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Joint Declaration from the Fifth German-Chinese Intergovernmental Consultations [Effective]
第五轮中德政府磋商联合声明 [现行有效]

Joint Declaration from the Fifth German-Chinese Intergovernmental Consultations 


(July 9, 2018, Berlin) (2018年7月9日 柏林)

Chaired by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr Angela Merkel, and the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Li Keqiang, the fifth German- Chinese intergovernmental consultations took place in Berlin on 9 July 2018 in a friendly atmosphere. 在中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强和德意志联邦共和国总理安格拉·默克尔的主持下,第五轮中德政府磋商于2018年7月9日在友好的气氛中在柏林举行。
The meeting demonstrated the high level and wide range that has been achieved in the comprehensive German-Chinese Strategic Partnership. Both sides welcome the development of German-Chinese relations since the last intergovernmental consultations in June 2016 and underline the ongoing important role of the 2014 Plan of Action on German-Chinese Cooperation on Joint Innovation. Both sides are committed to implementing and developing the Plan of Action further, taking existing mechanisms into account, and agreed the following as regards their further cooperation. 此次磋商彰显了中德全方位战略伙伴关系业已达到的高水平和宽广度。双方欢迎自2016年6月举行的上轮政府磋商以来中德关系的发展,并特别指出2014年发表的《中德合作行动纲要:共塑创新》的持续重要作用。双方致力于在考虑到现有机制基础上继续落实和更新行动纲要并就下一阶段合作达成以下重要共识:
I. Joint strengthening of the comprehensive strategic partnership and the rules-based international order   一、共同增强全方位战略伙伴关系和基于规则的国际秩序
1. Both sides acknowledge the role of high-level meetings in bilateral relations and agree to further expand relations in the spirit of the agreements reached with Chinese leaders during Federal Chancellor Merkel's visit to China in May 2018. To this end, both sides have decided to hold more high-level meetings and to deepen exchange at all levels under the auspices of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Germany. They underline the growing importance of intergovernmental consultations in promoting German-Chinese cooperation. As coordinators of the intergovernmental consultations, the two Foreign Ministries will review the outcomes of the intergovernmental consultations at regular intervals. 1、双方积极评价高层交往对双边关系的重要作用,同意按照2018年5月默克尔总理访华期间同中国领导人达成的重要共识精神,继续拓展双边关系。为此,双方决定在中德全方位战略伙伴关系框架下继续加强高层交往,深化各层级交流。双方重申政府磋商机制对促进两国合作具有更加重要的意义。作为政府磋商的协调单位,两国外交部应定期检视并推动落实政府磋商的成果。
2. Germany and China are committed to the primacy of the rules-based international order, the objectives and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the international human rights agreements signed by both sides, the Millennium Declaration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Both sides underline the responsibility of all countries to safeguard peace and security in the world, foster development and respect, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms for all in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. Germany and China are committed to lending comprehensive support to the United Nations Human Rights Council. The United Nations Human Rights Council is an important forum for all sides to discuss human rights issues constructively as equal partners and in a spirit of mutual respect. Both sides place great importance on cooperation as regards jointly promoting the development of human rights. Following agreement, the bilateral Human Rights Dialogue will be continued at regular intervals and conducted as equal partners and in a spirit of mutual respect. 2、中德两国致力于把基于规则的国际秩序置于首要地位,遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,认可双方均是缔约方的国际人权文书,以及“千年宣言”和“2030年可持续发展议程”。双方强调,所有国家均有责任根据《联合国宪章》维护国际和平与安全、促进发展,尊重、保护和促进人人享有的人权和基本自由。中德致力于全力支持联合国人权理事会这一各方在平等和相互尊重基础上开展人权领域建设性交流的重要平台。双方重视以合作共同促进人权发展。中德双边人权对话将按照协商一致原则在平等和相互尊重的基础上不间断举行。
