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Decision of the State Council on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (2010) [Effective]
国务院关于修改《中华人民共和国专利法实施细则》的决定(2010) [现行有效]
  • Issuing authority: State Council
  • Document Number: Order No.569 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
  • Date issued: 01-09-2010
  • Effective date: 02-01-2010
  • Level of Authority: Administrative Regulations
  • Area of Law:Patent

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 



The Decision of the State Council on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 95th executive meeting of the State Council on December 30, 2009, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on February 1, 2010.

Premier: Wen Jiabao
总 理  温家宝

January 9, 2010

Decision of the State Council on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China

The State Council decided to amend the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China as follows:

1. Article 2 shall be deleted.   一、删去第二条。

2. Article 7 shall be changed into Article 6, and one paragraph shall be added as Paragraph 3 thereof: “Where a party concerned petitions for recovering his/her right under Paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article, he/she shall submit a petition for the recovery of right, state the reason, attach the supporting documents when necessary, and handle the formalities that should be handled before the loss of right; where a party concerned petitions for recovering his/her right under Paragraph 2 of this Article, he/she shall also pay a petition fee for the recovery of right.”   二、将第七条改为第六条,增加一款,作为第三款:“当事人依照本条第一款或者第二款的规定请求恢复权利的,应当提交恢复权利请求书,说明理由,必要时附具有关证明文件,并办理权利丧失前应当办理的相应手续;依照本条第二款的规定请求恢复权利的,还应当缴纳恢复权利请求费。”

3. Article 8 shall be changed into Article 7, and be amended as: “Where a patent application involves the interests of national defense and needs to be maintained confidential, it shall be accepted and examined by the institution for patent of national defense. Where a patent application which involves the interests of national defense and needs to be maintained confidential is accepted by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, it shall be transferred to the institution for patent of national defense for examination. If the institution for patent of national defense believes that there is no reason to reject it upon examination, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall make a decision of granting the patent right of national defense.   三、将第八条改为第七条,修改为:“专利申请涉及国防利益需要保密的,由国防专利机构受理并进行审查;国务院专利行政部门受理的专利申请涉及国防利益需要保密的,应当及时移交国防专利机构进行审查。经国防专利机构审查没有发现驳回理由的,由国务院专利行政部门作出授予国防专利权的决定。

“Where the administrative department for patent under the State Council believes that a patent application of invention or utility model which has been accepted by it involves national security or vital interests other than the interests of national defense, it shall immediately make a decision of treating it as a secret patent application and notify the applicant accordingly. The examination and reexamination of a secret patent application and the announcement of patent invalidation shall be prescribed by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.”

4. One Article shall be added as Article 8: “The term 'an invention or utility model accomplished in China' mentioned in Article 20 of the Patent Law refers to an invention or utility model the material contents of whose technical scheme being accomplished in China.   四、增加一条,作为第八条:“专利法二十条所称在中国完成的发明或者实用新型,是指技术方案的实质性内容在中国境内完成的发明或者实用新型。

“Any entity or individual that intends to file an application in a foreign country for patenting an invention or utility model accomplished in China shall report to the administrative department for patent under the State Council for confidentiality review by either way as described below:

“(1) To directly file an application for patent in a foreign country or file an international application for patent with a competent foreign institution, the entity or individual shall file a request with the administrative department for patent under the State Council beforehand, elaborating the technical scheme;

“(2) To file an application for patent in a foreign country or file an international application for patent with a competent foreign institution after applying to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, the entity or individual shall file a request with the administrative department for patent under the State Council before filing an application for patent in a foreign country or filing an international application for patent with a competent foreign institution.

“Where an international application for patent has been filed with the administrative department for patent under the State Council, it shall be deemed that a request for confidentiality review has been filed simultaneously.”

5. One Article shall be added as Article 9: “Where the administrative department for patent under the State Council, after receiving a request under Article 8 of these Rules, believes that the invention or utility model may involve national security or vital interests and need to be treated as confidential, it shall send a confidentiality review notice to the applicant in a timely manner; and the applicant, if failing to receive any confidentiality review notice within four months after the request is filed, may file an application for patent with a foreign country or file an international application for patent with a competent foreign institution for that invention or utility model.   五、增加一条,作为第九条:“国务院专利行政部门收到依照本细则第八条规定递交的请求后,经过审查认为该发明或者实用新型可能涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的,应当及时向申请人发出保密审查通知;申请人未在其请求递交日起4个月内收到保密审查通知的,可以就该发明或者实用新型向外国申请专利或者向有关国外机构提交专利国际申请。

“The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, after sending a confidentiality review notice under the preceding paragraph, make a decision on whether the patent shall be treated as confidential and notify the applicant in a timely manner. The applicant, if failing to receive a decision on treating the patent as confidential within six months after the request is filed, may file an application for patent with a foreign country or file an international application for patent with a competent foreign institution for that invention or utility model.”

