息涉及两个以上机关,但与相关机关已公开的政府信息内容不一致的。
If the relevant administrative agencies have different opinions on the content of the government information to be disclosed but such information can be separated based on the duties and powers of the administrative agencies involved, the government information will be disclosed according to the opinions of the competent agencies. If it is impossible to distinguish between their functions and powers, it shall be submitted to the common administrative agency at a higher level for determination. 相关行政机关对政府信息发布的内容意见不一致,但政府信息内容可以根据行政机关职责权限作区分的,按照有权机关的意见办理;职责权限无法区分的,提请共同的上级行政机关确定。
Where the public disclosure of government information by an administrative agency is subject to approval according to any law, administrative regulation or relevant provision of the state, such information shall be made public upon approval. 行政机关公开政府信息依照法律、行政法规和国家有关规定需要批准的,经批准后予以公开。
Article 15 (Scope and Manner of Government Information Disclosure)   第十五条 (公开范围与方式)
Except for the government information as provided in Articles 16 and 17 of these Provisions, government information shall be disclosed to the public. 除本规定第十六条、第十七条规定的政府信息外,政府信息应当公开。
An administrative agency shall disclose to the public the government information either voluntarily or on request. 行政机关公开政府信息,采取主动公开和依申请公开的方式。
Article 16 (Circumstances for Non-disclosure)   第十六条 (不予公开情形)
The following government information shall not be disclosed to the public: 下列政府信息不予公开:
1. Government information that is determined as state secret according to law; (一)依法确定为国家秘密的政府信息;
2. Government information whose public disclosure is prohibited by any law or administrative regulation; (二)法律、行政法规禁止公开的政府信息;
3. Government information that may harm national security, public security, economic security or social stability if disclosed; and (三)公开后可能危及国家安全、公共安全、经济安全、社会稳定的政府信息;
4. Government information relating to a trade secret, individual privacy or the like whose public disclosure would harm the lawful rights and interests of any third party, unless the third party consents to its public disclosure, or the administrative agency deems that its withholding would materially affect the public interest. (四)涉及商业秘密、个人隐私等公开会对第三方合法权益造成损害的政府信息,但第三方同意公开或者行政机关认为不公开会对公共利益造成重大影响的除外。
If an administrative agency decides not to disclose to the public any government information in accordance with subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, it shall submit a written report to the General Office of the Municipal People's Government. 行政机关依据前款第三项规定决定不予公开政府信息的,应当书面报告市人民政府办公厅。
Article 17 (Information on Internal Matters, Pre-decisional Information and Information on Administrative Law Enforcement Files)   第十七条 (内部事务信息、过程性信息和行政执法案卷信息)
An administrative agency may withhold information on its internal matters, including personnel management, logistics management, and internal workflow. 行政机关的内部事务信息,包括人事管理、后勤管理、内部工作流程等方面的信息,可以不予公开。
An administrative agency may withhold the deliberative records, pre-decisional documents, consultation communications, requests for instructions and reports, and other pre-decisional information generated in the process of its performance of government administration functions and information on administrative law enforcement files, unless it is otherwise required by any law, regulation or rule. 行政机关在履行行政管理职能过程中形成的讨论记录、过程稿、磋商信函、请示报告等过程性信息以及行政执法案卷信息,可以不予公开。法律、法规、规章规定上述信息应当公开的,从其规定。
The internal affairs information and procedural information listed in the preceding two paragraphs shall be disclosed if they have a direct impact on the rights and obligations of citizens, legal persons and other organizations and serve as the basis for the administration of the administrative agency. 前两款所列的内部事务信息和过程性信息如果已对公民、法人和其他组织的权利义务产生直接影响,并且作为行政机关行政管理依据的,应当公开。
Article 18 (Government Information Disclosure Review Mechanism)   第十八条 (信息公开审查机制)
An administrative agency shall establish and improve its government information disclosure review mechanisms and specify the procedures and responsibilities for review. 行政机关应当建立健全政府信息公开审查机制,明确审查的程序和责任。
When making an official document, an administrative agency shall determine the appropriateness of public disclosure of the official document, and examine and clarify the appropriateness for public disclosure of the official document. If it determines not to disclose it, it shall indicate the reasons. 行政机关在制作公文时,应当开展公文公开属性认定,审查并明确该公文的公开属性,确定不予公开的,应当注明理由。
An administrative agency shall, before disclosing government information to the public, conduct examination in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets and other laws, regulations and relevant rules of the state. If an administrative agency is incapable of determining whether the government information may be disclosed to the public, it shall request a determination from the relevant authority or the secrecy administrative agency in accordance with the laws, regulations and relevant rules of the state. 行政机关在公开政府信息前,应当依照《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》以及其他法律、法规和国家有关规定进行审查。行政机关不能确定政府信息是否可以公开的,应当依照法律、法规和国家有关规定报有关主管部门或者保密行政管理部门确定。
Article 19 (Dynamic Adjustment Mechanism)   第十九条 (动态调整机制)
An administrative agency shall establish and improve its dynamic adjustment mechanisms of government information management. 行政机关应当建立健全政府信息管理动态调整机制。
An administrative agency shall periodically evaluate and examine the government information that it refuses to disclose to the public or it disclosed on request. If the government information that is not to be made public can be disclosed to the public due to a change in circumstances, it shall be made public. If it is determined that the government information disclosed to the public on request can be made public voluntarily, such information shall be disclosed voluntarily. 行政机关应当对本机关不予公开和依申请公开的政府信息进行定期评估审查,对不予公开的政府信息因情势变化可以公开的,应当予以公开;对依申请公开的政府信息,经认定可以主动公开的,应当主动公开。
Where multiple persons request to a same administrative agency for public disclosure of a same piece of government information and have obtained the information, the administrative agency may include such government information in the scope of voluntary public disclosure. 就相同的政府信息,多个申请人向同一行政机关提出公开申请并已获取的,行政机关可以将该政府信息纳入主动公开的范围。
Where the person requesting the information considers that the government information to be disclosed to the public on request involves public interests and therefore needs public knowledge or the public participation in decision-making, and suggests that the administrative agency should include the information in the scope of voluntary public disclosure, if the administrative agency agrees that such information falls within the scope of voluntary public disclosure upon examination, it shall promptly and voluntarily disclose the information to the public. 申请人认为依申请公开的政府信息涉及公众利益调整、需要公众广泛知晓或者需要公众参与决策,建议行政机关将该信息纳入主动公开范围的,行政机关经审核认为属于主动公开范围的,应当及时主动公开。
Chapter III Voluntary Public Disclosure 

第三章 主动公开

Article 20 (Scope of Voluntary Public Disclosure)
   第二十条 (主动公开范围)

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