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Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Fostering of New Competitive Advantages in Foreign Trade [Effective]
国务院关于加快培育外贸竞争新优势的若干意见 [现行有效]

Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Fostering of New Competitive Advantages in Foreign Trade 


(No. 9 [2015] of the State Council) (国发〔2015〕9号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
Foreign trade is an important component of China's open economic system and an important driving force for national economic development. Under the historical background of significant changes in both the international environment and domestic development condition, maintaining China's traditional advantages in foreign trade and accelerating the fostering of new competitive advantages is a major issue which is vital to the overall development of China. To consolidate the traditional advantages in foreign trade, accelerate the fostering of new competitive advantages, realize sustained and sound development of China's foreign trade, and promote China's transition from a large trading country to a strong trading power, the following opinions are hereby offered: 对外贸易是我国开放型经济体系的重要组成部分和国民经济发展的重要推动力量。在国际环境和国内发展条件都发生重大变化的历史背景下,保持我国外贸传统优势、加快培育竞争新优势是事关我国发展全局的重大问题。为巩固外贸传统优势、加快培育竞争新优势,实现我国对外贸易持续健康发展,推动我国由贸易大国向贸易强国转变,现提出如下意见:
I. Fully Understanding the Significance and Urgency of Fostering New Competitive Advantages in Foreign Trade   一、充分认识加快培育外贸竞争新优势的重要性和紧迫性
After over three decades' development through reform and opening-up, China has witnessed remarkable achievements in foreign trade and China took the lead in the world as the largest country of trade in goods in 2013, which has maximized an irreplaceable important role in promoting China's economic and social development, enhancing the comprehensive national strength and international influence, and strengthening the integration with the world economy. Currently, the world economy is still in the deep adjustment period after the international financial crisis, which is featured by sluggish total global demand, obviously slackened large-scale international industrial transfer, new breakthroughs brewed in the world's science and technology, and industrial revolution, and trade protectionism on the rise. Under the period of “superimposition of three periods”, China's economy has ushered in new normal of development. During the coming period, China's foreign trade will face important opportunities and still have its competitive advantages in export, and will also be confronted with severe challenges, and have significantly weakened traditional competitive advantages when new competitive advantages have not been formed. Enterprise innovation ability desperately needs to be strengthened. Brand products account for a low proportion. Homogeneous competition is common. Capacity of participating in the development of international trade rules needs to be improved. The foreign trade regime and business environment need to be further improved. The new circumstances and new requirements shall be adapted. The traditional advantages in foreign trade shall be consolidated without any efforts spared and the fostering of new competitive advantages shall be accelerated. The important role of export for economic development shall continuously be maximized. As the only way to consolidate the status of a large trading country and to build a strong trading power, and a strategic choice for promoting the sustained and sound development of China's economy, it is of great and far-reaching significance for the realization of the “two centenary” goals and the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 经过改革开放30多年的发展,我国对外贸易取得举世瞩目的成就,2013年跃居世界第一货物贸易大国,对于推动我国经济社会发展、提高国家综合实力和国际影响力、加强与世界经济融合发挥了不可取代的重要作用。当前,世界经济仍处在国际金融危机后的深度调整期,全球总需求不振,大规模国际产业转移明显放缓,世界科技和产业革命孕育新突破,贸易保护主义持续升温。我国经济正处于“三期叠加”阶段,经济发展进入新常态。今后一段时期,外贸发展既面临重要机遇期,出口竞争优势依然存在,也面临严峻挑战,传统竞争优势明显削弱,新的竞争优势尚未形成。企业创新能力亟待增强,品牌产品占比偏低,同质化竞争较为普遍。参与国际贸易规则制定的能力有待提升,外贸体制和营商环境需进一步改进。必须适应新形势新要求,努力巩固外贸传统优势,加快培育竞争新优势,继续发挥出口对经济发展的重要作用。这既是巩固贸易大国、建设贸易强国的必由之路,也是促进我国经济持续健康发展的战略选择,对于实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,具有重大而深远的意义。
II. General Requirements   二、总体要求
