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Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the First Group of Repealed and Amended Departmental Rules [Partially Invalid]
自然资源部关于第一批废止和修改的部门规章的决定 [部分失效]

Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 5) (第5号)

The Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the First Group of Repealed and Amended Departmental Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the 2nd executive meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources on July 16, 2019, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《自然资源部关于第一批废止和修改的部门规章的决定》已经2019年7月16日自然资源部第2次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Ministry of Natural Resources: Lu Hao 部长 陆 昊
July 24, 2019 2019年7月24日
Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the First Group of Repealed and Amended Departmental Rules 自然资源部关于第一批废止和修改的部门规章的决定
(As deliberated and adopted the 2nd executive meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources on July 16, 2019) (2019年7月16日自然资源部第2次部务会议通过)
I. The following rules are repealed:   一、废止下列规章
Interim Measures for the Administration of the Right to Use Allocated Land (Order No.1 [1992] of the State Land Administration) 划拨土地使用权管理暂行办法》(国家土地管理局令〔1992〕第1号)
Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Right to Use Allocated Land in the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises (Order No.8 of the State Land Administration) 国有企业改革中划拨土地使用权管理暂行规定》(国家土地管理局令第8号)
Measures for the Registration of Land Used by the State Central Authorities in Beijing (Order No.6 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) 《在京中央国家机关用地土地登记办法》(国土资源部令第6号)
Measures for the Administration of Fossils (Order No. 13 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) 古生物化石管理办法》(国土资源部令第13号)
Provisions on the Administration of the Examination and Issuance of Important Geographic Information and Data (Order No.19 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) 重要地理信息数据审核公布管理规定》(国土资源部令第19号)
Measures for the Assessment of the Balance between Occupancy and Supplement of Arable Land (Order No.33 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) 耕地占补平衡考核办法》(国土资源部令第33号)
Measures for the Administration of Administrative Law Enforcement Certificates for Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information (Order No.58 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) 测绘地理信息行政执法证管理办法》(国土资源部令第58号)
Measures for the Administration of the Overall Plan for Land Utilization (Order No.72 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) 土地利用总体规划管理办法》(国土资源部令第72号)
II. The Measures for the Implementation of the Regulation on Land Survey is amended as follows:   二、修改《土地调查条例实施办法
1. In Articles 2, 19, and 25, “basic farmland” is replaced with “permanent basic farmland.” (一)将第二条、第十九条、第二十五条中的“基本农田”修改为“永久基本农田”;
2. Article 10 is amended to read: “To undertake a national land survey, an entity shall meet the following requirements: (二)将第十条修改为:“承担国家级土地调查任务的单位,应当具备以下条件:
“(1) Having land survey projects with an aggregate contractual value of 10 million yuan in the past three years, which have passed the final inspection conducted by the land and resources department at or above the county level. “(一)近三年内有累计合同额1000万元以上,经县级以上自然资源主管部门验收合格的土地调查项目;
“(2) Having a specialized quality inspection department and full-time quality inspectors, and having sound and efficient rules for ensuring the quality of land survey results. “(二)有专门的质量检验机构和专职质量检验人员,有完善有效的土地调查成果质量保证制度;
“(3) Having no record of poor quality of land survey results in the past three years and not being included in the list of parties with unfaithful acts. “(三)近三年内无土地调查成果质量不良记录, 并未被列入失信名单;
“(4) Having at least 20 technicians who have obtained a land surveyor work certificate. “(四)取得土地调查员工作证的技术人员不少于20名;
“(5) Other requirements as prescribed in the rules and regulatory documents of the Ministry of National Resources.” “(五)自然资源部规章、规范性文件规定的其他条件”。
3. Articles 11, 12 and 13 are deleted. (三)删去第十一条、第十二条、第十三条;
4. In Article 33, “and it shall not be included in the directory of land survey entities within five years” is replaced with “and it shall not be reported to the national credit platform.” (四)将第三十三条中的“该单位五年内不得列入土地调查单位名录”修改为“并将该单位报送国家信用平台”;
5. In Article 34, “and shall no longer include it in the directory of land survey entities” is replaced with “and submit it to the national credit platform.” (五)将第三十四条中“并不再将该单位列入土地调查单位名录”修改为“并将该单位报送国家信用平台”;