6. Article 11 shall be changed into Article 12, and Item 3 of Paragraph 1 shall be amended as: “within 1 year of his retirement, removal from office, or termination of the employee or personnel relationship, provided that the invention-creation relates to his own duty in the entity where he worked or relates to a task assigned to him by the entity.”   六、将第十一条改为第十二条,第一款第(三)项修改为:“退休、调离原单位后或者劳动、人事关系终止后1年内作出的,与其在原单位承担的本职工作或者原单位分配的任务有关的发明创造。”

7. Article 13 shall be changed into Article 41, and be amended as: “Two or more applicants who, on the same day (referring to the application date, or the priority date if there is a right of priority), file applications for patent regarding an identical invention-creation, shall, after receiving the notification from the administrative department for patent under the State Council, negotiate between themselves at their own discretion to determine who shall be entitled to file the application.   七、将第十三条改为第四十一条,修改为:“两个以上的申请人同日(指申请日;有优先权的,指优先权日)分别就同样的发明创造申请专利的,应当在收到国务院专利行政部门的通知后自行协商确定申请人。

“A same applicant who files applications for patent of both utility model and for invention regarding an identical invention-creation on the same day (application date) shall specify that another patent has been applied for the same invention-creation; otherwise, the applications shall be handled according to Paragraph 1 of Article 9 which provides that only one patent right shall be granted to an identical invention-creation.

“The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, when announcing the granting of patent to a utility model, announce the statement that a patent for invention has been applied simultaneously as made by the applicant under Paragraph 2 herein.

“If, upon examination, the administrative department for patent under the State Council finds no reason to reject the application for patent of invention, it shall notify the applicant to abandon the patent right of the utility model within the prescribed time. If the applicant agrees to do so, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall make a decision on granting the patent right of invention and announce the applicant's abandonment of the patent right of utility model concurrently with the granting of the patent right of invention. If the applicant refuses to abandon the patent right of the utility model, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall reject the patent application of invention. If the applicant fails to give a reply within the prescribed time, the patent application of invention shall be deemed as withdrawn.

“The patent right of utility model shall terminate from the day when the patent right of invention is granted.”

8. Article 14 shall be deleted.   八、删去第十四条。

9. Article 15 shall be changed into Article 14, and one paragraph shall be added as Paragraph 3 thereof: “To pledge a patent right, the pledgor and the pledgee shall jointly handle the registration of pledge at the administrative department for patent under the State Council.”   九、将第十五条改为第十四条,增加一款,作为第三款:“以专利权出质的,由出质人和质权人共同向国务院专利行政部门办理出质登记。”

10. Article 17 shall be changed into Article 16, and be amended as: “A request for the patent application of an invention, utility model or design shall indicate:   十、将第十七条改为第十六条,修改为:“发明、实用新型或者外观设计专利申请的请求书应当写明下列事项:

“(1) the name of the invention, utility model or design;

“(2) if the applicant is a Chinese entity or individual, the name, address, zip code, and organizational code or resident's identify card number thereof; if the applicant is a foreigner, a foreign enterprise or any other foreign organization, the name, nationality or country or region of registration thereof;

“(3) the name of the inventor or designer;

“(4) if the applicant has entrusted a patent agency to file the application, the name and institutional code of the agency, and the name, practicing certification number and telephone number of the patent agent designated by the agency;

“(5) if priority right has been claimed, the application date and number of the first patent application filed by the applicant or the name of the acceptance organ;

“(6) the signature or seal affixed by the applicant or the patent agency;

“(7) a list of the application documents;

“(8) a list of appended documents; and

“(9) other matters that shall be specified.”

11. Article 18 shall be changed into Article 17, and one paragraph shall be added as Paragraph 5 thereof: “The description of a patent application of utility model shall contain a drawing of the shape, structure or a combination thereof of the product requiring protection.”   十一、将第十八条改为第十七条,增加一款,作为第五款:“实用新型专利申请说明书应当有表示要求保护的产品的形状、构造或者其结合的附图。”

12. One Article shall be added as Article 26: “The term “generic resources” as mentioned in the Patent Law refers to the substances which are taken from human bodies, animals, plants or microorganisms, which contain hereditary units and have actual or potential values; the term 'invention-creations accomplished by using generic resources' as mentioned in the Patent Law refers to the invention-creations accomplished by utilizing the hereditary functions of generic resources.   十二、增加一条作为第二十六条:“专利法所称遗传资源,是指取自人体、动物、植物或者微生物等含有遗传功能单位并具有实际或者潜在价值的材料;专利法所称依赖遗传资源完成的发明创造,是指利用了遗传资源的遗传功能完成的发明创造。

“A patent application of an invention-creation accomplished based on generic resources shall state the fact in the request and fill out a form made by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.”