3. Germany and China recognise that a rules-based international order is in their mutual long- term interest and that the preservation of this order relies on actors who actively support the rules-based order as a whole. They affirm their willingness to respect universally applicable international law in full and are committed to the peaceful resolution of international disputes and to the International Court of Justice as the United Nations' main organ of jurisdiction. Both sides adhere to the formats for their talks on international law, which include regular talks between their Governments' international law advisers, as well as an exchange and seminars for young diplomats. 3、中德两国承认,基于规则的国际秩序符合双方长期共同利益,其存续取决于为整个基于规则的秩序体系付出努力的行为体。双方重申,完全尊重普遍有效的国际法。双方致力于和平解决国际争端,认可国际法院是联合国主要司法机关。双方坚持其有关国际法的对话机制,除政府国际法顾问定期开展对话外,还包括青年外交官的相关交流和研讨会。
4. China recognises the endeavours by the European Union (EU) on behalf of peace and stability in the region and the world. It respects the European integration process and the division of competences and responsibilities in the EU. In this context, both sides recognise the important role of the annual EU-China Summit. Both sides actively support the continued implementation of the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation and the deepening of the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to their mutual benefit, including the establishment of four major EU-China partnerships in the fields of peace, growth, reform and civilisation. 4、中方认同欧盟为促进地区和世界和平与稳定发挥积极作用,尊重欧洲一体化进程,尊重欧盟的权能。双方认同中欧领导人年度会晤的重要作用。双方致力于继续落实《中欧合作2020战略规划》,深化包括中欧和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系在内的互利共赢的中欧全面战略伙伴关系。
5. Germany and China affirm their willingness to enhance cooperation focused on the future to their mutual benefit. As strategic partners, the two sides pledge to liaise closely both at the bilateral level and in multilateral forums such as the United Nations, the G20, ASEM and the World Trade Organization in order to successfully master current and future challenges to international peace and security, global economic stability, a more efficient multilateral system, a fairer global order and not least sustainable development together. 5、中德两国重申,愿本着互利精神深化面向未来的合作。作为战略伙伴,双方承诺在双边和多边领域,如联合国、二十国集团、亚欧会议、世界贸易组织,开展紧密协调,以共同成功应对当前和未来国际和平与安全、全球经济稳定、更有效的多边体系、更公正的全球秩序以及可持续发展所面临的挑战。
6. Both sides agree to continue the Strategic Foreign and Security Policy Dialogue, the Foreign Ministers' meeting on the margins of the UN General Assembly, the political consultations at Vice Foreign Minister/State Secretary level and further consultations on specific topics, with the aim of strengthening cooperation in international affairs. Furthermore, German and Chinese missions abroad will expand their mutual contacts, discuss their analyses regularly with each other and explore where it could make sense to work together on specific matters in the host country. This also includes cultural relations policy, with which we can stimulate and maintain long-term interest in our countries. 6、双方同意继续依托中德外长级外交与安全战略对话和联合国大会期间会晤、副外长级政治磋商及两国外交部其他专业领域磋商机制,加强在国际事务中的合作。中德两国驻外机构还将扩大相互往来,定期开展讨论,并研究哪些领域可以开展富有意义的有针对性的合作。这也包括可以激发并保持对我们两国长久兴趣的对外文化政策。
7. China welcomes Germany's election to the UN Security Council for the 2019/2020 term. Both sides affirm their willingness to work together in the UN Security Council, the body that holds primary responsibility for international peace and security, on forward-looking prevention and lasting conflict resolution. 7、中国欢迎德国当选2019-2020年度联合国安理会非常任理事国。双方强调,愿在联合国安理会这一对国际和平与安全担负主要责任的机构中,共同开展前瞻预防和持久解决冲突的工作。
8. The topic of women in conflict prevention and peacekeeping is of particular importance to both sides. 8、双方对“妇女参与冲突预防与和平工作”这个话题尤为关注。