6. In the Measures for the Implementation of the Regulation on Land Survey, “Ministry of Land and Resources” is replaced with “the Ministry of Natural Resources”; “land and resources department” is replaced with “Natural resources department”; “administrative disciplinary action” is replaced with “disciplinary action.” (六)将《土地调查条例实施办法》中的“国土资源部”修改为“自然资源部”;“国土资源行政主管部门”修改为“自然资源主管部门”;“行政处分”修改为“处分”。
III. The Provisions on the Economical and Intensive Use of Land is amended as follows:   三、修改《节约集约利用土地规定
1. Subparagraph (2) of Article 3 is amended to read: “Adhering to the principle of rational use, strictly control the total amount of land resources, efficiently utilizing the existing land resources, and optimizing the structure, and improve efficiency.” (一)将第三条第(二)项修改为:“坚持合理使用的原则,严控总量、盘活存量、优化结构、提高效率”;
2. “urban-rural planning” in Article 4 is deleted. (二)删去第四条中的“城乡规划”;
3. Paragraph 2 of Article 11 is amended to read: “Urban construction land shall be arranged in a clustered, tandem and satellite-city layout according to the local conditions so as to avoid the occupation of high-quality arable land, especially permanent basic farmland.” (三)将第十一条第二款修改为:“城市建设用地应当因地制宜采取组团式、串联式、卫星城式布局,避免占用优质耕地特别是永久基本农田”;
4. Article 12 is amended to read: “Natural resources departments at the city or county level shall promote the optimization of the internal structure of the existing urban land use, control the land used for manufacturing, guarantee the supply of land used for living, increase the proportion of land used for ecological protection, and increase the proportion of existing land used for urban construction so as to promote the efficiency of urban land use.” (四)将第十二条修改为:“市、县自然资源主管部门应当促进现有城镇用地内部结构调整优化,控制生产用地,保障生活用地,提高生态用地的比例,加大城镇建设使用存量用地的比例,促进城镇用地效率的提高”;
5. Paragraph 1 of Article 14 is amended to read: “Natural resources departments at or above the county level shall develop policies for the comprehensive development and utilization of land, encourage the comprehensive development and utilization of land for construction projects such as large-scale infrastructure, and promote overall design and rational layout with moderately mixed functions.” (五)将第十四条第一款修改为:“县级以上自然资源主管部门统筹制定土地综合开发用地政策,鼓励大型基础设施等建设项目综合开发利用土地,促进功能适度混合、整体设计、合理布局”;
Paragraph 2 is amended to read: “For the land for a multi-functional construction project that is highly correlated for different purposes, requires overall planning and construction, and is difficult to be divided, a natural resources department at the city or county level may determine the main purpose of the land, transfer and supply it in whole as a parcel of land, and comprehensively determine the base price for transfer. Where the project involves the land to be transferred by means of bidding, auction, or listing, the entire parcel of land shall be transferred by means of bidding, auction, or listing.” 将第二款修改为:“不同用途高度关联、需要整体规划建设、确实难以分割供应的综合用途建设项目,市、县自然资源主管部门可以确定主用途并按照一宗土地实行整体出让供应,综合确定出让底价;需要通过招标拍卖挂牌的方式出让的,整宗土地应当采用招标拍卖挂牌的方式出让”;
Paragraph 3 is deleted. 删去第三款;
6. Paragraph 1 of Article 19 is amended to read: “The Ministry of Natural Resources shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, develop a Catalogue of Projects Subject to Prohibition on Land Use and a Catalogue of Projects Subject to Restrictions on Land Use according to the national economic and social development, the macro-industrial policies, and demands for the prevention and control of soil pollution risks so as to promote the economical and intensive use of land.” (六)将第十九条第一款修改为:“自然资源部会同有关部门根据国家经济社会发展状况、宏观产业政策和土壤污染风险防控需求等,制定《禁止用地项目目录》和《限制用地项目目录》,促进土地节约集约利用”;
7. Paragraph 3 of Article 21 is amended to read: “Where necessary, the state shall, after evaluating the value of the state-owned land use rights of a certain period, authorize the state-owned holding companies established with the approval of the State Council as well as the wholly state-owned companies and group companies as investment institutions authorized by the state to operate and manage the land.” (七)将第二十一条第三款修改为:“国家根据需要,可以一定年期的国有土地使用权作价后授权给经国务院批准设立的国家控股公司、作为国家授权投资机构的国有独资公司和集团公司经营管理”;
8. Paragraph 1 of Article 25 is amended to read: “Differentiated land price policies and construction land management policies may apply to the industrial land that meets the requirements for economical and intensive use of land and is used for encouraged industries of the state.” (八)将第二十五条第一款改为:“符合节约集约用地要求、属于国家鼓励产业的用地,可以实行差别化的地价政策和建设用地管理政策”;
9. Article 26 is amended to read: “Where a national resources department at the city or county level supplies an industrial land, control indicators such as the investment intensity, plot ratio, building coefficient, greenbelt rate, and occupation proportion of non-production facilities as well as the development and utilization level of natural resources and the requirements for ecological protection shall be included in the contract for assignment.” (九)将第二十六条修改为:“市、县自然资源主管部门供应工业用地,应当将投资强度、容积率、建筑系数、绿地率、非生产设施占地比例等控制性指标以及自然资源开发利用水平和生态保护要求纳入出让合同”;