1. Guiding Thought. The spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee shall be thoroughly implemented; the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council shall be diligently implemented; the decisive role of the market in resources allocation shall be fully maximized and the role of the government shall be better maximized; the new normal mode of economic development shall be actively adapted; both international and domestic markets and both international and domestic resources shall be considered in an overall manner and be utilized comprehensively; joint efforts shall be made to adjust and optimize the trade structure and transform the development mode of foreign trade; the position of China's foreign trade in the global value chain shall be promoted; the quality and efficiency of foreign trade growth shall be enhanced; the sustained and sound development of foreign trade shall be realized; transition of China from a large trading country to a strong trading power shall be promoted; and greater contribution shall be made to the national economy and social development. (一)指导思想。深入贯彻党的十八大和十八届二中、三中、四中全会精神,认真落实党中央、国务院的决策部署,充分发挥市场配置资源的决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用,主动适应经济新常态,统筹考虑和综合运用国际国内两个市场、两种资源,着力调整优化贸易结构、转变外贸发展方式,提升我国外贸在全球价值链中的地位,提高外贸增长的质量和效益,实现外贸持续健康发展,推动我国由贸易大国向贸易强国转变,为国民经济和社会发展作出更大贡献。
2. Basic Principles. (二)基本原则。
Reform shall be deepened and driving by innovation shall be realized. Foreign trade institutional mechanism reform shall be deepened and an innovative development environment shall be created. Scientific and technological innovation capacity shall be improved; business model and trade format shall be innovated on; new competitive advantages shall be integrated; and the endogenous power for foreign trade development shall be enhanced. 深化改革,创新驱动。深化外贸体制机制改革,营造创新发展环境。增强科技创新能力,创新商业模式和贸易业态,集成新的竞争优势,增强外贸发展的内生动力。
Mutual benefit and win-win result shall be realized by opening and guiding. By opening in a larger scope, in a wider field, and at a higher level and through combining “going out” and “bringing in,” trade growth shall be promoted; interests convergence with trade partners shall be expanded; a more harmonious and stable development environment shall be formed; and a larger market space shall be jointly created. 开放引领,互利共赢。以更大范围、更广领域、更高层次的开放,通过“走出去”与“引进来”相结合带动贸易增长,扩大与贸易伙伴利益汇合点,形成更加和谐稳定的发展环境,共创更大市场空间。
Sustained development shall be realized through overseas and domestic interaction. Balance between domestic demand and overseas market demand, balance between import and export, and balance between introduction of foreign capital and investment in foreign countries shall be promoted more actively; balance of international payment shall be gradually realized; and a new open economic system shall be established. 内外联动,持续发展。更加积极地促进内需和外需平衡、进口和出口平衡、引进外资和对外投资平衡,逐步实现国际收支平衡,构建开放型经济新体制。
Overall planning shall be made and categorized guidance shall be offered. Planning guidance and coordinated promotion shall be strengthened. Measures shall be adjusted to local conditions and policies shall be implemented by different categories. Coordinated and interactive development of trade in goods and trade in services, trade and investment, traditional industries and emerging industries, as well as coastal areas and inland shall be realized. 统筹规划,分类指导。加强规划指导和统筹推进,因地制宜、分类施策,实现货物贸易与服务贸易、贸易与投资、传统产业与新兴产业、沿海与内陆协调互动发展。
Foundation shall be consolidated and priority shall be given to major problems. The combination of trade and industry shall be strengthened. The process of reforming global value chains and industrial chains shall be comprehensively attended. The international competitiveness of the industry shall be enhanced. 夯实基础,重点突破。加强贸易与产业的结合,全面参与全球价值链、产业链重构进程,提高产业国际竞争力。