9. Both sides would like to enhance coordination and cooperation in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in all three pillars and to encourage ASEM members to speak up together in support of multilateralism and an open global economy in order to make progress in economic affairs and trade and as regards interconnectivity between Asia and Europe. 9、双方愿加强在亚欧会议框架下三大支柱的协调合作,鼓励亚欧会议就支持多边主义和开放型世界经济共同发声,推动亚欧经贸领域和互联互通合作取得更多务实成果。
10. Both sides affirm their active commitment to resolving international crises and conflicts, such as the conflict in Syria, and to an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan. The two Foreign Ministries will regularly discuss both topics in greater depth. 10、双方重申,致力于解决国际危机和冲突,诸如叙利亚冲突,支持“阿人主导、阿人所有”的阿富汗和平与和解进程。在这两个议题上,两国外交部将加强定期交换意见。
11. Germany and China support the wide-ranging endeavours to achieve a political solution to the issue of the Korean Peninsula. Since the beginning of the year, there have been signs of tangible détente on the Korean Peninsula. Both sides pay tribute to the commitments made in Singapore and call for the complete and comprehensive implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. 11、中德支持通过各种努力推动朝鲜半岛问题政治解决。今年年初以来,朝鲜半岛局势明显缓和。双方赞赏朝美领导人新加坡会晤已经达成的相关义务,要求有关各方应完整、全面履行联合国安理会相关决议。
12. Germany and China attach great importance to strengthening worldwide endeavours on behalf of nuclear non-proliferation and arms control. Both sides are committed to the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. In particular, they are working to maintain the nuclear agreement with Iran (JCPOA). 12、中德两国高度重视加强全球促进核不扩散和军控的努力,拥护《禁止化学武器公约》和《禁止生物武器公约》。双方尤其致力于维护伊核问题全面协议。
13. Germany and China are states parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and committed to respecting the maritime order based on international law. The German side welcomes the ongoing negotiations by China and ASEAN Member States to agree an effective code of conduct for the South China Sea. All sides are called on to conduct dialogue, resolve disputes peacefully and avoid actions that could heighten tensions. 13、中德两国是《联合国海洋法公约》的缔约国,双方尊重以国际法为基础的海上秩序。德方欢迎中国和东盟国家旨在达成有效的“南海行为准则”进行的谈判。呼吁各方开展对话,和平解决争端,避免可能导致紧张的行为。
14. The climate and environment affect security and stability. Both sides are committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement and to proactive measures to protect the climate. Both sides wish to further their endeavours to protect the environment and nature. To this end, they are seeking greater exchange and cooperation. 14、气候和环境对安全与稳定具有影响。双方支持《巴黎协定》确定的目标,致力于为保护气候采取更积极的措施。双方愿推进保护环境和自然的努力,并就此寻求加强交流与合作。
15. Both sides affirm their willingness to take the other side's major interests into account in their cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect, equal rights and mutual benefit and to strengthen mutual understanding and political trust with a view to ensuring the long-term and stable development of their bilateral relations. The German side affirms its commitment to its One- China policy and its respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It supports the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. 15、双方强调,愿本着相互尊重、平等相待、互利共赢的精神,照顾彼此重大利益,加强相互理解,增进政治互信,确保双边关系长期稳定发展。德方重申坚持一个中国政策,尊重中国主权和领土完整,支持两岸关系和平发展。