10. One article is added after Article 27 as Article 28: “Natural resources departments at or above the county level shall, when breaking down and issuing their plans for newly increased construction land, link their plans to the quantity of land approved but not allocated and idle land that are disposed of, and for regions with a large quantity of land approved but not allocated and idle land that fail to be effectively disposed of, decrease the land arranged in their plans for newly increased construction land.” (十)在第二十七条之后增加一条,作为第二十八条:“县级以上自然资源主管部门在分解下达新增建设用地计划时,应当与批而未供和闲置土地处置数量相挂钩,对批而未供、闲置土地数量较多和处置不力的地区,减少其新增建设用地计划安排。
“The Ministry of Natural Resources and the provincial natural resources departments shall be responsible for developing policies for the redevelopment of urban land used inefficiently; and may develop special land use policies for projects that are included in the scope of redevelopment of land used inefficiently.” “自然资源部和省级自然资源主管部门负责城镇低效用地再开发的政策制定。对于纳入低效用地再开发范围的项目,可以制定专项用地政策”;
11. Article 28 is amended to read: “Local natural resources departments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments and according to the relevant plans, conduct comprehensive treatment on the land within their respective jurisdictions, consolidate and reclaim the farmland, rural construction land, land used for manufacturing and mining, and land destroyed in disasters, among others, so as to optimize the space layout of land, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of land use and promote the economical and intensive use of land. (十一)将第二十八条修改为:“县级以上地方自然资源主管部门应当会同有关部门,依据相关规划,开展全域国土综合整治,对农用地、农村建设用地、工矿用地、灾害损毁土地等进行整理复垦,优化土地空间布局,提高土地利用效率和效益,促进土地节约集约利用”;
12. Article 30 is deleted. (十二)删去第三十条;
13. Subparagraph (4) of Article 37 is deleted. (十三)删去第三十七条第(四)项;
14. In the Provisions on the Economical and Intensive Use of Land, “Ministry of Land and Resources” is replaced with “the Ministry of Natural Resources”; “land and resources department” is replaced with “Natural resources department.” (十四)将《节约集约利用土地规定》中的“国土资源部”修改为“自然资源部”;“国土资源主管部门”修改为“自然资源主管部门”。
IV. The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration is amended as follows:   四、修改《不动产登记暂行条例实施细则
1. Paragraph 3 of Article 4 is deleted. (一)删去第四条第三款;
2. One article is added after Article 107 as Article 108: “The Ministry of Natural Resources shall authorize the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources to directly handle the registration of the real estate properties of the state central authorities in Beijing. (二)在第一百零七条之后增加一条,作为第一百零八条:“自然资源部委托北京市规划和自然资源委员会直接办理在京中央国家机关的不动产登记。
“The state central authorities in Beijing applying for real estate registration shall submit the materials as required by the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration and these Detailed Rules as well as the opinions on the examination of real estate registration issued by the relevant government offices administration. Where real estate ownership materials are incomplete, they shall also submit a letter regarding the source of the real estate ownership affixed with the seal of the relevant government offices administration for confirmation. Where the real estate ownership investigations are organized by the relevant government offices administration jointly with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, they shall also submit the real estate ownership investigation materials for registering the real estate units. “在京中央国家机关申请不动产登记时,应当提交《不动产登记暂行条例》及本实施细则规定的材料和有关机关事务管理局出具的不动产登记审核意见。不动产权属资料不齐全的,还应当提交由有关机关事务管理局确认盖章的不动产权属来源说明函。不动产权籍调查由有关机关事务管理局会同北京市规划和自然资源委员会组织进行的,还应当提交申请登记不动产单元的不动产权籍调查资料。
“The Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources shall, when handling the registration of real estate properties of the state central authorities in Beijing, use the Special Seal for Real Estate Registration of the Ministry of Natural Resources prepared and issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources.” “北京市规划和自然资源委员会办理在京中央国家机关不动产登记时,应当使用自然资源部制发的‘自然资源部不动产登记专用章'”;
3. In the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration, “Ministry of Land and Resources” is replaced with “the Ministry of Natural Resources”; “land and resources department” is replaced with “Natural resources department.” (三)将《不动产登记暂行条例实施细则》中的“国土资源部”修改为“自然资源部”。
V. The Interim Measures for the Inquiry of Real Estate Registration Materials is amended as follows:

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