3. Objectives and tasks. The position of a large trading country shall be consolidated and the process of becoming a strong trading power shall be promoted. The proportion of the emerging markets, the central and western regions, general trade, service trade, and brand products to China's foreign trade shall be increased with great efforts. By 2020, the traditional advantages in foreign trade shall be further consolidated and substantial progress shall be made in the fostering of new competitive advantages without any efforts spared. Joint efforts shall be made to optimize the layout of the international market and promote market diversification; joint efforts shall be made to optimize domestic regional layout and promote the coordinated development of east-central-west regions; joint efforts shall be made to optimize the goods structure of foreign trade and improve the export value added and technical content; joint efforts shall be made to optimize the main operation structure and promote the joint development of various enterprises; and joint efforts shall be made to optimize the mode of trade and promote the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade. (三)目标任务。巩固贸易大国地位,推进贸易强国进程。努力提高新兴市场、中西部地区、一般贸易、服务贸易和品牌产品在我国外贸中的占比。力争到2020年,外贸传统优势进一步巩固,竞争新优势培育取得实质性进展。着力优化国际市场布局,推进市场多元化;着力优化国内区域布局,推动东中西部协调发展;着力优化外贸商品结构,提升出口附加值和技术含量;着力优化经营主体结构,促进各类企业共同发展;着力优化贸易方式,推进对外贸易转型升级。
The transition of China's foreign trade from scale-speed model to quality-benefit model shall be vigorously promoted. Efforts shall be made to realize five transitions: first, the transition of export dominated by goods to the combination of goods, services, technologies, and capital export shall be promoted; second, the transition of competitive advantage from price advantage to comprehensive competitive advantages with technology, brand, quality, and service as the core shall be promoted; third, the transition of growth power from mainly factor-driving to innovation-driving shall be promoted; forth, the transition of the business environment from main policy guidance to institutional norms and the creation of a lawful and international business environment shall be promoted; and fifth, the transition of the global economic governance position from mainly abiding by and adapting to international economic trade rules to active participation in the formulation of economic trade rules shall be promoted. 大力推动我国外贸由规模速度型向质量效益型转变,努力实现五个转变:一是推动出口由货物为主向货物、服务、技术、资本输出相结合转变;二是推动竞争优势由价格优势为主向技术、品牌、质量、服务为核心的综合竞争优势转变;三是推动增长动力由要素驱动为主向创新驱动转变;四是推动营商环境由政策引导为主向制度规范和营造法治化国际化营商环境转变;五是推动全球经济治理地位由遵守、适应国际经贸规则为主向主动参与国际经贸规则制订转变。
III. Vigorously Promoting the Adjustment to the Foreign Trade Structure   三、大力推动外贸结构调整
1. Adjustment to the structure of the international market shall be promoted. The transition of the import and export market structure from main traditional market to comprehensive development of diversified market shall be promoted. The traditional markets of the United States, Europe, Japan and other places shall be developed in an in-depth manner. Exploration of Latin America, Africa, and other emerging markets shall be intensified. Comprehensive consideration shall be given to the economic scale, development speed, resource endowment, level of risk, and other factors. Priority shall be given to the exploration of several emerging markets selected. The proportion of the emerging markets to China's foreign trade shall be gradually increased. The import of advanced technical equipment shall be expanded. The export of industries and products with high quality, high level, and comparative advantages shall be promoted. (一)推动国际市场结构调整。推动进出口市场结构从传统市场为主向多元化市场全面发展转变。深耕美、欧、日等传统市场。加大拉美、非洲等新兴市场开拓力度,综合考虑经济规模、发展速度、资源禀赋、风险程度等因素,选择若干个新兴市场重点开拓,逐步提高新兴市场在我国外贸中的比重。扩大先进技术设备进口,促进质量好、档次高、具有比较优势的产业和产品出口。
2. The coordinated development of domestic regions shall be promoted. According to the state's key industrial layout and overall industrial transfer deployment, a new situation which helps maximize the regional comparative advantages and reasonable division of labor for industrial chains shall be formed. Eastern regions shall be encouraged to give priority to develop high-end industries, high added value sectors, and headquarters economy, improve the quality and efficiency of trade, and maximize the leading role in setting a model. Central and western regions shall be supported in actively undertaking the industrial transfer in eastern regions and jointly improving the scale and quality, in light of local realities. The pace of opening in border areas shall be accelerated; cross-border economic cooperation zones shall be orderly developed; and economic and trade contacts with neighboring countries shall be expanded. (二)推动国内区域协调发展。按照国家对重点产业布局和产业转移的总体部署,形成有利于发挥地区比较优势、产业链合理分工的新局面。鼓励东部地区重点发展高端产业、高增值环节和总部经济,提高贸易的质量和效益,发挥示范带动作用。支持中西部地区结合地方实际,积极承接东部地区产业转移,规模与质量并重提升。加快沿边开放步伐,有序发展跨境经济合作区,扩大与周边国家经贸往来。