16. Both sides affirm their willingness to continue the German-Chinese Rule-of-Law Dialogue at a high level. This includes the annual legal symposiums at ministerial level, which will also take place in 2018 (in Germany) and 2019 (in China) and discuss topics of interest to both sides. To this end, both sides will agree a work programme (Programme on Implementing the German-Chinese Arrangement on Exchange and Cooperation in the Legal Sector) between 2019 and 2021 and ensure that the German-Chinese Legal Cooperation Programme is extended beyond 2018. In view of the increased number of globally active companies and international contracts, as well as greater personal contacts and relations, both sides recognise the importance of having functioning bilateral civil-law judicial assistance on the basis of the Hague Service Convention of 1965 and the Hague Evidence Convention of 1970 and see opportunities for deeper cooperation through experts from both countries sharing their experiences. Both sides are committed to continuing the dialogue between the relevant ministries on implementing commercial intellectual property rights. 16、双方强调,愿继续推进高水平的中德法治国家对话。在对话框架下,双方将于2018年(在德国)和2019年(在中国)举行部长级年度法律研讨会,探讨共同关心的议题。双方还将商定一份工作方案,即“中德法律交流与合作协议实施计划(2019-2021)”,确保中德法律合作在2018年后得到延续。鉴于全球运营的公司增多,国际合同以及个人联系增加,双方认为,在1965年的“海牙送达公约”和1970年的“海牙取证公约”的基础上运作的双边民商事司法协助具有重要意义,通过两国专家经验交流将有助于增进合作。双方支持继续就工业产权保护开展专业部门间对话。
17. Both sides affirm their willingness to work even more closely together on international crisis prevention and crisis response, including as regards an exchange of experience between the Foreign Ministries on measures in cases of major disasters that endanger the safety of their own citizens abroad. Fighting epidemics is a global task that can only be met by joining forces and working in the multilateral framework. 17、双方强调,愿在国际危机预防和应对中更加密切地合作,包括两国外交部门就涉及海外本国公民安全的重大突发事件处置经验开展交流。防治流行病是一项全球性任务,只能在多边框架下合力完成。
18. Both sides recognise the important role played by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including political foundations, in shaping bilateral relations. Furthermore, both sides will grant NGOs the necessary support to enable them to undertake their legally sanctioned work to the benefit of bilateral relations. Both sides will continue liaising closely on this topic. 18、双方认可包括政党基金会在内的非政府组织为发展双边关系发挥的重要贡献。双方还将为非政府组织开展有利于双边关系的合法工作提供必要支持。双方将为此继续密切交流。
II. ree trade and open markets as drivers of German-Chinese economic relations   二、自由贸易和开放市场作为中德经济关系的发动机
19. Economic cooperation between Germany and China is a cornerstone of our countries' overall relations. In recognition of the launch of Chinese reforms and a policy of opening up 40 years ago, Germany looks forward to the rapid implementation of the announcements by the Chinese side on further market opening. Both sides concur that open markets, free trade and equal market access must be the basis and drivers of our bilateral economic relations. The aim must be that German and Chinese companies encounter equally open, good and non- discriminatory investment and market conditions in the other country. Mutual investments are welcome and should be based on transparent and non-discriminatory regulations. Both sides agree to promote the liberalisation and facilitation of trade and investment on the basis of reciprocity and non-discrimination in the spirit of an open economy. Both sides are committed to resolving trade disputes by means of established WTO mechanisms and to rejecting all forms of protectionism; they work together to foster the long-term stable and profound development of German-Chinese economic relations. Germany will be the partner country at the China International Import Expo 2018. Both sides stringently protect intellectual property and do not compel foreign companies to transfer technology. 19、中德经济合作是我们两国整体关系的核心支柱。德方赞赏中国改革开放40周年,热切期待中方尽快落实宣布的进一步扩大开放举措。双方一致认为,开放市场、自由贸易和公平的市场准入是双边经贸关系的基础和动力。目标应为,中德两国企业在对方国家同样享有开放、不受歧视的良好投资和市场条件。两国欢迎双向投资,并为此提供透明、非歧视的规则。双方一致同意,本着开放经济的精神,在互惠互利和非歧视基础上促进贸易投资的自由化和便利化。双方致力于通过世界贸易组织现有机制解决贸易争端,反对一切形式的保护主义,共同致力于推动中德经贸关系长期、深入、稳定的发展。德方将担任中国国际进口博览会主宾国。双方严格保护知识产权,不强制外国企业转让技术。
20. The conclusion of an ambitious EU-China investment agreement is of crucial importance. Both sides advocate rapid progress in the negotiations and their prompt and ambitious conclusion. 20、签署目标高远的《中欧投资协定》具有重要意义。双方支持谈判取得迅速进展并尽快达成高水平的谈判结果。