13. Paragraph 1 of Article 27 shall be deleted.   十三、删去第二十七条第一款。

14. Article 28 shall be amended as: “The summary of a design shall contain the name and uses of the design and the design essentials and specify a drawing or photograph which best demonstrates the design essentials. The omission of the view and the colors for which protection is sought shall be specified in the summary.   十四、将第二十八条修改为:“外观设计的简要说明应当写明外观设计产品的名称、用途,外观设计的设计要点,并指定一幅最能表明设计要点的图片或者照片。省略视图或者请求保护色彩的,应当在简要说明中写明。

“A patent application for multiple similar designs of a same product shall designate in the summary one of the designs as the basic one.

“The summary shall not contain any commercial advertising element or be used to indicate the functions of the product.”

15. Article 30 shall be deleted.   十五、删去第三十条。

16. Article 31 shall be changed into Article 30, and one paragraph shall be added as Paragraph 1 thereof: “The term 'an international exhibition sponsored or recognized by the Chinese Government' as mentioned in Item 1 of Article 24 of the Patent Law refers to an international exhibition described in the Convention Relating to International Exhibitions and registered or approved by the Bureau of International Expositions.”   十六、将第三十一条改为第三十条,增加一款,作为第一款:“专利法二十四条第(一)项所称中国政府承认的国际展览会,是指国际展览会公约规定的在国际展览局注册或者由其认可的国际展览会。”

17. Article 32 shall be changed into Article 31, and be amended as: “Where anyone claims for foreign priority under Article 30 of the Patent Law, a duplicate of the prior application document submitted by the applicant shall be certified by the original acceptance organ. Pursuant to the agreement concluded by the administrative department for patent under the State Council and the acceptance organ, if the administrative department for patent under the State Council receives the duplicate of the prior application document through electronic data interchange, it shall be deemed that the applicant has submitted the duplicate of the prior application document which has been certified by the acceptance organ. Where domestic priority is claimed, if the applicant has specified the date and sequence number of the prior application in the request, it shall be deemed that the duplicate of the prior application document have been submitted.   十七、将第三十二条改为第三十一条,修改为:“申请人依照专利法三十条的规定要求外国优先权的,申请人提交的在先申请文件副本应当经原受理机构证明。依照国务院专利行政部门与该受理机构签订的协议,国务院专利行政部门通过电子交换等途径获得在先申请文件副本的,视为申请人提交了经该受理机构证明的在先申请文件副本。要求本国优先权,申请人在请求书中写明在先申请的申请日和申请号的,视为提交了在先申请文件副本。

“Where priority is claimed, if either the date, sequence number or acceptance organ of the prior application is missing or wrongly entered in the request, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the applicant to supplement or correct within a certain time limit; if the applicant fails to do so, it shall be deemed that no claim has been made for priority right.

“Where the name of the applicant for priority is not identical with that recorded in the duplicate of the prior application document, a priority assignment certificate shall be provided, or it shall be deemed that no claim has been filed for priority.

“Where a design patent applicant that claims for foreign priority fails to give a summary on the design in the prior application document, it shall not affect the applicant's right of priority, provided that the summary submitted by the applicant under Article 28 of these Rules meets the description of the drawing or photograph in the prior application document.”

18. Article 36 shall be changed into Article 35, and be amended as: “Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the Patent Law, where a patent application is filed for two or more similar designs of an identical product, the other designs of the product shall be similar to the basic design specified in the summary. A design patent application may contain at most 10 similar designs.   十八、将第三十六条改为第三十五条,修改为:“依照专利法三十一条第二款规定,将同一产品的多项相似外观设计作为一件申请提出的,对该产品的其他设计应当与简要说明中指定的基本设计相似。一件外观设计专利申请中的相似外观设计不得超过10项。

“The expression 'two or more similar designs for products which fall into the same class and are sold or used in sets' as mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the Patent Law refers to the designs of products which fall into a same category in the nomenclature, are customarily sold or used at the same time and based on the same ideas.

“Where two or more designs are filed in one application, they shall be numbered consecutively and each number shall be noted before the corresponding the drawing or photograph of the product underlying the design.”

19. Paragraph 1 of Article 44 shall be amended as: “The term 'preliminary examination' as mentioned in Article 34 and Article 40 of the Patent Law refers to the examination on a patent application so as to see whether the application contain the documents set forth in Article 26 or 27 of the Patent Law and other necessary documents, whether such documents are in required forms, and:   十九、将第四十四条第一款修改为:“专利法三十四条和第四十条所称初步审查,是指审查专利申请是否具备专利法二十六条或者第二十七条规定的文件和其他必要的文件,这些文件是否符合规定的格式,并审查下列各项:

“(1) for a patent application for invention, whether it obviously falls under Article 5 or 25 of the Patent Law, whether it has violated Article18, 19(1) or 20(1) of the Patent Law or Article 16 or26(2) of these Rules, and whether it has obviously violated Article 2(2), 26(5), 31(1) or 33 of the Patent Law or Articles 17 through 21 of these Rules;

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