3. The coordinated development of all types of foreign trade subjects shall be promoted. The leading enterprises of the industry shall be encouraged to extend the industrial chain and improve the international operation level. Building alliances with powerful enterprises with advantages, cross-regional mergers and acquisitions, and foreign investment cooperation shall be promoted. A group of large enterprises with transnational operation capability that deploy factor resources and distribute market network worldwide shall be established in an accelerated manner. Innovative, entrepreneurial, and labor-intensive micro, small and medium-sized enterprises shall be encouraged in developing. Enterprises shall be supported in taking the road of “specialized, sophisticated, special and new” and coordinated development with large enterprises. Private export-oriented enterprises with innovation capacity shall be supported in developing. (三)推动各类外贸经营主体协调发展。鼓励行业龙头企业延长产业链,提高国际化经营水平。推动优势企业强强联合、跨地区兼并重组和对外投资合作。加快形成一批在全球范围内配置要素资源、布局市场网络的具有跨国经营能力的大企业。鼓励创新型、创业型和劳动密集型中小微企业发展,支持企业走“专精特新”和与大企业协作配套发展的道路。支持有创新能力的外向型民营企业发展。
4. Adjustment to the commodity structure of foreign trade shall be promoted. Different guidance shall be strengthened for the export of different categories of enterprises in the industry. The leading role of textile, clothing, bags, shoes, toys, furniture, plastic products, and other labor-intensive products worldwide shall be continuously consolidated and promoted. Intensive processing capacity and the characteristic development level of agricultural products shall be enhanced. The comprehensive competitive advantages of electric power, rail transit, communication equipment, ship, engineering machinery, aerospace, and other equipment manufacturing and export of large complete sets of equipment shall be enhanced; and joint efforts shall be made to expand export of goods of investment category. The international competitiveness of energy-saving and environmental protection, a new generation of information technology, new energy, and other strategic emerging industries shall be further enhanced. Import of advanced technical equipment, key components, and other items shall be expanded. Industrial structure adjustment, optimization, and upgrading shall be promoted. The import of energy resource products shall be stabilized and the strategic reserve system shall be improved. The import of general consumer goods shall be reasonably increased and backflow of consumption abroad shall be directed. Trade balance shall be promoted. Zero tariff treatment shall continuously be implemented for some products imported from the least developed countries. (四)推动外贸商品结构调整。加强对重点行业出口的分类指导。继续巩固和提升纺织、服装、箱包、鞋帽、玩具、家具、塑料制品等劳动密集型产品在全球的主导地位。提升农产品精深加工能力和特色发展水平。强化电力、轨道交通、通信设备、船舶、工程机械、航空航天等装备制造业和大型成套设备出口的综合竞争优势,着力扩大投资类商品出口。进一步提高节能环保、新一代信息技术、新能源等战略性新兴产业的国际竞争力。扩大先进技术设备、关键零部件等进口,促进产业结构调整和优化升级。稳定能源资源产品进口,完善战略储备体系。合理增加一般消费品进口,引导境外消费回流。促进贸易平衡,继续对最不发达国家部分进口产品实施零关税待遇。
5. The optimization of the mode of trade shall be promoted. General trade shall be strengthened. The scale of general trade shall be expanded. The added value of general trade export products shall be increased. Export of brand products shall be increased. The value-added effect of brands shall be maximized. The profitability shall be improved. Processing trade mode shall be innovated on. The transformation and upgrading of processing trade in coastal areas shall be promoted, to extend towards the high end of the industrial chains of brands, research and development, allocation, and settlement centers; and qualified enterprises shall be steadily promoted to transfer complete machines, spare parts, supporting raw materials, research and development settlement, and other items to inland and border areas, form industrial clusters, and build a new pattern of development. The innovative development, transformation and upgrading of border trade shall be accelerated.

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