21. With regard to promoting international economic and financial cooperation, particularly in the G20, as well as in the United Nations, both sides wish to enhance cooperation, not least with the aim of furthering the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in this area too and to encourage the G20 to play an even more important role in global economic governance. Furthermore, both sides will work to enhance cooperation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and will support the IMF's quota and governance reform in line with the defined time frame. 21、在推进经济金融领域国际合作方面,双方愿尤其在二十国集团及联合国框架下进一步密切合作,包括推动落实“2030年可持续发展议程”。双方鼓励二十国集团在国际经济治理中发挥更加重要的作用。双方还将致力于加强在国际货币基金组织框架下的合作,支持根据既定的时间表,继续改革国际货币基金组织份额和治理架构。
22. By pursuing responsible policies, Germany and China make global economic and financial relations more stable. Both countries wish to liaise more closely with each other on fiscal and financial matters. Both sides are satisfied with the implementation of the results of the first German-Chinese High-level Financial Dialogue and look forward to the second High-level Financial Dialogue being held soon. Both sides will continue to enhance their fiscal policy cooperation through reciprocal bilateral working visits. Germany welcomes the liberalisation China aims to achieve in its financial sector and sees opportunities in it for closer cooperation. 22、中德两国通过负责任的政策为全球经济和金融关系的稳定作出贡献。两国都希望在财政和金融领域进行更多协调。双方对首轮中德高级别财金对话成果落实感到满意,期待于2018年下半年在华举行第二轮高级别财金对话。双方将继续通过双边工作互访加强财政政策合作。德国欢迎中国在金融市场开放方面的努力,并看到了加强合作的机会。
23. The Chinese side welcomes the fact that German market participants are issuing renminbi bonds (Panda bonds) in China and supports the further expansion of the financial centre and renminbi offshore market in Frankfurt am Main. 23、中方欢迎德国市场参与者来华发行人民币债券(熊猫债)。中方支持法兰克福金融中心和人民币离岸发展。
24. Both sides wish to strengthen the multilateral rules-based trade order with the WTO at its core and agree that adherence to existing WTO rules and the implementation of all commitments made are key prerequisites for this. This will occur in a spirit of transparency, non- discrimination, openness and inclusivity. Both sides welcome the constructive endeavours to modernise the WTO, including efforts to promote fair competition conditions, and look forward to vacancies in the Appellate Body for dispute settlement being filled rapidly. Both sides agree to meet their notification obligations in conformity with the WTO and to undertake any trade-protection measures in accordance with WTO rules. Both sides are committed to adhering to WTO rules on subsidies and will take part in the discussion on developing them further. Both sides wish to strengthen market-economy forces and are thus committed to non-discriminatory competition conditions for all forms of companies. 24、双方愿加强以世界贸易组织(WTO)为核心的基于规则的多边贸易体制,并同意其核心前提是遵守现行世界贸易组织规则和履行做出的所有承诺。该体制本着透明、非歧视、开放、包容的精神。双方欢迎世界贸易组织现代化的建设性努力,促进公平竞争条件并致力于尽快填补争端解决机制上诉机构成员空缺。双方一致同意,以符合世界贸易组织规则的方式履行通报义务、出台贸易救济措施,并愿就此进一步讨论。双方致力于遵守并参与探讨继续发展世界贸易组织补贴规则。双方愿增强市场经济力量,支持为各类企业创造非歧视的竞争条件。
25. As regards stimulating bilateral economic relations, Germany and China attach particular importance to foreign companies having non-discriminatory access to public tenders in China. In order to implement the decision announced by the Chinese side on China's accelerated accession to the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), the Chinese Government is working on presenting a comprehensively improved offer to the WTO in the near future, while continuing to actively conduct negotiations with the parties involved, including the EU, in order to reach a conclusion as swiftly as possible.

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